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S07.E07: Hawaiian Vacation Erupts

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I may have missed something, but I got the impression it was really only Kody who did not eat pork (and possibly others), and that it was not something the whole family practiced. I thought it was like the coffee thing, that some drink it and some do not. It is their choice. While Kody was having his pork tantrum, I loved Logan's reaction to it. I also, liked that everyone seemed so blasé about all of Kody's tantrums.

During Kody's "I am the general" speech, I loved the look on Logan's face. It also looked like Caleb was laughing a bit. I think I laughed more at the kids just eating and basically ignoring Kody while he was ranting.

  • Love 8

Hawaii was getting more attention than Kody, so Kody hated Hawaii and needed to ruin it for everyone. I was raised by a narc mom, she did this every vacation. If we were remotely having fun, she would find a way to ruin it for everyone. Every time that family looked like they were having fun, notice Kody threw a tantrum about something arbitrary. Parking cars. Umbrellas. Etc. No body cares! They wanted to eat. They wanted to swim. They weren't giving two poops at him, so he found a way to make them notice him and put the attention on President Koduche. 


I felt bad for Meri when they were parking cars. She seemed to be trying to make a joke with Kody and instead he just yelled at her. No wonder she's so miserable. 

  • Love 20

Apparently the Church of the Almighty Dollar and Revolving Rules allows you to borrow from other religions to suit the current episode/scene.  Because in some episodes it changes more often like the whole pseudo-Kosher thing.  Idiots don't even know the true meaning of the word.


TLC - if you need to sweep the dusty, cobwebbed corners of the cutting room floor for captivating footage of Kody parking a car, you might need to think about cancelling this train wreck.

From your lips to God's (well, TCL programmer's) ear.  These people were always one molecule above Boo-Boo and the Duggar molester but that gap no longer exists.  Lord High Priest on Earth Asshat has pretty much dragged the whole bunch down into the manure pile with the rest of the trash.

  • Love 3

Since alot of the kids are getting older and can see through Koduche, it's obvious he is feeling a loss of control over the kids. I also think he feels a bit of a loss of control over the wives since Robyn seems to speak her mind and Meri was on the verge of having an affair and leaving him. My bet is that since all the wives are too old to have anymore kids or just don't want to have any more, Kody is going to start looking for wife #5, a much younger wife so he can have more babies since the babies are the only ones that worship him. 

Mykelti needs to wait until after Maddies wedding to approach Kody and make her engagement announcement.   Let Maddie and Caleb have their day. Oh, and Maddie needs to do something about her hair. The dark hair with the light roots just looks trashy. Get that corrected before the wedding, hon. 

  • Love 5

I am cracking up at the reaction shots of Solomon's face over the past couple episodes where he has had to witness the umbilical guillotining of Baby Sister, a fish being disemboweled and filleted before his eyes, and a whole pig with a rod rammed through its body from mouth to anus being roasted.

Let's hope Nancy is in practice for a while longer because I think he is going to need her services.

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

Anyone catch the look on Logan's face when Kody was standing up proclaming that he was King of the World (in a public restaurant, no less)?  Logan had a weary smile that seemed to say that they all just had to let Kody say his piece, not interrupt him, and once he was finished pontificating, Kody would sit down and shut up and the family could go on having fun.  Kody is absolutely pathetic in his narcissism.

I definitely was watching Logan in that scene (and I assume we were meant to, since he was pretty center screen, while Kody was off in the background.  Or maybe it just came off that way to me because I prefer looking at him.  To me it came off as a very mature person deciding he was NOT going to give the camera people the smirk look that he knew very well they were hoping to capture.  Just a completely passive countenance... with his head turned as far away from his droning calling for attention father as possible. A 100% plausibly deniable direct snub on camera.

I assume that Maddie and Logan have scored their own paychecks and possible paychecks for their spouses-to-be, and more power to them.  They can do couch scenes together, go out to dinner together, and restore our faith in humanity.  But in the presence of the greater family, they're going to tread water.  That's fine.  How many of us tread water at family gatherings?!  I don't see Caleb behaving in any way other than how I'd expect a visiting boyfriend/fiance/husband to behave on a visit to the inlaws.

Mariah looked pretty in the eyebrow confrontation scene -- very much like Mykelti, in fact. Her hair was pulled back.  It made a world of difference.  She may not have gone LDS, but Mormon gals can do fabulous things with hair, and hopefully she can find some to give her a stylish look.  

Mykelti's voice is EXACTLY the same as Christine's -- spooky!  New boyfriend looks... not AUB.  He actually looked vaguely Hawaiian to me, but could be Native American or Mexican?  They've been fine with dating outside the faith, but it will be interesting to see how far that extends to different races (if it's even applicable here).  I certainly think there's grounds enough for concern given the brief relationship and youth, so I won't attribute anything to that unless there's a vibe.

Edited by kassa
  • Love 7

Note how no one really seems to pay Kody any mind when he tries to re-assert his dominance and dominion over the family. He gets testy whenever he can't command their full attention and they don't pay him the proper homage for the simplest of tasks that he makes harder that it is. One other instance, stringing the lights outside. When his son was coming home from military prep school he strung the same old lights the same old way like he did for the commitment ceremony and than trotted everyone out and expected them to ooh and ahh like they have never seen electricity before. Also, when he calls for daily announcements and gets pissy when all eyes aren't all on him. I think with the exception of the youngest children, they all have his number. I think they are respect him as an elder and he is the father who sired (if not really raised) them but they know him for the scatterbrained ego-driven contrarian that he is. Maddy so knows him. She said in her TH that he would say things that contradict things he said just moments before all the time. 

Janelle did kinda piss me off briefly. She was the only one in the TH making excuses for Kody - AGAIN!- by making it seem like him saying 'piss off' was somehow funny and acceptable. She was freaking laughing about it. She thinks that that is a new word for Kody and Christine disabused her of that notion quick! 


11 hours ago, absolutelyido said:

Now she's working in a pawn shop and has convinced herself she's just oh so happy. Her description of her soon-to-be fiance seemed a bit immature to me. She said something to the effect of "He's so cool". And she said he makes her feel calm, which seems to me something that she has heard other people say so she's just going with that.

If she wants to feel calm, she should hold Ari, who Robyn and Christine have both claimed to soothe everyone that holds her - dislocated shoulder and colic notwithstanding. She is far too young and only known that boy for 5 months. What does he do for a living? Can they even support themselves?


2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I thought Jenelle and Meri bonding over the eyebrow thing was a great idea, and a delicious way to poke fun at Mariah. That actually had me laughing pretty hard. I was glad Jenelle wouldn't let Meri off the hook, trying to just do it halfway. She was a good sport and went all out, and insisted that Meri did too. And, of course, KoDouche repsonds to the whole thing by telling them it doesn't matter what they look like because he doesn't have to claim them. He loves to crow to everyone that he has FOUR wives, but if one of them embarrasses him, it's so convenient to just cozy up to one of the other wives. Nice. 

Janelle seemed to genuinely find the whole thing funny and amusing which was nice. I thought it was interesting how Meri drew on Janelle's but at first didn't want Janelle to return the favor.  Meri wanted to draw on her own. Glad she finally relented but that was interesting and I wonder if that illustrates their typical dysfunction. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 7

Do we ever see Logan and Kody interact much? I was trying to think back to the older episodes, and I don't recall Logan spending a lot of time with Kody. Not in the same way Kody seems to enjoy spending time with Hunter and Garrison. Is Logan less athletic? I don't remember if he ever played a sport or not.

Logan and Aspyn and Mariah all stayed in college, and Maddie and Mykelti both dropped out and almost immediately went the young marriage route. I felt bad for Christine. Mykelti has only known this guy 5 months. Its not a good sign.

  • Love 2
34 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

Note how no one really seems to pay Kody any mind when he tries to re-assert his dominance and dominion over the family. He gets testy whenever he can't command their full attention and they don't pay him the proper homage for the simplest of tasks that he makes harder that it is. One other instance, stringing the lights outside. When his son was coming home from military prep school he strung the same old lights the same old way like he did for the commitment ceremony and than trotted everyone out and expected them to ooh and ahh like they have never seen electricity before. Also, when he calls for daily announcements and gets pissy when all eyes aren't all on him. I think with the exception of the youngest children, they all have his number.

Truely totally has Kody's number.  I think she's had it since birth, to be honest.

From stringing (unnecessary) lights (twice, mind you), to hanging a television on a wall (minus the proper hardware, which was right there all along), to parking a car in a designated parking area where other cars are also successfully parked (known as a "parking lot," dumbass) - all eyes must be on Kody, for his mighty struggles are real, yo, and his actions must garner the proper attention and reverence.  It's not easy being the head of such a large fam'ly, so Kody must assign the greatest of hardships to the simplest of tasks, so that he - being utterly spent from such obstacles as optimal umbrella placement - can then relax on the couch and take a refreshing nap while his wives tend to those easier tasks of, say, child-rearing, cooking and cleaning.


Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 22
1 hour ago, gardendiva said:

I am cracking up at the reaction shots of Solomon's face over the past couple episodes where he has had to witness the umbilical guillotining of Baby Sister, a fish being disemboweled and filleted before his eyes, and a whole pig with a rod rammed through its body from mouth to anus being roasted.

Let's hope Nancy is in practice for a while longer because I think he is going to need her services.

I was literally in tears rolling around on my bed watching his expressions! 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Misslindsey said:


I may have missed something, but I got the impression it was really only Kody who did not eat pork (and possibly others), and that it was not something the whole family practiced.


That was the impression I got as well. I think Kody was probably all, "Hey guys, we should do this!" And, being the efficient general that he is....no one else got on board. 


1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

Janelle seemed to genuinely find the whole thing funny and amusing which was nice. I thought it was interesting how Meri drew on Janelle's but at first didn't want Janelle to return the favor.  Meri wanted to draw on her own. Glad she finally relented but that was interesting and I wonder if that illustrates their typical dysfunction. 

That's exactly how I read the situation. Meri is not used to relinquishing control. I'm glad she did. Maybe, just maybe, that will have bonded them a tiny bit more. 

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Amers said:

Hawaii was getting more attention than Kody, so Kody hated Hawaii and needed to ruin it for everyone. I was raised by a narc mom, she did this every vacation. If we were remotely having fun, she would find a way to ruin it for everyone. Every time that family looked like they were having fun, notice Kody threw a tantrum about something arbitrary. Parking cars. Umbrellas. Etc. No body cares! They wanted to eat. They wanted to swim. They weren't giving two poops at him, so he found a way to make them notice him and put the attention on President Koduche. 

Was it Hawaii in general or because the whole family was in Hawaii? I mean, he went with Sobyn to Hawaii and had a wonderful time.  So the perks of poly family is go on vacation with only 1 spouse.  Cause you will act like a spoiled child otherwise.

If Koduche is shopping for wife #5 I hope this one tells him who is boss from day 1. And then only Sobyn stays. I really hope the douche finds a reason to legally divorce her for the new spouse. 

I wonder if he ate pork the last time he was in Hawaii  (that pork thing is really bothering me. Not because people are abstaining from eating a specific meat but the fact that he picks and chooses what he does depending on his whims).  

  • Love 3

I second enjoying the eyebrow scene with Meri and Janelle. I really enjoyed that. I like seeing them relaxed and happy in each other's company and Meri could sure  use a friend right now in the family. 

Logan always impresses me.  He is just such a good brother and actually a great role model for his siblings.

Mykelti is moving way too fast but i think maybe they had better just not put the hammer down too  hard as  she seems to be the strongest willed child they have. 

She will just get pregnant or something foolish if she is forbidden to marry him. 

Kody wasn't just am ass-hat in this episode.  He was a bonafide asshole.

If i was married to a big tantrum throwing baby like that,  I would be hurling diapers and soothers at his head constantly. 

Caleb made me tear up in his segment about his Mom and i loved how Maddie took over and reached out immediately to comfort him. 

The older kids really amaze me as well. 

Where did they learn to be so well adjusted?? Is it the combination of all the mothers they had access to? 

Like they learned from the differing styles of mothering?  Cus that compassionate gesture reminded me more of Christine than Janelle.

That's the stuff I find interesting. 

  • Love 14

I don't think Janelle went to the beach, it showed her sitting in a chair in her long sleeved red and black Lycra top and a red checked apron on, I think she was on kitchen duty.


I think Kody picks and chooses on what and how he lives, whatever strikes his fancy, he is such a kumquat, "let's have a word of prayer"  

  • Love 4

Mainstream mormons are not supposed to drink coffee, it pevents them from being able to go to their temples. Everyone always assumed it was because of the caffeine, but the mormon church leaders officially announced that mormons could drink caffeinated sodas around ten years ago.  

Now they claim they can't drink coffee because its unhealthy. My dad drinks energy drinks with tons of caffeine but won't touch coffee??? I don't understand.

Mormons definitly aren't supposed to have alcohol, but didn't the Brown women try alcohol in an earlier episode? 

It seems like they aren't following whatever religion they used to belong to and are just making up their own rules now. I don't think that is necessarly a bad thing but it does make them seem hypocritical sometimes.

* I'm an exmormon with an extremely mormon    family.

  • Love 5
32 minutes ago, greekmom said:

Was it Hawaii in general or because the whole family was in Hawaii? I mean, he went with Sobyn to Hawaii and had a wonderful time.  So the perks of poly family is go on vacation with only 1 spouse.  Cause you will act like a spoiled child otherwise.


I think it was that something other than him, in this case Hawaii, was interesting his family. When he and Robyn went to Hawaii, it was all about him getting his rocks off with his favorite wife. This time his family was there and they wanted to do things that he didn't. So he had a tantrum and made up new rules for the Church of Kody to try to get the focus back on him.

So he hates Hawaii but he would have hated anywhere they went if it meant his family wanted to do things that took away from his kingship.

Edited by 3girlsforus
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, greekmom said:

I wonder if he ate pork the last time he was in Hawaii  (that pork thing is really bothering me. Not because people are abstaining from eating a specific meat but the fact that he picks and chooses what he does depending on his whims).  


52 minutes ago, butterbody said:

Kody considers himself to be Christ-like, and he must ask himself, what would Jesus eat.

And even though it chaps his hide that the rest of the fam not get on board, it's not an issue because they aren't the one true Messiah , he is.

And this is what's so ridiculous, and why Kody constantly fails to be the leader of his brood.  During a couch session, Janelle said something to the effect that Kody chooses not to eat pork because...heck, I can't remember exactly what she said, but it had to do with it making him feel more Christ-centered or something.  As the head of the household, wouldn't he then want his entire family to follow suit?  It's not as if he's not eating pork because he doesn't like pork, he's tying it to his religious beliefs...which he should then be passing on to his family as its religious leader.  And yet not one person in that family blinked, or made a face, or said a word when they found out they were going to a luau/pig roast.  If it were such an issue, why was it only an issue to Kody, and why did Janelle have to explain it away?  To me, this screams of a fairly recent "rule" that Kody decided to attempt to enforce, and failed - much like premarital kissing, no tank tops on his daughters, church every Sunday, etc.  

If Kody decides to set tenets for his family and expect them to follow him, there needs to be consequences for breaking the rules that he sets.  But not only are there no consequences, he changes the rules depending on which way the hot Vegas wind blows his hair.  Don't sit in the corner and pout with your Legos because the rest of the family wants to enjoy a traditional luau on the last day of their Hawaii vacation - which, if he's been to Hawaii before (LOL) and knows that a pig roast is involved, have the foresight to make other arrangements, or tell the resort owners that "my family doesn't eat pork, so can we do something different?"  Instead, pig is served, the entire family does not have an issue with it, and a suddenly pious Kody tells his family to "piss off."

  • Love 6

Regarding the pork.  Janelle is heard saying "as the kids got older" that the no pork thing is something Kody adopted.   Logan sounds thrilled to eat pork and mentions it's been so long since he has had it.  I think they all ate pig until the kids "got older" and Kody probably latched onto everything and anything to make himself feel he was the leader of the family and his imaginary make it up as you go along religion.  I think all those wives would have stopped buying pork when it became part of Kody's "religion" so the kids probably have fond memories of crispy bacon but it hasn't been on the menu for a long time.  

I wondered for a moment if Mykelti was pregnant now.  Just seems to be in a big hurry to get married, too much of a hurry.  I hope for her sake she isn't.  Christine mentions she is 19.  I think 19 is really young to decide you have had a couple of really shitty relationships but this one is different so I'm going to walk down the aisle.   I give Christine kudos for how she handled a very difficult situation.  Tough one.   

What exactly was the problem with the cars?  I was too distracted by Kody overreacting to really notice.  I assume everyone who drove a car there has a license so should be more than capable of parking a damn car?  I think Caleb just goes with the flow.  He knows Kody and he also knows he doesn't have to live with him 24/7 so why bother sweating the small stuff.  I think of everyone on that trip it is easiest for Caleb to let Kody's nonsense slide.  


eta..and wife #5..wasn't there a recent tabloid saying things in the family are tense because Kody wants niece Mindy as wife #5 and the rest are against it?  I noticed Mindy got a cameo this episode ;)  I know it's just tabloid stuff but a part of me would love Robyn knocked off her pedestal.   The dynamics with all the wives has shifted quite a lot the past year.  

Edited by Castina
  • Love 5

Few things about Kody;  acted like a complete jerk, again, always has Solomon at his side, could not have cared less about being asked to officiate at Maddie's wedding.  Also, I don't think he realizes  that half of his children are adults and are not going to fall in line with his idiotic ideas and plans.  Mykelti getting married and feeling hurt about her Mom's reaction compared to her reaction with Maddie, well there is the difference, Maddie is not "really" her daughter.  The eyebrow thing was funny and glad Janelle seemed to enjoy the prank.  Too bad it went over like a led balloon with Mariah and Kody was making all kinds of twisted up faces like he didn't think it was funny.  Didn't like seeing that poor pig like that!  I wonder if Michelle and Caleb had to help financially with their portion of the trip? 

  • Love 3

Lol, I think Meri should do portraits for them all, 23 of them

That is going to be a lot of trees to paint.


 I don't see Caleb behaving in any way other than how I'd expect a visiting boyfriend/fiance/husband to behave on a visit to the inlaws.

This is how I see Caleb's behavior as well. I think his behavior around Kody is partly humoring him and just being polite. Caleb seems pretty laid back and he (and probably most of the older kids) probably let Kody's ridiculous behavior slide because they are not around him as much. Sometimes I think Kody's man crush on Caleb might be about Caleb reminding him of his younger brother that passed away, but really what do I know.

I felt for Maddie a bit when she asked Kody to marry them and he basically had a non-reaction.  Caleb talking about his mother and Maddie comforting him and finishing Caleb's thought when he could not get the words out was nice.


Logan and Aspyn and Mariah all stayed in college, and Maddie and Mykelti both dropped out and almost immediately went the young marriage route.

I believe Maddie is headed back to school. She mentioned on Twitter that she has started the packing process for their move to school in Laramie. So she and maybe Caleb seem to be headed back to school.

I loved college (MSU! Sparty on!), but it isn't for everyone. Mykelti tried it and maybe she will go back eventually, but I am fine if she does not. At least she does have a job. I do not know if her boyfriend does. Mykelti does seem happy in Utah. I do not think marriage is the best route at this point though.

  • Love 6

Seems strange that Logan acted like he hadn't had pork in a zillion years.  I mean, he's been living first on campus and then off campus in a major metropolitan city.  Presumably there were sausages and bacon available on the meal plan.  A ham sandwich at a picnic, hot dog on the grill, bacon cheeseburger out with friends, etc. Maybe he was speaking strictly of pork loin, as opposed to cured products?  

I don't mind people adopting customs that make them feel more spiritually focused .. but Jesus was drinking wine all over the place (and, in fact, provided the ultimate open bar at that wedding), so I've always found Christian sects prohibiting wine on religious grounds befuddling. 

How old is Mindy?  Frankly, she looks older than Robyn, so I find that scenario unlikely.  

I have to say I feel for Meri.  I know they let her off easy on the last "roundtable" show, phony scenarios were presented and not challenged, but how many times is she going to be pilloried for ratings? 

  • Love 5
47 minutes ago, Castina said:

Regarding the pork.  Janelle is heard saying "as the kids got older" that the no pork thing is something Kody adopted.   Logan sounds thrilled to eat pork and mentions it's been so long since he has had it.  I think they all ate pig until the kids "got older" and Kody probably latched onto everything and anything to make himself feel he was the leader of the family and his imaginary make it up as you go along religion.  I think all those wives would have stopped buying pork when it became part of Kody's "religion" so the kids probably have fond memories of crispy bacon but it hasn't been on the menu for a long time.  


And Janelle said that she tried some pork because she was "curious."  Is she trying to tell us that she's never had a piece of bacon, or that it's been so long that she forgot what it tastes like?  Somehow, I doubt it.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

I think it was that something other than him, in this case Hawaii, was interesting his family. When he and Robyn went to Hawaii, it was all about him getting his rocks off with his favorite wife. This time his family was there and they wanted to do things that he didn't. So he had a tantrum and made up new rules for the Church of Kody to try to get the focus back on him.

So he hates Hawaii but he would have hated anywhere they went if it meant his family wanted to do things that took away from his kingship.

Kody is just the Michael Scott and David Brent (UK and US Office comedy series) of Mormonism. 

Did anyone catch during the surf lesson that Kody made the comment that this is probably the biggest family the guy ever gave lessons too?

Kinda glad we moved away from Kody and the wives accosting shop keepers and telling them their are a polygamist family. 

53 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

The eyebrow thing was funny and glad Janelle seemed to enjoy the prank.  Too bad it went over like a led balloon with Mariah and Kody was making all kinds of twisted up faces like he didn't think it was funny.  

I thought Kody was really harsh in that scene. They were having fun and asking him if he minded if they went to the beach like that and the way he said "I don't care" was just harder than it should have been to me. 

4 hours ago, gardendiva said:

I am cracking up at the reaction shots of Solomon's face over the past couple episodes where he has had to witness the umbilical guillotining of Baby Sister, a fish being disemboweled and filleted before his eyes, and a whole pig with a rod rammed through its body from mouth to anus being roasted.

Let's hope Nancy is in practice for a while longer because I think he is going to need her services.

LOL! Haven't been too impressed with Nancy so far. Hope he doesn't turn into a blond Mormon Dexter. 

  • Love 8

Regarding Kody's surfing "skills"; in all honesty, I was impressed that he actually stood up on the board while it was moving.  But when it came to a dead stop and he was still standing on the board in a surfer pose, I realized I've never seen anyone do that before.  The really cool surfers do a kick out and start swimming back out as soon as they get off the board.  Kody looked like he wanted to be sure that there were pictures taken of him in full surfer stance.  You can do that without getting wet at a fake backdrop at Universal Orlando.  

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, greekmom said:

Was it Hawaii in general or because the whole family was in Hawaii? I mean, he went with Sobyn to Hawaii and had a wonderful time.  So the perks of poly family is go on vacation with only 1 spouse.  Cause you will act like a spoiled child otherwise.

How long were they in Hawaii? I was surprised we only had one episode devoted to their vacation. I bet a lot more went on than what they showed. I'm envisioning lots of episodes where Kody had big plans and everyone scattered and did their own thing. Wives having fun together and not with him. Kids generally ignoring him. Etc. etc. 


24 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

And Janelle said that she tried some pork because she was "curious."  Is she trying to tell us that she's never had a piece of bacon, or that it's been so long that she forgot what it tastes like?  Somehow, I doubt it.

Maybe she meant she was curious about how her body would react to it? I know when I wasn't eating pork and I'd have a bit in a situation where there weren't really any other options, I'd feel a bit yucky. 

  • Love 1

Mykelti's BF seems to be a strict LDS member.   Also from his FB posts, in Jan. of 2015 he was in a relationship.   He was going to a local St. George college, but didn't finish.  He seems to move into things very fast - so it will be interesting to see how this works out.   With him being so involved in LDS  does this mean that she will have to disavow her family in order to become a member.   (Forgot which one wanted to join, but they told her her family was an issue).  This could be a reason that she's pulling away from Meri.   This poor girl wants to have somebody, besides her mother, that makes her feel special.   I doubt Kody will have  much in common with this guy, but Tony says they are engaged.  

Kody is just completely losing his mind, and clearly losing control and he can't stand it.   When he gave his stupid General speech he said they can't question him, but that seems to be what  the older kids and some of the wives are doing.   How bad must this vacation have been, if this stuff is the best they could come up with out of hours of filming????

2 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Maybe she meant she was curious about how her body would react to it? I know when I wasn't eating pork and I'd have a bit in a situation where there weren't really any other options, I'd feel a bit yucky. 

I got the impression that she wanted to taste it - being a whole pig roasted on an open spit, not that she hadn't tasted pork before.

  • Love 4

These chucklefucks.   I mean Kodouche + wives.    So far their kids are amazingly well adjusted having these chucklefucks as parents    I fear for the ones Kodouche actually pays attention to.   

Janelle is becoming my least favorite because she is such a Kody apologist/cheer leader.   

From the car parking meltdown to the weird tete-e-tete with Merri to the "no pork" tantrum could he get any more unattractive?   I mean, come on!   I could not stand to be around him for 1 millisecond.   

Second runner up to grossness is Robyn thinking the faces he made when imitating the baby were cute.   Um.  No.   

  • Love 9

This could be a reason that she's pulling away from Meri. 

Isn't she Christine's daughter?

I'll pull the Old Fogy card and say she's too young to be engaged.  This just smacks of trying to move into the center of attention like Maddie did with her engagement.  She hasn't know this "banker" for very long.  And from his posting we may extrapolate that he may have jumped into this just for the publicity (and possible paycheck) that goes along being involved with the Brown Clowns.  If she'working at a pawn shop and he's, at best, a bank teller they won't be making much money.  I can't imagine she makes more than minimum wage.  Like the rest of the grifters she may be expecting the TLC gravy train to keep chugging away and providing an income.

Wait until this toxic mess goes off the air and let's see how long the engagement lasts.

  • Love 3

 Not sure why Mykelti would be pulling away from Meri, but her mom is Christine. 

Lately, Meri seems to have adopted the habit of blaming everything on Christine, because "she can handle Kody better."  I think it is more along the lines of "Kody is always angry with Christine, so what's one more thing." 

Edited by Adeejay
  • Love 3
46 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

And Janelle said that she tried some pork because she was "curious."  Is she trying to tell us that she's never had a piece of bacon, or that it's been so long that she forgot what it tastes like?  Somehow, I doubt it.

I think she was probably curious how a pig roasted on a spit tasted.  

  • Applause 1
  • Love 7
12 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

And from his posting we may extrapolate that he may have jumped into this just for the publicity (and possible paycheck) that goes along being involved with the Brown Clowns.

Please elaborate on this.  I don't follow any of the Brown's outside of the show and this site so I haven't seen anything that would give this impression.  If that's the case even though Mykelti is quite young she still has an heart and emotions and I'd feel terrible for her if this bears out to be true.

  • Love 1

Didn't Kody attempt some kind of surfing thing when he took some of the middle girls to L.A.?  I don't remember if it was in the ocean or one of those wave/surf machines.  It just seems like I can recall him commenting about going surfing and the girls rolling their eyes at his "surfer dude"-speak.

Edited by Mittengirl
  • Love 2

Sorry, I confused Mykelti w/Mariah.  

Kody was probably mad that they made the luau arrangements because Kody wanted to talk  to the people himself (on camera) so he could elaborate on his quirky religious beliefs, and how to him pork was against his strong beliefs.   It wasn't the pork - it's because he's a big HAM!

  • Love 6

Okay, seriously .... what the hell was wrong with Kody?  He was a pain in the ass in virtually every single scene.  He was in a snit at the coffee shack over parking and not being treated like lord high king of the universe. He was huffy at the beach over moving the umbrellas (so that his little children didn't have to play on burning hot sand, those selfish needy little jerks).  He was cold in the eyebrow scene when he should be doing anything possible to encourage Janelle and Meri to get along.  And he was positively icy when Madison asked him to officiate at her wedding, a reaction I find inexplicable since it would land him center stage which I would think he would love.

The luau thing.  Was RIDICULOUS.  Piss off?  Really? 

I see that while I was typing, Ghoulina posted


I'm envisioning lots of episodes where Kody had big plans and everyone scattered and did their own thing. Wives having fun together and not with him. Kids generally ignoring him. Etc. etc. 

and notnowimbusy said


Kody is just completely losing his mind, and clearly losing control and he can't stand it.

I think you guys are onto something .... Kody had big plans that no one gave a shit about and he wasn't able to make himself the center of attention at every turn.  And it just burned him up.  And not being properly worshipped for things like his superior parking skills and ability to jam a beach umbrella into the sand, oh the NERVE.  The luau was the last straw I guess.  Not only do his kids and wives not follow his anti-pork edict, his last big night in Hawaii got co-opted by the hosts who scheduled a pig roast without his! permission! and Kody didn't get to be the center of attention at whatever poi-free dinner he had planned, where he probably had some bullshit speech he wanted to give and wahhh wahhh wahhh.  

I guess Kody is finding it hard accept that the days of arriving home from work and being swarmed by a pack of diaper-clad little ones who worshipped him and being fawned over by three wives who were falling all over themselves competing for his attention are a thing of the past.   His kids have realized he is an idiot and a joke and he is no longer the center of their universe, and his wives are (for the most part) over him or have just given up. Or they have humiliated him by trying to escape into the night with their fantasy millionaire online lover, lol.  Stuff like that is hell on a narcissist, I guess.  He just snapped.

The only scene in which he was not a complete douche bag was the one where he summoned Meri away from her salad making and took her out to that dreary porch to let her know her paintings were "cool" (he said that 5 times, lol) .  But it felt to me like that whole thing had Robyn's fingerprints all over it.  I don't believe Kody has any use for Meri at all any more and he couldn't care less about her and her lousy paintings.  But I can see Robyn getting Kody to have this little talk with Meri to redeem Kody because he came off like such an ass when Meri gave them the paintings.  She knows he made himself look really bad and it was clear he is still very hostile toward Meri, and maybe because Robyn has been accused of being "in on" the catfish thing, she might want to minimize the appearance of the damage the whole catfish thing cause the family.  For her own sake.  I don't think she gives a damn about Meri anymore, either.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Castina said:

What exactly was the problem with the cars?  I was too distracted by Kody overreacting to really notice.  I assume everyone who drove a car there has a license so should be more than capable of parking a damn car?  I think Caleb just goes with the flow.  He knows Kody and he also knows he doesn't have to live with him 24/7 so why bother sweating the small stuff.  I think of everyone on that trip it is easiest for Caleb to let Kody's nonsense slide.   

Control freak Kody wanted all the vans to back into the parking spots and not pull in.   So, he and his new BFF Caleb turned all the vans around.  Women can't be trusted to pull out of a tight parking spot, don't you know.  It's not like they drive minivans all-day every-day to cart around the horde of children.

  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Control freak Kody wanted all the vans to back into the parking spots and not pull in.   So, he and his new BFF Caleb turned all the vans around.  Women can't be trusted to pull out of a tight parking spot, don't you know.  It's not like they drive minivans all-day every-day to cart around the horde of children.

LOL.. Isn't he just precious

  • Love 2

I'm not surprised Kody is now an expert on Kosher eating--remember on one of their out of town visits to another plyg family, he butted into the dinner prayer because he knew all about Jewish prayers?  (At least I think it was a Jewish prayer, I can't remember because frankly, Kody makes a very small, less than memorable impression on me).  

"Butt munch."  lol  I have never heard this phrase before so I looked it up in the dictionary and it said "see Kody Brown."

  • LOL 1
  • Love 5
41 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I guess Kody is finding it hard accept that the days of arriving home from work and being swarmed by a pack of diaper-clad little ones who worshipped him and being fawned over by three wives who were falling all over themselves competing for his attention are a thing of the past.   His kids have realized he is an idiot and a joke and he is no longer the center of their universe, and his wives are (for the most part) over him or have just given up. Or they have humiliated him by trying to escape into the night with their fantasy millionaire online lover, lol.  Stuff like that is hell on a narcissist, I guess.  He just snapped.

I think what's happening with Kody is that he's being forced to walk the walk due to being filmed on TV and it's becoming harder and harder to do that without him acting out in strange ways and seething just under the surface.  My hunch is that if they were not being filmed he would be a LOT more tyrannical and he knows better than to make himself look THAT bad on TV.  The speech he gave to the kids - If he were not being filmed he would have been a lot more demanding and insistent that they follow him and not eat pork.  But because he has always tried to look like the epitome of tolerance on camera he knows it would make him look inconsistent and frankly, just a little bit too much like a backwards Warren Jeffs type fundamentalist Mormon.  He knows the audience would recoil in horror if he did what he REALLY wanted to do, so he has to toe the line of being progressive and open minded about how much control he has over the family.  God only knows what he acts like in private.  At this point, though, I think all the liberal talk from him publicly has pretty much eroded away any absolute power he ever had with the family.  It's gone and he knows it.  And he's getting just what he deserves!

  • Love 2
57 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I guess Kody is finding it hard accept that the days of arriving home from work and being swarmed by a pack of diaper-clad little ones who worshipped him and being fawned over by three wives who were falling all over themselves competing for his attention are a thing of the past.   His kids have realized he is an idiot and a joke and he is no longer the center of their universe, and his wives are (for the most part) over him or have just given up. Or they have humiliated him by trying to escape into the night with their fantasy millionaire online lover, lol.  Stuff like that is hell on a narcissist, I guess.  He just snapped.

Totally agree. I really see a man who is losing it. A lot of men, or people in general, have that whole mid-life crisis thing. His werewolf hair is thinning, he's getting lines across the forehead. Okay. But yea, the kids are all growing up and doing their own thing. Not ONE of the adult children has validated him yet by following in his footsteps. And his #1 cheerleader for many years was seeking out an extra-marital relationship. Of course he can't see how HIS actions had any role in that. All he sees is that his tenuous control of that family is slipping further and further from his grasp. 

  • Love 6
31 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Totally agree. I really see a man who is losing it. A lot of men, or people in general, have that whole mid-life crisis thing. His werewolf hair is thinning, he's getting lines across the forehead. Okay. But yea, the kids are all growing up and doing their own thing. Not ONE of the adult children has validated him yet by following in his footsteps. And his #1 cheerleader for many years was seeking out an extra-marital relationship. Of course he can't see how HIS actions had any role in that. All he sees is that his tenuous control of that family is slipping further and further from his grasp. 

We've all been so focused on the possibility of the wives eventually leaving Kody, but with how stressed and out of control he seems, maybe it will be him who decides to peace out. I can totally see him being one of those mid-life crisis husbands who leaves the wife and children for a younger woman, only in this case he'll be leaving 4 batshit crazies and 18 kids who couldn't give a shit. And I'm sure he has plenty of young aspiring reality stars who would love the spotlight. So it could go in two directions. Either he leaves and tries for his own reality single dad show which nobody would watch, or he disappears to an island somewhere just for a little peace and quiet. Seriously, I don't know how these people deal with so much chaos.

Edited by Nowhere
  • Love 1

I don't mean to offend in this statement, it's just my opinion:

I believe that the reason Jewish people of the old testament era were instructed not to eat pork, and to keep dairy separate from meat was for their health.  We all know that pork needs to be cooked to a certain temperature, and kept cold before and after.  We are all aware of the various diseases that result from improper food preparation, storage, etc.  We all know not to eat eggs and mayo that have been outside in the heat.  I really don't think it was an instruction for anything other than something to keep people healthy. Electricity, refrigerators, freezers, and stoves didn't exist yet. I don't believe that God (anyones' God) cares whether you eat pork, or dairy and meat at the same meal - as long as you can do it safely.   Your mileage may vary.

Kody is like the Duggars, he has no concept of taking things within context.  Plural marriage - ok 2000 plus years ago, must be ok now. Never mind women can financially take care of themselves now... etc, etc.  Anyday now he should be telling us that they don't owe anyone anything because its' the Jubilee year and all debts are forgiven. 

He needs to grow up.  He is the one that decided to have 3 wives, two of which were extremely fertile..  He's the one that knowing he wasn't really able to financially take care of them, brought a 4th wife and 3 additional children into the marriage.  He's the one that wants more children, even though they currently have 6 children in college and 12 more to go.  He's the one that drags them all over the place for one big vacation, and spends all of his time yelling at them because they don't follow him lockstep.

Mykelti is 1 year younger than Maddie, and already has two additional years of college under her belt than Maddie does. Now, some of it may not count towards whatever degree she ends up taking....  She's moved to St. George, gotten a real boyfriend, a real job.  A job that isn't a cakewalk by the way - ever been in a pawn shop other than the TV ones?   Yes, she's young.... but she's been raised with the idea of getting married at about this age.  The young women asked Kody a couple years ago if he'd had any discussions with interested young men.   I'd like to see them date longer, but they will have dated over a year by the time they get married, since they want a winter wedding. There are still a lot of people who get married right out of college.    They could decide to wait several  years before children.  Maddie will have pressure in that area because Caleb is already 28.

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