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S03.E01: Week 1: Season Premiere

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I wonder what caused the producers to kick Chad off?   Did the rest of the cast go to them and said "we are gone if he stays"?  Did the hotel staff revolt?   It must have been something pretty serious for them to pull the plug on their "star" on day two. 

And since I broke up with Wells after he came off as a big jerk on the Men Tell All, I'm all in on Vinny being my new summer TV boyfriend.   But please put some sun screen on!

  • Love 4

OK real talk time: go back to when Chad and Lace have their actual fight (as opposed to their play-fights). She tells him to go away, and as he finally walks away, watch him roughly push at her arm on his way past. Not quite a shove, not quite a slap. Red flag. Huge red flag. Immense red flag waved by a t-rex with laser eyes roaring "POOR IMPULSE CONTROL" and breathing fire. That move was, "I'm still (just barely) sober enough not to actually hit you, but I want you to know that I can hurt you any time." Not okay. 

On a lighter note: WHY IS DANIEL. That's my whole question. Why. Just WHY to everything he does:

"How old are you?" "Twenty fiv-" "Twenty seven. Twenty three." "Twenty five." "Twenty one. Nah, you look like you're twenty one." "I'm twenty five." "Twenty one?" "...Yep." (and now "twenty" is a nonsense word to me.)

  • Love 11

The most ridiculous: Chris Harrison acting shocked and appalled at Chad's behavior, kicking him off the show with "I'm so sorry this happened, we thought it would work". But then they not only feature him in the closing credits but he is also on....the freaking next episode. They love him, like they're thrilled to trash him and cross their fingers that he might hurt someone! It's sad. And now what? We'll get another 30 minutes + After Paradise reunion presumably all about Chad.

Chad called Sarah Arm-y McArmingson. Seriously.

Who goes to bed with a mimosa?

Don't the twins find it insulting to be counted as one person?

I thought Jubilee came off better, more light. She really has been working on her RestingBitchFace.

Evan's "workout" scene in the beginning....BWAH!!! 

I am so pumped for Nick v. Josh.

  • Love 9

In case you missed it, here's the Previously.TV post on the episode!


Bachelor In Paradise Is Chad To The Bone!

We're ranking the players in Paradise! Spoiler: EVERYONE IS TERRIBLE.

Tara, I don't know if you watch this mess, but I feel like there needs to be a "how Canadian is Daniel?" post. Is over the top? Is he about right? I have ALL THE QUESTIONS!

  • Love 2

I could be wrong about this, and if I am, I hope someone will correct me.  On one of those "after" shows last season, didn't Lace say she was trying to improve herself and that she stopped drinking?  If that is the case, why on earth would she put herself on another Bachelor franchise, where alcohol is such a huge factor? 

Evan makes me ill.  The twins annoy me, too, and I don't like the idea of them being a package deal.  It makes it too hard to be rid of them.

  • Love 9

Well, if there even was a teeny, tiny, slight chance that Chad was being considered to be the next TB, last night just threw that out the window. The man has no control. I remember there was a discussion a few weeks back that just because Chad is upfront about violence against men doesn't mean he is the same to women. Well, this just disputed that. I know TPTB knows the Bachelor/e'tte franchise is a farce regarding finding true love, but even they won't kill their own cash cow by casting a violent lead.

But I'm sure this won't be the last the audience will see of him. Like some have said, the fact that he was STILL invited to the AFTR after such behavior on BiP means he'll be a staple of Bachelor Nation for years to come. Which is probably his ultimate goal in life anyway. 

  • Love 4
  12 hours ago, scrambled eggs said:

Chad is horrible, but him saying that Chris Harrison watches the show while drinking a mimosa and wearing a bathrobe was hilarious.

I would pay money for them to film Chris Harrison in a smoking jacket drinking a mimosa watching the dailies and acting shocked by what he sees.

I feel that's gotta be coming, especially after those 'wacky' opening credits in the style of an early 80s sitcom.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

Thought I was alone in my dislike of Josh Murray (well it's more "I don't get it" than dislike because I don't care that much about him). Conceited indeed and I'm not sure what he has to be conceited about - oh right, once upon a time he supposedly played baseball.

Per the preview, I see not much has changed - he's still seems slightly manic, too tan and shiny with the blinding white teeth and looks like Gaston from Beauty & The Beast. It also seemed like he too needs to lay off the steroids with the crazy eyes and yelling he was doing at Nick in some of those clips.

I dislike ex-"winners" who predictably failed in their relationship who come back to famewhore on the show again.  Josh is a conceited prick because that's likely who he has been since high school.  Probably been told how good-looking he is, what a great athlete, blah blah blah.  Has a brother in the NFL who will never be an Aaron Rodgers, but still, there's the NFL connection so that must make me cool as well.  Looking forward to seeing Nick and him go at it and hopefully Nick takes him down.

5 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

I think if Lace was alone with Chad she would have gone further with him, probably went to bed with him. But she knew the others were watching and judging her so she had to save her reputation by shutting down Chad.

Definitely.  Lace contributed just as much to that situation as Chad did.  She was hammered as well.  If they were alone, she totally would have slept with him.  Despite being so drunk, she at least had some wits about her to not let that happen.

  • Love 3
28 minutes ago, Dittohead said:

I could be wrong about this, and if I am, I hope someone will correct me.  On one of those "after" shows last season, didn't Lace say she was trying to improve herself and that she stopped drinking?  If that is the case, why on earth would she put herself on another Bachelor franchise, where alcohol is such a huge factor? 

Evan makes me ill.  The twins annoy me, too, and I don't like the idea of them being a package deal.  It makes it too hard to be rid of them.

I don't think Lace quit drinking, she just went through a moment of clarity and wants to be a better person after seeing herself on Ben's season so she's watching how much she drinks.  Or that's what I got from her "love me" segment at the beginning of the show.  That lasted all of what, 5 minues in Paradise.  

  • Love 3

I get that the dudes are all terrified of Chad, but I was still pretty stunned that none of them spoke up when they saw Chad being physical with Lace (although I agree that she seemed to start it) or when Chad was calling the women bitches and telling them to suck a dick. There is NO WAY my brothers or husband would have let Chad rail on a woman like that without stepping up to him and defending her, even if the odds are good that Chad would throw a punch. 

  • Love 12

Okay, I just loved the opening.  I love that they know what this franchise is and that they are having fun with it.  And Jorge!  He got the 'clink' when he smiled in the opening credits.  

however, I just can't stand the mean girls cliche.  Carly, Sarah, and the twins are just so tiring.  Finding fault with everyone who isn't them and then acting all offended about everything (yes, there were things to be offended about, but they were really overreacting to everything from the beginning).   And, I have no idea what Carly is doing with her hair (probably growing it out, but yikes!).  It's amazing how some people act like they are above it all, and yet they are on the same show.

I can't stand Evan.  I kind of gave him the benefit of the doubt during JoJo's season, but he really was the instigator in his relationship with Chad during this episode.  He just couldn't leave Chad alone (before Chad's meltdown).  Either he really likes/loves Chad or is super insecure around men like Chad.  Either way, I hope he is gone very quickly as he instigates and then acts like a victim.

This will probably be an unpopular view, but I think Chad really liked Lace and was responding how he thought she wanted him to respond. However, he did drink too much and wasn't able to change gears quickly when she said no.  Chad either needs to control his drinking and outbursts or need some deep therapy.  I did love the crab burrowing into Chad's hair.

Hated the clown although I loved all of the pinatas.  

Am so looking forward to the next episode.

  • Love 15
12 hours ago, mertensia said:

Jorge made opening credits!

My favorite part!

11 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

Lace did not help matters with Chad, she was self aware enough to know that others were watching so she pulled back but something is not right with her either. 

She should have been kicked out too.  She was hitting him first.

7 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

eta: I forgot to mention one of my eye-rolling/irritated moments. When Amanda showed up (and did she do something to her face because I swear in the closeups, something about her face seemed off to me) talking about how she did fall for Ben and saw a future with him and her kids, then talked about hoping that she could meet a husband in Paradise and father for her kids. Um Amanda, your kids have a father

See, this is why she won't find anyone.  She still has not come to the realization about where she is in her life.  Very disrespectful towards the father of her children.  She shouldn't mix her feeling about him with her children's relationship with him.  He could very well be a great dad and she could be the crazy one.


Edited by jumper sage
  • Love 9

Still trying to make sense of the Chad thing...

So he goes on Bachelor In Paradise, gets VERY close to an actual physical altercation with a woman (doesn't matter if she was involved in the bizarre 'play-fighting/making out' thing, she was very obviously done when Chad went too far and told him over and over to leave her alone), calls the women bitches over and over, tells them to "keep sucking that fame dick," tells the resort staff to suck dick, rambles over and over about murdering and raping (according to somebody's talking head interview), tries to start other fights, calls a woman with one arm "Arm-y McArmson," gets booted off the show, says "f*ck you, Chris Harrison," apparently continues terrorizing everybody in next week's episode........

All of which happened before The Men Tell All and After The Final Rose. How in the world Chris Harrison/TPTB not only let him come to those events, but goof around with him, give him a platform for a half hour of the show, and tease the crowd by asking "How many of you want to see Chad as the Bachelor?!"

The only thing that could make me sort of understand is if Chad didn't even realize how bad BiP was going to be for him, and they were letting him get propped up just to get blasted. Even then it wasn't worth it. I'm not a guy who gets offended much or is naive about how things work, but the stuff he did in that episode were way beyond his "villain" crap in The Bachelorette and it would've been way cooler if they took a stand against horrible men like that instead of trying to ride him to ratings.

Edited by huskerj12
  • Love 23

Did one of the twins say that Daniel is "a good one-nighter"?  If so, I'm hoping we see that.  I'm hoping that Daniel gets to live out likely a fantasy of his and he gets to sleep with both twins.

I'm curious how they cast this show.  The producers obviously have a lot of people to choose from. But how do they decide on Izzy, who elicits a "who is that" when she arrives and other lesser knowns? 

  • Love 3

I didn't have a problem with Chad in The Bachelorette and even I was sick of seeing him. First of all, as others have said, Lace wasn't an innocent victim and did her fair share of poking the bear. It's almost as if the UnReal producers were telling her to do it and then told her when to stop, only after Jorge over poured and then didn't cut off a person who very obviously should not be drinking. They wanted him to drink a lot because they knew where it would go, so they made sure it went there. 

I say this about Tara Reid in Marriage Boot Camp too. There's a point were things are fun and games and then there's a point where the producers are using a person who is ill equipped to handle the atmosphere of reality tv. It becomes abusive on the part of the show. Chad very obviously needs help. I don't think he's dealing with the recent death of his mother and he probably had some sort of mental issue before her death like depression or anxiety. He's obviously well on his way to being an alcoholic if he isn't already. He can't handle alcohol and I don't know if he even knows how to stop once he starts. The show shouldn't be using him or Tara Reid, or anybody else who needs real professional help, just for a good laugh or ratings. Some people with mental problems actually don't realize what they're getting themselves into when they sign up for this shit.

On a lighter note, the twins are annoying and so is Sarah. But mostly the twins. I still don't understand why they would make them keep both of them. I'm just hoping they're the first to go. That would be funny because it really isn't fair to the other girls that one of those twins gets a free ride. 

  • Love 19

This will probably be an unpopular view, but I think Chad really liked Lace and was responding how he thought she wanted him to respond. However, he did drink too much and wasn't able to change gears quickly when she said no.  Chad either needs to control his drinking and outbursts or need some deep therapy.  

I couldn't have said it better myself. I think Chad was set up here. I can see Lace's producer telling her to go for Chad and really give it to him...otherwise, why else would she drop Grant so abruptly and then be right back with him again the next morning? I think Lace was sent in to rile Chad up and responded just as they expected him to. I'm not saying Chad behaved well, he drank far too much and lost control, which was not at all smart and he was definitely way out of line with Sarah. But when they all looked at him like a villain the next day, I could tell he was really confused.  Oh Chad, please get yourself together. 

Edited by PetuniaP
  • Love 10

Chad is more than just your typical douchey TB contestant. He's an awful, aggressive, confrontational, woman-hating, man-hating, self-hating, truth-bombing bully who has likely irked producers and the network with his exposure of how nonsensical it is for people on the show to fall in love for the Bachelor or Bachelorette in mere minutes under these heavily manufactured circumstances. My guess is that all of the Chad scenes in last night's episode - Chad drinking too much, Chad getting too handsy with Lace, Chad being a dick in insulting the others, Chad becoming belligerent, Chad getting crabs, Chad passing out in his own excrement - comprise an intentional effort by the TPTB to take him down and humiliate him as publicly as possible. All in retaliation for his behavior on TB (and probably because they know we viewers would enjoy the schadenfreude too).

"Hey, look here, Chad. We'll give you a chance at a redemption arc if you come on BiP. We might even make you our next Bachelor if you can turn America around! Oh and the bar is open all night. Best of luck, brutha!"

Give him enough (100% blue agave) rope, and he'll hang himself. I, for one, think he deserves it.

  • Love 3

Just because Nick said Chad shit himself doesn't mean Chad really shit himself. 

Just because Evan said Chad uses steroids doesn't mean Chad definitely uses steroids. 

Chad is a mean drunk and I don't blame the girls for feeling very uncomfortable and scared that a fight might break out.  With how drunk he was, I don't know if he even remembered what he said at all. If he did throw a punch at one of the guys, he probably would have face planted and even Evan could have taken him easily.

  • Love 5

All of which happened before The Men Tell All and After The Final Rose. How in the world Chris Harrison/TPTB not only let him come to those events, but goof around with him, give him a platform for a half hour of the show, and tease the crowd by asking "How many of you want to see Chad as the Bachelor?!"

Yes exactly.  All of the BIP stuff happened first, saying FU to Chris Harrison, talking about murder, actually hitting people, threatening people, making fun of Sarah, mouthing off to staff... OK then AFTER that they do that whole Chad's in his trailer with a star on the door segment, focus the MTA on him for what a good 40 minutes, joke around about him being the next Bachelor... ??  Whaa?  Was he or was he not a real threat?  Because when people on reality shows are real threats they get bounced and do not stick around for funny segments of them with a deli meat tray.  This show is Farce McFarceson.

Edited by FamilyVan
  • Love 13

My guess is he was not a real threat. I didn't see security around the bar or on the beach where he was alone with people and drinking. But they had them in the audience of the Men Tell All and After the Final Rose. Give me a break. He already would have looked bad on camera just because he doesn't care to fake it but I think they had Lace get him riled, feed him drinks and then gave him a ridiculously bad edit. And before everybody gets all flustered because I said that let me make it clear that the things he said were very inappropriate. I just can't abide a man calling a woman a bitch. But I don't believe they were ready to give Chad a redemption. 

  • Love 6

I think Daniel really outed himself as a woman-hater. He was so insulting to the women who were there when he arrived...calling them stray dogs. Meanwhile, he couldn't contain his excitement for Chad showing up and swore his allegiance about 2 minutes afterwards. Izzy (who?) tried to get to know him and was rewarded with dumb age "banter" and then a conversation so boring that I can't even remember the gist of it. I can't stand the twins but even I can't wish Daniel on them. 

I'd love to know what Jubilee thought she was doing on that date with Jared. Way to kill off any possibility of chemistry! I know she can flirt, she did a perfectly good job of flirting with Ben in the pool and getting him interested before she went off her rocker. But I saw NONE of that with Jared. You know what a really good way to get friendzoned by a guy? Start nerding out about something that he didn't express any special interest in!  I'm sure many, many guys would love the hot girl who can nerd out about Lord of the Rings but if she couldn't see that Jared is not one of them, she's more oblivious to how she comes across than she thinks. 

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, FamilyVan said:

Yes exactly.  All of the BIP stuff happened first, saying FU to Chris Harrison, talking about murder, actually hitting people, threatening people, making fun of Sarah, mouthing off to staff... OK then AFTER that they do that whole Chad's in his trailer with a star on the door segment, focus the MTA on him for what a good 40 minutes, joke around about him being the next Bachelor... ??  Whaa?  Was he or was he not a real threat?  Because when people on reality shows are real threats they get bounced and do not stick around for funny segments of them with a deli meat tray.  This show is Farce McFarceson.

That is it in a nutshell.  Not to mention, there is no way in Hell that Chris Harrison stands there listening to his tirade about mimosas and bathrobes and then allows him to stomp off.  Security would have been all over that.  There is obviously A LOT more going on than what we are seeing. 

  • Love 4

Ha ha, the group photo is arranged to make Chad look like the smallest guy. I don't want to feed the beast that keeps him on tv but I must say......

my theory as to why Chad was invited to BIP, TMTA, and TFR that there was a mixture of three or four things at play:

1. He is a fascinating character. He has a few qualities that are weirdly attractive.

2. Perhaps producers did feel he needed the benefit of any doubt/a second chance regarding the situation on Bachelorette. All the guys there were talking about him (with good reason we now see) and that can make for some "best defense is a good offense" behavior.

3. Lacking any definitive physical assault, and having watched Chad threaten people verbally, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that Chad threatened production with a legal battle of some sort if he wasn't given a second chance....


4. See 1, 2 and 3 and add in that production knew that BIP would put Chad in the position of laying his cards irretrievably on the table. This gives production the upper hand should there be the kind of accusations or legal battles that I believe Chad is fully capable of.

I don't think Lace was enlisted to draw him out. She likes a challenge and provocative interaction. So does Chad. The difference is that Lace at her worst on both shows has ultimately seemed ashamed and apologized for herself. She is not scary or threatening to others. Chad at his worst behaved like an unapologetic tyrant who is not only scary, but who thrives on the feeling that he scares others.

  • Love 2

Well, that wasn't a lot of fun to watch.  I feel bad for Chad; I think he's not in a good place and he's being manipulated by people involved on the show.  Not saying he's all pure and innocent, he's definitely got some issues.  But that's the exact kind of person this show loves to screw around with.

I thought it was highly ironic that Daniel was so judgemental about the women on the show.  That, coming from the guy who walks around like he's got a load in his pants.  If I were to wager on someone on this show shitting their pants, my guess would have been Daniel, not Chad.  Daniel greatly pings my gaydar.  He does say some funny stuff, though, sometimes.

How is Sarah allowed on the show again, when she works for the Bachelor franchise as a producer?  From the start, she just seemed like a plant, to ramp up the Chad drama.  Can't stand her.

Lace is still a psycho who makes all women look like idiots.  Can't stand her.

Jubilee still uses 27 words when she only needs to use 3.  And she really needs to stop with the tiny shorts.  They're not a good look for her.

This whole group really just shows how bad the last few years of this franchise have been.  Just really not a good group at all and not much pretty to look at.

  • Love 8

I wanted to love this first episode of BIP3 but all I felt was a mixture of horror, disgust, and sadness as I watched their first day/night unfold. I honestly wanted to give Chad the benefit of the doubt coming into this season because I found his snark on The Bachelorette to be entertaining, but seeing his immediate downward crash into an alcoholic, abusive, aggressive, belligerent mess was disturbing. I have no idea if it was set up by producers (and Lace), or if events just unfolded that way due to an excess of alcohol, but I just don't find it entertaining to watch a plastered man "who has nothing [in his life]" (his words) berating women, threatening men, joking about rape and murder (according to Daniel), passing out on the beach, blacking out, and crapping his pants (according to Vinny/Nick). It's not cute, it's not funny, it's not a joke; it's sad, upsetting, and for the sake of everyone (Chad included) I hope he quits reality TV until he gets his shit together. No pun intended. 

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Just because Nick said Chad shit himself doesn't mean Chad really shit himself. 

Just because Evan said Chad uses steroids doesn't mean Chad definitely uses steroids. 

Chad is a mean drunk and I don't blame the girls for feeling very uncomfortable and scared that a fight might break out.  With how drunk he was, I don't know if he even remembered what he said at all. If he did throw a punch at one of the guys, he probably would have face planted and even Evan could have taken him easily.

Nick didn't say that. It was Vinny. Unless I miss something

  • Love 1
45 minutes ago, Canada said:

Well, that wasn't a lot of fun to watch.  I feel bad for Chad; I think he's not in a good place and he's being manipulated by people involved on the show.  Not saying he's all pure and innocent, he's definitely got some issues.  But that's the exact kind of person this show loves to screw around with.

I thought it was highly ironic that Daniel was so judgemental about the women on the show.  That, coming from the guy who walks around like he's got a load in his pants.  If I were to wager on someone on this show shitting their pants, my guess would have been Daniel, not Chad.  Daniel greatly pings my gaydar.  He does say some funny stuff, though, sometimes.

How is Sarah allowed on the show again, when she works for the Bachelor franchise as a producer?  From the start, she just seemed like a plant, to ramp up the Chad drama.  Can't stand her.

Lace is still a psycho who makes all women look like idiots.  Can't stand her.

Jubilee still uses 27 words when she only needs to use 3.  And she really needs to stop with the tiny shorts.  They're not a good look for her.

This whole group really just shows how bad the last few years of this franchise have been.  Just really not a good group at all and not much pretty to look at.

Is that true? I didn't know that! That's ridiculous.

  • Love 3

Well! Wasn't that interesting?!!

Chad went into his Jekyll/Hyde mode because he obviously still hasn't figured out when he should stop drinking. And Lace? Sorry but I felt zero sympathy for her when Dr. Chad turned into Mr. Hyde. She got just as hammered and was practically humping him in the pool. Then all of a sudden, she got all defensive but five minutes ago, she had her legs wrapped around him. She's also needs to cool it with the booze and stop wearing those Bambi fake lashes. 

Chad? Do I pity him or fear him? A bit of both.

And I agree - the constant use of the word "like" makes me cringe. 

Was the network too cheap to provide a hair stylist? Between the cheap extensions, dark roots and over-processed bleach jobs, most of the women's hair looks awful. I hate to think what a few more weeks in the hot Mexican sun will do! 

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, Nowhere said:

I didn't have a problem with Chad in The Bachelorette and even I was sick of seeing him. First of all, as others have said, Lace wasn't an innocent victim and did her fair share of poking the bear. It's almost as if the UnReal producers were telling her to do it and then told her when to stop, only after Jorge over poured and then didn't cut off a person who very obviously should not be drinking. They wanted him to drink a lot because they knew where it would go, so they made sure it went there. 

I say this about Tara Reid in Marriage Boot Camp too. There's a point were things are fun and games and then there's a point where the producers are using a person who is ill equipped to handle the atmosphere of reality tv. It becomes abusive on the part of the show. Chad very obviously needs help. I don't think he's dealing with the recent death of his mother and he probably had some sort of mental issue before her death like depression or anxiety. He's obviously well on his way to being an alcoholic if he isn't already. He can't handle alcohol and I don't know if he even knows how to stop once he starts. The show shouldn't be using him or Tara Reid, or anybody else who needs real professional help, just for a good laugh or ratings. Some people with mental problems actually don't realize what they're getting themselves into when they sign up for this shit.

On a lighter note, the twins are annoying and so is Sarah. But mostly the twins. I still don't understand why they would make them keep both of them. I'm just hoping they're the first to go. That would be funny because it really isn't fair to the other girls that one of those twins gets a free ride. 


What is this post? It's like you've read my mind!

My mother and I hatewatch the Bachelor shows. We've discussed Chad's mental health more than once, including the very issues you've mentioned regarding the loss of his mother. I'm no fan of the way Chad behaved, but I think TPTB are disgusting for using him this way. 

As for the others, I need to pay attention. I don't recognize everyone. Tonight in my corner of Canada, BiP's premiere is on CityTV. I had no idea Jubilee signed up for this trash.

I need to find someone to root for.

Edited by C76
  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Nowhere said:

 I say this about Tara Reid in Marriage Boot Camp too. There's a point were things are fun and games and then there's a point where the producers are using a person who is ill equipped to handle the atmosphere of reality tv. It becomes abusive on the part of the show. Chad very obviously needs help. I don't think he's dealing with the recent death of his mother and he probably had some sort of mental issue before her death like depression or anxiety. He's obviously well on his way to being an alcoholic if he isn't already. He can't handle alcohol and I don't know if he even knows how to stop once he starts. The show shouldn't be using him or Tara Reid, or anybody else who needs real professional help, just for a good laugh or ratings. Some people with mental problems actually don't realize what they're getting themselves into when they sign up for this shit.

Chad isn't a victim.  He's just an asshole.  

I don't think he's on the way to being an alcoholic.  I think he probably never drinks alcohol in real life.  He can't and still be that lean and cut.  For fuck's sake, did you see him showing Daniel how hard it was to pinch any skin on his abs to show how lean he was? (and no, that wasn't gay at all).

He's just someone who doesn't drink, and who probably forced himself to dehydrate so he could show off his muscles, and then go shitfaced after just a few drinks.  

  • Love 7

I feel bad for Chad; I think he's not in a good place and he's being manipulated by people involved on the show. 

But he is actually a douche in real life too.  I mean look at the stuff he's been doing on social media, that's not the show.  I don't know, is he being compensated to act that way?  Hope he's raking it in.

  • Love 6

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