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S03.E01: HashtagNewCraig

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When have we ever seen Shep being irresponsible when it comes to money? 

Even if he gets a monthly stipend, have we ever seen examples of him blowing it on the day after he receives it?


I don't see the trust fund money being used for the  purchase of a  home or business any different than somebody whose parents completely pay for their college education



I don't know the details of Shep's spending, that's why I'm not giving him credit for anything.  I'm not saying he's irresponsible, just that I don't know either way. 


Personally, I do see the purchase of a home or business with trust fund money too be different than someone who earns their own money and buys a home or invests in a business.  Shep didn't pay for his college education either, I have no doubt.  The money from the show may be the only money Shep has ever actually earned, and that to me is significant.  Again, I'm not saying Shep is irresponsible.....just that his lifestyle revolves around money that he never had to earn and he has a trust fund safety net that he likely can't screw up.  Craig and Shep come from two different worlds, financially.

  • Love 4

My feeling about Shep's money is that he inherited some, and probably has trust fund income as well, and he has invested his money so that he can live off the investment income and maybe not even touch the principal. At least that's how it sounded to me once when he talked about managing his funds and "mailbox money". I give Shep credit for going to business school and learning to invest HIS money. It's not "someone else's" when you earn it through wise investing. The house he built is his own investment, the restaurant is his own investment, whatever stocks, bonds, etc. he has are his investments. Not to take up for Shep too much, because his aging frat boy thing is starting to really bug me, but a lot of people inherit money or have trust fund income and totally waste it rather than learn to manage it as Shep does. 


Shep comes across as quite intelligent, which makes it even more annoying that he's living the same routine over and over. If he seemed happy doing whatever he's doing, I'd be all "hey, go for it!" but he comes across as so bitter and pissed off now. Take a trip around the world, Shep, or at least get out of Charleston for a while.


My point is only that I don't know if Shep has invested and manages his inheritance/ trust fund money himself or if his trust/inheritance is set up in a way for him that allows him to live off the  "mailbox money".  I just don't know enough to give him credit either way.  Surely Shep is educated in that he has a college degree, but he's not exactly doing much IMO.   

  • Love 4

Just how and why did Thomas come to lose so much weight since last season. He was not overweight plus he is active (the polo thing).


Stress? Doctors orders (middle age male heart issues//blood pressure)? Drugs - the recreational kind ? 


I think he looks a bit gaunt. 


I'll admit, his face looks gaunt and drawn (I think from not eating well and drinking too much), but did you see the preview where he rips his shirt off after the polo match?  Most of the shot was from the rear, but there were a few profile/front shots, and Thomas is definitely sporting the "middle aged spread" in his stomach area.  

  • Love 2

The assumption is being made that no birth control was used, but we don't know.  Birth control fails.  Perhaps that is why Kathryn took 30 (??)pregnancy tests, because she thought it wasn't possible for her to be pregnant.  We just do not know.

Interesting thought and makes the 30 tests somewhat make sense. So maybe she did think God must want it. Dummy


Seriously!!  It grossed me out, too, all I could think of was the pee.  I think they were dated, too, with a sharpie.  So much weird.

So Duggar like to have test sticks by the lot. Otherwise not so normal...


To me it looked like her parents house.  It did not look like Thomas' plantation house.

It was her parents house. A joke was made about it looking like a Tara... After the war.

Edited by Almost 3000
  • Love 3
The assumption is being made that no birth control was used, but we don't know.  Birth control fails.  Perhaps that is why Kathryn took 30 (??)pregnancy tests, because she thought it wasn't possible for her to be pregnant.  We just do not know



That sounds like someone trying to get pregnant to me.  No one needs 30 tests to tell them they ARE pregnant.  Of course, we don't know.  But I'm fond of the theory she wanted to try for a boy in the hopes THAT might get ole Tommy to the altar.

  • Love 5
sheetmoss, on 05 Apr 2016 - 1:45 PM, said:

They do, Whitney produces the show and Shep owns a bar/restaurant.


While Shep has a trust fund, he was smart & savvy enough to make into his mid-30's by not blowing it all...and being able to live comfortably off the  interest it's generating--aka 'mailbox money' as Shep calls it He also owns a home and business.

That's very responsible behavior when it comes to handling money IMO. Also, wasn't Shep's degree in business?


So yes, I think he can school Craig on finances


I agree with you. Whitney and Shep both have the luxury of being "men of leisure."  But just because they aren't working a 9-6 job doesn't mean they aren't doing anything.  As mentioned, Shep has his bar, plus they've shown him doing many activities like surfing, golfing, boating.  I don't think he's sitting at home twiddling his thumbs all day. And even if he is.... well, so what?  That's his prerogative. Whitney?  Well, I guess he has his band - and producing(?) this show that we love to hate! lol  It sounds like he primarily lives in LA and just comes to Charleston for filming.


Bossa Nova, on 05 Apr 2016 - 2:04 PM, said:

Just how and why did Thomas come to lose so much weight since last season. He was not overweight plus he is active (the polo thing).


Stress? Doctors orders (middle age male heart issues//blood pressure)? Drugs - the recreational kind ? 


I think he looks a bit gaunt. 


I thought he looked older, but not much thinner.  I need to re-watch season 1 again to compare.  I can't believe I actually found him remotely attractive in season 1.  BlecH!

  • Love 2

Yeah, well, I need Bethenny to be broke again & Stassi to be a nasty asshole again.  OK, Stassi will probably get super nasty again, but let's not ask for the impossible.  Bethenny is staying rich (and NYC Housewives will suffer for it) & Shep will get weirder & uglier & certainly less interesting.  But there was never much in Shep to begin with.  


I NEVER understood the swooning over this guy in the earlier threads.  I went to college with a billion dudes who looked like him.  His looks were never anything special to me.  And now (like Jax) he's about 6 seconds from middle age, and whatever looks he did have are more obviously fraying.  The horse teeth are looking more obviously like horse teeth, he's getting a jittery old man walk & his eyes are looking more bugged out.  And that wild-looking hair, which may might have looked vaguely sexy when he was younger, now gives him a crazed get-the-fuck-away-from-me look that's downright scary.


The jealousy over Craig, I completely don't get.  OK, maybe he's still feeling the sting of that public humiliation of the auction.  Shrugging hard.  Get the fuck over that shit, dude.  You got money, man.  Craig is a broke loser, who has to sell himself to some rich chick.  You won.  You may be starting to look like shit as you're facing middle age dead in the face, but so the fuck what?  At least you got money, Shep.  Idk, I'm finding Shep's goofball routine annoying.  I'd like to see him trying to pick up college chicks.  That should be worth a few chuckles.


Alrighty, let's talk PERIWINKLE, shall we?  Idiot Kathryn mentioned it 5 billion times & I've never heard of this color, altho I've seen it.  Light purple, right?  So I'll ask the inevitable question.  Is this a big color in the South?  I asked my bf from Texas & he refused to answer.  He said it's a dopey insulting question.  Um, is it?  I love this guy, but he really has to watch this show.

Periwinkle seems a great alternative to pink. I've been seeing it around a lot lately so not necessarily Southern even though it seems a very Lilly Pulitzer color.

  • Love 3

I couldn't figure out why Kathryn seems to be so upset over this.  She keeps saying that she and Thomas have no relationship, and only "got back together" for a few days, and she really is over him, so why the attitude if Landon did hit on Thomas (although I highly doubt it).


Anyway, so glad this show is back, but I was a little disappointed last night.  IMO, they all just seem to be a little too camera-savvy now, as happens most times with reality TV.

They really do. I saw the dinner clip a couple weeks ago and at first I thought it was some fake skit they were doing. Cameron especially is a very poor actress. Don't get me wrong she's cute and I like her , but her "I'm getting out of here" made me laugh. Thomas seemed to be trying to redo his announcement to return to politics speech. It all came off very fake. I'll still watch to see how we get to that dinner...but yeah very aware of the cameras.

  • Love 3

Shep is really looking older. His hair was a mess at Craig's party and you could see how his hairline is receding on each side of his forehead.

I thought JD looked like he had gained weight.

I agree that Craig's "girlfriend" just wants airtime. I wouldn't be surprised if Bravo is renting that house for them, just as I am sure they are paying Landon's rent on the place where she is living during filming.

  • Love 2

My point is only that I don't know if Shep has invested and manages his inheritance/ trust fund money himself or if his trust/inheritance is set up in a way for him that allows him to live off the  "mailbox money".  I just don't know enough to give him credit either way.  Surely Shep is educated in that he has a college degree, but he's not exactly doing much IMO.   

Shep said in an earlier episode (last season) that he manages his investments. He has an MBA in addition to a Bachelor's degree. He explained how his father taught him to invest his money so that it earned him more money, i.e., dividends, etc., a.k.a. "mailbox money". It seemed like he might get a large check from a trust once a year or more, and that he uses that money not just to live on but to earn more money. Shep seems to me like a wealthy guy who just hasn't found a real passion to invest his LIFE in yet. Sort of like in England in the 1800s where you had wealthy men who did not work so some spent their lives drinking, hunting, and gambling while some did things like travel collecting art and books or financing and going on archaeological digs. 

  • Love 6

I'm thinking that maybe Thomas was lax in the contraception department because he figured, WTF, I'll have just one baby mama. He's still a moron.

That was definitely not a housewarming party Craig threw because a) it's not his house; it's her parents' and 2) they're just temporary digs because the parents are selling the property. Also,didn't Craig say it was an I'm back kind of event?

  • Love 2

Shep said in an earlier episode (last season) that he manages his investments. He has an MBA in addition to a Bachelor's degree. He explained how his father taught him to invest his money so that it earned him more money, i.e., dividends, etc., a.k.a. "mailbox money". It seemed like he might get a large check from a trust once a year or more, and that he uses that money not just to live on but to earn more money. Shep seems to me like a wealthy guy who just hasn't found a real passion to invest his LIFE in yet. Sort of like in England in the 1800s where you had wealthy men who did not work so some spent their lives drinking, hunting, and gambling while some did things like travel collecting art and books or financing and going on archaeological digs. 



Well, there you go!  I stand corrected.  Shep's wealthy father gave him money, then taught him how to turn that money into more money in addition to the money he gets from his other wealthy relatives.  But he has an MBA!  So basically, he is the perfect guy to advise Craig, Craig also has an expensive degree he's not using.  All Craig needs is the rich daddy (in law) and he's all set.  Life lessons by Shep Rose!  LOL!

  • Love 6

Wait, didn't Shep's hotdog joint burn down or am I dreaming that? Does anyone know? Does he have another restaurant?

I read somewhere that Shep's restaurant burned down in January, 2016.  I guess it started in one of the upstairs apartments above the bar/restaurant.  Shep didn't mention in the article about reopening a new restaurant when he was interviewed/quoted.

  • Love 2

Well, there you go!  I stand corrected.  Shep's wealthy father gave him money, then taught him how to turn that money into more money in addition to the money he gets from his other wealthy relatives.  But he has an MBA!  So basically, he is the perfect guy to advise Craig, Craig also has an expensive degree he's not using.  All Craig needs is the rich daddy (in law) and he's all set.  Life lessons by Shep Rose!  LOL!



I think your original premise is correct.  I don't let the Bible tell me the Bible says so and it has to be the truth...because the Bible says so.  So Shep?  Yeah not a lot of faith in reality star's spinning about themselves.  Nope.  No Church of Shep the Truthful being built in my neighborhood any time soon.  And I work alongside a bunch of other MBAs all making wealth for someone else when all is said and done.  If an MBA guaranteed being money wise, Donald Drumpf would actually have the money he claims to and could easily show us.  Not to mention all the people with MBAs who somehow manage to find themselves in bankruptcy.   So I think Shep having all that to do with his own wealth whatever it is isn't going to rest because Shep said so.  On the show.  If I had to apply that rule imagine where I would be in regards to Ravenal and Katheryn.  Or any other reality show.


I think Shep could lie as easy as he could tell the truth if it suited him.  Or stretch it.  Or twist it.  Or omit the hell out of it.

  • Love 1
Alrighty, let's talk PERIWINKLE, shall we? Idiot Kathryn mentioned it 5 billion times & I've never heard of this color, altho I've seen it. Light purple, right?



Periwinkle was always a Crayola crayon color. It's famous!


Shep said in an earlier episode (last season) that he manages his investments. He has an MBA in addition to a Bachelor's degree. He explained how his father taught him to invest his money so that it earned him more money, i.e., dividends, etc., a.k.a. "mailbox money". It seemed like he might get a large check from a trust once a year or more, and that he uses that money not just to live on but to earn more money. Shep seems to me like a wealthy guy who just hasn't found a real passion to invest his LIFE in yet. Sort of like in England in the 1800s where you had wealthy men who did not work so some spent their lives drinking, hunting, and gambling while some did things like travel collecting art and books or financing and going on archaeological digs.





I have a feeling there is a lot more to Shep's life than we see on tv. Shep doesn't seem insecure, therefore he doesn't feel the need to prove anything to anyone (unlike Craig) so he's fine acting like the one-dimensional frat boy.  The serious, sensible, MBA- investor side of Shep would probably make boring tv.

Edited by TheFinalRose
  • Love 6

I'm just gonna sit here quietly in the corner and let the crowd around Shep continue to clear, and then make my move. Mwahahahaha....

I really enjoyed the edit of Landon making that weird gloating face being inserted right when Kathryn had her periwinkle epiphany. Like Landon was really monitoring that conversation closely and reacting to periwinkle being discussed. In her periwinkle dress. Periwinkle is a really great word, by the way. So underappreciated.

  • Love 8

I feel sorry for Craig, at least being the butt of so many mean-spirited, arrogant comments from some of the others. He looked painfully self-conscious and anxious at his housewarming party. Given Shep's privilege and earlier breezy sunny personality, it's bizarre that he's become fixated on schooling Craig. All I can guess is that Shep is accustomed to success and adoration, and he's furious that he was made to look bad on a reality TV show....and by a northern "commoner" no less. That's his entitled hubris coming out.


For those still wondering, Kathryn stated last night that she's living in her parents' home. It's possible that her parents and a nanny are doing the bulk of the childcare. I don't see her as a consistent mother figure.


I don't think Thomas sold his plantation home. Isn't that where his polo fields are? I think he did sell the Charleston town home he got for Kathryn, or it was a rental. It's interesting that he isn't providing a residence for Kathryn and the children.


Kathryn may be in this for the long haul. In 30 years or so, her children could be very wealthy heirs.


I do love seeing the interiors of those old Charleston houses. Thomas' was built in 1815.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 7

I feel sorry for Craig, at least being the butt of so many mean-spirited, arrogant comments from some of the others. He looked painfully self-conscious and anxious at his housewarming party. Given Shep's privilege and earlier breezy sunny personality, it's bizarre that he's become fixated on schooling Shep. All I can guess is that Shep is accustomed to success and adoration, and he's furious that he was made to look bad on a reality TV show....and by a northern "commoner" no less. That's his entitled hubris coming out.


For those still wondering, Kathryn stated last night that she's living in her parent's home. It's possible that her parents and a nanny are doing the bulk of the childcare. I don't see her as a consistent mother figure.


I don't think Thomas sold his plantation home. Isn't that where his polo fields are? I think he did sell the Charleston town home he got for Kathryn, or it was a rental. It's interesting that he isn't providing a residence for Kathryn and the children.


Kathryn may be in this for the long haul. In 30 years or so, her children could be very wealthy heirs.


I do love seeing the interiors of those old Charleston houses. Thomas' was build in 1815.


I agree, although I cringed a little when he asked that guy (was he a historic home preservation design specialist, or just a general contractor-?) what he thought about "marble-izing" the foyer.  I'm imagining a gorgeous foyer ruined by bad faux painting.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 2

I have to laugh at Thomas whining about how South Carolina laws give the unwed mother total control over her children. Boo-frickin'-hoo, T-Rav! You screwed her, she got pregnant, then you didn't want to marry her because both of you are 1) bat-shit crazy, and 2) morons. You knew the law or learned about it soon enough after Kensie's birth.


He could probably have gotten good legal advice to marry Kathryn with a solid pre-nup and trust-fund for Kensie, then divorce her after about 2 years, providing her with a nice home, car, few years of alimony, and specific child support, plus a court-mandated visitation schedule. But he couldn't even bother to do that, too worried about running for a political office he had no chance of winning. 


Either way, those poor kids (seriously, now there are two!) are going to be pawns between their parents for decades, just because T-Rav can't keep his hands of their mama due to her red hair and "physicality". 

  • Love 12

Alrighty, let's talk PERIWINKLE, shall we?  Idiot Kathryn mentioned it 5 billion times & I've never heard of this color, altho I've seen it.  Light purple, right?  So I'll ask the inevitable question.  Is this a big color in the South?  I asked my bf from Texas & he refused to answer.  He said it's a dopey insulting question.  Um, is it?  I love this guy, but he really has to watch this show.

I think Cooper tweeted the ultimate answer last night!




K. Cooper Ray ‏@KCooperRayCHS  23h23 hours ago South Carolina, USA

#Periwinkle is the new black #SouthernCharm @Bravotv

Edited by ProudMary
  • Love 5

I don't feel sorry for Craig he was in fact a total screw up who blew off his job and studying for the bar to get wasted every night. I am not a fan of Shep's lecturing but Craig firing back that Whitney and him do similar things and Shep told him straight up that they had the money to do that and Craig needs to realize that he doesnt.

  • Love 6
Either way, those poor kids (seriously, now there are two!) are going to be pawns between their parents for decades, just because T-Rav can't keep his hands of their mama due to her red hair and "physicality"




I can't stop laughing every time I recall T-Rav's southern drawl saying "physicality." This show just never stops giving.

  • Love 5

I can't stop laughing every time I recall T-Rav's southern drawl saying "physicality." This show just never stops giving.

I know! I hear him drawling those five syllables over and over in my head and chuckle every time. It also makes me think of Real Housewives of Atlanta's Apollo saying "juviality". He and T-Rav have a few things in common.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 8

I registered on these forums back in August 2015 so I could give thumbs up to the commenters who were saying what I was thinking but was too lazy to write myself. But I feel today is the day to write my first post because one of my favorite reality shows - Southern Charm - is back (beautiful homes, funny cast, crazy people, etc.) and because Katherine basically gave me a personal shoutout on national TV! WooHoo (tm Vicki Gunvalsen)!!! 


Now to the heart of the matter:



If you are reading this (and I'm sure you are since any intelligent person in your position would have "google alerted" the word "periwinkle" by now; It's important to stay abreast of any new info about this serious topic), I want to reassure you that I am in no way involved in whatever twisted mind games Landon and Thomas are playing. I think they may be trying to make me the fall guy for their evil-doings but I know you are level headed and mature enough to see through their machinations. Good luck to you and I can't wait to see what this season has in store.


                                                                                                                                                                                    PERIWINKLE  :P




  • Love 19

I registered on these forums back in August 2015 so I could give thumbs up to the commenters who were saying what I was thinking but was too lazy to write myself. But I feel today is the day to write my first post because one of my favorite reality shows - Southern Charm - is back (beautiful homes, funny cast, crazy people, etc.) and because Katherine basically gave me a personal shoutout on national TV! WooHoo (tm Vicki Gunvalsen)!!! 


Now to the heart of the matter:



If you are reading this (and I'm sure you are since any intelligent person in your position would have "google alerted" the word "periwinkle" by now; It's important to stay abreast of any new info about this serious topic), I want to reassure you that I am in no way involved in whatever twisted mind games Landon and Thomas are playing. I think they may be trying to make me the fall guy for their evil-doings but I know you are level headed and mature enough to see through their machinations. Good luck to you and I can't wait to see what this season has in store.


                                                                                                                                                                                    PERIWINKLE  :P

That's gold, Jerry, Gold! I actually chortled/guffawed and snorted as I read this. 

Did it look to anyone else like Landon has lost a lot of weight? She looks very thin to me, while JD looks like he's packed on quite a few. I hope JD isn't featured more, I liked that he and his wife (forgot her name) stayed more in the background and didn't join in the bad behavior. Still not a Cameran fan, I just think she's a better actress. I've been side eyeing her since I've seen her twice order drinks from a lowly bartender with nary a please or thank you in sight. You can tell a lot about a person in how they treat service people. Even Pat says please and thank you to the poor beleaguered butler and Thomas stands up with Looney Kiki goes off the rails and bolts from the table. 

  • Love 3

Thomas doesn't need to give Kathryn a house South of Broad and money to buy new lash extensions, but he needs to provide her with child support payments.  She's obviously doing the vast amount of the child care and he has plenty of money.  He can hate her all he wants and, frankly, he can be as absentee a father as he wants, but he needs to provide for them financially.


Whose fault the pregnancies are, who is a bigger moron, and who is the bigger trash bag of a person are all debatable points, but he needs to consistently and adequately support his children.  Period.  

  • Love 6

Periwinkle seems a great alternative to pink. I've been seeing it around a lot lately so not necessarily Southern even though it seems a very Lilly Pulitzer color.


OK, was Kathryn so peeved about PERIWINKLE cuz she can't wear it or she thinks it may not look flattering on her?  I came up with this theory cuz my sis is a redhead & she insists there are certain colors that clash badly with her hair.  And purple (oh, excuse me, PERIWINKLE) is on her list of "clashy" colors she refuses to ever wear.  Now, Landon (who OMG, ALWAYS annoys the absolute piss outta me with that nasally whiny voice of hers) really looked nice in PERIWINKLE (as a brunette).


Also, I have a hard time believing Kathryn is actually jealous of Landon -- about the possibility of her hooking up with drunk ole Thomas.  Sure, Kathryn is a dumb-dumb, but come on.  Landon's prudishness seems so obvious to anyone/everyone (at least on the show).  Besides, Thomas clearly likes 'em younger & dumber than Landon.  Ahem, Kathryn.


Have no feeling whatsoever about Kathryn's preggers pee-sticks.  Idk, that flew by me.  But I was puzzled about the producers' including Cameran peeing off Shep's boat.  I wasn't grossed out by it, just puzzled why they included this.  Maybe to show Cameran is human?  Cuz I figured up till now she's so perfect, perfect, perfect, I assumed she was some programmed fembot -- Charleston's version of a Stepford wife.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 1

I registered on these forums back in August 2015 so I could give thumbs up to the commenters who were saying what I was thinking but was too lazy to write myself. But I feel today is the day to write my first post because one of my favorite reality shows - Southern Charm - is back (beautiful homes, funny cast, crazy people, etc.) and because Katherine basically gave me a personal shoutout on national TV! WooHoo (tm Vicki Gunvalsen)!!!

It's your time to shine, Periwinkle! Glad you're out of the darkness and ready to be splashed across the boards--both Previously.TV boards and the boards of T-Rav's house!

  • Love 7

Thomas doesn't need to give Kathryn a house South of Broad and money to buy new lash extensions, but he needs to provide her with child support payments.  She's obviously doing the vast amount of the child care and he has plenty of money.  He can hate her all he wants and, frankly, he can be as absentee a father as he wants, but he needs to provide for them financially.


And give them central air...

  • Love 3


Sorry - I just have a hard time when women are slut-shamed.  Even IF she DID SLEEP WITH ALL OF THEM, so the eff what. She can. Move on. Men do it. FWIW, I think it's gross for both sexes (lol), but I don't think it's fair to shame one gender but not the other. And in this case, it seems like the cast is more critical towards Kathryn that Thomas, and yet.... Thomas has the black eye. Amazing.


I think in previous seasons, some of the cast members (Thomas and Shep) defended Kathryn in their talking heads about this when she was called out by Craig at Thomas' dinner party. I think everyone knows Thomas and Kathryn are both insane.  I think Kathryn is more actively drama-starting and shouting at people which is people avoid her/blame her more.  Thomas seems like he is at least acting pleasant most of the time (not all of the time as the dinner party preview shows!), probably from his time as a politician, which makes him more bearable (although not less culpable).

I like Shep. He seems to be fairly self-aware. He admits that he can be impossible and annoying, which is sort of refreshing in a show on which everyone seems to buy into their own hype. He's kind of doofy and awkward and silly, and I think he's adorable.

I don't understand what Craig has accomplished with his comeback, other than acquiring a wealthy girlfriend. Otherwise he seems the same as he ever was.

  • Love 9
izabella, on 05 Apr 2016 - 5:28 PM, said:

Half the time I side-eye Patricia, and the other half I can't help laughing.  I loved that she just came out and said they were both morons, so, um bless their hearts? 


Is Thomas actually friends with anyone on this show?  I can't remember.


I think he is (or was?) genuinely friends with JD and his wife, although he's not a "main character."  I thought that he and Whitney were friends in season 1, but clearly not now!


RedHawk, on 05 Apr 2016 - 7:14 PM, said:

I have to laugh at Thomas whining about how South Carolina laws give the unwed mother total control over her children. Boo-frickin'-hoo, T-Rav! You screwed her, she got pregnant, then you didn't want to marry her because both of you are 1) bat-shit crazy, and 2) morons. You knew the law or learned about it soon enough after Kensie's birth.


He could probably have gotten good legal advice to marry Kathryn with a solid pre-nup and trust-fund for Kensie, then divorce her after about 2 years, providing her with a nice home, car, few years of alimony, and specific child support, plus a court-mandated visitation schedule. But he couldn't even bother to do that, too worried about running for a political office he had no chance of winning. 


Either way, those poor kids (seriously, now there are two!) are going to be pawns between their parents for decades, just because T-Rav can't keep his hands of their mama due to her red hair and "physicality". 


So much this. Boo-frickin-hoo indeed. Especially for a man who seems to think that the NANNY should be doing most of the heavy-lifting when it comes to childcare.  How much time do you think he's actually spent child-rearing -- aka: feeding the kids, changing diapers, etc?  My guess is somewhere between zero time and 5%.  Shut UP Thomas.


RedHawk, on 05 Apr 2016 - 8:14 PM, said:

I know! I hear him drawling those five syllables over and over in my head and chuckle every time. It also makes me think of Real Housewives of Atlanta's Apollo saying "juviality". He and T-Rav have a few things in common.


Gosh those 2 really have more in common than I thought.  And it's sad.  Jail time.  Bad grammar.  And 2 young kids who likely won't know their father very well, if at all.


jennylauren123, on 06 Apr 2016 - 09:09 AM, said:

I hadn't noticed that Landon lost weight; she has always looked slim to me. But Dani looks very, very thin. I would think dangerously thin, and she used to be very healthy looking.


Yeah Landon might look a tad slimmer, but not excessively so.  I commented on how skinny Dani was last season.  She's extremely frail looking on top. 

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Oh, Thomas.  How far you've come from once being thought of as the charming and intriguing gentleman of Season 1.  I seriously think the booze has gone to his brain.  He seems unstable and creepy.  While Kathryn is a wreck too, at least when the children are with her (as other posters pointed out), her parents are probably primarily responsible for their care.  Although, they did raise Kathryn too so who knows how great of an influence they are.  At the least I hope they're responsible and kind.  But I would be seriously concerned about T-Rav being able to safely care for two small children.  He's probably drunk most of the time and unstable when sober.  But:



Especially for a man who seems to think that the NANNY should be doing most of the heavy-lifting when it comes to childcare.

  Thank God for the Nanny!


When T-Rav sat down with Kathryn at the party, the first thing he said was, "is that a new bag"?  She grabbed it and moved it to the other side of the chair and said it wasn't.  I cannot imagine what a tense topic finances are between these two.  I think he wants to keep a roof over the kids heads and give them whatever they need, but Kathryn is not to gain anything extra from it for her own lifestyle:  bags, clothes, make-up, etc.  Maybe when he sees the scene of her make-up less, he'll rethink it and give her a generous stipend!


I always liked JD's wife and how she stays above the fray.  She's been kind and almost motherly to Kathryn before and I was sorry to hear her say that Kathryn won't take her calls.  Kathryn could use someone like her in her corner.  



I commented on how skinny Dani was last season.  She's extremely frail looking on top.

Agreed.  Nothing new there, she was an absolute bone last season.  And I've always liked how she presents herself so it's worrisome.


I too want the skinny on Jennifer's baby Daddy.  Anyone know the scoop?


Whitney has soooooo had his eyelids done!!  Hello!  Who's wide awake?!!

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"I too want the skinny on Jennifer's baby Daddy.  Anyone know the scoop?" - Kiki620 (sorry, haven't learned to quote yet)


I missed something! Who is Jennifer? The name sounds familiar but I can't remember who that is. I love this show but don't recall too much about Season 1. Was that the girl who had the glove? Since her glove made more of an impression than she did, replacing her with Landon was a good move I think.


Even though Landon is probably one of the less interesting cast members I read something about her once that I thought was so strange. Last season was all about her failed marriage and how hard it was to leave her workaholic husband, especially since he provided her with such a great life (in a material way - cars, trips, jewelry, beautiful home, etc.). I was curious about who he was/what his job is and I read that he is the ex-husband of Stacey Dash! Landon was even the step-mother to Stacey Dash's kid. They seem really different and Stacey Dash has gotten a lot of attention lately for her "unique" take on politics and social/race issues. It  cracks me up thinking how she was once married to the same man as Dee from clueless! Has anyone else seen that anywhere?


I would love to see Stacey D., Landon, and Katherine in a room together with Cameran providing the commentary -  from a safe distance, LOL. 


The article also mentioned that Landon is her middle name and her real name is Ainsley. I think I would do the same thing with my name if I was in that situation. Ainsley just conjures up images of... unpleasant things.

When T-Rav sat down with Kathryn at the party, the first thing he said was, "is that a new bag"?  She grabbed it and moved it to the other side of the chair and said it wasn't.  I cannot imagine what a tense topic finances are between these two.


I thought the same thing, that Kathryn doesn't want him to see her with anything "new" and likely expensive. If he's still giving her $5,000 a month (I think that's the sum he once mentioned) he may suspect she's spending a lot of it on items for herself. However, I'll bet some of her clothes, shoes, and purses are samples sent from designers and stylists hoping she will wear them on the show, or items she has borrowed promising to wear them on camera.


Thomas wants to give her money by choice, not by court order, and likely to be spent only on his kids' needs. They're in such a stupid situation that way. She can't really force money from him, he can't really force time with his kids from her.


Edited by RedHawk
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I thought the same thing, that Kathryn doesn't want him to see her with anything "new" and likely expensive. If he's still giving her $5,000 a month (I think that's the sum he once mentioned) he may suspect she's spending a lot of it on items for herself. However, I'll bet some of her clothes, shoes, and purses are samples sent from designers and stylists hoping she will wear them on the show, or items she has borrowed promising to wear them on camera.


Thomas wants to give her money, not by court order, and likely to be spent only on his kids' needs. They're in such a stupid situation that way. She can't really force money from him, he can't really force time with his kids from her.



Well, that was a $5000 handbag so maybe Thomas is on to something!  ...and I can guarantee that Chanel did not send Kathryn Dennis a handbag to be carried on Southern Charm!  No way in hell.  However, I seem to recall Kathryn carrying Chanel bags on previous episodes, so maybe it really wasn't a new bag. Maybe she rents them, or buys them on Canal Street. 

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Well, that was a $5000 handbag so maybe Thomas is on to something!  ...and I can guarantee that Chanel did not send Kathryn Dennis a handbag to be carried on Southern Charm!  No way in hell.  

Ha, ha - exactly!!!  She routinely shows off a Birkin in her Instagram account pics and if Chanel isn't comping bags you can sure as hell bet that Hermes isn't.  If she bought that thing, they start at around $12,000 and go upwards of $100,000!  Is that coming from her Southern Charm paycheck???  Although, her yoga pants do come from Target so maybe she saves the difference from not shopping at Lululemon!  

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Landon just grates, between the perma squinty smile and the annoying voice, I hope she's not the narrator for the season.  It did seem like in the previews she'd be taking on a larger role this season with Cameran kind of in the background?  Which is too bad, I prefer Cam.


T-Rav is just a hot mess.  I wouldn't be surprised if he and Landon got together because I can see her wanting to be a lady of leisure despite saying she doesn't want to be.  Kathryn is also a mess, and I think both she and T decided to have another baby.  The fact that they broke up right after makes me question if they were truly back together or was  it a case of just agreeing to have another kid?


Cam is right about Craig, he's finally found easy street with the rich girlfriend.  I think the girl wanted on the show more than anything and Craig's an easy way to do that.  Will it last? Not likely.


I don't think Shep seems jealous of Craig at all.  Shep's right, he's got money, Craig doesn't and will have to work for it, even if he marries this rich girl, he'll be required to have some form of acceptable employment.

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