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S11.E11: The Moral Minority

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Im waiting for my casserole from bravo or Vicki for having to watch Vicki try to pull the victim act..and for subjecting us to Brooks.

Shannon...i hope she can still withstand the bitch edit that season 3 brings...Heather Dubrow got the bitch edit in season 9 if i recall.

I like conflict...its organic.

Tamra so reminds me of my grandmother..a devout christian thatbstirs the pot, gossips, and points the finger at others to escape blame lol

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6 minutes ago, breezy424 said:


And Heather continues to go on about it all after the trip.  She has PTSD.  Yet she can go to restaurants and articulate quite well.  Side eye here.



I don't know if heather has PTSD, but being able to talk and go out to dinner says nothing about whether or not someone does, or doesn't ,have PTSD. People with PTSD don't spend all of their time in the fetal position, drooling, all day. They manage to function just fine for large chunks of time.

Edited by JennyMominFL
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Good grief, Vicki with her I got a concussion to her near death experience.

My ex's roommate had a bad concussion  years ago and I slept on the floor in his room all night to make sure if anything went bad in the night I could get him to the the hospital ASAP if needed. All was well.

Vicki turns a blister into a brain tumor, the woman is exhausting!

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Why did Tamra/Heather tell Shannon that Vicki went home in a "paper gown"? Vicki said in her blog last week that she went home in hospital scrubs! LOL Now, did Vicki lie to Heather/Tamra or are they lying to Shannon?

My thoughts were that Vicki might have said she went home in a paper gown. I could see Vicki misrepresenting her not having any clothes just by saying something as simple as "I did not have any clothes but the paper gown I was wearing." Vicki could have just left out the part where she got scrubs to wear. Who knows.

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28 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

I don't know if heather has PTSD, but being able to talk and go out to dinner says nothing about whether or not someone does, or doesn't ,have PTSD. People with PTSD don't spend all of their time in the fetal position, drooling, all day. They manage to function just fine for large chunks of time.

I'm just referring to Heather.  Yes, I know a lot about PTSD.  I think the difference is that Heather conveniently diagnosed herself with PTSD while most people with PTSD do not immediately do that.  It's a process.  Sure, what happened was upsetting to say the least and I do think events like that do take time to get over but I do not think that Heather at that point, just days after the event, had a syndrome.  She overstated for sympathy. 

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2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

And I find Shannon shifty. There, I said it.

I find both her and David shifty. Especially David but we don't need to go down that road again.

Oddly enough, I hated Meghan last year but like her this year. I don't know what it is. I agree that she looked kinda bad here but I understand it.

Vicki couldn't have asked for a better situation. 

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2 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

I don't blame Shanon for much. It seems Meghan did not convey things.

Meghan.. Yuck. Never liked her. She hates that Vicki might be milking this. This from the woman who has been treating pregnancy like and illness since, well before she was pregnant. How many times will we have to hear about her hormones?

ETA, though Heather.. definitely Patronizing.

ETA 2.. My husband was watching and saw the commercial for Dont Be Tardy and asked if Kim had a stroke because her wig was too tight.

ETA 3... MY husband and I have a history of stokes..He can make stroke jokes

Yes she had a TIA last year

Edited by athousandclowns
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I'm kind of seeing why Meghan and Jim are a good match. Neither one has much in the way of emotional depth. They both come across as so cold and self involved. Meghan doesn't seem to get she probably didn't have to actually do anything different, but if she had just expressed some empathy this probably would have blown over. Even her apology was so remote and distant. Also, why did she feel Heather was being patronizing? I mean not that Heather can't be, I just didn't get it in that situation.

Came back to add; I think since Meghan is sort of emotionally stupid she is missing a piece of what's going on with Heather. Heather's pretty fixated on the whole "you should see her. You're her friend." comment.  I don't think Heather thought of herself as Vicki's friend, more like a work colleague that was easier to get along with then not. Heather thought of herself as Meghan's friend! In her mind she wasn't asking Meghan to do a favor for non-friend Vicki, she was asking Meghan to do a favor for her friend Heather. She probably knew Meghan and Shannon wouldn't want to go but thought they would do it anyway for her. Instead Meghan kind of hems and haws. Heather felt like Meghan was making her beg and friends don't make friends beg for favors. But I don't think Meghan does subtle or complex so the idea that this is about her and Heather, not her and Vicki is lost on her.

Edited by FozzyBear
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3 hours ago, dosodog said:

Google maps has the distance from the hospital to Glamis as 2 hours 1 minute.  Not 48 minutes.  Megan PI let me down.

Meghan already laid the groundwork for not being able to use Mapquest last episode when she thought she was 45 minutes away from the Merv Griffin Estate instead of 5.

2 hours ago, FanOfTheFans said:

So if Meghan had gone to see Vicki, would she then have been expected to drive her home, leaving Meghan to turn around and drive back to their vacation spot?  I'm confused about the expectations here. If it was a case of getting Vicki home, I think family should have gone to get her.  I can see both sides of this but there was a lot of positioning for the moral high ground tonight and all these ladies lose me at that point. Found myself rolling my eyes more than once tonight. 

That's the thing.  Where does it end?  You know that even if Meghan stayed the entire 9.5 hours of the ER visit and bought Vicki the fanciest of designer sweatpants with matching limited edition kicks she'd still be an asshole for letting Vicki Uber her ass home.  When does it stop being Meghan's responsibility and start becoming the responsibility of people that should actually like/love Vicki?

1 hour ago, JennyMominFL said:

My husband was diagnosed with PTSD after his 3 months in the hospital following Aortic Dissection. He was in a very very dark ugly place for a few year. It was awful.  I don't know about PTSD after a situation like that one, so I won't comment about whether Heather could have it. I just know it definitely occurs outside of combat.

I don't doubt that people can get PTSD from various traumatic events.  I just doubt that Heather, 3 days after the accident, could be diagnosed with it.  After a big accident you're jumpy, it replays when you close your eyes, you flinch at any cars coming near you, your emotions are off, etc.  It's normal and it wears off after a bit.  I think it is dramatic to call it PTSD and downplays what actual PTSD sufferers like your husband face.

1 hour ago, breezy424 said:

What about Michael?  I don't have his number replies Heather.  Um. You've been in contact with Brianna, his sister.  I'd think she'd have it.  If Vicks was texting Meg, she was texting Heather and Kelly as well.  Hey Vicks, you have Michael's number?  Heck, Vicks could have called Michael.

If he's smart, none of them have his number, but at least Brianna probably does, if not Vicki.  Either could have told him to pick her up and bring her some clothes and shoes.


Does anyone else think that Vicki had the Uber stop at CVS on the way home so she could pick up that neck brace?

I laughed at the cancer scammer's own kid thinking she was milking it.

I was strongly on Meghan and Shannon's couch until Meghan started her apology tour.  I didn't like her backpedaling to Vicki and Heather.  I did love her talking head where she said she wasn't going to address or engage in bullshit because it was bullshit and needed to go away.  

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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I think Meghan forgot to change the location when she pulled up the mapping app so it defaulted to the current GPS location of the phone as the starting point and she got the 40ish minutes that Heather had said in the first place. Because Meghan is...special.

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12 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:


Does anyone else think that Vicki had the Uber stop at CVS on the way home so she could pick up that neck brace?

Haha! No, but I did wonder why she didn't order some sweats from a nearby Target and use the curbside pickup service to grab them. Throw in a neck brace, why not! 

Speaking of the neck brace, every time I see Vicki in it, I think of that Brady Bunch* episode where one of the kids gets in a car accident and the "victim," who sues, wears a neck brace. The kids figure out he's lying because someone drops a briefcase or something in the courtroom and he turns around to look. 

* Apologies to Meghan PI for the old-person TV reference

Edited by ivygirl
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Um, so what would ya rather do -- visit Vile Vicks the Cancer Scammer in the hospital . . . . or directly face this nightmare?




Jeez, Bravo & Satan Andy, you're killin' me with these 2 horrible broads!

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I'm not done with this yet but am nauseous ( maybe it's the ice cream I just polished off) but all these I love you(s)  make me sick.  Really sick.  Vicki holding court is too damn much she was practically climaxing.  Can not stand her and what she did last season with cancer will never get a pass from most people.  I suppose  if you are paid to film with her and act like a friend then that's a hell of a way to live your life.  Pays well. 

Megan you could have still get your pay check and held your ground.  For a moment I thought she was just telling Heather anything so Heather could no longer lecture her. Maybe she's not that smart. 

Screw you Heather with your do you know how much drugs this girl was on? Girl????  You can take selfies  receive them and forward on morphine. ?   You working on an Emmy ?!  So Vicki goes home in scrubs that's more than sexual abuse victims get. 

Kelly is what my mother would call a bag full of assholes. Be gone. 

Tamara you slick slick bitch.  Is there steroids in the mix ? her jaw looks jacked up.  What church does she belongs to again?  

The single person I can stomach is Shannon and that's probably going to change. She has a sense of humor which I have not seen into the other women.  They are so very busy making themselves look good while tearing their friends or former or future best friends down.  

Can you be aware that you have PTSD immediately? Naw I didn't think so. 

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5 hours ago, Chicklet said:

I just might be less than sympathetic when the "victim" of an accident "texteses" me pictures of themselves boarded and collared the day of the accident. Who does this? Specially if they are the victim. Suuure morphine made her do it.

A friend of the family (who was renting from me) posted pics from the ambulance after his "suicide attempt".  I ran to clean up the bloody scene and found nary a drop.  His boyfriend dumped him and he wanted attention.  He was shocked by the mandatory hold by the hospital followed by commitment to a psych unit.  

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How would anyone know if Kelly had a brain injury? She acts irrationally all the time.

The only person who I feel sorry for is Eddie. His birthday initially was co-opted with all of these idiots and than this crazy drama.

Edited by biakbiak
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5 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

How exactly does one do makeup while wearing a neck brace? That burning question distracted me from the rest of Vicki's sick calls

Where there's a will there's a way.  I did full makeup with an untreated broken shoulder of my dominant arm. 

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Hope I'm not repeating anything as I've only just seen this episode here in Australia. 

Surreal. I think Heather was the one worst affected in the accident. The sit down scene with Meghan looked almost scripted and definitely overacted with the snapping eyes, arching eyebrows and flapping hands. Heather's response to this, relative to a whole season of cancer scamming, seemed way out of proportion to me. I think she's had a head injury, it was out of character for her even to mention ptsd in regard to herself. 

And did Season 10 not happen? Given what Vicki did to everyone, why are Tamra and Heather so furiously shocked and condemnatory of Shannon and Meghan and their choice not to run to Vicki's bedside? Jim seemed to be the only one who isn't drinking the Season 11 koolaid. 

Kelly is so very desperate for approval, sitting at Vicki's feet agreeing with everything anyone says about anything as long as the finger isn't pointed at her. 

Allegiances are flip flopping everywhere though and I bet Bravo is pleased. I haven't been a fan of Shannon or Meghan but I feel for them after this. Especially Shannon. I think forgiveness is laudable, especially in a newly minted Christian, but when you are dealing with complicity in scamming cancer from someone who has owned none of it nor apologised for any of it, then I think you must respect the right of others to continue to be wary of that person. That's just self preservation! 

And I am resenting having Brianna and her abusive husband and her kids on my screen next week with the already tired scenario where Gramma Gulverson investigates online dating apps. Nup. Totally over Vicki's extended family, zero interest and Vicki should be on borrowed time after last season. Not at all amusing. 

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2 minutes ago, queenjen said:


And I am resenting having Brianna and her abusive husband and her kids on my screen next week with the already tired scenario where Gramma Gulverson investigates online dating apps. Nup. Totally over Vicki's extended family, zero interest and Vicki should be on borrowed time after last season. Not at all amusing. 

That isn't Brianna's husban, it's her brother Michael. Chances that Vicki brings up why neither came to her aid?

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You're right, my bad. But him too. The neck cracking weirdo. Don't want to see him on my screen again ever. Did Vicki still have her neck brace on? She'll be wearing that thing til Christmas and then she'll have it rolled in glitter and mounted above her bed. 

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8 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

A lot of people actually.

A lot of people take selfies of themselves and the deceased at funerals, but that doesn't make it right either. Someone had a seizure at DragonCon this year and people were standing around taking pictures and selfies as she was being taken to the hospital. WTF?

8 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Watching everyone fuss and fawn over Vicki made me sick. She's going to be milking this forever. 

Oh my gawd, yes! I was seething while watching Vicki hold court on her sofa and milking it.

7 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Btw, does Meghan know what the word patronizing means? Because I saw no shades of patronization in Heather's phone call to Meghan on the golf course. She was many things, shaken, incredulous, annoyed, irritated, but not at all "patronizing". Megan's a stubborn dumbass.

I think Meghan meant "manipulative" when she called Heather "patronizing", because that's what she was doing in trying to make Meghan and Shannon visit Vicki the cancer scammer in the hospital. I get very angry when people try to pull that shit on me instead of being direct and asking things.

7 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

Not sure why people are surprised that Vicki got Morphine. That's given out A LOT in medical situations. My mother hurt her thumb last month and the first thing they did in the ER was give her morphine. I can't tell you how many times my husband and I have been given morphine for minor things. We've actually turned it down a few time because we didn't need it

I thought morphine wasn't used very often because it's dangerous (incredibly potent and addictive) and a relic of the 1800's that's been replaced by safer meds. The only time I can remember morphine being used was when I administered morphine drops to Mom on her hospice deathbed.

7 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

The show hasn't aired on the west coast did the campers remain in Glamis overnight or did they pack up and go home?

In case you didn't see it yet, everyone stayed at Glamis for the duration of the trip, drinking and trying to get Meghan or Shannon to "pick up the turd".


7 hours ago, Irritable said:

I never heard Heather and Kelly ask Megan and Shannon to go see Vicki, I heard them try to guilt and pressure them into it by using language that specifically avoided asking.    I wonder if they had said, "Would one of you please go see Vicki?  We can't do it in our situation, and since you aren't too far from her it would mean a lot if you could go to the hospital so she won't be alone during this really scary time" if things would have gone differently?  I think maybe they would have.  I know that I do not respond well at all to someone trying to guilt me into doing something that I don't think is my responsibility any more than anyone else's...I will dig in my heels just like Megan did.

I think the outcome would have been very different if they asked Meghan and Shannon to visit Vicki instead of this guilty trip fuckery.

5 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I'm just referring to Heather.  Yes, I know a lot about PTSD.  I think the difference is that Heather conveniently diagnosed herself with PTSD while most people with PTSD do not immediately do that.  It's a process.  Sure, what happened was upsetting to say the least and I do think events like that do take time to get over but I do not think that Heather at that point, just days after the event, had a syndrome.  She overstated for sympathy. 

What bothers me is that it wasn't until they got back that Heather started complaining about how injured she was after seeing her acting just fine at the camp site.

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My favorite tweets on tonight's episode 

5 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I agree with Jim, it is asinine. 

Who knew dull,  uncaring Jim I actually agreed with tonight.   Thats how unflattering this whole situation turned out thanks bossy Heather and sidekick mean girl Tamra. 

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Sorry to aske here, but can someone explain me the "casserole" thing ? Because I try to figure it out since I heard it the fist time, but I still don't get the meaning of it :(
Is it like bringing a cake to your new neighbour ? Cooking some soup for someone who's got flu ? etc.

Thanks a HUGE in advance

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1 minute ago, Diane Mars said:

Sorry to aske here, but can someone explain me the "casserole" thing ? Because I try to figure it out since I heard it the fist time, but I still don't get the meaning of it :(
Is it like bringing a cake to your new neighbour ? Cooking some soup for someone who's got flu ? etc.

Thanks a HUGE in advance

Last season when Vicki just out and out made up a lie about Terry sending over a colleague over to administer an IV, Vicki's response to why she lied, was she expected sympathy and the other ladies to bring her casseroles.

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3 minutes ago, Diane Mars said:

Sorry to aske here, but can someone explain me the "casserole" thing ? Because I try to figure it out since I heard it the fist time, but I still don't get the meaning of it :(
Is it like bringing a cake to your new neighbour ? Cooking some soup for someone who's got flu ? etc.

Thanks a HUGE in advance

in a variety of places or communities like churches people bring over cassaroles in times of need, the idea that they can be frozen and be reheated without difficulty for dinner. This could be in the case of illness/injury, death, or birth/adoptions. 

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Just now, zoeysmom said:

Last season when Vicki just out and out made up a lie about Terry sending over a colleague over to administer an IV, Vicki's response to why she lied, was she expected sympathy and the other ladies to bring her casseroles.

Yes, I remember that, but I don't understand what "casseroles" means here :( ... because I don't hink Vicky was waiting for REAL casseroles, pan or other kitchen/cooking material ^_^

(English is NOT my language, so there's probably a meaning / implication I don't get, and that's what I'm asking for),

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Tamra said something weird tonight on WWHL, the latest reason for Kelly not going to the hospital was that her husband and daughter were there.  Why was it okay for Meghan to leave her husband and house guests?  Tamra had her husband, mother, brother, his family, son and his girlfriend, any of these fools could have gone.  Whether it was a 45 minute drive or two hour drive, once the commitment was made, it was like the roach motel, once someone checked in they weren't checking out until Vicki was discharged.  I found it unique these battered accidents victims spent the night in camp, drinking instead of heading home.

Most of all I appreciated Kelly's daughter saying she didn't have a good time. 

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I was thinking Heather probably did the braids look because she was camping and didn't have access to a shower (that's what I would do if I ever go camping) but then I realized her fancy-pants RV had to have had one.  So I guess she was just going for the non-patronizing look...

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6 hours ago, FozzyBear said:

I'm kind of seeing why Meghan and Jim are a good match. Neither one has much in the way of emotional depth. They both come across as so cold and self involved. Meghan doesn't seem to get she probably didn't have to actually do anything different, but if she had just expressed some empathy this probably would have blown over. Even her apology was so remote and distant. Also, why did she feel Heather was being patronizing? I mean not that Heather can't be, I just didn't get it in that situation.

Came back to add; I think since Meghan is sort of emotionally stupid she is missing a piece of what's going on with Heather. Heather's pretty fixated on the whole "you should see her. You're her friend." comment.  I don't think Heather thought of herself as Vicki's friend, more like a work colleague that was easier to get along with then not. Heather thought of herself as Meghan's friend! In her mind she wasn't asking Meghan to do a favor for non-friend Vicki, she was asking Meghan to do a favor for her friend Heather. She probably knew Meghan and Shannon wouldn't want to go but thought they would do it anyway for her. Instead Meghan kind of hems and haws. Heather felt like Meghan was making her beg and friends don't make friends beg for favors. But I don't think Meghan does subtle or complex so the idea that this is about her and Heather, not her and Vicki is lost on her.

Loved every single word of this. Was thinking the same thing about Meghan and Jim being a good match, and for the first time understanding why they are together. They are both somewhat emotionally void. 

What I got from Heather was the same thing; she was asking her friend Meghan to do something for her. She wasn't thinking about ER wait times or even plotting what Meghan would do when she got there. She was just in shock and upset and was looking for a little support and she got none of it from Meghan. The comment about how Heather and Tamra should go check in on Vicki since she was their friend was horrible, IMO. She might not have understood how horrific the accident was in that moment, but she certainly understood when she was sitting across from Heather, and still she was calling Heather names and looking at her with zero empathy or concern. It was just strange to watch, and I've never been a Meghan hater. 

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1 hour ago, Diane Mars said:

Sorry to aske here, but can someone explain me the "casserole" thing ? Because I try to figure it out since I heard it the fist time, but I still don't get the meaning of it :(
Is it like bringing a cake to your new neighbour ? Cooking some soup for someone who's got flu ? etc.

Thanks a HUGE in advance

Yes. A casserole is a one-dish meal that is prepared and baked in an oven, like shepherd's pie or lasagna. The dish in which it is cooked is also called "casserole".

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6 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I still have nightmares of Vicks doing kegstands at Michael's frat house. Ah, the good ole days. 


6 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I have PTSD from watching that episode.


So does Michael.......

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9 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

Vicki is the "Original O.G. from O.C." I don't think she will ever be fired from this show. If she leaves, it will be of her own free will, which I don't think she will because the money is too good.

No, she is not.   The show was conceived and built around Jeana.  Jeana had a career of sorts in entertainment before the Housewives, and a professional athlete husband.  Vicki was just some ugmo Jeana knew.   Jeana left of her own accord, leaving Vicki as the longest running cast mate. She's lasted because people have been laughing at her the whole time.   She's just not funny enough anymore to laugh at, and I have zero empathy or sympathy to waste on her tired, crusty old ass.

she is just too stupid and narcissistic to realize she's not some feared or revered character, but rather the punchline.  

Back to the "horrific " accident.

those vehicles are made to roll because they get rolled all the time.   I'm really sick of these old hags going on about this "horrific " accident wherein a dune buggy with a roll bar rolled.   Happens every day.  Usually not with a full load of dramatic hags.    Shit, I see people take bad spills from horses every day and get right back on.   You have accidents in more extreme sports.  Leave it to the younger crowd.  

Fuck making Shannon the underdog again.   And Shannon, please don't let the buyer have that little kidney bean desk you make your cell phone calls from.  

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Let me just say, I am so glad that Shannon is going to throw down with her MIL next week. For these reasons:

1. MY MIL is coming on Thursday and she probably makes Shannon's MIL look like a saint. Camaraderie, sister. 

2. I will so grateful not to have 4 weeks of "why didn't you visit Vicki in the hospital??" Next storyline, please!


After watching the fallout, I still stand by what I said last week. There was no reason for Shannon or Megan to visit Vicki in the hospital. But I can see where the other ladies got a bit peeved, because their attitudes did seem a little big cavalier. My argument would have been, "She's in the ER, we can't see her anyway. And we're not friends. I would't want someone I had bad blood with visiting me in the ER". (Although, let's be real, Vicki would take a visit from Joseph Stalin as long as he brought a casserole.) But they were more, "Eh, it doesn't seem that bad. And you're closer". 

But, to be fair, they didn't have the full story. And Shannon, especially, wasn't even TOLD until Megan had shown off her ginormous baby bump and played half a round of golf. Yet I can still see how, with the beer popping and laughing, there was a more casual tone about it and they didn't realize the severity of the situation. Vicki DOES tend towards the dramatic. Everyone knows that. 

But even IF they knew right out of the gate how bad it was, WHAT were they to do??? Kelly was all, "If someone is in dire need of help...." That's what DOCTORS are for! Shannon couldn't save Vicki's life. She was in the ER. She was never admitted. You can't visit people and bring flowers in the ER. It's hectic, there's people working on saving lives, it's not somewhere you hang out. 

And are we really to believe that Vicki's ONLY friends are the ones on this show? Where are her other friends??? I get that Brianna was sick. Where was Michael? Co-workers? Neighbors? I thought she and Jeanna were close again? Who cares about the distance (and who still uses Mapquest???), if two people she's icy with are expected to come, where are all her loved ones? David was right - call Brooks. He can go. 

Not only that, but what about all the people still at Glamis? They stayed the entire rest of the afternoon/evening. Left the next morning. I know Heather came in an RV. But surely there were cars there. We saw Eddie driving one. Ryan, Kelly's husband, Tamra's brother, Tamra's mom - how did all these people get there? They couldn't drive Heather or Kelly over to see Vicki? If they were SO concerned about her being alone??? No, they were more interested in bonfires and drinking. 

The fact of the matter is that ALL these people were playing hot potato with Vicki. NO one wanted to visit her. And, I'm sorry, but that's a reflection of HER and her alone. What a shitty person she is. 

I did think Megan's apology, while unnecessary, seemed sincere. But maybe she just didn't want to come off looking like an asshole. I did think it was ridiculous of her to go around calling Tamra "reckless". I'm no Tamra fan, but accidents happen. If the women she hurt aren't mad at her, Megan needs to just shut up about it. It seemed like deflecting, to me. It was nice to see Jimmy get a bit protective over her, though. 

So now it's all said and done. Vicki is in a neck brace. Heather can't sleep at night. And Megan is depressed. YAY! 

Two more superficial comments and them I'm done:

1. What was with Megan saying that Shannon's golf game was as bad as her outfit? I am not into preppy golf clothes at all, but I thought Shannon looked much better than Megan on the course. Her outfit was more put together. Megan's hair was all falling out and she was wearing what appeared to be black with pastels! What the what? 

2. LOVED Shannon going through her house and demanding that she get to keep her tchotchkes. 

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9 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

Actually PTSD is a real thing for many people not in combat or abuse. My brother had it after going through hurricane Irene when a tree fell on his house while he was inside, then a tree fell on one car, then a tree fell on the other car, then one fell on his shed. All during the same storm. The cars and shed were crushed and he had to climb out of a window and run to a neighbors' house for safety because a live wire was on the roof of his house and he could hear the current surging throughout and smelled burning. He called for help but the police said he was on his own until the storm was over. It took him a year to recover. I believe u can suffer through PTSD without combat. It's about trauma and stress, car accidents can really mess u up mentally ... Heather? Who knows? But I can buy it...

Hope your brother is doing better.  

My friend flipped her car about two years ago.  Thankfully no major damage to her physically but she was messed up in the head for a while after.  She was absolutely terrified of getting in a car for about a year.  She's still gets very nervous about driving to this day.


I still don't like Kelly but it was really good of her to thank Heather and compliment her for being so calm and taking care of everyone right after to roll over.  

Edited by Sai
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I wish it wasn't Heather going down the PTSD road.  I think it would be far more amusing watching any of the others try to come up with right collection of letters: PMSD, PSTD, GOPD............. 

Edited by bosawks
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7 hours ago, ivygirl said:

Haha! No, but I did wonder why she didn't order some sweats from a nearby Target and use the curbside pickup service to grab them. Throw in a neck brace, why not! 

Speaking of the neck brace, every time I see Vicki in it, I think of that Brady Bunch* episode where one of the kids gets in a car accident and the "victim," who sues, wears a neck brace. The kids figure out he's lying because someone drops a briefcase or something in the courtroom and he turns around to look. 

* Apologies to Meghan PI for the old-person TV reference

I TOTALLY thought that too! The Brady bunch episode! Mike Brady threw the briefcase down. Lol

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11 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

 Who cares about the distance (and who still uses Mapquest???),

This is the real issue of this episode. How much money did mapquest pay for all those mentions?! I did not even know mapquest still existed. I used to print off mapquest directions to friends' houses in like, 1999. Do these women still use AOL and altavista too? So odd. Who does not use google maps? Or maybe apple's built in map app? Mapquest?! Really?!!

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10 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Well, Tamra told her that she got a bit brave/reckless on the high dunes and that was when the accident happened, so she was only repeating what Tamra said. And, on top of that, Tamra told her more about the accident than Heather/Kelly did in the first place.

None of them asked about her, not Tamra, Kelly or Vicki, not one of them asked if she was hurt.

You do not give someone with possible head trauma/concussion morphine and it is not a good idea for patients with neck/back/spinal trauma in the first 24/48 hours either. It makes it harder to catch something that may have been missed directly after an accident.


9 hours ago, WireWrap said:

It is imperative that any symptoms, life threatening ones, are not masked by meds like morphine/dilaudid...ect. If she was given morphine, that means she didn't have a concussion, as she claimed, or any neck/spinal injuries beyond mild mid level muscle bruising. IMO, she is milking it and that is why Briana was so dismissive towards her.


Nope, it is not! LOL 

Exactly!!  Vickie was over the top exaggerating he symptoms.  She wasn't that badly hurt or she would have been rushed in for the tests, not sitting in a hospital bed taking selfies.  If you are truly hurt and scared, selfies and texting a non-friend are the last thing on your mind.  She is ridiculous.  I see you Vickie - bye Felicia.

9 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

So is it actually common then to give morphine for someone less injured, like Vicki?  I mean, My mother fell and hurt her thumb and her leg was sore and they gave  her morphine. Maybe they gave it to her after determining no head injury. They also give it to my husband a lot when he goes to the ER with chest pain.

Yes, they more freely give morphine when there is no head trauma etc.  Clearly they  checked her out, decided it wasn't bad and gave her morphine to shut her the fuck up.  This quiets the hysterical hypochondriac down until they can complete testing. 

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I stopped watching middle of last season, but for tuned in last night.   So I may not be up to date on all the HW interactions.

But I doubt very much that Vickie was alone, naked and afraid at the hospital.  Surely someone from production made the trek as it happened on their watch.  Barring that, Brianna has her brother's number.  And, I'm sure the ladies have Vicki's work number, so maybe someone could have called her office and filled them in and asked them to go there and bring her a change of clothing?  Finally, if Vickie was able to send pictures from her hospital bed, she could have called someone herself.

Oh, and the Dessert Regional hospital has a gift shop that carries "clothing for newborns, women and men". Vickie couldn't get a volunteer to pick something up for her there? OK maybe she didn't have a credit card - but again, I'm not buying that someone from Bravo wasn't at that hospital.

I'm no Meghan fan, but I didn't think for one second she (or Shannon) needed to drop what they were doing and visit the pathetic one.  Also, good to know somethings never change - Heather is still her sanctimonious, condescending self. It must be exhausting to have to maintain any type of relationship with her.

LOL at David "Call Brooks"

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