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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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I will be honest. I don't think I could tolerate being a public figure.  The twitter comments alone would make me a mess. Add tabloids, strangers stopping you all day, stalkers, and on and on. 

I am not about to contact any celebrity via twitter or anything else. I’m happy to snark on them in a forum- but I’m not going to invade their space or turn things personal   Bullying isn’t just done by kids. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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The Dillard’s and the Seewald’s would have had to renegotiate their contracts going into “Counting On.”  We know Ben and Jessa signed something with TLC when they were newly married.  There’s no reason to believe that Derick didn’t unless he purposely held out.  I guess it’s possible that TLC only signed a new contract with Duggar Family Inc and the men just signed over their publicity rights, but they would be not employees in name only.  They still benefit from the paychecks and were still stars of the show.

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2 hours ago, Lisa418722 said:

Looks like I was banned by Derick today.  I signed out of Twitter and went then I back onto his page (since it's public), it seems to be mainly people praising him and telling him how wonderful he is.   Wonder how long it took him to block all these people.

If you can still read his page and search him, he didn't ban you. 

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2 hours ago, IntoTheMystic said:

With Jill piercing her nose and wearing jeans and rocking the henna tattoos ... she's either rebelling against something or trying to get the kind of attention Jinger does. Personally, I think the falling shower rack down in that violently gated and safely guarded Central America mission field snapped her mind.  She just hasn't been right since, imho.

Or ... she's trying to get the attention on her instead of Baby Dilly the First being fired ... regardless of what he claims about quitting. Dude was straight up fired.

In my opinion, there was something wrong with Jill before Dwerp Man Boy came along. She acted like a silly preteen with her first crush when it came to Derick. The way she went to JB and Michelle and said I might be in love. No, she was in love with the thought someone besides her father and her brothers (remove Josh since he gave her the worse type of attention possible.) gave her the time of day. In otherwords, bad love is better than no love at all. She was Miss Cling Wrap from the minute they said I do. No one or thing, and I mean no one or thing is suppose to take the attention Dwerp gives her. They both act angry and bitter because marriage and parenthood has not turn out so well for either one of them.

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6 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

The sad thing is Derick seemed half way normal when they were courting, but once Izzy came along and the molestation news hit the fan, he started to slowly lose it. Jill has her own serious problems long before Derick came along. They both came into the marriage with different expectations. Jill got pregnant as soon as they say I do, his mother was seriously ill, the news comes out your one brother-in-law molested your wife. Most people would struggle to deal with the whole thing. I know I struggle when my husband was first diagnosed leading to my PTSD to flare up, and of course my thyroid going wacky. They both need professional help and step away from her family, and his mother to get the help, but I seriously doubt it will happen anytime soon. I was hoping Cathy would wake up and smell the coffee, but she is too busy defending him. They are each other's enablers along with their families.

I’m starting to actually worry about this family.

The old Derick was a tool, but he seemed to be a (relatively) emotionally healthy one. Now he’s a rageaholic Twitter feuder who is obsessed by how he is viewed publicly. Based on what Jill posts on Instagram (which I would expect to be things designed to paint their family in a positive light) he’s at best a disengaged and indifferent dad. He gave up the family’s sole source of income (except grifting) to take a “college” course in college ministry with no guarantee it will lead to a job, much less one that would allow him to support 2 kids. I think he is deeply, deeply unhappy. I think normally a man in his situation would divorce and move on, but if he wants to succeed in Christian ministry he can’t do that, so he just turns his unhappiness inward and gets more and more bitter.

Jill has never struck me as an emotionally sturdy person, and I can’t imagine she was happy about being yanked off TLC, especially since Derick states it was a decision *he* made for the family. She’s 20 miles from her family (as an aside, how easy is it for her to go see them? Do the Dullards have two cars?) in a cramped apartment with two boys who seem to be exclusively her “jurisdiction.” She’s had two horrific surgical births after watching Anna and Jessa push their kids out in their living rooms like it’s a day at the beach. She probably feels inadequate as a mother and, since i’m guessing Derick’s unhappiness spills over into their home life, a wife. These posts we all mock about “date night” being Domino’s pizza and a Christian movie played on a laptop screen are probably her way at trying to portray some sense of normalcy or happiness that just isn’t there in real life.

The thing that really worries me is that all of this has to be affecting Izzy and Sam. I don’t think Derick and Jill are abusive parents, and I think they (well, at least Jill) are doing their best. I think she does love her kids, and i’m sure that deep down, Derick does as well. But I think they’re both desperately unhappy people and they could really use some professional guidance on how to cope with the fact that reality turned out to be far less pleasant as they had dreamed it would. Those kids are just going to pick up on this stuff more and more as they grow. 

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whoohoo! i got blocked too! I would have been disappointed to be left out. You know, dear Dreck that to block people means we all hit more than a nerve and you know we are right. The truth hurts, doesn't it??

I too am starting to worry about Jill and those children. The atmosphere must be toxic. They both need professional help in my opinion.

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5 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I can't find the thread where Derelict is defending himself. Can @ginger90 possibly direct me to the proper place so I can read his latest rantings?

There's so many, lol. Is this what you mean?


Or perhaps




So many comments have gone poof!



So many comments have gone poof!

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I find it sad he has no trusted advisor to sit him down and tell him to step away from the twatter. Step away from social media. Step into life as a private citizen. Get out from under the microscope. Then again, maybe he does have someone suggesting that and he's ignoring the input. 

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16 hours ago, Triple P said:

But as an adult, wouldn't he have had to sign his own contract with the production company or TLC, or at least sign a release?

Of course, the contract could have stated that all monies would be paid to JB.

It could be that TLC signed the contract with a Duggar Family organization which then ‘hired’ all the adults by having them sign an employment contract with the family company.  It would be like hiring a contractor to remodel your kitchen: the contractor hires the plumber, the electrician and carpenter and pays them out of the money paid by the homeowner. That would make Jill and Derick subcontractors working for the family business and not TLC.  That could account for Derick splitting hairs and claiming he was never employed by TLC.

And, just as with any contract, while TLC may not have employed Derick, they could easily go to the head of the family company and tell them (JB) that they weren’t happy with Derick’s online activities and he was no longer welcome to participate if he didn’t stop.  Any employee of a contractor can be pulled off the job if the contractee doesn’t like their work.

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15 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

There is a comment I want to make concerning the above sentence, but I will not make it. Most students (and I am using the word loosely here) go home on break, spend time with family and friends, stay out late and has some fun. Dwerp Man goes on twitter and makes more of an ass of himself. Different strokes for different folks.

Most ADULT students spend their winter break working at jobs to help with the costs of that education. No reason Derick couldn’t find holiday employment at a tree lot or the mall.  Instead, he  begs for donations so he can waste his time on Twitter.

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The production company is Figure 8 Films. JimBob didn’t seem to have any ability to stop Josh & Anna from moving to DC and continuing to be filmed, so married couples seem to get paid separately. Jana, John-David and Jessa definitely own real estate. Jason owns half a house with JimBob, and Jason isn’t even an adult. There’s no way that Jeremy is working for pocket money from JimBob. There’s no way Jessa became so TV friendly merely for JimBob bucks either. 

There’s also that weird religious transfer of authority/custody that happens to married Duggar women. 

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I guess Jim Bob needs to add a few more questions to his 60 page questionnaire.

"Are you using me for money and fame? How do I know you're telling the truth? Have you ever been financially dominated by another man? Do you like gladiator movies? Do you buy new underwear before travel?"


Someone please ask Derick if he's been working this entire time why he can't bankroll his own ten grand for 'mission work'? I'm glad/horrified that I correctly predicted that their lives peaked about a month after they married. It's all downhill from here. Kind of ironic that the 19kac opening sequence had Michelle talk about how they strictly monitored the kid's internet access, but then let their favorite daughter marry the first loser to Skype in.

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14 hours ago, Albanyguy said:

Does that mean that Jim Bob was charging them rent for the pool house? Cheapskate that he is, I still find that hard to believe, especially since he must have loved having his favorite child right there in the compound with him.

I'm wondering if both the mold house and pool house are outfitted with lighting for filming. So if Derrick was no longer being filmed the house would be made available to a Duggar couple that was being filmed. The reason for moving was probably more complicated then just the Dillards wanting to be closer to school and the cheaper student type housing. Just a thought.

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My heart is filled with Joy knowing Derelict blocked so many of us. The curious thing is what took him so long. He is a true Duggar, praise me, praise me, praise me. But when facts are added to the mix he becomes a petulant child.  He thinks he is smarter than everyone around him, and that may very well be true in Duggarland. When he realizes his silly semantic games are ineffective he wants everyone to believe HIM. Because Jesus.Derelict is decompensating at a scary rate. Maybe once the stress of the holidays are over he'll find equilibrium. But man, he is one scary character, with a wife and two babies under three.

That makes a lot of sense, @Almost 3000. Why should they get the McMansion when they are no longer contributing to the three ring circus. Very astute observation.

Edited by SMama
Added a thought.
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I will be honest. I don't think I could tolerate being a public figure.  The twitter comments alone would make me a mess. Add tabloids, strangers stopping you all day, stalkers, and on and on. 

I agree, however, you trade it off for making tons of money which I as a private citizen have no acess too.  So.... do not feel sorry for any of them.


Someone please ask Derick if he's been working this entire time why he can't bankroll his own ten grand for 'mission work'

I think I read that is a requirement, you have to get part of your tuition in donations.  Being a minister or missionary--half your job is constant fundraising I imagine.

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I think Derick is so into convincing people who read his Twitter that he is some kind of awesome that he can't see how much damage he is doing to himself. He comes across as a smug and petty little kid who takes his toys and stalks off. And by toys, I mean Jilly Muffin, Izzy, and Sam.  It's fitting that his initials are DDD because he's a big old booby. I was raised going to those Quiver-full camps and meetings and retreats ... I've seen my share of smug and petty boobies, but he's starting to surpass them all.

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11 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

I’m starting to actually worry about this family.

The old Derick was a tool, but he seemed to be a (relatively) emotionally healthy one. Now he’s a rageaholic Twitter feuder who is obsessed by how he is viewed publicly. Based on what Jill posts on Instagram (which I would expect to be things designed to paint their family in a positive light) he’s at best a disengaged and indifferent dad. He gave up the family’s sole source of income (except grifting) to take a “college” course in college ministry with no guarantee it will lead to a job, much less one that would allow him to support 2 kids. I think he is deeply, deeply unhappy. I think normally a man in his situation would divorce and move on, but if he wants to succeed in Christian ministry he can’t do that, so he just turns his unhappiness inward and gets more and more bitter.

Jill has never struck me as an emotionally sturdy person, and I can’t imagine she was happy about being yanked off TLC, especially since Derick states it was a decision *he* made for the family. She’s 20 miles from her family (as an aside, how easy is it for her to go see them? Do the Dullards have two cars?) in a cramped apartment with two boys who seem to be exclusively her “jurisdiction.” She’s had two horrific surgical births after watching Anna and Jessa push their kids out in their living rooms like it’s a day at the beach. She probably feels inadequate as a mother and, since i’m guessing Derick’s unhappiness spills over into their home life, a wife. These posts we all mock about “date night” being Domino’s pizza and a Christian movie played on a laptop screen are probably her way at trying to portray some sense of normalcy or happiness that just isn’t there in real life.

The thing that really worries me is that all of this has to be affecting Izzy and Sam. I don’t think Derick and Jill are abusive parents, and I think they (well, at least Jill) are doing their best. I think she does love her kids, and i’m sure that deep down, Derick does as well. But I think they’re both desperately unhappy people and they could really use some professional guidance on how to cope with the fact that reality turned out to be far less pleasant as they had dreamed it would. Those kids are just going to pick up on this stuff more and more as they grow. 

Imo, Jill is not happy about having to take care of her children by herself. When she was in Danger America, she was complaining about the fact one of her sisters was not there to help her with Izzy. She reminds me of a very needy person who needs to be told what to do and when to do it. The whole thing reminds me of my two parents. Got married for the wrong reasons, had their first kid right away within ten months of getting married, and ended up totally unhappy because they were battling their own demons. My dad decided he had enough of being a family man and left to be with my darling step mother, and I was left with a bitter mother who was in denial because she has a serious mental illness and blames everyone else instead of getting the help she needs (she did go in for counseling but she did not care for the advice or suggestions the counselor made and blames my dad and her three children for her problems.) Sounds about right for the Duggar clan also except for the counseling part. Now any parent with half a brain and conscious would be going in and sitting down with Jill and Derick and suggest counseling and take care of the two grandsons while their parents get the help they need instead of being idiots and defending their children's actions. I wonder how Derick's dad would feel if he saw the way Derick turn out. I can understand why his step father wants nothing to do with the Dog and Pony show.

Edited by bigskygirl
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1 hour ago, WhineandCheez said:

I think I read that is a requirement, you have to get part of your tuition in donations.  Being a minister or missionary--half your job is constant fundraising I imagine.

It's not a requirement of the Cross Church School of Ministry.  But, they encourage students to solicit funds if they don't have the $12,000 tuition fee.  This is their statement:

"Is it appropriate for me to raise funding for my Cross Church School of Ministry program costs?

"Yes! In fact, we highly encourage you to raise private funds from those who know you are called by God into the ministry and believe in and support that calling. This could be family, friends, your home church, etc. We encourage our students to create an exhaustive list of such contacts and send them a support letter along with a Cross Church School of Ministry brochure (we will provide as many of these as you need)." 

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So Derick only has 1 year of real work experience to speak about at age 28? He is almost 30 with 2 kids and a wife he should have a full time job. It is possible to go to school and work full time, I doubt his class is extremely difficult or time consuming since he spends most of his day on Twitter. He can get an overnight job at a warehouse instead of bumming around. I see other fundie husbands work extremely hard to support their family, I remember Sierra post about her husband working 15 hour shifts and Allysa's husband is gone all day as well. He needs to stop fucking around and get his priorities straight. 

Edited by Lunera
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On 12/16/2017 at 7:46 PM, lascuba said:

I agree about TLC. The way they worded their statement made it fairly obvious that they didn't fire him. I don't think Derick quit unprompted...TLC probably suggested that he tone down the crazy and he decided to take the "principled" stand and quit. 

It could be 'we will let you resign to save face but do not darken our doorway again'.  

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10 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

I think it's more like appalled and I am right there with him.  And, while I get that the hats were a gift and Jill is right to thank the lady who made them; any hat that makes your kid look like an deranged Teletubby is a very bad thing.

LOL, my daughter & I used to love watching the Teletubbies!  That expression looks like appalled to me, too.  Poor little guy, I think everything scares him just like his mom.  Having Dillweed as a dad would be appalling and scary, for any kid.

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On 12/18/2017 at 5:34 AM, Chicklet said:

Frat parties are brutal, at least the parties I went to. Ok I went to 2 and hated the wild behavior and drinking and yes puking. But really, Derrick getting invited to a frat party? If he was a secure, goal-driven guy maybe but "oh you're the guy who ......dresses up like a giant cowboy at the game"

"I have GUNS!" 

Cute girl backs up and runs away.

Nah can't see it.

I think Derek would be the one they send for more beer when the keg runs dry or holding the sorority sisters hair while she throws up.  I cannot see him fitting in with the Greeks.  Not the ones I work with anyway.  One on one they are great.  In a pack they are like rabid dogs of inappropriateness.  

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2 hours ago, Almost 3000 said:

I'm wondering if both the mold house and pool house are outfitted with lighting for filming. So if Derrick was no longer being filmed the house would be made available to a Duggar couple that was being filmed. The reason for moving was probably more complicated then just the Dillards wanting to be closer to school and the cheaper student type housing. Just a thought.

I think this is exactly it.  

27 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

I think it's more like appalled and I am right there with him.  And, while I get that the hats were a gift and Jill is right to thank the lady who made them; any hat that makes your kid look like an deranged Teletubby is a very bad thing.


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"Yes! In fact, we highly encourage you to raise private funds from those who know you are called by God into the ministry and believe in and support that calling. This could be family, friends, your home church, etc. We encourage our students to create an exhaustive list of such contacts and send them a support letter along with a Cross Church School of Ministry brochure (we will provide as many of these as you need)." 



No mention of social media, or gofundme........

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2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

It could be 'we will let you resign to save face but do not darken our doorway again'.  

Jill is not much better as a mother either if she complains about not having help to take care of her only child. She said she wanted a second child so Izzy would not think the world revolves around him. She needs to realize the world does not resolve around her and especially Dwerp Man Boy. The fire hydrant down the street would raise Izzy and Sammy better.

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4 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

I agree, however, you trade it off for making tons of money which I as a private citizen have no acess too.  So.... do not feel sorry for any of them.

I think I read that is a requirement, you have to get part of your tuition in donations.  Being a minister or missionary--half your job is constant fundraising I imagine.

No, it's just suggested that a student fund-raise. Practice for the real (non-SOS) mission field. I wonder how much TLC/, People money they had socked away. I don't believe for one second that they paid rent at either the McMansion or the Pool House. Now that they're off the show, they're on their own as far as Boob is concerned. The first couple really forced to leave and cleave. Although Smuggar may own his house, while he may not be on the show, but he's still being subsidized by Boob's car lot. 

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S’mores time! ❤️ israel has been begging to “do a fire” for awhile. Thanks @cldillafor the fire pit. 

I just CANNOT STAND how manipulative that Israel is.... Jill better have a 3rd so that, THIS TIME, Israel realizes he's not the center of his parents universe.  Twitter is.....

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3 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I think Derek would be the one they send for more beer when the keg runs dry or holding the sorority sisters hair while she throws up.  I cannot see him fitting in with the Greeks.  Not the ones I work with anyway.  One on one they are great.  In a pack they are like rabid dogs of inappropriateness.  

Derick wasn't Greek material, so he would never have been invited to join a fraternity, let alone go to one of their parties.

Derick didn't even date in college.  He claimed that he didn't have time: ”But being Pete takes some sacrifices, and it would be hard to hold the responsibilities of having a girlfriend, having schoolwork and Pistol Pete and trying to juggle all that."  How very odd since his parents started dating each other when his dad was Pistol Pete and they even got married when his dad was still Pistol Pete. 

The takeaways from that:  Derick has always been full of excuses, BS, and maybe just not that in to girls.

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Dillweed can come up with more excuses for being a lazy sack of bullshit, than I can shake a stick at!  It's like his degree is in grifting instead of accounting.

He had the Duggars completely fooled.  Of course, that's not saying a lot.  This is what they get for raising kids in a fundie bubble.

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19 minutes ago, Mollie said:

Derick wasn't Greek material, so he would never have been invited to join a fraternity, let alone go to one of their parties.

Derick didn't even date in college.  He claimed that he didn't have time: ”But being Pete takes some sacrifices, and it would be hard to hold the responsibilities of having a girlfriend, having schoolwork and Pistol Pete and trying to juggle all that."  How very odd since his parents started dating each other when his dad was Pistol Pete and they even got married when his dad was still Pistol Pete. 

The takeaways from that:  Derick has always been full of excuses, BS, and maybe just not that in to girls.

Most likely the girls were just not that into him.

Edited by Westiepeach
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2 minutes ago, Westiepeach said:

Most likely the girls were just not that into him.

I'm sure that's right, too!  But, did you notice that Derick thought that having a girlfriend was a responsibility?  We all know that Derick isn't one to like responsibilities, but it apparently never occurred to him that a girlfriend could be a lot of fun, too.  Dressing up in his Pistol Pete costume only took a couple of hours a week and only during game season.  That's all!  Derick didn't work during college and I don't think his accounting studies required much research time in the library or writing papers.  And there was no Twitter in those days, so he must have had a lot of free time with absolutely nothing to do.  Just like his life today.

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58 minutes ago, Mollie said:


The takeaways from that:  Derick has always been full of excuses, BS, and maybe just not that in to girls.

I can't wait for the guys that this married, now former B+ list reality star from a huge family of reality stars used to have sex with out of the country, confront him. There is no way he stopped when he came back to the US, so there are probably some guys he has been with here too but are maybe afraid to say anything. His more famous wife knows about the guys and that tragic death outside the country but stays silent. She won't ever leave him.


This is from Crazy Days and Nights which is a blind item column.  All the guesses about the subject of the blind were Derrick.


I posted this a week or so ago.  As I said then, take this for what it's worth, but I tend to think it's true.  YMMV

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3 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

I just CANNOT STAND how manipulative that Israel is.... Jill better have a 3rd so that, THIS TIME, Israel realizes he's not the center of his parents universe.  Twitter is.....

I'm not sure if Jill is medically capable of giving birth again after two complicated births and two C Sections.

Her personal botched homebirth experience has tarnished her dreams of becoming a midwife.  Who would trust her after what happened with Israel's birth?  Poor Jill.  Her desire to become a missionary was thwarted by her inability to learn Spanish and she was never able to talk to anyone without a translator with her.  Even if she had mastered the language, she was too afraid to go anywhere alone the whole time she was in Central America.

Now she is trying to tag alongside Derick as he tries to evangelize foreign university students.   Not only is Jill lacking a college education, but she never had a normal grade school or high school education, either. College students can't relate to her at all.  Every time she shows up at one of the events she brings a toddler and a baby instead of finding a sitter.  She can't even talk to people because she's saddled with the kids.   

Here's an Instagram post she made.  Notice that she is asking people to blindly pray for four nameless people from foreign countries. (I guess Jesus is just supposed to know who those people are and what Jill thinks they need, because Jill failed to tell us.)  She also spelled Afghanistan wrong.  WTF! 


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Edited by Mollie
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