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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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Come on Duggar Family now is the time to make a statement: You disown josh, he's scum, None of you will ever see him again, and Jill is welcome to come round any day she wants. Can a girl dream this will ever happen? 

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29 minutes ago, Rabbittron said:

One thing that I hate to say is that Michelle wasn't lying a few years ago she said that all families have a child molester well in at least her family she was telling the truth. 

A healthier truth would be that there are gay people in every family and they haven't been allowed to admit that. Sadly, Michelle probably feels having a child molester is better. 

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31 minutes ago, Annb67 said:

How could she not know? Your husband’s business is raided. They signed properties over to you. Come on! 

Yep, I agree. I think she had to know......She knew something at least. 

But I would think anyone with even half a brain -- and whether they were gonna defend Josh when the truth came out or throw him overboard then -- wouldn't have done that bizarre PR stuff about his diligence and such. 

I don't get what was in her head as she did that. Makes even less sense to me than usual. 

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3 minutes ago, Tikichick said:

The out state lawyer that Zella linked above ticks all the boxes for being the real deal.  To me that indicates the family knew (JB knew anyway) that this was probably an inevitability and preparations were made, legit preparations.  

Agreed - which means it’s utterly reprehensible that they let him be around any children. I can believe, though, that only JB and Michelle knew the details. If that is the case, I hope they never see their children or grandchildren again.

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Just now, farmgal4 said:

I can almost guarantee that JRod is having a “come to Jesus meeting” with her sons about the evils of the Internet and pornography. 

The Duggar brand is now lower than the R brand. Process that!

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Jeremy and Jinger better hope that they have kept some of their advance in savings. 

 Well, I have it from a very reliable source that they Hold Hope....

They really better get the cracking and selling candles under an assumed name over the Internet.

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2 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Can you link it?


“We appreciate your continued prayers for our family at this time. The accusations brought against Joshua today are very serious. It is our prayer that the truth, no matter what it is, will come to light, and that this will all be resolved in a timely manner. We love Josh and Anna and continue to pray for their family.”

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar

Edited by christine falls
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The truth has come to light and they still refuse to see it. I feel so sorry for the M littles. There's no way Anna was in the dark about any of it. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt!

Edited by beckie
Correct spelling is a good thing!
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I should not find humor in any of this and yet this made me laugh a bit.

"He's been ordered to forfeit any material related to the case to authorities, including turning over any and all computer equipment."

right away, in my sick brain I thought Anna"s #lifeunplugged or whatever she called it, just took a sad turn

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I see a bunch of comments about how the show will be canceled, and the Duggars, in general, are over, but I don’t agree. The siblings in the family are not to blame for Joshua’s actions. As far as we know, they previously forgave Joshua before because their parents and their religion required them to forgive. That forgiveness did not mean acceptance though. I’m willing to bet that most, if not all of them, tolerated Joshua, but I think most, if not all of them, didn’t respect or like him. 
I think these new charges came as a total shock to the siblings, and again, I don’t think they should have to lose their income because Joshua is a scumbag pedophile. 

Edited by Fallacy
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I hope Anna gets the M & Ms in therapy. Their dad says goodnight to them one night and they likely will never be able to see him again, for a long, long time.

Edited by GeeGolly
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27 minutes ago, Lindsay Loo Hoo said:

My heart breaks for those poor children, his own, and the victims. 

Unfortunately, I believe Anna will still stand by her man, and just sweep this under the rug. I really hope I am wrong.  Fuck you Josh you piece of shit asshole. 

Well she might not go through the legal process of divorce, although she might have to for legal reasons related to the kids, but if he's in the slammer for 20+ years it doesn't really matter. She can't sweep it under the rug.

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I remember just last month wondering whatever happened to that raid back in the end of 2019. Guess that answers that. Does anyone remeber when the Duggar statement at the time said something along the lines of "no one was investigates to our knowledge"? I read that as "yeah, someone was investigated and we know who and why but want to cover our asses and not admit that." 

When I saw Josh was arrested yesterday my first assumption was child photos/videos. But then I thought it could be some tax evasion/money laundering thing and hoped that was the case because 1. JB might go down too and 2. it means no harm came to children. Back in 2015 when the molestations came to light I knew that he was a pedophile and that it wasn't mere childhood curiousity. I wish I had been wrong. I felt nauseous and even cried a little bit when the charges came out today. 

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I think the Vuolo statement is great, but I wouldn't give them too much credit as they're not the first public figure to say basically the same thing under similar circumstances. 

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1 minute ago, iwantcookies said:

What is his bail? 

It hasn't been set yet. I believe the bond hearing is on May 5 and he has to stay in custody until then. IF bond is granted at that time, then he has to have supervision and live in a place with no minor chidren. 

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1 minute ago, GeeGolly said:

I think the Vuolo statement is great, but I wouldn't give them too much credit as they're not the first public figure to say basically the same thing under similar circumstances. 

There's at least some value in their statement informing those inclined to think they are role models and examples of Christianity that those who harm children in this way are abusers and deserve punishment.   Let's face it, there are those so delusional about the family that if their statement defended Josh and minimized the allegations it would have been accepted as righteous and true.  

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1 minute ago, christine falls said:

It hasn't been set yet. I believe the bond hearing is on May 5 and he has to stay in custody until then. IF bond is granted at that time, then he has to have supervision and live in a place with no minor chidren. 


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