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S21.E04: Week 4: Nick's Hometown

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An upset bachelorette confronts Nick about his forward behavior with another woman; the ladies visit Nick's hometown of Waukesha, Wis.; Nick selects a group of women to test their skills as ranch hands; a shy bachelorette spends a day with Nick's family and opens up about her past heartbreak, which allows Nick to see a fiery side to her he never thought possible; country singer Chris Lane performs during a romantic dinner.

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Vanessa pulls on her pink pussy hat calls Nick out on his misogyny! But then Nick proves to be an ally of the cause* and agrees that she should call him out on any untoward behavior. The cause continues as two Women March into Corrine's room and call her out on her privilege. Corrine, like half my FB feed, is in denial of the existence of her privilege. Corrine then interrupts Nick's toast and appropriates the girls' terminology and incredulously proclaims #AllPriviligeMatters!

*Short-lived intentions, as Corrine gets the rose after even HARRISON gives him a stern Corrine warning.

I refuse to believe that anyone--let alone 15 people--would be THIS excited about going to Milwaukee.** The coffee shop's chalkboard reads "Pretzel Club." Do we think this is a club sandwich on a pretzel roll, or is the big social activity in Wisconsin meeting up with others who share an affinity for snack foods? This guess is based on the only thing I know about Wisconsin: Lots of people there like to wear cheese hats. Do the Pretzel Club and the Cheeseheads ever accidentally double-book the coffee shop? I imagine a turf war tussle until that peanut-butter cup moment: "Hey, you got pretzel in my cheese! You got cheese on my pretzel!" Then they realize it's a perfect pairing and next week's chalkboard reads: Cheese Pretzel Club.

Awkward! But the ex is wearing an engagement ring, so relax, Danielle!

**The lake house, coffee shop, and bar all look very cool, so I take back what I said. I, too, would be running through the airport screaming, "Milwaaaaaaaaaakeeeeeeeeee! Whooooooooooo!"

Does anyone know who Chris Lane is? This seems to be a pretty big crowd, but it's entirely possible that all these hometown people came to see Nick, not this singer. But this is the SECOND dance/kiss on stage with Danielle! Which will be their song?!

There's such a thing as a taco spa?! Do they feed Corrine the chicken taco through that face hole in the massage table?

OMG. Corrine grabbing her boobs and saying, "Do you call THIS immature?!" It's official. The "13 Going on 30" body swap theory has been proven. There's no denying this body of evidence that she's a child who just hit puberty. OMG. The corn analogy! This just keeps getting better and better. Dying!!  Are Abe Lincoln and Michael Jordon infamous for their naps? One of Corrine's buttery kernels of knowledge holds famous people napping factoids. Corrine is the new Chad, 100%.*** These two have to meet up in Paradise--night 1, no chance of missing each other. Bachelor Nation executive order.

Ooh! We got a Not Here for the Right Reasons accusation! Christina and Corrine are wearing matching black leather jackets, which makes the fight oddly hilarious like it's a Sharks vs  Jets or T-Birds vs. whatever those punks from the other school in Grease are called rumble.

Nice commercial bumper editing! Corrine saying she's going to "punch someone in the face" immediately segues into the movie "Fistfight" with Charlie Day trembling in fear of his impending beat down. The advertising sales team is on point this year--this after the Redi-Whip product placement.

Taylor has a bikini bathtub heart-to-heart with blonde Danielle, who is fully clothed. 

Nick swan skates by, and Bella and Raven completely ignore him. These people are pretty good roller skaters. Apparently when it's an off night from Pretzel Club, the next best thing to do is roller skate.

Raven drove to Little Rock, kicked down a door, and beat her man with a stiletto! :-O Even more shocking that "I know what her vagina looks like" was NOT about Corrine.

***Re comparing Corrine to Chad: mini egg rolls are her cold cuts.

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I was kinda surprised he took Raven to do the family stuff. Raven's in my top five favorite girls tho, so good for her. Her story about kicking the door down was funny.

Corrine is messy af, but Taylor needs to jump off the high horse. She's also immature and has done some downright dumb shit on this show. First time she met Nick (and the second time) she talked about how her friends called him a dick, lol. No tact whatsoever. Just because you're a "mental health counselor" doesn't make you a mature person. You're the same age as Corrine at the end of the day. Take a step back. 

Alexis is the dolphin obsessed one, right? Surprising that she's still here but not really, because she's right up my alley. I, too, am afraid of Nicolas Cage and aliens. I know the difference between a shark and dolphin though. 

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Milwaukee native here and the Iron Horse hotel where Nick took Danielle is really cool and my artist nephew made a custom mirror for the place. Milwaukee is a really artsy town now with lots of gastro pubs, art galleries etc. The pretzel shop place is in the suburb where Nick grew up , which is like all suburbs. There are no farms in Milwaukee either. 

How does Corinne get away with sitting everything out? She acts like she is 15, not in her 20's. Raven seems pretty cool and I was surprised Nick was into her at all. 

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1 minute ago, langway said:

Alexis is the dolphin obsessed one, right? Surprising that she's still here but not really, because she's right up my alley. I, too, am afraid of Nicolas Cage and aliens. I know the difference between a shark and dolphin though. 

She's this season's Ashley S. I get the feeling she knows exactly how she's appearing on tv, and she's along for a good time. I have no issues with that. She's certainly more entertaining than any number of the other brunettes that I still can't tell apart.

Did anyone get creeped out after realizing Josephine was under the blanket all along during Corinne and Kristina's confrontation? 

C'mon Taylor. You know better. Do not take on the villain as a personal enemy. She and Alex can commiserate in BiP together. 

Bella and her blue tongue after her (ABC purchased) slurpee. Smile. I'm so glad it was Raven on the date and not one of the more high-maintenance glamour girls. (Not that Raven isn't beautiful - she's a more down-to-earth, girl next door type)

Did I imagine that he said during their date that Danielle M was also from his hometown?

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1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

When he said to Vanessa, "Please be patient with me especially when it comes to Corinne" that told me that producers are making him keep Corinne and Vanessa kinda knows it.

Basically. That was as close as a lead has ever come in my opinion to pretty much just saying, "look it's you but there's a show to film here so yeah, the weird, drunk, crazy girl has to stick around for another few weeks". 

Serious question, is Danielle L. incapable of owning/wearing dresses that don't put her boobs full on display? Like damn girl, I know you paid good money for them but enough. Leave something to the imagination once in awhile. That said, there is nothing between her and Nick. He think she's hot, would totally be into hooking up with her but they have no real connection. 

Well Raven sure came out of the shadows tonight. I thought it's been clear for awhile that she's the dark horse. The producers always made sure she got an ITM or two every episode, even when she wasn't the focus. The date was nice and talk about pressure - meeting the parents on the first date - but she did okay. I wouldn't say I saw amazing chemistry between her and Nick and was a little surprised that she was throwing the L-word already but they have some potential. 

Nick still has the most chemistry with Vanessa and it's not even close compared to the other women. I see Rachel is getting the "afraid to let her guard down" edit, interesting. 

Taylor is going home next week. It's so obvious. She allowed Corinne and her antics to get into her head enough to self destruct. Corinne is the producers' puppet who is not leaving yet and Nick likely has no real connection/interest in Taylor, so she's disposable and easy to boot in favor of keeping the plant. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Well, fortunately I am 1/4 of a season in if you count the 1 1/2 episodes of Ben's season and the now 1 1/2 episodes of Nick.  I am not at 21, but I can't take the crazy already!   I am trying to watch the show knowing that these are real people, but it is so hard when they have people like Corrine.  I didn't see last year, but you didn't have to watch to catch clips, etc. of the blonde crazy person they had last year.  I cannot believe she was worse than what I saw tonight.  I can't believe they have one every year, that would get old after a while.  On the other hand the insecure, whiny ones are just as annoying in a different way 

Did Corinne really invoke the name of Michael Jordan in her rant?  Between the facial expressions, grabbing the boobs, etc all I could think is that the producers want a really young viewing audience, or a really immature one.  Between Corrinne's antics and trying to understand one word that comes out of Nick or Raven's mouths I was switching back and forth to tennis.  I can't bring myself to DVR this, because I can't imagine subjecting myself to it more than once. I may be forced to, however, just to understand what is going on.   I am literally having to turn on the closed caption. 

I don't want make fun of people, but Nick has some type of speech impediment and something about his mouth is just hard to watch.  In a lot of instances he seems really effeminate to me.  Skating was not a good look for  him. 

To each their own, but I don't get the Raven love.  I think she is just average looking and between the comments about liking a certain type of guy and  (I missed the story, but am using someone's comments above) admitting to breaking down someone's door at her age I just can't see her coming out on top. Based on comments about how they cast the Bachelorette, I can't see that either.   She is just boring to me. 

I actually think Raven and Taylor are just as unprepared for someone like Nick as Corrine, but in different ways.  I don't know why they cast so young.  He should not have had anyone under 28, and that is pushing it.  I guess they are splitting up the episodes because I couldn't figure out who already had a rose or who didn't and I have never seen some of those girls before.

If Jamie could lose the nose ring she could have been a contender.  I'm all about natural hair, but she looked really pretty with it straight, until I got to the nose.   I missed the farm, but apparently there was more Corrinne drama.  The dolphin/shark is clearly going for the "good friends forever" vibe with Nick. I can't take her seriously as a candidate, especially after the boob birthday. 

I adore Kristina/Christina, so I am sure that means that she will soon be gone.  Jasmine is another one I am ready to see say goodbye.  I know that there is a lot we don't see, but there must be a LOT we don't see because I don't get the rationale behind why some of these girls stay around. 

Nick actually does not look like a good kisser.  I hate to see it, but based upon what I have seen so far, the "losers" are really the winners. I cannot respect someone who would keep Corrinne around, even if it is producer driven.  I would have to tell them that I care about how I look...and he really looks like a fool to keep someone so immature around. 

It is so obvious that Corrinne knows she is not going to "win."  She is there to get her name out there and build her brand shilling something or going on talk shows or something.  I have to believe if you go on this show, you have watched this show.  She has to know about the little talks, etc. and she knows that the stuff she says is going to be aired. She is playing for the cameras.  

Vanessa- girl you need to work on those facial expressions! 

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 I had never before seen the traveling nurse that went home tonight. Who is the woman with the long straight brown hair – not Astrid, but someone else! I've never seen her before either. 

 Love how they focused in on Corrinne rubbing her eyes at the rose ceremony for 30+ seconds! 

 Completely contrived set up walking past nicks ex in the coffee shop! That was really dumb. 

 I think Rachel, Vanessa, and Danielle the nurse are just too mature and high-quality of people for Nick! The guy really does just want fun and sexy, not mature career-focused women. 

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The only thing I see between Nick and Danielle L is purely physical. She injects way too many "likes" in a conversation and she"s kind of giggly like a teenager. And again (like the initial night) she wore a gown to the evening date that left little to the imagination. Literally. When a man can't use his imagination to wonder what's under the clothes the woman makes it way to easy for him. Show a little but keep it classy.

I agree with langway. Taylor is coming off condescending and bitchy. And I don't think Nick is that into her. She's filler and Corrine has to be kept around for the drama. But ironically to me she's becoming more and more comedic if anything. She cracks me up. I'm kind of starting to like her being kept around. She's hilarious in her TH's and I can't help laughing out loud and shaking my head at her antics. She's a "character" not a serious villain at all.

Wow shy Christina came out with claws bared didn't she? I don't think Corrine was expecting that from her but Christina has finally made her presence known. Those kisses she gave Nick didn't seem shy at all.

Raven's date was nice and something you would do IRL so it was realistic and they both seemed to have a good time. Although after that breakup story she told I don't think if I was Nick (if he picked her) I would make her mad. The only thing I didn't like was I thought she was a little too graphic in her telling of the story. I think Nick would have got the gist of it without her being that explicit.

Edited by yorklee2
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Bella was the best part of this episode. That and Vanessa calling Nick out. 

As for she who shall not be named, I'm guessing Nick didn't give the producers much to work with? 

I recorded it, was done in about 40 minutes.

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I refuse to believe that anyone--let alone 15 people--would be THIS excited about going to Milwaukee.**

I know right? Nick got out, didn't he? I thought he lived in Chicago lately (when he isn't participating in the show). I thought Nick's mom was beautiful, but did she look like that the first time we saw her? All I could think of when I saw Danielle's dress was "Isn't she cold?" Brrrr ... all that cold air on her chest and half of her boobs. 

Taylor should have some self-awareness of her own self. Sure, Corrine's a baby, but Taylor spewing her just-out-of-the-classroom/"the ink is still drying on her diploma" textbook analysis is predictable and most likely inaccurate. Corrine has layers, just like a corn on the cob, Taylor! Seriously!

The interior decor and furnishings of that mansion they went to for the group date creeped me out. Probably smelled old, too. But not as bad as the farm smelled. Sigh. I just can't with Wisconsin.

I wish they would do the rose ceremonies at the end .... it messes with the continuity. Plus, there is one girl with brown hair there that I swear I have never seen talk on camera. 

Why did Vanessa bring that scrapbook on the date? And why did Nick thank her students for letting her come? They had nothing to do with it. Duh.



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Whatever I think of Corinne, and honestly I just think she's kind of sad, but honestly, no hate, I agree with her observations on Taylor, just like I agreed with her observations on Danielle L. last week, who is so extremely empty-headed, moreso than Corinne (fake Danielle L. giggle: "Ha-HA!")

Raven was sweet and nice.  Nick couldn't take Corinne on that date - or could he? - because she wouldn't pay attention to Bella and would just be all over Nick, but he'd probably just like it.

Nick's ex.  (I get that it was staged.  She had a mic pack. I get it.)  How many of them are there around the globe?  The guy gets around like a carousel.  

I have to say, I loved the end tag between Nick and Alexis Dolphin Shark.  It was just so naturally funny.  He's extremely sexy in that type of setting.  He was relaxed, and he couldn't help but laugh at Alexis and was egging her on (but I didn't find it MEAN -- it just felt like good TV.)  More of that would be great, but it's so natural and doesn't seem that staged, so it probably won't happen.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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1 hour ago, catrice2 said:

Did Corinne really invoke the name of Michael Jordan in her rant?

I actually think Raven and Taylor are just as unprepared for someone like Nick as Corrine, but in different ways.  

"Michael Jordan took naps!  Abraham Lincoln took naps!  So why am I in trouble for taking a fucking nap!"  LOL.

"Unprepared" for Corinne.  Exquisite point. Vanessa and Taylor to me are the ones that are unprepared.  Taylor especially.  Vanessa handles it just fine, but Taylor is obsessed.  That leads nowhere good.

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My daughter is in the same program at Johns Hopkins that Taylor is in.  She just started in the fall, so they weren't there at the same time.  We both had a good laugh listening to her psychoanalize Corrine.

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I literally think Corinne got more air time than Nick this episode. 

Thats what it felt like at least. 

I like to bake so I liked the Nickerdoodle cookies. Cute idea. Better if they were snicker doodles (hear that Mary Berry?) since they just looked like sugar cookies to me.

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Can someone explain to me why any of these women care at all about Corinne's immaturity and whether she is ready for marriage? Why don't they focus on their own relationship with Nick?  They don't have much individual time with Nick, so you would think that they would spend the few minutes they do have and get to know Nick rather than talk about Corinne.  Nick is a grown man and if he is truly looking for a wife, then he will eliminate Corinne once the producers allow him to do so (Corinne is totally a producer plant). 

These women may be in their 20s but most of them act like they are in middle school. 

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9 hours ago, PhysNerd said:

Can someone explain to me why any of these women care at all about Corinne's immaturity and whether she is ready for marriage? Why don't they focus on their own relationship with Nick?  They don't have much individual time with Nick, so you would think that they would spend the few minutes they do have and get to know Nick rather than talk about Corinne.  Nick is a grown man and if he is truly looking for a wife, then he will eliminate Corinne once the producers allow him to do so (Corinne is totally a producer plant). 

These women may be in their 20s but most of them act like they are in middle school. 

This! Hey, it's obvious what is pissing the other women off is that Corinne has been very sexually aggressive with Nick from the get-go, and they're afraid he's being blinded and distracted by her behavior (and her body) to the point where he won't have headspace to appreciate what they have to offer. Plus, she's younger than most of them, acts like she's the specially specialist of snowflakes, clearly doesn't give a damn about any of their opinions, won't even make the smallest effort to play by "the rules" as the other women define them, and is suffering no consequences at all. And last, no matter what Nick says, it's hard for the other women not to fixate on images like Corinne dry-humping Nick in the bouncy house with his tongue down her throat. 

The whole "We are unhappy with you because we think you are too young and unsophisticated to take on a man who is 12 (?) years older than you," is just plain silly. If the other women really want to take on Corinne, why not take turns repeatedly interrupting her time with Nick (as she has done to them.) Why not take turns dragging her back into the game when she tries to evade it - someone go wake up Corinne and get her here for the Rose Ceremony! Someone take that shovel and go tell Corinne she either has to move cow shit with the rest of us or she's going to be wearing it.  Let's have someone interrupt her long and rambling "toast" by saying , "Corinne, honey, it's going to be sunrise before you quit talking, so let's just say cheers, mmkay?"  Oh, and get up and walk out the next time she orders them all  to assemble and listen to her, instead of sitting there attending silently to her lecture.

Villains gotta vill, but there's no reason why the victims can't respond in a more interesting and effective manner. Someone get the scissors and sabotage her "designer" clothes!

Edited by Ketzel
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Oh, the irony of 23-year-old Taylor questioning whether 24-year-old Corinne was ready to get married to 36-year-old Nick. Corinne is no prize, but I'm glad she called Taylor out on her condescending "there are different kinds of intelligence" BS. I can't believe they teach that crap at Hopkins.

I thought it was a bit trashy of Raven to go into *that* much detail about her walking in on her boyfriend cheating on national television. The way she talked about beating him with a stiletto gave me Single White Female vibes.

Danielle L. has a vocabulary of ten words, her roots need a touch-up, and her fake boobs are always busting out of her low-cut dresses. Nothing intriguing about her whatsoever.

Kristina, on the other hand - one doesn't survive in a Russian orphanage without a certain level of toughness, and we got to see a glimpse of that tonight. I want to hear more of her story.

MVP of the night was Nick's dad: "We don't want to see you on another one of these shows." - You and me both, sir!

Edited by chocolatine
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So,  turns out (thanks to Instagram) I realize I know Danielle L's sister through work. Her sister is smart, maybe sometimes a bit too perky but I like her a lot. She gets stuff done. 

For that reason, I don't doubt the legitimacy of the 3 salons anymore. But I do think she's coming off bland. 

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I was trying not to think of Raven as a hick just based on her accent.   I'm from West Virginia so I know how accents can be misleading, but  when she got to her story of suspecting her boyfriend was with another woman and her mother encouraging her to go get in the middle of it, I couldn't withhold my hillbilly-judgment any longer. Then there were the graphic details of the scene and finally a stiletto.  To his head.  That sounds like attempted murder to me and not nearly as cute as she thinks it is. 

Nick is all wrong for Raven.  She is probably used to the kind of guy who would be quick to get in a bar fight for her and all Nick would do would mumble behind his hand.  Remember Shawn trying to fight Nick and Nick refusing to be baited?  I admire that, but Raven probably would not.

Danielle L's vocal fry and constant fake laughter is just too much, show.  Please don't subject us to anymore one on ones with her.

I can't believe I'm saying this but in the Corinne vs Taylor fight I'm favoring Corinne.   Taylor can throw out every word in her big manual of psycho-babble at Corinne, and many of them fit, but Taylor herself is exhibiting more insecurity, denial, and fixation than I would call normal.

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I feel like we just rewatched Ben Higgins visit to Warsaw - lake house, check; parental meeting, check; walk around town and reminisce, check; play soccer/bball with the local kids, check. Get some new ideas producers!

I liked the dairy farm visit though. It would be cool (aside from the manure) to hang with baby cows. 

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I'm so over the "not here for the right reasons" aggressive girl and the "not here for the right reasons" posse who pounce on said girl, yet, cannot articulate why she bothers them so much. Truth is...they are threatened by her.  I have to laugh whenever one of them tells aggressive girl that she's not here for the right reasons or isn't what the bachelor is looking for? They are just HOPING it's not what he's looking for.

This storyline has been played out season after season. It's old. They need a better villain next time.

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Does anyone know who Chris Lane is? This seems to be a pretty big crowd, but it's entirely possible that all these hometown people came to see Nick, not this singer. But this is the SECOND dance/kiss on stage with Danielle! Which will be their song?!

Maybe the women thought they were going to see NEAL Lane and pick out rings!!

Regarding Raven and the stiletto to the head, sounds like Jael and Sisera(?) from the Bible (Judges) except Jael used a spike, not a stiletto.

(Shoutout to JudyObscure: I'm a fan of West Virginia and follow a WV blog, Chickens in the Road.)

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30 minutes ago, jackjill89 said:

I'm so over the "not here for the right reasons" aggressive girl and the "not here for the right reasons" posse who pounce on said girl, yet, cannot articulate why she bothers them so much. Truth is...they are threatened by her.  I have to laugh whenever one of them tells aggressive girl that she's not here for the right reasons or isn't what the bachelor is looking for? They are just HOPING it's not what he's looking for.

This storyline has been played out season after season. It's old. They need a better villain next time.

I agree.  What gives them the right to call her out?  Sure, we can ALL see she's immature and not there for the right reasons, but it's not the other women's call. They can't even be honest with themselves.  They want to get rid of a rival that Nick seems into, at least physically.  If they were really paying attention they'd realize Nick's just having fun with her.  The one he seems to be most interested in is playing it smart and talking to Nick about Nick's behaviour and not calling out Corinne.

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Did I imagine that he said during their date that Danielle M was also from his hometown?

Yes, she is. She moved to Nashville after her fiance passed away, for a fresh start, per her ABC bio.


I think Rachel, Vanessa, and Danielle the nurse are just too mature and high-quality of people for Nick! The guy really does just want fun and sexy, not mature career-focused women.

I disagree. As others said, Nick all but flatly stated to Vanessa that Corinne sticking around is largely producer influenced. And I did notice that the physical stuff with Corinne was dialed way back after his confrontation with Vanessa. Corinne even mentioned them not kissing at all when they had their 1 on 1 time during the group date.

Other people have mentioned Nick not being the greatest actor and I do think it's been obvious that there are only a few women he truly initiates physical contact with. Yes, he will kiss the women because look, this is a television show these people signed up for and that's part of it. But you can see a difference in his response to someone like Vanessa versus Danielle L. for example, despite all her boob baring dresses.

I was actually surprised how little chemistry I saw between Nick and Danielle L. during their 1 on 1 because last week I felt like he was at least into her physically. But their date was very meh in my opinion. I saw more chemistry between him and Raven. And I think Nick is very intrigued by Rachel but it's clear she hasn't really opened up and they haven't really connected as much as him and some other women. But I definitely think he's at least intrigued. 

That said, I maintain that the only woman so far I can buy him being head over heels for is Vanessa. And it is note worthy in my opinion that Vanessa can so aggressively confront him, drop f-bombs, tell him he can take back the rose and he not only just accepts it, he asks her to be patient with him. Poor Dominique got a one-way ticket home last week when she confronted him. 


I refuse to believe that anyone--let alone 15 people--would be THIS excited about going to Milwaukee.**

I'm convinced at that point the women were just excited to get out of LA and the mansion. And I don't blame them.


I know right? Nick got out, didn't he? I thought he lived in Chicago lately (when he isn't participating in the show).

He does but I think he moved to Chicago in his mid-20's.


I thought Nick's mom was beautiful, but did she look like that the first time we saw her?

Yes, she did. At least that's how I remember her because I remember back then thinking she looked great for someone who birthed 11 children.


Plus, there is one girl with brown hair there that I swear I have never seen talk on camera. 

Whitney - she's an LA model that many predicted pre-season to at least be F4 but that is clearly not going to happen in my opinion. Girl may be beautiful but seems like her personality is dull. Or she didn't do anything exciting enough in the producers' opinion to warrant screen time. If I didn't already suspect she was a likely mid-season elimination, a People article I read last week confirmed it.

Apparently, the women on the BSB group date were interviewed by People Magazine while filming the date. They talked about how things were going so soon into the process and Whitney shared how she'd set up a massage table for Nick the previous night at the cocktail party, and gave him a massage. The fact that the producers didn't think that was worth showing, told me everything I needed to know. 


Nick's ex.  (I get that it was staged.  She had a mic pack. I get it.)  How many of them are there around the globe?  The guy gets around like a carousel.  

They were in his hometown where he lived for years. He's 36. I don't think having an ex-girlfriend there is that out of the ordinary. 


Corinne just seems to be drunk 24-7.

Which explains the "napping", which is really code for she's passed out drunk. 


Remember Shawn trying to fight Nick and Nick refusing to be baited?

Or Josh's whole steroid, eyes bugging, "me and Amanda better be okay..." and Nick very calmly saying, "or what..." while Josh continues staring dumbly back at Nick. 

Btw, Astrid was awesome this week again because she was one of the few basically over the whole Corinne drama and just going, "oh whatever, I'm so tired of talking about her, who cares." Good for you Astrid. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Taylor is a perfect example of why the average 23-year-old is not ready to be a mental health counselor. She's obviously very bright with her educational background and having completed a two year master's program by age 23; however, she does not have the maturity to NOT offer her opinion of others' psychological functioning. I have a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, completed at age 32, and learned over my academic training that it is not our place (and, in fact, can be considered unethical) to offer psychological opinions about people in our circles. I would certainly never say my opinions to someone's face who did not ask for my opinion. She is showing a very unlikable and immature side of herself. I wouldn't be surprised if she has difficulty being hired after this. 

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I can't wait to see Corinne on Bachelor in Paradise.  And I want Ashley I and Jared there.  And I want Corinne to set her sights on Jared.  Ashley I vs Corinne.  That would be appointment television.

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42 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

Yes, she [Danielle M.] is. She moved to Nashville after her fiance passed away, for a fresh start, per her ABC bio.

Where she starred in a  Cole Swindell music video ...  I was disappointed to find that the sweet "normal," nurse is really just another fame whore.  I sometimes think the job titles they have on the show represent something they did for a week two years ago.

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I don't think Nick is into Danielle other than thinking she's hot.  When they stood up from sitting in the grass he sort of slapped her leg/ass in what was supposed to be a playful manner  but just looked awkward.  The way he touches Vanessa is so intimate and tender and you can tell he's totally into her,  unlike Danielle.  I like Raven,  she fresh faced pretty and has an amazing body.  Did not like her trashy story though.  I can't even remember half these women.  Corribe makes me laugh.  She's just playing to the cameras but she's making some of these women look immature and petty while they are busy accusing her of being immature.  I dont mind If she sticks around.  Interesting that he did not kiss Corrine. He's being careful not to piss Vanessa off again. 

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9 hours ago, PhysNerd said:

Can someone explain to me why any of these women care at all about Corinne's immaturity and whether she is ready for marriage? Why don't they focus on their own relationship with Nick?  They don't have much individual time with Nick, so you would think that they would spend the few minutes they do have and get to know Nick rather than talk about Corinne.  Nick is a grown man and if he is truly looking for a wife, then he will eliminate Corinne once the producers allow him to do so (Corinne is totally a producer plant). 

These women may be in their 20s but most of them act like they are in middle school. 

Ah, the beauty of "pausing the live TV" feature!  So easy to just fast forward through Corinne, any discussions about her, any of her naps.  Cuts the show down to about 20 minutes, but that's not too bad.  Of course, from a $$ standpoint, that's a lot of commercials I missed, too.

I spent a lot of years teaching junior high.  Not why I watch this show.  I miss when there were exciting destinations and activities (although the dairy farm was kind cool, poop and all), and women were just that, and there was a semblance of "seeking romance."  Now it just seems to be  a platform for a future reality show, or to further careers. Which is fine, I guess.  I'll tune in to see some exciting travel destinations (Wisconsin! Never been!), such as they are, and because there isn't much else on on Mondays, and I do have the option of fast forwarding, but as a member of the target demographic for this show, they are losing me.

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I cannot stand Corinne whatsoever, but she was correct that Taylor was talking to her like she was "a fucking idiot." Which she clearly is, but still. Taylor's explanation of emotional intelligence was so condescending it nearly defied the laws of physics. I just wanted to be like "girls, girls, stop fighting, you're BOTH fucking idiots, because you are looking for 'love' on national television!"

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Let's look at my notes from last night:

  • Jaymi telling lesbian innuendo jokes? Not good, Fleiss and Co.
  • What's with Danielle L. and her tatas? Has she ever worn a dress that doesn't cover them up? Plus, she was a bit overdressed for a rinky dink concert of a ZZZZZZ list country singer.
  • Nick was a grown ass man when his sister was born? That's creepy! I mean, she's old enough to be his daughter. Also, I'm sure his sister's soccer coach wasn't too thrilled of being relieved of his job by some reality show star.
  • Raven is playing her way into The Bachelorette slot. Mark it down! After listening to her discuss beating the heck of her naked ex-boyfriend and his jump off, I can see her going all Emily Maynard on a bachelor contestant who pisses her off.
  • So Nick is the "Goodbye Boy" because he keeps getting dumped? Is this the reason why they "accidentally" bumped into his ex-girlfriend? Maybe it's you, dude!
  • I've never seen a plainer looking Bachelorette contestant than the dolphin/shark/breast implant girl whose name escapes me from New Jersey. I guess she's on for comic relief because he sure as heck isn't picking her at all. It's a good thing she has a sense of humor, because she's as bland as cold cereal.
  • The editing was a bit off. The first solo date was Danielle L. Then Raven said she was the first solo date? Somebody is in trouble!
  • I'm getting tired of these soap opera cliffhangers. Please return to the rose ceremony at the end of the show.
  • Last week I said Corinne would be perfect for The Bad Girls Club. Well, the producers of BGC should talk to Taylor as well and have them battle it out for a few episodes. Plus, it is so obvious that Nick takes them on a Two on One date next week. The question is will Nick send both of them home? If it was up to me, he should.
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 This all Corrine all the time is boring af. I was still reading the spoilers up through this date so I knew Danielle L danced with her boobs out during that concert. So it's not like interesting stuff didn't happen. Yet all we get is another awkward "slow dance" and kiss in front of a crowd. Show us the reactions to the "wardrobe malfunction"- something, anything besides more of Corrine trying to be funny and villainous.  I might be the only one who doesn't want to see her on BIP- and she couldn't handle Chad for 5 minutes. He'd have her in tears and running for her life. Even that hard old drunk Lace couldn't deal with Chad for a full night.

If Vanessa wasn't there I think Nick would be a lot more into Kristina. She's intriguing and kind of intimidating. Man Kryptonite. She or Danielle M would be my picks for Bachelorette.

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4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I was trying not to think of Raven as a hick just based on her accent.   I'm from West Virginia so I know how accents can be misleading, but  when she got to her story of suspecting her boyfriend was with another woman and her mother encouraging her to go get in the middle of it, I couldn't withhold my hillbilly-judgment any longer. Then there were the graphic details of the scene and finally a stiletto.  To his head.  That sounds like attempted murder to me and not nearly as cute as she thinks it is. 

Nick is all wrong for Raven.  She is probably used to the kind of guy who would be quick to get in a bar fight for her and all Nick would do would mumble behind his hand.  Remember Shawn trying to fight Nick and Nick refusing to be baited?  I admire that, but Raven probably would not.

Danielle L's vocal fry and constant fake laughter is just too much, show.  Please don't subject us to anymore one on ones with her.

I can't believe I'm saying this but in the Corinne vs Taylor fight I'm favoring Corinne.   Taylor can throw out every word in her big manual of psycho-babble at Corinne, and many of them fit, but Taylor herself is exhibiting more insecurity, denial, and fixation than I would call normal.

I agree with everything thing you said.  You may be right about her taste in men.   Her bio says she is a child waiting for her prince to protect her?


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5 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Then there were the graphic details of the scene and finally a stiletto.  To his head.  That sounds like attempted murder to me and not nearly as cute as she thinks it is. 


Raven's stiletto attack gave me visions of the kill scene in Single White Female. Nick must really like "spunky" to think attempted murder is cute. I'd have flushed anyone for a story like that. Imagine if a guy told that story? "She was cheating, so I kicked in the door and beat her with his hush puppies." How charming and spunky!

Edited by huahaha
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14 hours ago, kazza said:

Bella and her blue tongue after her (ABC purchased) slurpee. Smile. I'm so glad it was Raven on the date and not one of the more high-maintenance glamour girls. (Not that Raven isn't beautiful - she's a more down-to-earth, girl next door type)

The blue tongue and Raven giving all her attention to Bella while ignoring Nick skating in the background was an awesome scene - well done Raven!

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Mingming, THANK YOU for the video clip of Danielle's boob-dancing. I did notice when Nick was leading her down the aisle to the stage/traditional Bachelor dance platform that they had blurred out a little something but it was over so fast. Does she not know about wardrobe tape?

The best part of that video is the audio of everyone screaming about her boob coming out. 

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Her boob was also coming out when they were chatting on the couch. Then I think the staff told her to lay her hair over the offending boob so they wouldn't have to keep covering up for her (pun intended).

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But why all the dramatic music at the rose ceremony, producers? We know Corinne is getting the last rose because we've seen her in tons of scenes in the this-season-on trailer. Hell, we've seen her fighting with Taylor in the previews for THIS VERY EPISODE. Congrats, Bachelor: you played yourself.

I agree that the show is overplaying its hand with Corinne. So far the structure of the season is exactly like Bachelorette last year, when Chad consumed entire episodes along with his piles of deli meat.  A little goes a long way, folks! Don't spend all your time on the villain, because once they're gone, no one will know anything about the remaining contestants and your viewers will be bored out of their skulls. 

14 hours ago, JenE4 said:

There's such a thing as a taco spa?! Do they feed Corrine the chicken taco through that face hole in the massage table?

I just laughed so loud at this, and now my coworkers know that I'm slacking. 

Other highlights: "I don't know if it's the cow shit or the bullshit, but I smell shit." Sarah, that was savage and I salute you. And I don't know what "spider-monkey fast" means but I love Raven for saying it. 

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