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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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In photo #4, Dan looks like a guy who is seriously reevaluating his life choices. Run, Dan. Run. 

Seriously, I wonder what he makes of Jill? He certainly didn’t choose a fundie girl to marry. Deena is clearly Christian, but she seems to have been brought up in a normal Christian family: she wears modern clothes, has a job, holds hands/hugs/kisses her fiancé, etc. Maybe Dan thinks Jill is the reason Derick’s lost the plot? 

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1 hour ago, mynextmistake said:

In photo #4, Dan looks like a guy who is seriously reevaluating his life choices. Run, Dan. Run.  

It’s weird because it looks like a vintage photo of someone’s dad from the 70s. Like the baby in the photo should be 45 years old now.

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My hypothesis that Derick is work-averse still remains. I get that he didn’t enjoy accounting work, once he’d given it a try at Walmart for about a year. Many people work hard getting a degree to find out their chosen profession isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.  

I might have had more respect for his missionary aspirations had he not been grifting and drifting and now just sitting at home coming up with tweets on the toilet. Also, I understand that for many it’s a gig economy; but he could easily find work through a place like Robert Half.(or similar) keeping books for several businesses. There’s no shame in not knowing what you want to be when you grow  up, Derick, but most of us managed to learn how to adult and provide for ourselves and our families without grifting.

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13 hours ago, BitterApple said:

That's a nice picture, although Jill definitely seems to be struggling to drop the baby weight this time around. If I didn't know better I'd think she was pregnant again.

Who in their right mind has a lit candle on the hearth where a toddler can get at it? Grandparenting FAIL!  However, mom or dad should have addressed it.  Look on lower right. 

Edited by Catfin
Spelling. I hate autocorrect.
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1 hour ago, lookeyloo said:

If anyone ever watched the BBC show Keeping Up Appearances - there was a character called "onslow" who prided himself on being "bone idle".  Seems fitting in this case too. 

But unlike Derrick, Onslow was a loveable layabout without a mean bone in his body. 

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If we're talking about the sleep sack, then that's a good thing for Samuel.  It's normal for kids his age and they were being read to right before bed.  It hopefully means Jill is avoiding putting him to bed with blankets.

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51 minutes ago, Absolom said:

If we're talking about the sleep sack, then that's a good thing for Samuel.  It's normal for kids his age and they were being read to right before bed.  It hopefully means Jill is avoiding putting him to bed with blankets.

I thought I was the only one missing something!  His arms are free in all these photos.  Many babies wear sleep sacks at night which have plenty of room for them to move their legs while keeping them warm.  Really nice in cold weather and, as noted, means the baby doesn't need extra blankets which is a risk factor for SIDS.

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1 hour ago, doodlebug said:

I thought I was the only one missing something!  His arms are free in all these photos.  Many babies wear sleep sacks at night which have plenty of room for them to move their legs while keeping them warm.  Really nice in cold weather and, as noted, means the baby doesn't need extra blankets which is a risk factor for SIDS.

 I googled sleep sacks and they looked nothing like in the photos with Dan and Deena.  (if you click the photos a whole slideshow appears.) A sleep sack can position the arms like in the photo, but it would completely over legs and feet. Also Sam is wearing all his clothes in the pictures. I don't have kids, so I don't know. 

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25 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I can't seem to see the candle mentioned above. But is it perhaps a battery-operated one?

Last photo, bottom right on the hearth.  Follow Deena's hand down & right.  It looks like it has a dome on the top?  Maybe something to allow the smell to come through but keeps the flame away from children like Deri...Izzy.

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11 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

If anyone ever watched the BBC show Keeping Up Appearances - there was a character called "onslow" who prided himself on being "bone idle".  Seems fitting in this case too. 

Onslow was hilarious. I can just hear him saying, “Comparing me to Derick Dillard. Nice!”



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20 minutes ago, Quilt Fairy said:

oSorry about that!  It just looks wrong to me.  I shall be taking teaching ESL off my list of potential post-retirement careers.

There are all sorts  of semi-obsolete words which can make a person sound less educated when, in fact, they are just out of fashion, or uncommon in a particular area. One thing which I still struggle with almost 50 years after comig to the US is "gotten" vs "got". At this point, the British way of saying "had got" doesn't quite sit right, yet the American "had gotten" still sounds rather stilted. There are probably others, but that one always comes to mind for me.

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2 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Onslow was hilarious. I can just hear him saying, “Comparing me to Derick Dillard. Nice!”



Wasn't that show hilarious?  Mind the Lorry. Minding the lorry. Richard I will not have you answering the phone in your pajamas!!  Onslow was relatively benign but poor Daisy couldn't get a hug from him. 

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2 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Wasn't that show hilarious?  Mind the Lorry. Minding the lorry. Richard I will not have you answering the phone in your pajamas!!  Onslow was relatively benign but poor Daisy couldn't get a hug from him. 

Poor Daisy.  She decided to get herself a toy boy to make Onslow jealous and then decided that “It’s a bit TOO tolerant of Onslow to let me have a toy boy!” Then there was Nervous Nellie, Elizabeth, who lost all poise and coordination around Hyacinth.  Oh, I could go on and on, and Houston PBS has kept that show on in reruns for what seems decades. 

The Duggars could only dream of being that sort of quality entertainment, or even entertaining at all. At least Dreck stayed if Twatter today.

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29 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Oh, I could go on and on, and Houston PBS has kept that show on in reruns for what seems decades. 

FYI - I never watched Keeping Up Appearances, but my local PBS (Chicago) is advertising a one-off prequel special, so you may want to watch out for it.   (I think it was a Christmas special in Britain.)  Different actors because of the earlier time period.

Edited by Quilt Fairy
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On 24/12/2017 at 9:03 AM, Vaysh said:

Well, I guess my question about why it's always so dark inside their home is now answered. It's because they apparently keep their windows fully covered at all times, even during the day. I mean, I can understand them wanting some privacy, considering the design of the house and its surroundings, but there has to be some middle ground between living in a fish bowl and living in a dark cave. Sheer curtains during the day would let some daylight in while still providing some privacy.

Split block brick! The same high quality material that WalMart stores are built from! 

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Living in a light in bright home is so much more healthy. Those poor kids. However with that covered walkway, depending on what direction their house faces, it may be hard to get sunlight in all rooms.

The leaping photo of Derick is definitely photoshopped. It looks like the original was taken when he was on the floor as his feet a perfectly horizontal.

Looks like Mr Cathy in the background of the photo with Dan and Sam.

Poor Sammy, fully dressed and then messily wrapped in some odd light weight blanket. I can't figure out what's under his chin. In one photo it looks like a cylinder wrapped in the blanket and another photo looks like his arms.

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On 12/24/2017 at 8:41 PM, scriggle said:

And baby Sam is straitjacketed again.

Unless someone can enlighten me on the purpose of Samuel's arms being tightly bound to his chest, I will go with the reasoning that this poor child is being blanket trained. In two of the pictures  at Miss Cathy's, Samuel is shown with his arms tightly bound under a blanket. He is unable to move them. It is not a sleep sack, he has pants and scoks on and his legs are free, In one picture Derick is holding him, and in the second Aunt Deena. 

 The child is restricted from the waist up. If his nails scratch him, cut them or put on onesies that have little hand covers attached. There is no reason for this child to be bound up like a mummy. Children of Sammy's age love to play with their hands, touch their toys, and  touch their mommy's face.

If there is a plausible reason for this treatment, I would love to hear it, but looking at this child bound up so tightly in that blanket leads me to believe the idiot parents have read the Pearl's book on training up. 

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Yea, I don't see that as a sleep sack--poor little guy is swaddled IMO.

I think the candle on the hearth is a battery operated thing.

I'm slow to learn things I guess, but I have the hardest time remembering that these days there might be more than the one photo displayed on the page.  I always have to backtrack and look for the darn arrow!

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I saw the above (video) on Insta and didn't even notice the braces being off -- I was too busy being stunned at Derick reprimanding Izzy: "I didn't finish asking the question yet..." Granted, I know youngsters can work your last nerve, but I felt like it was sort of a "tell" re: how stressed out Derick is.  I remember acting like that at various times in my own life where things felt out of control.  (Yes, I'm playing armchair psychiatrist here!)

Just rewatched the video -- the reprimand wasn't as harsh as I remembered it from yesterday, but before the reading starts, it does look like Derick's doing a slow burn waiting for the "action" cue.


I wish I knew how to post videos from Insta!

Edited by SuspiciousMind
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11 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

FYI - I never watched Keeping Up Appearances, but my local PBS (Chicago) is advertising a one-off prequel special, so you may want to watch out for it.   (I think it was a Christmas special in Britain.)  Different actors because of the earlier time period.

Thanks, I’ll look out for it.  

Dreck has clear ceramic brackets and invisible arch wire in clear plastic. He does look almost normal with the teeth, but he still looks like a deranged twit. 

 Nothing like teaching your kids to love Jesus by strong arming them and making devotional/Bible study an experience that they will associate with something unpleasant. Izzy looks like he’s in a hostage situation.  

Kids can be trying, but Izzy really looks fearful most of the time. I hate how they are killing his spirit and individuality.  He’s a lovely little boy. I can only imagine he already understand he lives with a tyrant.

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1 hour ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

Looks like D has got his braces off, either that or the clear ones. His mouth/teeth is finally looking almost normal. 


Ooh. Derick’s sporting the Carol Brady flip now. Very chic.

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4 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Damn, Derelict, take the stick out of your ass. Izzy's a toddler, ffs. You should wait until he's at least five before you start crushing his spirit and sucking all the joy out of his life. 

Derelict sucks the joy out of everything. He’s like the scene in Snow White and the Huntsman when Ravenna causes all the flowers to wither, just like he does to Izzy’s little spirit.  

They say that recent converts are far more devoted/fanatical (not equating these modifiers to be one and the same). I think Dreck ended up being a Duggar Way on Steroids type of convert in some respects.  Either that, or Jilly has him by the balls more than we think she does. She has him convinced that her oppressive upbringing is the only way to raise godly children.

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OK, I missed the pictures of Sam with his arms wrapped in something (looked like too many seams and edges to be a regular blanket).  The only thing I can say is that, in both photos he is lying in someone's arms sucking a pacifier and looks mighty sleepy.  Some kids do fall asleep better when they're swaddled, they like the feeling. It could just be that he was very tired but having a hard time falling asleep with all the Christmas commotion at Grandma's; so they wrapped him in something to swaddle him to help him fall asleep.  Considering he is in Aunt Deena's and then Uncle Dan's arms and looks contented; I don't think it looks like blanket training which hasn't really got anything to do with swaddling anyway.

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A damn nutter.

"Santa conspiracy theorists"?! Does this idiot really believe adults think he's real?! Everyone knows Santa is a fun thing for kids, yet last year he posted 'Hey kids, Santa isn't real!"

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Looks like D has got his braces off, either that or the clear ones. His mouth/teeth is finally looking almost normal. 

Except his hair is so drippy ;looking, Paul McCartney circa 1960s. The manbun made him more interesting.  And that's a nice Xmas Eve photo--Daddy reads Charles Dickens or The Night Before Christmas to his sons.  Ohhhhhhhhhhh... it's The Bible.... Ok then....

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40 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

He posts such dopey things but doesn’t actually respond to the question. The question was, Last year you said Santa wasn’t real. Contradicting much?

I know! Santa and the NORAD Santa Tracker are 2 different things. *smh*

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2 hours ago, doodlebug said:

OK, I missed the pictures of Sam with his arms wrapped in something (looked like too many seams and edges to be a regular blanket).  The only thing I can say is that, in both photos he is lying in someone's arms sucking a pacifier and looks mighty sleepy.  Some kids do fall asleep better when they're swaddled, they like the feeling. It could just be that he was very tired but having a hard time falling asleep with all the Christmas commotion at Grandma's; so they wrapped him in something to swaddle him to help him fall asleep.  Considering he is in Aunt Deena's and then Uncle Dan's arms and looks contented; I don't think it looks like blanket training which hasn't really got anything to do with swaddling anyway.

Thanks, @doodlebug, I hope you’re right.

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I can see the point of the person who challenged Derwood ... last year he was shooting down Santa (so to speak), but this year he's all on board to have fun with the idea. But why phrase the question in such a a snide way? It just gave him an excuse to be snide right back. And to mockingly suggest the questioner actually thought the Santa tracker was real.  It was just an invitation for Derrick to be the snivelly little dickweed we all know he is, which actually probably made him really happy. 

I think it's a valid question - why the change of heart about Santa?  I would be interested in hearing his reason. I am wondering if he (like too many parents out there) has learned to use the threat of Santa not bringing toys as a way to manipulate his children.

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9 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I can see the point of the person who challenged Derwood ... last year he was shooting down Santa (so to speak), but this year he's all on board to have fun with the idea. But why phrase the question in such a a snide way? It just gave him an excuse to be snide right back. And to mockingly suggest the questioner actually thought the Santa tracker was real.  It was just an invitation for Derrick to be the snivelly little dickweed we all know he is, which actually probably made him really happy. 

I think it's a valid question - why the change of heart about Santa?  I would be interested in hearing his reason. I am wondering if he (like too many parents out there) has learned to use the threat of Santa not bringing toys as a way to manipulate his children.

Since he labeled little Izzy as a manipulator, I think you are right.  Threaten that Santa will leave Izzy a lump of coal, and presto!  Izzy cowers to whatever Dillweed wants.  

Not even putting an arm around Sam, looks like Jilly Muffin just plopped him there as an afterthought.  Were there ever two parents that could disassociate from their children so obviously?  Oh, right, MOTY Michelle.  Poor little boys.

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17 minutes ago, louannems said:

I've known some uber religious parents but, honestly, I've never heard of them reading the Bible to an infant and a toddler!  A CHILDREN'S bible with big pictures, most definitely, but who reads to tiny kids a book without pictures?

Those kids will surely associate bible time with boring time.  And being forced to sit still and listen and not asking questions and likely punished for not sitting still, that sounds like too much fun.

Exactly.  I have friends who are fairly religious and for their baby's first Christmas, I found a beautifully illustrated children's storybook about the first Christmas.  Even as a baby, their daughter loved the bright and colorful pictures, and, even now that she's a preteen; they still have the book and read it together as a family on Christmas Eve because it is so special to her.

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32 minutes ago, louannems said:

I've known some uber religious parents but, honestly, I've never heard of them reading the Bible to an infant and a toddler!  A CHILDREN'S bible with big pictures, most definitely, but who reads to tiny kids a book without pictures?

Those kids will surely associate bible time with boring time.  And being forced to sit still and listen and not asking questions and likely punished for not sitting still, that sounds like too much fun.

Exactly.  Only a complete idiot would force a toddler to sit and listen to a King James Version Bible being read.  Damn, I feel sorry for those poor kids.

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On 12/24/2017 at 3:28 PM, OpieTaylor said:

Of course the dullards are going to go to the TTH for actual Xmas day, so Cathy had to celebrate early. I predict the Seewalds will be at the TTH too on 12/25 instead of at Bin's parents. It'll be interesting to see if Jeremeee leads a church service at his church or leaves again to visit family. Wonder about JoKen, and Joy&hubby (I can't even remember his name).

I see in photos from Duggar Family Official facebook page that, indeed, the Dullards, Seewalds, and JoKen were at the TTH for Xmas morning. But I didn't see any sign of Joy/Austin and I'm pretty sure the Vuolos were at his parents' home, based on a photo.

I know that young marrieds have to pick a place to go for Xmas morning, but it just irks me that so many pick the TTH.  There are a zillion kids there already; I'm sure Bin's parents, and Derwood's mother, and Kendra's parents would have enjoyed having the excitement of family at home on Xmas morning. Hopefully the marrieds will take turns, or stay at their own homes for Xmas morning and then join extended family later. Oh, why the hell do I care?! 

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I've been around lots of babies, my own included and have never seen a baby intentionally wrapped as Sammy was. When I see that picture it reminds me of a suggestion once given to me. I was complaining that my youngest was now having interrupted sleep after sleeping through the night because she was accidentally knocking her pacifier out of her mouth. All that it took to get her back to sleep was popping it back in her mouth. It was suggested that I immobilize her arms by wrapping them in a blanket so she couldn't knock her pacifier out. First this kid who couldn't sleep in the beginning without being swaddled, had made it clear weeks before that swaddling was no longer her thing. Secondly I had a hard enough time using a playpen to 'restrain' my kids when needed. So I opted to get up during this stage and pop the pacifier back into her mouth and strategically place a bunch of pacifiers in her crib on the off chance her hand would encounter one and she could manage to find her mouth.

Maybe Sammy is content and doesn't mind his hands being contained/restrained, but it pains me to see it.

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