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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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10 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I was actually suspended from the 7th grade for having this book during our mandatory reading hour.  They called it porn.  No, it was a book with sex but not porn.  I wasn't named but this incident made it onto the front page of our COUNTY newspaper.  

So am I to understand this correctly the Dillards, who have more money than the average person of their age, took campus housing?  Are there housing issues at that school like there are ours (not enough campus housing for those that want it)?  Cause if so, another reason I want to throat punch them.  

I've heard of this book, but had never read it, so I checked out some of the comments on Amazon and sort of accidentally bought the kindle edition (I don'teven have a kindle, but somehow landed on the option, and was just looking, out of curiosity, to see how that worked). At any rate, I ended up with it on my laptop, so proceeded to read it. Just finished a little bit ago, and the really weird thing is that although none of it seemed familiar plot-wise, I could distinctly remember reading the early (flashback) sex/makeout scenes with Shep at some point. I have no idea when! LOL. Guess I must have picked it up at some point in my younger years and thumbed through looking for the "good parts".

  • Love 5
On 10/24/2017 at 5:08 PM, Absolom said:

That apartment looks so depressing.  I guess since they're only there while Derick does his current "training" no one feels inclined to decorate it or Jill has never decorated anywhere and doesn't know how and her sisters have done two places and are done?

Wait you mean Jessa didn't come over to hang the mandatory 67 inspirational quote decorations, 15 crosses and at least 7 ivy wreathes on the walls followed by moving all furniture into impractical designs to ensure all floor space is blocked and cramming Derricks desk and "school" books into a study closet because it's unimportant book 'larnin stuff?   She must be slipping now that she has two kids and all those diapers to throw out and we know Jill can't decorate, clean, cook or basically make any decision without checking her Bible, trying to remember if it was allowed at the TTH and asking permission and blessing from hubby first.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

At a first glance, his missive looks so different from his Twitter feed rants.  Have aliens hijacked his brain and The Feast of the Kroobkes commenced?  One would almost think this was written by a high schooler, not a college grad.

He definitely got a very limited understanding of free speech:

“Just because you don’t agree with someone, doesn’t mean you hate them. What one thinks of someone’s idea or actions really doesn’t serve at all, to tell what they think of them personally, one way or the other. For example, I disagree with about 95% of what my son does or suggests that I do ("Get out of the car!" as we're going 70mph down the highway), yet I love him dearly! I disagree with my wife far less than my son, and I also love her very much. It’s not bigotry, fascism, etc… to exercise one’s right of free speech.

Derick, your son is 2 years old, you dumb as fuck twit.  Izzy will soon outpace you in intellect, though. This is coming from a man child who believes his innocent babby is manipulative and sinful already. It’s pointless to argue with a two year old, and your wife seldom demonstrates the maturity of a 13 year old on a good day. Aren’t you just the model headship?

It’s not bigotry, fascism, etc… to exercise one’s right of free speech. Da fuck? That might be an argument a middle schooler or younger kid would use to conclude a paper who has no deeper understanding of what the words mean to try an impress a teacher with big word usage, but someone who wants to minister? Better qualify what you mean by that, otherwise you are defending evil and hurtful and uncivilized behavior.

On many points it’s fine to have a harmless opinion Derick, or state a personal preference or belief on the proviso you aren’t ugly about it.  But, from what we’ve seen you endorse from the preachers, politicians, and pundits you admire and align yourself with, by not renouncing some or a good bit of what they say (depending on how odious and repugnant they have already demonstrated themselves to be), you ARE just as complicit as they are in spreading bigotry and fascism.

So get your spindly, uncoordinated, persecuted whiny scrawny ass off my lawn, unless of course you showed up to actually do something that resembles work, like  push a lawnmower!

I can’t even with this TWIT.

Good God. Of course you disagree 95% Of the time WITH A TODDLER!!! Geez D-man is dumber than a box of hair.

  • Love 13
12 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

Yes, but... Derick? In College Ministry? 

As I've mentioned before, one of my cousins attends one of these independent fundie-light churches that sounds a lot like Cross Church. She and her husband have three kids, who are 19, 15, and 10. They grew up attending the preschool ministry, youth ministry, and teen ministry programs at their church. The oldest is now in the college ministry program. The kids are devout, attend their various youth ministries regularly, have done "mission" work in central and South America, and truly seem to believe in and love their church.

And they would no sooner know what to do with Derrick Dillard than they would a kangaroo in a necktie.

See, these kids are devout, but they're also modern teens/tweens. They wear fashionable, sometimes revealing clothes. They listen to Christian music but also know all the latest hits. They attend coed dances and parties. Both the girls and the boy are active in team sports. They go to public school. Their mom works. The family uses birth control and my cousin has had frank sex-ed talks with both of the oldest. The oldest dates and drives. They have social media accounts and text constantly. They may not approve of same-sex relationships (and the church sure doesn't!) but they have gay friends and classmates and their attitude is one of "live and let live," not hellfire and damnation. They are Christian, but they are in most ways completely normal kids. 

I've met their youth pastor. He's a cool guy. He knows how to talk to teens at their level. He's well-versed in social media, dresses like a hipster, used to work at Starbucks and talks knowledgeably about secular movies and tv shows. The college pastors are a young couple. She wears shorts and tank tops, has a nose piercing, and loves hip-hop music; he does the laundry and drinks beer occasionally. They are all very successful in outreach and retention of church members because they are modern young people. They are introducing kids to religion through the framework of a life they already know. It's only because they have that framework that they're so good at ministry.

Derick? If he wanted to be successful at college ministry, he would need to have this framework too. Instead, he has an accounting degree and the personality of a guy twice his age. He doesn't listen to secular music or watch secular movies and tv, is a judgy teetotaler, and dresses like a weirdo. His Biblical tweets are depressing, not uplifting. And then there is the spouse problem. A married college minister needs a spouse who is either someone the students can relate to or who is willing to stay in the background. Derick has Jill. Jill, in her stretched-out chevron skirts and frumpy layered tops. Jill, who disapproves of dancing. Jill, who will be having blessings every other year until she hits menopause. Jill, who won't even let Derick go on a ministry trip to a town 1500 miles from home without her hanging around his neck. Just... Jill.

There is just no way Derick is going to make it as a college ministry leader in a modern church, even a fundie-light one.

totally agree  -- I'm sure it's still a hundred percent his intention, however. And because he's spent some years as a congregant of the Cross Church complex, I expect he figures he's got some sort of in there. And who knows? There may be somebody who knows him from the past who'll give him a little break. As you say, though, he's not cut out for it. So he won't be able to capitalize on a break, even if he's given one. 

My bet is that none of the three religio-ambitious Duggar adjacents will get very far with their church ambitions, actually.

Jeremy may do better than the other two, but even in his case I think that'll only happen if he stops his current tactic -- sucking up loudly to all the old hard-liners who think the way to proceed is to completely squelch the creeping liberalism of the young with what they see as the overwhelming and powerful truthfulness of the old orthodox bigotries. If Jer keeps up his anti-gay, anti-Catholic, anti-this-and-that sermons, I expect that ultimately he'll have little more success than Der will, even though he dresses so much better and is able to sort of pretend he's hip. Bin would be the one who could manage to look most convincingly young and even hip if he really tried, I think. But he's just too dim to get anywhere, probably.

The thing is, though, I do think the old guys in the church will be willing to give Der, Bin and Jer a chance for longer than we would think is warranted. Because that attitude you mention in your young relatives -- disapproving of same-sex relationships but knowing gay people their age who are out, maybe even being sort of friends with them. That's the big big thing that the old church leaders are terrified of at this point. Because they've already learned that for a lot of people this is the first step in an attitude change that ends up seeing them approve of gay relationships. Once you know gay people fairly well and accept them on a social level and maybe even become friendly with them when they're being honest about who they are, that's usually the first step toward abandoning that "but I still disapprove of gay relationships" thing. That dynamic is already causing some people, especially young ones, to leave the conservative churches entirely. And the old guys are wild to squelch it. They're counting on bringing in young workers who'll help them do that. And the Dugg-adjacents are tapping into that desire on the part of the older church leaders, I think. The Dugg-adjacent boys clearly know this and hope that they can use it as a stepping stone. But ultimately it's not going to work to get the Dugg-adjacents permanent jobs or to keep people in LGBQT-bashing churches once they've socially accepted gay friends. The church old guard is going to lose. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

What's funny about that to me is that, like a lot of people with his views these days, he wants to have it both ways. I don't hate you but I totally disapprove of you and will keep barking about how you should stop what you're doing. But if you tell me that I should stop what I'm doing, then you're wrong to do that.

It's hard to make the case that you embrace freedom when you really truly don't want to give freedom to other people -- because you don't believe that God wants those people to be free. ... American principles and the principles these guys think of as Christian completely contradict each other at certain points, and Der and his ilk really really don't want to believe that. You can't make logic out of it but they keep trying. 

Exactly. And it occurs to me that his using Izzy and Jill as examples of people he may "disagree" with sometimes, but love anyway suggests that he thinks those who think anything in contrary to his opinions are simply not educated enough to know the "truth". Or just plain stupid. He may think he "loves" the "sinner" on whatever level, because in his mind he in merely trying to save them from an eternity in Hell, but he still thinks they are far inferior, and that their "free speech" is meaningless at best and dangerous in the main, while his "free speech" is divinely inspired and Godly truth, therefore the only opinion that really counts.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

Protecting your child from wanting to get out of a moving car is far different than publicly attacking a Trans teenager. And demonstrating or saying a belief, is far different than actively trying influence laws around the rights of those you don't agree with and who in no way impede on your rights. 

So Derick I believe it is people like you who contribute to the division of our country. If you think Transgender folks are "not real" then be thankful you were born in the correct body. If you & Jill believe abortion is wrong then don't terminate a pregnancy. Its that simple Derick.

It seems simple to me, too. But I have the feeling that it's not just un-simple to Derick but that it may be the issue/concept/stumbling-block/whatever that's most responsible for tearing this country apart right now. Feeling that you're free in a society where you generally are not allowed to order other people to follow your most cherished rules? That just doesn't seem possible -- or, on their interpretation, permissible in the eyes of God -- to people like Der and the tens of millions of others with his beliefs.

American freedom and that version of religion are flat-out incompatible. But they want to think that they believe in both. At some point you have to make a choice. But most people with this religious point of view actually believe that they don't have to choose because they believe that this is the religious point of view the nation was founded on -- Der clearly thinks this, given the stuff he writes.

So he can't get his head around the fact that, no, if you put your concept of religion first, then you necessarily reject that ideal of American freedom you honestly believe you love. And if you decide to put that first, you won't be able to order everybody to follow your moral beliefs while telling them they're unpatriotic and hateful if they criticize yours. He and his religious heroes just can't accept that this stark choice is necessary, and that fact screams out every time Der writes one of his little essays trying to explain himself.

But he's not the only one, and it's not because his views are more childish than those of many many others. White conservative Christians have mostly grown up believing that they're the most American of Americans and that their traditions are the ones on which this country was founded -- They've been told again and again that that's the case, and of course it's what they want to believe. They are attached to this country and its ideals, and they've been taught that they and their faith are the source of those ideals. It would take a mighty act of pushing aside your deep feelings and trying to look at your beliefs in the hard painful light of day -- and then in this case actually separating yourself from a core belief you and your community hold -- to actually acknowledge this and decide how you'll proceed. And that's extremely hard to do. It's no wonder to me that he and others keep falling on their faces trying to find and defend the logic of their position. Their deepest beliefs demand that their position be the right and logical one. And it's really hard for anybody to give that kind of thing up. 

In a way, though, I'm just as glad that he's doing it publicly. Maybe somebody else can look at it and see that he has to struggle to explain it because it doesn't actually make sense. Maybe he'll even see it someday if he has to struggle hard enough. ..... People can eventually change their minds, even about things that are hard. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 16
4 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

For example, I disagree with about 95% of what my son does or suggests that I do ("Get out of the car!" as we're going 70mph down the highway), yet I love him dearly!


2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Protecting your child from wanting to get out of a moving car is far different than publicly attacking a Trans teenager. And demonstrating or saying a belief, is far different than actively trying influence laws around the rights of those you don't agree with and who in no way impede on your rights. 

I took his point to be that Izzy was telling Derelict to get out of the car while they were going 70 miles per hour. (I have high hopes for that boy!)

I'd want you out of my life in the easiest  and possibly permanent way also if you told me I could do no right. (but you love me anyway) Derelict, remember this when Izzy is a teenager and feels he has nothing to lose. You've already told him what a loser he is. Hope it isn't a self-filling prophesy. What a pill.

Edited by Schnickelfritz
  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

Exactly. And it occurs to me that his using Izzy and Jill as examples of people he may "disagree" with sometimes, but love anyway suggests that he thinks those who think anything in contrary to his opinions are simply not educated enough to know the "truth". Or just plain stupid. He may think he "loves" the "sinner" on whatever level, because in his mind he in merely trying to save them from an eternity in Hell, but he still thinks they are far inferior, and that their "free speech" is meaningless at best and dangerous in the main, while his "free speech" is divinely inspired and Godly truth, therefore the only opinion that really counts.

Can someone please tell me when he'd disagree with Jill?  She has no thoughts or opinions of her own, so his thoughts would be hers.

  • Love 14
23 hours ago, louannems said:

I've watched the Duggars cook and eat a lot of eggs over the years.  Michelle and the older girls at TTH.  Jessa at the Mold House.  Ben at the Mold House.  Jill and Derick.

Almost without exception (except the morning Josh cooked and served JB a full breakfast in bed),  they only eat eggs.  Never a full breakfast balanced with a carb (oatmeal, toast, tortillas, etc, and fresh fruit.  Just eggs.

I just find it odd.

I only eat eggs for breakfast. Sometimes I'll eat a shake instead, but often I just eat one scrambled egg. However, I eat lunch at 10:45, so I wouldn't be hungry if I ate much of a breakfast!

I remember one of the cutest things when it came to my husband's two oldest nephews. At the time one was three, the other one was two. We got out some ice cream and started eating. They both had the look they are eating ice cream, and I want some too on their faces. I said if you want some go ask mom or grandma if it is okay. The oldest went to mom and ask about if he could have some. She asked him if he wanted the ice cream, and he said yes I want hers (meaning mine.) I did not think he was pushing my limits on what he wanted or disagreed with him because he wanted something I had. I smiled, laughed and got out a couple of bowls for him and his brother, and they both got some ice cream along with the grown ups. I could imagine if Izzy did this to Dwerp or Jill. They definitely would not have thought it was one of the cutest things ever.

And in relations to brain power and intelligence, Izzy and Sammy are much more intelligent than Dwerp and Jill combined. What comes out of the cat box after Sassy uses it is smarter than Dwerp, Jill and the rest of the married Duggar couples combined.

Edited by bigskygirl
Taking a page from Derick's bad writing skills.
On October 25, 2017 at 1:50 PM, Zahdii said:

They're both cute.  And Sam's nose is just fine.  I have a niece that had a real 'pig nose' when she was a toddler.  She grew up to be a real beauty.  I think she really could have done well as a model, but she went to ebil college and became a physical therapist.

I think Izzy had the same nose as Sammy when he was an infant and he seems to have already outgrown it....so I'm not worried about Sammy's nose. They're adorable. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 6

Who in their right mind disagrees with what their 2 year old 'says'??? Izzy is TWO years old. I hope that child isn't 'shamed' in to not speaking his mind or opinions at such a young age because that is stunting his thinking and speaking skills. Derick is such an idiot and Jill is more of an idiot for agreeing with him on this, if she does. Where is Grandma Cathy is this? What would she have done a few years ago if she was an uneducated Gothard-like wife/widow?

  • Love 7
42 minutes ago, floridamom said:

Who in their right mind disagrees with what their 2 year old 'says'??? Izzy is TWO years old. I hope that child isn't 'shamed' in to not speaking his mind or opinions at such a young age because that is stunting his thinking and speaking skills. Derick is such an idiot and Jill is more of an idiot for agreeing with him on this, if she does. Where is Grandma Cathy is this? What would she have done a few years ago if she was an uneducated Gothard-like wife/widow?

These are the kinds of Calvinist people that Der, Bin and Jer all listen to, follow and praise on Twitter and Instagram and everywhere else they go. And it's not very different from the stuff the Duggars followed, coming from the Pearls and others of that fundie branch. With Cathy's newfound post-cancer fervent fundie-ism, she may listen to similar people. hard to tell. 


"My Family is Filled with People

Obviously there are people in my family, every family has people, what in the world does that have to do with Calvinism?  Firstly, Calvinism helps me to see what a child’s ultimate problem is in living a life wholly devoted to God.  The number one problem they face, is that they have a hostile sinful nature in their very core.  

Tantrums are NOT Cute

My two-year old outwardly demonstrates her sinful nature, continuously.  Every tantrum and fit clearly demonstrates that she has a nature that proclaims ultimate supremacy over everyone and everything in view. Her sinful nature keeps her as the supreme determiner in her life, she wants to be a god and any deviation from her will is met with wrath.

It is very tempting to see a child in full tantrum and simply focus on that embarrassing and probably annoying behavior. Many feel immediately compelled to squash this behavior and the quicker the better to get it all to stop.  But what exactly are we thinking about when we see a child’s face turning red, reaching a feverishly skin curdling scream?  Being irritated, embarrassed, or angry are always the wrong reasons to correct a behavior and each and every time I’ve “disciplined” in hastiness or irritation, it has been in complete contradiction to the Calvinistic views I espouse.

Tantrums are Evil

If without first recognizing the child’s sin-filled spirit of domination over everything, it is easy to pander to their sinful desires trying to avoid the conflict or suppress outward behaviors because they bug me. The true reality is never addressed which is their full blown lawlessness. By addressing what bothers me with distraction, or meeting irritation with a lack of self-control all the wrong conditioning is occurring.  They either manipulate me more to receive their every desire by causing a raucous or they will clam up into conformity, outwardly, while inwardly seething, until they learn how to assert their dominion in some other way. All this completely misses the Calvinistically God-centered view of child raising for which I aim.

The Calvinistic and God-centered view compels me to bring my child to the realization that they have a wicked nature that must be brought to subjection to Christ’s law, “You shall have no other gods before me.”   Instead of pandering to sinful behaviors, we must discipline the child and bring tangible suffering for an outburst of lawlessness.  Not only am I suppressing the child’s desire to be a god, but a neglect to put down such rebellion is tacit acceptance of a contrary god in the presence of my family, which puts me in the same lawlessness." 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

Tantrums are NOT Cute

My two-year old outwardly demonstrates her sinful nature, continuously.  Every tantrum and fit clearly demonstrates that she has a nature that proclaims ultimate supremacy over everyone and everything in view. 

 No, tantrums are not cute. But sinful nature in a two year old? Give me a f'ing break.

Edited by ChiCricket
I only wanted to respond to a small part.
  • Love 21
35 minutes ago, Angeltoes said:

Bless her little heart, she is still in the newlywed stage.  Mr. Angeltoes just reminded me that he is going out of town in January for a conference.  My face said,"Awww, I will miss you."  The person jumping up and down in my head said,"Yay!  I can read for hours in bed!  I don't have to listen to old westerns blasting on the TV all day long!  I don't have to cook dinner every night and can eat takeout from Taco Bell and finish it off with an entire big bag of Doritos while watching true crime TV shows!  I can stay up all night surfing the net and blasting the music that I like on Pandora!  It's Christmas in January!"

Haha! Mr Jyn is working out of state for a couple of years...and I do miss him, but on the other hand, I'm 58 years old and have never lived alone in my life, so part of me is actually enjoying the heck out of the autonomy!

  • Love 21
47 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Not only that but you're supposed to convince the two-year-old that this is her problem. Hard to see how anyone could think that was possible, even if they did think it was desirable. 

And you just know they're probably beatng the sh*t out of those poor little kids. :(

 Wasn't there some information somewhere about how to do it with a flexible plumbing line, so it would really hurt, but not show (so you wouldn't get in trouble for doing it?) Or am I misremembering that?

Edited by ChiCricket
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Angeltoes said:

Bless her little heart, she is still in the newlywed stage.  Mr. Angeltoes just reminded me that he is going out of town in January for a conference.  My face said,"Awww, I will miss you."  The person jumping up and down in my head said,"Yay!  I can read for hours in bed!  I don't have to listen to old westerns blasting on the TV all day long!  I don't have to cook dinner every night and can eat takeout from Taco Bell and finish it off with an entire big bag of Doritos while watching true crime TV shows!  I can stay up all night surfing the net and blasting the music that I like on Pandora!  It's Christmas in January!"


(Off to the Prayer Closet for me! Well worth it!)

  • Love 2
23 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

And you just know they're probably beatng the sh*t out of those poor little kids. :(

 Wasn't there some information somewhere about how to do it with a flexible plumbing line, so it would really hurt, but not show (so you wouldn't get in trouble for doing it?) Or am I misremembering that?

Yeah, that's the Pearls. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 3
21 hours ago, ariel said:

She might sell it the the rubes that go to her "Merck" to make a buck for herself. 

When we drive to AZ next spring for Spring Training, we intend to  stop there.  Where else can I buy Marie Antoinette salt and pepper shakers?  I do like Ree Red and Hy Hy, to a point , and I get the snark, but .......I just can't understand all the women and women hate.  

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I was watching ice skating tonight. A couple did their routine to Despacito. Surprise! I couldn't concentrate on the performance, because all I could think about was Derelict's deleted IG post. 


Was it the Spanish version?  I got through about 30 seconds of the Justin Bieber version before my ears started bleeding. 

I wonder how the couple did an interpretation of it. The video left little to the imagination.

  • Love 1
On 10/27/2017 at 3:38 PM, Churchhoney said:

These are the kinds of Calvinist people that Der, Bin and Jer all listen to, follow and praise on Twitter and Instagram and everywhere else they go. And it's not very different from the stuff the Duggars followed, coming from the Pearls and others of that fundie branch. With Cathy's newfound post-cancer fervent fundie-ism, she may listen to similar people. hard to tell. 


"My Family is Filled with People

Obviously there are people in my family, every family has people, what in the world does that have to do with Calvinism?  Firstly, Calvinism helps me to see what a child’s ultimate problem is in living a life wholly devoted to God.  The number one problem they face, is that they have a hostile sinful nature in their very core.  

Tantrums are NOT Cute

My two-year old outwardly demonstrates her sinful nature, continuously.  Every tantrum and fit clearly demonstrates that she has a nature that proclaims ultimate supremacy over everyone and everything in view. Her sinful nature keeps her as the supreme determiner in her life, she wants to be a god and any deviation from her will is met with wrath.

It is very tempting to see a child in full tantrum and simply focus on that embarrassing and probably annoying behavior. Many feel immediately compelled to squash this behavior and the quicker the better to get it all to stop.  But what exactly are we thinking about when we see a child’s face turning red, reaching a feverishly skin curdling scream?  Being irritated, embarrassed, or angry are always the wrong reasons to correct a behavior and each and every time I’ve “disciplined” in hastiness or irritation, it has been in complete contradiction to the Calvinistic views I espouse.

Tantrums are Evil

If without first recognizing the child’s sin-filled spirit of domination over everything, it is easy to pander to their sinful desires trying to avoid the conflict or suppress outward behaviors because they bug me. The true reality is never addressed which is their full blown lawlessness. By addressing what bothers me with distraction, or meeting irritation with a lack of self-control all the wrong conditioning is occurring.  They either manipulate me more to receive their every desire by causing a raucous or they will clam up into conformity, outwardly, while inwardly seething, until they learn how to assert their dominion in some other way. All this completely misses the Calvinistically God-centered view of child raising for which I aim.

The Calvinistic and God-centered view compels me to bring my child to the realization that they have a wicked nature that must be brought to subjection to Christ’s law, “You shall have no other gods before me.”   Instead of pandering to sinful behaviors, we must discipline the child and bring tangible suffering for an outburst of lawlessness.  Not only am I suppressing the child’s desire to be a god, but a neglect to put down such rebellion is tacit acceptance of a contrary god in the presence of my family, which puts me in the same lawlessness." 

No, tantrums aren't cute.  I can't think of a single parent who is like, "Gosh, I wish my kids had MORE tantrums."  But, you deal with a tantrum by figuring out what caused it (if you can), and then trying to avoid that situation again (if you can).  It's a developmental stage, and kids grow out of it. Telling a two year old they're sinful and evil isn't going to help. Yes, two year olds are self centered. So are newborns, but I doubt this writer would say that newborns cry because of their sinful natures.  Slowly, but surely, with guidance, toddlers learn to be less self-centered and learn how to deal with disappointment in more socially acceptable ways. 


ETA: Because I learned to spell in a real classroom and not at the SOTDRT. 

Edited by irisheyes
  • Love 13
22 hours ago, fonfereksglen said:

When we drive to AZ next spring for Spring Training, we intend to  stop there.  Where else can I buy Marie Antoinette salt and pepper shakers?  I do like Ree Red and Hy Hy, to a point , and I get the snark, but .......I just can't understand all the women and women hate.  

I don't hate Ree.  I do think she not imaginative in her cooking and someone who paid her way to fame.  The pioneer woman schtick is really all it is.  A carefully crafted version of who she wants people to believe she is.   I do want a pantry like hers though.  I would also like to see the real Ree.

I would love to talk to some of these college students that D and J are 'working with'.  I am around this age group 40+ hours a week (and supervise many) and I don't see them fitting in.  Maybe they would be a good cautionary tale though.  You TOO could look 40+ and dead in the eyes in your early 20s.  A good PSA of sorts.

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, Annabel11 said:

Jill rodrigues did say once on one of her videos that it was sinful for a baby to cry if they had been fed and changed and continued to cry. So sickening!! 

Well, none of her kids look like they get enough to eat, so they probably cried all the time until it was beaten out of them?  Is this why Nurie starves herself unde the guise of fasting so her little siblings won’t go hungry?

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I don't hate Ree.  I do think she not imaginative in her cooking and someone who paid her way to fame.  The pioneer woman schtick is really all it is.  A carefully crafted version of who she wants people to believe she is.   I do want a pantry like hers though.  I would also like to see the real Ree.

I would love to talk to some of these college students that D and J are 'working with'.  I am around this age group 40+ hours a week (and supervise many) and I don't see them fitting in.  Maybe they would be a good cautionary tale though.  You TOO could look 40+ and dead in the eyes in your early 20s.  A good PSA of sorts.

My best friend and her husband went to "The Merc" and Marlboro Man was making the rounds of the tables .  I have pictures. They said he was much more friendly and chatty than he seems on tv. And the food was great - large portions. Best friend is a fabulous cook so coming from her it was a big compliment. She doesn't make any of Ree's recipes. 

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6 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Was it the Spanish version?  I got through about 30 seconds of the Justin Bieber version before my ears started bleeding. 

I wonder how the couple did an interpretation of it. The video left little to the imagination.

Yes, Spanish version interpreted by a lowly-ranked Polish couple. It was ice dance with Latin dance required, and the dance pattern was a rhumba , so I assume they were attempting a samba in that section. It was pretty sad; the girl was wearing a shit brown dress which totes reminded me of Derelict and his ashes of persecution. 

eta to let you know that I really, really despise Derelict. Really. I don't even have an adjective in my vocabulary that's worthy of my disgust. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I seriously need to stop coming on here since I am wondering if Derick is being a major Dwerp because he is not getting enough "loving" at home or the "loving" is not good at all. Here is the heavy duty brain bleach for everyone.

Btw, it will be snowing this week where I live. I am asking everyone to DONATE!!! so I can buy bread to turn into bread crumbs, and outdoor lighting so when I need to head to the prayer closet in the cold, wet snow in the dark or during the darker cloudy snowy day, I will not get lost. I will now pray for your evil devil heathen souls.

32 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I seriously need to stop coming on here since I am wondering if Derick is being a major Dwerp because he is not getting enough "loving" at home or the "loving" is not good at all. Here is the heavy duty brain bleach for everyone.


I'm sure Jill just lays there.   I also don't see him as someone too interested in "loving", or maybe it's just because he's married to Jill.   I don't think this marriage has turned out to be anything he had hoped for.   Pretty sure that is where the anger is coming from.

Edited by tabloidlover
additional thought
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