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S11.E18: Vicious Lies And Broken Ties

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14 hours ago, WireWrap said:

 Something about this stinks to high heaven and I'm not so sure that smell is coming from Tamra this time, it just might be coming from Kelly. LOL

No, it's Tams -- definitely Tams. As others have pointed out, seeing her in the strong OC sun showed clearly how aged she is and how terribly parched her sun-damaged complexion. That smell you reference goes far beyond Tam's MO of double-dealing and vulgarity and shows the world her unfortunate yet deserved state of dessication.



  • Love 5
3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I HATE HIM.  He is so pathetic.  I think I hate him more than anyone else on this show.

Why? He was telling/bragging to Rapey Ryan, Tamara's loser son. Terry has worked hard and honed his craft so he has a little right to brag about it. Anything to make Ryan look/fell like the loser he is is fine by me as I'm sure Ryan will never be aloud to step foot anywhere near where they live. I'm just glad thats the only shot we got of that nasty piece of work. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

After watching WWHL last night I think Vicki and Kelly will be back next season. The poll question: who's side are you on? Vicki/Kelly or the other Ho's. It was pretty much 50-50. So I guess Vicki and Kelly do have some fans out there. 

I don't think they have fans, so much as viewers just don't like Tamra/Shannon/Heather.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

I am so over Shannon talking about how strong her marriage is. Is she trying to convince us or herself. I agree that if they ever did break up, their divorce would be the shitshow to end all shitshows. 

I agree .Does she really think that anyone with part of a brain, actually believes that her marriage is going so great? It is so obvious that David is just going through the motions.

I don't see any sincerity or deep love in anything he does pertaining to Shannon. Whether it is the renewal vows, or him always kissing her the moment he sees her or Shannons constant chatter about how great their marriage is since the affair. I don't know how anyone could possibly want to spend the rest of their life with Shannon...the vitamins and holistics and Dr. Moon and "honey can you pull something out of my ass that's stuck in there" and "my husband and I stronger than ever" bullshit just drives me nuts. I can only imagine how David feels!

The one good thing about being on this show for David, is that he has lots of video of him trying his best to make it work with Shannon. She comes across IMO as a selfish, spoiled rich entitled bitch.  I'll never forget the episode where David took her to a very nice hotel (Ritz Carlton? or maybe Monarch Beach hotel?) for their anniversary or maybe it was her birthday, nevertheless, she was so not into having sex with him. She actually told him she needed a few drinks before she could get in bed with him. She's comfortable asking him to look up her ass for a lost item, but sex? oh no, got to be inebriated for that.  What an awful thing to say to your husband.

I wish them well, but I don't see David staying with her.  I want front row seats for "the shitshow to end all shitshows" !  I know it's coming!

  • Love 14

Re: Vicki saying it's her show (LOL)

Who owns the show is the person that the show mainly revolves around.  Who everyone else wants to be on their good side, who everyone wants a storyline with, who everyone is clamoring to be filmed with, and who no one wants to piss off or offend.  This person is someone that production will rearrange filming for.  In NJ this person is Teresa, in NY it is Bethenny.  On OC, it is Tamra. 

  • Love 6
43 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

I have to disagree.  I'm not defending Kelly because she really acted like an ass all season.  I think when you're sitting at dinner and everyone else is in on trying to get you wasted, it's a gang up.  (And most especially when this is someone who clearly has problems with alcohol, which has been repeated by the other women.)  Now how you respond is up to you but that's some childish, mean girl shit.  It's really no different than what was done to Gretchen during Naked Wasted other than the fact that Gretchen did drink to excess and was pawed and slobbered over by gross Ryan.  

And Kelly was being ganged up on while on the bus.  Not saying she didn't deserve some of it because she did let slip things Vicki told her but the other women weren't going after Vicki so much as Kelly.  Frankly, the entire bus trip was a hot mess. 

Well I didn't see everyone trying to get her wasted-I saw two drinks ordered for her-not injected into her.  There was no conversation, there was no admission between the parties that was their goal, Tamra declined the drink.  Contrast that with the "naked wasted" episode where Tamra clearly announced her plan.  Nothing like that went on here.  I have less than zero sympathy for someone who has to have special snowflake treatment because they are sensitive, they have anger  management issues, they can't handle their alcohol.  When she went to Shannon's party she decided she could drink- a two drink minimum, which her husband wisely decided should be a two drink maximum and that should have been a time when she fully expected there would some conflict, based on her earlier behavior which she had failed to address with either Shannon or Heather.  So her drinking excuse is pretty thin.  Every single bad Kelly moment started with her engaging or bringing something up.  Even the Jacki woman, who was rude, responded to Kelly's comment, Kelly's moron husband flashing her a loser sign did nothing to endear her to rude Jacki.  Asking what a missing purse looks like-is not a throw down except in Kelly Dudd's world.  

Move onto the bus, Kelly was the one who started in with the "they can dish out but they cannot take it", nonsense.  At that point the one that threw the first snowball was Vicki, and Kelly's comments should have directed at Vicki.  The fact she kept nattering away at Shannon, and Shannon gave it back-Shannon's friends stood up for Shannon, while Kelly's friends stood silent, in spite of Kelly having previously requesting they defend her.  Kelly's actions don't become any more or less defensible depending on who or how many disagree with her.  The statement stands alone inbeing defensible. Her anger at the point should have been laser focused on Vicki and let the rest of the group sit by and observe or defend Vicki if they feel Vicki was being unjustifiably called out.

The major issues this season is they were all reeling from the big Brooks cancer lie.  Wounds had not healed and Vicki was incredibly defensive. So anyone who did not agree with Vicki's view was targeted and Kelly was the ammunition Vicki used when she pulled the trigger.  Vicki's stated intention of getting back at Shannon, with a secret, was just ludicrous.   Be nice to me or I will tell a secret that will hurt your family. By the end of the Ireland trip Vicki was home free-until she decided to dump on K-Dudd, while drinking with the girls?   The other women had enjoyed their time with her.  Vicki left the loaded gun laying around and Kelly fired it.   Does Vicki honestly believe if Shannon lied about David, "beating the shit out of her", that somehow Vicki's Brooks' transgressions would be forgiven?  Vicki fails to realize-Shannon was the alleged victim-not the perpetrator of the alleged abuse.

That is the reason you stand for your friends when they are under attack.  Vicki and Kelly, through their own words and deeds came up short in the friends department. 

  • Love 19

Frankly, I think the whole Brooks/Vicki cancer lie is much ado about not very much. He was a sleazebag to lie about having cancer (shocker! Brooks is sleazy!) and Vicki was so pathetic and desperate that she went along with it. And that's about it. They were shown to be the low down lying liars that they are.  I don't see how any of the other Hws were so deeply affected by it, and really I don't see how anyone other than Brooks and Vicki were damaged by the lie.

  • Love 7

I used to like Heather but now I'm disgusted.  Besides the fact that she acted like a jackass on the bus gaslighting Kelly, she started berating Kelly at the party saying that it's just NOT OK to go repeating things that someone tells you in confidence.  Isn't that exactly what she did to Shannon when Tamra was gossiping to her last season about David's affair?  Tamra (I think it was her) had information about an email and told Heather, then Heather repeats it to a bunch of other women.  Unbelievable.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Briana's husband worked weekdays in an office on OKC.  He was not deployed while they were living in OKC.   Ot would seem the time to move back home (which she did) was when he was deployed.  So it really isn't fair to her sons and it is kind of insulting to self-describe as a single mother.  She voluntarily chose to move back to mama's.  I just think they didn't count on the power of the USMC to thwart their plans. 

I still don't see the fault here.  She's in ill health, far from home, and alone, at least all day, with two rowdy boys.  In her position, I would also jump at the chance to go back to my home state where I'm surrounded by friends and family, and my children will be near at least one grandparent (I don't know what family Ryan might have in North Carolina).  I don't see what so wrong about that.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, pbutler111 said:

To be fair, what the hell else would anyone look at? I'm a hetero female, and I'm fairly certainly I would've been staring at them, too, albeit more in a "what the fuck is this woman thinking with those?" sort of way. She couldn't have had them any more in-your-face than if she'd worn them on her head, like Mickey Mouse ears. Frankly, all the women were a bit too boob-and-thigh for a casual daytime party.

That reminds me of Gina Liano, RHoMelbourne, explaining Lydia's gossip about Gina's boyfriend staring at Lydia's ass. I'm trying to remember Gina's exact words. They were something like "Of course he was looking at her ass. It's fucking huge. I would stare at it too. Where else could you look."

  • Love 8
12 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Personally, I think this happened off camera. I base this on the comment Tamra made about attending "Kelly's funeral". 


Well, I feel it damaged Shannon's friendship with Vicki. Those two were very close for a bit. Shannon went out of her way to try and help Brooks and be there for Vicki. To find out that all the connections you were trying to make, all the sympathy you were offering, was based on an elaborate con - I'd pissed as hell, myself, if I found out one of my good friends pulled something like that. Also, I 100% believe Vicki told Billy and his wife (gf?) about the affair and to bring it up on camera. That moment at the final party was awful. 

Also, Vicki drug Terry into her lies, saying he came over to give Brooks an IV in the night, when he was so sick. That kind of lie could absolutely tarnish a doctor's reputation. So I think it was more than just "oh, they're liars". They went to some extreme lengths and ended up roping people into their shit, it was despicable. 

I agree it damaged their friendship, but frankly, Shannon seems to be happy about that. She really seems happy to be rid of Vicki. I always got the feeling that Shannon wanted to be on the inside, and being friends with Vicki kept her on the outside.  The faking cancer scandal gave her a way to save face and ditch Vicki -- she got her "reason" for dropping her and no one could really fault Shannon for doing so because ZOMG! Faking cancer!  Once she did that, Shan was welcomed into the open arms of Tamra and Heather. I just don't see any long term damage; she seems to be quite happy and comfortable in their clique. She better watch it though -- Tamra has a way of turning on people.

As for Terry, well he set us all straight pretty quick, so I don't see any rep damage there.  

  • Love 3

I just finished watching,and besides all the side drama, to me it came across that Heather, Shannon and Tamra had all agreed, prior to filming, to do whatever to get rid of Vicki.   Those final scenes each of them could hardly contain their glee with Vicki leaving feeling that not one of them were her friends.  . even Kelly.   Vicki's fallback has always been her on/off friendship with Tamra.    But this was Tamra's chance (since lying about cancer didn't do it) to completely cut off any friendship with Vicki to become the OG.  Tamra wants first place on the show - and Shannon & Heather are more than happy to help her get there.    Meghan is gone - and Kelly was not the help Vicki thought she would be.    

  • Love 5
44 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Personally, I think this happened off camera. I base this on the comment Tamra made about attending "Kelly's funeral". 


Well, I feel it damaged Shannon's friendship with Vicki. Those two were very close for a bit. Shannon went out of her way to try and help Brooks and be there for Vicki. To find out that all the connections you were trying to make, all the sympathy you were offering, was based on an elaborate con - I'd pissed as hell, myself, if I found out one of my good friends pulled something like that. Also, I 100% believe Vicki told Billy and his wife (gf?) about the affair and to bring it up on camera. That moment at the final party was awful. 

Also, Vicki drug Terry into her lies, saying he came over to give Brooks an IV in the night, when he was so sick. That kind of lie could absolutely tarnish a doctor's reputation. So I think it was more than just "oh, they're liars". They went to some extreme lengths and ended up roping people into their shit, it was despicable. 

It is always possible that Tamra, Shannon and Heather preplanned Kelly's take down but it is also possible that they were at the end of their ropes with all the nasty things Kelly had been spewing and decided that if she went off the rails again that night, they would expose her for what she is.

21 minutes ago, Jel said:

I agree it damaged their friendship, but frankly, Shannon seems to be happy about that. She really seems happy to be rid of Vicki. I always got the feeling that Shannon wanted to be on the inside, and being friends with Vicki kept her on the outside.  The faking cancer scandal gave her a way to save face and ditch Vicki -- she got her "reason" for dropping her and no one could really fault Shannon for doing so because ZOMG! Faking cancer!  Once she did that, Shan was welcomed into the open arms of Tamra and Heather. I just don't see any long term damage; she seems to be quite happy and comfortable in their clique. She better watch it though -- Tamra has a way of turning on people.

As for Terry, well he set us all straight pretty quick, so I don't see any rep damage there.  

IMO, Shannon was confused why Vicki turned on her last year, she didn't understand why Vicki refused to answer even the simplest questions and why she got angry instead, not to mention Vicki's ever changing stories. Shannon bought into Vicki's/Brooks's cancer lie almost until the very end of filming. As for Terry, we didn't learn about the Terry/IV lie until the season finale and he never addressed it, only Heather did, while Vicki denied ever telling Briana or Shannon she said that. She, Vicki, even tried to change up what she told them at the reunion last season but they weren't buying her excuse that blamed Briana for misunderstanding what Vicki said and Vicki refused to admit she even told Shannon that story/lie.

  • Love 14
19 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

Very unfortunate update about Briana at the end. I gasped.

I laughed when Vicki said she didn't get why Tamra invited her if she wasn't going to talk to her. It's like Vicki forgot that every season has a finale party and the housewives are expected to attend. In the real world, there's no way Kelly would have been allowed on the property.

But it does make sense for all the medical difficulties Brianna has had throughout the last couple of seasons.  Lupus is nothing to mess with.  And if Vickie is too self-absorbed and self-unaware, Brianna has enough on her plate without dealing with her mom.  Let the new boyfriend deal with it.

  • Love 3

Oh, where to start. I have never particularily cared for Meghan's fashion sense, but the outfit she wore to Shannon's party was horrendous. She looked like she was at a Halloween party dressed as Wilma Flinstone. Apologies to Wilma, who looks much better in comparison. Someone mentioned that they liked Meghan and Jim's house in St Louis. I assumed it was her parents' house. If only because, while it was a lovely home, I would expect their St Louis house to be much grander. And it irked me that the last shot of Meghan stated that she and Jim are already talking about another baby. Pop out the first one and see how that goes first, Meghan. I still see a 50-50 chance of divorce in your future. Ok, since half of marriages fail, maybe more than 50-50. More like 70-30.

Unlike some others though, I think Shannon and David are going to be just fine. I do not in the least see any fake emotions from either of them. There have been enough marriages fail on the HW series that were obviously going in that direction. I just don't see it here, and wish them well.

I had to roll my eyes at the assertion that Brianna's reno budget has doubled. I remember several epis back where she dramatically stated (she is definitely her mother's daughter) that "I will cry myself to sleep every night for the rest of my life if I go a penny over budget". Her budget then was $50,000. So she has spent (or someone has) $100,000 so far? (And those floors are butt ugly). Seems like a lot of unnecessary stress for someone who has been chronically sick to go through. And I am in the camp that Brianna should have stayed in OK. I think it is horrible that she has separated her kids from their dad. For what? To be on TV? It isn't like Vicki is any help with the kids - she is too busy working and filling her love tank. If anything she adds more stress to Brianna's life in that she pulls her into to her dysfunctional relationships. And none is more dysfunctional that Vicki's with her daughter. Please keep them both off my screen next season.

I could only see a few pictures of Heather's mausoleum. The person who said it looks like the Beverly Hillbillies mansion is spot on. But without the cute critters running around. (What ever did happen to those two poor puppies?) I thought the last house they built was depressing, but this one gives me SAD. I didn't know a house could do that. I hope none of their kids are prone to it because that is one depressing looking place.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 6

Third, they, like all live broadcasts have a delay so screening those calls would not have been that hard to do, they could have cut them off easily before we even knew what was said, instead they allowed them to air.

What did those callers say when they identified themselves? They each said something similar, but I couldn't make out what it was.


I do not in the least see any fake emotions from either of them [The Beadors].

Me, neither. They didn't hold back when they were in the throes of their problems, so I don't see why they would stop being genuine with their feelings now.


I love Terry and think he's hilarious!

He certainly made me laugh when he said he wouldn't have gone to Tamra's party if she hadn't won her competition - as if he'd pass up a chance to be in front of a camera.

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

I think this was my favorite word all night - and it actually made Heather pause which may just be a first!

I think it gave her pause because as per usual Kelly has all the verbal skills of a surly tween.  An interloper would be one who tries to become part of a group who does not want her.   Kelly you dumbass YOU are the interloper.  YOU are the meddler.  YOU are the one trying to insert your unwanted ass into the situation.   Idiot.  

  • Love 18
4 hours ago, steelcitysister said:

No, it's Tams -- definitely Tams. As others have pointed out, seeing her in the strong OC sun showed clearly how aged she is and how terribly parched her sun-damaged complexion. That smell you reference goes far beyond Tam's MO of double-dealing and vulgarity and shows the world her unfortunate yet deserved state of dessication.



So the messages were real, Tamra addresses them here! http://www.realmrhousewife.com/2016/11/01/tamra-judge-its-not-cool-kelly-is-trying-to-blame-me-and-shannon/ I wonder which HWs were contacted other than Tamra and Shannon? Did Heather, Meghan and/or Vicki get them as well and again, who is this person sending the messages and why aren't they being exposed by Kelly? Oh, and shame on Tamra for even engaging in the conversation.

7 minutes ago, jaync said:

What did those callers say when they identified themselves? They each said something similar, but I couldn't make out what it was.

Me, neither. They didn't hold back when they were in the throes of their problems, so I don't see why they would stop being genuine with their feelings now.

He certainly made me laugh when he said he wouldn't have gone to Tamra's party if she hadn't won her competition - as if he'd pass up a chance to be in front of a camera.

Something about Kelly having an affair with "Frank" during filming!

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Personally, I think this happened off camera. I base this on the comment Tamra made about attending "Kelly's funeral". 


Well, I feel it damaged Shannon's friendship with Vicki. Those two were very close for a bit. Shannon went out of her way to try and help Brooks and be there for Vicki. To find out that all the connections you were trying to make, all the sympathy you were offering, was based on an elaborate con - I'd pissed as hell, myself, if I found out one of my good friends pulled something like that. Also, I 100% believe Vicki told Billy and his wife (gf?) about the affair and to bring it up on camera. That moment at the final party was awful. 

Also, Vicki drug Terry into her lies, saying he came over to give Brooks an IV in the night, when he was so sick. That kind of lie could absolutely tarnish a doctor's reputation. So I think it was more than just "oh, they're liars". They went to some extreme lengths and ended up roping people into their shit, it was despicable. 

and don't forget the cancer curing juice in which they were partnering. I can only imagine the sales pitch those two gave that and Bravo didn't show it.

  • Love 14

What did those callers say when they identified themselves? They each said something similar, but I couldn't make out what it was

I heard something about an affair, but I also heard 2 of them say something like welcome to the thunderdome.  Maybe I'm crazy, but I swear that's what I heard.  Neither Kelly or Andy knew what the caller was talking about, but I immediately thought of the Mad Max movie.  Was this some reference to the craziness we had just witnessed?  

I have mixed feelings about this episode.  The women have gotten so hateful and mean to each other.  I'm not sure that I can watch another season like this.  It was sad to see them all sink to that level (except for Meghan). 

  • Love 4

Last night's WWHL was the ONLY time I felt bad for Kelly.  Andy was being a jerk, and she did look on the very of tears.   I've never seen him treat a guest like that.  No way would he have done that to Tamra, hell, he wouldn't have even done that to Vicki.   Which makes me wonder if there is more to the story. . . not the phone calls, but Kelly maybe being extremely high maintenance w/production, and threatening to sue at the drop of a hat. 

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Vicki was a piece of shit for trying to get someone to engage in the conversation about her being "so worried about Shannon". She was just dying for someone to ask her for more details. And Tamra was a very good friend to Shannon for not giving Vicki what she wanted and asking her why she was so worried. She just walked away, denying Vicki the opportunity to say more on camera. I don't think anyone came away from the season looking very good, but Tamra, Shannon and Heather are very good friends to each other. 

That's what bothers me. She was using a painful situation for someone else for attention and purposely instigating a fight between David and Shannon. If anyone suspects spousal abuse they really should NOT create a cause of conflict in that relationship, it's better to use discretion and speak to the person one on one. After I was hospitalized a somewhat stranger emailed me on social media a link to a shelter. They didn't confront me or him or publically shame us because people need to recover or heal privately. Vicki basically proved she totally lied about brooks abuse and control by her lack of empathy or respect. 

  • Love 12
31 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

That's what bothers me. She was using a painful situation for someone else for attention and purposely instigating a fight between David and Shannon. If anyone suspects spousal abuse they really should NOT create a cause of conflict in that relationship, it's better to use discretion and speak to the person one on one. After I was hospitalized a somewhat stranger emailed me on social media a link to a shelter. They didn't confront me or him or publically shame us because people need to recover or heal privately. Vicki basically proved she totally lied about brooks abuse and control by her lack of empathy or respect. 

Icky is clueless as well as ignorant, stupid, racist, etc...there is no excuse for a grown woman to behave as she does and expect to keep any friends. Brianna would have ditched her long ago if not for the financial perks imo. Plus she wants to be on the show. I have to say, my doubts about those two even make me question her Lupus diagnosis, just because of their scheming personalities. I just don't believe anything either one has to say. But I really hate Icky, more than anyone I have ever seen on TV.

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, Jel said:

These ladies use their outrage, fauxtrage at the others as a way to bond with each other. It's gross.

Exactly. This is why I started to slowly turn on Shannon last season. Even though Shannon had every reason to be mad at Vicki, I really didn't like how Shannon was suddenly "friends" with previous foe Meghan by the end of the season, basically bonding over their common enemy. Shannon knew Meghan had been out of line, but now she was sweeping that all under the rug to unite against Vicki. That showed me something. And then the evil 3 on Heather's podcast spending all their time talking about how they won't film with Vicki. And it just continued this season with Kelly. Shannon has a major mean girl in her. Just the way she said, "She'll have tequila" at the Ireland dinner - with such contempt in her voice as she said "She." Shannon knew what she was doing.

And I know this might be an unpopular opinion, but I kind of agree with Vicki - they all talk about each other. Especially Tamra! What is the fucking big deal here? The women weren't getting along, Vicki was on the outs and she gossiped with Kelly. That's what is causing such moral outrage in Tamra and Heather? Funny how Heather didn't seem to hesitate gossiping about Shannon's marriage at a ladies' luncheon in Season 9 - oh wait, I'm sorry, Heather "shut the rumor down" (insert eyeroll). Come on...

  • Love 9
1 minute ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Exactly. This is why I started to slowly turn on Shannon last season. Even though Shannon had every reason to be mad at Vicki, I really didn't like how Shannon was suddenly "friends" with previous foe Meghan by the end of the season, basically bonding over their common enemy. Shannon knew Meghan had been out of line, but now she was sweeping that all under the rug to unite against Vicki. That showed me something. And then the evil 3 on Heather's podcast spending all their time talking about how they won't film with Vicki. And it just continued this season with Kelly. Shannon has a major mean girl in her. Just the way she said, "She'll have tequila" at the Ireland dinner - with such contempt in her voice as she said "She." Shannon knew what she was doing.

And I know this might be an unpopular opinion, but I kind of agree with Vicki - they all talk about each other. Especially Tamra! What is the fucking big deal here? The women weren't getting along, Vicki was on the outs and she gossiped with Kelly. That's what is causing such moral outrage in Tamra and Heather? Funny how Heather didn't seem to hesitate gossiping about Shannon's marriage at a ladies' luncheon in Season 9 - oh wait, I'm sorry, Heather "shut the rumor down" (insert eyeroll). Come on...

I think the gossip problem was/is that Vicki shared personal secrets, off camera secrets, with someone that disliked them. Kelly didn't know Tamra, Shannon or Heather at all but here is Vicki repeating things supposedly told to her in private, in confidence, to a stranger. She, Vicki, didn't do it out of kindness or concern for the others but as a way to give Kelly ammo against them. Bottom line, it was a big betrayal by Vicki, especially towards Shannon. It is 1 thing to repeat things said on camera and entirely different to repeat private conversations, Vicki is guilty of doing the latter.

  • Love 15

I'm sure when filming started Vicki befriended Kelly - mostly because the rest of the women were angry at her.  She probably felt it was her "duty" to let her in on all their secrets, never her own.  Can't you just see Vicki spilling the beans on everyone, under the guise of "she needs to know who they really are"?    What Vicki didn't count on - because she didn't know Kelly - is that Kelly, during a moment of rage , will spew any/all secrets.    Vicki's lame "I worry about Shannon" just doesn't cut it.

On the other hand - each one of them have talked about the other.  Tamra in particular.  She is a s&*% stirrer - then sits back and talks about forgiveness.   I say "Those who stir the s$*% should have to lick the spoon"

  • Love 5

My thoughts this episode!

Even though I'm not a fan of Kelly, I LOVE how she cuts down Heather. It's just great. 

I don't think Vicki is smart enough to understand Shannon when she said, "I'm back in bed with the devil." 

I think Vicki is super jealous of anyone in a relationship, including Shannon and Tamra. Which is why she said really horrible things about both of them. Vicki also said that Jimmy told Brooks that, "of the 4 months we have been married, 1 was good." or something like that. That was a total lie. 

Vicki's boyfriend was with her at the party, but it was just her and Brianna in the car home. Weird? Where did he go? Did he stay? Confused.

Terry seemed very uncomfortable when Heather was spewing about Kelly. I think Heather doesn't like Kelly because Kelly is completely unimpressed with her. 

  • Love 7

I heard something about an affair, but I also heard 2 of them say something like welcome to the thunderdome. 

Yes, thank you...it did sound something like that. I guess it was supposed to be some kind of inside joke or code?


I say "Those who stir the s$*% should have to lick the spoon"

Hee, love that.

Edited by jaync

I think heather doesn't like Kelly because she does behave unstable and is trashy. Yes....Others are but Heather knew that before signing up and put herself in a place of acceptance, like factors x are part of the job from day one ...know this. 

Also when someone is used to someone or something bad it doesn't mean they won't throw their hand up and buck at more fresh shit. If anything, quite the contrary. Like "I've reached my quota so fuck off"  or not unlike a person tolerating an irritating friend, asshole boss, insults at home, but have the power to assert themselves with a douchebag stranger.

heather probably expected Smelly to be like many on a new job or joining a clique and not behave like a banshee or make demands. 

  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, Giselle said:

The baby really didn't like any thing in Meghan's closet. It guided her hand in picking out the items it wanted her to wear by painfully kicking her when it meant "NO". The baby particularly liked the "oooh shiny" Christmas bauble necklace. It wise for Meghan to follow the baby's lead.....or else.



I didn't mind the necklace - had it been with a plain black dress, it probably would have looked great.  But the entire outfit, together was like one of those "let your child dress you for a day" fund-raisers.

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

She did use it in proper context.......so I'll give her that?

I don't know what this says about me but I really could give two f*cks about cursing. I am not offended by it and her saying pussy or C u next tuesday doesn't bother me. I would be more bothered and offended by Heathers condescending smarmy " you are trash, mentally ill ect ect" than kelly flying off the handle calling me a c*nt. 

IDK, just me. Maybe thats why I don't hate kelly as much as Heather or Tamra. I mean I'm in no way " I love Kelly" but I think she just realized she was there  to play and went above and beyond? 

  • Love 9

Nothing was worse than Christian Tamra screaming at the top of her lungs FU an inch away from Vicki's face.   BTW did she apologize for that?  She expects everyone else to forgive, but I don't remember her doing it.     Heather doesn't curse, but the words she uses are the same.   If Heather was sooooooo offended by Kelly going nuts, why didn't she feel the same with all of Tamra's outbursts?  Like the ones that got her kicked out of the store.   Oh that's right, she's on Tamra's side so any embarrassing outbursts by Tamra are acceptable - which means Tamra wasn't have a psychotic break.

  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, yogi2014L said:

I don't know what this says about me but I really could give two f*cks about cursing. I am not offended by it and her saying pussy or C u next tuesday doesn't bother me. I would be more bothered and offended by Heathers condescending smarmy " you are trash, mentally ill ect ect" than kelly flying off the handle calling me a c*nt. 

IDK, just me. Maybe thats why I don't hate kelly as much as Heather or Tamra. I mean I'm in no way " I love Kelly" but I think she just realized she was there  to play and went above and beyond? 

Her use of the "King's English" doesn't offend me but her manner, hypocrisy, nastiness, and her willingness to hit below the belt when uncalled for does.

2 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

Last night's WWHL was the ONLY time I felt bad for Kelly.  Andy was being a jerk, and she did look on the very of tears.   I've never seen him treat a guest like that.  No way would he have done that to Tamra, hell, he wouldn't have even done that to Vicki.   Which makes me wonder if there is more to the story. . . not the phone calls, but Kelly maybe being extremely high maintenance w/production, and threatening to sue at the drop of a hat. 

I've never once felt bad for her. Glad you felt Andy was being a jerk to her and that she was on the verge of tears. Who gives a fuck if she's hurt....not me. She deserves what she serves.

  • Love 15
7 minutes ago, yogi2014L said:

I don't know what this says about me but I really could give two f*cks about cursing. I am not offended by it and her saying pussy or C u next tuesday doesn't bother me. I would be more bothered and offended by Heathers condescending smarmy " you are trash, mentally ill ect ect" than kelly flying off the handle calling me a c*nt. 

IDK, just me. Maybe thats why I don't hate kelly as much as Heather or Tamra. I mean I'm in no way " I love Kelly" but I think she just realized she was there  to play and went above and beyond? 

It's pleather's reaction to any assholery. You expect her to look into the camera lens with a pearl clutch and say something like, "DID YOU HEAR THAT?"

I concur with your views on cursing, matter of fact? Anyone of the HWs that doesn't curse or pretends that cursing is 'beneath their station' is an asshole.

12 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

Or Rockies - that would really stick it to Jim!

50 points for the baseball reference.

  • Love 7
Just now, Giselle said:

Her use of the "King's English" doesn't offend me but her manner, hypocrisy, nastiness, and her willingness to hit below the belt when uncalled for does.

I've never once felt bad for her. Glad you felt Andy was being a jerk to her and that she was on the verge of tears. Who gives a fuck if she's hurt....not me. She deserves what she serves.

I just felt it was unnecessary - she's not coming back so why humiliate her.   I don't want her back, and I find her just a waste of space, but I also think Andy can be a dick.  

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

I just felt it was unnecessary - she's not coming back so why humiliate her.   I don't want her back, and I find her just a waste of space, but I also think Andy can be a dick.  

We don't know that. I don't want her back either. I have never cared for Andy. I don't think him funny, nor clever, nor particularly good at hosting.

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