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S11.E11: The Moral Minority

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55 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I don't think this is totally true. Vicki was a real friend to Shannon her first season. When Heather and Tamra were going after Shannon like a pair of evil witches, Vicki was firmly in Shannon's corner and even told Tamra that she owed Shannon an apology. Vicki also stood by Shannon when Meghan disinvited her from the ridiculous cancer fundraiser and Vicki was also there for much of the David cheating fiasco before anyone else knew about it. Things just went south with the Brooks debacle.

Well, yes Vicki was a friend, but then treated Shannon like dirt and also betrayed a confidence. Why? All Shannon did was try to help a cancer stricken Brooks, and went all out trying to help.  That is not a friend.   You also don't betray a confidence after a friendship ends.   At least I don't.    Vicki does, and she does it in a very vicious way.....Shannon got what she deserved.

Vicki is capable of friendships that last a few days or however long the drinks are flowing. But, even then she will pee on your bed and walk away.

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33 minutes ago, steelcitysister said:


Awesome story. You earned a star in Heaven with that one, beeknees. Gotta ask -- did the guy ever acknowledge the length you went for him or say thanks?

No.  He was airlifted back to Sacramento, CA and never heard hide nor hair of him.  His parents did thank me over the phone though.  The guy was severly burned over a large portion of his body and wound up permanently paralyzed.  I did find out about him being paralyzed while he was still in the hospital.

Edited by beesknees
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15 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

She told them in a phone call the next day, after both she and Vicki were released, while she was packing up to go home. Neither Meghan or Shannon knew any of that while Vicki was in the ER, none of them did until Vicki got home.

This is correct.  Just rewatched.  Day of they just said how sad it was that she was all alone.  Shannon said that Brianna should call Michael because San Diego is closer to Palm Springs than Orange County is (which I don't think is correct, I think they are basically equidistant).  The next day call with Tamra is the first time we're shown someone telling Meghan and Shannon both the extent of the accident and that Vicki needed clothes and had no ride.

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43 minutes ago, TheFinalRose said:

Can someone please tell me why they had to take Vicki to a different hospital that was farther away? What was so bad about Vicki's injury that they couldn't have had her evaluated at the hospital Tamra went to? Or even why she was airlifted?

Wire Wrap said up thread it was because the hospital Vicki was airlifted to had a full on trauma unit ER and there was concern that Vicki may have sustained some sort of spinal injury when she said she was numb in places....I'm assuming the hospital Tamra went to did not have a full on trauma unit....

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23 minutes ago, kdl88 said:

I wonder why Vicki didn't text Meghan and ask her to bring clothes, since they were texting.

Vicki didn't get released until 1 am.  I am still trying to figure out why it is such a big deal.

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Oh puhlease, Vicki is beyond ridiculous with that neck brace. This is the best thing that could've happened to her.  I love how she and Breanna were trying to out sick each other.  Meghan shouldn't have gone at all to Vicki's to be guilted into an apology or put up with Heather's chastising. Weaksauce and I don't even like Meghan.  I'm totally fine with Shannon's approach.  Anybody could've ubered or caught a dune buggy over.

Shut up Heather.  You can't sleep?  You have PTSD?  Did your chef not show up on time?  Why don't we see how your suffering compares to one of the troops who has seen combat.

WTH next week?

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1 hour ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Because then she couldn't play the victim.  This is someone that said she felt like Jesus being nailed to the cross when she was called out for lying about cancer.

Yeah, Vicki probably only got mad at Meghan after-the-fact when Heather put the idea in her head.  Otherwise, Vicki would have demanded herself that Meghan go visit her. 

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8 hours ago, Blondie said:

I wonder if she was concerned at all about a lawsuit in injuring Vicki (the queen of insurance) and Kelley. 

I'd bet Tamra's and Bravo's lawyers are not happy to hear her use the term "reckless" so often...on camera (and probably in print).

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7 hours ago, b2H said:

 I suspect Andy will try to make something out of this on the reunion at season's end, but if this thread is any indication, there isn't a lot of basis from the fans to take Meagan or Shannon to task.

Andy seemed surprised on WWHL that the call-in vote was 70%+ on the side of Meghan and Shannon.  Maybe his leading questions at the reunion will have to be revised.

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So sick of Vicki maybe if she treated people better she would have someone to visit her and check on her! It says a lot when you can even get your own kids to come check on you! Tamra should be getting on them they are her family ! Breanna is her daughter and if someone called and says my mom was airlifted to a hospital sick or not I am there if I have to haul my kids with me or not! Where was her son? 


I live in San Diego and I drive to LA , Long Beach and Palm Springs weekly sometimes more than once it's not that far! Especially if it's your family!! Who in their right mind would think its Shannon and Meaghans responsibility to care for someone who has been so hateful to them! Breanna and Vicki both seem to be exaggerating their issues! 

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9 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Can you imagine Megan and Shannon visiting Vicki after buying clothes for her at Wal-Mart or K-Mart?  The hell they would have gotten from Vicki would have been much worse than not going at all.

Oh but that would have been priceless!!!

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5 hours ago, MsDiva2007 said:

So sick of Vicki maybe if she treated people better she would have someone to visit her and check on her! It says a lot when you can even get your own kids to come check on you! Tamra should be getting on them they are her family ! Breanna is her daughter and if someone called and says my mom was airlifted to a hospital sick or not I am there if I have to haul my kids with me or not! Where was her son? 


I live in San Diego and I drive to LA , Long Beach and Palm Springs weekly sometimes more than once it's not that far! Especially if it's your family!! Who in their right mind would think its Shannon and Meaghans responsibility to care for someone who has been so hateful to them! Breanna and Vicki both seem to be exaggerating their issues! 

You are so cold!  You could have driven to The hospital to drop off some clothes, drive her home, and buy some term life insurance. I mean, I'm all the way over on the east coast or I would have done it.  Map quest told me you were several thousand miles closer.

i agree that both Vicki and Briana exaggerate.  It's how they get by.  Neither have good personalities or extraordinary looks.   Its how they get their attention they crave so badly.   In Brianas case, she has intelligence to fall back on, but she's been conditioned by a lifetime of living with the Ogre of the OC.  No hope for Vicki at this point. 

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How can Vicki claim to have been all alone in the hospital if she chatted at least once with Heather and Tamra and Kelly via Skype (or whatever the app is called)?

14 hours ago, Blondie said:

Tamra was injured but she had to know the risks involved in doing such an activity.  I wonder if she was concerned at all about a lawsuit in injuring Vicki (the queen of insurance) and Kelley.  Yes Eddie was with her but either one could have been in cell phone contact with Vicki while waiting for tests to be done.

I thought Eddie stayed at camp and drove to the hospital to pick Tamra up.

11 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

Sometimes I think you do things because it's the right thing to do, not because someone did the same for you, or because someone is worthy by their own behavior.  In my case, it's not about their behavior, its about mine. I try to choose to do the right thing regardless of what others have done to me.

It's not that Meghan didn't go, its about the way she reacted. That is what my issue is with. She didn't know Vicki would be fine that same day. All she knew was that Vicki had her clothes but off and had been airlifted. I don't know if I would have gone,  but I sure the hell hope I wouldn't have reacted like that.

I 'm tired of this issue, but I still wonder why they didn't ask Meghan to check up on Vicki instead of this manipulative nonsense.

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I call BS on no one having Michael's contact info.  How did he get invited to the Merv Griffin Estate?  Smoke signals?  Vicki was facetiming with the campsite folks and texting Meghan.  She could have reached out to Michael.  If she really doesn't have any contact info for her son and employee, that's on her.


The prevailing thought that Vicki does not know where Michael lives and cannot contact him is a completely ridiculous notion.  I find this so annoying that this is still talked about as if it is fact.  Vicki made this comment about not knowing where Michael lives over THREE years ago, and it was a facetious comment at the time she made it.  Does anyone really think that all this time has gone by and Vicki does not know where her son lives and cannot reach him?  And he works for her?  Common sense says this cannot really be.  Come on now.

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4 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:


The prevailing thought that Vicki does not know where Michael lives and cannot contact him is a completely ridiculous notion.  I find this so annoying that this is still talked about as if it is fact.  Vicki made this comment about not knowing where Michael lives over THREE years ago, and it was a facetious comment at the time she made it.  Does anyone really think that all this time has gone by and Vicki does not know where her son lives and cannot reach him?  And he works for her?  Common sense says this cannot really be.  Come on now.

Amen, Vicki bought him a house over a year ago in San Diego,  I am thinking with the escrow papers comes the address.  This old chestnut needs to be retired.

I also believe production would have Michael's number, he films, he signs releases, so they would most likely have his number.

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52 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:


I 'm tired of this issue, but I still wonder why they didn't ask Meghan to check up on Vicki instead of this manipulative nonsense.

I've been thinking about this because in my memory she did. I guess she never did actually, but it seemed so clear that's what the conversation was. Not that the other way of interpreting Heather isn't valid (they really all are crazy bitches so I guess pick your team and go with it.). I guess what I'm saying is I'm not sure Heather meant to be obtuse so much as she was shaken and a little distracted and thought she was relaying the information but kept getting this weird "Oh. That's interesting. Can you see my baby bump from Glammis?" reaction from Meghan and sort of backed off and then got pissed. Ain't none of these ladies actually very good at communicating...

I'm also of the opinion Meghan was texting with a producer, not Vicki, and that's who sent the picture. 

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I don't question Vicki's neck brace, or the treatment she received.  They were provided by a competent medical doctor.  That wreck was horrible, and those ladies are very lucky.  I like Vicki, she entertains me.  I wish her well in her recovery.  

Shannon is boring when not filming with the other ladies...Meghan doesn't count...she's a total bore herself.  Heather, Vicki and Tamra are fun to watch.

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What is the difference between wearing a pair of comfortably loose-fitting and clean hospital scrubs, vs. whatever other kind of random clothes Megan would bring her, for a non-filmed ride home in the car for a person who was just injured? Does Vicki need to be in a skin-tight tank top and barely-there short shorts 24/7? Is this some kind of OC dress code that even Miss Priss Heather thinks cannot be broken, even in the dead of night coming home from the hospital?

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I woukd be so bad on a show like this.bnIm the type that walks away from conflict and friendships that arent healthy.

I have a friendship that mirrors Shannon/vicki's friendship...both my friend and I did stuff that didnt sit well with the other.  The problem was when i explained mybreadons for what I did...i also apoligized for what I did while the other person tefused to apoligize..and wanted the friendship to go back to normal.  I though about it for a few days then realized that it wasnt possible..that our friendship wpuld be a hamster wheel so i sent an email saying we couldnt be close friends..that we could be friendly in social settings...and they didnt take it well...swearing at me then showing me a text conversation they had about me with a mutual friend that was brutal about me.  I decided it best not to engage and didnt respond.  A few months later, had to do a social function together..and everyone was surprised we were cordial...but i had no ill will toward them..but they wanted to resume our friendship like nothing happened.  So I understand Shannon's perspective in regards to Vicki.

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1 hour ago, FozzyBear said:

I'm also of the opinion Meghan was texting with a producer, not Vicki, and that's who sent the picture. 

Vicki says she sent it in her blog.  However she also spent the first part of the blog explaining how she never lied about cancer even though she admitted to lying last reunion and in this blog states she had to wear paper home even though in last week's blog she said she wore scrubs.  So I don't know if I'd take what's in her blog as truth.

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Every now and then Jim says something funny, when Meghan was getting calls from the harpies about Vicki his quip was spot on funny, "Let her call Brooks, let's play golf." Deadpan and succinct.

I thought Shannon looked cute in her golf clothes, some clubs do not let women wear very short skirt like Meghan was wearing on the course.

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Some thoughts as I'm finally watching...

Hold up - it was expected that Shannon and Meghan drop everything to see a woman in the ER that neither are friends with, but the woman's real friends were sitting around in an RV drinking Veuve Clicquot and judging? Whatever, bitches.  

Oh, and they hate that she's there all by herself?  Welp, get up off your asses and have someone in production drive you to the ER. Or Kelly's husband could drive you. Or Rapey Ryan. Or Eddie.  Oh, but you can't because you don't wouldn't want miss any filming. Right.  

And Vicki is all by herself and "life sucks"? Really, Vicks? Well, if you weren't such a narcissistic, cancer lying pig, maybe you'd have friends that would drop everything to be with you in the hospital. Maybe your kids would've showed up.  Speaking of friends - where was Jeana?  Couldn't she have gone?  

I appreciate how production keeps giving us shots of Heather, Tams and Kelly all drinking while they act concerned for poor, lonely Vicki. "Oh, Vicki...so sorry that you're alone. We love you.  Hey! Can we get some more champs over here??" 

Team Jimmy and his assessment of the whole situation as being asinine.  

Tams looked really old in the scene at the gym. 

Heather needs to get the fuck outta here with all her faux outrage. Puh-leeze.  If you wanted someone to go be with Vicki then you should've asked. Period. 

Megs - if you're depressed now wait until you're raising that kid and running your candle shop all by your lonesome. 

Jeezus - I've heard "MapQuest" more in the last 50 minutes than I have in the last 5 years. 

Good grief - how did Meghan not reach across the table and punch Heather at lunch?  I am firmly Team Shannon/Meghan on this one (even if Meghan doesn't know what patronizing means.)  Heather--you called to say you got into an accident. At no point did you ask either Meghan or Shannon to go see Vicki.  You hinted at it even knowing that neither are friends with her. You and Kelly were drinking during that call.  You did not convey the seriousness of the accident at all.  I think Heather is somehow trying to cover her ass by acting all outraged because she knows there's film of all of them drinking and celebrating Eddie's birthday all while Victim Vicki was all by her lonesome.  All Heather cares about about how Heather looks. 

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18 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

I agree, but the thing that confuzzles me is the desire to get his wive/s on the show?

I was under the impression that he wanted the wife who passed away on the show, a while back? I think he was 'meh' about the whole enterprise until the party where bicki told them that their marriage was doomed?

I would have been peeved and stopped filming with any of them. Mudhen is going to be the target of his displeasure -

it was pretty evident during their talk.

LeAnn was wife #1. I think it was wife #2 that was friendly with the Dubrows and was going to be on a previous season, but Jimmy ditched her and the kids and they live in St. Louis now. It was her house that Meghan and Jimmy were living in when she first came on the show.  Anyone correct me if I'm wrong. 

18 hours ago, Lady Grump said:

A'ight, y'all. I am having SUCH a hard time understanding how anyone could be on Heather and Vickie's side in this all. Huh!?

Some people have said that this episode has lightened their hearts towards Heather and Tamara?

I'm the opposite. I WAS warming up to them, but this episode CRUSHED that.

Amen, sister.  I start each season thinking Heather isn't bad and then she has to go and be all Heather-like and I end up not being able to stand her. 

16 hours ago, beesknees said:

I say shame on Shannon and Meghan.  I was also in a situation like this (I was on the Meghan & Shannon end).  The person that wound up in critical condition (he hated my guts - he got fired from his job and I was his replacement - I met him and spent a whopping total of 30 mins. with this man in my entire life, plus the guy made thinly veiled threats toward me and I was all like "What? Huh?").  I wasn't a friend of this man, not even an acquaintance.  Basically a stranger to me.

Anyhoo, we all lived in a foreign country at the time.  Our employers didn't visit the guy, nor co-workers, no friends for the entire time this man was in critical condition in the ICU.  The guy was in intensive care for more than 2 weeks and the doctors performed a serious surgery on him to boot until until the guy was flown half way across the world back to the States.  He was petrified and frightened.

His parents were of modest means and could not afford the air fare to the country where we resided.  I visited this person every single day, phoned his parents to let them know what happened (because no one spoke English) and paid for the long-distance phone charges (which were astronomical back in the day).  Brought (and bought) the man items that the hospital requested (different hospital customs /system than in the U.S.)

Now did I like this guy?  No, not really.  In fact the dude was somewhat creepy and freaked me out but I still showed up, suited up.   I was there for a fellow human being because, you know, compassion.  Trying not to toot my own horn but what if the tables were turned and I was sitting in a hospital with no one?  I just could not abandon a person who was alone like that.

Even though Vicki's situation turned out to not as bad as initially thought the minute I would have heard the following - "Air-lifted due to neck injury, clothing being cut off and having no clothes (only paper gown), BEING ALL ALONE, our other friends not being able to go BECAUSE THEY WERE ALSO IN SAID ACCIDENT and were a several hour drive away" I mean, god damn, I think I could stop my golf game and head over to the hospital for an hour or so.  Just me?

You seem like a very nice person for doing that and I meant that sincerely.  But it's apples and spaceships (tm Radziwell) to me. They weren't in a foreign country where little English was spoken, her kids and friends were a couple of hours away by car and she was not in the ICU nor required any type of surgery. 

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11 minutes ago, beaker73 said:

LeAnn was wife #1. I think it was wife #2 that was friendly with the Dubrows and was going to be on a previous season, but Jimmy ditched her and the kids and they live in St. Louis now. It was her house that Meghan and Jimmy were living in when she first came on the show.  Anyone correct me if I'm wrong. 

Amen, sister.  I start each season thinking Heather isn't bad and then she has to go and be all Heather-like and I end up not being able to stand her. 

You seem like a very nice person for doing that and I meant that sincerely.  But it's apples and spaceships (tm Radziwell) to me. They weren't in a foreign country where little English was spoken, her kids and friends were a couple of hours away by car and she was not in the ICU nor required any type of surgery. 

I was even thinking at the beginning of the season Heather might be a good candidate for a "Before They Were Real Housewives" special.  Now she just comes off as Meghan said, "theatrical". 

Meghan and Shannon have both said had Vicki been admitted they would have gone to the hospital the next day.  To me, that seemed like the more reasonable and polite approach.  I really didn't think it incumbent on Shannon or Meghan to make arrangements for Vicki's wardrobe and transportation post discharge. 

Heather said something interesting on Twitter, that she had called for a car service to take her to Vicki but it took five hours.  I don't quite get why she could not have taken the RV, or Eddie's car, or Tamra's brother's car or Kelly's car to go see Vicki. 

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40 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Heather said something interesting on Twitter, that she had called for a car service to take her to Vicki but it took five hours.  I don't quite get why she could not have taken the RV, or Eddie's car, or Tamra's brother's car or Kelly's car to go see Vicki. 

Wait.. did she say it would have taken 5 hours or it took 5 hours? It took 5 hours to get to the hospital meaning she (Heather) went to see Vicki?? And all of this arguing and drama.

I'm on Team Meghan/Shannon. It says a lot about a person when her own children think she's overreacting and let her take an Uber home. Why didn't Vicki call her son to pick her up. Oh that's right, because she needs to play the feel sorry for me card

Vicki to Brianna on the phone: "You can't be depressed when I'm depressed." That's pretty much Vicki's whole persona there. You can't be sad because I am sadder. You can't be in pain, I'm in more pain.

It's interesting seeing Tamra on WWHL basically not being on Vicki's side at al, while on the show they're bff's again. I kinda can't want to see what happens later in the season that changes her tune.

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Weird to me that Vicki got discharged at 1am. Vicki claims she had a 'bad' concussion. I know hospitals do want to kick you out but what hospital decides after a few hours of observation that you can send someone hours in an Uber car with a stranger with a "bad" concussion. Vicks knows the insurance world inside and out. I believe she said on the couch at home she has had chronic back or neck problems before the accident. All you need to do is get your family doctor to share that and the hospital can keep you longer. 1am discharge in a strange city with no one to release her to? Sounds strange. It doesn't add up I want to see the PET scan record hahaha. Vicki could have probably even paid the bill out of pocket to get admitted and a night's sleep. Just strange. 

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Can you imagine Megan and Shannon visiting Vicki after buying clothes for her at Wal-Mart or K-Mart?  The hell they would have gotten from Vicki would have been much worse than not going at all.

I think a Salvation Army store for clothes would have been better and used undies!

I used to like Heather but she needs to get off her cloud.

I am not your friend and you have been a bitch to me = no hospital visit!

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8 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Weird to me that Vicki got discharged at 1am. Vicki claims she had a 'bad' concussion. I know hospitals do want to kick you out but what hospital decides after a few hours of observation that you can send someone hours in an Uber car with a stranger with a "bad" concussion. Vicks knows the insurance world inside and out. I believe she said on the couch at home she has had chronic back or neck problems before the accident. All you need to do is get your family doctor to share that and the hospital can keep you longer. 1am discharge in a strange city with no one to release her to? Sounds strange. It doesn't add up I want to see the PET scan record hahaha. Vicki could have probably even paid the bill out of pocket to get admitted and a night's sleep. Just strange. 

Hospitals run on a system that is called Diagnosis Related Groups - DRGs.

What DRGs do is average the type of injury/illness you have - and the hospital gets paid according to your stay.

Doctors are under the knife to get those patients out of the facility, in order to make money - patients that over stay the DRG average, lose the hospital money.


Another reason they might have booted her out is the 'backlog' of patients in the ER that are waiting for beds. When you go to the ER, your 'bed' is held - until you are either admitted into the hospital or discharged - even going for tests outside the unit.

An ER has a limited set of resources/personnel and beds - someone who isn't critical or dying is going to be discharged at any time.

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That accident was just what Vicki needed after so many failed attempts to make everyone put the fake cancer issue behind them.  She wasn't seriously injured, but she knew she could crank up the drama to the max.  "Must...have...helicopter!"  It was hilarious seeing Queen Vicki sitting on her throne in her palace with her neck brace, holding court as the "lesser" housewives dutifully arrived to pay homage to Her Highness.  Meghan was even able to sneak in a plug for her candle business with her "gift."  How can anyone dare bring up Cancergate now that Vicki has survived a horrific brush with the grim reaper?

Interesting how everyone else was up and walking around right away, including Kelly ("Helmet strap?  I don't need no stinking helmet strap!").  The vehicle was equipped with a roll cage and it rolled over at relatively low speed in sand, not a concrete freeway.  Somehow only Vicki sustained injuries that left her unable to function for days, or at least as long as the cameras were present.

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5 hours ago, FamilyVan said:


The prevailing thought that Vicki does not know where Michael lives and cannot contact him is a completely ridiculous notion.  I find this so annoying that this is still talked about as if it is fact.  Vicki made this comment about not knowing where Michael lives over THREE years ago, and it was a facetious comment at the time she made it.  Does anyone really think that all this time has gone by and Vicki does not know where her son lives and cannot reach him?  And he works for her?  Common sense says this cannot really be.  Come on now.

No one said that Vicki doesn't have Michael's number. Heather is the one who said that she (Heather) didn't have contact info for Michael.

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18 hours ago, beesknees said:

Even though Vicki's situation turned out to not as bad as initially thought the minute I would have heard the following - "Air-lifted due to neck injury, clothing being cut off and having no clothes (only paper gown), BEING ALL ALONE, our other friends not being able to go BECAUSE THEY WERE ALSO IN SAID ACCIDENT and were a several hour drive away" I mean, god damn, I think I could stop my golf game and head over to the hospital for an hour or so.  Just me?

Your situation is different, though; IMO because the guy was admitted. I do believe if Vicki ended up needing to be admitted to the hospital, she would have had visits from everyone. She was in the ER. Non-family would likely not be allowed back, or given any information,

And, IMO, there is no reason that someone from Glamis could not have driven out there. There were plenty of people who were not injured. Her suitcase was there. Someone could have taken it to her. The truth is, NO one wanted to visit Vicki. So I'm not sure why Shannon and Megan are taking all the heat. 

18 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I call BS on no one having Michael's contact info.  How did he get invited to the Merv Griffin Estate?  Smoke signals?  Vicki was facetiming with the campsite folks and texting Meghan.  She could have reached out to Michael.  If she really doesn't have any contact info for her son and employee, that's on her.

YES! If I was somewhere away from home and ended up in the ER, the first thing I would do is call my husband, sisters, my kids (too young now, but if they were older). Vicki was texting, so she had access to her phone. IMO, SHE could have summoned someone if she needed someone to be there that badly. The fact that she didn't, or there was no one willing to come, says a lot about her as a person. 


18 hours ago, Lady Grump said:

Fair enough. BUT, was going there really "the right thing to do." I say, "No." Sometimes the right thing is showing people that they've fucked up in life, and driving it home, so THEY can change for the better. It's called "tough love" and that is what Vicki needs right now.

Agreed. In general, I'm all about the whole, "my actions are representative of who *I* am, not what YOU deserve". However, there are some people that just doesn't work with. I think Shannon, especially, has been trying to keep that line drawn, lest Vicki get any ideas. Vicki has a way of trying lighten things and weasel her way back in, and I think you have to be very careful how much you give her. She is a life suck. 


17 hours ago, ridethemaverick said:

I too think that's what she meant when she said patronizing (I think it was Ubiquitous who mentioned that). There are some people (like me) who hate it when people aren't direct, even to the point of being overly defensive/assholish. I can totally see Meghan's hackles raising the more Heather and Kelly beat around the bush/stealthily pressured her. I think she may have responded differently if they had initially just asked her if she minded going to check up on Vicky. 

I would find that highly annoying. Quit beating around the bush and just say what you want. It was the expectation that was the problem. And then when Shannon and Megan didn't fulfill that, Heather lost her shit. She should have been more direct. 

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1 hour ago, ElDosEquis said:

Another reason they might have booted her out is the 'backlog' of patients in the ER that are waiting for beds.

You forgot BIV , medical code for getting rid of her. (Because it's Vicki)

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4 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Vicki says she sent it in her blog.  However she also spent the first part of the blog explaining how she never lied about cancer even though she admitted to lying last reunion and in this blog states she had to wear paper home even though in last week's blog she said she wore scrubs.  So I don't know if I'd take what's in her blog as truth.

Okay, so Vicki SENT the picture of herself strapped to the board. Who TOOK it? Someone had to have taken that and sent if to Vicki in the first place. I want to know who. I'm with Shannon in that I wouldn't be snapping photos during an emergency. If production keeps filming, fine. But do it from a reasonable distance and don't be whipping out cell phones to get an individual shot. What's the point??

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25 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Okay, so Vicki SENT the picture of herself strapped to the board. Who TOOK it? Someone had to have taken that and sent if to Vicki in the first place. I want to know who. I'm with Shannon in that I wouldn't be snapping photos during an emergency. If production keeps filming, fine. But do it from a reasonable distance and don't be whipping out cell phones to get an individual shot. What's the point??

According to Vicki, per her blog, Kelly took the picture with Vicki's own camera, "Just to clear this up, Kelly had my phone and took a photo of me going on the stretcher to take me to the helicopter.". LOL

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14 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

According to Vicki, per her blog, Kelly took the picture with Vicki's own camera, "Just to clear this up, Kelly had my phone and took a photo of me going on the stretcher to take me to the helicopter.". LOL

Wow. That really is something. How did Kelly get her phone? I'm sure Vicki gave it to her. I know this is a "nearly fatal" situation, but make sure you snap a pic of it. 

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On 9/12/2016 at 7:09 PM, FlyingEgret said:

How exactly does one do makeup while wearing a neck brace? That burning question distracted me from the rest of Vicki's sick calls

My husband kept pointing out how often she turned her head while in the neck brace.  I thought if you were wearing that contraption it was so you COULDN'T move your head.  

I am positive she was sore but not that injured.  Just because someone had a follow up with a neurologist does not mean that there was a neurological problem.  It means they were checking it based on her complaints.

 I do not believe her one iota.  I believe they were ALL sore and very lucky.  I think Tamra was the one hurt the worst and V was having none of that.  Perhaps this is a case of boy who cried wolf and her head was barely hanging on but I call bullshit.  I find V to be such a despicable human being that if she told me she were on fire I would want someone to verify.  Bravo can she PLEASE go away forever???

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Heather is more upset at Meghan for having the balls to tell her she is patronizing and theatrical to her face. It hit a nerve so it's not the first time she's been told that.

Hated the way Meghan caved to Vicki. She should have just said . "After the way I've been treated by you I was uncomfortable going to see you and felt it wasn't my place nor obligation." She should have said that to everyone.

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My husband kept pointing out how often she turned her head while in the neck brace.  I thought if you were wearing that contraption it was so you COULDN'T move your head.  

Yes and at the end of the episode she was slumped over on the couch with her head hanging to one side - really Vicki?  I noticed her movements seemed a little loose for someone with a collar on.  

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2 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Weird to me that Vicki got discharged at 1am. Vicki claims she had a 'bad' concussion. I know hospitals do want to kick you out but what hospital decides after a few hours of observation that you can send someone hours in an Uber car with a stranger with a "bad" concussion.

With respect when my son had an accident on his moped a number of years ago he was in the ER by about 11:30 PM, was x-rayed, the orthopedic surgeon was eventually dismissed, the hold on the OR cleared (by the grace of whatever god protects idiot 15 year olds he didn't need surgery) was cleaned up, given many stitches for a deep, serious and long gash to his knee, given an antibiotic drip and was released about 4 AM...and gifted with a hospital gown to wear over his boxers after his jeans were cut off him. I was told to keep him awake, watch for signs of shock. Okay, the ER wasn't busy that night so we were taken right in but still, it was a case of no fuss, no muss, thanks for the business. Next patient, please.

No, not a concussion but still a pretty good accident. And it was handled just fine by everyone--no hysterics, no major trauma, no one needed to be called (I told his father, my ex,  the next day). It was a case of adults dealing with a situation like adults.

Edited by Beden
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16 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Heather is more upset at Meghan for having the balls to tell her she is patronizing and theatrical to her face. It hit a nerve so it's not the first time she's been told that.

Hated the way Meghan caved to Vicki. She should have just said . "After the way I've been treated by you I was uncomfortable going to see you and felt it wasn't my place nor obligation." She should have said that to everyone.

LOL, isn't that part of her resume?


I get the feeling that she may hear it on the home front, not necessarily from strangers on the street, hence the shock?

When you hear it at home it she can let it run off her back.

Getting it from someone, especially someone you come armed to destroy/humiliate/humble, must have been a real kick in the gut. Pleather went there in "mom mode" to set Mudhen straight - or as pops used to say - She went looking for three legs on a cat, but found four?

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On 9/13/2016 at 5:32 AM, ghoulina said:

Let me just say, I am so glad that Shannon is going to throw down with her MIL next week. For these reasons:

1. MY MIL is coming on Thursday and she probably makes Shannon's MIL look like a saint. Camaraderie, sister. 

2. I will so grateful not to have 4 weeks of "why didn't you visit Vicki in the hospital??" Next storyline, please!


After watching the fallout, I still stand by what I said last week. There was no reason for Shannon or Megan to visit Vicki in the hospital. But I can see where the other ladies got a bit peeved, because their attitudes did seem a little big cavalier. My argument would have been, "She's in the ER, we can't see her anyway. And we're not friends. I would't want someone I had bad blood with visiting me in the ER". (Although, let's be real, Vicki would take a visit from Joseph Stalin as long as he brought a casserole.) But they were more, "Eh, it doesn't seem that bad. And you're closer". 

But, to be fair, they didn't have the full story. And Shannon, especially, wasn't even TOLD until Megan had shown off her ginormous baby bump and played half a round of golf. Yet I can still see how, with the beer popping and laughing, there was a more casual tone about it and they didn't realize the severity of the situation. Vicki DOES tend towards the dramatic. Everyone knows that. 

But even IF they knew right out of the gate how bad it was, WHAT were they to do??? Kelly was all, "If someone is in dire need of help...." That's what DOCTORS are for! Shannon couldn't save Vicki's life. She was in the ER. She was never admitted. You can't visit people and bring flowers in the ER. It's hectic, there's people working on saving lives, it's not somewhere you hang out. 

And are we really to believe that Vicki's ONLY friends are the ones on this show? Where are her other friends??? I get that Brianna was sick. Where was Michael? Co-workers? Neighbors? I thought she and Jeanna were close again? Who cares about the distance (and who still uses Mapquest???), if two people she's icy with are expected to come, where are all her loved ones? David was right - call Brooks. He can go. 

Not only that, but what about all the people still at Glamis? They stayed the entire rest of the afternoon/evening. Left the next morning. I know Heather came in an RV. But surely there were cars there. We saw Eddie driving one. Ryan, Kelly's husband, Tamra's brother, Tamra's mom - how did all these people get there? They couldn't drive Heather or Kelly over to see Vicki? If they were SO concerned about her being alone??? No, they were more interested in bonfires and drinking. 

The fact of the matter is that ALL these people were playing hot potato with Vicki. NO one wanted to visit her. And, I'm sorry, but that's a reflection of HER and her alone. What a shitty person she is. 

I did think Megan's apology, while unnecessary, seemed sincere. But maybe she just didn't want to come off looking like an asshole. I did think it was ridiculous of her to go around calling Tamra "reckless". I'm no Tamra fan, but accidents happen. If the women she hurt aren't mad at her, Megan needs to just shut up about it. It seemed like deflecting, to me. It was nice to see Jimmy get a bit protective over her, though. 

So now it's all said and done. Vicki is in a neck brace. Heather can't sleep at night. And Megan is depressed. YAY! 

Two more superficial comments and them I'm done:

1. What was with Megan saying that Shannon's golf game was as bad as her outfit? I am not into preppy golf clothes at all, but I thought Shannon looked much better than Megan on the course. Her outfit was more put together. Megan's hair was all falling out and she was wearing what appeared to be black with pastels! What the what? 

2. LOVED Shannon going through her house and demanding that she get to keep her tchotchkes. 

AND the cameras.  THAT is probably what she is most angry about.  The cameras did not capture her pain.  I for one am thankful I was not subjected to hospital Vicki.

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Vicki was playing this for all she is worth. She could have told anyone of them "I want someone here or bring me some clothes and pick me up." Michael, one of her coworkers, any one of the people in Glamis including production could have gon in the 9 hours she was at the hospital.. What happened at the hospital and after was manufactured drama by Vicki to capitalize on the opportunity to plav the victim card, get their sympathy and have them rush to her side.

Loved David, "Gotta chase down my golf ball." "They should call Brooks"

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Am I missing something? Shannon was laughing her ass off on the golf course because she has Vicki's number and knew - not by instinct but from intimate experience - that this entire production was total bullshit . . . and she was right. On Mob Wives, Karen Gravano noted of the deterioration of her 20-year friendship with Drita that "you have to know someone really well to know what kind of hate and evil they have inside of them." Well, Shannon's only been acquainted with Vicks for a couple of years BUT in that short span of time she's been treated to Vicki maligning her as a "disgusting" foe who "got what she deserved" vis-à-vis the emotional humiliation one of Vicki's family members maliciously and publicly tried to inflict one her. And why? Because Shannon had the compassion to leverage her professional (since "philanthropist" is basically her occupation) and social connections for the benefit of Vicki's nominally ailing significant other. She watched face to face as Vicki all but said that her actions last season were attributable to physical terror that she suffered at Brooks hands and asserted that she had "never lied" in the same breath as copping to fabricating yarns about Terry Dubrow.

Puh-rops to Shannon for giggling. Because you know what? This is what giving zero fucks looks like. She's not going to modify her reaction for the sake of positive impression because . . . she doesn't have to. She's witnessed the very real vileness of which Vicki is capable and she's not going to promote it.


As for Meghan . . . oh, ponyboy, I was rooting for you (TM Tyra) and you folded like a house of cards at the decisive moment. When I confoundingly began to find Heather likeable and even, dare I say, charming at the start of last season, I knew it was only a matter of time before she let her pants slip and asscrack show. I find the attributions of her behavior to lingering post-accident trauma humorous because this is the way in which she's always conducted herself.

If anyone else has the temerity to approach a conflict involving Heather with anything resembling a criticism (or even responds to a direct question from Heather with a response that she doesn't like a la Lydia and the Dubrow disgruntlement over Lisa Vanderpump getting a Beverly Hills Lifestyle cover), they're "rude." But if Heather directly attacks someone with pejorative adjectives, fabricates bizarre tales about their firings and abuse of Neiman Marcus employees, and/or lies about whether or not they yelled at her in their home, it's all her PER-CEP-TION at best or gospel ("if everyone says you're dead, it's time to lie down") at worst.

The posters upthread who noted that Heather's anger is really about Meghan's refusal to hop to following her commands are spot on. First, Meghan was "not cool" for failing to read Heather's mind and offer to visit Vicki of her own accord. Then she was "reprehensible" for pointing out the very common-sense point that Heather and Tamra are better friends with Vicki and direct participants in the accident. Then she's mystifyingly just as villainous when she *does* visit Vicki.

And the editorializing on Meghan being irresponsible in terms of her pregnancy? Talking about being a "fucking cunt." Really, I don't know how THAT is defensible in any way, shape, or form.

It's also a shame that Meghan capitulated because Jimmy seemed quite exasperated with Heather's bullshit; I would have LOVED to see him check the fuck out her.

Edited by lunastartron
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On 9/13/2016 at 9:05 AM, MerryMary said:

Truth.  Thank you.  And most trauma-related PTSD is not from a single episode but ongoing circumstances, such as combat, poverty, abuse, etc.

Vicki was later interviewed and said production called Donn who lives in Palm Springs and he wouldn't go see her.  As much money as she's paid him, he should have gone.

I think the housewives didn't go because production told them not to.  Filming that day was already scheduled and in place.  No hospital would let cameras inside their facility.  This way, there's more of a storyline.

Brianna always throws Vicki under the bus.  It was during a reunion that she said Vicki and Brooks text and say I love you all of the time.  

This tells you all you need to know about Vicki.  NO ONE would go.  Not her kids, not her ex, not her friends, not her coworkers.  It doesn't matter how much she paid anyone, if you are a shit person you get shit treatment.  And she paid him because she had to.  Not because she wanted to or was oh so generous.  Lesson folks, treat people like shit you will get that in return.  Even minus the cancer lie, the flashbacks of V being a horrible person to Shannon and Meghan was enough to say um no, I have to blow dry my hair I can't come to the hospital.

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On 9/13/2016 at 9:57 AM, Former Nun said:

Stopping in would not have been good enough.  Heather and Kelly want you to take clothing to her--including underwear and shoes in the right size--probably something to eat and drink too.  THEN...drive her home!  It doesn't matter that no one conveyed it.  You should have known and you should have done it!

And if they didn't drive her home to the OC but back to La Quinta, what next?  Would they have been stuck taking care of Vicki?  Wiping the sweat from her brow?  Feeding her soup?  Walking her to the bathroom or emptying her bedpan?  Taking pics of her?  They would have assumed custody of the yelly, ungrateful one and gd it they had better have a casserole waiting for her.  So its either cancel your own vacay and pick her up and take her home and I would guess sitting with her until her own family cared OR you spend your vacay taking care of V in your own vacation home.  Its a lose lose situation.  The only people expected to take on the care and feeding of V were Shannon and Meghan.  Sara and Ryan weren't necessary at Glamis as they are only peripheral cast members.  Voldemort could have picked up V and then he and Kelly could have had her stay in their camper.  Many options but they weren't options the campers liked.

Meghan was newly pregnant.  Let her and her husband celebrate.  Shannon and David certainly should not have even been asked.  

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