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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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25 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

Plus how is it a date night when the kids are sick? The date night thing makes me stabby too. And isn’t Jill the expert sushi chef now? Or was that fake news?

That's my question too. I've never heard of anyone having a date night when their kids are sick.

Edited by andromeda331
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1 hour ago, cdp73 said:

I don't eat rice so I could be wrong but that seems like an awful lot of rice in just one meal.  

I'm eyeballing the rice portion to be one half cup.  It's hard to judge by looking at the picture.  I've kept 65 lbs off for 13 years by doing weight watchers.  I love all types of rice: brown, Jasmine, bastami, and black.  I use a one cup measure for my rice.

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13 hours ago, MrsClaus said:

Wifey will always be a Judy Blume book to me.

Me too!! 

57 minutes ago, louannems said:

I'm eyeballing the rice portion to be one half cup.  It's hard to judge by looking at the picture.  I've kept 65 lbs off for 13 years by doing weight watchers.  I love all types of rice: brown, Jasmine, bastami, and black.  I use a one cup measure for my rice.

I love rice, mainly white. I know I should eat more brown but I'm part Spanish, we love our white rice. 

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52 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Usually the rice in the sushi is filling enough for me. I don't eat a separate serving.

I get a small container of white rice with mine cause A I’m a pig.  B my dog loves rice   But for a normal person that seems a lot      And I guess that meal is easily 40 dollars 

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7 hours ago, Bayarea4 said:

I don't know why, but it grinds my gears when married women with children talk about going on a "date night." Hey Jill, guess what? You're married. You're not dating. You've never dated. You don't even know what dating is. And eating takeout food at home isn't a "date."


Lemme hear an  "Amen" to your post.

You are so right esp when these two have never officially dated. 

1 hour ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

How much do you think that takeout cost? I bet Jill is expected to keep to a budget, but he can spend money as he sees fit.

I was wondering the same thing.  I don't do Sushi so I wouldn't have a clue but sure it's not cheap. Will someone venture a guess?  Hoping the sick boys got some chicken soup out of Date Night. 

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On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2019 at 12:43 PM, Natalie68 said:



Thanks! I just realized, upon re-reading the post that you quoted, that I neglected to mention that the onions were to get nicely caramelized. That's almost the best part!

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
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2 hours ago, Barb23 said:

Lemme hear an  "Amen" to your post.

You are so right esp when these two have never officially dated. 

I was wondering the same thing.  I don't do Sushi so I wouldn't have a clue but sure it's not cheap. Will someone venture a guess?  Hoping the sick boys got some chicken soup out of Date Night. 

This sushi does not look too expensive.  They are not getting the prime cuts of fresh fish, but rolls filled with rice and some sort of sauce to disguise the inferior fish.  A lot of the Japanese restaurants around me will have buy 1 get 1 roll which is a lot of sushi for $10-15.  It looks like they got some kind of meal deal, so it might be around $30 for everything.  In my area we have a plethora of fast-food Japanese which is mostly Hibachi with some sushi. 

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44 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

This sushi does not look too expensive.  They are not getting the prime cuts of fresh fish, but rolls filled with rice and some sort of sauce to disguise the inferior fish.  A lot of the Japanese restaurants around me will have buy 1 get 1 roll which is a lot of sushi for $10-15.  It looks like they got some kind of meal deal, so it might be around $30 for everything.  In my area we have a plethora of fast-food Japanese which is mostly Hibachi with some sushi. 

We have a hibachi place nearby that has really good sushi. Half the place is hibachi, the other have a very nice sit down sushi restaurant. Its my go to place as its on the way home. WE also have an Asian mall about 45 minutes from my house. They have a wonderful food court with Korean, Japanese etc.... foods and  take out sushi/sashimi that is so good. Whenever we go, I have to have something. 

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5 hours ago, Normades said:

I hate those posts with incomplete sentences.  She says "when the kids are sick and (jackass) picks up take out."  Ok so then what??  Do the skies part and angels sing? Do you wonder how you'll pay the bills from the take out??  Do blue fairies fly out of your behind??  WHAT HAPPENS???

I want to marry this post and have its babies.

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19 hours ago, QuinnInND said:


Long time lurker, first time poster but this photo made me so mad. The amount of plastic and styrofoam used for one meal for only two people is crazy!! I doubt these two recycle and they probably just put all of this crap in their trash. I also wonder that food places in the US still package their meals like this.

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4 minutes ago, Dirndl said:

Long time lurker, first time poster but this photo made me so mad. The amount of plastic and styrofoam used for one meal for only two people is crazy!! I doubt these two recycle and they probably just put all of this crap in their trash. I also wonder that food places in the US still package their meals like this.

Welcome out of Lurkdom! Surprisingly fast food joints use mostly paper and restaurants use Styrofoam. Sadly in my area Styrofoam can't be recycled. Are you not in the US?

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16 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Yes, it definitely rings a bell. Had she been a viable fetus, I wouldn't have a problem. However, Michelle miscarried long before viability. I thought it tacky to hold a memorial service, attended by hundreds of leghumpers. 

Be more like the Bateses and plant a memorial tree. Calling Jubilee a SIL is ridiculous.

This was Derick’s tweet:


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4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

 I’m almost positive she did nearly the same post last year about Dewreck’s dad.

 And who could forget his “she had my wife’s foot” comment?  Truly one of his weirder statements, and that’s saying a lot!

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4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Welcome out of Lurkdom! Surprisingly fast food joints use mostly paper and restaurants use Styrofoam. Sadly in my area Styrofoam can't be recycled. Are you not in the US?

That depends on where in the US you are. Many areas in my part of California have made it illegal to use Styrofoam for take-out food, precisely because it is horrible for the planet. But no Duggar has ever cared about the planet.

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2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Yes, it definitely rings a bell. Had she been a viable fetus, I wouldn't have a problem. However, Michelle miscarried long before viability. I thought it tacky to hold a memorial service, attended by hundreds of leghumpers. 

Be more like the Bateses and plant a memorial tree. Calling Jubilee a SIL is ridiculous.

Yes, but don't forget the ammo box coffin.  That's what made it classy.

Also, why did Jubilee take Jill's foot and what did she do with it?  Maybe she was getting back at them for all those servants' hearts they have.  They really should leave the servants alone and let them keep their hearts.  I mean, it's tough enough being a servant.

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16 hours ago, ozziemom said:

Plus how is it a date night when the kids are sick? The date night thing makes me stabby too. And isn’t Jill the expert sushi chef now? Or was that fake news?

At least she’s not schlepping them to Colorado like she did last year. 


11 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

Thanks! I just realized, upon re-reading the post that you quoted, that I neglected to mention that the onions were to get nicely caramelized. That's almost the best part!

Ideally, onions should always be caramelized. 😁

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13 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Welcome out of Lurkdom! Surprisingly fast food joints use mostly paper and restaurants use Styrofoam. Sadly in my area Styrofoam can't be recycled. Are you not in the US?

Thank you! No, I live in Europe but watched the Duggars when I lived in North America a couple years ago. In Europe single-use plastics will be banned by 2021 and everyone around me is trying to reduce the use of plastic as much as possible. I haven't seen a meal like this in a very long time.

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The use of "hubby" makes my skin crawl too.  I have an ex-coworker on FB who likes to think of herself as a regional Martha Stewart (but no where near it) and constantly refers to her husband as "hubby" - they also go on "date nights" basically whenever they eat out (they are retired with adult kids)  She once threw a "I'm-going-to-divorce-you" style fit when her husband introduced her as "the wife" while attending a company dinner.  He was more than likely getting back at her for constantly calling him "hubby".  He has a friggen name!  Use it!

Anyway, it doesn't bother me as much when Jill uses it for some strange reason.  I also hate sushi.

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2 hours ago, BigBingerBro said:

The use of "hubby" makes my skin crawl too.  I have an ex-coworker on FB who likes to think of herself as a regional Martha Stewart (but no where near it) and constantly refers to her husband as "hubby" - they also go on "date nights" basically whenever they eat out (they are retired with adult kids)  She once threw a "I'm-going-to-divorce-you" style fit when her husband introduced her as "the wife" while attending a company dinner.  He was more than likely getting back at her for constantly calling him "hubby".  He has a friggen name!  Use it!

Anyway, it doesn't bother me as much when Jill uses it for some strange reason.  I also hate sushi.

Ugh I hate people who are like that on Facebook!!!! Reminds me of the obnoxious, popular girl from high school who married a doctor who could easily be an Abercrombie model, and picks on every little thing he does on Facebook. Oh yeah, and calls him cuddle bear. She's always pitching a royal fit and then updates us on whatever he's doing to "make it up to her." It's just nauseating! I don't get why some guys put up with that, while others are terrified to commit to anything. Plus this dude is sooooo hot that while she's garden variety pretty, she married waaaaay up. Don't get it! /rant

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6 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Ugh I hate people who are like that on Facebook!!!! Reminds me of the obnoxious, popular girl from high school who married a doctor who could easily be an Abercrombie model, and picks on every little thing he does on Facebook. Oh yeah, and calls him cuddle bear. She's always pitching a royal fit and then updates us on whatever he's doing to "make it up to her." It's just nauseating! I don't get why some guys put up with that, while others are terrified to commit to anything. Plus this dude is sooooo hot that while she's garden variety pretty, she married waaaaay up. Don't get it! /rant

Give it time...hot male doctors have all kinds of options for, how to put this, alternative companionship. Sounds like Mrs. Cuddle Bear is headed for the First Wives Club.

Bringing this back to topic...I just wish Jill was headed there as well. Derrick isn’t half as great as he thinks he is or a tenth as great as she says he is. She could do better. 

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What is @cultivatingpurposefilledliving?  The baby’s daycare or nanny?  If so, strange (and way too long) name!  But they’re working!!  Yippee!!

what does deena do for a profession?  

Edited by awaken
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On 1/19/2019 at 1:57 PM, Christina87 said:

Ugh I hate people who are like that on Facebook!!!! Reminds me of the obnoxious, popular girl from high school who married a doctor who could easily be an Abercrombie model, and picks on every little thing he does on Facebook. Oh yeah, and calls him cuddle bear. She's always pitching a royal fit and then updates us on whatever he's doing to "make it up to her." It's just nauseating! I don't get why some guys put up with that, while others are terrified to commit to anything. Plus this dude is sooooo hot that while she's garden variety pretty, she married waaaaay up. Don't get it! /rant

Some dudes like high maintenance women aka tempestuous PITA’s, lol, which is generally a sign to me that you shouldn’t envy their mates!

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32 minutes ago, queenanne said:

Some dudes like high maintenance women aka tempestuous PITA’s, lol, which is generally a sign to me that you shouldn’t envy their mates!

Pretty much every guy I've known who was drawn to bitchy/snobby/drama-queen women always had major issues themselves, no matter how good they looked on paper. What's that saying? Water rises to its' own level?

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There was a segment on America's Fuuniest Videos that showed a little boy at the zoo.  I wasn't paying that much attention to the video funny but I had to do a double take when the mom asked the boy  "Are you having fun?"  She had a sing-song voice just like Jill's.

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On 1/17/2019 at 6:13 PM, MrsClaus said:

Wifey will always be a Judy Blume book to me.

Indeed.  It is also the reason I was suspended in the 7th grade.  Took this book to our reading period.  It also made it to the front page of the *county* newspaper.  Good times.  That aside, I LOATHE the term!  

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16 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Indeed.  It is also the reason I was suspended in the 7th grade.  Took this book to our reading period.  It also made it to the front page of the *county* newspaper.  Good times.  That aside, I LOATHE the term!  

And here we were, all the girls in class reading Clan of the Cave Bear in 5th grade and no one batted an eye. I may have gotten some slightly skewed ideas about human sexuality from that one lol. I dearly wish I could be a fly on the wall should Jill or any of the Duggar daughters ever get hold of that series and read it since even perfectly innocent romance novels are considered "porn for women" by their ilk. Didn't Jill go to a teenager's birthday party at one time to lecture the girls on the importance of avoiding even fictional romance lest they'd accidentally give away pieces of their heart to the hero or something?

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And IIRC, she mentioned Sarah Mally's wretched Prince Charming book. She'd already IDed that tome as a favorite in the episode when Michelle schlepped some of her older  kids (and Jordyn under a nursing poncho) to a grade school.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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