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S07.E16: Homecoming

Tara Ariano
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You can talk about a lot.

You can talk about the show.

You can talk about your personal experiences as it relates to the show.

What you CAN'T do is question a person who shares personal stories as examples in a way that reads as an attack. Carry on. 

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I noticed that Kail has started referring to Javi as "Lincoln's dad."  I think that is way too subtle for Isaac to understand.  She's got to talk to him about what is going on.  I also think Javi has responsibility.  You aren't just someone's dad so long as you're married to their mom.  

Jeremy said something about Leah's phone being dead, and she went into this big defense of how it was charged in the morning and it had been on all day.  It made me think that this has been an ongoing issue.  That she is so incompetent at life that her phone is routinely dead so that Jeremy can't get a hold of her when he needs to.  So, he was probably doubly annoyed that she was mad she couldn't reach him (though I didn't necessarily blame her for her original issue).  

2 minutes ago, kdl88 said:

I noticed that Kail has started referring to Javi as "Lincoln's dad."  I think that is way too subtle for Isaac to understand.  She's got to talk to him about what is going on.  I also think Javi has responsibility.  You aren't just someone's dad so long as you're married to their mom (ETA: if you insist on the kid calling you dad and otherwise act like more than a step-father).  

Jeremy said something about Leah's phone being dead, and she went into this big defense of how it was charged in the morning and it had been on all day.  It made me think that this has been an ongoing issue.  That she is so incompetent at life that her phone is routinely dead so that Jeremy can't get a hold of her when he needs to.  So, he was probably doubly annoyed that she was mad she couldn't reach him (though I didn't necessarily blame her for her original issue).  

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Chelsea hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time was so cute.  I agree with whomever said she's likely more anxious this time around because she's older and is aware of potential issues.  I like how she's including Aubree in stuff ensuring that she doesn't feel left out.

I don't have much use for Javi but Kail was needlessly bitchy to him about the car seats.  That said, he should've looked at the way she treated Jo and realized it would soon be him.

When is Jennelle due?  Is it another boy?

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10 minutes ago, snarts said:

Chelsea hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time was so cute.  I agree with whomever said she's likely more anxious this time around because she's older and is aware of potential issues.  I like how she's including Aubree in stuff ensuring that she doesn't feel left out.

I don't have much use for Javi but Kail was needlessly bitchy to him about the car seats.  That said, he should've looked at the way she treated Jo and realized it would soon be him.

When is Jennelle due?  Is it another boy?

January 28th. A girl. Finally she got her girl. Ensley Jolie Eason is her name. 

Edited by CourtneyCourt
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  41 minutes ago, snarts said:

Chelsea hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time was so cute.  I agree with whomever said she's likely more anxious this time around because she's older and is aware of potential issues.  I like how she's including Aubree in stuff ensuring that she doesn't feel left out.

I don't have much use for Javi but Kail was needlessly bitchy to him about the car seats.  That said, he should've looked at the way she treated Jo and realized it would soon be him.

When is Jennelle due?  Is it another boy?

January 28th. A girl. Finally she got her girl. Ensley Jolie Eason is her name. 

ENSLEY?!? I can't do this anymore.

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Javi is a little wimp. The guy said nothing when the room conversation was happening. Well, say it! Is there a room for the kid or not? Assuming he doesn't have a two bedroom place, and isn't making a room a library (ha, as if) or something - why couldn't that little bitch pipe up and make the poor little boy feel better? I think the names (dad. Papa, Javi, Douchebag) are all semantics anyway. Javi considered Isaac his son, and had better damn well follow up. Yes Kait was being a bitch, but he was no help either where he needed to step in and fix it. 

I don't so much feel anger at Leah as I feel scared. She's really raging out of control, and her whole damn family looks addicted right along with her. Wtf was going on with that brother-in-law who could barely even look awake?  Everyone is so flat with the emotions, and Leah is just tweaking like crazy. She half ate a piece of pizza, but she's scary skinny and looks terrible. She may have been a crazy messed up cheater before, but she could pull herself together and look cute. Now she's an episode of Intervention. I don't give her any passes, but her behavior is likely learned. What a shame. 

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Dave...I fucking hate you. You are thinking of the "F" word to describe Jace and that shit just doesn't fly with me. You are dead to me. I am so sick of these assholes who degrade Black people (Kail), degrade people who may be feminine or have feminine-like qualities (Dave) and who can't handle interracial relationships (Jeremy). Did I miss anyone?

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1 hour ago, snarts said:

I don't have much use for Javi but Kail was needlessly bitchy to him about the car seats.  That said, he should've looked at the way she treated Jo and realized it would soon be him.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

53 minutes ago, CourtneyCourt said:

January 28th. A girl. Finally she got her girl. Ensley Jolie Eason is her name. 

God help us all and that poor little girl.

13 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

Dave...I fucking hate you. You are thinking of the "F" word to describe Jace and that shit just doesn't fly with me. You are dead to me. I am so sick of these assholes who degrade Black people (Kail), degrade people who may be feminine or have feminine-like qualities (Dave) and who can't handle interracial relationships (Jeremy). Did I miss anyone?


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33 minutes ago, generate789 said:

ENSLEY?!? I can't do this anymore.

That's actually not too horrible in the scheme of shitastic baby names. It's not something I'd pick, but I've heard much, much worse. A woman my mother works with named her son Elmo Phoenix. Let that one sink in for a minute. 

30 minutes ago, EmeraldGirl said:

Javi is a little wimp. The guy said nothing when the room conversation was happening. Well, say it! Is there a room for the kid or not?

I can kind of see both sides of the spectrum regarding the Isaac/Javi issue. Yes, Javi inserted himself as a father figure into Isaac's life, but a lot of that was Kail's doing and she's already actively campaigning to make things as difficult as possible. As someone noted above, Javi is just a brief blip on the radar of Kail's dating history. Isaac is unfortunately going to have a long list of stepfather's by the time it's all said and done, so I don't know which is the better path to take: be honest and make the break now, or let Isaac believe the relationship will continue only to have it taper out when Kail and Javi refuse to meet in the middle? It's just such a messed up situation. 

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2 hours ago, lezlers said:

She did tell Jo that Javi is hot and cold and I believe her.  I also believe she's petty and vindictive and her comments about not forcing a relationship between Javi and Issac had the vibe that she's not going to go out of her way when it comes to Issac's relationship with Javi which is really shitty given how hard she pushed the father/son relationship with the two of them.   If my husband and I divorced and he had my kids calling his new woman "mommy" within a year, there'd be problems.  Jo has shown a great deal of maturity by not making a big deal out of that.

Very true. Kail did say Javi would jump from one extreme to another with Isaac. There is never an excuse for that kind of behavior. 

My issue is, Kail was no innocent with what she did prior to the marriage. She convinced Javi that Jo was a giant prick. She convinced Javi that Jo was not worthy of being a dad. She manipulated, connived and plotted to get Javi to take over being dad for Isaac. When Javi finally got on board, they both did everything they could to give it to Jo. All to benefit themselves, never considering Isaac's feelings. Shades of Kail's mom in action.

Kail was just too damn happy to have things go the way she plotted, the problem is, Javi then took it further and then began to dictate where and when Jo could visit Isaac. Jo was not allowed to be in Javi's home. Javi became verbally abusive to Jo at Jo's home in front of Isaac. It then began to affect Kail.  She had no problem when it was Jo on the receiving end of Javi's behavior, but when he started going after Kail, suddenly she wasn't having it. The girl always has a plan. Too bad she doesn't see what consequences can occur from her shady ass plots. Kiss my ass Kail. You don't deserve to be emotionally abused, but you created that environment when you manipulated your spouse to be abusive to your child's father. What did you expect would happen? Dumb bitch.

Edited by SPLAIN
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Jace with his singing is breaking my heart. Jenelle and Barb need to learn major impulse control and David needs to stay the hell out, he's not part of this situation. 

To Barbara's credit,  she simply mentioned arrangements to get Jace back from vacation,and Jennelle launched into full on bitch mode blindsiding her about keping him for an extra week...a ridiculous plan she and asshole BF had cooked up on the trip.    Jenelle could have taken Barb off speaker to talk privately because it's none of David's business and the two kids don't need to hear any of this but she loves the drama no matter how it affects Jace.  So sad!!

Leah is a manipulative bitch.   First she complains that Jermy is away for months and doesn't see Addy, then when he has her and is spending time with her she complains that he takes her away to Ohio.  True, he should have called her first BUT at least he did text her to let her know.   Then she texts him complaining that she just wants to hear from Addy and when he keeps calling, presumably to let her talk to Addy, she refuses to answer.  WTF?!?!  She is exhausting.

Chelsea and Cole are nauseatingly cute.  He seems like a good guy that will stick with her.  Aubree is a nice little girl.  Can't get over how much she looks like Chelsea's mom!!!

Kail - don't even know where to begin.  She is such a negative individual - usually has that same puss on her face.   Her and Javi should have sat down like two adults and worked out the logistics of how things would work with the boys and how they were going to tell them.   Felt so bad for Isaac as he was processing the conversation around him. :(

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Chelsea: She's adorbs.  I like seeing her scenes cause she's so stinkin' happy.  Sure, they are boring, but it's fun to watch someone being happy.   I loved seeing Chelsea showing Aubree pictures of when she was born to make her feel so involved and included.  And Aubs wearing a Ramones t-shirt.  Love.  Love.

Kail - I can't believe how much I am liking Jo.  I also like how much of a friend Jo is being to Kail right now.  It's really really nice.  It was a long road, but look where they are.  Now just keep it that way and don't fight about petty shit.  My heart breaks for Isaac and how he is gonna feel during this divorce.  I think he's gonna be okay as long as Kail and Jo keep a united front.   I hate Javi, like a lot, but those cute little signs were so cute.  I do agree with not bringing the kids to the airport.  It's late and the kiddos would be cranky.  Plus Javi wanted to go out with his friends, put a few back.  He should be able to do that.  Why add what is probably gonna be tired kids, a cranky soon to be ex and then saying hi and bye.  I think the next day seeing them was better.  Even if Kail was still in bitch mode, cause well...Kail.  

Leah.  Oh.  Emm.  Gee.  While I think Jeremy should tell you where your child is...stop being dramatic.  You are in the middle of moving.   Not having Addie is a help and you were just complaining about how she was missing her daddy so much.  And "these guys lies their ways out of it."  One, grammar.  Two, nope that is you.   Leah also has such enablers in her life.  

Jenelle: Poor Jace.  Jenelle keeps arguing with Barb with Jace in the car.  She should know better.  And David thinks Barb should be ashamed???  Uh....  Poor Jace just wants to live with Barb and go see Jenelle every once in a while.  That is what would make him happy.  Jenelle took him on vacation, but she still doesn't know how to be a full time parent.  Barb knows it.  Heck, Jace knows it.  I did laugh at Nathan thinking Jenelle is still obsessed with getting his ass again.  Dude.  No.  

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

That's actually not too horrible in the scheme of shitastic baby names. It's not something I'd pick, but I've heard much, much worse. A woman my mother works with named her son Elmo Phoenix. Let that one sink in for a minute. 


A few years back we had a new girl start working with us. She kept calling her daughter Rainey. We asked her if it was short for anything.  She said Uranus.  My other co worker looked at her dumbfounded and asked seriously. Her reply was yes. She asked her why would you do that to your child.  She asked "What do you mean?!" OMG!! 

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4 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I never felt Javi was really that into Isaac. I always thought he was just playing super daddy to stick it to Jo.

I agree; however, I do believe Javi's tight-knit family love(d) Isaac very much, especially his mother. 

Does Kail let Isaac see Javi's mother and father? I'm sure it only happens when Kail needs a babysitter. 

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35 minutes ago, neece26 said:

Chelsea and Cole are nauseatingly cute.  He seems like a good guy that will stick with her.  

I root for them. They seem evenly-yoked. Not many couples on this series are...  Jo and his girl, Gary and Christine.  That's about it. 

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1) being from Texas, where you drive 5-6 hours and are still in Texas, all of this talk about just going to Ohio is so foreign to me lol... I know it's easy to do, especially with W.Virginia to just run over to another state... but it's just funny to me.

2) when Kail and Jo were talking about hot and cold I thought they were referencing how Javi feels about Jo, but I could be wrong.

3) bedroom gate did not need to be the big deal it became, had both adults acted like they were adults. All of the "we don't know what is going to happen" talk never should have happened, I'm sorry it's hard and awkward, but when you brought kids into the situation you lost the privilege of "wait and see", Kail clearly had a plan in place, so it should have already been decided/discussed with Isaac that He and Lincoln would be sharing a room at Javi's. Did anyone ever watch fresh prince of belair, there was an episode where the family was going to appear on oprah, but it was meant to just be the immediate family, but nobody told Will that and it came down to them being about to appear and uncle Phil lines the family up and says "if you are going on Oprah step forward" and when everyone steps forward he holds will back... I feel like they did that to Isaac, and that's just cruel. I think no matter how it was said or done it would have been hard, but anything would have been easier than just springing it on Isaac like that. It's not like it's a foreign concept, lincoln doesn't have a room at Jo's (at least I don't think so), I think Isaac could understand as much as a 6 year old is capable. 

4) along the same train of thought, while as far as how this effects Kail and Javi I want to say "I told you so" about how she pushed Javi being "dad", but I can't... because the one who is the most hurt by this is Isaac... and it's painful to watch. Jail often gets credited for being one of the ones who cares most about her children, but I just can't agree watching all of the mind games going on... for the most part she's not saying or doing anything directly (again MOSTLY) to the kids, but the way she manipulates everyone around her it does effect the kids. Like how she didn't want to go to the airport, that was 1000% because SHE didn't want to see Javi, I think that was a special enough occasion to justify deviating from a regular schedule, sure maybe not the easiest situation, but I think that would be an important homecoming for the boys... if she didn't want to go that desperately I'm sure Javi's family would have taken the boys... if they wanted to go. Or the car seat thing, yes it was irresponsible of Javi not to think about it, but the person most hurt by Kails power trip was Lincoln and Isaac. 

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1 hour ago, shelley1005 said:

 Poor Jace just wants to live with Barb and go see Jenelle every once in a while.  That is what would make him happy.  Jenelle took him on vacation, but she still doesn't know how to be a full time parent.  Barb knows it.  Heck, Jace knows it.

This!  And as soon as Jenelle (and whatever guy she's with) knows it, everyone will be a whole lot happier.  They're all so stuck they can't see how just accepting it and keeping it going, it will move them out of this rut and on to better things.  

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19 minutes ago, leighroda said:


1) being from Texas, where you drive 5-6 hours and are still in Texas, all of this talk about just going to Ohio is so foreign to me lol... I know it's easy to do, especially with W.Virginia to just run over to another state... but it's just funny to me.


Me too.  I'm in Florida.  There's a two hour drive time, imposed by the courts/law enforcement, for things like this.  There's no just taking or moving the kids between Tallahassee and Miami because you feel like it and just because you're still in the same state.  

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1 hour ago, Mkay said:

A few years back we had a new girl start working with us. She kept calling her daughter Rainey. We asked her if it was short for anything.  She said Uranus.  My other co worker looked at her dumbfounded and asked seriously. Her reply was yes. She asked her why would you do that to your child.  She asked "What do you mean?!" OMG!! 

And I thought nothing could top Bat-girl and Harlequinn:


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13 minutes ago, MissMel said:

Me too.  I'm in Florida.  There's a two hour drive time, imposed by the courts/law enforcement, for things like this.  There's no just taking or moving the kids between Tallahassee and Miami because you feel like it and just because you're still in the same state.  

It's funny you say that, I'm from Texas, but I live in ft Lauderdale right now... I moved here for nursing school 4 years ago and I'm moving back to Texas next month, it's a 17 hour drive to Houston that I split into 2 days driving from Houston to here... but one of the days is completely Florida.

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Lived in corpus for 2 years. I'm from the Texarkana area. It was an eight hr drive one way to visit family.  However, I'm in the corner. I'm 20 (or less) mins away from Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, in what we call the Arklatex.  

Drove to Los Angeles with my sister about 8 yrs ago to pick up a boat for my husband when he was away in Kuwait.  The longest part of the trip, was Texas. Once we got into New Mexico we were already halfway there. Texas is freaking huge! 

I remember that fresh prince episode. You are exactly right on your comparison to what Kail did and that episode. 

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6 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Dave...I fucking hate you. You are thinking of the "F" word to describe Jace and that shit just doesn't fly with me. You are dead to me. I am so sick of these assholes who degrade Black people (Kail), degrade people who may be feminine or have feminine-like qualities (Dave) and who can't handle interracial relationships (Jeremy). Did I miss anyone?

Jeremy isn't cool with interracial relationships? I mean that surprises me literally negative percent (his spelling and rants *scream* "Trump/guns for toddlers/Jim Crow would be cool to bring back but I'm not racist") but please point me towards deets! 

Personally I also can't stand the animal neglect & abuse. 

And Adam. He should be on there somewhere. I'm sure we can find a way. 

Edited by Lm2162
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When Leah is saying he has Addie in OH, how the fuck far is that really?  Are we talking, he took her an hour away to visit some relatives?  Or, did he just take off and drive like 4 hours away?  In either case, unless they are supposed to get permission, then there isn't a reason he shouldn't be able to do it (and she seems to know where Addie was, so he obviously DID tell her).  Leah is making it sound like Addie is on the other side of the country, but I'm kind of thinking she's really just an hour away.

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Leah is losing it again. She forgot to give proper notice to her landlord, typical airhead move. She was already flipping out about that, so this imagined drama with Jermy was just that one last straw that sent her back to her dealer. I think she is generally shook up cuz Jermy has a gf. And the flood was probably scary and stressful. She said all of her family was OK but Jermy's grandparents had been affected. So maybe Jermy had to go to Ohio (across the river) to help with his grandparents somehow. Whatever. But he DID text her and really there are times when a person can't or shouldn't take a call, maybe even for hours. Leah acts like she's about 11 years old.

The scene with Isaac in the car and the one with Jace in the car -- both of these fucking break my heart into a million pieces. Those sweet, open, defenseless, trusting, loving faces, and then their heinous mothers open their gaping yaws and excrete the most horrific dogshit imaginable. The children are left there to deal with it, to make of it what they could. I was so proud SO proud of Jace for answering Janelle honestly in the car. What a brave little guy! I wanted to hug him til he squealed.

And Isaac, poor little happy disappointed confused hurt scared Isaac. He was so happy, with that pure kind of happiness only little kids get to have. Then boom. A massive turd laying out there on the dashboard in the car. He wants to ask, he wants to understand, but the tension in the car tells him to keep quiet. He might not have a volatile screaming banshee for a mother, like Jace does, but Isaac is learning the same painful lesson Jace has learned: he is just another pawn on the chessboard of his mother's life. I've always felt that whatever her other faults, Karl was a good mother. I take that all back now. Karl is extraordinarily selfish and cruel in this episode. Her hissy fit about the car seats, the emotional maturity of a pre-teen. And this whole bullshit with ending her marriage and managing the split with Javi SO badly -- Isaac is old enough to truly suffer from this. Plus now she looks like a fucking sex doll. I really don't think I can stomach watching her segments anymore.

Janelle yelled at her mother to impress UBT. She felt she had let him down because she was not pissed off enough at Nathan. David wants to isolate Jenelle, like all abusers.

Re: what Nathan's friends were saying about Jenelle being obsessed with him. I believe it. I think that is why Jenelle is trying so hard with UBT. To convince everybody they're so happy together. I think also Karl still has a thing for Jo, she'll never get rid of it. Same with Leah and Jermy. It's the way she gets when he's around. She kinda lights up. And he abhors her.

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4 hours ago, smores said:

When Leah is saying he has Addie in OH, how the fuck far is that really?  Are we talking, he took her an hour away to visit some relatives?  Or, did he just take off and drive like 4 hours away?  In either case, unless they are supposed to get permission, then there isn't a reason he shouldn't be able to do it (and she seems to know where Addie was, so he obviously DID tell her).  Leah is making it sound like Addie is on the other side of the country, but I'm kind of thinking she's really just an hour away.

They live less than an hour from the Ohio border. If Jeremy wanted to take Addie to the farthest corner of Ohio, it's a 5 hour drive.  She was back on the Pillses and anxious/restless/hyper from that.  

(Ali's MD specialist in Columbus, OH is about 2.5 hours away for reference.)

Edited by CofCinci
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4 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Jeremy isn't cool with interracial relationships? I mean that surprises me literally negative percent (his spelling and rants *scream* "Trump/guns for toddlers/Jim Crow would be cool to bring back but I'm not racist") but please point me towards deets!  

He Tweeter that Leah's next kid would be an "Oreo" back when she was living with TR Dues. image18-e1434209843340.jpg

Edited by CofCinci
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Most of this has already been said but Aubree looked so freaking cute in her Ramones t-shirt and little glasses.

I can't help it but I love Cole and Chelsea together even if Chelsea was done up Kabuki style for her doctor's appointment. Yes, I got a little misty during the heartbeat scene.

Anyway, I also think Leah is tweeking. I had a friend that was real bad on meth and she acted just like Leah in tonight's episode. During the Jeremy freak out scenes I think her friend (or sister, whoever that was) was also high as hell.

Does anyone really believe Leah was volunteering? That's hilarious! 

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8 minutes ago, grumpypanda said:

Most of this has already been said but Aubree looked so freaking cute in her Ramones t-shirt and little glasses.

I can't help it but I love Cole and Chelsea together even if Chelsea was done up Kabuki style for her doctor's appointment. Yes, I got a little misty during the heartbeat scene.

Anyway, I also think Leah is tweeking. I had a friend that was real bad on meth and she acted just like Leah in tonight's episode. During the Jeremy freak out scenes I think her friend (or sister, whoever that was) was also high as hell.

Does anyone really believe Leah was volunteering? That's hilarious! 

There were pictures and articles at that time if Leah helping out. http://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/leah-messser-teen-mom-2-floods-106375

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19 minutes ago, grumpypanda said:

Most of this has already been said but Aubree looked so freaking cute in her Ramones t-shirt and little glasses.

I can't help it but I love Cole and Chelsea together even if Chelsea was done up Kabuki style for her doctor's appointment. Yes, I got a little misty during the heartbeat scene.

Anyway, I also think Leah is tweeking. I had a friend that was real bad on meth and she acted just like Leah in tonight's episode. During the Jeremy freak out scenes I think her friend (or sister, whoever that was) was also high as hell.

Does anyone really believe Leah was volunteering? That's hilarious! 

It's cute, but who bought her that? It's a huge stretch for me to believe that either Chelsea or Cole knows anything about them.

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9 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

It's cute, but who bought her that? It's a huge stretch for me to believe that either Chelsea or Cole knows anything about them.

Maybe Matt sent it!!

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In Javi's defense, he did just get back from overseas and it was late when he got in, so I doubt the first thing on his mind was car seats. it's not like he was just across town all these months. And Kail was just being and asshole about the car seats and the truck. She needs to seriously get the fuck over herself. The dude just came back from overseas and wanted to see the boys and she was just being an asshole. Just let him use the damn car seats and let him see the kids. It's not like she doesn't make enough money to go buy another set. She acts like he was going to never bring the car seats back. And quit fighting over stupid ass shit, it's fucking car seats, quit making mountains out of molehills.

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I was absolutely loving the scene where jenelle tried to manipulate Jace and thought because they had a fun weekend somewhere, that he would choose jenelle over bahhhbara.. and then jace killed it with not falling for it. That kid is sweet and you can tell he feels bad about hurting people. Jenelle looked so pissed I loved it.

Kail made a very poor decision by having Isaac call Javi dad, but for the most part I don't see her parenting as being a trainwreck. I mean sure, there's not much to compare her to, but her house and her kids always look clean, happy and dare I say (jenelle, leah), not neglected.

There is no way Leah is mad over what she says shes mad over every time. She is mad because both of her ex husbands moved on from her and fell for other people. I don't doubt that she loves her kids. I think she does. But I also think she loves sticking it to her exes.

Chelsea and Cole are cute. The only thing that annoys me is that she was only 1 month pregnant and she's already sharing that information with the cameras before she even visited with the doctor. I come from a superstitious family where we don't do baby showers and announce it to the world because god forbid there is a miscarriage or something happens and you have all this stuff for the baby. Not to say you can't be excited amongst yourselves, but why tell the camera only 1 month in? Not sure how far along she was when she filmed that doctor appointment scene, but I know the original pee stick scence was early on.

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Yeah, about the car seats. I wholeheartedly feel that Kailyn just wanted to let Javi know her money is her money and good luck living the same lifestyle he had with her with his military money. Pfft. I can't stand Kail or Javi, but denying a father the use of car seats when he just got back from overseas for 6 months is a vile thing to do. The man isn't an ex-husband, during that scene, and was taking his son and HER son on a camping trip - let the dude borrow your car seats. He can buy his own once he's settled in for goodness sake.

Whenever my parents take my kids on outings I wouldn't make them buy their own, this was just her way of being nasty and causing more conflict than was needed. The dude couldn't even enjoy his first moments back home.

Let me clarify, I know the car seats belong to Kailyn and Javi should have his OWN, my point is that a little favor or an exception for his first moments home can be made for the man your children love and that you're still legally married to.

Did anyone see the clip for next week?


Javi picks up his mail and Kail is being a complete asshat. "Can you take your mail to the hotel I need to go to Starbucks?" Javi says "You're rushing me out of the house so you can get Starbucks? I was hoping to talk!" She's intentionally being really cruel. The scene with the house keys was even better. Treating him like he'll break into the home in the middle of the night. Uh, Kail, don't act like you fear Javi when we've ALL witnessed you beat up your men. Sit down, Hulk.

Edited by Calm81
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On 1/17/2017 at 10:05 AM, greatscott91 said:

I honestly don't pay much attention to Leah anymore. I barely watched this week, probably because the twinses weren't in it.

Jenelle is too much a moron to realize that you can't just last minute change agreements. Jace is killing me with his singing as a copkng mechanism, and you can tell he is so over this shit. Dave gets on my last nerve putting his stupid beard where it doesn't belong. And last week when Jenelle APOLOGIZED to him about agreeing to meet Nathan halfway to exchange Kaiser? Red flags everywhere.
Also, you can see at Legoland she's already showing a little bit.

Kail has never been my favorite, but her pettiness with the car seats was something else. The worst part though, was breaking Isaac's heart over and over again. I hate Javi too, but how does she know that he wouldn't let Isaac have a bedroom at his house? I felt SO bad for that kid. And insulting his truck? Colossal bitch.

I don't like/want kids or babies that much, but seeing Chelsea's reaction to hearing the heartbeat made me tear up a little bit. And her sharing the pictures with Aubree and talking about what size the baby is...that was just sweet. I'll just say, she's a good mom, and Aubree is lucky to have her and Cole.

I agree, I do not want or like kids either, but finding the heartbeat was pretty cool. On a side note, they replayed Chelsea's 16 & pregnant yesterday and I didn't remember what a little pipsqueak twerp Adam was! He must've watched that and been like "I must get steroids now!"

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On 1/17/2017 at 9:43 AM, FlowerofCarnage said:

She is just a big, lumpy bag of "No" from the neck down. 

Kail looks like an amazon woman/drag queen in this photo. And I don't have a problem with tattoos at all, but the huge skull on her arm? Why, just why?

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In Javi's defense, he did just get back from overseas and it was late when he got in, so I doubt the first thing on his mind was car seats. it's not like he was just across town all these months. And Kail was just being and asshole about the car seats and the truck. She needs to seriously get the fuck over herself.

Seriously, I'm no Javi fan but so far he has come out looking like the reasonable one in the separation/divorce. They way Kail is acting you'd think she was the scorned party, as if it wasn't her who pushed the divorce while Javi was gone and still thinking they were going to work it out. I mean, if he still didn't have car seats after a month, okay bitch him out. But he's trying to do something nice for the boys who are already going to be going through some shit. She didn't have to cause unnecessary tension.

As for him not speaking up about Isaac having a bedroom at his new house...to play devil's advocate, I think he was in a no win situation. He isn't Isaac's bio dad and if Kail didn't want him to have Isaac over, there is nothing he could do about it. So I don't blame him for not trying to step on Kail's toes as a parent. He was probably worried about Kail's barely contained temper as it was, it wouldn't take much to make her blow.

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3 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

As for him not speaking up about Isaac having a bedroom at his new house...to play devil's advocate, I think he was in a no win situation. He isn't Isaac's bio dad and if Kail didn't want him to have Isaac over, there is nothing he could do about it. So I don't blame him for not trying to step on Kail's toes as a parent. He was probably worried about Kail's barely contained temper as it was, it wouldn't take much to make her blow.

I thought the same. He can't say "you can share" because then Kailyn might snap "you're never going over there!"

THAT is why he wanted to chat with her a bit before she rushed him out the door to go to Starbucks. Of course, the strawberry frap was calling her name, gotta maintain that ass somehow, huh?

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22 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Oh okay, so it seems like he was surprised that Jace burped, because he sees him as very prissy? And he previously called Kaiser a "little bitch", like Nathan. Jenelle has almost remarked that David can teach the boys how to "be men". There is something very very off about his interpretation of manliness. And I have a big, bearded, outdoorsman kind of husband. But I have seen nothing about Jace that would make him seem like a "fancy pants figure skater". I mean, even if he liked figure skating, who cares? But I just don't see where David gets this crap from. 


Right? I got her indignation about how he handled things. But if you're THAT worried about the kid, why aren't you answering the phone???


I agree. You don't just drop the kid because you dropped the mom. My husband married his first wife when she had a little baby from a previous relationship. He took the girl on as his own and when they split shortly after, he stayed in her life. He had a room for her and saw her on weekends and everything....until his ex re-married and iced him out when the girl was 10. It was devastating for him, but he tried to do the right thing. If Jo and Kail are on board with it, there's no reason Javi can't make time for Isaac as well. And don't the brothers share a room now anyhow? What's the big deal if they share one at Javi's? 


Yea, Kail said she briefly mentioned Javi having his own place when he got back....but didn't say why. Isaac isn't a baby. You can explain what's going on. He'll be less scared if he understands, even if it still sucks. 

"But I have seen nothing about Jace that would make him seem like a "fancy pants figure skater". I mean, even if he liked figure skating, who cares? But I just don't see where David gets this crap from."

Ok, I could be wrong here, but I think Dave was quoting the ice skating movie, Blades of Glory, with Will Ferrell? And then immediately after that they went into quoting Talladega Nights/Ricky Bobby, when they were doing the hick accents? Again, totally guessing here, but that's what immediately thought when I heard him say that. 

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Dave strikes me as one of those guys who thinks a boy is a total wuss unless he's some nasty playground bully tossing kids off the slide and making them eat dirt. The luckiest kid in this whole shitshow is the one barred from having any contact with him.

Regarding Leah, this whole drama had nothing to do with Addie, it was the fact that Jeremy moved on with someone else. For all we know Jeremy wrote out a detailed text telling Leah where they were, why they were in OH and when they'd be expected back, yet Leah chose to cherry pick which parts she read on camera. I also agree with everyone who thinks Leah's friends and family are drug users. They all have that scabby, tweaky look to them.

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I’m glad Chelsea, Cole and Aubree are so happy about…well everything. I don’t blame her for being nervous though. I was the same way throughout my pregnancy. Which is exactly why I wouldn’t let myself by one of those little dopplers. If I wouldn’t have been able to find the heartbeat, you’d better believe we would  have been going to the ER. Chelsea's excited face when she heard the heartbeat almost makes me want to have another baby. Almost. And color me unsurprised that Cole has Crocs and wears them with socks.

Kail is a complete C U Next Tuesday. Let Javi use the damn car seats. And I were Jo, I’d be pissed those two for setting Issac up for such heartbreak. He was so excited to have a Jurassic Park room! Javi shouldn’t’ have told him he was getting a room—even if it was vague—and Kail should have explained things to him earlier or off camera. We witnessed the exact moment his little heart broke. Kudos for Jo for trying to keep all the kids and King Kong Kail happy. And for not taking the bait about her sucking at relationships.

Leah needs to calm the hell down and get off the pillses. For real, yo. I'd also be pissed if my ex took my kid out of state without at least a little head's up, but her reaction was way too over the top to be sober.

I don’t blame Barb and Jace for preferring day care. And $150/week is nothing to laugh about to someone who actually works. We pay about the same amount, and while it wouldn’t break the bank to pay for a  week and not use it, it would definitely suck. And as much as I hate Nathan, at least the Roll looks happy with him. I can't imagine not giving that little guy all of the attention he wanted.

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1 hour ago, Calm81 said:


Let me clarify, I know the car seats belong to Kailyn and Javi should have his OWN, my point is that a little favor or an exception for his first moments home can be made for the man your children love and that you're still legally married to.

Did anyone see the clip for next week?

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Javi picks up his mail and Kail is being a complete asshat. "Can you take your mail to the hotel I need to go to Starbucks?" Javi says "You're rushing me out of the house so you can get Starbucks? I was hoping to talk!" She's intentionally being really cruel. The scene with the house keys was even better. Treating him like he'll break into the home in the middle of the night. Uh, Kail, don't act like you fear Javi when we've ALL witnessed you beat up your men. Sit down, Hulk.


No. They don't belong to Kail. Just because they are in whatever car she is currently driving doesn't mean she owns them on her own. They are community property. As is this house she keeps referring to as "hers". 

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Kail made a very poor decision by having Isaac call Javi dad, but for the most part I don't see her parenting as being a trainwreck.

On the surface, she does mommy-and-me type of projects, interacts with her kids, she adores her children, and they are fed and clean. That's great. It is what is brewing below the surface that truly is bothersome. She has manipulated and used guilt to make Isaac feel bad for going to see his dad for visitation. Kail doesn't tell Isaac, 'have fun and enjoy your time with dad.' She tells him 'Are you going to miss me?' and 'I am going to be real sad while you are gone.' type of shit. What she does to the fathers of her kids affects her kids indirectly. Those boys hear her as she turns into Hulk and begins to curse, yell, become verbally abusive to their fathers as the boys sit there and listen and watch all of this play out. They hear her bad-mouth their fathers. They hear her on her phone talking smack to her friends about their fathers. Any negativity said about the fathers is a reflection upon those boys as they are an extension of their fathers. Kail is projecting a real ugly example to her kids. Being immature, pulling her passive-aggressive shit, having Twitter wars, she is self-centered and very controlling as we saw how she handled not wanting mail put in her trash. Kail is Suzy 2.0 except she has money. To quote Nathan, trailer trash who won the lotto.

I know at this point in time Kail and Jo are working as a team, but it wasn't always that way. Kail has committed some shitty and under-handed offenses without realizing how it affects her children in the long run.  And we are now watching what we all predicted would happen five years ago. Most of us predicted this shit because Kail is preDICKtable.

Edited by GreatKazu
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2 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

It's cute, but who bought her that? It's a huge stretch for me to believe that either Chelsea or Cole knows anything about them.

Agreed, they do not know who the Ramones are.  Please, Chelsea, name me a Ramones song, besides "Sedated"

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15 hours ago, BitterApple said:

That's actually not too horrible in the scheme of shitastic baby names. It's not something I'd pick, but I've heard much, much worse. A woman my mother works with named her son Elmo Phoenix. Let that one sink in for a minute. 

I can kind of see both sides of the spectrum regarding the Isaac/Javi issue. Yes, Javi inserted himself as a father figure into Isaac's life, but a lot of that was Kail's doing and she's already actively campaigning to make things as difficult as possible. As someone noted above, Javi is just a brief blip on the radar of Kail's dating history. Isaac is unfortunately going to have a long list of stepfather's by the time it's all said and done, so I don't know which is the better path to take: be honest and make the break now, or let Isaac believe the relationship will continue only to have it taper out when Kail and Javi refuse to meet in the middle? It's just such a messed up situation. 

OK I am not going to lie, I love the name Elmo. Like I need to adopt a dog to name Elmo so I don't wind up naming my firstborn Elmo. That being said, despite my love for the name, I wouldn't name my kid Elmo.

Elmo Phoenix is not a good combo,

Ensley...ughgh not my favorite considering the mother it could have been way worse.  And she will be surrounded by the Paislees and Aubrees and Emmaleighs and Neveahs of the world too. 

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WTF was up with Sterling's mom?! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Did they just bring her along to get free babysitting? Sterling had her baby with her. Poor Isaac. I just want to give him hugs. I'm not the biggest fan of Javi but did she have to be such a colossal bitch about the car seats? It was nice of Javi's friends to go to the airport to get him. Also they were wearing Welcome home shirts.

Aubree is the cutest! So is Kaiser, that little chubster!

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I think Kail loves her boys and makes a genuine effort to give them the kind of life she never had, however at the end of the day she's incredibly selfish and won't put their needs before her ego. No matter how much animosity she has towards Javi, being an asshole to him in front of the kids and refusing to let him borrow the car seats for ONE day was ridiculous. Just last week she was in Jo's kitchen saying she hoped Javi would maintain a relationship with Isaac and then the guy asks to drive him to camp and she throws up roadblocks. You can't win with her because it's all about her pathological need for control. Lord help the next guy who gets suckered in.

Edited by BitterApple
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Agreed, kail makes me sick, she is very selfish. Your love life does not come before your children's lives. That's the sacrifice you have to make when u become a parent. She had a messed up childhood and now she is royally messing with Isaacs and it is so sad to watch. Get him started in therapy now. Kail is the type of mom who says to her kids "don't u want me to be happy?" When she's about to do something that will upset them. And I have to agreed with whoever called her a sexdoll, I can't look her gross lips, face and ridiculous tattoos anymore.

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