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S07.E14: Sweet Georgia Jayne

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18 minutes ago, PumpkinPK said:

I can't get over the little serving dishes at Kyle's party that each contain 5 or so french fries.  Made me laugh.

My french fry loving self would have grabbed one, two or more of those whole tiny glasses from the serving tray, I have no shame when it comes to any good tater foods!

Edited by mbaywife123
Forgot a few words.
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I really liked this episode.  Kudos to Erika for forcing Lisa V to invite everyone.  Although why that needed drama is beyond me, of course everyone is going, I'm sure they are obligated to.

I also liked that Erika reached out to Eileen and asked her to come to Georgia.  I think it would've been a healing trip for her too.  Erika seems like she would be a good friend, she's just selective and probably with good reason.  It's sweet to see where she came from and losing a grandmother to Alzheimer's myself I get what she feels by going back there and she probably missed her everyday even when she was still alive, it's an awful disease.

Of course Kim doesn't want to move on with Lisa R, fine just tolerate each other.  Kim isn't really on the show so it's silly they have to continue down that path.

Both Dorit and Eden just annoy, they are really just there to be pawns for the others.

  • Love 21
10 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I really enjoyed this episode - I liked the respite from all the backstabbing, gossip and drama!  

Loved the lunch at LVP's house - my God, what a beautiful, peaceful setting, gorgeous home and grounds!  And, I like that we occasionally get to see Lisa in the kitchen - I know that she does enjoy cooking (although, making salads isn't exactly cooking, per se, but those salads looked great.)

I also am really starting to like Erica Girardi more and more (Erika Jayne is still "meh" to me).  We're getting to see alot of why she is the way she is, and it is understandable.  I really liked the way she explained herself to Dorit.  

I was crying with Erica when she was speaking of her grandmother.  I am currently going through all of the same thing with my Mom, who is in the advanced stages of Lewy Body's dementia (similar to Alzheimers', except with other related psychotic issues), and I agree with Erica - it's inhumane to have someone you love go through this and sink deeper and deeper.  

I also liked that when Erica was at lunch at LVP's, on the plane with the "glam squad" guys (who did not seem as obnoxious as some of her other entourage), and at the cemetary with her Mom, she actually had very toned down makeup, and looked very, very pretty.

The whole party at Kyle's store just seemed weird.  I don't know anything about "The Fat Jewish", and after seeing him, I don't think I care to know anything, either.

She almost did, last season, when we got an up close and personal view of her getting waxed.

Maybe Rinna thought she was also auditioning for The Karate Kid 50+. You know the whole wax on, wax off thing.

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Has Erika ever paid Dorit a compliment?  I kind of appreciate the fact that Erika doesn't gush how fabulous everyone looks upon seeing them.

Yep, only give compliments if you really mean them. Reminds me of a lady who used to own a clothing botique here years ago an she was REALLY honest as in "you've gained a few pounds, that makes your middle section look short, wrong color for you, ect" loved her honesty and style sense putting the right clothes on the right body types, spent lots of $$ there. She retired years ago with a real following, everyone still misses her to this day.

  • Love 7

Well, no Bambi sightings.  Instead we get further boring conversations about Kim and LR.  And LR is so totally wrong?  Yeah, no.  I still don't understand why 'Kim' gets a pass all the time.  I never said anything about your husband.  How many times have I apologized about it.  Why is none of this ever brought up in the after conversations?

I'm not an Erika fan but I did appreciate the editors going back and showing us when Erika 'did' compliment Dorit.

Overall, the episode was fairly boring for me.  Yeah.  I don't like Kim and I don't particularly like Erika.  I do understand that Erika doesn't open up easily but I just wasn't feeling it.... And when the flight attendant came out with their drinks, neither Erika nor her paid glam squad said thank you.  Stuff like that bugs me.

I wasn't into Kyle's party.  And geez, is Camille doing it all on her terms or what?  That's a compliment.

LVP really needs to take it down a notch with LR.  She's crossed the line of British humor and is becoming a just plain mean girl.  The crown isn't as secure as she may think. 

  • Love 14

 I'm loving Erika this season. I totally get her trust issues and I am a guarded person as well. And Alzheimers is brutal to go through. I can't even imagine. I also totally relate with her on the gma front.

I feel like Erikas accent kind of  kicked up a notch when she was home tho but I loved it lol.

Dorit is growing on me.

Eileen and Rinna are such non factors lol. 

Edited by Marley
  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, Michichick said:

My favorite thing in the whole episode was the look on Erika's face when Dorit was giving her that excessively long hug. Erika's eye rolls are the best. And when did Dorit turn into Eden with the pushy hugs?

I think she was goofing around, not trying to actually hug like Eden does. Erika didn't get it though. LOL

  • Love 9

Kim's glee over her grandson is phoney.  Sure she is happy but stop chewing the scenery.  

Kyle, stay away from strapless.  Someone must have told her because she put on a jacket.  Love her though.  

Rinna's upper lip took on a new and curious turn this week.  The gift that keeps on giving!  

I have warmed to Erika. 

Dorit, I have a tip for you.  Don't push yourself on people. Allow them to come toward you if they are inclined. 

It was a nice mellow episode. 

  • Love 18

I like Erika a lot this season.  Really enjoyed seeing her at home in Georgia.

My mom was of the tough cookie school of mothering and I thank her for it every day as an adult. In high school my group of friends were all rich girls. When we turned 15/16 their parents picked up the phone and got them all jobs by calling on their friends. My mom had one friend who owned an ice cream parlour. I asked my mom to call to get me a job there for the summer.  She said, "You want me to call? I don't need a job. You do. You call."

I was furious and it took me a week to get up the nerve to do it but that was the point. I didn't get the job (they weren't even hiring) but I got over the nerve of presenting myself to an adult. By the time we all finished college I was old hat at going out into the world and getting something on my own. Those same girlfriends had utter meltdowns. My mother fought for me when necessary but if there was something that I could do on my own to make me stronger she made me do it. Like Erika's mother, she had me at 18, so there was no time for coddling and making me think the world was always going to treat me kind.

Loved the grandparents house. It just looked so warm and cozy in such a beautiful setting. So weird that Erika has become a favorite of mine. Wouldn't have guessed that when she first appeared. She's guarded but you can actually see the moments when she gets her feelings hurt. I like her.

LVP was a shithead for the eyelash thing and I am no Rinna fan.

9000 mofos in a delivery room. Just no with that noise. I don't even remember Kim's kids really.

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Rinna using a straw isn't something I need to see.  My eyes aren't going to fall out and I don't need brain bleach, but it still wasn't pleasant.  

Rinna said we don't want to see her without make-up! She didn't have much of anything on while drinking that smoothie and she looked bad! She could do the remake of "Planet of the Apes;" maybe the part of Zira! ;-)

19 minutes ago, Juneau Gal said:

What an interesting place Erika's grandparents were buried. A true burial ground. It was lovely. 

The Fat Jewish.....ugg. As a Jew, I feel the need to apologize for him. 

IMO a rather boring episode; esp. compared to last week's drama! I can watch Rinna "getting hers" over and over again! ;-)

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I really enjoyed this episode - I liked the respite from all the backstabbing, gossip and drama!  

Loved the lunch at LVP's house - my God, what a beautiful, peaceful setting, gorgeous home and grounds!  And, I like that we occasionally get to see Lisa in the kitchen - I know that she does enjoy cooking (although, making salads isn't exactly cooking, per se, but those salads looked great.)

I also am really starting to like Erica Girardi more and more (Erika Jayne is still "meh" to me).  We're getting to see alot of why she is the way she is, and it is understandable.  I really liked the way she explained herself to Dorit.  

I was crying with Erica when she was speaking of her grandmother.  I am currently going through all of the same thing with my Mom, who is in the advanced stages of Lewy Body's dementia (similar to Alzheimers', except with other related psychotic issues), and I agree with Erica - it's inhumane to have someone you love go through this and sink deeper and deeper.  

I also liked that when Erica was at lunch at LVP's, on the plane with the "glam squad" guys (who did not seem as obnoxious as some of her other entourage), and at the cemetary with her Mom, she actually had very toned down makeup, and looked very, very pretty.

The whole party at Kyle's store just seemed weird.  I don't know anything about "The Fat Jewish", and after seeing him, I don't think I care to know anything, either.

She almost did, last season, when we got an up close and personal view of her getting waxed.

So sorry about your mom :(  Other than that you pretty much posted everything I was thinking!  Esp. about Rinna's waxing :)

I did have one question about "The Fat Jewish" - why does he need two business partners in order to put pictures of himself with stupid hair on instagram?  My nieces and nephews have figured out how to do that independently.

  • Love 5

Erika looks amazing with less makeup; even at her lunch with Eileen at the top of the show, she didn't have on the fake lashes and tons of makeup and it made her look even younger.

Still not much of a Kim fan, but I kinda loved seeing that she's truly committed to turtles, even having a turtle figure outside her condo door.

The Housewives shows need to put a moratorium on trying to make The Fat Jewish happen.  I don't care about him or his dog, though, if I had to pick, I'd stick with his dog.

Why is Eileen even still on this show, though?  She's not hosted any events this season so far and she adds nothing to the plot.  Hell, Kyle's party planner has had about as big of a role.

  • Love 15

The Fat Jewish's dog got married in that stupid dog wedding on New York. Even by the time that episode aired, people were over his nonsense. He was so polarizing that when he was added to the NYC Food & Wine festival, a number of food personalities and restaurants backed out of the event. His golden hour was the middle of the summer in 2015. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Michichick said:

And her repeated cracks about using Erika's plane...you can pretend you're kidding, LVP, but we see your thirst and it is real

I love Erika saying "my plane isn't available" yaaas! It's nice that many here are starting to see Erika in a different light. I like that she's guarded and honest. She's probably a great friend.

Was Kyle high? She was very wobbly on her shoes and kind of jumpy. She reminded me of myself when I'm trying to pretend I'm not high.

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, Lizzing said:

Erika looks amazing with less makeup; even at her lunch with Eileen at the top of the show, she didn't have on the fake lashes and tons of makeup and it made her look even younger.

Still not much of a Kim fan, but I kinda loved seeing that she's truly committed to turtles, even having a turtle figure outside her condo door.

The Housewives shows need to put a moratorium on trying to make The Fat Jewish happen.  I don't care about him or his dog, though, if I had to pick, I'd stick with his dog.

Why is Eileen even still on this show, though?  She's not hosted any events this season so far and she adds nothing to the plot.  Hell, Kyle's party planner has had about as big of a role.

I guess Eileen's supposed to give the show gravitas of some sort! I haven't watched daytime soaps in over 30 years when she was still young! She supposedly earns the most on the show, but doesn't have to work as hard to get it! I'm becoming more and more disappointed in her; a total apologist for Rinna and backs her to the hilt! The only highlight of her being on is she keeps my childhood crush in the mix; Vincent Van Patton! ;-) american-tennis-player-vincent-van-patte tumblr_mabkc5cdOe1rryncho1_500.jpg

  • Love 5

Is Eileen more highly paid from Bravo than Lisa V or Kyle even though they have been around longer?  Hmmm.  She is barely on the show without the other girls and we have not seen much of her home life this season.   I wonder how Y & R feels getting dragged into the mess. Maybe she covers for Lisa R. because they are both soap stars. 

I heard an interview with Diedre Hall on Afterbuzz, and she expressed disappointment at Eileen and Lisa appearing on the show.  She implied that there were some lines you did not cross as an actress and a lady lol.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, scenicbyway said:

Both Dorit and Eden just annoy, they are really just there to be pawns for the others.

What's with these two chicks Dorit and Eden that they think just because you're not humping their leg you don't like them?  Erika is always gracious to Dorit but she just keeps trying to pick a fight with her it seems.  If someone pays you a compliment, just say thank you, damn!  She just always seems to be analyzing everything Erika says.  To be honest, I think Dorit still hasn't gotten over the fact that PuKe saw Erika's hoohah and liked it.

7 hours ago, steelcitysister said:

Overall this ep was kind of dull, I thought.

Totally agree.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 10
7 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

 Lisa Rinna needs to leave her top lip alone.  In her opening scene at home making/drinking the smoothie, her upper lip looked ridiculous.  I can't believe she even allowed them to film her looking like that.

As I saw that I thought "Holy Hell!" She looks like a muppet. There is nothing subtle, or natural about Rinna. Anything for attention.

  • Love 6

Oh Lordt.

Both of Erika's grandparents were born after my parents.

I'm so old.

On another note, I had begun to ever-so-slightly soften on Dorit, until she started in on Erika. Not everyone is the same. Not everyone lays herself bare to the world. Some people are extremely guarded, and with good reason. What has Dorit ever done or said for Erika to trust her enough to expose her innermost self to her?

IIRC, wasn't it Dorit who made a huge deal of presenting Erika with underwear after PK leered at Erika's hooha but couldn't be arsed to say anything until the next day? Would you be open and exchange confidences with someone who did you like that?

I sure wouldn't.

  • Love 12

Agreed, Dorothy is trying a little too hard with Erika, but I do like her. I especially like the fact that she laughs at herself for being a klutz. The others wouldn't do that. On another note, why does Mauricio keep wearing that stupid baseball cap? It's not like normal people who watch the show would suddenly call him because of it. When he gave everyone in Mexico it reminded me of those vacation tee shirts, "My parents went on vacation, and all I got was this lousy tee shirt.". 

Stupid auto correct.

  • Love 7

FFS Lisa, it's Erika's plane, and Erika can invite Eileen and Lisar if she wants. Don't be such an entitled bitch. I'd kill to see Lisa board the plane and be greeted by Yolanda. 

Enough with the fucking rosé. 

Seeing Kim's house makes it even more obvious that Kim films her interview segments in front of a green screen. 

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 10
7 hours ago, Thumper said:

Casual Erika is so pretty.  I empathize with her about her grandmother, as we go through this with my mom.

I see where she gets her reserve and tough girl persona, but because I tend to be sensitive and a "cryer," (even though I hate it!), I would encourage her to see that not everyone comes from her place.  That doesn't make us weak, but different.  I wish I were tougher, because that seems to be the right/tough thing to be.

You could even say it takes strength to show your true vulnerable self, and weakness to hide behind a wall. In any case, like many others I enjoyed seeing Erika at home in Georgia.

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