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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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Anna looks really good and thinner in a healthy way, and she doesn't have that tired, strained look she had for a bit. I hope it's because of her lack of Josh and that she realises how much better off she is without that lardy perv before he gets out of Jesus jail.


On a different note, do these people ever not smile like maniacs when faced with a camera? It's kind of disturbing when one looks at several pictures in a row, how they all have that rictus grin. Aside from poor Jennie whom I sort of both admire and feel sad for. Girlfriend either don't give a shit about keeping sweet or she's just too depressed to muster up the energy to fake a smile (same thing seems to be true for Mikey lately).

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Anna seems to have been photoshopped in this pic. There's a can light where her abdomen should be.

Lol I didn't even notice that but yes she looks like a disembodied head just floating around the room. Very strange. How did I not notice that?

Eta: we posted at the same time. Great minds....

Edited by nc socialworker
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She sure looks good since losing that 190 ish pounds.




190? Man, you're being nice.


It took me a little while to get that.  But yeah, I'd say closer to 250.


Also, she definitely looks better than we've seen her in years.  Can't help but wonder how long she'd known and she'd been holding on by her finger nails.  

  • Love 12

Many porn stars are on Twitter and easy to find. The women post links to their Amazon wish lists and fans purchase gifts for them (gee, sounds just like Jill and Jessa's registries). Buy enough gifts, you'll start to direct message with the porn star. From there you can arrange for cam sessions or meetings.

I truly am in the wrong career field!

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So for those of us who got annoyed/bored of keeping up with Josh updates for the past month or so...where can I get a condensed version of the last 20-ish pages? :) Is there a tl;dr version anywhere of what's going on with the Smugs situation since he got shipped off to bible rehab?

No new info from the family members. Tons of questionable speculative click bait filler from online gossip sites. Anna and the M&Ms appear to have remained in Tontitown the whole time. Edited by Kokapetl
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Anna is probably smiling in that picture because she recently had a conjugal visit with her pig husband at Jesus Rehab and is hoping to be knocked up again.

I firmly believe that Anna will be preggers by this time next year.  A "miracle" make up baby if you will.  Like that has worked so well with other couples in the past and present.  Sigh...

Edited by PJ123
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Miracle is a good M name.

But then's Minimize Molestation Duggar too. We call here Mini for short!

It's a good thing Meredith wasn't born before the second scandal broke. Madison is a pretty common girls name, I bet it was one of the names Anna was considering before Joshie's indiscretions came to light.

  • Love 4

If Anna suggested Madison, do you think Josh would have said anything to discourage it, or would the laziest man in Arkansas just say "yeah okay, I'm gonna be up late with work stuff, don't wait up for me, you should probably go to bed "?

Lol, I think Josh could've given a rat's ass about baby #4, so he probably wouldn't have been paying attention to the discussion in the first place.

  • Love 2

I think that all depends on how Josh is feeling when he gets home. If he is contrite and wants back into his parent's good graces, I think that you're right and there will be a baby ASAP.


If he's not, though, and he has never been contrite about anything before, I don't think there will be another baby. He was very clearly unhappy about M4 and he has obviously figured out how to get sex without children (prostitutes). He could, of course, have a real conversation with his wife about not wanting more children, or at least not wanting more children when they have no income, but I don't think that will happen.

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From Dillardfamily.com






  • Anna looks slender and rested. I shudder to think of Josh's return, and I agree with those who are hoping this is not her attempt to "compete" for Josh's attention.
  • After her braces came off, Jill should have worn her retainer. After putting two of my kids and myself through the process, I know how fast those teeth move.
  • Derrick's entire set of teeth looks completely off-center, like his head is set to the left and his choppers are set to the right. It's disorienting if I look at it too long.
  • Love 5

I think that all depends on how Josh is feeling when he gets home. If he is contrite and wants back into his parent's good graces, I think that you're right and there will be a baby ASAP.

If he's not, though, and he has never been contrite about anything before, I don't think there will be another baby. He was very clearly unhappy about M4 and he has obviously figured out how to get sex without children (prostitutes). He could, of course, have a real conversation with his wife about not wanting more children, or at least not wanting more children when they have no income, but I don't think that will happen.

I wonder how he/she would reconcile that since they vowed before God to have as many children as possible?

Oh wait, Josh also vowed to be faithful and to honor Anna so clearly he doesn't give a shit about breaking his vows to Anna or God.

So... never mind.

  • Love 11

LOL I've been saying that about Josh since the wedding.  So whaI if he made vows about leaving the number of children up to God?  It was forced on him plus look at how many people don't keep their vows made in church anyway.  I never saw Josh as one who would hold vows as a stumbling block to do what he wanted to do. 

  • Love 6

I feel like it's a lot to expect for Josh to consider possible future babies in the future when faced with the prospect of definite unprotected sex now. It just sounds more thoughtful than I've ever considered Josh being. If the thought of passing along incurable STDs to his unborn child isn't enough to get him to use a condom when he's having sex with a professional, I can't imagine the future existence of a hypothetical child he'll never raise a finger for will make a difference.

Edited by Julia
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The sex scandals just keep on coming.  There's a picture in this article showing Josh at age about 15 studying Bill Gothard's sex education workbooks at the kitchen table with homeschool teacher Michelle.  That whole Gothard organization is being sued now.


  • Love 5

The sex scandals just keep on coming.  There's a picture in this article showing Josh at age about 15 studying Bill Gothard's sex education workbooks at the kitchen table with homeschool teacher Michelle.  That whole Gothard organization is being sued now.


I'm ashamed to say I'm just curious: in the picture of the oldest J-girls (Jana, Jessa, Jill, & Jinger) with Gothard, there are two girls to the right who are identified as "Duggar sisters-in-law." The photo is from 2010...Josh & Anna married in 2008. The one in the white sweater looks like she could be Priscilla (pre-TFDW). Not sure about the other, but is she a Keller, too?

I'm ashamed to say I'm just curious: in the picture of the oldest J-girls (Jana, Jessa, Jill, & Jinger) with Gothard, there are two girls to the right who are identified as "Duggar sisters-in-law." The photo is from 2010...Josh & Anna married in 2008. The one in the white sweater looks like she could be Priscilla (pre-TFDW). Not sure about the other, but is she a Keller, too?

The other two girls are Anna's sisters Susanna and Priscilla.

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