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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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Shiloh Christian School-where the current coach of my college alma mater got his start. 

Him, then Duggars. No way would I want my kids going there. However it would be 10000000 times better than the SOTDRT for Israel and Samuel. 

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I think in this situation release forms would cover Derick’s ass 100%, but not having release forms wouldn’t be much of a problem. 

The school (or Jennifer Mills) actually posted the same photo 3 hours earlier than Derick. 

Edited by Kokapetl
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2 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

If you enlarge the second pic you can see Derick sitting toward the front to the far left. He's wearing a white shirt. Looking like an asshole, as usual.

I think Dreck was doing that Quentin Tarrantino thang by trying to take as many pictures of Muffy’s feet that he could.  So Bagel Gurl got in the way?  Maybe that was an Internet FU to those of us who think they make them listen to their message first before the masses were being fed.  I guess in this case, the kids brought their own lunch.  Duggar too cheap to buy lunch.

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"Pouring into our daughters?". What on God's green earth does that mean?  

I was just coming here to say the same thing.  Sounds like Christianspeak-- "The Word of the Lord poured into our hearts."  Very flowery religion, that is.


"So like Derick was like my dad's prayer partner and like he thought he'd be a good match. I visited him in Nepal once and we totally got married like 5 months later. We shared out first kiss and sex within a few hours and 4 weeks later was expecting. Now we we're both unemployed living on donations. Maybe one day God will bless you with your own lazy grifter."

Just awesome!!!  I'm so glad that you poured that onto this Thread!!!

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14 minutes ago, cdp73 said:

If Jennifer Mills' use of grammar ("how her and Derick met) is any indication of the school's educational quality, I'd say they are only a step or two above the SOTDRT.

Didn't Jim Bob graduate from Shiloh? If so, it explains a lot. 

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I secretly was hoping the girls would tackle Jill to the ground in order to cut off some of her hair. I also wonder if this was some sort of punishment the poor girls had to endure because why would you want Jill Cling a Long to speak to you. I remember getting "the talk" in the fifth or sixth grade all the girls had to get about the changes coming our way emotionally and physically. Ah good times! The sex talk did not come until high school sophomore year PE class.

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22 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

I think in this situation release forms would cover Derick’s ass 100%, but not having release forms wouldn’t be much of a problem. 

The school (or Jennifer Mills) actually posted the same photo 3 hours earlier than Derick. 

Yeah, I mean nobody is gonna care (except sour old cows like me, looking for something to rag on Derick for, lol). It's some Christian school and a bible study meeting at that. I'm sure Bagel Girl and her kinfolk couldn' care less. They may even be tickled she got her mug featured on Derick's twatter.  Because he's like *this* with the Lort, you know. 

I just think people should be careful about posting pics of other people's kids. Especially if you are some kind of borderline celebrity the way Derick (arguably) is.  He is exposing the kid to run off from how people feel about him and that may not work out well. Granted, nobody is saying anything mean about Bagel Girl (except for christening her 'Bagel Girl") but look at poor, grammatically challenged Jennifer Mills getting poked fun at. I'm sure she didn't anticipate being snarked on when Derick reposted the pic she posted (probably without asking, hmph).  

That being said, Jennifer M. is a grown up, posting stuff on a social media site where it's totally fine to repost stuff other people have posted. She can't really complain. But if Derwood  posted a picture of my kid on his page without my permission and it led to my kid being ridiculed or made fun of, I'd a jerk a knot in his tail for it. He can find another way to get publicity for himself and his pathetic wife. Leave my kid out of it.

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15 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Why is Derick even there? He said his wife was addressing a “group of young ladies”.

Accountability...you know...they can't trust each other to go anywhere alone lest they be tempted.

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3 minutes ago, whydoiwatch said:

The clan's absolute arrogance is so unappealing to me that everything else about them is appalling also.  If I was in a classroom and Jill or any of the rest of them got up to speak, I would leave. Their laziness, sloppiness and lack of self awareness is just unbelievable. Having ventured out into the world, how can they not understand they are uneducated and have nothing to teach anyone else.

Because they are the bestest , most righteous, most Jesusy family EVAH!

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5 minutes ago, whydoiwatch said:

The clan's absolute arrogance is so unappealing to me that everything else about them is appalling also.  If I was in a classroom and Jill or any of the rest of them got up to speak, I would leave. Their laziness, sloppiness and lack of self awareness is just unbelievable. Having ventured out into the world, how can they not understand they are uneducated and have nothing to teach anyone else.

I think you answered your own question.

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32 minutes ago, FakeJoshDuggar said:

Plus, he doesn’t have shit else to do. 

He could stay at home and take care of his two sons. Maybe he was making sure Jill Cling a Long did not say or do something to embarrass him. Of course he embarrasses himself by his own actions, but if it quacks like a duck or walks like a duck...

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12 hours ago, Lunera said:

I bet she said "like" like 100x

IMHO that sweater and shirt combo is not doing Jill any favors. Between the length of the sweater ending at the widest part of her hips and the shirt ballooning over her stomach Jill looks dumpier than usual. I'm not criticizing Jill's present body but i do believe in making the most of what you've been given. Clinton & Stacey would be appalled. I know, baby steps...lol

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1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

He could stay at home and take care of his two sons. Maybe he was making sure Jill Cling a Long did not say or do something to embarrass him. Of course he embarrasses himself by his own actions, but if it quacks like a duck or walks like a duck...

That’s the work of the women folk, not Jesusy manly men. Truth be told, the Dullards probably dumped the kids off at the TTH and sped off before anyone noticed. 

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3 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

If you enlarge the second pic you can see Derick sitting toward the front to the far left. He's wearing a white shirt. Looking like an asshole, as usual.

A control freak asshole, just like Pa Duggar.  Why would he go to this?  To make sure no defrauding males were there?  Who was watching the kids?  Oh, silly me, Janamom is available 24/7.  

2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Why is Derick even there? He said his wife was addressing a “group of young ladies”.

Great minds think alike!  I hadn't read all the posts yet.

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15 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Sssssssssh! You’re not allowed to talk about Xenu!  Does he live near Xanadu?

The Dillard Level of Lunacy could be color coded like MARPOL or DHS.

If he does he must roller skate!

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1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

Maybe he was making sure Jill Cling a Long did not say or do something to embarrass him.

OTOH, maybe Jill insisted that he come because she wouldn't do it unless he was right there to hold her hand.

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1 hour ago, whydoiwatch said:

I will never understand the appeal of the Duggars and not sure why I even try to comprehend it. SO WHAT Ma and Pa couldn't quit screwing and made a horde of babies, big deal. I just don't know why they think God gives them special favors and they are an example to others. The tv show was the worst thing that could have happened to them because the monetary "blessings" bolstered their perceived superiority.

The clan's absolute arrogance is so unappealing to me that everything else about them is appalling also.  If I was in a classroom and Jill or any of the rest of them got up to speak, I would leave. Their laziness, sloppiness and lack of self awareness is just unbelievable. Having ventured out into the world, how can they not understand they are uneducated and have nothing to teach anyone else.

Because people keep offering them money to show up and "teach" people. I'm not defending them at all, but if I were routinely given checks to pontificate about crap, I'd pontificate away (up to a point...I wouldn't go as far as promoting quackery and pseudoscience, for example). I'd like to think I'd retain enough self-awareness to know I have no idea what I'm talking about, , but the Duggars? They've been told all their lives that they're special and inspiring just for existing. Until they actually have to exist and survive in the real world, they won't learn that they're not.

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3 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

If you enlarge the second pic you can see Derick sitting toward the front to the far left. He's wearing a white shirt. Looking like an asshole, as usual.

Yeah I don't think he HAS another look.  

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1 hour ago, Albanyguy said:

OTOH, maybe Jill insisted that he come because she wouldn't do it unless he was right there to hold her hand.

Haha this is what I was gonna say. It surprises me that anyone thinks Jilly could do it without her huuuuuusband there!!! Remember when she walked up to the front door of a home she hadn't entered yet and proclaimed that she wished her husband could protect her? She could never do anything independently, ever. 

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6 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

If you enlarge the second pic you can see Derick sitting toward the front to the far left. He's wearing a white shirt. Looking like an asshole, as usual.

So it’s Jill, a bunch of seventh grade girls, and....Derick. Can’t Jill do anything by herself? 

ETA - I should have read all the post firsts. But, since it’s Jill I’m fine with a pile-on. I hope that attending this event doesn’t count towards Derick’s “degree.”

Edited by MargeGunderson
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3 hours ago, lascuba said:

Because people keep offering them money to show up and "teach" people. I'm not defending them at all, but if I were routinely given checks to pontificate about crap, I'd pontificate away (up to a point...I wouldn't go as far as promoting quackery and pseudoscience, for example). I'd like to think I'd retain enough self-awareness to know I have no idea what I'm talking about, , but the Duggars? They've been told all their lives that they're special and inspiring just for existing. Until they actually have to exist and survive in the real world, they won't learn that they're not.

I'd guess the praise comes in because they are seen as "not being corrupted by fame".

Except, whoops, wait... Josh.

Result:  their insistence upon minimizing and whitewashing Josh's actions.

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Is that Growing Up Duggar in her hand? Give it a rest Jill. Nobody's buying a copy.


7th grade girls know way more about sex than married, sexually active Jill does. They're  also more mature.


I'm sure Derrick can cash this in for some kind of ministry credit at his C3 indolence missionary program.

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8 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

If you enlarge the second pic you can see Derick sitting toward the front to the far left. He's wearing a white shirt. Looking like an asshole, as usual.

Why is he even there, at a 7th grade girls' Bible Study? Has to make sure Jill stays on-script? 


eta: ginger90 had the same thought. I really should finish the thread before commenting. 2nd edit: ginger90 and others! 

Edited by PuhLeeze
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1 hour ago, JoanArc said:

Is that Growing Up Duggar in her hand? Give it a rest Jill. Nobody's buying a copy.



I bet it is.

Trying to sell that crappy book now that Psycho Husband got them kicked off of Jill's show.  Derick is a real gem. 

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15 minutes ago, babyhouseman said:

I went to a Christian school until 7th grade. In the 7th grade, we saw a film about what it was like to go to hell. Listening to Jill must be as horrifying. 

Forget about the DMV (if anyone remembers Reaper), that must have been the real hell on earth. 

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7 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Yeah I don't think he HAS another look.  

He has MASTERED looking like an asshat, we have to give him that.

I wish that the oh so wise Jill would publicize these "lectures, speaking engagements?" ahead of time.   Because I would pay cash money (to a worthy group, aka NOT grifters" to be in the audience to glean from her wisdom.  I would have hella questions for her as well.   She's been married a hot minute FFS.   What could she possibly teach me?  I've just been stumbling along hoping for the best for the past 29 years with MrTabloid....  Oh, the questions I would pose to her  ??

Edited by tabloidlover
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"If you save yourself and follow the lord's path, you can end up with a husband like mine!" (points at Derrick, lurking around like a giant creeper) - all the girls have boyfriends or girlfriends by the end of the day to avoid that horrible fate.

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Jill is being exposed to a somewhat typical crowd of Christians. The woman who posted the other pic wears typical clothing, her kids cheer and do sports, has only two kids. Not saying this crowd doesn't have hateful views, but very mainstream in comparison to what Jill's been exposed to. Too bad she has Derick as her headship because I could see Jill following along with this crowd. A crowd that is far too liberal for JB & M.

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

Jill is being exposed to a somewhat typical crowd of Christians. The woman who posted the other pic wears typical clothing, her kids cheer and do sports, has only two kids. Not saying this crowd doesn't have hateful views, but very mainstream in comparison to what Jill's been exposed to. Too bad she has Derick as her headship because I could see Jill following along with this crowd. A crowd that is far too liberal for JB & M.

I think you just described the life that Jinger is headed towards with Jeremy.

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Why is Derick sitting in on a lecture for a group of 7th grade GIRLS about dating etc?

A normal guy would feel a bit awkward...hello? 


Little weird if you ask me. (side eye at Derick)

This. What the hell is Dreck there for? He looks to be the only male in the room, too. I'm sure those 7th grade girls just thought he was dreamy and Jill is the luckiest, coolest girl evah <eyeroll>.

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