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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

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3 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I want them to do a take off on the Door Knock Dinners from years ago at the Duggars (all the various households).  The premise was a chef came to your door and if you agreed they would cook a meal out of what you had in your house.  Some homes were quite challenging (only cases of Kraft Mac and Cheese, I Can't Believe Its Not Butter and the like) and others were a dream for the chef (Danish homeowner who had expensive cheese and all kinds of veggies).  I found it fascinating what people kept in their fridge/pantry/freezer.  

That show was how Paula Deen got her start on TV. Gordon Elliott, her long-time producer on Paula's Home Cooking, produced that show (or might have even gone with the chefs on-air...it's been sooooo long since I've seen an episode I can't remember).

Topic? Even Pawler at her most buttery/unhealthy is a step up from a Duggar girl. 

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jessa could pull off a lifestyle type book.

OK, not for regular people but there are so many topics she can give advice about and throw together a little book. 

1. cooking & recipes

2. Nutrition

3. Modern Modest & fashion (including styling a baby)

4. Hair and makeup

5. Parenting tips

6. Marriage tips

Now don't laugh!  She has already done videos of ALL of these topics!  uh huh, you see where those videos are leading? yep, right to a little lifestyle book for fan girls and simple adults. 

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9 hours ago, Marigold said:

jessa could pull off a lifestyle type book.

OK, not for regular people but there are so many topics she can give advice about and throw together a little book. 

1. cooking & recipes

2. Nutrition

3. Modern Modest & fashion (including styling a baby)

4. Hair and makeup

5. Parenting tips

6. Marriage tips

Now don't laugh!  She has already done videos of ALL of these topics!  uh huh, you see where those videos are leading? yep, right to a little lifestyle book for fan girls and simple adults. 

7. Walk Taking

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23 hours ago, Portia said:

7. Walk Taking

8. Grifting for gift cards that allow you to skip cooking to eat and drink coffee only at restaurants

9. Strongarming a male toilet cleaner to the point that he'll eat yogurt for dinner three nights a week

Edited by Churchhoney
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On 11/19/2016 at 3:00 PM, RazzleberryPie said:

If that pic means the grands will be allowed to participate in team sports, then that's a huge feat. Thank you Tim Tebow for showing them a homeschool Christian kid can play ball and not worship Satan. 

I do think huge Families with narcissistic parents condemn team sports because they're too lazy and overwhelmed to take kids to practice, etc. They just use the religion excuse to hide their laziness. 

Or thank Jeremy.  Dude was homeschooled before going to public high school.  No doubt he played club soccer instead of scholastic league soccer, but only went to school to get recruited for college.

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What is with those uncomfortable/ugly industrial chairs. Even offices would not use that hideous furniture anymore. They must have been a great deal from some horrible going out of business sale.

All the pics of the Seewalds really highlight that the TTH is a tacky warehouse.

Jebus, my snark feed is going low and now when they appear they are amplified. Someone get these fools to do something. They just posted a video of them watching tv. That is why the show has no material.

Jessa will easily overtake the attention from Joy and the newest cast member whatshisface. She's can post Spurgeon, and/or Bin drooling and gooing at a set of keys and I bet it's more entertaining than another, no kissing, courtship, adoring gaze, 3 flashback episodes season of Joy.

Jessa, now is the time to pounce. There is nothing in the pipeline to take away your thunder. Research, find valuable mentors and start promoting your brand. No, you do not know enough about fashion and cooking to move forward without shelling out a bit of money for professionals. You need to research and hire real help (don't listen to Boob).

Edited by sometimesy
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9 hours ago, Lemur said:

If that pic means the grands will be allowed to participate in team sports, then that's a huge feat. Thank you Tim Tebow for showing them a homeschool Christian kid can play ball and not worship Satan. 

I do think huge Families with narcissistic parents condemn team sports because they're too lazy and overwhelmed to take kids to practice, etc. They just use the religion excuse to hide their laziness. 

Originally written by Razzleberry Pie....though I also agree with Lemur.

I also think in Fundy families that don't have the wherewithal that the Duggars have that cost is also a consideration. Hiding behind religion gives it a moral high ground and finality to keep the subject closed.

Having to tell your kids all the time that you can't afford something has to be disheartening for both the children and the parents. Laziness and being overwhelmed also plays into it.  Organized sports, activities,  and interests are not cheap in the least, and require lots of schlepping kids to and fro.  We know Xanaxia doesn't have a heart for children.

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1 minute ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Originally written by Razzleberry Pie....though I also agree with Lemur.

I also think in Fundy families that don't have the wherewithal that the Duggars have that cost is also a consideration. Hiding behind religion gives it a moral high ground and finality to keep the subject closed.

Having to tell your kids all the time that you can't afford something has to be disheartening for both the children and the parents. Laziness and being overwhelmed also plays into it.  Organized sports, activities,  and interests are not cheap in the least, and require lots of schlepping kids to and fro.  We know Xanaxia doesn't have a heart for children.

I agree. As much as I'm loathe to defend Boob and Michelle, they were probably being truthful when they said they didn't have the money for organized sports. The TLC gravy train didn't come along until Josh was what, 16? So that's quite a few years of barely eking out an existence. If you could only afford to sign two or three kids up for soccer, how do you explain to the other eight why they can't play? I do think there's a heaping dose of laziness on Michelle's part, but in a massive family like that, shuffling kids to practice, weekend games and away tournaments may have been legitimately unrealistic.

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I'm thinking the kids probably didn't know or there wasn't a big emphasis on organized sports since they were so sheltered.  It wasn't like they went to school & had friends that played soccer or football.  Broomball was their organized sport. 

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On the organized sports, when you have enough kids to field two baseball teams or soccer teams or basketball teams etc., it seems silly that you or a friend of yours couldn't teach the kids to play a sport at home. I think Gothard had something against official sports. Don't remember though. 

In a recent episode, Jeremy took Jinger and Jessa  (and others)  to view a pro-soccer game in America. Jessa said she was surprised pro-soccer was so big in America,  she thought of it (soccer) being bigger in other parts of the world, like central and south America. (not sure if I remember it exactly). It sounded so normal and relatively informed that it took me by surprise. I probably would have said/thought the same thing, (although I'm far from the most knowledgeable about sports, or soccer in particular.)

Edited by Temperance
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When I was a Seventh Day Adventist, in a small town, organized sports were really frowned upon.  I was new to the religion; I grew up Catholic (12 years Catholic school), so I was never really sure why sports were considered bad. Competition, too much fun when you could reading the Bible, devil's gateway to "the world", Haha,. I heard it all!

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Yeah, my theory has always been that organized sports are seen as "bad", because when one team beats the others, it's the equivalent of saying that Person/Team A is not "as good as" Person/Team B.  Plus, sports are frivolous in the extreme when stacked up against the fate of your and others' immortal souls.

Of course, it usually only takes one male sports-viewing fanatic to unwind this... 

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Organized sports focus time on something trivial instead of purposing to work for the Lord. Glamorizing sports heroes takes the glory from Christ and idolizes men. Sporting events facilitate gambling, drunkenness, lewd uniforms (shorts, tight pants, and don't get started on cheerleaders or majorettes). 

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4 hours ago, Barb23 said:

And watching on a humongous computer screen.

Which means that Ben knows about ESPN, which is where you can stream pretty much every game of major conferences, and the SEC certainly qualifies.

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Well, Ben seems okey dokey with it. He attended a secular community college and now attends Moody Bible College online. Now as for the rest of the Duggars? They felt just fine attending Ben's graduation from CC, enough so that TLC filmed it (in the Lost Season). They even had the gall to SIT IN FRONT OF BEN'S OWN FAMILY! 

Hypocrites. I'm glad that no one made any money off that footage. 

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16 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Organized sports focus time on something trivial instead of purposing to work for the Lord. Glamorizing sports heroes takes the glory from Christ and idolizes men. Sporting events facilitate gambling, drunkenness, lewd uniforms (shorts, tight pants, and don't get started on cheerleaders or majorettes). 

Not to mention rampant drug use, sexual misconduct, and domestic abuse. I'm surprised sports aren't ruled out for fundies on any of these basis (bases?), but according to my lifelong conservative church experiences, none of this bothers them and they have no problem yelling "go redskins" or whatever, from the pulpit. (Or watching on a big honkin' screen, playing the fight song at one's wedding, etc.)

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The unborn already count as full-born babies. And I guess that also blows her TWINS!!!!111 tease out of the water. 

I can't see the pic, but posters at FJ think the last stocking has an S on it. An alliterative SS theme for their kids? The good news is that it limits the crazy names. A lot. If it's a girl, they could even steal Selah from Jilly Muffin.  :D

Edited by Sew Sumi
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1 hour ago, jcbrown said:

So. much. crap. on the kitchen counters. Gets on my last nerve.

Then it's a good thing they aren't your counters! jk, sorta. I'm just thinking they must not use that wood (pellet?) stove. My Valentine's Day baby had a Christmas stocking before he was born--he also received the most gifts. 

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1 hour ago, jcbrown said:

So. much. crap. on the kitchen counters. Gets on my last nerve.

That's how you know Jessa doesn't cook or clean. If she were doing either one on a regular basis the last thing she'd want is random shit cluttering the counter tops and sucking up valuable workspace. 

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Someone on FJ took one for the team and watched the Seewald Christmas video from last year. The S stocking was for Spurgeon. Looks like they found time to get him a customized one this year. So, my theory about S names is still something that they may be considering, since the stocking never meant "Seewald." 

And NO TWINS, you stupid twit. No twins. 

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A lot of stuff gathering dust there, but it does look pretty.

Why don't they put up a fireguard so they can enjoy that wee heater thingy?

Love the Motto, forever and always, and what not. How depressing to think that no matter WHAT happens, that silly moo will stick by her man. In their world, such mottos are really sinister to me, knowing what we know about molestation and abuse.

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8 hours ago, BitterApple said:

That's how you know Jessa doesn't cook or clean. If she were doing either one on a regular basis the last thing she'd want is random shit cluttering the counter tops and sucking up valuable workspace. 


Not to be ornery, but my daughter in law is a great cook and baker and does it regularly for a family of 5 and she has a smallish kitchen and lots of "cutesy" things on her counters that I wouldn't have.  It is clean though but she manages to put out a great spread.  My counters are very sparsely covered, and I don't like to cook at all.

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10 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

None of my stockings match, not even the cats'! Am I doing it all wrong? :D

Everyone to their own, but I'm of the school, either they all match or none of them match. So, not that it matters, I think you're doing it right. :)

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I think the stuff on the counters is "artfully" displayed for the photographs.  I'm not sure that it all really lives there, like the Christmas cookbook displayed facing forward.  I'm just struck once again at how much time Jessa has on her hands.

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43 minutes ago, riverblue22 said:

I think the stuff on the counters is "artfully" displayed for the photographs.  I'm not sure that it all really lives there, like the Christmas cookbook displayed facing forward.  I'm just struck once again at how much time Jessa has on her hands.

Interestingly enough, Sierra the Party Planner was snarking on that cookbook too.  

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The mismatched stockings don't bother me.  What does bother me is Jessa & Ben's are held up with official stocking holders but the kid stockings look like they have been tacked up with nails.  Reminds me of them hanging the bedroom curtains with the staple gun.  Haven't they heard of those 3M hooks that can be removed? The new baby stocking looks feminine to me.

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12 hours ago, Ripley68 said:

First....I'm really surprised she doesn't have matching stockings.   Second.....I thought they didn't do the stocking/santa/gift stuff?

They didn't do Santa bc they couldn't afford presents for all the kids. So instead of admitting that they spout the sanctimonious answer of 'godly people don't do Santa' mess.  Jessa can afford it for one.

Also lots of people have stockings and kids find presents under the tree, but they say they don't want to lie to their kids, so they tell them Santa isn't real. Those kids are usually the ones who ruin it for all the kids who do the Santa thing. 

Jessa has had her own home 2-3 years, so I can't be mad at her for not having a perfect Macy's Martha Stewart floor room Christmas spread. 

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2 hours ago, Barb23 said:

The mismatched stockings don't bother me.  What does bother me is Jessa & Ben's are held up with official stocking holders but the kid stockings look like they have been tacked up with nails.  Reminds me of them hanging the bedroom curtains with the staple gun.  Haven't they heard of those 3M hooks that can be removed? The new baby stocking looks feminine to me.

Benessa git married in November. It's not a stretch that some leghumper made them matching stockings as a wedding gift. The S stocking came a year later, and now we have a Spurgeon one. I get the mismatches.

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17 hours ago, jcbrown said:

So. much. crap. on the kitchen counters. Gets on my last nerve.

Well, when you don't cook, you assume the counters are for knick knacks, I guess. Like the mantel.

Knowing nothing about wood burners, I would hesitate to set knick knacks on them, too. Seems as if it'd make touching them more enticing to little kids. But I do know nothing about that sort of heating device.

Edited by Churchhoney
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6 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

I think those books on the mantle have to be holographic projections of books, or else those fake books that hold your remote.  No one is reading in that household.

I wonder if any of them are Bin's school books? And maybe the apparent matched set of way old books on the right is the collected works of Charlie Spurgeon. ; )

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I could see how they wouldn't want to use the wood stove with an unstable toddler toddling around. Plus, they're a lot of work: getting wood, chopping it to fit, bringing it in, sweeping the mess, cleaning out the ashes. 

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