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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Does anyone remember that gross mattress in the mold house when Josh and Anna moved out? Well, I'm beginning to wonder if Anna is any better of a housekeeper than Jessa?

Will someone please let Jessa know about a Diaper Genie?

I guess Jessa is taking too many trips to Waco instead of trips to her cleaning supply closet.

  • Love 5

There are 2 children. 1 SAHM, and a work on my own schedule Dad. What does she think will happen with more children? There isn’t going to be a laundry fairy for her - people have the Duggars figured out and they aren’t going to be a J-slave to the 2nd generation. There is no reason she can’t at least keep up with throwing away the diapers, changing  the sheets as needed and devoting 30 minutes of the kids nap time to ‘picking up’. She can’t possibly blame this mess on taking care of two children that take long naps and are in bed early. She showed us the early to bed a few episodes ago. Clean up for the sake of Ben’s health if nothing else. 

  • Love 8

I can't believe she posted those nasty pictures!  There is messy/untidy and there is filth, and this is pure filth.  I'd be afraid child protective services would get ahold of the pictures and investigate.  Do they not realize that infections like e-coli are spread by feces?  

She's trying to paint herself as a great mother, but she's not.  She's lazy.  They both are.

  • Love 16
4 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

My house needs dusting now, and I'm a lazy retiree.  But when I was a young mother I had a much cleaner house--I had a lot more energy and I wanted a clean house for my children.  I just can't fathom the diaper thing.  My daughter has a can in the garage for the diapers--you just open the door and toss it in.

Jessa is going to have that breakdown when she has four children and no time to mess with her banana curls.  Spurgie and Henry won't be taking care of their younger siblings--they will be wrestling on the floor while the other two babies scream for attention.  Wake up, Jessa!

eta:  I'm going to give just as much credit to Ben for the pig sty they are living in.  Why isn't he doing dishes while Jessa breastfeeds Henry?  Why isn't he folding clothes or taking out the dirty diapers? His mother is going to crap when she sees these pictures.

This is what I cannot get my head around.  Maybe I am Judgy Von Judgerson but the diaper thing just really icks me out.  I am bored waiting for a meeting so I wandered over the Free Jinger to see what they are saying.  A lot of posts commenting on the ickiness of her house and lackluster housekeeping but it also seems leaving dirty diapers laying around is not that uncommon.  Hopefully when Jana is taking care of Ma and Pa Duggar SHE throws away their dirty Depends rather than leaving them on the dresser.  Like many who found it icky, I am going home and cleaning.  Watching Hoarders has the same effect on me.  

  • Love 17
4 hours ago, Abmis said:

To me this is proof of her damaging upbringing.  Having a lazy ass mother who did nothing but reproduce, nurse, and film a TV show combined with the buddy system and jurisdictions didn't teach any of the Duggar kids how to prioritize or develop coping skills.

I can't decide if Jessa is just overwhelmed and can't figure out for herself throwing out dirty diapers and wiping down her stove take precedence over folding laundry so she just does nothing, or if she thinks she's Michelle Jr.  and doesn't have to do anything because she's nursing her "buddy" Henry.  Either way I think she's confused and it's sad.

There's nothing preventing Ben from stepping up.  How does he stand it?

I'm not sure what I believe.  If this was PPD or plain old depression, I think we would be seeing some personal hygiene issues.  Jessa apparently still does her hair and makeup, so I'm not assuming it's depression.  Even Andrea Yates was able to throw away her dirty diapers.

I think Jessa has always done just what she wants to do, and cleaning and throwing away dirty diapers are not on her priority list.  I wonder if it's a power struggle with Ben.  With my first apartment, my roommate and I had a silent standoff of who should clean the bathroom.  LOL.  So childish, but then Jessa and Ben are extremely immature.  And I don't excuse Ben by any means, but it's their own cult that expects the wives to do the housework.

I do think she probably prioritizes her appearance and social media over the cleanliness of her house.  And let's be clear, it's not messy - it's dirty.  For now her two children rate at the top of her list of priorities, but how soon will that change if she keeps popping them out so close together.   I would like to think that Ben is passively-aggressively not cleaning these things up in an attempt to help Jessa figure out to slow down with the baby making.  But then, she's probably pregnant now, and morning sickness trumps cleanliness - at least of their environment.

  • Love 11

All kinds of reasoning going through my head. I just can't find any reasonable explanation for the diapers and the sheets.

I saw a sign once, a long time ago, in a tchotchke store. The sign was for a laundry room and said, "Sheets need to be washed twice a year, whether they need it or not". It isn't true Jessa, it isn't true.

  • Love 9

@Kokapetl, thank you for teaching me a new word.  Feculent! A splendid word, though the meaning is vile.

My house is nowhere near as clean or tidy as I’d like it, so I can’t be Judgy McJudgerson when it comes to Jessa’s house, but we definitely draw the line on bodily fluids, filthy sinks, fixtures, countertops, and cook tops.  I’m a cancer patient, so I’ve got a better excuse than Benessa for not having a perfect home, and a medical excuse for needing to maintain some level of cleanliness.

We have cats, not kids, but there has always been zero tolerance for pet waste or vomit.

WHO in their right mind posts dirty diapers? That’s just beyond the pale. I’d be ashamed for anyone I knew to know I ever did that ONCE, let alone post it on social media.  SMDH!

  • Love 17
2 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

All kinds of reasoning going through my head. I just can't find any reasonable explanation for the diapers and the sheets.

I saw a sign once, a long time ago, in a tchotchke store. The sign was for a laundry room and said, "Sheets need to be washed twice a year, whether they need it or not". It isn't true Jessa, it isn't true.

Well, she does like those wall signs with inspiring sayings. 

  • Love 13

Okay, just a thought here... Michelle married very young and she was the youngest child in her family.  Maybe she was never taught how to clean a house, and was unable to show her daughters since she didn't know how. We have no idea how dirty her house actually is when there is no filming going on.  When they do film, they could be hiring a cleaning team to  spiff things up.  That teeny house the Duggars lived in when the first special aired was probably filthy.  Just a thought...

I am soooo thankful that my mother taught me how to clean and entertain people.  I had no idea that was a luxury, but for Jessa and her sibs, it must be.

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

All kinds of reasoning going through my head. I just can't find any reasonable explanation for the diapers and the sheets.

Same here.  I can (and do) live with the rest of the messes.  Who could sleep on sheets that smell like spit up?  When my babies had a messy diaper, I made sure to take the extra steps to throw it in the garbage can in the garage.

  • Love 10

Like someone up thread posted, I'm not big into dusting and putting stuff away.  I am good at keeping the kitchen and bathrooms clean.  Those dirty shit-piles (literally!) of pissy/shitty diapers make me ill.  Is dear lazy Jessa auditioning for an upcoming season of Hoarders?  And to actually POST PICTURES of the freaking filthy mess?  Not to mention, letting babies live in that germ-laden environment?  I really, really hope she never births a girl.  

  • Love 11

It's photos like these that made me side-eye Austin when he made such a point of telling Joy how good she smelled on their wedding day.  Seems clear they sure as shit don't clean house regularly, but do they shower? Do they wash their clothes regularly?  I really, truly, honestly think the answer is "not very often."  Their hair never really looks dirty, but an abundance of hair and dry shampoo can hide a multitude of greasy sins, and to avoid the avalanche of laundry, they wear, re-wear and re-re-re-re-re-wear clothes over and over between washings.  I feel like the whole family must smell like sweat, sleep, mustiness, dirty floor and Aqua Net.  

Edited by Magoo
  • Love 21
20 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

Okay, just a thought here... Michelle married very young and she was the youngest child in her family.  Maybe she was never taught how to clean a house, and was unable to show her daughters since she didn't know how. We have no idea how dirty her house actually is when there is no filming going on.  When they do film, they could be hiring a cleaning team to  spiff things up.  That teeny house the Duggars lived in when the first special aired was probably filthy.  Just a thought...

I am soooo thankful that my mother taught me how to clean and entertain people.  I had no idea that was a luxury, but for Jessa and her sibs, it must be.

I think this probably has a big element of truth in it. .... But at the same time -- it's not rocket science.

We're not talking about being some kind of organized neatnik. We're talking about not leaving a pile of stinking shit festering on the dresser for 12 hours (at least). Who wouldn't be bothered by this? It has to smell. 

And to do this when you have only two children and you don't have a job. Who wouldn't eventually figure out that it's probably a lot easier and less yucky to, I don't know, dump one diaper at a time into the trash instead of eventually having to clean up a giant pile of them? 

And, man, if this is the level of the TTH when they're not filming -- Wow -- because two little kids can produce a big pile of diapers. What the heck do 19 kids produce? I'd think that if the TTH were actually like that -- with everybody's shit piling up everywhere -- many people would emerge from that upbringing wanting to live reasonably free from at least some kinds of dirt. 

Plus, the TTH did have some form of housekeeping organization, did it not? In the laundry regime, the squads periodically cleaning the bedrooms and bathrooms, in the packing routines? So the girls can't claim that they emerged absolutely ignorant of household organization? 

  • Love 11

Isn't cleaning a home a no brainer? No one 'taught' me to clean. Either I learned it by watching or figured it out on my own. We pitched in cleaning up when I was a child and my kids did the same. I never 'showed' my kids how to clean a bathroom, but when I told them to clean it they figured it out. My kids had all the Fisher-Price and Little Tykes vacuums, kitchens, lawn mowers, etc and mini rakes, brooms and snow shovels etc as well.

I don't know how one makes it to age 10 without knowing how to keep a room or home clean. Like @Churchhoney said its not rocket science.

Anyway JB & M have boasted how they expose their kids to everything - all experts, in all things. No excuse for Jessa's hovel. 

  • Love 14

Either she is lazy, or may still have some post partum or regular depression (just had a workshop on said topic).  Not saying this is her case, can't diagnose.  But as far as cleaning, my mother was depressed and taught me not much.  And when I was growing up there was no internet.  I am considered elderly.  But, good sense prevailed and I taught myself things like cleaning, writing thank you notes, etc.  So, now with internet and we know Jessa knows how to google, there is no excuse of not being taught.  She can learn herself if she is so inclined.  Except she is not.  

  • Love 6

If this is her attempt to show us that she is just a "regular" person, she has failed.  I know plenty of families where both parents WORK and they have two kids and their house looks better than this.  You are showing the world that both you and your unemployed hubby are incapable as doing something as simple as throwing out diapers.  That's pretty sad.  You have two kids- not 200.  Deal with it.  Grow up and clean your house.   If not, you have no business having any more children for sure!

  • Love 16

I can tell you for a fact that cleaning is not a no-brainer. I work in food service, and am baffled on a daily basis as to the level of childlike behavior grown people exhibit. Spill something? Someone else will get it. Notice a trash bag is halfway in the can? Who cares, just dump it right on top. Half into the bare can, the other half on top of the bag. No pride, no sense, no personal responsibility. 

  • Love 21
20 hours ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

Wow, what a marketing failure. She could have posted one picture and kept the same message of prioritizing the little moments with little kids. I do not understand why she posted 10.

It really is a stupid post -- I think it may do more damage to the Duggar brand than all of Derick's blithering. Humpers agree with most of the dumb shit that Derick posts and they are more likely to find the random Biblical passages "deep" and meaningful.

Those same people, though, champion the idea of the stay-at-home mother. They do that, in part, because it's a job and they take pride in doing it well (or having mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters who do it well). This isn't a harried mom with two little boys at home who doesn't have time to pick up some blocks, these are two healthy adults with no jobs who live in filth. And, instead of cleaning up, she took the time to take pictures of it and POST IT ON SM! 

I agree with the posters who have pointed out the J'chelle never cleaned house, and Jessa learned all of her "help-meet" skills from her mother. They have also essentially never really spent time in anyone else's home, and don't really have any frame-of-reference about how other people keep house.. Jessa may not really realize how disgusting this post is to most people.

  • Love 15

Perhaps Jessa is just trying to fill the void of all the departed mommy bloggers that ranged from picture perfect perfection to bathroom babies. I personally miss all those blogs that seem to have gone out of fashion. She's been trying to find a way to monetize her social media for awhile but she just can't seem to figure it out.

  • Love 5

I just can't get over the collection of dirty diapers.  What are they saving them for?  And now they are saved for posterity through the magic of instagram.  I think the poster who suggested that she and Ben are having a childish stand-off over who has to take the diapers out may have hit the nail on the head.  

Edited by BetyBee
better phrasing
  • Love 20
5 minutes ago, Patricia07 said:

Maybe Jessa's post was really meant to embarrass Ben into helping her.

I'm petty enough to respect that but good god, don't post pictures of the diaper pile!

Don't they claim that Ben does a lot of the diaper changing? I could see Ben not making the leap that he has to throw the diaper out after changing it-or being resentful that hes changing diapers at all-and Jessa leaving the pile there out of spite (I also did the bathroom cleaning standoff with my college roommate so I get it...but if gave every time because there was no limit to that girl's nastiness).

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Patricia07 said:

Maybe Jessa's post was really meant to embarrass Ben into helping her.

Helping her with what? What do these people do all day?

I don't mean to suggest that Ben shouldn't help to care for his own children, or that he shouldn't help to clean his own house, but I don't buy that this house is that filthy simply because Ben doesn't help. These are genuinely filthy people who don't have enough sense to simply NOT POST PICTURES of how filthy their house is.

The kids are cute. Post some more pictures of the kids. Even post some pictures of the kids surrounded by a mess of toys. DON'T POST PICTURES OF YOUR DIRTY SHEETS! DON"T POST PICTURES OF DIRTY DIAPERS LAYING ON FURNITURE!

  • Love 16
8 hours ago, PradaKitty said:

Well remember, these are the same people who had dust bunnies the size of Nevada under their bed.

And this may have already been mentioned, but at the TTH all of the boys slept with nothing on their mattresses; no sheets, no mattress covers, nothing.

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, Angeltoes said:

Jessa, to quote Urban Cowboy (which you've never seen and I just watched for the hundredth time), "Y'all live like pigs!"

I thought of that too!  Poor Bud's aunt who had to go over and clean their one-bedroom trailer.  At least he & Sissy had jobs!

Jessa admittedly had a piss-poor role model in Meeechelle.  But, come on, to post pictures of nasty shit?  My mother and MIL would have been truly horrified.  That's something to show the world?  Stick to showing the kids, if they don't get sick from all that filth, first.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, PradaKitty said:

Okay, just a thought here... Michelle married very young and she was the youngest child in her family.  Maybe she was never taught how to clean a house, and was unable to show her daughters since she didn't know how. We have no idea how dirty her house actually is when there is no filming going on.  When they do film, they could be hiring a cleaning team to  spiff things up.  That teeny house the Duggars lived in when the first special aired was probably filthy.  Just a thought...

I am soooo thankful that my mother taught me how to clean and entertain people.  I had no idea that was a luxury, but for Jessa and her sibs, it must be.

I was an only child, so my mom really didn't want me to have to help her - she was the 2nd of nine, and her parents were sharecroppers, so she didn't want me to have that "burden".  Anyway, when I moved out on my own, I kept an immaculate home, and very easily figured out how to clean.  Many boys to this day are not taught by their mothers, but grow up to live on their own and figure it out.  It's not a very complicated idea.  And if you're not sure what to use to clean your floor, etc., you can google.  Jessa is lazy about cleaning - Jill and Jana were the true workhorses of the family.  It's obvious that she loves her boys, but I wonder if they'd look so immaculate if she weren't posting them on SM all the time.  I had never done laundry, but figured it out in college - and that was before google.  It's a simple trial and error, and there's absolutely no excuse for her not to know how to clean.  

Edited by RedheadZombie
  • Love 6

I think partly it has to be "yes, this is foreign because Jessa had no good home training", but... she did have home training, as others have pointed out, at least in respect of the "jurisdictions", and plenty of people are available to YouTube, Wikihow, and general search a number of "best way to.." type of queries.

  • Love 3

I thought Jill was the dirty one. She and her family, and her house always look dirty and disheveled to me -- but not filthy. As unkempt as the house in DA was, there weren't a dozen diapers lying on the table. I guess Jessa spends so much time bathing and dressing her children that she can't clean the house . . .

  • Love 7
45 minutes ago, Janarella said:

By age 18, Jessa had done two lifetime's worth of house chores and raised her buddy team since infancy. I'm not sure she's lazy so much as she's run out of fucks to give. Remember: Spurgeon and Henry aren't her first two children. She's been a stay-at-home mom since she was a child herself. 

You do make a good point about her being burned out due to being a JSlave. There’s plenty of days that I’ve got no fucks to give, but I definitely draw the line on fecal matter.  

  • Love 19

OK, so I just read the blurb that came with the pics. I was thinking the house was messy, as in some things (like the sheets), just happened, and some things are weekly chores ho hum, (I was really confused by the diapers), but overall I thought it was a before/after type post...  But holy shit! She slept in the bed with dirty sheets! Some other things have been left for MONTHS! Oh no no no no. Nope! 

Props for having sheets and caring for the your own kids I guess, but Jessa, you get ALL the jurisdictions until you can: pay someone, lure the lost girls, raise a daughter work force. 

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Watching Hoarders has the same effect on me.  

Yes, the diaper picture reminded me of some of the worst cases on Hoarders where people were pooping into plastic bags and peeing into gallon jugs.....and then saving the bags of poop and jugs of pee.

7 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Even Andrea Yates was able to throw away her dirty diapers.

That's........ a comparison I would not have thought to make.  LMAO!

  • Love 8

I hope Jessa has a plastic liner over her mattress. I'm vomiting myself thinking about the state of her mattress if she doesn't have one.

I would think that this family would know that a gas stove is much harder to keep clean than an electric smooth top stove. I think she needs that type of stove. At least it would be easy to just wipe clean. Since she said she doesn't cook 'much', why is her stove in that state of dirt?

Jessa's not depressed, IMO, just lazy and completely disorganized. Since they want to have a football team for children, I think she needs to rethink her 'season of life' statement. She can't spend the next 20 years of her life simply enjoying the children and never cleaning. We're not suggesting here that she completely sanitize her house every day, mind you, but unhygienic is unacceptable. No wonder Ben looks so ill most of the time during the show...the guy is literally breathing dust, dirt and plain filth. The air in her house must smell like 'poop'. She shows no real concern for him in many areas, including thrift store shopping IMO.

This is the result of Michelle's 'mother and wife training' she gave her daughters...she failed again.

  • Love 13
11 hours ago, HoboClayton said:

I can tell you for a fact that cleaning is not a no-brainer. I work in food service, and am baffled on a daily basis as to the level of childlike behavior grown people exhibit. Spill something? Someone else will get it. Notice a trash bag is halfway in the can? Who cares, just dump it right on top. Half into the bare can, the other half on top of the bag. No pride, no sense, no personal responsibility. 

I work in home care. One of my people is bed bound. So, when I get there at 9am, why will it look like a family ate and didn't clean up? She can't even get to the kitchen. I wonder what their homes look like. Perhaps spotless, perhaps like the Seewald's.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Janarella said:

By age 18, Jessa had done two lifetime's worth of house chores and raised her buddy team since infancy. I'm not sure she's lazy so much as she's run out of fucks to give. Remember: Spurgeon and Henry aren't her first two children. She's been a stay-at-home mom since she was a child herself. 

That's a fair point. Like Jill was burnt out on childrearing before having her own kids, Jessa could just be burnt out on keeping house. Though I do recall some alleged insider had once said that the TTH was really messy when they weren't filming, so maybe she just grew up learning to prioritizing cleanliness only if outsiders would be around.  

The diapers, though. And the sheets, which my brain must have blocked out to protect me because I only just realized that they've been sleeping on sheets that have dried spit up on them. My god. My GOD!

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

I have a 2-year-old and a job and a husband who is a bit of a hoarder, so my house is often messy. There are toys on the floor and sometimes furniture is dusty and laundry doesn't get folded right away and sometimes I don't wipe down my stovetop after I make dinner. I recognize some people might find that unacceptable, and I guess I just don't care.

But holy cow, there is a huge difference between messy and unhygienic. I don't leave dirty diapers on the dresser because as soon as they come off the toddler I put them in the arm & hammer diaper pail I purchased at Burlington for $19 and keep right next to the changing table. It literally takes 5 seconds to do this. Then when the pail is full, I take an extra 60 seconds to remove the bag, put in a fresh one, and take the full one outside to the trash can. When my sheets are dirty, I take 5 minutes to change them and put the dirty ones in the laundry. My laundry may not get folded regularly but it does get washed, my dishes are usually in the dishwasher within 12 hours of use, and I clean my bathroom weekly. Because that job I have is as an RN, and there is no way I am letting fecal matter sit around on my furniture or sleeping in pukey sheets when it literally takes less than 10 minutes to fix the problem. If Jessa has time to do her hair and makeup and post pictures to Instagram, she has time to throw away dirty diapers and change her goddamn sheets. Eww. 


And, by contrast, imagine what a pain it is to clean them up when they've collected in a big pile. I'd think that anyone with an ounce of sense would have figured this out after the first pile collected and instead of just dropping one nappy in the container you had to juggle a whole pile of leaking feces. With a couple of little kids crawling around on the floor behind you.

Honestly, I think even the hopelessly lazy person would say at that point -- Hey, I'm gonna throw these away one at a time! Because this is a huge pain....

I can't figure out what's wrong with somebody who didn't come quickly to that conclusion. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 17
Message added by Scarlett45

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I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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