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S11.E20: Reunion Part 2

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11 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Kelly attended AA "classes?"  Do such a thing exist?  I can't believe no one corrected her with meeting.  Also, she attended them because of a drunk and disorderly, and coupled with the conduct we saw, she still doesn't think she has a problem with alcohol.

If she lived in NC, I'd think she meant ADETS. Full disclosure, I got a DUI when I was 23. It's not something I'm proud of, and I'm actually very grateful that the cop pulled me over before I hurt myself or worse, someone else. I actually don't even drink anymore, so I did learn my lesson. But yea, it was not cool. At any rate, part of the condition of my sentence was taking  4 week of ADETS classes, which stands for Alcohol Drug Education Traffic School. I know she wasn't driving, but perhaps as part of her arrest, she had to take SOME sort of alcohol education classes? I don't think she was sent to AA. She's probably confused, as she is about everything in life. 

  • Love 14

So, Briana worked 12 hours and her husband was deployed 6 times, and she walked 50 miles uphill to get to the reunion, blah blah blah.... Pretty sure there is a 12 hour limit for nurses in California, and I thought she previously said Ryan deployed 3 times? Poor  Parenting award to Briana for allowing Vicki's latest boyfriend to bathe and dress her young children.....

For those that are disliking KDudd ( thanks to whomever invented this nickname) as much as I do: sadly, she is reality show gold, and Andy was right about her being polarizing. She isn't going anywhere. She is so utterly stupid that it would be amusing if she weren't so feral. 

  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

If she lived in NC, I'd think she meant ADETS. Full disclosure, I got a DUI when I was 23. It's not something I'm proud of, and I'm actually very grateful that the cop pulled me over before I hurt myself or worse, someone else. I actually don't even drink anymore, so I did learn my lesson. But yea, it was not cool. At any rate, part of the condition of my sentence was taking  4 week of ADETS classes, which stands for Alcohol Drug Education Traffic School. I know she wasn't driving, but perhaps as part of her arrest, she had to take SOME sort of alcohol education classes? I don't think she was sent to AA. She's probably confused, as she is about everything in life. 

We have something similar in Indiana, too. But AA meetings are also commonly court-ordered here, maybe both in tandem with each other depending on what your charges were. The meetings I went to, I'd say most people in the room said they either were court-ordered or started coming to meetings because they were, and kept coming back after completing the required meetings. Not going to pretend that I have any way of knowing if that's representative of a lot of meetings around my city, let alone the country. Neither one is going to clear you of being an alcoholic/addict regardless, so she's full of denial and bullshit as always.

Side note -- great to hear your perspective and that you grew from it.

  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

If she lived in NC, I'd think she meant ADETS. Full disclosure, I got a DUI when I was 23. It's not something I'm proud of, and I'm actually very grateful that the cop pulled me over before I hurt myself or worse, someone else. I actually don't even drink anymore, so I did learn my lesson. But yea, it was not cool. At any rate, part of the condition of my sentence was taking  4 week of ADETS classes, which stands for Alcohol Drug Education Traffic School. I know she wasn't driving, but perhaps as part of her arrest, she had to take SOME sort of alcohol education classes? I don't think she was sent to AA. She's probably confused, as she is about everything in life. 

In California if alcohol is involved in an incident, usually part of probation is attending AA Meetings.  It is a farce because  once people get their card signed they can simply copy the signature.  And the signatures usually read John H, or Mary C to protect the anonymity of the AA member.

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, What In The said:

Kelly would do well to drop the fat shaming. It's like a boomerang that can come back to her.

Kelly would be a cow even if she was a size 0.  She's such a gross, unlikeable dumbass.

10 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

God, it sucks that the only person going in on faux-intellectual Heather is the unhinged and nutrocious Kelly. The behind-the-scenes footage was sort of interesting, though, in that I bet it's a nightmare to deal with her as a crew member. 

Kelly, my god. She's not an alcoholic because she hasn't gotten a DUI, and she attended AA "classes"? I'm guessing as a poster mentioned above is she meant she was court-ordered to a set number of meetings; as far as I'm aware AA is just a support group and twelve step program, it doesn't assess or diagnose anyone with shit. Now, a rehab center or addictions specialist might point out that you have a problem and recommend AA as a part of your treatment, but that's different. I too have been to a decent handful of meetings (part of my BSW coursework, and we got the group's permission ahead of time to come, and identified ourselves to the group as students and observers, all that good stuff) and there's nothing major to it other than sharing, usually around a certain topic, serenity prayers, and a shit-ton of coffee. My guess is she thought "well I'm not as bad as these people", like an asshole, and determined she must not have a problem. 

She cannot be worse to deal with than Vicki.  Can. not.  It think it's incredibly telling that the crew and producers finally had their time to "speak up" about shit that went down behind the scenes during the 100th episode special --- and the only house wife that any of them had anything truly negative to say about was Vicki.   She's got to be the literal worst. 

  • Love 22
11 hours ago, annewithaneee said:


God, it sucks that the only person going in on faux-intellectual Heather is the unhinged and nutrocious Kelly. The behind-the-scenes footage was sort of interesting, though, in that I bet it's a nightmare to deal with her as a crew member.


I found it a tad hypocritical that Heather was supposedly embarrassed because of Kelly's loud cursing in the restaurant, but then proceeded to loudly curse at production, using every swear word BUT the "c" word. Girl, please. 

  • Love 13
5 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

So Kelly made all these fake/rescinded apologies so she could continue to hang out with this group of people she dislikes so much and travel to Ireland?  I can't believe how immature, well actually I can, Vicki was for whispering to Kelly they will turn on each other.  I never really saw any issues between Heather, Tamra and Shannon this season. 

Kelly decided it was okay for her to call Shannon a c*nt and Tamra a dumbfuck at the sushi restaurant because she no longer likes them?  And she detests Heather because Heather did not want to film with her (Andy saying they all do that was pretty funny) any longer? 

I don't how Vicki can sit there with a straight face and encourage Kelly.  Certainly even with Vicki's lack of a moral center she cannot believe at any level that Kelly's behavior is acceptable, not even by the Brooks' standards she lived by for many years.  It was like watching examples of narcissistic and borderline personality disorders unfold on TV.  Most of Kelly accelerators in warped behavior in Ireland were directly linked to her BFF Vicki rejecting her.  I guess her motto is you act out for the ones you love.  From Kelly's, "are there rules in fighting?"  Well, Kells, other than the obvious-don't start fights in the first place, the next level would be, no name-calling and attacks on physical appearance.  I guess the next phase of Kelly will be the ganging up and being bullied phase.  Essentially, in Kelly's no rule universe she can name call, fight, mimic, gossip about the others and surprise when they exclude her she is being ganged up on, they are a collective of bad guys. 

At this point, as much as producers like a polarizing personality, I don't know where they go with her.  Kelly has pretty much said her apologies are insincere, she detests Heather and Shannon and she wants nothing to do with these people because they are so mean to her.  Will the producers have to include a filming bonus to appear with Kelly?  I don't know what Kelly really brings to the table other than anger but maybe that is enough to make the cut for next season.

Because Vicki needs Kelly! We all saw what happened in Ireland, as soon as they others allow Vicki back in, she drops and then betrays Kelly in the blink of an eye. So, now Vicki is back on the outside and grabbing onto Kelly with all her might so that she has someone to film with next season, otherwise Vicki knows she will be fired for sure.

2 hours ago, queenjen said:

Vicki is setting the notrocious KDudd up again. The whispering on the couch: stay with me, have my back, all that stuff during their break before the 2nd installment? Just as Vicki was nowhere to be seen when Kelly was attacked earlier in the season (due to being back in the group's 'good graces') and Kelly then acting out due to this betrayal, here it all is again during the reunion. Did Vicki intervene even once on Kelly's behalf after their whispered friendship contract on the couch? No. Kelly's passive aggressive pouting and nonsensical explanations and fury have a lot to do with her bestie to her right becoming mute when she gets into it with Heather, Shannon and Tamra. Even Meghan trying to be the voice of reason isn't being heard by Kelly. I have no sympathy for Kelly and she offends me. I just find it interesting and typical that Vicki and she had this mic'd up whispered convo at the beginning of Part 2 of the reunion and Kelly is getting more notrocious and foul with a full installment to go. And it's all down to Vicki. Vicki knows how to play the game, she's at least making sure that there is another body in front of her when it comes time to pull contracts for this franchise.

Exactly!  Andy made sure to feature that scene between Vicki/Kelly on WWHL last night. LOL

  • Love 13

From the Vulture recap:

"Kelly Dodd. a sculpture of Stalin made out of ear wax and toe nail clippings, is the absolute worst."

Regarding Kelly and the rules of fighting:

". . . .When Meghan says Kelly doesn't fight fair, I didn't know there was rules."

"Of course there are rules.  There are rules of decency.  There are rules of decorum.  There is a rule we call "golden.  They're not laws, they're not guidelines, but when Kelly constantly breaks them by talking about chin hair or calling her fat, she can't be upset when people don't want to film with her, hang out with her, or talk to her.  She can't break people and then be surprised when they treat her as shiftly as she treated them.  That's the Golden Rule.  See what I did there." 

In all of this they have yet to play the clip of Briana calling her mom a dirty fighter who makes things up.

Vicki and Kelly have played the Reunion game well so far, giving nothing about their behavior, interrupting, asking their opponent to calm down.  I am not certain if "winning the Reunion" is the way to hold onto an orange because without the faux apologies, and statement of regret (however worded) there is no starting over place.   

  • Love 9
12 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I did chuckle that Tamra got called out by viewer questions for having a history of getting physical with cast members, being shit stirrer, and bad mouthing parenting skills.

That was the highlight of Part 2 for me. I felt all season that Tamra's violence is seething beneath her fake godly exterior and she is really straining to keep it under control. We saw it surface a couple of times in Ireland, screaming "Fuck you" just inches from Vicki's face and putting her hands on Kelly. It's still there all right. 

Heather=boring. Her house is done. Now what? 

Shannon sure has turned in to a self-righteous know it all. I remember one or two season's ago her own kids telling her she drinks to much and needs to get a grip on it so she can just STFU now, please. 

Kelly, yes, she is a nutter but really what do we expect her to do when the entire reunion she is ganged up on, criticized, and called out on every wrong thing she did and said all season? She's backed in to a corner and has nowhere to go except down, so she's going to fight back. It's her own fault of course but I wouldn't expect her to sit there and just take it. 

  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

From the Vulture recap:

"Kelly Dodd. a sculpture of Stalin made out of ear wax and toe nail clippings, is the absolute worst."

Regarding Kelly and the rules of fighting:

". . . .When Meghan says Kelly doesn't fight fair, I didn't know there was rules."

"Of course there are rules.  There are rules of decency.  There are rules of decorum.  There is a rule we call "golden.  They're not laws, they're not guidelines, but when Kelly constantly breaks them by talking about chin hair or calling her fat, she can't be upset when people don't want to film with her, hang out with her, or talk to her.  She can't break people and then be surprised when they treat her as shiftly as she treated them.  That's the Golden Rule.  See what I did there." 

In all of this they have yet to play the clip of Briana calling her mom a dirty fighter who makes things up.

Vicki and Kelly have played the Reunion game well so far, giving nothing about their behavior, interrupting, asking their opponent to calm down.  I am not certain if "winning the Reunion" is the way to hold onto an orange because without the faux apologies, and statement of regret (however worded) there is no starting over place.   

Vicki and Kelly are playing it well?   Wow, Kelly has hung herself with a thousand feet of rope, and Vicki is as always a piece of shit that everyone, now including Andy Cohen , is sick of.   I'd call the winners Heather, Tamra, and Megan.  Shannon is emotional and too easily triggered.   She's sort of the other side of Kelly-runs on emotion,  doesn't like to acknowledge she's wrong, and slow to forgive.  

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I found it a tad hypocritical that Heather was supposedly embarrassed because of Kelly's loud cursing in the restaurant, but then proceeded to loudly curse at production, using every swear word BUT the "c" word. Girl, please. 

Agreed.  And I also found it a bit eye roll inducing that the particular Japanese restaurant was some sort of hallowed ground because that's the last place she saw Kevin Dubrow alive.  First, I'm pretty sure Heather was the one that picked the restaurant.  (I get that the sushi was a "thing" because Meghan was about to be pregnant, but there have got to be more places in Orange County to get sushi than that restaurant.)  Second, if it's such a place of sad memories, why bring this gaggle of fools to the restaurant?  She's been on the show long enough to know what goes down whenever three or more housewives gather.

However dumb Heather's argument about the restaurant was, Kelly's inability to understand that the walls of the restaurant were literally made of paper really just catapults her to the top of stupidest housewives, at least west side of the Mississippi division. (I'm given to believe that Teresa Gudice is a barely sentient box of hair, but I gave up on NJ after S1E1, so I can't opine on who takes the stupidity title between the two.)

 The shady use of "calm down" never fails to remind me of the Hot Wives of Orlando, so that's good for a laugh.

Edited by Lizzing
  • Love 12

I feel like Kelly got some advice from someone to refuse to take responsibility for anything. Bad advice. She came off as even more of a garbage person than during the season. 

Yes it kind of reminds me of Top Chef where the rule seems to be never admit that you know you screwed up your dish, instead claim you were pushing the envelope and taking a risk.  To admit a mistake = elimination.  I think on this show however, it's the opposite, and to stay you have to at least feign humility and agree to "start over" and "move on" after apologizing.  I think Kelly came off about as bad as any HW has ever come off, and her stand your ground strategy completely failed.  She went down in flames on this reunion.  

Just have to say - I think the new nickname for Vicki should be fishy-face instead of Miss Piggy.  Have you noticed this look she makes where she is trying to look dumbfounded, her mouth is open in a circle like a goldfish.  It's one of the most irritating expressions.

  • Love 9
14 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Kelly was ordered to attend 6 AA meetings in conjunction with her battery conviction-against her husband.  I don't think AA meeting assess whether or not you have a drinking problem.

And for the sake of argument if Kelly doesn't have a drinking problem-why is she so freaked out over Shannon ordering her two drinks in Ireland?

No they don't.  I have been to some with a friend who came to terms with her drinking and didn't want to go alone.   

  • Love 1

I call Vicki's look of faux shock "ghost fellatio".


It is interesting that after Vicki being so scared of David because she had the hypothesis he might not just let her hit him as she wanted, but might hit back, that thing that calls itself Kelly has the same philosophy in regards to how she acts with others.  Almost all children quickly learn that if you lash out at someone, the instinct is to have that person lash back.  The sign of maturity is not to of course.  To exercise restraint.  But on what planet did this thing "evolve" where only you are allowed to lash out with no consequences?  Where not only are you allowed to repeat being as offensive as possible, but that it is bullying and being mean simply trying to shut it down on a personal front?  Not even lashing back but simply disengaging?  Yet that is being mean to this thing in a blue monkey wrap*.

This woman's lack of any awareness is mind boggling.  I would love to strand her and Vicki together for a true extended piece of time and not simply coupled by work.  Some deserted island with enough food and water and nothing else.  I have to wonder who would kill or at least try to kill the other first.  I'm guessing the first intent for harm would occur well before the 24 hour mark. 

I did love Vicki having to Brooks-splain thanks to Heather.  I find Heather to be a pretentious nit but she does know how to play this game having watched Tamra work reunions for a couple of seasons now.  She also knows Tamra will go as low as possible and Shannon is not the best and Meghan is great only if she has a dog in this fight and unless it is Brooks and cancer, Meghan is pleading a dander allergy.  If Kelly and Vicki come back I wish Meghan would return because I can both of those fools trying to insert themselves to Meghan with a new baby in some way and I think Meghan is going to be extremely protective of her kid in the way of being anyone's storyline, even adjacent, except for hers.  And I think Meghan has no desire to be part of a side and yet also has an inch of patience left with these two.  Meghan might not be the most charming, interesting person, but when she gets riled, she does not let go.  To Vicki's dismay last season when she tried to bulldoze her with Jim's indifference.  Meghan might be done with the show, but I'm not done with Meghan taking down Vicki.  I so want Vicki to have another chance of pissing Meghan off in some way and just watching Miss Piggy get sent to the sausage factory since the producers and BRAVO are unwilling to send that piggy off to market.

*A monkey wrap according to my late beloved grandmother is a dress that does not fit and when you move it looks like you are trying to smuggle your pet monkey into the country.

  • Love 11

Andy: "Kelly, you admitted to having an anger problem. Are you back in anger management classes?"

Kelly: "No, I've already taken them. If I was in anger management I would have beaten the crap out of Tamra. OK? If I was really mad. I didn't go after her. I restrained myself." 

I think Kelly misunderstood the purpose of Anger Management classes.  In her mind, Anger Management classes were to teach her how be angry.  Since she apparently stopped the classes BEFORE they taught her how to beat the crap out someone, she didn't beat Tamra up.  If she would have gotten to Advanced Anger Management, THEN she could have beaten Tamra up.

  • Love 12
25 minutes ago, tenativelyyours said:

I call Vicki's look of faux shock "ghost fellatio".


It is interesting that after Vicki being so scared of David because she had the hypothesis he might not just let her hit him as she wanted, but might hit back, that thing that calls itself Kelly has the same philosophy in regards to how she acts with others.  Almost all children quickly learn that if you lash out at someone, the instinct is to have that person lash back.  The sign of maturity is not to of course.  To exercise restraint.  But on what planet did this thing "evolve" where only you are allowed to lash out with no consequences?  Where not only are you allowed to repeat being as offensive as possible, but that it is bullying and being mean simply trying to shut it down on a personal front?  Not even lashing back but simply disengaging?  Yet that is being mean to this thing in a blue monkey wrap*.

This woman's lack of any awareness is mind boggling.  I would love to strand her and Vicki together for a true extended piece of time and not simply coupled by work.  Some deserted island with enough food and water and nothing else.  I have to wonder who would kill or at least try to kill the other first.  I'm guessing the first intent for harm would occur well before the 24 hour mark. 

I did love Vicki having to Brooks-splain thanks to Heather.  I find Heather to be a pretentious nit but she does know how to play this game having watched Tamra work reunions for a couple of seasons now.  She also knows Tamra will go as low as possible and Shannon is not the best and Meghan is great only if she has a dog in this fight and unless it is Brooks and cancer, Meghan is pleading a dander allergy.  If Kelly and Vicki come back I wish Meghan would return because I can both of those fools trying to insert themselves to Meghan with a new baby in some way and I think Meghan is going to be extremely protective of her kid in the way of being anyone's storyline, even adjacent, except for hers.  And I think Meghan has no desire to be part of a side and yet also has an inch of patience left with these two.  Meghan might not be the most charming, interesting person, but when she gets riled, she does not let go.  To Vicki's dismay last season when she tried to bulldoze her with Jim's indifference.  Meghan might be done with the show, but I'm not done with Meghan taking down Vicki.  I so want Vicki to have another chance of pissing Meghan off in some way and just watching Miss Piggy get sent to the sausage factory since the producers and BRAVO are unwilling to send that piggy off to market.

*A monkey wrap according to my late beloved grandmother is a dress that does not fit and when you move it looks like you are trying to smuggle your pet monkey into the country.

THIS IS AWESOME!  I am letting you know right now I am going to try and use this as often as situations allow.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Watermelon said:

That's not what she said. She's an idiot though, so it's probably what she meant.


10 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

No, what she said when Andy asked her if she was back in anger management classes was "No, I've already taken them. If I was in anger management I would have beat the crap out of Tamra." Kelly is an idiot, often incapable of stringing together a coherent sentence. Bravo, please get this interloper off my screen.


I must have been translating from idiot to English in my head and not realized it.


7 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

At this point, as much as producers like a polarizing personality, I don't know where they go with her.  Kelly has pretty much said her apologies are insincere, she detests Heather and Shannon and she wants nothing to do with these people because they are so mean to her.  Will the producers have to include a filming bonus to appear with Kelly?  I don't know what Kelly really brings to the table other than anger but maybe that is enough to make the cut for next season.

Is anyone besides Vicki hard up enough for cash that a filming bonus would be enough to get them in the same room as Kelly?  Tamra might not be as rich as the others, but I don't know if even she would bite.


42 minutes ago, tenativelyyours said:

I call Vicki's look of faux shock "ghost fellatio".


*A monkey wrap according to my late beloved grandmother is a dress that does not fit and when you move it looks like you are trying to smuggle your pet monkey into the country.

I'm glad I wasn't drinking for either of these.  My new laptop would have water damage.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Mu Shu said:

Vicki and Kelly are playing it well?   Wow, Kelly has hung herself with a thousand feet of rope, and Vicki is as always a piece of shit that everyone, now including Andy Cohen , is sick of.   I'd call the winners Heather, Tamra, and Megan.  Shannon is emotional and too easily triggered.   She's sort of the other side of Kelly-runs on emotion,  doesn't like to acknowledge she's wrong, and slow to forgive.  

Another view with the all important question-will Kelly be back?  http://people.com/tv/rhoc-reunion-part-two-recap-kelly-dodd-stands-behind-bad-behavior/

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, doublek61 said:

I think Kelly misunderstood the purpose of Anger Management classes.  In her mind, Anger Management classes were to teach her how be angry.  Since she apparently stopped the classes BEFORE they taught her how to beat the crap out someone, she didn't beat Tamra up.  If she would have gotten to Advanced Anger Management, THEN she could have beaten Tamra up.

I was wondering if Kelly meant if she were still in Anger Management classes she'd be beating people up, but since she graduated...

Nah, she's just a dumb-ass.

  • Love 7

For me, Heather and Tamra won the night.  Tamra for being basically easy and breezy even when totally recognizing her own hypocrisy and past violent behaviors. I'm enjoying this new Tam-balls, she can stay.  Plus, I'm giving her a tiny bit of leeway for Ireland considering she'd been basically starving herself and was completely dry for months preparing for this competition. Putting alcohol in her system at that point could have nothing but catastrophic results. I wish she'd said that but I appreciated her owning her behavior instead of the usual denial to which we've become accustomed.  As for Heather, another one taking accountability and taking Vickie to task for her scammery.  I loved Kelly trying to say that Heather always interrupts her just after we saw Kelly interrupting Heather about a million times while Heather was attempting to apologize to her.  Bottom line here is, you can't fix stupid.  I'm talking to you, Kelly and Vickie.

On a sort of related note, I do think it's interesting that Kelly and Teresa Giudice got almost the exact same reunion edit regarding the malapropisms being endearing.  A) I don't think either of them knows what a malapropism is; B) can we stop making excuses for them just being dumb? Ugh, why do we continue to line their pockets???

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

So, Briana worked 12 hours and her husband was deployed 6 times, and she walked 50 miles uphill to get to the reunion, blah blah blah.... Pretty sure there is a 12 hour limit for nurses in California, and I thought she previously said Ryan deployed 3 times? Poor  Parenting award to Briana for allowing Vicki's latest boyfriend to bathe and dress her young children.....

For those that are disliking KDudd ( thanks to whomever invented this nickname) as much as I do: sadly, she is reality show gold, and Andy was right about her being polarizing. She isn't going anywhere. She is so utterly stupid that it would be amusing if she weren't so feral. 

Pretty sure she said she worked 14 hours - also, don't forget the 50 mile uphill walk to leave the reunion too!

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Blondie said:

I really think they should give Vickie and Kelly their own show.  See how long they last before getting cancelled. 

But wait, didn't you know --- Vicki DOES have her own show!!  Just ask her.  She needs to just throw those other heifers off HER SHOW and make it the Vicki and Kelly Hour a/k/a Natrocious!

Seriously, please do not give these idiots their own show.  I am tired of horrible behaviour being rewarded.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Kangatush said:

I adore that Kelly kept asking if there were fight rules. Yes, and I'm shocked she grew to adulthood without knowing them. If you are in a fight with someone you will need to interact with in the future, don't burn everything to the ground.

Maybe she was playing coy, because the first rule is you don't talk about....


2 hours ago, Blondie said:


I really think they should give Vickie and Kelly their own show.  See how long they last before getting cancelled. 


That would really be the best. For Vicki more than Kelly. Prove to her that it's not SHE who is keeping the OC going. 

  • Love 4

I was a little confused by Heather's claim that no one has seen the house yet, including the women on the show. Did I just imagine the episode where she gave them all a walk-through?

And I gave a bit of side-eye at Vicki claiming that her vow renewal with Donn was all about romance and renewed commitment. My main memory of that event was Vicki bitching that Donn hadn't given her a big enough new diamond ring and demanding he go bigger on that. Very touching.

I don't know if Shannon's vow renewal is the kiss of death or just a natural part of the process of moving on. I have to admit, she and David have both seemed so much happier and at ease with each other since than I've ever seen them. Good for them.

  • Love 11
5 minutes ago, pbutler111 said:

I was a little confused by Heather's claim that no one has seen the house yet, including the women on the show. Did I just imagine the episode where she gave them all a walk-through?


I believe she meant now that it's actually finished and not a dusty construction site, though Kenya Moore would think that was a house warming party.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, FlyingEgret said:

Pretty sure she said she worked 14 hours - also, don't forget the 50 mile uphill walk to leave the reunion too!

It was uphill both ways. In the snow. She was the only nurse working 18 hr shifts. In a coal mine. And she liked it. For pennies or 6 figures. She had it harder than everyone combined. Yet has an envious great life (sounds familiar). 

  • Love 10

I never knew AA meetings assessed whether you're an alcoholic or not, lol. It's meant to be a safe space that is without judgment...Kelly, that means, no one there would JUDGE whether you abuse alcohol or not. They merely listen to what you want to share and give you a safe soundboard to express yourself. 

Kelly is an idiot - how do you apologize for things and then looking back say that you don't regret them? You are an ignorant person if you feel that your behaviour and reactions can always be blamed on the behaviour and actions of others. It's called accountability Kelly. If you had simply said that you reacted poorly to the situation and you regret losing your temper and giving them the satisfaction of seeing you upset - you would have just as easily acknowledged that you felt their behaviour toward you was intentional while still sounding like an adult who recognizes that they are in fact responsible for their words and actions. 

It's clear that Megan is happy in her pregnant bubble and doesn't really give a shit to get emotionally invested in any of the arguments taking place. Even though she did take some time to do her research, lol. 

  • Love 11

And I gave a bit of side-eye at Vicki claiming that her vow renewal with Donn was all about romance and renewed commitment. My main memory of that event was Vicki bitching that Donn hadn't given her a big enough new diamond ring and demanding he go bigger on that. Very touching.

I really didn't used to believe that there were people that want to see others fail to make themselves feel better, but Vicki is like this.  She renewed her vows with Donn, and it did not revitalize things between them and then eventually split.  So she needs to make a parallel between her and Shannon.  I agree with Shannon, their situations are nothing alike.  She and David are sticking it out and both seem like they want to keep their family together.  Instead of cheating, filing for divorce, and desperately clinging to her house (like Vicki did), Shannon is going to try to make things work, stay a family, give up her home, and start over.  Vicki is low that she needs to equate her situation with Shannon's.  She has said she regrets getting divorced now, I bet she is bitter than Shannon is keeping her life intact.

  • Love 20
22 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

It was uphill both ways. In the snow. She was the only nurse working 18 hr shifts. In a coal mine. And she liked it. For pennies or 6 figures. She had it harder than everyone combined. Yet has an envious great life (sounds familiar). 

It was actually not just snow but a blizzard with the winds so strong, few survived.  The worst part was when she was walking uphill, during the blizzard,people were shooting paintballs at her.  And, worst of all, her husband was deployed to Oklahoma.  And, God only knows what they eat there.

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Andy was the person who first person mentioned that Briana had just come from a long shift and since people are always stating that Briana doesn't work and lives off Vicki amd this show I completely understand why she would in fact want it known that she does work.

I can't think of a time we haven't heard about Briana working and being exhausted, until this season when she got sick. 

Briana is upset because she feels she and Ryan's vocational accomplishments have been diminished.  Well maybe if you didn't accept a new Yukon (which she referred to as a bribe) and accepted help with your new home (granted there was a plan sell the OKC home and buy the new home back from Vicki).  Vicki is the one who has to put herself center stage in the acquisitions she  makes on behalf of her kids.  Recently it was about the Alaskan she gifted to her entire family and Steve.  I would be on board with Briana if she perhaps mentioned she also got a big old fat paycheck from Bravo.  Last year it was all about her making six figures and having an $1100 a month mortgage payment.    

I saw no purpose in Briana appearing.  Her clearing the air about her vocational pursuit and an update on her health-which we already had from the finale crawl.  No questions about when Ryan would be joining her or if he would be joining her.  Waste of time.  No montages of all the digs she took at mom-calling her a dirty fighter, losing her friends.  It seems a little unfair she gets yet another paycheck to come on and "set the record" straight.  We get it you work.

I am not buying she works a 14 hour shift-maybe with commute time? 

  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I can't think of a time we haven't heard about Briana working and being exhausted, until this season when she got sick. 

Briana is upset because she feels she and Ryan's vocational accomplishments have been diminished.  Well maybe if you didn't accept a new Yukon (which she referred to as a bribe) and accepted help with your new home (granted there was a plan sell the OKC home and buy the new home back from Vicki).  Vicki is the one who has to put herself center stage in the acquisitions she  makes on behalf of her kids.  Recently it was about the Alaskan she gifted to her entire family and Steve.  I would be on board with Briana if she perhaps mentioned she also got a big old fat paycheck from Bravo.  Last year it was all about her making six figures and having an $1100 a month mortgage payment.    

I saw no purpose in Briana appearing.  Her clearing the air about her vocational pursuit and an update on her health-which we already had from the finale crawl.  No questions about when Ryan would be joining her or if he would be joining her.  Waste of time.  No montages of all the digs she took at mom-calling her a dirty fighter, losing her friends.  It seems a little unfair she gets yet another paycheck to come on and "set the record" straight.  We get it you work.

I am not buying she works a 14 hour shift-maybe with commute time? 

Yet people on the boards and twitter and other places continue to deny that she works. 12 hour shifts are fairly standard for nurses, an emergency or someone doesn't show up etc. can easily turn it into 14 hours. She also didn't say she was doing them constantly she said that she had just come from doing one meaning that she was having a spectacularly long day. I mean it's up to her but I didn't hear complaining in that statement at all.

  • Love 19
46 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Andy was the person who first person mentioned that Briana had just come from a long shift and since people are always stating that Briana doesn't work and lives off Vicki amd this show I completely understand why she would in fact want it known that she does work.

Thank you!  I still don't understand all this Briana hate, but it's really over the top.  There's nothing about this woman to even remotely suggest that she's lazy, or living off her mother, or faking illnesses, or any of the other really vile things people are accusing her of for some reason.

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, pbutler111 said:

I don't know if Shannon's vow renewal is the kiss of death or just a natural part of the process of moving on. I have to admit, she and David have both seemed so much happier and at ease with each other since than I've ever seen them. Good for them.

I thought it was so stupid when Vicki compared her vows to Shannon's, though. Vicki admitted it was a "last ditch" effort with Donn. With Shannon and David, I thought they had already gotten over the hump, and he did it more to surprise her. 

  • Love 24
29 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I can't think of a time we haven't heard about Briana working and being exhausted, until this season when she got sick. 

Briana is upset because she feels she and Ryan's vocational accomplishments have been diminished.  Well maybe if you didn't accept a new Yukon (which she referred to as a bribe) and accepted help with your new home (granted there was a plan sell the OKC home and buy the new home back from Vicki).  Vicki is the one who has to put herself center stage in the acquisitions she  makes on behalf of her kids.  Recently it was about the Alaskan she gifted to her entire family and Steve.  I would be on board with Briana if she perhaps mentioned she also got a big old fat paycheck from Bravo.  Last year it was all about her making six figures and having an $1100 a month mortgage payment.    

I saw no purpose in Briana appearing.  Her clearing the air about her vocational pursuit and an update on her health-which we already had from the finale crawl.  No questions about when Ryan would be joining her or if he would be joining her.  Waste of time.  No montages of all the digs she took at mom-calling her a dirty fighter, losing her friends.  It seems a little unfair she gets yet another paycheck to come on and "set the record" straight.  We get it you work.

I am not buying she works a 14 hour shift-maybe with commute time? 

Well, to be honest, none of these women or other cast members talk about their Bravo paychecks, none of them, so Briana is not hiding or denying anything.  Also, Bravo did air a preview of the reunion that included Briana saying more but then for some reason edited it out. Hopefully that means that Vicki is gone next season.

ETA, as for her claim of working 14 hours, it is more than possible that she was asked to work a double but could only do a 1 1/2 shift because of the reunion filming. Nurses are frequently asked to do double shifts.

Edited by WireWrap
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