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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Jessa has "baby fever", so the next big announcement will probably be a third child on the way. She is still floating the idea of fostering or adopting a child.

Bonus: picture of Jessa, Spurgeon, and Henry in Felicity's nursery.


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Remember Jessa and Ben are experts when it comes to parenthood. They have to share their knowledge on raising children with Jeremy and Jinger. I still remember the cringe raising scenes of Smuggly Do Wrong and Deredick talking about child raising when Jilly Girl was pregnant with Izzy.

1 hour ago, SMama said:

So bringing three adults and two toddlers is helping? Because none of them are capable of offering any help whatsoever. To be fair, I’m sure Spud and Hank can offer more warmth and comic relief that the three adult wet socks

Add in the fact that it's a 4 bedroom house - the master, the nursery, Jeremy's office.  Did they cram Ben/Jessa/Me'chelle and the boys in one bedroom???? And totally agree that none of them helped a bit, Jinger and Jeremy were probably picking up after the "help".

And yes, I get that Felicity was probably in a basinnent in the Master bedroom with Jinger and Jeremy, but I sure wouldn't want my sister showing up with her kids and using my kids nursery before she got to!

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2 hours ago, Triple P said:

She is still floating the idea of fostering or adopting a child.


Yea good luck with that Jessa.  I've had several friends that have adopted a child.  It took years.  And a LOT of money.  There were interviews as a couple and one on one with each hopefully to be parent.  They looked into every aspect of their lives - work history, education, family, financial, background checks, hobbies and organizations they belonged to, religious as well for at least one of the couples.  Let's see Jessa you and Ben have no real work history - you know where you show up and go to work every day for hours.  And I don't think they would be impressed with JB occasionally turning over money.  Jessa doesn't even have a high school degree or GED.  Ben has some sort of religious schooling I believe but I don't remember if it was from an accredited school or something like Clown College.  You have no hobbies it seems.  You live in a 2 bedroom house.  If you were to adopt a little girl where would you set up her room?  Then there's Smugger and how your parents mishandled the situation.  That's not going to earn points.  I really think they have no clue how this would look in a public adoption attempt.   Now perhaps they could adopt privately from a leg humper or something, but I think if Ben of Jessa said a little girl would grow up to make a wonderful helpmate for a man someday, the adoption door would hit them on the arse as they were thrown out.

  • Love 8
37 minutes ago, DragonFaerie said:

Now perhaps they could adopt privately from a leg humper or something, but I think if Ben of Jessa said a little girl would grow up to make a wonderful helpmate for a man someday, the adoption door would hit them on the arse as they were thrown out.

That's what I think.  If they are going for adoption, it would be private and would probably be a koolaid drinker.  Maybe some poor, fallen woman who made a mistake and now wants back in the fold.  Too bad she'll be judged on her lack of purity forever with that group.  So sad that they place such value on something like that.  I always wonder how they view men who have had pre-marital sex.  Are they treated as harshly as women?  I certainly hope no one gives any Duggar a kid.  I feel bad Tyler's parents couldn't find a better home for him.

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1 minute ago, GeeGolly said:

Jessa quoted in the Us article:

“We’d probably feel like we were having to start again from ground zero if we had a girl thrown in the mix!” For now, “it seems like we’re getting this boy thing down pat.”

Because raising boys and girls is so different. Especially when the boys are under 3. What do infant/toddler girls do differently than infant/toddler boys? 

Learn how to be the perfect helpmate, learn how to gaze at a man in total awe, clean up after a man, learn their sole purpose in life when they get to the age of courting and marriage to be joyfully available. I could go on and on here.

For a quick look and to procrastinate on my work here I did a quick search on the DCFS for the State of Arkansas.

For fostering children, the foster parents must agree to:

A few other important things for you to know:

Because of the trauma these children have endured, the agency does not allow corporal punishment.

Foster parents will need to recognize the religious beliefs of the foster child and support them in exercising their religious beliefs.

So - no PEARL methods and they might have to support an ebil Catholic! or Pagan! or Muslin!  Can't you just see Jessa in shock?  Oh and in working my way through the much longer set of requirements to even apply you need to provide your last 6 years of work history including job title, training, promotions and rate of pay. - I'm laughing on the floor at this point.

Then there's the point where they have to provide medical info on themselves and their family members including name of doctor and frequency of visits.  Oh my.  Can you see if they had to say that they didn't have prenatal care? or that they went to Dr. Fedosky?

  • Love 15

As someone who has dipped her foot into the foster care system, it is not for the faint of heart. In addition to digging through your financials and background, they’ll do a safety check of your home (so no mold house), they won’t let you put three kids in a room (unless maybe they were triplets), no bed sharing, they need character references, babies are usually harder to come by, and most professionals and adoptive parents don’t recommend adopting out of birth order.  Plus the home study.  And you have tons of scheduled visits and appointments that you must keep, and you must advocate for the child.  So no Duggar time getting places and no pop up trips all over the country when it suits you.  You need permission to travel out of state.  It got so crazy and time consuming that I decided it would be easier to have surgery and try to have my own kid.  It really takes a special and committed person to follow through.

I don’t know if they would consider doing foster-to-adopt, adoption through the state, or private adoption, but going through the process can be daunting and expensive. Despite all the altruism and good will that’s promoted, adoption is still a business in this country.  I could see them getting frustrated, especially if they can still biologically have their own children.  I could also see them adopting and taking the attitude that they’re doing this to save some poor child from a life of ______ (insert hardship).  That’s not the right attitude to have by the way.  It’s not wrong to want to give a child a good home, but it should be about what the kid can add to your family too, not just what you can give to them.  I honestly don’t think they’re capable of such feelings yet.  

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14 minutes ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

they’ll do a safety check of your home (so no mold house), they won’t let you put three kids in a room (unless maybe they were triplets), no bed sharing, they need character references, babies are usually harder to come by, and most professionals and adoptive parents don’t recommend adopting out of birth order.  Plus the home study.  And you have tons of scheduled visits and appointments that you must keep, and you must advocate for the child.  So no Duggar time getting places and no pop up trips all over the country when it suits you.  You need permission to travel out of state.

Yes! Yes! Yes!  All of this.  It's a huge undertaking and really, as one of my friends said, a job, in and of itself.  My oldest and dearest friend - we've been besties since we were like 4 asked to use me as a character reference.  No problem and I did fine on my education, how long I had known her, life growing up, etc, etc.  But we got into trouble when they asked me the last time I had been in their home.  Well, my husband and I had moved out of state a few years earlier for him to go for his PhD, so it had been a few years.  We got dinged.  I didn't know the current state of their house - they had moved to be closer to her family which I knew very well.  I didn't know any of the people she or husband worked with at that time.  It was heartbreaking that I couldn't have done better, but at that time we had no idea we'd be hit with that.  Jessa and Ben would have to find folks that aren't related to them and have real jobs.  Plus a friend I have did the foster to adopt thing and they required a total social media images block on the child until the adoption was a done deal and they were given permission.  That means that Jessa and Ben's fostering or adoption process story wouldn't be able to be shown on TeeVee, at least not the child anyway.  Hmm.  And education is important on the older children.  They look at extracurricular activities and their schooling - no dining room table homeschooling with Jessa and Ben as the teachers will fly.  I think the keeping the house clean and on real time, not Duggar time, will be enough to make their heads swim.

  • Love 10

They are fundamentalist Christian celebrities in ARKANSAS...they'll have no problem adopting if they really wanted to. Maybe not via fostering...maybe. Hopefully. Though I have my doubts, government and judges being in a state of deevolution, currently. But a Christian adoption agency will give them a baby, no problem, probably for free in exchange for promoting them ont the show. 

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47 minutes ago, lascuba said:

They are fundamentalist Christian celebrities in ARKANSAS...they'll have no problem adopting if they really wanted to. Maybe not via fostering...maybe. Hopefully. Though I have my doubts, government and judges being in a state of deevolution, currently. But a Christian adoption agency will give them a baby, no problem, probably for free in exchange for promoting them ont the show. 

Yeah I agree with this, especially with the shortage of foster parents in the country and the number of orphans, etc. 

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Of course Bin followed Jessa to Texas like an obedient puppy.

Aren't Ben and Jeremy kind of friends? Or is that just the line that they perpetuate to have show storylines? 

Jeremy certainly seems to favor Spurge and Henry. We've seen him play and post photos of them . . but never Sam or Iz.

Edited by McManda
oh so many typos
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I can’t imagine what they’d have to say that would be unique or noteworthy, that everyone hasn’t already heard ad nauseum. They haven’t had many new or interesting life experiences from which to draw on for speaking engagements. “I’m doing online classes.”  “I take care of two kids and buy old navy dresses, go out to eat and post on Instagram.”

  • Love 23

I own that exact Old Navy dress. I like it so much that I bought it in 4 colors/prints. The cut is flattering to everyone from tiny Jessa to not-so-tiny me, the material is comfortably stretchy without being shapeless, and you can dress it up or down super easily. I always get compliments when I wear it.

Regarding corporal punishment, I just don’t see Jessa and Ben being that into it. They may spank when the boys get older, but I don’t think they’ll be handing out any Pearl-style beatings. For all their faults, they both seem to really love those boys, and the boys seem happy and well-adjusted. Plus Jessa is the only daughter (as far as I know) to publicly acknowledge that MOTY Michelle’s parenting style wasn’t always great and that changes might be necessary. 

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, awaken said:

I can’t imagine what they’d have to say that would be unique or noteworthy, that everyone hasn’t already heard ad nauseum. They haven’t had many new or interesting life experiences from which to draw on for speaking engagements.

Since they're speaking to teens at a camp I'm pretty sure their message is "Stay pure for your wedding night & you, too, will have a wonderful life like ours." Most young speakers, if they're not preaching purity, are sharing how they came to the Lord. These stories fall into 2 categories, either they realized what awful sinners they were at a young age ala TFDW or they realized even though they were parroting the right Bible verses they had never fully committed to Christ until they heard/saw/experienced X. Then it's all about the wondrous life they've had since then.

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

I own that exact Old Navy dress. I like it so much that I bought it in 4 colors/prints. The cut is flattering to everyone from tiny Jessa to not-so-tiny me, the material is comfortably stretchy without being shapeless, and you can dress it up or down super easily. I always get compliments when I wear it.

Regarding corporal punishment, I just don’t see Jessa and Ben being that into it. They may spank when the boys get older, but I don’t think they’ll be handing out any Pearl-style beatings. For all their faults, they both seem to really love those boys, and the boys seem happy and well-adjusted. Plus Jessa is the only daughter (as far as I know) to publicly acknowledge that MOTY Michelle’s parenting style wasn’t always great and that changes might be necessary. 

Yes,  but did you buy it in a tall so you are being modest? That is what Jessa does. I hope you are not running around defrauding everyone. 

Edited by HooHooHoo
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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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