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S05.E07: Bait And Stitch

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Dom won and Valerie went home.


Ugh..I'm shocked Kini was safe.  I'm so worried about him this season.  He's being distracted by his dislike for Sam for sure.  


Personally?  I loved Ken's more than Dom's but she did deserve a win.  I felt sorry for Emily but she did pretty good...not that I'd wear it or anything.  LOL


That being said...what the hell was he wearing on his head?

  • Love 7

How was Kini safe?! I like him but damn that dress was all kinds of fugly!

I figured one of those pants outfits would go home. Are pantsuits popular again? Everyone seems to like doing those.

I thought a lot of the designs were very good. I liked Ken's the best as far as it looked like resort wear. But Dom's dress was different and elegant. It was her turn to win I guess.

  • Love 3

I'm not feeling any of this crap. Dom's was the best, from the standpoint of: hey, at least it doesn't look like everything else we've seen for years and years of PR, ad nauseum.


Wasn't surprised Valerie left. I won't miss her sadness. I was hoping she'd make it a little farther, but after last week, I figured if she was on the bottom this week, she'd be out. OTOH, I knew if Sam was on the bottom, he would not be going home.


But, of course, I needn't have worried. He was in the top again. With a dress we HAVE seen time and time again. And kudos to him for making brocade look not brocade-y? It wasn't a traditional brocade anyway, Isaac. If Isaac can single handedly make it happen, Sam will be the winner of this mess. It's obvious he's almost as into Sam as he was into Anthony Ryan, imho.


I was rooting for Kini, but he seems to have lost his happy spirit. And I agree with NYGirl: he's letting his resentment at Sam take away his focus. I know it sucks that Sam let him make the outfit and then took credit for it, without even acknowledging Kini at all, but Kini needs to move on, y'all.


I don't really care who wins as long as it's Not Sam. Even Asha would be preferable over him, once again, imo.

  • Love 15

Ugh..I'm shocked Kini was safe. 



How was Kini safe?! I like him but damn that dress was all kinds of fugly!


Kini's was the absolute worst as far as I'm concerned. He should have at least been in the bottom. His dress made Emily's look sophisticated by comparison, for Pete's sake! But if they'd had it in the bottom and we had looked at it too closely or too long, we'd question why he wasn't auf'ed. And they can't auf him yet because there's still so much drama to be mined from the conflicts with Sam.


I've never been a huge Kini fan; his exceptional (and FAST!) sewing skill have gotten him more praise than I feel his designs warrant. But that dress was an all time low for him and would have gotten anyone else sent home..


Well anyone they didn't need for drama that is.

  • Love 5

I think Lalani should have gone rather than Valerie. Although I loved

the color of the fabric she did not work with it well. Valerie's looked

better constructed. Both were boring.


I would have loved to have seen what Alexander was going to do with

the fabric Emily got stuck with, also what Kini had planned for his

original fabric. Sam's original fabric would have been interesting in the

hands of a better designer, unfortunately Kini was not that designer.

Although I think Sam would have made a boring mess of it too.


This challenge was kind of mean!


Also, it would have been interesting to see what Valerie had planned

for the many different fabric pieces she purchased that Dom vetoed.

I didn't care for Dom's garmet, mostly because of the fabric. But I've

never liked Dom's print choices especially in her season. Some of her

designs were interesting, but never liked her fabric choices. Which she

was always congratulated for which has always puzzled me.

  • Love 1

I've never been a huge Kini fan; his exceptional (and FAST!) sewing skill have gotten him more praise than I feel his designs warrant. But that dress was an all time low for him and would have gotten anyone else sent home..

Yeah, Kini seems like a nice guy and all, but I don't think he's a strong designer. His final collection for S13 was weak and would have been 100 times worse without the judges' intervention. I just don't think he has good taste.


Dom has this sham of a competition on lock. The panel might be high on Sam right now, but no way he's winning with such a negative edit.  

  • Love 5
I think Lalani should have gone rather than Valerie. Although I loved the color of the fabric she did not work with it well. Valerie's looked better constructed. Both were boring.



I agree. Lalani's looked really ill fitting to me. I would find Valerie's hard to wear because of the deep cleavage, but it was better fitted and didn't look like it was a sewn, satin bed sheet.

  • Love 7

It was interesting hearing Alyssa be the voice of reason this week. She didn't actually like much of anything, and to be honest, I was right there with her. I hated the stripe pattern on Dom's skirt, it was very beach towel-ish and I hate those colors together. Kudos to her for making all those stripes, but it was ugly. Ken's didn't seem very resort-like to me, Sam's was boring and cheap-looking, both jumpsuits were ugly, Kini's was a lace bathrobe, Emily's was WTF, Asha's was poorly fitted (and grey?! Who chose grey?!), etc. etc. The only thing I liked was Alexander's, and the top of Dom's. And here's Isaac proclaiming how fantastic they all did and what stars they all are!! No.

  • Love 7

I want to know if this was done on purpose...  Close up of Alyssa's popping cleavage then straight to Isaac saying,  "Hi Girls!"    Hee


I would have sent Kini home this week and last week.  I would have been ok with Layana going home either week also.  Coming into

this competition  Kini and Dom were my favorites but Kini has turned me off with his nastiness on twitter and the show.  I understand his

frustration but he can control how he reacts. 


I didn't really love anything on the runway this week but it was nice to see so much color for a change.

  • Love 2

Enough with the freaking jumpsuits! Can someone enlighten me, do people actually wear jumpsuits? I live in central Florida and I've never seen anyone wear a jumpsuit in my life. Maybe I'm just not hanging out with fashionable enough people.

I forgot that I didn't like Layana in her season until this episode. I was really rooting for her to leave. She comes across so smug and superior without the talent to back it up. I remember a few episodes back Zanna told her that her jumpsuit looked flimsy and this one had the same problem. I think I hate all jumpsuits now.

I didn't love anything on the runway tonight but I give Dom props for being the most creative. I always appreciate when the designers make their own textiles even when I don't love the end product.

Anyway, I thought Alyssa looked better than usual on the runway tonight. Her hair and makeup were sort or nice and the white dress was almost flattering.

Edited by grumpypanda
  • Love 10

Enough with the freaking jumpsuits! Can someone enlighten me, do people actually wear jumpsuits? I live in central Florida and I've never seen anyone wear a jumpsuit in my life. Maybe I'm just not hanging out with fashionable enough people.

When a third of the cast makes (or starts to make) jumpsuits, there's a problem. I don't even know much about construction, but it must be right up there with "circle skirt" in terms of easy to make. Like, you don't need to fit an actual waistline, but just kind of continue to drape it from the top part. Because, indeed, WHO the hell is wearing these things? In real life?? Do you wear an adult diaper with it? Dehydrate yourself so you never have to piss? Utterly ridiculous.


On the positive side, all the janky outfits in this snow are really making me feel like I could dust off the sewing machine and perhaps create something comparable. All Stars, indeed!

  • Love 8

Did anyone else notice Layana wearing the same dress as Peytie from PR Junior?

On a sad note, I've already forgotten the name of the girl who won. And the name of purple-hair who won last season. Sigh. How soon we forget.




On a side note, count me in with those who hate pantsuits. They never fit right, and I hate having to get practically naked every time I have to pee.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 3

Did anyone else notice Layana wearing the same dress as Peytie from PR Junior?

On a sad note, I've already forgotten the name of the girl who won. And the name of purple-hair who won last season. Sigh. How soon we forget.




On a side note, count me in with those who hate pantsuits. They never fit right, and I hate having to get practically naked every time I have to pee.


Winner of PR Jr. was Maya, who would have mopped the floor with Ashley, last season's PR winner.

  • Love 10

I wasn't over thrilled with anything that went down the runway - I don't know what the judges were talking about with how great everything was.


But, I was wondering if they kind of gave a pass to Kini and Emily based on the fabrics they received in the trade, because, frankly, both those outfits were truly two of the worst things I've seen on PR show in a very long time.  Kini needs to get his "happy" back and get over Sam.  His bitterness and anger is starting to show in his designs.


I was thinking that Emily could have done more with the fabric she got, instead, she let the challenge get the better of her.  I don't think she's a good fit for "resort wear" - totally not her design aesthetic.


I would have LOVED to see what Sam would have done with that hideous turquoise lace.  It really looked like a cheap fabric - I've seen something similar at JoAnn's for less than $10.00/yard.  Unless you are making a budget prom/quinceanera dress, or a wedding dress for Ariel from Disney's "Little Mermaid", I cannot understand what that fabric would be used for.  


I think that Sam, once again, got saved by the fabric.  Granted, it was a brocade, but it seemed like a nice, light fabric that draped well.  The first dress he was working on looked like a different type of brocade in the same color family.  But, again, the design was very basic and nothing special.


I wasn't overly crazy about Dom's skirt - what were those ruffle things going down the sides?  But, that top was absolutely stunning--on the right person.  The judges were saying that Valerie's outfit could only be worn by someone who was 18 and flat chested.  I kind of thought the same thing about Dom's top.  In my opinion, anything that has a super plunging neckline looks much better on someone less well endowed than those of us with larger bustlines.  At least smaller-breasted women do not look like they are going to spill out if they breathe the wrong way.  


Of everything that was on the runway, imo, Dom deserved the win - only because of the top looks, I thought it was well made, interesting and encompassed the challenge.  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 4

I rolled my eyes when Ken was given the "privilege" of handing out the envelopes. Since he didn't get to open them beforehand, he was basically doing Alyssa's job with the button bag. I guess at least he got to pick the first bag when they swapped fabric later. I wish they were more consistent with the winner getting some kind of advantage each week or not (aside from immunity).


I didn't like this week's twist either. I know that sometimes as a designer, you have to work with fabric you don't love. But at least this time, the designers originally chose fabric they wanted to work with so they weren't deliberately screwing with each other when they picked their fabric.


The other thing I didn't like about the twist was that swapping fabric was enough, but assigning brocade and denim for a resortwear challenge was just mean.


Dom was pretty accurate in her assessment of the workroom - that was a pretty angry workroom right after the trade. Alexander seemed to have the best attitude about having sucky fabric. He said he knew he couldn't change the fabric but he could change the silhouette.


When Dom initially put that bright yellow and turquoise next to each other and said she was going to make her own fabric, I was afraid that it would end up looking like Flounder in the Little Mermaid, but I ended up liking it. Valerie chose some fun tropical colors that were perfect for resort wear. I didn't like the long ruffle going down the side of the skirt though. I guess since I was already thinking about Flounder, that seemed too similar to fins. I really liked Dom's top too.


I feel like I can accurately assess Sam's dress because my eyeballs were rolled so far back into my head due to all the compliments he was paying himself. "I'm at a loss for how good my dress looks." Hahaha, I loved that Alyssa didn't like it and had no qualms about it.


Valerie's jumpsuit looked like a jumpsuit. I don't know what else I can really say about it besides that there was a lot of cleavage showing and her model's ass looked great. I didn't like the head wrap thing either.


Layana's dress was really simple. I'm pretty sure I had a dress exactly like that in 1999 but in a different color and without the strappy back (which I didn't like). But it was flowy so it did fulfill the resortwear requirement. Whoops, I totally forgot that it was a jumpsuit because the legs were so flowy that I thought it was a dress.


What I disliked most about Alexander's was the material, which wasn't his fault. I don't know that there's a way to make a denim evening resortwear outfit that I would like, so he has my sympathies. The dress itself was okay, but I feel like I can't accurately judge the design because I really hated that fabric (which is also not 100% the fault of whoever chose the fabric because they were assigned denim for a resortwear challenge).


Emily's design didn't look much like evening wear (unless you count going clubbing) but given that she didn't have enough of the red fabric to make a full skirt or pants and the polka dot fabric was sheer, I feel like I can't ding her too much even though I didn't like any of it. What I can blame her for though is the styling, which I hated. The pointy bangs combined with the top bun was just a big no for me.


I didn't like Asha's dress, mostly because the top looked so ill-fitting. The darts in the bust were ridculous. She also gets demerits for mentioning "my girl."


Kini's lace dress, gawd. He's on the same list with Emily because he got stuck with sheer fabric and he didn't have many options. That turquoise lace managed to look both old lady and little girl at the same time.


Ken's neoprene gown seemed too fancy for resortwear, but I guess since it's evening it's okay? I didn't like how high the wrap part came on the top.


I like Megan Hilty and I agreed with her critiques. I thought Layana's top was cut in a little too much and that Valerie's neckline was a little too low. I was with Georgina when she pointed out that you'd have to be flat chested and 18 to wear Layana's jumpsuit was correct (although to be fair, half the time the judges don't care about that), especially since Megan was the guest judge and she has quite a rack on her.


I'm not surprised that Valerie was eliminated, but I appreciate that she seemed to have a good attitude about leaving.


Unless you are making a budget prom/quinceanera dress, or a wedding dress for Ariel from Disney's "Little Mermaid", I cannot understand what that fabric would be used for.

Hush your mouth! Ariel would never wear that hideous ass turquoise lace!

  • Love 7

I was so disappointed that I really liked Sam's look.....how can I like his look, but despise him so much?  


LMAO at Valerie trying to take credit for Dom's look.  It wasn't like it was a fabric that did all the work for her, she basically made a textile for the skirt.


Zanna is pretty useless "You've been in the middle a lot," "You should work on this"


I thought this was an okay runway, but it wasn't setting my world on fire.  At one point there was going to be three jumpsuits going down the runway...come on now.


Kini's was a mess, but perhaps they didn't want to give the appearance that they disapproved of Sam's fabric so they let Kini be safe...thats all I can think of.


Alyssa was so close to looking good this week!  So close!  The top of that white dress was great....but the bottom was a disaster....so unfortunate.


I'm glad I'm liking Ken this time around, but if they were going to give him an "advantage" wouldn't it be to have him choose last so he got whoever's fabric he wanted?

Does Alyssa ever pass by a mirror en route to the runway?

She has the same mirror Heidi had two seasons ago when Heidi stayed wearing too tight, sparkly go go dancer dresses.

  • Love 3

Enough with the freaking jumpsuits! Can someone enlighten me, do people actually wear jumpsuits? I live in central Florida and I've never seen anyone wear a jumpsuit in my life. Maybe I'm just not hanging out with fashionable enough people.

I forgot that I didn't like Layana in her season until this episode. I was really rooting for her to leave. She comes across so smug and superior without the talent to back it up. I remember a few episodes back Zanna told her that her jumpsuit looked flimsy and this one had the same problem. I think I hate all jumpsuits now.


For my money, I thought Leyana's jumpsuit was worse.  Maybe it was that fabric, maybe its the fact that I'm not ever a fan of the palazzo pant style of jumpsuit, and the top of it just looked terrible.  I thought Valerie's jumpsuit was simple, but well done.  I realize that simple will always go home on this show, but I thought it was a much better look than Leyana's mess.  Leyana is very unlikable, I have to agree with you there.  She is probably in my top 5 of least likable PR contestants of all time.




I like Megan Hilty and I agreed with her critiques. I thought Layana's top was cut in a little too much and that Valerie's neckline was a little too low. I was with Georgina when she pointed out that you'd have to be flat chested and 18 to wear Layana's jumpsuit was correct (although to be fair, half the time the judges don't care about that), especially since Megan was the guest judge and she has quite a rack on her.


I liked Megan Hilty too, to me she is exactly what I like in a guest judge, not trying to be cool and edgy by being mean, but finding something nice to say about everything and interspersing it with criticism.  And the first to admit that she doesn't come from the world of fashion.  I like the kindness, humility but honesty from a guest judge.  I feel like so many of them try so hard to establish their "fashion credibility" by just being mean, and I hate that.

  • Love 4

Silk charmeuse looks terrible and puckery if it's not cut on the bias, which takes some skill.  So I thought it was okay to pick that one over the peach cotton--if those had to be the choices for elimination.  But ye gods, Kini's model looked like she was literally wearing some Pampers Pull-Ups under there.  


Megan Hilty will be wearing a "sort of intentional" beach towel reference to her next Broadway event? 


But good for you, Dom!  Piecing together a textile and then making something out of the new fabric always blows my mind on these one-day challenges.  How does anyone find the time to execute, like, 150 extra cuts and seams?  Extra impressive after the camera lingers lovingly on Ken's ragged scissored armhole and the random tacks and gapes in Sam's draping.


Emily's giant polka dot material begged to be used abundantly or not at all.  Gathering all the polka dots into a waistband was a good start, but I think fastening a ballet-length skirt made of yards of sheer material around your waist over a bikini swimsuit bottom would have made more sense for a resort look than that sad little see-through skirt over shorts.


Hey, I finally agreed with Isaac about something!  The black & white striped belt was an inspired touch between the elegant white top and the bright color-chop bottom.

  • Love 11

I thought Ken was a sweetheart as is the usual theme for this backwards season.  So sweet to Emily.  


Meanwhile, Dom singing, "I made my own faaaabric".    Ugh.  I'll present it without further comment than that.  I would have liked to see the back of her top more, because I actually liked that part of the garment.  I DIDN'T like the black and white belt thing she made that Isaac creamed himself over.  That made it look cheaper.  Leave the white top with the skirt and it's more expensive, I think.


I loved Valerie's creamsicle jumpsuit.  it just made that woman's body look so amazing.


Layana's garment was kind of interesting.  Alex did a good job. 


Ken is my star.  Talk about creamsicles. The whole effect was kind of delicious.


Ken's (I think) huge orange/red thing looked way too heavy and bulky for resort wear IMHO.


I picture that woman sauntering into a party wearing that dress, and everyone at the party being amazed.  I love his whole arc this season.  I was actually feeling for Emily's storyline, but when it resulted in Valerie being kicked out instead, I mean F***




It me hurts that Valerie and Layana were sent to the bottom.   Both of those outfits really intrigued me, though the fabric might have been the best part of Layana's. To be honest, it should have been Kini.


UGH.  IF EMILY CAN'T HANDLE IT, THEN KICK HER OUT!  What the fuck was all that?


Megan Hilty is a very beautiful and talented person, and she came off as gracious.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 1

Ken has made some good looks, but can someone tell me how a designer who never won a challenge (and stomped off in a toddler tirade before the end of his season) be considered an "All Star"?


Emily can go home any time now.  She has a very distinct style, and I'm sure she has followers, but I don't see her as being a commercial designer. I am also tired of looking at her Siouxsie & the Banshees makeup.  The pink eye look especially makes me feel itchy and oozy.  Speaking of eyes, I want to draw real eyebrows on Alexander every time he pops up his perpetually "surprised" albino face.


I'm glad Valerie went home.  I don't think she is as talented as she thinks she is (ditto Sam).


 Alyssa is still suffering from some rare post-partum style blindness.  Ooof! That white dress was NOT doing her any favors.  Wrong skirt, wrong length.  And why does she always wear her hair up?  She has great hair and would look less severe with it down.


Jumpsuits must be the easiest thing to make. How else can they explain the proliferation of them on every. damn. season.  I have NEVER seen anyone wearing one.


Kini is going to self-implode if he doesn't just have it out with Sam over the stupid team challenge.  Just confront him already.  He may not be receptive to hearing it, but Kini should behave like an adult and let Sam know why he's so pissed off.  Of course expecting any of these egomaniacs to behave as maturely as the teens on PR Jr is a big ( and probably impossible) ask.

  • Love 6


 If Isaac can single handedly make it happen, Sam will be the winner of this mess. It's obvious he's almost as into Sam as he was into Anthony Ryan, imho.

I've been thinking the same thing.  I'll never forget that hideous dress Anthony Ryan designed for that veteran that made the woman look like her chest was 3 times bigger than she actually was.  If it had been any other designer, he or she would have been sent home, but not Isaac's crush.


I was so glad that Megan pointed out the fact that that jumpsuit (ugh, stop with the jumpsuits already.  They marginally better than drop crotch pants and exposed zippers, but only marginally) was for an 18 year old with no chest.  Precious Sam's dress was the same way.  Why cant these designers realize that they will not be selling clothes to model type customers only?


I was kind of amused about Sam and Kini complaining about each others crappy fabric, especially the color.  On my TV the colors looked very similar so what were they complaining about color wise?  It was good to hear that Alyssa was bored with Sam's design.  I didn't think Kini's was all that bad, especially compared to that crapfest Emily was working with.  It would have been interesting to see what crappy power blue lace jumpsuit Sam would come up with in that fabric.  To me Kini's dress looked like a  typical bathing suit cover-up.  Not gorgeous but practical.


And yes, the awful orange neoprene Ken had to use was ugly and i hated how heavy the gathers at the waist were.

Edited by Linderhill
  • Love 3

I don't understand the thinking of the designers....specifically Valerie.  Her "girl" is going to a resort so she says that her "girl" is going to South America and so she needs a turban because women carry pots of water on their head.


I wish a designer had just made a pair of pants and a sweater and insisted that their "girl" was going to a resort in Alaska in the middle of winter.  A little like how the "winter" challenge was re-interpreted for "winter in California"


I feel like Fade would have been the designer to be cheeky enough to do something like that, or to suggest that his "girl" will be going to a resort in a frozen tundra....or on the moon and needs to stay warm when she goes to dinner.

  • Love 8


Kini's was the absolute worst as far as I'm concerned.

I think that 1) he got a pass from the  judges because the fabric was so astoundingly godawful and 2) Sam was assuming that he could get one of the other designers to make some suggestion to pull his nuts out of the fire with it. It just happened that he didn't have to actually use it.


The only way (IMO) to make that see through dotted mess work as a skirt was to use 4, 5, 7 or whatever layers so the pattern would show through in varying degrees and avoid the see through shower curtain over boy shorts look--which is pretty damn horrible. Not the designer's fault, she was stuck with it but she failed to make it work.


Jumpsuits? How wonderfully 1987. No, you can't pee without getting undressed. No, they're not that easy to make since you have to fit the pants part and that's difficult to do well plus you have to add the bodice so that the wearer can still move, sit  and such.


The idea behind the challenge wasn't bad but another 1  day? Not good. Every designer had to throw out whatever they were planning and  completely start over with the new fabric, re-conceive, rethink patterning, draping and all. That's a big rethink and adjustment.

  • Love 1

I liked this challenge.  It threw the designers off balance twice, first in making a fabric category work then in making someone else's choices in fabric work.   


Specific comments:


Dom:  I'm glad she won.  She did something interesting with what she was given, rather than complaining that this isn't exactly what she would have picked.  The outfit was pretty, flattering, and not run of the mill.


Ken:  I really liked his outfit.  Sure, the shape was fairly standard but he did something with neoprene that wasn't a boxy jacket or a sheath dress.  He, like Dom, took what he was given and made it sing.


Emily:  She spent too much time whining.  In the end, she pulled off a nice outfit but if she'd have used some of that time she wasted more productively, she could have fixed some of the issues.  I liked how she lined up the circles at the waist.


Sam:   OMG, I loved his being called on yet another frigging jump suit.  The dress he made was ok, something we've seen many many times before that relies on interesting fabric, but it looked shabbily made around the back.  Sam's sell-by date has passed.  He's on greased rails out the door unless he substantially changes.


Kini:  That was more lingerie than anything else.  Yes, he got saddled with probably the worst lace at Mood and he turned it into something serviceable but meh.  He's lucky he was safe.


Alexander:   I was happy with him being in the middle.  It was a standard dress, pretty enough especially given that he had to work with an odd sort of denim.


Asha:  Boy, did I dislike that dress.  Not as much as I hated Valerie's and Layana's, but it wasn't her best work.  That friggin turban, too.  She did some nice work piecing together the patterns, but overall it was matronly and blah.


Valerie:  She's run out of ideas.  That was a bog standard jump suit with a too wide opening down the front and a horrible turban on the model's head.  I hated this look.   She deserved to go home, but it should have been a double elimination with Layana who is also out of ideas.  The both of them have bad, bad taste.


Layana:  She made a cheap, crappy looking prom dress.   The seams running everywhere were puckered and distracting.  I agree with the judge who said that the top was cut too narrowly.  This was meant for a 16 yr old flat chested girl who wants to look sexy.   Time for her to go home.  I was hoping for a double elimination.

  • Love 4

Enough with the freaking jumpsuits! Can someone enlighten me, do people actually wear jumpsuits? I live in central Florida and I've never seen anyone wear a jumpsuit in my life. Maybe I'm just not hanging out with fashionable enough people.


I think jumpsuits and capes are things designers keep trying to convince us we need to be wearing but haven't been successful on either front to any real degree.

  • Love 4

I feel like Fade would have been the designer to be cheeky enough to do something like that, or to suggest that his "girl" will be going to a resort in a frozen tundra....or on the moon and needs to stay warm when she goes to dinner.


This is INSPIRED and I'm going to spend the rest of the season writing fanfic about what Fade would have made. 

  • Love 9

I like Dom, she is my favorite and I LOVED her outfit!  Loved it.  



I want to know if this was done on purpose...  Close up of Alyssa's popping cleavage then straight to Isaac saying,  "Hi Girls!"    Hee


The editors have to have some fun in what I think would be a tedious job for this show!


Jumpsuits are "in."  We have seen dressy ones on the red carpet.   I like them though would not want to wear one. 


I have forgotten what most of them made since last night.  If I don't post right after the show it all fades away!  

  • Love 3

Okay - I'm going to confess that I do own a jumpsuit.  I bought it last year, it's a basic black, sleeveless, criss-cross top (faux wrap), with wide legs, elastic at the waist and pockets.  I have worn that jumpsuit four or five times since I bought it last winter.  I have dressed it up, with a beaded belt, sparkly shoes and accessories and a great vintage sequined jacket that was my Mom's, and I have dressed it down with a fun leather belt and strappy summer sandals and a bright colored wrap/pashmina shawl and chunky bright colored accessories.  


It really is a versatile piece, and I'm happy with the purchase.  Yeah, it's a pain when you have to pee, but the elastic waist was a must for me when I was looking at them, for that reason.  Jumpsuits with full zippers in the back are not easy, especially for using the bathroom.  


I love that the right jumpsuit is forgiving to many body types, if it's a full coverage top, you can wear a regular bra, no Spanx necessary, and you don't have to wear stockings (or spray tan) for your winter legs.  I love how comfortable it is, compared to a cocktail dress, and pockets...pockets just make me happy!!


I think that the jumpsuit is one of those things that designers are trying hard to push, but people are not completely on board, so it's kind of stuck in fashion limbo, much like gaucho pants/cullottes that seem to be popping up everywhere this season (and, I can almost 100% say that I would NEVER, EVER wear those again.  Some fashion trends really should just stay in their original decade of popularity, imo.)


ETA: I just remembered that I have another strapless (smocking along the top), wide leg jumpsuit (again, elastic blouson waist and pockets!!)  that I wear when I vacation, so I guess it would be considered "resort-wear".  Again, with pockets and super comfortable and cool to wear in the Caribbean.  


So, I guess I'm one of the few people who do like jumpsuits, LOL!!!   :-)

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 8

I have a couple of black sleeveless jumpsuits.  It's a really sexy look in my opinion.  I always get compliments, especially when you show up to a party and all the other women are wearing a dress.  


I agree - I always get compliments, as well.


But, I will say that I don't think making a jumpsuit is easy, and definitely not as easy as making a long dress.  I think they're harder to make than a pair of pants and a separate top, as a poster upthread mentioned.  If it doesn't fit correctly, you run the risk of either the dropped crotch look or an awful camel toe.  

  • Love 3

I agree with all who want to see what the original fabric-pickin' designer had planned for some of those fabrics.

Alyssa's runway look was veering into Padma-style boobage baring. And she often sounds so breathy. Maybe her clothes are too tight.

Won't miss Valerie, won't miss her nosering.

Wasn't crazy about Dom's. Once I heard beach towel I also saw circus tent and candy store awning.

edit 'cuz I accidentally hit "Reply" too soon.

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 1

I'm glad Emily didn't get penalized for inheriting poor fabric choices.<br /><br />I must say this season so far has pleasantly surprised me. The All-Star seasons had been on a downward trend with each successive season - boring challenges, down-market tie-ins - but this season is better than the earlier ones. Good challenges, good guest judges, and some very nice designs. <br /><br />I will say the last season pissed me off because I had to see Michelle's phony too-cool-for-the-room hipster smirk every episode. Nobody annoys me as much this year; the closest one is Sam. I thought Ken was thrown in for drama, but he has been pleasant and his designs have been great.<br /><br />I do think the weak link is Zanna. Her assessment of the work is usually the opposite of the judges' (eg this week she bemoaned the quality of the work, but then Isaac mostly praised everyone for a great runway show). Joanna Coles was great but has moved up in the world too much to do this, alas.

  • Love 2

Enough with the freaking jumpsuits! Can someone enlighten me, do people actually wear jumpsuits? I live in central Florida and I've never seen anyone wear a jumpsuit in my life. Maybe I'm just not hanging out with fashionable enough people.

I think we are hanging out with the same people. I do like the look and idea of a jumpsuit, but yeah, I don't know anyone who wears them. I think Project Runway is responsible for them making a comeback. Remember way back in Season 2 when the contestants all had to design an outfit for a co-contestant and someone designed a jumpsuit and the judges thought it was original? I think that was the start of it. Oh, I also blame Project Runway for making peplum a thing. Who wears anything with peplum?
  • Love 4

I guess I don't go on vacation enough, I'm confused by resort wear. Sam's was the only one that looked like resort to me, I really liked it. I detested Layana's and Emily is one of the godawfullest things I have ever seen. What resort was that for--Disneyland? It was like Alexander knew about the switch ahead of time and wanted to sabotage someone.

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