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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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7 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Huh, Derick gave a straight forward response. The response wasn't overly defensive, harsh or twisted. 


@(poster's name) if you only know our family from a semi-scripted show then you are either assuming things that aren’t there, or believe that all you see is all there is. If Jill felt the Lord leading her to run for governor, I would not only vote for her, but support her in every way a spouse can.

Technically, Derick's right.

But I don't know if he was trying to convey that the show made the family look worse and that in "real" reality they were "average" people. I would argue that the show tends to present the Duggars in a benign manner compared to how some of the actual family has presented themselves on social media - especially Derick, Jill, Jeremy, Jinger, Anna, Jessa, and JB/M. Maybe Jana, Joy and Lauren to a lesser degree.

Plus, most of the information we have about the Duggars is through social media these days considering that CO only seems to air new episodes like every six months or so.

Edited by madpsych78
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On 7/27/2019 at 11:22 PM, doodlebug said:

I had an epidural for my hip replacement and I told the anesthesiologist that I didn't want to hear any of that 'carpentry sh**' and he should make sure I was snockered. I woke up at one point, commented on the noise and the last thing I remember was him picking up a syringe...

You are my kind of medical professional!  My room mate's surgeon told her I had to leave the room after he used a carpentry metaphor and I told him to stop mansplaining things to me. Sometimes you just don't need to know the details.  Or watch a video.



umm yay my husband Dereck is studying law. Yay he makes me tea he is the best hubby ever. Umm I graduated duggarville academy with honors yay! I am sorta a midwife and a missionary. I’m a homemaker and a great cook. Ummm oh I also homeschool my 2 blessings. And my new passion is to be a sex therapist/guru. Want to smell me this lotion drives my best hubby ever wild! 

Yay I can vote? I’m going to ask my headship who to vote for! 

Can you be my close dear friend? Yes. Yay!

Biggest gummy smile and wrinkles forehead...

Edited by galaxychaser
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44 minutes ago, EmeraldGirl said:

I find it interesting that Dreck didn’t even know about Izzy and kindergarten. What do they talk about? Whether Jill will be on her back that night - or - on her back that night? 

Derelict said a couple of weeks ago that Izzy had already completed kindergarten. Maybe all of Jill's sex potions are clogging his memory chips.

  • LOL 14
56 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Derelict said a couple of weeks ago that Izzy had already completed kindergarten. Maybe all of Jill's sex potions are clogging his memory chips.

It makes me sad that they say Izzy has completed kindergarten, when some of the main objectives of kindergarten are socialization and preparation for academic success. Izzy seems like he might thrive in actual kindergarten but instead he gets this f-ed up Duggarized version. I really feel for these kids.

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24 minutes ago, Zella said:

Pandora's box! 😂


59 minutes ago, Steff said:

I think we've officially hit the end of Jilly Muffin's recipe box (that sounded dirty, forgive me)

Last 3 or 4 recipes have all been repeats.  She's out of family/friend of the family/Mechelle's recipes. 

I practically died laughing at Jilly Muffins recipe box. Thank you. 

Has Jill ever posted a recipe for dear friend family muffins recipe?

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On 7/30/2019 at 12:04 PM, madpsych78 said:

Technically, Derick's right.

But I don't know if he was trying to convey that the show made the family look worse and that in "real" reality they were "average" people. I would argue that the show tends to present the Duggars in a benign manner compared to how some of the actual family has presented themselves on social media - especially Derick, Jill, Jeremy, Jinger, Anna, Jessa, and JB/M. Maybe Jana, Joy and Lauren to a lesser degree.

Plus, most of the information we have about the Duggars is through social media these days considering that CO only seems to air new episodes like every six months or so.

Don't forget Jessa and Ben. When they first started courting and Jessa got SM accounts, they were filled with hostile anti-Catholic rants. Ben has dropped off SM, and Jessa has cleaned up her SM presence, but I don't think that their bigoted beliefs have changed.

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3 hours ago, floridamom said:

I also thought that photo contained raw chicken. What is that slop? Israel really needs to lose that rubber baby bib already.

Jill probably stirred sour cream into Sam's soup bowl.  It makes it taste better.  I make various bean soups all the time.  They are very weight watchers friendly but such a common type meal I would never post it!

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4 hours ago, floridamom said:

Israel really needs to lose that rubber baby bib already.

I thought the same thing.  It's been awhile since I've been around little kids, but I don't remember kids around his age needing to wear a bib for every meal like Izzy seems to do.  I may give her a pass on the soup because it can be messy for kids but why not just tuck  a napkin or dish towel in his collar or at least get him a larger age appropriate bib?

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Why is Izzy's placemat facing the wrong way?

His expression looks like he's plotting something diabolical.  That baby-sized bib looks so stupid.  Why not use a napkin or paper towel and tuck it into his shirt?  Yaaay also looks too big for a damned sippy cup.

That slop on Sammy's plate looks awful.

Edited by xwordfanatik
removed a word
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6 hours ago, ginger90 said:

New pictures, repeat recipe from December, 2018. At first I thought Samuel had raw chicken in his bowl. My old eyes, or Jill’s pictures are  bad.




Jill, Izzy is going to make you wear that bib everywhere as soon as he is your guardian.  I would expect a toddler bed in your future as well.

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1 hour ago, BOOgen3 said:

If the boys are not going to daycare or day camp (HA!), why would their sippy cups need to be labeled with both their first and last names for home use?

I’m sure Izzy recognizes his written name, so it’s probably so he won’t drink out of Sam’s cup and pass around germs, maybe? 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I think it's the last name part that the op was really questioning. I (kind of) get labelling your kids' stuff (though really wouldn't color coding work just as well? If Israel knows the blue cup is always his, etc.?) for home use, but do you really need the "Dillard" if you're not taking it to school, camp, whatever?

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5 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

It's still there on my posts.  Hmmm, that is weird.

It appears to be gone on mine as well. I have not had anything to edit today, so not sure how long it has been missing. Hopefully it will reappear soon. There have been other things on this site in the past that sometimes go wonky for a day or two then go back to normal.

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7 hours ago, BOOgen3 said:

If the boys are not going to daycare or day camp (HA!), why would their sippy cups need to be labeled with both their first and last names for home use?

Nah, that’s just for Jilly Muffin to be able tell them apart.

*Off to the prayer closet go I.*

Anybody got wine? I may be here for a while...

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34 minutes ago, Crisinbama said:

Poor Izzy.  First off the bib looks ridiculous, second, why the f does he still have a sippy cup?  I have two little boys that are 6 and 7.  We haven’t had a sippy cup in the house in YEARS.  Cups with lids and straws sometimes, sure, a sippy cup meant for a 1-2 year old, nope.  

My daughter in law’s sister keeps her grade school girls using sippy cups - says they are neater. We say get a towel. Maybe Jill is so overworked she can’t wipe up a spill. 

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12 hours ago, Crisinbama said:

We haven’t had a sippy cup in the house in YEARS. 

I will admit this. I have no children or grandchildren that need a sippy cup, but I have four. They are because when going boating, and spills are assured, red wine makes a horrible mess to clean up. Hence we use those kiddie cups. 

There are no sippy cups in the prayer closet. Just red wine...unless one of y’all are going to join me then I’ll have other libations at the ready. 

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Just now, Mindthinkr said:

I will admit this. I have no children or grandchildren that need a sippy cup, but I have four. They are because when going boating, and spills are assured, red wine makes a horrible mess to clean up. Hence we use those kiddie cups. 

There are no sippy cups in the prayer closet. Just red wine...unless one of y’all are going to join me then I’ll have other libations at the ready. 

That is definitely up-cycling!

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