Bebecat August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 Okay, when Ramona spazzing out on the "dance floor" is the only watchable part of an hour, it's pretty bad. Though seeing her eyes bulge out of her head as she took in each male "guest" wasn't terrible. She has seen how she comes across on film for years now-and she never changes, thank God. Bethany wandering on scene in her bikini was downright weird...unless it was a suite? But it sure looked like she came in the door from a hallway. She looked like the "Before" pic of an anorexia success story. My little sister died from an eating disorder so some of these women terrify me. Luann has gone from OTT silly about her engagement to certifiable. She seems to have decided that NOTHING will stand in the way of her walking down that aisle. Can't wait to see her gigantic wedding necklace. I enjoyed her bawling out Ramona, just because. Kind of humourous that mentioning the groom-to-be's name becomes off-limits at an engagement party. If that isn't a sign from the evil eye or whatever, not sure what is. i cannot with Sonya's pathetic bid for sympathy act as the wounded innocent wide-eyed lass. She is like Melanie from GWTW, sighing as Scarlett inhales Ashley Wilkes. Though I never got his appeal any more than Tom's. Carole has managed to become a parody of a fifty-something single woman clawing for lost youth. As another newly-divorced fifty-something woman, I cringe at Ramona. Every movement, expression and word spilling from her mouth shrieks desperation. Again, these women have the benefit of past episodes to see how they come across. Clearly, she is pleased. Dorinda and Jules, whatever. 20 Link to comment
zoeysmom August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 5 hours ago, Talky Tina said: I haven't seen dancing as bad as Ramona's since Elaine Benes, all Ramona needed was some thumb action. Ramona's dancing reminded me a little of this: Ramona bringing back the Batsui. 22 Link to comment
BlackMamba August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 Tweets for last night episode 13 Link to comment
movingtargetgal August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 Ramona is aware she is not a great dancer. I admire the fact that she is confident enough to get out there and have fun. I am so worried that I will look foolish that I have not danced in decades. I have missed out on a lot of fun over the years. So Ramona, keep on dancing. 22 Link to comment
OFDgal August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 Great minds think alike. I "liked" many comments above. A couple of weeks ago I commented that I genuinely felt happy for Luann because she was so happy. Well, I'm over that now. I too feel that she was just gloating with Sonja. Felt it was mean. Speaking of mean, Bethenny is such a bitch. Don't pretend you feel bad about telling Luann when we all know you are doing the happy dance inside. I turned my volume up during Dorinda's speech cause I thought it was me not hearing it. Then I heard that guy say that he didn't understand what she said and realized it was her and not my hearing. Lol. Carol is truly a mean girl. I liked her the first couple of years but no more. She's a 50 year old women and acts like she's in her twenties. Act your age. Felt bad for Jules but she looked great on WWHL. I said, WTF, when I saw that cake. 8 Link to comment
archer1267 August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 Quote Her "dancing" and crashing into the other poor, unsuspecting lady on the "dance floor" was one of the best things I've seen in ages. Ditto. It's Throwback Thursday! Ramona dancing in Season 1. 5 Link to comment
trimthatfat August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 (edited) I have friends who have had FWB situations and most of those relationships/friendships did not end well. At least one person started to develop romantic feelings and the other didn't, so the relationship just ends awkwardly. And that just sucks. I don't think Sonja wanted to settle down with Tom, but after 10 years of off/on intimacy, I am not at all surprised that she's feeling sad and jealous that he's marrying Luann. And she has to go to this made for television engagement party and put on a happy face. It's just weird. Luann's gloating doesn't help matters either. Bethenny is trash. She didn't talk about Tom's possible infidelity because she wants to protect Luann. A true friend would have talked to Luann off camera. Bethenny feels a weird need to take Luann down and it boggles my mind. She's allegedly wealthy, has a successful company, and has a healthy child, but she's still not satisfied. Upon reflection, she seemed much happier the first season of this series when she didn't have any of those things. Now, she's just a negative, sucky force. Ramona's dancing is like a thing of beauty. It's so awful and yet I cannot look away. I do appreciate a woman who dances like no one is watching though. Ramona looks like she's enjoying herself when she's dancing and I love that. That's the one positive thing I have to say about her, tbh. Jules was on WWHL and she looked amazing. She cut her hair, had beach curls, and a red lip with an awesome two piece outfit. Edited August 4, 2016 by trimthatfat 20 Link to comment
Duke2801 August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 10 hours ago, lyric said: To paraphrase magnolia Clairee - If you can't say anything nice about Luann, come sit by me. Ok you get ALL the likes for not only paraphrasing one of my all-time favorite quotes but also for a Lu burn. A tip of the hat to you! I didn't think it was possible, but Lu was even more insufferable this episode with her braying and gloating and preening about her souuuuullll mate. Is she 13? So. fucking. annoying. And yes, classless. 10 hours ago, Pickles said: Dorinda and Jules are on Andy Cohen. Jules got her hair cut. Looks great. Damn, does she ever look great. That haircut is everything. It really shows off the lovely bone structure of her face. She's got beautiful hair texture--so thick with just the right amount of wave. And I was loving the Bethenny shade she and (shocker!) Doris were throwing out there, too. 2 thumbs up! 8 hours ago, njbchlover said: Can I ask all of you a question? When you are staying at an apparent 5-star hotel (or any hotel, for that matter), do you normally walk back to your room, presumably take an elevator, and walk through enclosed public spaces in just your bikini or bathing suit? Wouldn't you wear some type of cover-up, shorts, or t-shirt over your bathing suit? Bethenny entered her room from the hallway, I'm assuming she just came from the pool or beach. She was only wearing her bikini, and carrying that beach tote that was so large that if she put the straps over head, would have covered her completely. I just thought it was odd that she put her cover-up on once she was in her room. Was this because the cameras were there and she wanted to show off her body, which doesn't look as good as it used to? It seemed just a tad attention-whorish to me. Bethenny?? An attention whore!?? Why I never! <adjusting my pearls and fanning myself as I say this> LOL J/K. B.F. is the attention-whoriest of the attention whores. 16 Link to comment
ZaldamoWilder August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 8 hours ago, njbchlover said: I agree with you totally about Sonja and her "feelings" - most of which were fueled by Ramona's constant harping to Sonja that she should feel someway about the whole thing. All of sudden, Sonja is the broken-hearted poor "secret" love of Tom's life. As Dorinda would say - back that shit up. Dorinda hit the nail on the head when she said that Sonja and Tom only had sex together at the end of the night when they both had too much to drink. There was no relationship there, at all. I will say, however, that even I, who is usually a fan of Luann's, am really, really sick and tired of hearing her say "I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!!" in that squeal-y tween voice that is really beneath her. If I did a shot every time Luann said the word "married" tonight, I would have been passed out cold about 1/2 through the episode. Ramona looked more like a rotten kiwi fruit with that fugly brown dress she was wearing~~brown and fuzzy on the outside, and green (with envy) on the inside. ;-) So well kept, not even he knew. 8 hours ago, njbchlover said: I just wish I could like this post more than once, so I'm replying again, because you mentioned something from one of my all time favorite books and movies!! Bethenny is reminiscent of "Two Slice Hilly" (the mean girl part of Hilly - not the racist part)..... ;-) You're sweet, thank you. It's one of mine too, I kinda worship at the altar that is Viola. The thing is, even though you might hate Hilly, you can't take your eyes those pearl clutches. Beth needs more gasp and whisper in her spirit. You can't tell me our newly engaged coworker's man is lie and the truth ain't in him with all the enthusiasm of Michael Bloomberg and expect me, let alone, anybody watching us on tv to get hype. We're not crying over that (™D. Medley). I will say that I laughed heartily at the preview of this: Spoiler Beth: I have to tell you something! Lu: don't tell me it's about Tom Beth: It's about Tom Zdub: Am I watching Jules try to speak Spanish right now? bitch, which part of don't is unclear? 8 hours ago, CaliCat said: That's too much goodness for one post. You're spoiling us! Maybe you should dole out this awesomeness over a couple of days. It's like eating a whole pound of See's candy in one sitting. :-) Aww, now ya'll are spoiling me. You're too kind, thanks. Annnnnd now I've got a new chocolatier. I've never heard of Sees, so yeah, thanks for that too. Dammit. 4 hours ago, bref said: I looked up a picture of Jules on WWHL and she did indeed look beautiful. How was she at putting sentences together? ::glancesatwrist:: oh my, would you look at the time. She is drop dead gorgeous though, so there's that. 3 hours ago, Lizzing said: LVP packed her bags, doncha know! :) It doesn't surprise me in the least that she had an actual paper press clipping. I expect Ramona has all of her press clippings in a scrap book. I need some help from y'all with the steel trap memories of details. As far as I understood it up until tonight, the story that Lu & the Count's "open marriage" was, while believable, a rumor that Lu has never confirmed publicly. So, did Bethenny just out a years' long secret of Lu's for no real reason? I get that Beth was attempting to make the open marriage secret relevant to Tom's alleged behavior at the hotel bar, but it still struck me as just another in a long line of side jabs at Luann. Ugh, the whole last 15 minutes with Beth was just plain exhausting. We all know she's a savvy reality tv personality and self produces; we know she knows all this "should I tell her what freaky texts blew up my phone?" shit is on camera and will make it to air. We all know her source isn't some "friend who doesn't have a dog in this hunt" as she said last week. It's either a tabloid source, a paid mole at the hotel bar, a lackey she's/Bravo's paid to stake out UES haunts, Sonja's facialist, or LisaR's hairstylist. So, so damn fake...and hypocritical once again. Wasn't it just a few weeks back that B admonished Jules not to use hearsay to attack her? I thought it was interesting on WWHL it seemed that Dorinda was lightly critical of Bethenny. Maybe she's crawling out of B's ass? Is there hope for her? But, yeah, Jules did look good with shorter hair and healthier overall. I'll admit that I liked the boat party for all that it wasn't: no screaming fights, insane drunk dancing, and an array of strange guests, none of which were George, Aviva's lecherous father. That cake was just too sad though. A prefab ice cream cake from DQ would have looked better. you missed Ramona's Ed Grimley then? 1 hour ago, MyAimIsTrue said: I love you just for this. (and read the rest of your post in Octavia Spencer's Minny Jackson voice) I see your hand on your hip girl lol! ;-) 1 hour ago, selhars said: Forgive my ignorance, but don't you need a person's phone number to text them. I doubt Beth's phone number is public knowledge. So unless you're just saying flat out that Bethenny is behind this info being collected, how would half of these "sources" text her the info. Would Sonja's facialist have Beth's phone number, would Lisa R's hairstylist? If anything Beth would have THEIR number not the other way around. Can't wait to see why Lu is really crying. I can't believe she's so over the moon. This has GOT to be fake right? Tom is not all that, that she should fall for him so hard, so quickly. It makes no sense to me. I really see nothing special about him at. all. Usually but not always. Apple products have a feature called airdrop which essentially allows you to send a text from one iphone to the other (if the recipient's airdrop feature is also turned on) and their phone is in proximity to yours. Doesn't apply in this case as we know the sender wasn't near Beth at the time. She might also be using text the way people use xerox for copy or kleenex for tissue. It could've been a facebook or Instragram notification. <- The preceding message has been brought to you by my 16 year old. 1 hour ago, escapetoreality said: So that was easy. Her name is Kimberlie Scutti and her wealthy husband passed away at age 80 in 2014. See loves, we've been doing it wrong this whole time. @escapetoreality while you still have your Google out, Sonja's catdaddy with the good hair, what's his name? 7 hours ago, film noire said: Yes! Swing low, sweet chariot, the sideshow between Sonja and Carole as they waxed poetic over Tom -- both of them playing Laura from "The Glass Menagerie", all winsome and lonely for a gentleman caller -- Carole blathering on about how "In another time, he would have been called your lovah." (WTF? In another time, the best case scenario for an unmarried woman caught drunk-humping a man for ten years would be a "whore" brand on her cheek and ending her days in The House of the Rising Sun -- oh, what a worldwind THAT would be! -- what universe does Carole live in? Bodice rippers? Deleted Joan Holloway & Roger scenes from Mad Men? Big Ethel in Riverdale? "Sure, I get drunk and Archie gets drunk and he drunk-fucks me and leaves -- but he's my LOVER, Veronica!") The "sexual revolution" was just that, a revolution, not a smidgeon of change around the edges of polite society. And good for Sonja for getting her needs met, but turning it into a quarter-to-three Sinatra tune is bullshit. (She's just sorry he put a ring on it with Luann, and a cock ring on it with her.) Guh. That thing where Ramona goes to comfort Sonja over her "loss"?? I'm going to need more answers and possibly for her to start drinking again. This chick sat shiva over a man she never had and wasn't reexamining until he popped up engaged to her coworker. And he's apparently no prize, why does she need to be rocked in a bosom? Someone call Iyanla please this is getting ridiculous. Ramona was so shitfaced by the time it happened that she didn't have time to put her thumbprints in the cake. #wgw 24 Link to comment
Pop Tart August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 (edited) Quote 9 HOURS AGO, SHEENIEB SAID: I agree with you totally about Sonja and her "feelings" - most of which were fueled by Ramona's constant harping to Sonja that she should feel someway about the whole thing. All of sudden, Sonja is the broken-hearted poor "secret" love of Tom's life. As Dorinda would say - back that shit up. Dorinda hit the nail on the head when she said that Sonja and Tom only had sex together at the end of the night when they both had too much to drink. There was no relationship there, at all. What I've decided with Ramona is that she isn't jealous, instead she's still majorly bitter about how her marriage went south. Mario cheating in such a public way was the final straw, but I have a feeling he'd been doing so for a long time. But as long as she could pretend it wasn't so, Ramona could maintain that she had the most wonderfulest, fabulous marriage and lord it over the other ladies whose marriages had broken up. When that all fell apart so publicly, she became this bitter, anxious woman. And she just can't stand to see Luann possibly be happy in a marriage - thus she has to do all she can to make Tom as bad as Mario. Tom wouldn't be for me, but I only believe about 10% of what we've heard on the show, since the ones relaying the information are Ramona, Bethenny and Sonja (who of the three was the most honest initially). Ramona is determined to sour things for Luann before they've even really started and Bethenny - for what reason? because Luann held out on signing a contract this season? - is determined to just destroy Luann altogether. Sonja's first version of her times with Tom was believable and Dorinda describes it pretty accurately. It is Ramona who is revving her up. In fact I find it extremely disturbing how Ramona, supposedly Sonja's longtime friend, will come upon Sonja acting mature and fine with how things are going and start talking all about how Tom was her lover and how she feels so sorry for Sonja for how she's been treated, etc. And suddenly Sonja is a tragic heroine. Quote Bethenny is trash. She didn't talk about Tom's possible infidelity because she wants to protect Luann. A true friend would have talked to Luann off camera. Bethenny feels a weird need to take Luann down and it boggles my mind. She's allegedly wealthy, has a successful company, and has a healthy child, but she's still not satisfied. Upon reflection, she seemed much happier the first season of this series when she didn't have any of those things. Now, she's just a negative, sucky force. Yeah, I don't get this either. What specifically did Luann do to Bethenny that would warrant her scorched earth response. She has spent this entire season trying to take Luann down and the reason is? Because Luann was mean to Carole in previous seasons? And regarding Tom there's been a lot of discussion about whether he's thirsty to be on tv or not and I'm definitely leaning to not. There were a lot of reasons for him to be uncomfortable at that party, but one of them seemed to me was just the whole reality show thing that was going on. If he was thirsty he would have allowed himself to be drawn in by Sonja or Ramona in some way (whether to flirt with them, ewww, or to argue with them about their versions of events). When Dorinda's John has been on this season he has gone out of his way to start things with various people, that's thirsty. That's wanting more screen time. Edited August 4, 2016 by Pop Tart 17 Link to comment
TomGirl August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 4 hours ago, bref said: I looked up a picture of Jules on WWHL and she did indeed look beautiful. How was she at putting sentences together? I agree that Jules looked great on WWHL, but she seemed miserable and like she'd rather be anywhere than on that show. Of course Andy asked her about the affair and divorce, and she was (understandably) extremely uncomfortable talking about it. Dorinda actually answered a number of the questions for her. Jules' entire personally seemed totally different than on the show. None of the perkiness, humor, etc. and she rarely smiled. She seemed very unhappy. 10 Link to comment
beesknees August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 1 hour ago, zoeysmom said: Ramona's dancing reminded me a little of this: Ramona bringing back the Batsui. For the love of God and all that is holy - Thank You for giving me the laugh of the day. Our beloved hamster Mr. Cinnamon (who is on his last leg) has to go to the vet to be put down today. He is barely conscious and is weaving in and out of near death. When I played this video I guffawed, snorted so loudly he picked his head up for the first time in a few days and looked at me with his one good eye. (It's not at all funny but ... ) I am old enough to say I ran home from kindergarten, 1st grade every afternoon to watch Batman. It was the first thing I watched when I got home from school 18 Link to comment
tinaw August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 11 hours ago, BlackMamba said: I dont want to come off as insensitive but why is Sonja's feelings so wrapped up in Tom?? They were friends with benefits. She shouldn't be catching feelings for him! Sonja is catching feelings because Tom is off the market now and didn't pick Sonja. My opinion anyway 14 Link to comment
TomGirl August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 (edited) beesknees, sorry about your little guy. Edited August 4, 2016 by TomGirl 18 Link to comment
Juliegirlj August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 Honestly, when it first came out that Bethenny had dirt on Tom I thought for sure he was caught with another man, because he pings gay pride to me. I actually felt embarrassed for Luanne in her scenes with " her soul mate", because it is painfully obvious that not only are they not madly in love, but Tom is clearly not attracted to Luanne. Oh, how I wish we could have gotten a glimpse of the Grand Dam of Miami: AKA Tom's mother!! Tom prances around like Little Lord Fauntelroy so I just know his mother is a real piece of work! Sonja makes me sad, although, she seems to be catching on that a wealthy silver fox is a better option than the sleazy young guys she normally goes for. Dorinda cracks me up. Her declaration that they were not going to cry about Sonja and Tom's history of making love late at night after heavy drinking was hysterical. She was giddy when she confessed how happy she was that attention was now on Tom instead of Big John!! I want a live webcam in Dorinda's house- just to watch her being Doris 24/7 !!! In the previews for next episode Bethenny actually looked mortified when Lu starts crying after she hears about Tom's indiscretion- she was probably thinking " Holy cat shit, this didn't go like I thought it would"! She figured Lu would be in denial, and make excuses. People crying and having real emotions seem to be Bethenny's Achilles Heel- she just cannot deal with real. 17 Link to comment
HumblePi August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 There's so much in this episode that's obviously contrived for the cameras. The first was Kimberlie, 'Luann's Friend/Yacht Owner'...... really? Maybe it's Palm Beach ettiquette for a 'young-ish' white woman with a 44D cup wearing a mini-dress and sporting extensions down to their waist to remain in the hallway at the foot of the winding staircase, just waiting for someone. Yeah, yeah I can believe that. Then there's the wealthy Palm Beach millionaires. There wasn't a single one of them that I'd want to spent five minutes with. They're certainly not what I imagined Palm Beach society would look like. They weren't only weird, some of them were creepy too. Creepy and weird people are not my idea of the kind of people that make for a fun party. I have a feeling most of them were Bravo staffers and family of staffers. Is it really in style for old men to wear a Burberry cashmere scarf wrapped around their neck in Palm Beach? Carole's dress.......I had to freeze the scene with her in it because I couldn't figure that dress out. Sheer windows curtains, that's it. Sonja's dress screamed "Don't look at my face!! Don't notice my crows feet!! Here look down here at my boobs!" Dorinda started slurring her words fairly early into the evening. Can't she ever attend a party or function without getting totally shit-faced? The toast she stood up to give "(slurring) da fahs shings I-I'm sho happy tah shaow shaoe hahpee ad rite)". Dorinda, please use human words the next time you stand up to give a toast. This woman may have a genuine problem. Ramona should never, ever dance while the camera is pointed at her. Her style of dancing is something that the guests will be chuckling about the next day. Bravo directors know that Ramona looks absolutely epileptic when she dances and they film her intentionally for our enjoyment. I think Tom and Luann are a good match. Neither one will really care if the other has extramarital affairs. I just hope that Luann has a prenuptial signed before the ceremony. If either of them aren't concerned about getting a sexually transmitted disease from the other then they must be taking some precautions. And the grapefruit thing. I don't like grapefruit myself but some do of course. Grapefruit can squirt you in the eye while eating them. I hate that. 9 Link to comment
Boofish August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 Footage from the wedding (skip to second 46; that is where is gets good) Luann's Wedding Song 9 Link to comment
abbottrabbit August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 12 hours ago, 100PercentPain said: Did anyone catch the Dorinda spin on her exchange with Lu the morning after the party? We saw her come up and immediately tell Lu how frustrated she was with the other girls because they're still talking about Tom. When Ramona came up pissed off, Dorinda claimed Luann *asked* if they were still talking about Tom and Dorinda simply answered honestly. Dorinda Meddler indeed. . Not just that, but she's the one who ASKED Ramona to timeline the whole Tom saga for her when the two of them were in bed with Carole on the boat. So basically, she: 1) got Ramona to talk about Tom 2) opened conversation with LuAnn by tattling that the girls were talking about Tom 3) told Ramona that LuAnn had asked her if they were talking about Tom. I have a really, really unhealthy need to see that shit blow up in her face. I also had a brief moment of thinking that Ramona was going to manage to keep her cool when LuAnn came in screaming at them not to talk to Tom. There were a few sentences where she did a very good job of using the calm voice you use when a crazy person is yelling at you for no apparent reason, and I was shocked at how well she was handling it. But then she decided that the better way to cope was to scream right back, so... the glory was short lived. LuAnn continuously threatening to throw people off of "her" parked boat? The one they only had overnight, and were leaving after breakfast to go to Miami anyway? Please. Throw me off then, Countess -- you've got to hand the keys back to your low budget Anna Nicole knock off friend and get in the car with me in half an hour anyway. 18 Link to comment
trimthatfat August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 4 hours ago, bref said: I looked up a picture of Jules on WWHL and she did indeed look beautiful. How was she at putting sentences together? She took forever to answer questions and for some of them pertaining to her marriage, she either didn't answer directly or Dorinda answered for her. It was awkward. She doesn't do well with live television, IMO. 6 Link to comment
MerryMary August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 (edited) I am just thankful that there's a bona fide photo of Tom cheating. I can't take anymore accusations without tangible proof. I think Luanne and Bethenny are both on coke or adderall or something... When Bethenny walked into the bedroom wearing her bathing suit, I flinched. She looked too thin. I know she's been sick but sheesh. I once heard that women aren't really biologically programmed to be f-buddies. During sex, hormones and other chemicals are released that encourage emotions. That nursing school picture of Luanne is everything. Thanks for posting. And now the Bravo drought begins. Hang strong people! Edited August 4, 2016 by MerryMary 10 Link to comment
WireWrap August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 5 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said: Hang on a minute.... How long ago did Sonja and Ol' Man Morgan split up? Was it (at least) 10 years ago? Well.....She was served with divorce papers back in 2006, 10 years ago but she claimed she has been FWB with Tom for 10 years last year, 2015 when Luann/Tom first hooked up. Which would mean, if her timeline is correct, that she was still married to Morgan and no divorce papers had been filed when she and Tom first got together! LOL 17 Link to comment
trimthatfat August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 28 minutes ago, Boofish said: Footage from the wedding (skip to second 46; that is where is gets good) Luann's Wedding Song Thank you for posting this!!!! I saw a brief clip on someone's Instagram and have been looking for the actual video for weeks now. 1 Link to comment
autumnh August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 Without Tom & Lu, there would be no reason for Ramona or Sonja to be on the show this season. They're all like a bunch of 12 year old mean girls and they cannot even pull that off well. 15 Link to comment
Showthyme August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 (edited) It is clear that Michael was spending time with his mistress instead of his children. He qualifies for the Kelsey Grammer Douche of the Year award for being so public with his indiscretion. However, his children were clearly crying for him. I think that he may not have tended to the children by fixing meals but may have been there on an emotional level for his kids. Jules attention was on her eating disorder and not her children. I hope that she gets help. She looked gorgeous on WWHL but seems very ill. I don't think that she saw herself as someone who would be divorced someday. Edited August 4, 2016 by Showthyme remove quote 11 Link to comment
Alonzo Mosely FBI August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 (edited) two WEEKS? TWO weeeeeks???????? Damn! And Bethenny, I've seen this script before and Jamie Lee Curtis and Dan Aykroyd did it way better than when Mortimer & Randolph Duke paid prostitute Ophelia $50 to kiss Louis on the steps of the precinct after fiance Penelope bailed him out of the clink. And they didn't even have cell phones and they still did it better than any Bravo set up in a NYC bar. Flashback to Eddie Murphy running around in Louis' townhouse with the riff raff hollering "Who's been putting out their Kools on my floor?" Edited August 4, 2016 by Alonzo Mosely FBI 10 Link to comment
ElDosEquis August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 (edited) 13 hours ago, TexasGal said: The bartender's expressions when Jules was making drinks were more amusing than the entire RHOC episode was this week. Ramona: "I don't need a man to dance, I can dance by myself." Me: "Theoretically." Is saying someone smells like a grapefruit super secret flirting code?! I'm recently divorced, I need to know these things. On the floors of Tokyo A-down in London town's a go go A-with the record selection, And the mirror's reflection, I'm a dancin' with myself A-when there's no one else in sight, A-in crowded lonely night Well, I wait so long for my love vibration And I'm dancing with myself ---------- Please do not rely on dating advice from this group of jackals. Edited August 4, 2016 by ElDosEquis 5 Link to comment
biakbiak August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 8 hours ago, Talky Tina said: I haven't seen dancing as bad as Ramona's since Elaine Benes, all Ramona needed was some thumb action. You take that back! Ramona makes Elaine look like a ballerina. The brief clip did show her dancing without a man but it also showed several different women be hip checked or holding her up. So it appears that Ramona cannot dance alone. 12 Link to comment
ElDosEquis August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 12 hours ago, movingtargetgal said: It's amazing how good women look after dumping their douchebag husbands. Imagine how Jason BEAMED after he got rid of that festering, walking fibroid? 18 Link to comment
biakbiak August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 2 hours ago, ghoulina said: Haha! I thought the same thing. That cake was not only pathetic, it was so tiny! For all those people? I thought, "At least Dorinda's mom's cake could feed a party". You could tell no one cooked, cleaned, or made it nice up in there. None of these people were going to eat cake. 16 Link to comment
psychoticstate August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 This franchise is everything the OC so desperately wants to be . . . and is not. Ramona "dancing" gave me life. I laughed until I cried, rewound, watched again, snorted and cried some more. Ramona is absolutely delusional but I like it. I have to enjoy anyone who can recount a verbal argument with LuAnn and then immediately go off in search of eggs. Dorinda, STFU. Once again, stirring the pot. Are you getting a bonus for this? Because Lu did NOT ask you what was going on below deck, you offered that info up like Bethenny sharing her "private" details. Michael is an absolute douche, made even worse by knowing he and Jules are divorcing. Clearly he's dropping off the kids with his parents or whoever while Jules is away because he's busy with his side piece. Or pieces. Bethenny in a bikini makes me want to hoover up an entire Golden Corral breakfast buffet. I guess she's not bleeding like a stuck pig this week? Tom was sucking face with a random chick TWO DAYS before his engagement party? Oy. Poor Lu. Exactly who is this person that texted Beth with this info? Does B have spies planted all over NYC and Florida? Two weeks? TWO WEEKS???? 10 Link to comment
Popular Post SweetieDarling August 4, 2016 Popular Post Share August 4, 2016 (edited) About Bethenny's source: It had to be someone that Beth would read a text from at 2:30am. They knew she would salivate over this and create a scene (for the show?). They also had know that Lu and Tom were engaged. AND they had to be able to pick Tom out of a crowd; something half the people at his engagement party were unable to do. I think it was Andy Cohen Edited August 4, 2016 by AnitaKnight grammar 42 Link to comment
Popular Post islandgal140 August 4, 2016 Popular Post Share August 4, 2016 (edited) 11 hours ago, straightshooter said: Meanwhile, Ramona in her bathing suit & sarong looked like a stuffed peanut. I must've watched her dance for a solid a 10 minutes though. Sonja gave the best low key shade last week. While trying to take Ramona's pic in her swimsuit on the yacht deck, she did a TH where she said that she was trying to make sure that Ramona didn't wind up looking like a teletubby in the pics. BWAHHHH! 3 hours ago, ghoulina said: Tom looked SO freaking uncomfortable. By all accounts Tom is starting to look like a real steaming pile of shit but I can't blame the man for feeling uncomfortable given the situation. Not saying he is some great guy but I would bet even Ghandi would be sweating like a whore in church on a boat trapped with his current fiancee, past date and past 10 year fuck buddy. Speaking of steaming piles of shit, Bethenny, the human Zika virus. Her false concerned interrogation of Luann reminded me of a prosecutor asking seemingly innocent questions before dropping the bomb that their alibi doesn't hold because ezpass cameras caught their ass within the area & time frame that the murder was committed so they couldn't have possibly been 50 miles away as they claimed. She was just setting it up to make sure it was on tape that Lu considers them serious and monogamous before dropping the anvil. Like there was ever a question whether she would. Is B fucking TMZ? It is like she has 'sources' planted at every half way decent bar or club on the UES and she probably has sources at courthouses and in hospital. If any HW is treated for anything she knows. Bitch is allegedly busy with her businesses, daughter, ridiculous legal issues and happy opening her legs to married man so why is she still so fucking miserable and so happy over eating others people joy like she would a sumptuous meal.. if she ever ate. Ramona and Carol weren't sad or disappointed for Lu at all. Lordt gawd, Carol under the harsh lights in the yacht state room in the first few minutes of the show - what a horror! Sonja gurl.. you had a situationship, not a relationship. Stopping letting Carole and Ramona wind you up. LOL! at Ramona and her dancing turning the yacht into a mosh pit. Slurrinda in da house! Watching Sonja preen, simper, purse her lips, act coy while flirting in that 'come and get it boys' dress is like watching a Nova Special entitled The mating rituals of wildebeasts Aging courtesan/divorcees of the Serengetti UES. The alleged owner the boat looks like a former Vegas show girl who doesn't realize that the curtain came down long, long ago. Edited August 4, 2016 by islandgal140 33 Link to comment
Popular Post Boofish August 4, 2016 Popular Post Share August 4, 2016 1 minute ago, AnitaKnight said: About Bethenny's source: It had to be someone that Beth would read a text from at 2:30am. They knew she would be salivate over this and create a scene (for the show?). They also had know that Lu and Tom were engaged. AND they had to be able to pick Tom out of a crowd; something half the people at his engagement party were unable to do. I think it was Andy Cohen That last line almost cost me my job!!! BWWAHAHAHAHHAHA And please don't chase me off the board with pitchforks but many many moons ago I would listen to the Dr. Laura show (not because I agreed with most of her rhetoric but I did enjoy some of her advice) She said two things that have always stuck with me about cheating: 1. You don't tell the person who is being cheated on. If that person decides to forgive and stay with their mate you are now public enemy #1. You tell the CHEATER you know they are cheating and most of the time the cheater will come clean knowing the secret is out (I saw my niece's boyfriend on a date years ago. I walked up and said hi asked him how he was doing, shook his date's hand, smiled and walked off. I didn't have to tell my niece anything because he outed himself thinking I was going to; problem solved) Now most people will probably get upset if they found out you knew and didn't say anything but if you are still with the person who cheated on you me telling you the truth resolves nothing. 2. If you have cheated, ended it and there is no sign or evidence of said cheating you take the secret to your grave. The only reason you are confessing is to absolve yourself. Ease your own burden. What you are actually doing is transferring the burden and pain to the person you cheated on and it's not fair. Now I know most people disagree with her but in the case of TomAnne (or LuTom) it's good advice 35 Link to comment
Cherrio August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 1 hour ago, Duke2801 said: I didn't think it was possible, but Lu was even more insufferable this episode with her braying and gloating and preening about her souuuuullll mate. Is she 13? So. fucking. annoying. And yes, classless. +2 HRH cackle and gloat. Such class....Luann is so stupid she is clueless how she comes across. The Duchess of Delusion. I loved the cardboard Luann on WWHL last night. It cackled thru the whole show. Jules seemed very medicated last night and Dorinda was drunk as usual. 10 Link to comment
islandgal140 August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 A few people on here said that Bethenny has mentioned that Tom is lying about his wealth, he isn't as rich as he likes to act he is and he preys on wealthy women. When was this stated? I don't remember that being said by B this episode. About the article Ramona is harping about, the information was originally outed by Bethenny. I have no problem with Luann fielding a question from the press to finish something someone else started. She didn't even mention Ramona. She just said all that shit was BL and didn't matter. The reporter mentioned the other shit. Luann is under no obligation to hold her tongue for frenemy Ramona. How dare Ramona talking about perpetuating a story. WTF does she think going on and on about Tom and how many dates they did or did not go on and trying to get Sonja to feel a certain way about the situation doing?!? Um, maybe perpetuating the story. Dummy! Also, Moana is a grown ass women who by her own admission is dating around and has admitted it on screen. Why the hell this sudden concern for her reputation? First off, everyone knows your ass is currently man crazed. Second, if that is such an issue than don't date all willy nilly people you are ashamed or too embarrassed to claim. It is way past time for her to undergo another reNewal. She can start by pulling out all those yak hair extensions out of her head. 11 Link to comment
Cherrio August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 (edited) The yacht has been for sale since 2014. Its pretty much a boat available for charter. Nice try Bravo. Luann and her "friends". Like the Italian friends in St. Barts? BAHAAAAAAA You have no friends, they are rentals, like the boat. Edited August 4, 2016 by Cherrio 9 Link to comment
BloggerAloud August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 1 hour ago, Juliegirlj said: In the previews for next episode Bethenny actually looked mortified when Lu starts crying after she hears about Tom's indiscretion- she was probably thinking " Holy cat shit, this didn't go like I thought it would"! She figured Lu would be in denial, and make excuses. People crying and having real emotions seem to be Bethenny's Achilles Heel- she just cannot deal with real. I bet she figured it was going to be this huge fight, and she would come out looking like the honest person while Luann is an asshole to her and denies the accusations in the most Countess of ways. 16 Link to comment
ginger90 August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 I haven't watched the latest where the "friends" appear. Were any faces blurred out? If not, I find it hard to believe this was real people all accepting being filmed. 2 Link to comment
BusyOctober August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 Was there even music playing during Ramona's "dance"? Or was it all just in her head? All of you you said Sonja has the sad feelzs b/c Lu caught a man before her is right on target. She wants the UES fairy tale - married to some rich dude to escort her to parties, exotic locales and charity events all courtesy of a very fat wallet. And now it looks like Lu may get it all ahead of Sonja. Palm Beach- Ugh! I went to Palm Beach in the early 90's with my best friend and roommate at the time. It was shortly after the William Kennedy Smith rape trial. We even went to "Au Bar" where he supposedly hung out. While there we sat near an older gentleman (late 50's) and his entourage (my friend & I were in our early 20's). After having one drink, we were getting ready to leave when a guy from the entourage approached us and asked if we'd like to join "Mr. Charles" for a drink. We were dumb 20-somethings so what's the harm in getting free champagne from a random older rich dude? After one drink with them, "Mr. Charles" had one hand on my thigh & the other draped over my friend's shoulder just above her breast. I casually pushed his hand off and one of the guy's groupies, a very exotic looking Asian woman, leaned over & whispered to me, "Mr. Charles is a very, very nice man. If you are good to Mr. Charles, he is very, very good to you." That freaked me out and I asked my friend to go to the ladies' room with me. I told her what just happened, and she told me at the same time Mr. Charles' body guard asked where we were staying and if we''d both be interested in taking Mr. Charles' helicopter back to Miami to stay the night in the Four Seasons. We panicked because this was all too "sophisticated" for 2 college girls from Boston, so we called for a cab and ducked out a side door! We never found out who Mr. Charles was or if that was his first name or last, but even now, 20+ years later we laugh at how naive we were and joke about "if you are good to Mr. Charles, he is very very good to you!" How we ever escaped our drunk & dumb 20's ( and 30's) unscathed, I don't know but I am thankful! I'm also thankful that today in my almost 50's I am not still trolling bars and squeeing over hook ups like this NY Shrew Crew. 21 Link to comment
zoeysmom August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 Ramona was making some statement that Carole was disagreeing with regarding Tom and Luann. All could think of Ramona that is you and Mario that the two of you needed to flirt for affirmation. The film clip of Ramona all over Tom the first time they met-after he had insulted her. That is Ramona and the Girls Night Out and Ramona kissing the owner of Hooters, Mario and his lothario ways, checking women out as they passed by and Ramona claiming all these women threw themselves at Mario. Ramona loves competition and it worked so well for she and Mario. Tom was talking to someone with Luann by his side about of all things how he and Luann met and Ramona just butted into the conversation, accusing Luann of being like a football player. No assbite the engaged couple often do stand next to each other and talk about how they met. Ramona checking out her boobage before approaching Tom, aye, yi, yi, definition of desperate. Ramona and Carole claiming Tom was flirting-they were arguing over whether they had two dates of 4 or 5. Ramona mentioned getting picked up in a bar and taken out to dinner. I am thinking she had one date so far in her Tom history. I guess the rest of the story remains to be told. I am at a loss for what reaction Tom and Luann are suppose to have towards Sonja. Since she gleefully elected to out her "down low" relationship and label it a "friends with benefits" arrangement, what does she expect? I say give her a sash that says Miss Congeniality. She keeps talking about Luann minimizing her relationship, if Luann never knew of the relationship before meeting Tom, how much credence and time should she be devoting to Sonja? I believe Luann is in one of those comfortable/uncomfortable positions of trying to make Sonja feel welcome and not minimizing her relationship with Tom and making Sonja's on par with hers. Short of having a round table with Tom, Sonja and Ramona with Luann in attendance how much more time do these women want to spend on Tom? I find it rather desperate to keep asserting how important Sonja/Ramona were in this guy's life when he is clearly not feeling it. I guess they need to make him feel bad about not feeling it with them. 14 Link to comment
star1122 August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 14 hours ago, Lucygirl2 said: Luann can STFU with her what elegant people do comments. Here's one for you, Countess, truly elegant or classy people aren't on reality TV holding fruit so stop trying to school everyone because you aren't elegant or classy... I'm ready for this season to be the fuck over so I can quit hearing her cackle about her engagement. Careful what you wish for, I'll bet that the NYE wedding will be the Countess's story line for next season! The cackling is sure to intensify... 2 Link to comment
Popular Post izabella August 4, 2016 Popular Post Share August 4, 2016 (edited) 28 minutes ago, islandgal140 said: A few people on here said that Bethenny has mentioned that Tom is lying about his wealth, he isn't as rich as he likes to act he is and he preys on wealthy women. When was this stated? I don't remember that being said by B this episode. Bethy explained how poverty ridden and gold-diggery Tom supposedly is to Carole and Ramona, just before telling about the hour-long make-out session with a Playboy bunny. Bethy is throwing everything out there and hoping something sticks to destroy Lu. I guess she is going to get her wish since she makes Lu cry the next episode. 6 minutes ago, zoeysmom said: She keeps talking about Luann minimizing her relationship, if Luann never knew of the relationship before meeting Tom, how much credence and time should she be devoting to Sonja? This. I am mystified by what Sonja wants here. Does she expect Lu and Tom to sit her down, talk about what an awesome fuck-buddy she was for Tom, and how sorry they are that Tom didn't want to marry her and chose to propose to Lu instead? Does she want a consolation prize or parting gift from Tom in the form of hush money and a diamond? Does she want Lu and Tom to talk about her in the press, to discuss all the times she and Tom found themselves blasted and had a quick shag before Sonja stumbled home to her interns? Does she want Tom and Lu to sit around reminiscing about how he would kick Sonja out before breakfast the next morning? A sympathy card? Edited August 4, 2016 by izabella 25 Link to comment
JAYJAY1979 August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 #rhony drinking game options... Anytime luann mentions shes engaged..take a shot. Anytime bethenny acts like Jill Zarin take a shot. Anytime sonja or Ramona mention they hooked up with Luann's fiance..take a shot. Anytime Ramona sticka her foot in her mouth...take a shot. Anytime Dorito stirs the pot, take a drink 15 Link to comment
poeticlicensed August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 2 hours ago, HumblePi said: There's so much in this episode that's obviously contrived for the cameras. The first was Kimberlie, 'Luann's Friend/Yacht Owner'...... really? Maybe it's Palm Beach ettiquette for a 'young-ish' white woman with a 44D cup wearing a mini-dress and sporting extensions down to their waist to remain in the hallway at the foot of the winding staircase, just waiting for someone. Yeah, yeah I can believe that. Then there's the wealthy Palm Beach millionaires. There wasn't a single one of them that I'd want to spent five minutes with. They're certainly not what I imagined Palm Beach society would look like. They weren't only weird, some of them were creepy too. Creepy and weird people are not my idea of the kind of people that make for a fun party. I have a feeling most of them were Bravo staffers and family of staffers. Is it really in style for old men to wear a Burberry cashmere scarf wrapped around their neck in Palm Beach? Carole's dress.......I had to freeze the scene with her in it because I couldn't figure that dress out. Sheer windows curtains, that's it. Sonja's dress screamed "Don't look at my face!! Don't notice my crows feet!! Here look down here at my boobs!" Dorinda started slurring her words fairly early into the evening. Can't she ever attend a party or function without getting totally shit-faced? The toast she stood up to give "(slurring) da fahs shings I-I'm sho happy tah shaow shaoe hahpee ad rite)". Dorinda, please use human words the next time you stand up to give a toast. This woman may have a genuine problem. Ramona should never, ever dance while the camera is pointed at her. Her style of dancing is something that the guests will be chuckling about the next day. Bravo directors know that Ramona looks absolutely epileptic when she dances and they film her intentionally for our enjoyment. I think Tom and Luann are a good match. Neither one will really care if the other has extramarital affairs. I just hope that Luann has a prenuptial signed before the ceremony. If either of them aren't concerned about getting a sexually transmitted disease from the other then they must be taking some precautions. And the grapefruit thing. I don't like grapefruit myself but some do of course. Grapefruit can squirt you in the eye while eating them. I hate that. The Palm Beach guests were just weird. Plastic surgeried, weird old people with a sprinkling of gays. Just ugh. Not exactly an ad for Palm Beach. Tom is a little bitch. He was sleeping with Sonja for years, have the balls to at least call her and let her know you are serious with her friend. But he does nothing and is now saying that he and Sonja only hooked up once. And despite Lu's happiness and willingness to be all BL with Tom that discounts Sonja's feelings entirely. Ramona just loves to perpetuate drama. And she has no manners. Beth is bleeding profusely, yet she is wearing a bikini. Um no. And the scandalous texts ? Puleeze. She is so arrogant to think that she possesses the goods that will lead to the wedding being cancelled? I have no doubt there were pictures of Tom making out with someone. But it's really none if her business and it's certainly not her place to run it by the other women. I'm glad someone brought up that sad cake. When they brought without i laughed. It looks like someone ran to the grocery store and pulled a cake out of the case. I'm sure they could have gotten a better camera. Methinks it was productions way of sticking it to Lu. Also, did the boat ever leave the dock? What's the point of a boat party if you sit at the dock? 4 Link to comment
Boofish August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 12 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said: #rhony drinking game options... Anytime luann mentions shes engaged..take a shot. Anytime bethenny acts like Jill Zarin take a shot. Anytime sonja or Ramona mention they hooked up with Luann's fiance..take a shot. Anytime Ramona sticka her foot in her mouth...take a shot. Anytime Dorito stirs the pot, take a drink When someone dies of alcohol poisoning you do realize you can be charged accessory to murder :) I would like a first class ticket on the "Sonja STFU and sit down" train. Every woman gloats and gets excited when she is about to get married and if she don't people question her. If she does, people question her. Arthur (Sonja) and The Tick (Ramona) don't have anything else going on in their lives other than LuAnne and Tom. It is old. It is tired. It is no longer entertaining. 15 Link to comment
zoeysmom August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 1 hour ago, Boofish said: That last line almost cost me my job!!! BWWAHAHAHAHHAHA And please don't chase me off the board with pitchforks but many many moons ago I would listen to the Dr. Laura show (not because I agreed with most of her rhetoric but I did enjoy some of her advice) She said two things that have always stuck with me about cheating: 1. You don't tell the person who is being cheated on. If that person decides to forgive and stay with their mate you are now public enemy #1. You tell the CHEATER you know they are cheating and most of the time the cheater will come clean knowing the secret is out (I saw my niece's boyfriend on a date years ago. I walked up and said hi asked him how he was doing, shook his date's hand, smiled and walked off. I didn't have to tell my niece anything because he outed himself thinking I was going to; problem solved) Now most people will probably get upset if they found out you knew and didn't say anything but if you are still with the person who cheated on you me telling you the truth resolves nothing. 2. If you have cheated, ended it and there is no sign or evidence of said cheating you take the secret to your grave. The only reason you are confessing is to absolve yourself. Ease your own burden. What you are actually doing is transferring the burden and pain to the person you cheated on and it's not fair. Now I know most people disagree with her but in the case of TomAnne (or LuTom) it's good advice I love this sentiment. If you don't want to use Dr. Laura as your source, Dr. Joyce Brothers had said years before Dr. Laura. Always has been solid advice. What makes this situation particularly vile, is Bethenny had the opportunity to contact Tom and forward the texts, she could have pulled Dorinda aside and told her and asked for advice. Instead she went to enemy camp on camera to hurt Luann. Bethenny has a shrink on speed dial, there were a 100 less bitchy avenues to take. Now Bethenny wants to be perceived as the victim. It is not as if she was delivered the severed ear of a missing child, it was gossip, rumor stuff that she had absolute control over. Last night on WWHL. Dorinda said bethenny went about it wrong, and Ramona tweeted Bethenny had to tell she and Carole as she needed advice. Dorinda stood firm and said, "that is about Bethenny making it all about Bethenny, not Luann." Bravo is now trying to make this a "Would you want to know?" Obviously Luann finds out but may not want it on camera. I think she is entitled to that as this seems to be the real deal between she and Tom. Lesson learned for Tom, once you attach yourself to a public figure you are fair game. Give up your lounge lizard ways and maybe use that time at the gym-preferably a guys only gym. 16 Link to comment
izabella August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 9 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said: Tom is a little bitch. He was sleeping with Sonja for years, have the balls to at least call her and let her know you are serious with her friend. But he does nothing and is now saying that he and Sonja only hooked up once. And despite Lu's happiness and willingness to be all BL with Tom that discounts Sonja's feelings entirely. Sonja said last episode that Tom called her, and says this episode that he sent her a text, both times saying that he had met Lu and really likes her. What more is he supposed to do? What more did Sonja expect a fuck-buddy to do? And what is Lu supposed to do to validate Sonja's "feelings" about being Tom's former fuck-buddy, feelings she didn't have before Ramona started pushing her to feel outraged? I am truly confused on this point. Is Lu expected to apologize to Sonja for getting engaged to a man she sometimes had a no-strings shag with? Is she supposed to hold Sonja while Sonja cries about it, like Ramona did? What would the proper way be to deal with Sonja that would make Sonja feel like Lu wasn't dismissing her feelings? And is Lu supposed to do that with all of Tom's former fuck-buddies, girlfriends, and ONS? What about Tom? Should he call Jacques and express his sympathy? 24 Link to comment
TomGirl August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 (edited) 30 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said: #rhony drinking game options... Anytime luann mentions shes engaged..take a shot. Anytime bethenny acts like Jill Zarin take a shot. Anytime sonja or Ramona mention they hooked up with Luann's fiance..take a shot. Anytime Ramona sticka her foot in her mouth...take a shot. Anytime Dorito stirs the pot, take a drink Any one of these is a quick trip to the ER for alcohol poisoning. ETA: boofish, you beat me to it! Edited August 4, 2016 by TomGirl 3 Link to comment
Cherrio August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 Is the pirate going to walk Luann down the aisle? 6 Link to comment
poeticlicensed August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 2 minutes ago, izabella said: Sonja said last episode that Tom called her, and says this episode that he sent her a text, both times saying that he had met Lu and really likes her. What more is he supposed to do? What more did Sonja expect a fuck-buddy to do? And what is Lu supposed to do to validate Sonja's "feelings" about being Tom's former fuck-buddy, feelings she didn't have before Ramona started pushing her to feel outraged? I am truly confused on this point. Is Lu expected to apologize to Sonja for getting engaged to a man she sometimes had a no-strings shag with? Is she supposed to hold Sonja while Sonja cries about it, like Ramona did? What would the proper way be to deal with Sonja that would make Sonja feel like Lu wasn't dismissing her feelings? And is Lu supposed to do that with all of Tom's former fuck-buddies, girlfriends, and ONS? What about Tom? Should he call Jacques and express his sympathy? He sent her a text, but then tells Lu and everyone else that he only hooked up with Sonja one time, trying to give the impression she is crazy or delusional or lying. That's not right. 5 Link to comment
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