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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

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6 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

Oh dear

Video of Josh playing while the news discusses Jed's campaign. And what looks like Jana, coming out of the house to deny everything. Sure Jan(a).

Not to make light of a potentially bad situation but why does the correspondent on the scene have the Duggar hairline?

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2 minutes ago, nightmeri said:

Not to make light of a potentially bad situation but why does the correspondent on the scene have the Duggar hairline?

Right? My first thought was, which Duggar spawn is that? Then I realized he was working, so that ruled that out.

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1 hour ago, Future Cat Lady said:

Hey, maybe Laura is the one being investgated

Or she's the human trafficking victim. Maybe the reason she's always with Jana is because they've kidnapped her and won't let her go.

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1 hour ago, Lunera said:


What is the truth?

He says his "home" wasn't raided -- but nothing about Josh's business. He also then says, "to the best of our knowledge" no one in the family is under investigation which is also a complete hedge. I guess he figures that Jesus only hates liar but never weighed in with his opinion about obfuscaters. 

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He also then says, "to the best of our knowledge" no one in the family is under investigation which is also a complete hedge.

As someone in marketing and communications, that really stood out to me. That's a good way to skirt the issue if it's ever revealed that Josh or his home or another Duggar business was the subject of an investigation.

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12 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

He says his "home" wasn't raided -- but nothing about Josh's business. H

Doesn't say anything about their storage sheds or other adjacent structures, either.....

"Our home" can have a pretty limited meaning, if you want it to. 

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2 hours ago, RebeccatheWriter said:

They also seem to playing on that word raided. Maybe it wasn't raided but searched?

Well...to me they are playing 'they went thataway' and trying to point in opposite directions.  It's possible that HSI showed up at any number of places to just serve search warrants and find Josh to question him.  Per the story from KNWA it was a business location and not strictly a home.  But I'd bet you they'll get to that, they leave no stone unturned.

Here's something I've been pondering - JB reaches out to his buddy Huckabee for some lawyer recommendations.  This tells me, like the previous time, with Josh he is willing to pay and pay well to cover up Josh's misdeeds.  But this time it's the big bad Feds in the form of HSI, not the local PD or State.  I can tell you that they do not fuck around, they will leave no unturned stone, they go scorched earth  on your ass, they won't even get warrants if they only half ass have info.  Knowing Josh for the coward and sick jerkrod that he is  if some lovely federal agent or two get him backed into a corner he may sing big time all sorts of lovely songs about any and all skulldrudgery that's under the surface here.  And I'm talking just financial stuff, I ain't even speculating on any other nastiness he got up to.  I think JB knows he's screwed and has to pony up to protect Josh because there's so many other layers here but how far is he really willing to go to keep Josh quiet?  And how far into this is TLC willing to go - because if it is as Dreck says and JB is the dealmaker with TLC, he's tainted along with this and why would they want to continue with that?

Edited by CherryMalotte
proofreading is your friend...
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2 hours ago, emma675 said:

As someone in marketing and communications, that really stood out to me. That's a good way to skirt the issue if it's ever revealed that Josh or his home or another Duggar business was the subject of an investigation.

I write a lot of press statements, speeches, and responses these days. It's a very defensive denial. Had I been writing it, I would not have made that distinction between the raid location and the ongoing investigation. It calls more attention to it and makes me believe they are playing word games rather than telling the truth. 

Had it been my own family, I probably would have been flippant but not condescending. "I woke up this morning to learn through the news that my home has been raided and we are currently under investigation. Apparently, I'm a deep sleeper and missed the whole thing. Anyone want to provide me some details?" Just kidding, of course. 

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I'm a mean old woman. So the fact that it was a Duggar car lot that got raided....and that Jed the Candidate's main resume item is his "ownership" of another Duggar car lot...makes me smile. 😊

Edited by Churchhoney
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Just now, Churchhoney said:

I'm a mean old woman. So the facts that it was a Duggar car lot that got raided....and that Jed the Candidate's main resume item is his "ownership" of another Duggar car lot...maks me smile. 😊

I don't think you're a mean old woman.  I think a lot of us just got tired of the outright lying and the pretense of being the right kind of Christian/person.  While hiding some of the most heinous things a person can do to their family.  Josh is awful.  Jim Bob and Michelle are reprehensible


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Another blind item from Crazy Days and Nights. Don't know if it's true or not. Implies the Duggars are into human trafficking. The reality family most closely identified would be the Bates, I'm guessing. They're into money laundering? People in the comments guessed the Chrisleys for the third family as they got in trouble for tax evasion. Don't know about a connection between the Duggars and the Christleys. l've never watched the Cs show. All I know is they are well off and from the South. I've never heard of them being religious. Their show is on the USA network. 

"This massive reality family ultimately has only themselves to blame for the world of hurt they find themselves in. This is what happens when you bring in people from other countries and broker them to your friends in return for payment. However, a lot of this only came to light because of a different reality family. Not the reality family most closely identified with the massive one, although they have their own set of issues going on related to money laundering. No, it is the family that is much smaller in scale but has been beset by their own legal issues as of late. When investigators started in on the smaller family, the smaller family mentioned the larger family. That, in turn led to one branch of the government going in which opened the huge trafficking can of worms."

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Can't be the Bateses; their family isn't much smaller than the Duggars. I don't know what other family it could be. It seems like they would have to know the large family quite well. The Duggars don't seem to associate with other reality stars (aside from the Bateses). 

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3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Can't be the Bateses; their family isn't much smaller than the Duggars. I don't know what other family it could be. It seems like they would have to know the large family quite well. The Duggars don't seem to associate with other reality stars (aside from the Bateses). 

Maybe the Caldwells or the Swansons?  They're definitely smaller families and tight with the Duggars.

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I'd also think by virtue of being intermarried with the Duggars and on good-ish terms with them (as far as I know), the Swansons and Caldwells would be less likely to implicate them. Then again, who knows!

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The Duggars attend the Caldwell's church, so it's safe to say they're on good terms. Part of Pa Swanson's ministry is to help young men pray away the ghey. I'm sure Boob is indebted to Dwain for helping Josiah out (most likely).

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4 hours ago, Temperance said:

The Chrisleys are celebrity Christians. 

I also don't believe that the Duggars are involved in human trafficking. That seems too outrageous to be true. 

I agree. Also, it would take too much effort to carry out a human trafficking operation or even participate in one. You'd have to rub shoulders with people outside your tribe - unless I suppose there's some all-fundy trafficking operation going on. Anyway, it all seems too much like WORK for any Duggar to get involved in. Wheeling and dealing, buying and selling, sure, but of inanimate objects and property - more JB's style and that of his carefully programmed offspring.

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On 11/22/2019 at 9:18 AM, Jeeves said:

I agree. Also, it would take too much effort to carry out a human trafficking operation or even participate in one. You'd have to rub shoulders with people outside your tribe - unless I suppose there's some all-fundy trafficking operation going on. Anyway, it all seems too much like WORK for any Duggar to get involved in. Wheeling and dealing, buying and selling, sure, but of inanimate objects and property - more JB's style and that of his carefully programmed offspring.

Yeah, I think human trafficking is unlikely. The only way I think it might be a possibility is if the Duggars and their cronies were bringing in new converts from the mission field to help them "grow in their faith" and then using them as household help. We know they do this already with unmarried Gothard women (Laura Maisie, Suze Keller, two of the Rod girls spent a few weeks helping the Pearls -ugh-). Maybe Jennifer Hantaro (sp?) isn't the only woman from the Philippines coming here for "fellowship" and "encouragement". We also know that the Duggars don't believe in working for pay or freedom of movement for any woman in their circles, so maybe they're already not that far from a human trafficking situation.

All this is, of course, random internet speculation and observation. I think fraud's still the front-runner. 

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I hate that I know this but the Chrisleys were busted for tax evasion and the oldest daughter ratted them out maybe by accident or an on purpose, don't know, don't care, they skeeve me out. I've only seen the show once by accident and Dr. Phil had the daughter on his show talking about it when I was the dentist office. I had no control honest!

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Do any of you remember, or know of, Richard Hatch? He was a winner (maybe the 1st) of the TV show Survivor. He did a year in jail for not claiming his winnings on his taxes and for charity fraud.

And then there's the Giudices, from Real Housewives. The wife did a year and husband did 3(?) years for tax evasion.

Josh may end up doing time if he cheated on his taxes. 

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2 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

Also in another article I read about Silver Dollar City Anna Anna lost Another kid in the park.

That is what’s going to happen when a 9 month pregnant woman and her husband take 5 kids to an amusement park and sit on a bench while they run all over. 

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An article about Jim Boob and Smuggar avoiding each other supposedly. 


Another blind item from Crazy Days and Nights. 

In addition to all of the other federal crimes this sprawling reality family is facing, some of which are horrific, are all of the money laundering/embezzling/failure to report on taxes charges at least four of the family face. They took all sorts of payments under the table or didn't report them and spent them on strippers and escorts, not just for sex, but also paying for rent and other expenses. It is unknown if they were using them solely for themselves or were also hiring them out for added income. The latter seems likely considering the agencies doing a great deal of the investigations and what they do. The patriarch of the family is involved and several other men in the family, including one who has been in trouble before

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Please be true, please be true (fingers crossed). I don't usually wish the worst for people but these people think they move through life with impunity, no matter what they do,  because Jesus. 

I don't think they worship the same Jesus I was taught about growing up. Of course maybe he's had a PR person revamp the image.

Edited by Chicklet
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1 minute ago, Chicklet said:

Please be true, please be true (fingers crossed). I don't usually wish the worst for people but these people think they move through life with impunity, no matter what they do,  because Jesus. 

I don't think they worship the same Jesus I was taught about growing up. Of course maybe he's had a PR person revamp the image.

See, I am so with you. I don't wish bad on anybody, but this family thinks they are so much better than all of us, I just want them to go down.

There. I said it. They are not teflon, even if they think they are.

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