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S02.E13: Mr. and Mrs. Mxyzptlk

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It's really, really depressing that this show was way more progressive on freaking CBS. What the hell was that? Did I REALLY just watch an hour-long dick-measuring contest in which two men fought over a woman like it's, you know, 1317? Did we really lapse into the tired tropes of "ohhh, his jealousy means he likes you so much" instead of it being a total turn-off? Has Kara lost her brain? Does she find stupid mansplaining and Mon-El's lack of respect for her sexy? jfc. What have the writers done to Kara???

The Alex/Maggie and Winn/Lyra stuff was really great, and both storylines deserved way more time than they got (it's rare I say that about a Winn storyline but I thought his stuff was compelling this ep). And Maggie's tearful confession was easily the best acting moment Floriana Lima has had on the show and Maggie's awful getting outed experience deserved way more time than it got. But those are pretty much all the positives I have for this episode. Oh--Mxy was repellent but Peter Gadiot was obviously having a ball with the role. Fun performance. But Mxy was so gross I don't want the show to ever bring him back.

What a fucking terrible Valentine's Day episode.

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So Mxyzptlk needed several punches to the throat after 10 minutes. Because nothing says romance like forcing a woman to marry her otherwise he'll continue to wreck havoc on Earth.  It was pretty bad ass for Kara to trick him by writing his name within the Kryptonian language but...oof. "Jealousy?"  That Mon-El was actually right in pointing out the stunts were psychotic? MEH.

At least Maggie and Alex are coupling up nicely.  And once again, no James!  

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So I guess James wasn't needed in this one since he doesn't have a love interest.  :-/

Mxyzptlk was fun! I wouldn't mind seeing him again, but he's kind of a character you can only do (well) once.

Kara and Blandsome are sooo paint-by-the-numbers, it's painful.

Don't think Winn and Alien Chick are going to last, but good for you, Winn! So are extraterrestrials just an accepted part of National City society now? Supergirl is one thing, but it was weird with Winn and Alien Chick in that restaurant.

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Aw, Winn's new girlfriend is played by Tamzin Merchant from Salem. She's awsome, I hope she sticks around. 

The episode was actually over before I realized that James was missing from the whole thing. Didn't miss him.

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I figured it would turn out Maggie's parents were not as cool with her coming out as she originally said. (although she mentioned that her dad threw her out-nothing about her mom's reaction. ) It makes sense she would give it a more positive spin for Alex, because she wanted Alex's coming out to be a better experience. The details of Maggie's "friend" outing her was rather painful to hear about-if that had happened to me on V-day, I'd hate it too. Fortunately, she decided to make it up to Alex at the end..

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This episode seemed to me to reinforce how you felt about the show going into the episode.  If you're a Kara/Mon El shipper, you'll be happy because there was a lot about them and it ended with a fade to black as they were making out on the sofa.  (Please, Kara, don't let him be your first.)  I've become a Kara/Mxyzptlk shipper, he's just more fun than Mon El and he has more self-awareness.

My favourite pairing this episode was Winn/Lyra. They were so cute together while staying adult, unlike Kara/Mon El.  Alex/Maggie were good too.  I hope that Charlotte on the sideboard didn't go to waste.

This is a comment from last week's episode but I thin it applies equally to this one:

On 2017-02-17 at 9:03 PM, RacerHo7 said:

How does Kara know Mon-El's heart is in the right place?  What has he done that has shown this....other than nothing? Trying to save her because he likes her, but ignoring people who need help? Drinking club soda?  Talking about Kara while on a date with someone else?  That "heart is in the right place" isn't real on this show because it hasn't actually happened.  He's arrogant and entitled (remember how he acted when Kara rejected him).  That's not how you behave if "your heart is in the right place."  You don't try to make the person who rejected you feel guilty for that.  The old Kara would know the difference.  The dialogue doesn't match what's actually happened on the show.

The show was better for Kara on CBS.  She had real story lines all season long in season 1, and the relationships between the main characters were a focus. The CW version is full of cliches and sexist tropes. They also seem less interested in the relationships among the core characters. It's a noticeable difference. I watch the Flash and this show with my husband and son.  They both can not stand Mon-El.  My husband asks every single episode, "Why is he here when he's making Supergirl less awesome?" Plus, my son can see the sexist tropes they are using. If a 13 yr old boy can see the sexist tropes, then they're obvious.

I'm tired of Kara's many love interests because the relationships seem so superficial.  Look, Mon El's a bad boy who is going to be redeemed because Kara is going to help him grow up.  It's not my trope and so all the flaws are glaring to me, especially that they are skipping actually writing the relationship and just relying on the trope shorthand.  Mon El is selfish, he falls for Kara, he dates someone else, Kara gets jealous.  Paint by numbers.

I like how Alex/Maggie is being done. It helps to be the secondary romance. 

I hope Lyra sticks around for Winn.  That could be fun.  When they showed Winn getting a date, I predicted that James wasn't going to be in this episode because they still want him in reserve for a possible love interest for Kara in the future  so they won't hook him up with anyone else.

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Well, I thought Peter Gadiot did a great job as Mxy (I sure as hell ain't going to type his entire name).  He was having a blast camping it up, and did a good job at making him hilarious at first, but quickly revealing just how creepy and stalkerish he actually was.  And the way Kara tricked him was pretty sweet.

But other then that, wow, did this plot bring the absolute worst in Mon-El, and makes Kara look stupid by actually falling for him.  He really is just a sexist, dude-bro, who can only behave himself when Kara calls him out on it, but I really don't fell like he is truly trying to change his ways, so the idea that Kara still thinks they can be a thing (right now), is just so head-scratching.  As charming as Chris Wood is, I just don't buy it.  I wasn't wild about Kara and James at all, but this is just stupid, and it keeps putting a dent on what is usually a pretty solid show. Either drop it or actually make progress on Mon-El, and quit just coasting on Chris Wood's natural charisma.

Meanwhile, Alex and Maggie have a spat due to their opinions on Valentine's Day, but at least Maggie had a reason for why she was against it, and was able to overcome it to make Alex happy.  Pretty much making Kara's point about how being love means you put someone else's needs over yours.

Winn and Lyda was unexpected.  Great seeing Tamzin Merchant (Anna from Salem, although I still remember that she was the original Daenerys on Game of Thrones, and got recasted.  Still has to suck a bit), and I like the idea of Winn dating an alien and dealing the bigotry.  Even if I notice that they did the normal Star Trek-ish of having her basically be human, but just slap on some eye candy and a few odd wrinkles and stuff (the nose totally reminded me of the Bajorans), in order to be a "hot alien", so it isn't too weird!

And, once again, no James.  At this point, I'm hoping Mehcad Brooks is looking for other offers, because James clearly has limited value at this point.  At this point, the Legends could probably have better use for him (he can write about all of their adventures!)

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- I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this Kara/Mon-El angle because he's always been such a CW trope and that hasn't changed. It's not working for me but it involves the main character so it'll feature more than I'd ever like. Might have to dvr the episodes and just skip any time the two of them are on screen together.

- Winn/Lyra was cute and I'm also one of those who hopes she sticks around.

- Felt bad for Maggie. I continue to like the pace they're setting with her and Alex (these writers can't do the same for their supposed OTP too?)

- Mr Mxyzptlk is okay as a villain but I'd rather have Lillian Luthor back. She's been the best villain on the show so far.

- No James. A plus.

Edited by kdm07
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I enjoyed Mr Mxyzptlk a lot. He's a fun villain but they didn't gloss over how creepy his attitude was. The first scene with him was hilarious. I liked Kara getting to be clever and trick him into spelling his name backwards. 

Chris Wood is very charming and sometimes I really like Mon-El but he actually didn't come across well at all this episode. I don't know if he and Kara work together. I would have preferred seeing more of the other couples. 

Edited by Oreo2234
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So the show only devoted six minutes to Sanvers while the rest of the episode was heterocentric. I'm sick of the lopsided depiction of a queer romance where they get less story line time. Look at how fast they cut away from the kiss. This happens all the time and I thought it would be better with three queer showrunners but alas I was wrong.

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six minutes to Sanvers while the rest of the episode was heterocentric. I'm sick of the lopsided depiction of a queer romance where they get less story line time. Look at how fast they cut away from the kiss.

I think the focus has more to do with Kara being the main character than sexuality. Her relationships will always be the most dominant. Which isn't to say that there hasn't been too much of Kara/Mon-el this season. They still could have given a little more screentime to the other couples and  I do agree that kiss was abrupt. 

Edited by Oreo2234
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8 minutes ago, maraleia said:

So the show only devoted six minutes to Sanvers while the rest of the episode was heterocentric. I'm sick of the lopsided depiction of a queer romance where they get less story line time. Look at how fast they cut away from the kiss. This happens all the time and I thought it would be better with three queer showrunners but alas I was wrong.

I wasn't aware that there was a legal quota to fill.

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Oh, forgot to show love for the "Awesome David Harewood making the most of his few lines" award: J'onn's casually "Mon-El", when he got zapped to the DEO in his undies was perfect.  I just love how J'onn is so unfazed by now, that Mon-El magically getting teleported in his underwear isn't really that surprising.  It really isn't the weirdest thing to happen on this show.  Not by a long shot.

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I don't know why the trope of finding selfish assholes charming is around. Mon-El was acting like a jealous caveman. Are we supposed find that sexy? Of course I will give Mxy points for calling him Blandsome. That should be his new name. 

I still think Kara becomes more alive in her scenes with Lena. She seemed bored saying her lines to Mon-El. 

I am loving the Alex and Maggie relationship. I wish we'd spend more time with them. 

Also Winn seems to be dating a vampire from Buffy. 

Edited by Sakura12
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3 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

I wasn't aware that there was a legal quota to fill.

When there are 43 minutes per episode and this one was advertised as Sanvers centric then yes there is a quota to fill. I'm a lesbian and I'm tired of seeing stories about myself not fully realized. Look at the amount of time each romance in this episode had conversation-wise. Sanvers was given the short shrift in favor of the two hetero stories.

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I loved this episode so much! Some highlights for me:

- J'onn just casually walking by Mon El when he showed up at the DEO in his underwear
- "fisticuffs"
- Alex & Maggie's dance at the end
- Mon El saying hi to an employee in the middle of an argument with Supergirl
- Supergirl drinking the orange juice
- the awesome set piece of the fortress of solitude
- Winn's awkwardness with the alien girl
- the 'dating an alien' conversation
- the direction that took (I honestly thought that the alien girl (forgot her name) was going to use Winn to get to the DEO, and was pleasantly surprised at the genuine turn at the end)
- Mon El owning his mistakes and apologizing
- that beautiful interpretation of The Police's "every little thing she does is magic"

Minor complaint:

- Myxzptlk claims to have been watching and observing Supergirl, yet he thinks that she'd be impressed by him murdering dudes?

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So, the issue is that they're throwing everything into Kara/Mon-El that they aren't leaving enough for Kara outside of it. She gets maybe a couple of scenes not about Mon-El now. So fans who actually are invested in Kara/Mon-El, they're getting a treat by seeing so much of this romance every episode. But for the rest who aren't fans or who used to be fans and now are annoyed by the prominence of the couple? It feels like each episode is dragging. This episode is no exception of an episode that could have been more fun if Kara/Mon-El haven't had the same story being dragged out all season. Look, Mon-El's still not listening to Kara and being a jealous asshole. Look, Kara's reprimanding Mon-El like a child and has to save his alien ass yet again. It's just that we've seen all of this played out on other shows before. It's nothing new, and they're not trying to make it new. 

I'll admit that at least on CBS, they tried to not make the love triangle between Kara/James/Lucy predictable. They actually tried to refrain from too many tropes and it worked out. 

Also, as charming as Mr. Mxy was (I don't recognize the actor but he seemed to be having fun), he's also not someone I'd want for Kara. He was more of an asshole than Mon-El. He was a fun villain but hopefully we don't see him for another season. I am pleased that Kara figured it out on her own. With Alex dealing with her romance issues, Winn dealing with his, and J'onn kind of not really being part of the episode in any helpful way, Kara only had herself to rely on and I'm glad she figured it out. That was a highlight for me. I've missed smart Kara this season, the one to figure out the solution. 

It did feel like a shorter episode, like they only wanted a Valentine's Day episode and worked around that idea but they fell short of ideas. Jimmy wasn't even part of the episode because I guess they couldn't have had a double date situation with Winn/Lyra. Although I'm thrilled about that because Winn/Lyra actually worked out pretty well. It was kind of fun to see the alien bigotry being addressed (and I guess we're handwaving last season's issues about Kara being the only around National City). I guess Lyra might be sticking around, but I'm not sure for how long. It does feel like they only had an idea of Winn dating an alien but I don't know if they've thought about the longevity of her character. I don't think it'll be a long term relationship, although they could surprise me. 

Alex/Maggie got something, I guess. In an episode about the Epic Romance of Kara/Mon-El I Guess, Alex/Maggie could only afford less than ten minutes to themselves. That's just a Mon-El Writers Boner issue, it seems (and I genuinely love Chris Wood as an actor) so I'm not surprised they got far less than what they deserved. I don't quite know how I feel about their ploline, though. It felt rushed, like they needed to insert a plot for them so they went the typical "One person hates V-Day" route, but they decided to not make it Alex and to make it Maggie. I don't know; the writing and the cliche check list was throwing me off this episode, more so than usual. That being said, their end scene was cute. I liked the idea of it.  

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Everything about Kara getting together with Mon-El undermines the show's message about female empowerment and agency.  Myxzptlk is meant to be the obvious rape culture villain - trying to force Kara into marriage, literally saying that Uncle Jor-El should *hold her down* until she agrees to wed him - but Mon-El has consistently disregarded Kara's express wishes as well.  By their own admission, Mon-El exemplifies toxic macho masculinity, and has done so time and time again.  But NOW Kara suddenly sees the light that he's actually not really like that? 

The Sanvers scenes were lovely, and I really enjoyed seeing Kara and Maggie talking about Alex as well - those two play well off each other in a low-key way.  I also agree that Winn and Lyra were a plus in the episode - Winn's emotional openness felt real, and I'd like to see more of the two of them together.  But all these positives were almost completely overshadowed for me by the monstrosity of the Myxzptlk/Mon-El/Kara storylines.

Edited by wevel
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24 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

Also Winn seems to be dating a vampire from Buffy. 

Given the blond hair coupled with the ass-kicking, I messaged a friend during the episode and said "I think he's dating Buffy-if-she-was-a-vampire!"

Because this episode made me super cranky, let me just crank about one thing more: the Alex/Maggie stuff was generally good, but the end scene hit all the wrong beats character-wise. The show played it like "Kara was right, Maggie has to get over her baggage and do something special for Alex" when a) that is some pretty fucking huge baggage to be like "just get over it already!" (I'm not blaming Kara btw--she doesn't know about Maggie's ish and her comment to Maggie was totally in-character--but the writers), b) Alex was more in the wrong between the two of them, and c) if either of them deserved a make-up, "real" prom...wasn't it Maggie? That last scene would have been better for me if Maggie had said something like "we BOTH deserve the things we didn't get to have before," and it was clear that she was healing her own old wounds as well as giving Alex this experience. Instead it was written like "sorry I was jerk, this is all for you babe!" when Maggie has every right to still be very emotional about V-Day and not want to think about it and be frustrated with Alex. The writing was just off there--it's like in the fight scene they remembered Maggie is her own character outside of Alex, and then promptly forgot that for their last scene.


By their own admission, Mon-El exemplifies toxic macho masculinity, and has done so time and time again.  But NOW Kara suddenly sees the light that he's actually not really like that? 

Except he totally IS like that, as he keeps proving over and over. I did get a good snort out of when Mon-El was like "but I thought WE fight crime together?" Bitch please, you have no interest in fighting crime and you know it--you haven't even done it for several episodes now!

At this point, Kara has been so Stockholm Syndrome'd that when the inevitable prince reveal comes out, I expect her to barely bat an eye. "You've been lying to me this whole time? NBD, I'll just add it to the list of shitty things about you that I apparently don't care about." Ugh.

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1 hour ago, maraleia said:

So the show only devoted six minutes to Sanvers while the rest of the episode was heterocentric. I'm sick of the lopsided depiction of a queer romance where they get less story line time. Look at how fast they cut away from the kiss. This happens all the time and I thought it would be better with three queer showrunners but alas I was wrong.

As a five season survivor of Berlanti's Flarrowverse, I'd say the limited time is a good thing -- less room to screw it up.  Alex and Maggie will probably still be together when Kara is working on five relationships down the line.

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The funny thing is, one of my biggest takeaways from the episode is wanting to see Kara trying to explain what happened in the Fortress to Clark. "See, there was this guy from the fifth dimension, and he made the statue of your dad come to life..."

Here's my biggest problem with Mon-El. I don't mind the character in and of himself, but he doesn't seem to exist as anything but 'Kara's love interest.' He isn't even part of the episode except when they need him to flirt with Kara or fight Mxy. Speaking of the fight (with Parasite), Mon-El can't fly, right? So how did he literally drop into the scene? Did he jump off a building or something?

I feel kind of bad for Alex and Maggie. I was more interested in what was going on with them than the A story, and for a Valentine's episode there scenes were almost throwaway. I mean, I get it's Kara's show, obviously she is the main focus, but why even bother with giving Alex a romance if they're not going to give the actual romance more screen time?

Mxy was...well, creepy is a good word. Which is kind of fitting. In the comics he was obsessed with Superman. It could easily have been taken as weird, stalkerish kind of thing. Here they're just doing it literally. Unlike there though, where everything was pretty much a game with him, if/when he comes back on the show he is NOT going to be happy. And stopping him won't be as easy a second time.

Winn is pretty much like Xander from Buffy, isn't he? The normal guy who seems to fall into bed with demons, or aliens in this case. It is interesting how open and tolerant National City seems to be. It must drive Cadmus crazy.

I can't really blame Kara for sleeping with Mon-El, if indeed she does. She probably hasn't had many, if any, opportunities since coming to Earth, and here is a guy who can literally take anything she dishes out.

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I think Mxy works better as a Superman nemesis. And played by Gilbert Gottfried, whose voice is annoying, but sort of endearing. This Mxy is a CW imp.

To review: Kara has issues, Mon is still a dope, Winn is a bigger dope for getting into a thing with Supergirl-with-prosthetics (if she wasn't blonde, the red flag wouldn't have gone up for me), Alex & Maggie are still teh magic, and James is busy probably running Catco. Or maybe he and Snapper ran away to elope somewhere.

Note to fifth-dimensional imps . . . if you want to romance a lady, and you want to show yourself as a hero, do not get gussied up as her cousin while doing it. That's just weird.

You know what would've been funny for me? If Kara and Mon started making out, and then a half-naked Cisco and Gypsy fell out of a warp and right on top of them as they themselves are macking on each other.

ETA: Zook reference for the win!

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Stop trying to make Kara/Mon-El happen, show! Its not going to happen!

Winn and the cute alien chick should be fun, I hope she sticks around. This episode also kind of clears up a question I've had for awhile: How normal are aliens in this world? People know aliens are real, but do they know how many there are hanging around? What do all those obvious aliens do during the day? The must have homes and jobs if they can pay their bar tabs at least. So, its weird to see an alien, but not "OMG WHAT IS THAT?!". Alright. I thought their conversation was cute, but real. Why can this mixed species romance work so well in just one episode, while K/M is such a bore?

Mxy was a really fun villain, they kept him fun and wacky, but also showing how creepy and villainous he is. It was like some kind of combination of Q and the Great Gazzoo striking out at an intergalactic singles bar. I would be alright if he came back one or twice, maybe now realizing he has to actually try to date people without threatening people or warping reality if he wants to be loved. Also, the Aladdin references and the "rules" he had MUST have been a reference to the actor playing a genie over on Once Upon a Time in Wonderland! He was good in that too, a very different role.

Alex/Maggie are cute and all, but I wish they could have a subplot without any angst or misunderstanding or miscommunication. Maybe it wouldn't be as interesting, but I would like it.

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14 minutes ago, kalamac said:

On an entirely shallow note, Kara looked lovely in the wedding dress. She has very nice shoulders.

The vertical stripe sweater and pencil skirt outfit was really nice too! Cat Grant would have been proud.

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"On some planets, to write something is to say it" When I saw that line I knew exactly what Kara was going to do to get rid of Mxyzptlk, so that much was predictable. Mxyzptlk has always been the sort of Superman villain whose entire purpose was just to show up, force Superman to use his head to beat him instead of just running in and blindly pounding away, then have Superman go back to doing nothing but just running up and punching bad guys afterward and I expect the same thing here. As always, it's fun to see all the wacky things Mxyzptlk does though screwing up reality though since it was live action there was only so much they could do with it.

On a side note, I'm glad they keep Kryptonians abilities down to a more reasonable level and the villains strong enough to hand Supergirl her head, I can actually buy a human with some high tech gadgets and skills actually posing a threat to both the Supergirl and the supervillains even without Kryptonite being brought out on this show as opposed to the comics and most other adaptions where Kryptonians are invincible without Kryptonite around.

1 hour ago, KirkB said:

Here's my biggest problem with Mon-El. I don't mind the character in and of himself, but he doesn't seem to exist as anything but 'Kara's love interest.' He isn't even part of the episode except when they need him to flirt with Kara or fight Mxy.

I said the same thing about Mon-El and Maggie with last week's episode. Both of them have no purpose beyond being love interests and they drag the other character of the ship down in the process. Mon-El and Maggie should have plenty to do that has absolutely nothing to do with being in a relationship with Kara and Alex respectively, while the two characters in the ship should be able to interact with each other like normal people instead of acting like they're constantly one second away from jumping each other's bones or doing that stupid "I want to jump his/her bones but I argue with him/her to avoid admitting it" thing romances on TV always do. Actual romance between two characters should occur sparingly and thus have meaning, not be shoved into every single scene the two characters share together. Since this is a Valentine's Day episode I'll give it a pass as it's expected but I want to see both Mon-El and Maggie DOING SOMETHING soon.

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3 hours ago, maraleia said:

When there are 43 minutes per episode and this one was advertised as Sanvers centric then yes there is a quota to fill. I'm a lesbian and I'm tired of seeing stories about myself not fully realized. Look at the amount of time each romance in this episode had conversation-wise. Sanvers was given the short shrift in favor of the two hetero stories.

The promos on tv IMO seemed to be Kara/Mxy/Monel centric and there was a poster put out for this episode featuring Monel and Supergirl's romance.  I'm more of a casual viewer of Supergirl since I almost never look for spoilers, so from that aspect, I felt like there wasn't anything misleading about the advertising for the episode, but I know interviews and spoilers sometimes confuse the issue.  

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I didn't even notice James wasn't in the episode till I got here.  That says everything I need to know.

Mxy could be fun in small doses once or twice a year.

Mon-El properly saying hello to someone in the middle of an argument still makes me laugh, but otherwise that whole thing was tedious.

I like the idea of Winn finding someone.  He really is a nice guy and a lot of women would be lucky to have him, alien or not.  I was wondering about them being in the restaurant too, but then I remembered the whole president-signing-the-alien-amnesty thing and assumed that it meant people knew aliens were common among them.

Kara was the right person to call Maggie out for not understanding Alex's point of view (especially since she didn't know Maggies side) but I really think the dialogue was lazy.  "You should change" ... how about "You know what Alex has been through, maybe you could see why it meant something to her?"  Floriana did a really nice job showing the emotion here - I wasn't sure if she really had any range since we hadn't seen it yet - but I got a touch of the feels when she told Alex her story.  And, yes, the kiss was abrupt.  I did like hearing Maggie finally say out loud what she feels for Alex - up until this point we had a dozen "we're friends" and one "I want to kiss you."  I think their story is developing nicely.  

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4 hours ago, maraleia said:

When there are 43 minutes per episode and this one was advertised as Sanvers centric then yes there is a quota to fill. I'm a lesbian and I'm tired of seeing stories about myself not fully realized. Look at the amount of time each romance in this episode had conversation-wise. Sanvers was given the short shrift in favor of the two hetero stories.

YMMV, but of the three relationships in this episode (I don't count J'onn/M'gan), Maggie and Alex had the only one that seemed realistic, meaningful and romantic. Wynn and the alien seemed to be largely a booty call situation, and plenty of people have checked in about how problematic Mon-el and Kara have been from the jump and including this episode. I don't see them having given Maggie and Alex short shrift at all. They gave them a realistic obstacle, a reminder that homophobia is still around and not ok, and Maggie and Alex overcame it in pretty romantic fashion.

4 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Was rather surprised that they had encountered 5th-dimensional beings on Daxam and Mars, but not on Krypton. Especially with the powers of the 5D beings -- to the point of literally moving mountains on Mars.

We don't know that these 5th dimensional beings have or haven't shown up on Krypton. The Kryptonian database in the form of Supergirl's mom has gone by the wayside, presumably because they can't get the actress to come back.

Also, it seems surprising that imps would bother with either Daxam or Krypton, as their residents don't really have powers or anything to make them interesting.

We also don't seem to know if Mxy and Clark have squared off against each other in Supergirlverse, although I tend to doubt it.

3 hours ago, KirkB said:

The funny thing is, one of my biggest takeaways from the episode is wanting to see Kara trying to explain what happened in the Fortress to Clark. "See, there was this guy from the fifth dimension, and he made the statue of your dad come to life..."

Traditionally, when Mxy goes poof back to the 5th dimension, all the effects of his magic also go poof. We saw the ice sculptures back to normal after Mxy disappeared. The thing is: did Kara ask Clark for use of the Fortress in the first place?

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25 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Traditionally, when Mxy goes poof back to the 5th dimension, all the effects of his magic also go poof. We saw the ice sculptures back to normal after Mxy disappeared. The thing is: did Kara ask Clark for use of the Fortress in the first place?

I wondered about this.  I also wondered about the significance of two red roses still remaining in Kara's apartment.  Does that mean that Monel was the one that filled her apartment with flowers that second time rather than Mxy?  

(Oh and I HATE calling him and hearing Kara call him Mxy - too cutesy but I just can't spell it, lol)

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I just thought this one was a lot of goofy fun with creative use of a well known villain, right down to Kara calling him Mxy. I did think it was a little weird that there was no mention of Clark ever having to deal with him.

Like that they finally paired Winn with someone as he is quite charming when they let him be.

On the other hand, they really did show how James is not needed. I was especially pleased with no lame Guardian bits in this episode.

But to be honest, in addition to James, it feels like everything at Catco is so secondary now that they could almost write all of it out unless Calista Flockhart ever comes back.

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Worst episode ever.

The Kara and Monel stuff was all puke worthy. Alex is still in her angsty high school relationship, with Maggie having the tropiest trope that ever tv troped about having a bad experience during a holiday and then hating said holiday because of it. It reminded me of Gremlins and Phoebe Cates talking about why she hated Xmas. Winn taking his new alien girlfriend to a fancy restaurant because I guess they walk the world freely with nary a care in the world, and hey she at least looks to have all the right lady parts, just a typical Star Trek humanoid with a bumpy forehead. Let's not forget J'onn sending a love letter to M'gan, the old fashioned way, you know so the white martians can intercept the message.

I guess I'll have to start watching the recording instead of live so I can ff through all the garbage, so I'll get about 15 minutes of Supergirl.

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Really liked Maggie/Alex - the slow pace and the limited viewing time notwithstanding. To the poster upthread, we saw Maggie doing her police job last week when she arrested Lena Luthor. I don't think it is fair to say that she doesn't have a reason for being on the show other than as Alex's love interest. 

How could Winn take his alien girlfriend to a hot restaurant? Are aliens such a normal part of the community there that they are interspersed into the general population? I was under the impression that many hung out in the bar because they stayed away from "regular places"?

I like Mon El but since his arrival, the entire storyline has been on putting he and Kara together. 

I miss Cat Grant. 

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During Kara and Mon-El's argument right in the middle of the DEO not one agent even turned their head.  Is that an unintentional meta statement about how stupid this relationship is?  I was hoping J'onn would show up to chew them both out for acting like a couple of stupid teenagers.

Also, is the costume really that uncomfortable?  There's no reason for Kara to be wandering around the DEO in her civvies.

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3 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

Worst episode ever.

This. I don't know why I am watching other than habit. Mon-el is super painful. His entire attitude was ridiculous. I was happy that Kara told him off only to find out it wasn't really meant and they are back together at the end? Kara you have said it yourself like 10 times, Mon-el is wrong for you. If you need a supernatural booty call than call Mon-el your friend with benefits.  Also, when is this prince status going to come out? 

So intensely bored with the other relationships on the show. Winn and Alex I just start to feel like what does this have to do with Supergirl? I mean, they are side stories that I don't really care about. 

Mxy was interesting but, did I miss it, why did he want Kara to marry him?  Also one problem was that the actor wasn't too bad on the eyes so I was kind of rooting for him.  I would prefer crazy for Kara than controlling and dull.

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If you're a Kara/Mon El shipper, you'll be happy because there was a lot about them and it ended with a fade to black as they were making out on the sofa.  (Please, Kara, don't let him be your first.) 

You know I`ve actually wondered with Kara. Is this just a case of playing everything so vanilla like early on in the Flash and even there I was sure we weren`t supposed to think Barry was a virgin. Then they clear it up with a throwaway line of him having had sex with his current love interest.

But Kara, I still think we are supposed to believe she had experience. But it would make sense with her being an alien that she would at least fret about physically hurting a guy. But then superpowered characters all seem perfectly able to moderate their powers when it comes to intimacy in those shows. The way they went kissing there, I would say he wouldn`t be her first regardless.  

Edited by Aeryn13
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This was fun. The dialogue at the beginning was witty. Mxy could be fun in small doses; they could bring him back once or twice a season but not too much or it might get old. 

I liked Wynn and Lyra. I hope she won't end up a "bad" alien down the line. I didn't miss Jimmy at all. They could write him out permanently and not even mention him and I wouldn't notice. 

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2 hours ago, LisaM said:

I miss Cat Grant. 

My left arm for Cat to come back and drop some truth bombs and smack some sense into Kara. "Keira! I did not leave you to this reporter job so you could regress even further into adolescence and date a poster boy for sexism!" No way would Cat let this fuckery fly if she was still around.

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Alex and Maggie were good, although they could have used more time imo.  Winn and his alien GF (who looks like a cross between Buffy vampires and the Bajorans from Star Trek) were cute.  Hopefully that's an ongoing thing and she doesn't turn out to be evil.  Mr. M was a nice villain and they did a good job of making him kind of fun, but also showing how creepy he could be as well.  Also Kara outsmarted a villain, and beat him on her own, well-played.

Kara and Mon-el was, eh.  I didn't hate it, but it didn't love it either.  It was just there for me.  I'm hoping that them actually getting together will lead to some progress though.  Also I'm wondering if they'll confirm 100% whether they went "all the way" or not next episode?

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I liked Kara & Mon-El's argument in the DEO.  I felt the actors did a good job...that was not an easy scene to film.  I was waiting for them to pull a Sam & Diane on Cheers....."Are you as turned on as I am"....."More".  LOL.

I groaned at yet another "misunderstanding/hurt feelings" scene between Maggie & Alex.  Every episode it seems one has to apologize to the other for hurting their feelings.  Enough already.  And did the writers copy Maggie's Valentine's Day Massacre backstory about her high school crush with the same one Alex told Kara (except for the Valentine & parents getting involved)?  I almost thought Alex was going to jump in and say "yeah, that's exactly how I discovered I had strong feelings for women".  

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While I saw plenty of spoilers that shouted "THIS IS THE BIG ONE!", I'm not sure if the actual show runners quite advertised this ep as such. I'll have to look for that. I just have a feeling a lot of people trusted information from dubious sources. If it is true the showrunners said this ep would be all Sanvers, well, shame on them then.

I'm a Sanvers fan, and I liked what we did get was pretty good. Alex tried to make a personalized Valentine's day for Maggie, which backfired, because Alex had no idea exactly why Maggie hated it so much.

Interesting story-line for Wynn. I wonder how that will turn out.

Like a lot of people, I agree that Mon-El is still an immature goof. When Kara was giving him that speech about them being far too different, I thought for a second that perhaps the show was going against my expectations and putting the brakes on this Mon-El/Kara pair-up. Alas, it was a ruse. I want to like it, and just when I think I can, something happens that takes me back to hating it.

If we had any answers to Mon-El's recent past at all, things might be different. Sure, everybody knows he's the Prince. However;

1. If he was the Prince, and fled the planet during the solar storms, did he do so just to save his own ass, or did his people trick him into it (as per his recollection)

2. How long was he in the Pod before coming to earth? For that matter, why was a Kryptonian pod on Daxim?

3. But if Mon-El fled because because of the solar storms, why was he trying to hard to get a message home? Why would he have been surprised to find out Daxim was now uninhabitable?

4. Why in the hell are the Intergalactic Police after him? I had a suspicion that he was not yet the Prince, but that was to be bestowed upon him against his will, which was why he fled. That theory, of course, leads me back to question #3.

So all we know about Mon-El is he's a jockish dick, and that's about it. Give us more info about him and he might actually become somewhat interesting...

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The problem with this show is they write men to be like how the writers think women see men.  So the guys are all emo and say things all the time that guys just don't say.  But whatever.  I liked the Fortress of Solitude scene.  Mxy reminds me of David Arquette.  

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This episode was a Fucking insult.

How old are Kara and Mon-El, 15?

Mxyzptlk was just a creepy stalker. He should only be played by Gilbert Gottfried and be 1 foot tall with a bowler hat. And his catch phrase should always be "Aww, NUTS!"

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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