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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I'll take this one for Team Old & Crotchety. ;-)

"Quincy" was a TV show starring Jack Klugman as Quincy (who also played opposite Tony Randall in TV's "Odd Couple"). It was big in the late 70's-early 80's. He was a Medical Examiner in L.A. and solved all kinds of murders/crimes.

So, kiddo, there's the association between seeing the baby name Quincy and thinking of Jack Klugman.

Gotta go take my Geritol and watch some Wapner before bed...


Haha. Thanks for explaining it to a whippersnapper such as myself. That being said, I highly doubt that Ben and Jessa are familiar with TV icons, even current ones. 

Given that the name "Quincy" seems to be a place holder, I still have to wonder when it will actually show up as a real name. One of my cousins, years ago, had a son she named Krystof (my family is of Polish descent, and that spelling is somewhat similar to the Polish for Christopher (Krzysztof), but a bit less confusing to an English speaker's eye). My uncle (her father) used to jokingly call the baby "Boris", because the name made him think of Boris Karloff. A couple of years later, another cousin in the same family had a baby and named him Boris. I guess the sound of it must have stuck.

  • Love 3

I'll take this one for Team Old & Crotchety. ;-)

"Quincy" was a TV show starring Jack Klugman as Quincy (who also played opposite Tony Randall in TV's "Odd Couple"). It was big in the late 70's-early 80's. He was a Medical Examiner in L.A. and solved all kinds of murders/crimes.

So, kiddo, there's the association between seeing the baby name Quincy and thinking of Jack Klugman.

Gotta go take my Geritol and watch some Wapner before bed...

My brother and I had a game where we guessed when he was going to get righteously indignant and make a speech, because he always got righteously indignant and made a speech.

Also, I had a tiny crush on Sam.

  • Love 7
Also, I had a tiny crush on Sam.


Who didn't? 


That being said, I highly doubt that Ben and Jessa are familiar with TV icons, even current ones.




Even if they did, they must have forgotten how much of a playa Quincy was. Young'uns, welcome to the '70s: 


  • Love 5

I'll take this one for Team Old & Crotchety. ;-)

"Quincy" was a TV show starring Jack Klugman as Quincy (who also played opposite Tony Randall in TV's "Odd Couple"). It was big in the late 70's-early 80's. He was a Medical Examiner in L.A. and solved all kinds of murders/crimes.

So, kiddo, there's the association between seeing the baby name Quincy and thinking of Jack Klugman.

Gotta go take my Geritol and watch some Wapner before bed...

I'm in the geritol crowd too. My grandma used to like that show but she called him "Squint"! She also liked "Rocky Mountain" ice cream. Miss her.

  • Love 5

Am I the only one who thinks the picture of the unborn fetus is disgusting? I can't imagine why she posted this on the Internet.

She's got a tv show to promote and a lot of spare time. She's a reality star with a show, and social media is an unavoidable part of her job. I'm surprised TLC didn't force Derick to make his Instagram public again. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 1

We have the first ultrasound of our twin grandbabies on our fridge! They are just barely blobs, and Baby A is lots bigger than Baby B. They are a year old now and it is a total trip to look at the ultrasound and know who is who, and consider that we all used to look like that. Blows my mind.

  • Love 9

But Judge Wapner is DEAD.

However, The Lawrence Welk Show is still on.

A couple of weeka ago I stumbled upon the LW show on cable. I watched it for a while since I had grown up watching it in the 1970's. It struck me how much the Duggars are stuck in the olden days and LW is something that they would enjoy watching NOW since it.s so PC.

  • Love 4

Is it possible to fudge a birth certificate? Just Jessa, Jill and if no cameras. ..



Technically speaking, you can be born and live in the outback Appalachian Mountains or the middle of nowhere and never report a birth. There are some people living in Appalachia and the Rocky Mts who don't have birth certificates nor SSN's. You only need these items if you want to get medical insurance, public school education (although I'm not sure about that), driver's license, bank accounts/credit cards, college education, electric hookup, internet, cable and a job that issues paper paychecks. So if you don't mind surviving on this planet without those things, and you certainly can, then it makes ya think about removing yourself from this chaos we call civilization..

Now that I got that rant out of my system I have laundry to do. 

  • Love 1

Thinking about, fudging a birthday date by a few days probably doesn't matter in the long run. But morally IT'S A BIG FAT LIE. Although if it's born on Halloween I'm sure they would feel justified lying to everyone, by saying that God spoke to them to change it so the baby wouldn't be associated with that evil day.

  • Love 1

After watching the 20/20 episode last night about the Duggar knock-offs who rehomed their daughters, I pray no agency is foolish enough to give Bin and Jessa a child. Unfortunately I can see some pregnant 14 year-old thinking the Duggars are the awesomest family ever and signing over her kid in a private adoption.

  • Love 9

If Jessa does a home birth, they could easily fudge the date.


Agree. But even if they DO falsify the birth certificate, they will still know the truth. This child was born on Halloween. For fundies, this has got to be veddy bad joo-joo. Something that will be permanently banned from discussion. Always make them really uneasy, really nervous.

  • Love 3


Jessa's latest (endless) pregnancy photo.


Still wanting to adopt, even though both are undereducated and unemployed!

I just realized between Jessa and Ben their parents had 30 children. No wonder they are stretching every bit of this pregnancy out to gain attention.

Not new news, I knew Ben was one of nine, but it blows my mind for some reason.

Edited by TaxNerd
  • Love 1

After watching the 20/20 episode last night about the Duggar knock-offs who rehomed their daughters, I pray no agency is foolish enough to give Bin and Jessa a child. Unfortunately I can see some pregnant 14 year-old thinking the Duggars are the awesomest family ever and signing over her kid in a private adoption.



Worse yet, some 14-year old girl might feel sorry for Jessa and Ben having difficulty adopting, and decide to get pregnant on purpose and give them her baby.

  • Love 4


Jessa's latest (endless) pregnancy photo.


Still wanting to adopt, even though both are undereducated and unemployed!

Oh shit, I think that Bambam is gonna fall out, Jessa has her hands over her belly.

  • Love 2


Jessa's latest (endless) pregnancy photo.


Still wanting to adopt, even though both are undereducated and unemployed!


You know wh takes endless selfies on scenic country roads? People with no jobs and no kids.


Let's see how keen they are on adoption in a few years when the mold house is stuffed with 2-3 toddlers, and the colicky baby is keeping them up all night, and Jessa is pregnant againThe "specials" and the extra cash will be long gone, and Ben will still be scrubbing toilets for his FIL (if he's lucky).


Personally, I think all the adoption talk will fly out the window once their one baby keeps them up for one night.

  • Love 23

If the baby is born on Halloween, I wonder if they would hold off on the announcement for a few days and tell everyone the baby was born on 11/1.

Think of publicity...

With their anniversary on the first- they will say the baby was born on the first (even if it actually arrives before or after!)

  • Love 1

You know wh takes endless selfies on scenic country roads? People with no jobs and no kids.


Let's see how keen they are on adoption in a few years when the mold house is stuffed with 2-3 toddlers, and the colicky baby is keeping them up all night, and Jessa is pregnant againThe "specials" and the extra cash will be long gone, and Ben will still be scrubbing toilets for his FIL (if he's lucky).


Personally, I think all the adoption talk will fly out the window once their one baby keeps them up for one night.

From the Instagram account:


"As Christians, adoption is a such a beautiful picture and reminder of God’s love for us in adopting us into His family. "


What does that even mean ?!?!  Adoption is a beautiful... picture ? Errr, what ?  And "As Christians" ?  Does that mean that the millions and millions of people who aren't Christians did it wrong ? Or it's not beautiful ?  Or...oh, forget it ! 


They can't even write a simple paragraph about how great adoption is without Duggarizing it and twisting it to hell and back. SMH.

  • Love 19

From the Instagram account:


"As Christians, adoption is a such a beautiful picture and reminder of God’s love for us in adopting us into His family. "


What does that even mean ?!?!  Adoption is a beautiful... picture ? Errr, what ?  And "As Christians" ?  Does that mean that the millions and millions of people who aren't Christians did it wrong ? Or it's not beautiful ?  Or...oh, forget it ! 


They can't even write a simple paragraph about how great adoption is without Duggarizing it and twisting it to hell and back. SMH.

My head is a shaking, too.

  • Love 6
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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