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This Just In: New, Cancelled, Returning, And On-Hiatus Shows News

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I am looking forward to second fattest housewife.  I think that is the name.  Like the actors.  It looks funny and warm.  I am from CT and have worked for the families they are making fun of.   

Any and all time traveling shows are for me so also looking forward to timeless.   Love Joel but his wilderness show did not look promising in the previews. May give it a shot.  

    This is us is the only new show I have watched so far and it's a keeper for me. 

Aftermath was very very bad.  And not in a this is funny bad which I could appreciate.  Just baaaaad bad.

Luke Cage was one of those shows if it wasn't a binge show I'd have gotten bored of after a couple weeks and dropped.  Great actors and all.....but eh.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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I caught the first two episodes of The Happy Place by chance and thought it was cute. I'm more impressed with the fanciful concept than anything else and I like Kristen Bell's black co-star. He seems cool. Ted Danson is a bit wooden, but all this to say I'll give the show a chance and keep watching a bit to see where it goes. I like the production values. It's like a happier version of Dead Like Me. Boy I really liked that show, in spite of how sad it was.

In spite of my liking comic books, I still can't bring myself to watch Supergirl after seeing one episode last season and feeling like it was written by the same people who make Easy Readers books for kids. The writing was so flat, predictable, cheesy and cliche. And as much as I thought I wanted to see Superman on the show, the guy they cast looks strangely younger than Kara. I realized they weren't about to get Henry Cavill for the TV show, but they should have kept looking to find someone who looked more like a man of 35 just to create that age dynamic with his cousin.

I also tried to get into The Flash, and as much as I liked the star I couldn't. Ditto for Gotham, which I'm starting to wonder about. Is it going to get cancelled? Does it pull in good numbers? I feel like people have seen all of the Batman stuff that they're showing already, only better...

The new Kevin James show seems awful. The Odd Couple never got good, did it - it's just still around for someone reason.

Sitcoms have really stunk for the last few years.

I laughed when I learned a show was actually called Secrets and Lies -  Smallville gave them THAT title!

43 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

I laughed when I learned a show was actually called Secrets and Lies -  Smallville gave them THAT title!

Secrets and Lies is a US series that was preceded by an Australian series of the same name, but the US series was actually greenlit before the Australian series aired, so I don't know which one was the original version.

New Show That Had Me Interested and I'm Still In: Designated Survivor, Pitch

New Show I Heard Nothing About (Seriously) And Watched Anyway and Will Keep Watching: This is Us

New Show I Hate Watched But Fell In Love With: Lethal Weapon ("She said NO" was the final straw that sold me - OTT, but owns it and great chemistry)

New Show I Hate Watched and I was Right: MacGyver

Old Show I'm Ditching: Blindspot (that finale was the final straw)

Old Show I'm Missing: Limitless, Person of Interest, Agent Carter

Old Show I'm Sticking With: OAUT (frustrated, but addicted), BB99, Grimm

Edited by kili
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1 hour ago, kili said:

New Show That Had Me Interested and I'm Still In: Designated Survivor, Pitch

New Show I Heard Nothing About (Seriously) And Watched Anyway and Will Keep Watching: This is Us

New Show I Hate Watched But Fell In Love With: Lethal Weapon ("She said NO" was the final straw that sold me - OTT, but owns it and great chemistry)

New Show I Hate Watched and I was Right: MacGyver

Old Show I'm Ditching: Blindspot (that finale was the final straw)

Old Show I'm Missing: Limitless, Person of Interest, Agent Carter

Old Show I'm Sticking With: OAUT (frustrated, but addicted), BB99, Grimm

I like your list!

New Show(s) That Had Me Interested and I'm Still In: Designated Survivor, The Good Place, Queen Sugar

New Show I Heard Nothing About (Seriously) And Watched Anyway and Will Keep Watching: This is Us

New Show I Haven't watched yet but want to: Pitch

New Show I Tried but ditched: Atlanta -- Just couldn't get into it

New Shows I Haven't Watched and Don't Plan To: Lethal Weapon, Bull

Old Shows I'm Returning To:  black-ish  and *sigh* They won't return for a few more months: The Americans, Orphan Black

Old Show I'm Ditching: Sleepy Hollow. -- No Abbie? Then you gets no topanga


ETA:  maraleia listed the shows she watches according to the day of the week they air. I just realized that because of my DVR and online viewing, I have no idea what day my favorite shows air anymore! Sleepy Hollow used to be the exception. It was the one show I'd watch live, no matter what. 

Edited by topanga
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Show I wasn't expecting to like and do not want to see cancelled now: Pitch. Since everyone seemed to like it, I watched the first two episodes and even though I know absolutely nothing about baseball, I really liked them. Please give it a shot! The ratings haven't been great so far... :(

Edited by GinnyMars
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So, I guess I'm dropping Scorpion now, because it apparently premiered last night, and I didn't know.  And I saw that it was two hours, and I looked at my increasingly big tv schedule (especially Monday), and realized that I just don't have the time or energy to keep up with it.  Sorry Cabe, Happy, Toby, Sly, and even Walt and Paige.

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On 10/3/2016 at 3:24 PM, GinnyMars said:

Show I wasn't expecting to like and do not want to see cancelled now: Pitch. Since everyone seemed to like it, I watched the first two episodes and even though I know absolutely nothing about baseball, I really liked them. Please give it a shot! The ratings haven't been great so far... :(

I finally watched the Pilot and loved it. I'm watching it with my kids, so I can't binge watch it the way I usually do. I have to wait for them to do stupid stuff like going to school, doing homework, and eating dinner. 

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Sometimes there's no logical reason for liking or disliking a piece of entertainment (or the reason would take years of psychotherapy to tease out), but Conviction is my favorite of the new Fall shows. I tend to like easy-listening procedurals, so maybe the premise just hits my sweet spot. It hasn't gotten very good reviews, so my enjoyment is not widely shared.

Dumped/not for me: Aftermath, Lethal Weapon, MacGyver, Bull, The Exorcist, The Good Place, Better Things, Versailles, Speechless

Edited by lordonia
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Right now Timeless is my favorite of the new fall shows although I am really enjoying Lethal Weapon and This Is Us the show with the most potential to either be bestest ever or most annoying trite. 

Already saing no to:  Pitch, MacGyver, Conviction.

Season is still new so things could change quickly and often.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Man, I'm hearing good things about Timeless. I have a lot of TV on my plate, and my initial gut feeling about the show was fear that the main female lead would turn into a Special Snowflake and Matt Lanter's character would be horribly bland. 

Should I really be giving it a chance? 

35 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Man, I'm hearing good things about Timeless. I have a lot of TV on my plate, and my initial gut feeling about the show was fear that the main female lead would turn into a Special Snowflake and Matt Lanter's character would be horribly bland. 

Should I really be giving it a chance? 

If you like history, the first episode was a suspension of reality...


Only 2 people died when the leads "corrected" the Hindenberg accident.  In actuality 37 people died.

But it was rollicking, and the special effects are good.  Plus, a kicker surprise at the end.

Edited by roamyn
12 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Man, I'm hearing good things about Timeless. I have a lot of TV on my plate, and my initial gut feeling about the show was fear that the main female lead would turn into a Special Snowflake and Matt Lanter's character would be horribly bland. 

Should I really be giving it a chance? 

I liked it.  If you are a history purist then time travel shows are always problematic.  Also I loathe the term "special snowflake" and think it gets applied to easily and to early to smart competent women on tv so I can't help you with that one.  She will probably end up being the star and the hero and the focal point of the show but she is also smart and more or less competent so far. If that worries you then you might not like the show.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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If you like history, the first episode was a suspension of reality...

  Reveal hidden contents

Except that it didn't, and there were consequences already shown as a result.

Chaos Theory - the female lead didn't come across as a special snowflake in the pilot.  Doesn't mean the character won't go that way, but not so far.

Edited by proserpina65

New show I love - The Good Place

This show gets better and better every episode. I'm afraid it won't last long though as it's quirky. It kind of reminds me of Better Off Ted in a way. 

New show I'm on the fence about -  This Is Us

Bordering on too sappy and tropey for me, but I'll give it a few more eps to see.

  • Love 3
On 10/7/2016 at 3:08 PM, ChromaKelly said:

New show I love - The Good Place

This show gets better and better every episode. I'm afraid it won't last long though as it's quirky. It kind of reminds me of Better Off Ted in a way. 

New show I'm on the fence about -  This Is Us

Bordering on too sappy and tropey for me, but I'll give it a few more eps to see.

This is why I haven't watch This Is Us. There's something very schmoopey/touch-feely about it to me. The ads, the commercials, the reviews; I get the same annoyed feeling about it I did with thirtysomething and Sisters and Brothers and a few others. 


However I'm all in with The Good Place!

It feels like this television season is way better than other recent ones.  I tend to watch a LOT of pilots.  

I'm going to rate these new shows or pilots out of 5 if anyone's interested to read.

Finding Prince Charming - 5.  I'm obsessed.
This is Us - 4.5.  Very likeable and fresh.
Pitch - 4.  Very likeable.  Zach Morris is an angry catcher.  I'm hooked.  I also really like Ali Larter and basically everyone in the cast.
The Good Place - 4.5.  When the show introduced the Filipino dude, THEN I became hooked.  At first I was really on the fence.  I'm excited to see where this show goes, now.  It's quirky and weird and original. I can only compare it possibly to "Pushing Daisies".
Atlanta - 4.  I always forget about this one.  I think because it's so dreamy and subtle.  There is nothing on television like this show.  The plot doesn't "Urge" me to see what's next, kind of how I felt about Stranger Things (no offense intended.)

The ones I'm not as Hype about

Crisis in 6 Scenes - 3.5  Saw the pilot. It's Woody Allen.  It's all dialogue.  Nothing happened so far, but I did like the dialogue.

Insecure - 3.  It was good, but so slow paced.  I found it relatable and compelling enough, I just felt no urgency.  I'll probably stick with it.
Notorious  - 2.5.  This is an average show, but I want to keep watching.  haha!!  I like Piper Perabo in it and Daniel Sunjata and I think I want them to succeed.  There's something kind of juicy and fun about it.  I'll SWI.
Bull - 3.  I really liked this one!  It reminded me of Lie to Me.  The first episode I was hooked, but the second was kind of just ok.
Luke Cage - 2.5.  No idea what to think here.  I love every actor so I went in wanting to like this.  I love Mike Colter and I loved Jessica Jones which preceded it.  Most of it didn't hook me, and then it was just way too violent for me at parts.  I have to look away from the screen.

Divorce - 2.  Blah.  It's miserable and kind of gross.  I love SJP so I feel like I'll have to try ep 2, but i'm not looking forward to it.
Conviction - 1.  I feel badly for the actress, because I assume she is talented.  Stupid show.  I felt insulted.  I dropped this one.
Kevin Can Wait - I couldn't get through it.  No thanks.  0

I still need to try Westworld and Timeless.  I just started The Night Of.
Somebody mentioned Secrets and Lies -- last season with Ryan Phillippe and Juliette Lewis was SOOO addictive I thought.  I'll definitely watch this year.  Juliette stays and Michael Ealy joins instead.  First 2 episodes were okay.
I think I'm going to try Marcella.  It looks like a female Luther.

Returning?  oh boy.  Survivor, Project Runway, HTGAWM, Younger, New Girl, Brooklyn 99.  I recommend "Younger" if you haven't tried it yet.  Light fluffy cute show for women who like clothes.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
On 10/11/2016 at 4:14 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

It feels like this television season is way better than other recent ones.  I tend to watch a LOT of pilots.  

I agree. I've had to whittle down some of my new shows.

New shows I'm sticking with: This Is Us, Pitch, The Good Place, Queen Sugar, Catching Kelce--my new guilty pleasure

New shows I'm pretty sure I'm ditching: Designated Survivor, Atlanta, and Timeless. These are pretty good, but I don't think I have enough time or interest to keep watching them.

Old shows I'm sticking with: Black-ish, The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, Law & Order reruns, House Hunters

  • Love 1

New Shows I look forward to and Watch Live: Queen Sugar, This is Us, Pitch

New Shows I tape and watch or watch On Demand: Atlanta, Luke Cage, Insecure

New Shows I hadn't planned to watch but found I liked and catch when I get the chance: Timeless, Lethal Weapon

New Shows that are a NOPE: MacGuvyer, Bull, so many more

Returning Shows I watch live: Grey's, How To Get Away With Murder, Black-ish, 

Returning Shows I tape and watch or watch On Demand: Chicago Med, Brooklyn 99, Crazy Ex GF 

Returning Shows I cancelled: Sleepy Hollow (burn it with fire!), Transparent (can't get into this season)

  • Love 1

Watching Westworld, Divorce and This is us, and still Survivor (as long as it's on), Lucifer and, when they're back, Orphan Black, unReal, Black Mirror and House of Cards. Also keeping half an eye on Scream Queens and Pretty Little Liars, not enthusiastic about these two but, to cut a long story short, I watch these with my kid and they provide plenty of private jokes/snarky moments.

I hardly ever watch anything live

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Enigma X said:

I am dropping Designated Survivor mainly because my DVR won't record more than 16 minutes of it no matter what I do.

I'm hanging in with it for a while, but my DVR didn't record it last week, and I had to wait until this week before it was available on demand.  Then last night, the DVR didn't record Pitch so I guess I'll have to wait until that shows up on demand as well.  At this point, I'm not sure if I should go to Time Warner and swap out the DVR, or finally figure out how to do this without cable...

1 hour ago, Moose135 said:

I'm hanging in with it for a while, but my DVR didn't record it last week, and I had to wait until this week before it was available on demand.  Then last night, the DVR didn't record Pitch so I guess I'll have to wait until that shows up on demand as well.  At this point, I'm not sure if I should go to Time Warner and swap out the DVR, or finally figure out how to do this without cable...

I record a lot of shows and this is the only one with a problem.


1 hour ago, Princess Sparkle said:

Honestly, I think that was your DVR trying to save you the headache of watching an entire episode.  

I was thinking the same thing.

  • Love 2

I keep forgetting about Designated Survivor, it's okay but I don't love it.

I watched Conviction, I kind of liked it, but if I don't watch it I won't feel like I'm missing anything.

I watch Pitch, it's okay but I don't love it, I half watch it live and then watch online.

Queen Sugar, This is Us, all in!  But watch on demand.

HTGAWM, is the only show I watch live.

Is Sleepy Hollow even on?  No matter, I won't be watching, no Abbie, no me.

  • Love 2

My first order of TV shows are my news comedies.  Thus TDS, Colbert, Seth Meyers (mainly the monologues, I skip a lot of interviews), John Oliver and Samantha Bee get first dibs on my time, usually followed by Rachel Maddow.

So far this season, none of the fictional shows are the "omg I must watch as soon as I can" shows like PoI and Mr. Robot.  Old shows like Lucifer, Gotham, Scorpion get watched, but I'm not in a huge hurry to see them asap.  Westworld is the only show I try to watch when it shows, but that's only because no commercials.

I've been watching Designated Survivor, Aftermath, Pitch, Timeless and while they're ok, frankly I won't miss them that much if they get cancelled.  It will just free up my DVR.  Hawaii 5-0 is piling up on the DVR, I guess the scenary eye-candy isn't doing it as much for me as it used to.

Survivor and OUAT get watched on Thursdays or Saturdays, since that's when I have the most evening free time to watch with my daughter, who likes those shows.

I'm planning on checking out Conviction, MacGuyver and This is Us on demand, but just haven't gotten around to it yet.  Same with seeing if Blindspot got better.  I've heard decent things about Lethal Weapon, so I may try that out too.  

Modern Family, Blackish, and Fresh off the Boat pile up on the DVR to watch when I only have 20 minutes or so.  Usually the first comedy I watch is Younger (no young kids!) so the others have to wait.  last season, I didn't get around to finishing Blackish until late June.

I have a lot less TV time this year and a lot less patience for shows without good story lines.  

  • Love 1

So, seeing as we're a few weeks in, I can say that I've kind of stopped watching shows like The Good Place and Speechless not because I wanted to, but because I've forgotten to watch them. I'm sticking with This Is Us, Pitch, Designated Survivor, and Notorious. I don't know if I can stick with Conviction. As for Frequency and No Tomorrow, I haven't had the motivation to watch either, so I might not get around to those until later. I hear Westworld and Queen Sugar are good, so I'm going to have to watch those at some point. 

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On 10/4/2016 at 1:31 PM, forumfish said:

I think it's time to break out my DVDs of 70-80s shows.

I was too young for Mary Tyler Moore the first time around but recently discovered the show on Hulu, and, save for a few things played for laughs back then that seem stalkerish now, the show holds up well- the cast has great comedic timing and the writing is top notch and falls back less on the tropes of the era than a lot of its peers. And Ted & Georgette's wedding is awesome. 

Westworld and Better Things are my definite keepers. I like how Better Things makes life as a Hey! It's That Guy! actor seem so ordinary most of the time, though I'm annoyed at how bratty Sam's kids were in the first few episodes. (The Sam and Max go shopping for office clothes scene makes me forgive a lot of that thought.) 

On 10/16/2016 at 1:24 AM, selkie said:

And Ted & Georgette's wedding is awesome. 

Omigosh!  You solved a mystery for me!  I had a flashback of a tv show that I could not place, with John Ritter as a minister in a tennis outfit.  Swings tennis racket and says, "bride on my forehand, groom on my backhand."  That was Ted and Georgette's wedding, right?  Whew!  Mystery solved.

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