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I've never felt sorry for Brandi over the Scheana thing.* I don't even think it was shady of Lisa to "use" Brandi for the crossover episode of VR. Brandi could have said no but that would mean that she wouldn't be getting the camera time. I personally feel like Brandi didn't like the way that the sit down ended up turning out because so many people made fun of her "I win" comment among other things. It was basically the equivalent of saying that she's up here and Scheana's down there even though at the time they were both essentially in the same position only Scheana made it to the party while she was still in her twenties.  


It's often skipped over (certainly by Brandi whenever she would bring it up) that the entire onscreen point of the meeting was to enable Brandi and Scheana to interact from time to time because of them both having a connection to Lisa at that point. Yes, the crossover was the purpose offscreen, but Brandi was ultimately the one to voluntarily tell Scheana that it would be fine for Scheana to say hello to her and very much indicated that she expected to see her at future events. 


Once Lisa and Ken began to "pull away" Brandi fell back on her old crutch that she uses when she wants people to feel sorry for her. It's not like Brandi was about to address Lisa pulling away from her over tampongate and everything else. 


It continues to next week.  I think because Faye was right about Brandi, LVP feels as if she was wronged by Faye.  LVP just backed the wrong horse.  I think also LVP counts on the fact most viewers dislike Faye so she continues to be a Faye hater and everyone will agree that somehow LVP is being victimized by being around Faye.  LVP has had plenty to say about Faye calling her Faye Rancid, so I have to come down on Faye's side.  Faye took the path of least resistance and did not bother to rehash several ugly things LVP had said about her publicly.  So for LVP to demand acknowledgment of Faye's misdeeds and not acknowledge her own would be unfair.  Let's face it, LVP does not apologize and does not move on.

Why would Scheana be making tips at the Lisa's event?  I mean it was a dinner for maybe 20 people-did they have a tip jar by the bar?

For any event where the SUR staff (or PUMP staff for that matter) are working a party like that they get tips. Not from the guests but on the bill as a whole since these parties have to be paid for and they're in tip making positions. That's one of the reasons given for why they supposedly aren't paid at the rate of a lot of other Bravolebrities. 



*Just want to clarify that I don't mean to imply that I don't feel bad that Brandi was cheated on by Eddie with Scheana and other women. I'm just talking about the Lisa thing and Brandi's issue of Scheana being friends with Lisa and Scheana being at Lisa's events.

Edited by Avaleigh
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Both Kris Jenner and Faye Resnick are both going to be portrayed in the FX's mini-series 'The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story". Why am I getting the feeling that the appearance of Faye Resnick in RHOBH and the O.J. Simpson reference by Lisa Rinna and the connections of Kathryn to it was all intentional to get us to watch the FX mini-series.  Maybe FX and Bravo are owned by the same people.

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Eileen did specifically say either this week or last week that they planned to spread her sister's ashes all over her favorite parts of Italy so it wasn't an isolated event when Eileen spread the ashes. She only spread SOME of the ashes. As she said to her niece, all of them were in a big Ziploc bag and she was portioning them into the antique compact. I have no issue with Eileen taking a moment for herself to say goodbye without everyone else especially given that there will be other moments she can share with her niece and i'm sure that her niece will have a moment of her own without Eileen. I hardly think Eileen is making this about herself but even if she was, doesn't she have the right to do so at some level? If I had to spread my dead sister's ashes, at some level I think I'd make it about me and MY loss.


Private moment?


Yeah, just Eileen, the camera and sound guys, the director, and 1.7 million viewers if RHBH is even still getting that many.  I agree with the PTV recap of the obligatory 'spreading the ashes' scene.  Yuck.  I supposed they got Bravo to chip in for the trip for that little stunt. 


The only time I felt for Eileen was when she was in a talking head, discussing how she didn't know, and previously when she told us her sister rejected traditional medicine and chose holistic crap.  I believed that she feels guilt about not knowing, not being involved, and I do feel sorry for her there, and for her loss.  That ashes scene?  Oh hell no.

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Both Kris Jenner and Faye Resnick are both going to be portrayed in the FX's mini-series 'The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story". Why am I getting the feeling that the appearance of Faye Resnick in RHOBH and the O.J. Simpson reference by Lisa Rinna and the connections of Kathryn to it was all intentional to get us to watch the FX mini-series.  Maybe FX and Bravo are owned by the same people.

I think its more that it is a salacious story with an already available FOHW and combined with soon being somewhat current again as the miniseries is coming out. TPTB don't have to work very hard for this story but the boy the RHWs are doing a lousy job of telling it.
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Both Kris Jenner and Faye Resnick are both going to be portrayed in the FX's mini-series 'The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story". Why am I getting the feeling that the appearance of Faye Resnick in RHOBH and the O.J. Simpson reference by Lisa Rinna and the connections of Kathryn to it was all intentional to get us to watch the FX mini-series.  Maybe FX and Bravo are owned by the same people.


Bravo is owned by NBC-Universal, which is basically Comcast, and FX is owned by Fox which is basically Newscorp.


I am embarrassing myself with my fangurling over Eileen. I can't help it. I want to be her friend. lol. I thought the ashes scene was a bit much but I like her so much, I don't care. I giggled like a moron when she and Tracey Bregman were on WWHL. I just wanted Michelle Lee to shut up because I was in soap opera fan heaven. I always thought Bravo was wrong not to pick up ABC's soaps, All My Children and One Life to Live, when they cancelled them. I really think they could have made them work and saved them. Oh well. Spilled milk. I do foresee more soap actors on these shows and have since Eileen made it work. Lots of out of work actors in NYC. Bring on anyone but Lucci. lol. Never was a fan.


I can't help but dislike Faye Resnick. She seems icky to me. I do think she capitalized off that tragedy. If she were a real friend, she would have been a real advocate and not used that to make a name for herself. I may be wrong but it felt like that was what she was doing at the time and it still does to me. She's just icky all around.


Don't mind Kathryn but don't care. I remember her from back in the day when she was a model. She's fine but Erica is growing on me.


LVP is just playing provocateur but she's getting the bitch edit, IMO. Again, don't care but she's looking really unappealing to me. More than usual.


The rest is pretty drab but I'm still enjoying it more than any other franchise. At least there's someone to like! That's hard to do on some of these shows. But I'm just an old soap hag, so I'm easy!

Edited by Roxy
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Eileen was fun on WWHL!  I liked her ironed hair, and her new bangs.  Now her hair looks even more like mine.  Ha.


I don't dislike Eileen, she's growing on me.  Not for the ashes scene, but for other stuff.  Vince was finally likable this episode as well, even though it was very staged, the suitcase gag made me laugh.

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LVP in her blog referred to her and Ken's vow renewal as their "vowel renewal".  Somebody needs a proof reader.  :)


I felt bad for LVP but I think it is important for the viewers to know this Lyme Disease diagnosis of the non-Gigis (thank  you Vicki) is important.  I always feel like Yolanda had to throw that in to buttress her story. 

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I have to say I'm enjoying this season!  I'd much rather see Erika's shade of Bethenny (Mm hmm - thanks doll), followed by, "I just don't give a fuck . . . bwah hahahaha!" over the usual BS of "You need to talk to her . . . you MUST talk to her . . . take her aside and TALK to her . . . if I were you I'd talk to her and hash this out" crap.  As if these women were really friends, rather than a certain group of women brought together for the purposes of filming a TV show.


Things that made me laugh in this ep:


1.  Kathryn:  you never had any work done to your mouth?  Hahahahaha!  You have a "private jeweler?"  Hahahahaha!  (I did love your car though :)


2.  Erika:  You're just like me in that BBQ means casual dress.  That's why I save my 6 inch stilettos for BBQ's.  Hahahahaha!


3.  Eileen:  you keep your sister's ashes in a baggie . . . but purchased a compact for tiny TV viewings of the scattering of said ashes?  Ok - ha.  But that is weird - until I remembered that you must do something on camera - a compact-size bit of ashes is about worthy of that, no?  (For the record, I did not find Vince's response to her to be that weird, because I'm sure he knew it was a family-less, compact-sized dropping of ashes, for all of us in TV land to weep over, and anything real was done off camera, with the sister's actual daughter present.)


4.  Lisa V - if you are actually a "man in a woman's body", that can only mean that you are a drag queen in a woman's body.  What man is enamored to the point of anger over his appropriation of the color pink, let alone the hair extensions, false eyelashes, frilly blouses and bedazzled crap, super high heels, love of floral swings, etc. etc. that you proudly boast in each episode.  IMO, production has found a way to deal with LVP by finding other women who like what she thinks is her signature schtick, and it is rattling her.  Hahahahaha!


5.  Yo - you're not interesting or funny.  You did not amuse or entertain me in this ep.  


6.  Faye - you may be reprehensible, but well done with the silence and the stares.  Hahahahaha!


7.  Lisa R - you're weird.  Not sure what's going on with you here, and you didn't make me laugh.


8.  Back to Kyle - I really don't get the response that she is such a bitch for inviting these people to a party to shit-stir, when it is clear that this is a requirement of being on the show.  I chuckle every time a HW is forced to offer an invitation to "the girls" followed by the TH that "I just really want this to be a fun night."  Because we all know that that invitation is going out to a group of "girls" that they would SO not want to host, followed by the (unspoken) acknowledgement that it will be anything BUT fun.  Bwhahahahahahaha!

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I am embarrassing myself with my fangurling over Eileen. I can't help it. I want to be her friend. lol. I thought the ashes scene was a bit much but I like her so much, I don't care. I giggled like a moron when she and Tracey Bregman were on WWHL. I just wanted Michelle Lee to shut up because I was in soap opera fan heaven. I always thought Bravo was wrong not to pick up ABC's soaps, All My Children and One Life to Live, when they cancelled them. I really think they could have made them work and saved them. Oh well. Spilled milk. I do foresee more soap actors on these shows and have since Eileen made it work. Lots of out of work actors in NYC. Bring on anyone but Lucci. lol. Never was a fan.


Andy needs to have more soap queens and kings on WWHL. Hell, his housewives shows and the sub housewives shows are primetime soap operas with a documentary/scripted twist. He needs to bring on Deidre Hall, Eric Braeden, Melody Thomas Scott, Stephen Nichols, Katherine Kelly Lange and Kristian Alfonso while he's at it.

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LVP in her blog referred to her and Ken's vow renewal as their "vowel renewal".  Somebody needs a proof reader.  :)


I felt bad for LVP but I think it is important for the viewers to know this Lyme Disease diagnosis of the non-Gigis (thank  you Vicki) is important.  I always feel like Yolanda had to throw that in to buttress her story. 


I think I got the non-Gigis from last weeks TrashTalk (Ronnie's) recap---Those are HYSTERICAL!! I think I found out about them from a link you posted a while back;-) I wish I could claim it as my own invention (non-Gigis, aka "da udder ones")

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Michelle Lee interjected herself into just about everything on WWH and really needed to shut up. Eileen was the only reason I watched and was happy when she said "I'll have what she's having" but ML never too took the hint and never toned it down.

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LVP in her blog referred to her and Ken's vow renewal as their "vowel renewal".  Somebody needs a proof reader.  :)


I was confused about that, I thought it was a inside joke. haha. Uhg. 


Michelle Lee was spacey! I had a hard time following her, but I think she is cognitively aging and can't help it. (sorry shell!)


I am starting to feel that this whole show has become almost entirely producer driven. Everyone wants to be cast again so they do what they are told. It's sort of lame. I think I might just stop watching. I even cancelled my cable because I was so disfranchised of my right to real reality. 

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I give Michelle Lee some leeway because I loved Knots Landing.  I didn't think Eileen was annoyed at Michelle at all.  Yeah, Michelle did interject herself a lot and I wanted to hear Eileen more but it didn't piss me off.

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Which planet did I move to, and when?  This show is becoming more and more ridiculous with every episode.


First, you know by now that any tea, barbecue, brunch, lunch, dinner or whatever is an indicator of a fight.  Now we have a barbecue with ladies dressing in evening gowns and six-inch heels, and the ladies dressed properly in barbecue attire are embarrassed because they're underdressed!  HUH?  We know that Kathryn bears a deep grudge against Faye, so they're seated on opposite sides of the same table!  (Did I miss something here?)   Did I miss the oversized napkins, the ribs and chicken dripping with sauce?  I did see Kyle sample an hors d'oeuvres and declare it delicious.


The ever proper British matron, LisaV,  has turned into a nosy hag

whose intimate questions determine one's inclusion in, or rejection from, the circle.  Unflappable Erika even raised her eyebrows in disapproval.  IIRC, LisaR sat there pretty much speechless (a first)!


Kyle, your speech in support of Faye was uncalled for. I  will continue to judge you by the friends you keep, just as I always have, and I don't think much of your friends.  Your "BBQ" rang loudly of being planned for trouble -- i.e., inviting Faye into the mix.  It seems to me that you still have more growing up to do from your days in a high school clique.  Sometimes, you exhibit all the maturity of Portia.


IMHO, this show got off track somewhere, and I hope it gets back on.

Edited by Lura
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This side convo is making me LOL. All I can think of is my friend who is irritated by every single thing her co-worker does. The "things" get smaller and smaller each time. I think she's even mentioned her food-crunching habits (crackers!). She would relate!


The ultimate is when my co-worker said about our obnoxious boss, "I can't stand the way he keeps breathing, IN AND OUT, IN AND OUT!  UGH!"  I was like, "Whoa!"  LOL!  She cracked me up!  I guess this would be the male equivalent to "bitch eatin crackers"; "bastard breathing".  Lol!


It's just like the pink thing - acting all indignant if anyone else dares to wear "her color"



Has anyone else noticed that ever since Lisa said this, Erika seems to be wearing something pink almost every episode?  She had on those loud pink pumps at Kyle's non-bbq and in her TH Erika had on a pink blouse.  lol

Edited by swankie
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How many times are we going to watch Yolanda swan into an event, spend 10 minutes talking about herself and then leave again this season?  It's ridiculous!  I'm sure it's producer-driven but the one thing I have never wrapped my head around is WHY Yolanda signed up for another season of this show?  It cannot be good for her, mentally or physically.  Unless she sensed the impending divorce and wanted to stockpile some cash, she's not that much of a fan favorite.  David Foster couldn't get her out of her contract?


Oh, I don't think it's about the money, and I think she had no desire to get out of her contract.  It's all about being the center of attention for her.  Despite claiming at the end of last season that she was much too sick to sign on for another season, she did.  Of course!  She's not going to let go of this show until they boot her out, and even then it will be kicking and screaming.


If I believed she was as sick as she claims to be, I would agree that being on this show is not good for her mentally or physically.  Someone suffering with something so debilitating should certainly be wanting to conserve their energy, and focus on getting better.  But I think she's full of crap and has exaggerated her suffering deliberately.  No one as ill as she claims to be would be so actively filming and keeping herself front & center on social media.  I don't think it's about money at all - It's about exposure.  She has no intention of leaving the spotlight, and she'll do anything to stay there.


I give Michelle Lee some leeway because I loved Knots Landing.  I didn't think Eileen was annoyed at Michelle at all.  Yeah, Michelle did interject herself a lot and I wanted to hear Eileen more but it didn't piss me off.


I actually love Michelle Lee, and it was a treat to see her.  I didn't think Eileen was annoyed with her at all.  Michelle is a dynamic, chatty person, and she's also interesting.  I thought she was adorable and fun to watch.  Eileen seemed kind of bland in comparison.  (And it might just be me, but I thought Eileen's straight hair with the bangs looked awful.  She's really beautiful, but IMO it wasn't flattering at all.)

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I've never felt sorry for Brandi over the Scheana thing.* I don't even think it was shady of Lisa to "use" Brandi for the crossover episode of VR. Brandi could have said no but that would mean that she wouldn't be getting the camera time. 



Exactly.  Brandi agreed to sit down with Scheana, and she certainly didn't have to do that.  If she had stuck to her, "I hate Scheana and do not want to be in the same room with her" rant, there wouldn't have been anything to show.  Instead, we had a whole sit-down conversation in which they talked about what had happened.  Brandi clearly agreed to do that ahead of time.  It was a pre-arranged meeting, and we saw her walking into the restaurant specifically to meet with Scheana, who was waiting for her.  So there was no trickery or coercion involved.  Lisa suggested it, and Brandi very easily could have said no.  End of drama, end of story.  But that's not what Brandi wanted.  She wanted that scene, and that's why it happened.  No fair blaming anyone else.  She thought she'd be getting something out of it too, and she totally made the choice.

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Despite our own personal definitions of BBQ or cookout, I think we can all come together on the fact that Kyle hosted a DINNER PARTY...admittedly, one held in her backyard, but that does not a BBQ make.  Tell the ladies you'll be dining al fresco and you'll be fine. 


How many times are we going to watch Yolanda swan into an event, spend 10 minutes talking about herself and then leave again this season?  It's ridiculous!  I'm sure it's producer-driven but the one thing I have never wrapped my head around is WHY Yolanda signed up for another season of this show?  It cannot be good for her, mentally or physically.  Unless she sensed the impending divorce and wanted to stockpile some cash, she's not that much of a fan favorite.  David Foster couldn't get her out of her contract?

BBQ = Fire and at one point smoking out the guests.


Yoyo's staying with the show allows her to get her 'battling diseases' out to the masses? No one is going to tune in to her twatter account to hear her piss and moan about being sick, I can imagine no one would?

She get's a few minutes to tell people she feels like crap and had no make up on - My mom was a HUGE proponent of at least slathering some thing on your face before you went out  and with all the natural makeups on the market today? There has to be something she could go with.


IF you can spend hours reading up about diseases, you might read up on shit that will make your life easier and make you look better?


Because her 'diseases' don't have any outward symptoms, she has to do something to let people know she is 'ill'.


It's like showing up with a pantsuit to a swim party? People are going to ask you why you are dressed THAT WAY and you get a chance to spin a yarn about how you are allergic to chlorine, the rays of the sun will darken your skin and walking on a pool deck barefoot can give you flat feet.


As an aging former model no one wants to look at you anymore, so you have to make sure someone notices you?

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Exactly.  Brandi agreed to sit down with Scheana, and she certainly didn't have to do that.  If she had stuck to her, "I hate Scheana and do not want to be in the same room with her" rant, there wouldn't have been anything to show.  Instead, we had a whole sit-down conversation in which they talked about what had happened.  Brandi clearly agreed to do that ahead of time.  It was a pre-arranged meeting, and we saw her walking into the restaurant specifically to meet with Scheana, who was waiting for her.  So there was no trickery or coercion involved.  Lisa suggested it, and Brandi very easily could have said no.  End of drama, end of story.  But that's not what Brandi wanted.  She wanted that scene, and that's why it happened.  No fair blaming anyone else.  She thought she'd be getting something out of it too, and she totally made the choice.

God, I hate to be in a position - ever - to defend Brandi.  But.....this sit down meeting with Scheana wasn't what Brandi ever complained about. She completely got what this was about (OK, near the end she said she felt used, but this wasn't what set Brandi off).  She was fine with that meeting, and understood she was setting up Lisa's new show, but also helping herself. Everyone was happy. The problem for Brandi came later when Lisa invited Scheana to other events that were filmed (Ken's birthday party) because Brandi had asked her not to do this and Lisa had agreed, and also because Lisa was pulling away from Brandi. I always got why this upset Brandi. Her issue was with the fact that suddenly Lisa and Ken weren't taking her calls or spending time with her, while at the same time arranging for more screen time for Scheana.  

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I cut Yolanda slack at this event. Whatever the origin of her whole Lyme complaint, if she had a 7 hr surgery a week before, or 10 days or whatever, just showing up for an hour would be hard for anybody. What is it they say - a week recovery for each hour under general anesthesia? I had a 3 hr procedure once. Was climbing the walls with boredom by day 5 at home. Had somebody take me to the store just to get out of the house. Walked from the car into the building, and realized I needed to go back to bed.

Obviously she was obligated to be there but I'm sure it still took a lot out of her.

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I didn't enjoy this episode.

Kyle, not informing her guests that dress wouldn't be casual at this non-bbq, was just so Kyle. I'm sure some of the ladies felt uncomfortable.

I don't like Kathryn one bit...she can leave and take Faye with her. She looks horribly plastic.

Eileen's sister drama was lame.

Was Faye wearing Kyle's heart necklace?

Do they at least go on a fabulous trip this year?

Edited by ButterQueen
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The problem with Kyle is that she feels incredibly insecure among her cast-mates, IMO.

I thought that she was being kind when she professed her support of Faye but read somewhere that she was just reaffirming her status vis a vis of Faye.

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The problem with Kyle is that she feels incredibly insecure among her cast-mates, IMO.

I thought that she was being kind when she professed her support of Faye but read somewhere that she was just reaffirming her status vis a vis of Faye.

I don't think it would hurt this group if on occasion some stood and spoke a heartfelt positive message about another.  I am tired of hearing about Yolanda's modeling days 20 years ago and how the others trembled with her mere presence.  I thought it nice last year when Mohamed gave a nice little toast about LVP, and LVP has been kind to him in that regard.  To me, the show has kind of jumped the shark when it comes to any of these folks being true friends outside the show.  So Kyle resorting to bringing on Bethenny or Faye is just not that troublesome.  Not a Bethenny fan but she served a purpose for one episode.  If for nothing more than to show these women have friendships that span decades.  I don't think Bethenny and Kyle were all that close between the time Bethenny left Kathy Hilton's employment and Kyle signing on for RHOBH.   


The world knows of Faye's bad deeds, maybe it was time to see where she has evolved from since the OJ days.  Of course this is a network that has totally embraced a RH's felony convictions. done a show with her going to prison and plans an entire franchise about her husband going to prison. So I may be being optimistic.

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The problem with Kyle is that she feels incredibly insecure among her cast-mates, IMO.

I thought that she was being kind when she professed her support of Faye but read somewhere that she was just reaffirming her status vis a vis of Faye.

The way she said it seemed weird and out of place. I wonder what the entire context was, since like everything else, it was no doubt edited down. The dinner probably lasted for hours and we saw 10 minutes.

I think that Kyle feels protective of Faye. She said in blogs and in the media during S3 that she felt horrible about the shitstorm that came Faye's way after the Brandi stuff. I think she wants people to like Faye, although I don't think that is possible. Camille has mentioned that she got to know Faye later spending time with her and Kyle, and that she is lovely. Kyle mentioned in her blog that even Kathryn came to like Faye. I don't agree that Kyle is trying to make Faye "happen", I think that Bravo wants to bring on more Faye for the drama. I think that Kyle is trying to work with this and protect her to an extent.

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I see the Steven Tyler thing with Kathryn and I also see a little Jenny McCarthy and Aviva. Lisa Rinna in older pics reminds me of Mila Kunis.

God, I hate to be in a position - ever - to defend Brandi.  But.....this sit down meeting with Scheana wasn't what Brandi ever complained about. She completely got what this was about (OK, near the end she said she felt used, but this wasn't what set Brandi off).  She was fine with that meeting, and understood she was setting up Lisa's new show, but also helping herself. Everyone was happy. The problem for Brandi came later when Lisa invited Scheana to other events that were filmed (Ken's birthday party) because Brandi had asked her not to do this and Lisa had agreed, and also because Lisa was pulling away from Brandi. I always got why this upset Brandi. Her issue was with the fact that suddenly Lisa and Ken weren't taking her calls or spending time with her, while at the same time arranging for more screen time for Scheana.

Again though, this isn't factoring in what Brandi told Scheana at that first meeting where she very much indicated that she expected to see her at future events. Brandi was fine with the arrangement IMO until she started to feel insecure about her position.

Lisa made no secret about the fact that she felt awkward having to choose between them, meanwhile Brandi was asking for a ridiculous amount of loyalty. Asking 'Who are you going to save?' from a fire? Ugh.

I agree with the latter part of your post. I basically think Brandi became jealous and insecure and lashed out as a result. She gets no sympathy from me though because there are a thousand better ways that she could have handled the situation.

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I cut Yolanda slack at this event. Whatever the origin of her whole Lyme complaint, if she had a 7 hr surgery a week before, or 10 days or whatever, just showing up for an hour would be hard for anybody. What is it they say - a week recovery for each hour under general anesthesia? I had a 3 hr procedure once. Was climbing the walls with boredom by day 5 at home. Had somebody take me to the store just to get out of the house. Walked from the car into the building, and realized I needed to go back to bed.

Obviously she was obligated to be there but I'm sure it still took a lot out of her.

I worked in an/for an operating room for 17 years and would love to see the operative record and summary for her procedure. That would say quite a bit as to what she had for anesthesia and the type of procedure she had.

Also her stay for that type of post surgery sounds a little long for me.


The government has what is called an International Classification of Disease book that converts surgery/illnesses into codes for billing and stats keeping - it's also used to average costs and hospital stays. I could see a 9 day stay had the cracked her ribcage, but that is rare and doesn't sound right for the surgery she had (for silicone to have made it into her ribcage is pretty out there?) From what I saw of the implant, the silicone oozed out to one side of sac and came out in one piece.

I bet if someone looks up the surgery date and the date of the BBQ, it would be more than enough time for someone to get up and out. People react differently to anesth. and surgery, too?

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LIMOM, on 29 Jan 2016 - 06:57 AM, said:LIMOM, on 29 Jan 2016 - 06:57 AM, said:

The problem with Kyle is that she feels incredibly insecure among her cast-mates, IMO.

I thought that she was being kind when she professed her support of Faye but read somewhere that she was just reaffirming her status vis a vis of Faye.


I guess I just don't see why she would feel insecure amongst this lot.  She's one of the wealthiest, youngest, and (IMO) most attractive (next to Eileen!) - and has one of the most seemingly happy, secure marriages. PLUS (and most importantly) the CUTEST DOGS!  I guess she's not as tall/thin as some of them but other than that- I got nuthin'.  But that's just the way I see it , of course.



Do they at least go on a fabulous trip this year?



They better!  I need my vacation porn fix!

Edited by Duke2801
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I see the Steven Tyler thing with Kathryn and I also see a little Jenny McCarthy and Aviva. Lisa Rinna in older pics reminds me of Mila Kunis.

Again though, this isn't factoring in what Brandi told Scheana at that first meeting where she very much indicated that she expected to see her at future events. Brandi was fine with the arrangement IMO until she started to feel insecure about her position.

Lisa made no secret about the fact that she felt awkward having to choose between them, meanwhile Brandi was asking for a ridiculous amount of loyalty. Asking 'Who are you going to save?' from a fire? Ugh.

I agree with the latter part of your post. I basically think Brandi became jealous and insecure and lashed out as a result. She gets no sympathy from me though because there are a thousand better ways that she could have handled the situation.

Ugh. The whole "who would you save in a fire deal" was ridiculous.  


This deal was the only thing I really ever got about Brandi. I got that she wanted to make peace with Scheana because she would see her around since she was a friend of Lisa's and went to her restaurant a lot. I don't think she minded seeing her at the restaurant when she was getting drinks. I think it was the fact that Scheana was being promoted and propped up by Lisa on camera. Lisa was trying to help get her singing career off the ground, and seemed to be promoting her as the smart, capable one on VPR. I would imagine that Brandi didn't like it when she saw it on VPR, but it became a real problem when she started bringing her around on the RH show as well.  I don't think that Brandi ever expected that she would have to interact with her on camera often, and felt betrayed because Lisa told her she wouldn't bring her around. It was clear to me that Lisa was lying about having no choice in the matter, which was where I think she went wrong. She should have just been honest about Scheana being the best one for the job (if that is what she believed). The thing about Brandi is that she is so damned needy. As soon as she feels tossed aside she will "cut a bitch". She did it to Adrienne, but unfortunately for Lisa, she didn't realize that when she tossed Brandi to the side she would do the same thing to her. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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I guess I just don't see why she would feel insecure amongst this lot.  She's one of the wealthiest, youngest, and (IMO) most attractive (next to Eileen!) - and has one of the most seemingly happy, secure marriages. PLUS (and most importantly) the CUTEST DOGS!  I guess she's not as tall/thin as some of them but other than that- I got nuthin'.  But that's just the way I see it , of course.



I agree that she has just as much going on if not more but I think that SHE feels less than, for some reason.

Why would she be so easily hurt if she was confident in herself?

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The ladies, including ailing WoeFo go to Dubai.


I was watching WWHL, and they showed film of the ladies riding Hoverboards during the BBQ.  Why not more of this and less of say WoeFo.  BTW long dresses are incompatible with Hoverboards and LVP seemed quite good at it. 

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I'm sorry, but I don't blame anyone for not wanting to warm up to Faye. Faye did more than annoy LVP 3 years ago, she clearly attacked Lisa's character. On at least 4 separate occasions she criticized Lisa, including her hand twirling imitation of a wicked witch. The worst violation is going after her at her 30th anniversary vow renewal. Who attacks someone at a party to celebrate such a milestone? She is morally corrupt and I can't even imagine why she and Kyle became friends in the first place. Yes, I know she hung around with Kathy Hilton, but it still defies logic to me.

What Faye did back in the days of OJ is, IMO, unforgivable. Imagine if your mother, sister, close friend was murdered. Imagine one of her so called best friends writing a salacious tell all book. Wasn't Nicole's family put through the ringer enough?

If I were LVP, I would just ignore Faye, and make her feel like she doesn't exist. I would advice Kathryn to do the same.

I've always liked Kyle. I think she is the most "normal" down to Earth of almost all of the housewives across the franchise. She is a wonderful mother. The only issue I see with her is that she likes Faye and sometimes does exhibit some mean girl moments. (The laser pointer on Brandi's bra-less dress, the game night back in season 2 or 3).

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The cast consists mostly of washed up models and models turned actors, they traded on their appearance, and tall blue eyed blondes are what the entertainment industry prized. Kyle was never any of those things, and the entertainment industry is really all she's ever known, I'm not surprised she has self esteem issues. Plus she's not very bright.

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I cut Yolanda slack at this event. Whatever the origin of her whole Lyme complaint, if she had a 7 hr surgery a week before, or 10 days or whatever, just showing up for an hour would be hard for anybody.


I'm surprised by all the /hate/snark/doubt about Yolanda's Illness.

I think she is/was sick -- and also wanted to be on the show. Is that a sin?

I like her a lot. I wouldn't expect that someone who was sick and recovering to care about wearing make up -- ESPECIALLY if you think chemicals and toxins are aggravating your illness. There was a recent study about toxic nail polish chemicals being found in women's bodies -- by Duke University. Not exactly some quack outfit. Geez.

Edited by selhars
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I don't want to send you over the edge, because I am tottering on it right now and like you don't really want to fall off, but next week I think Kyle does the splits...




UGH. Getting attention is oxygen to a Richards sister. Big Kathy wrecked those kids. I am seeing why Kyle and Bethenny are bffs.... Same oxygen and dysfunctional upbringing and need for existence on attention.

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The cast consists mostly of washed up models and models turned actors, they traded on their appearance, and tall blue eyed blondes are what the entertainment industry prized. Kyle was never any of those things, and the entertainment industry is really all she's ever known, I'm not surprised she has self esteem issues. Plus she's not very bright.

Plus she doesn't have the 'killer instinct' most of the other HWs have. She's a step behind the group at times.


Another irritating aspect of her persona is the constant primping -hair flipping, clothes adjusting, along with the discussions about money, tacky.

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I'm surprised by all the /hate/snark/doubt about Yolanda's Illness.

I think she is/was sick -- and also wanted to be on the show. Is that a sin?

I like her a lot. I wouldn't expect that someone who was sick and recovering to care about wearing make up -- ESPECIALLY if you think chemicals and toxins are aggravating your illness. There was a recent study about toxic nail polish chemicals being found in women's bodies -- by Duke University. Not exactly some quack outfit. Geez.

Duke University is not perfect:




A group of Duke University Medical Center patients learned in 2010 and 2011 that their breast and lung cancer treatments were based on the flawed research of Dr. Anil Potti, a discredited Duke associate professor who resigned after his work and credentials came under scrutiny.

Questionable Treatment

The underlying science of Dr. Potti’s studies was called into question by independent cancer organizations and agencies after it was discovered that he embellished his credentials, including his claim to have been a Rhodes Scholar.

According to a communication from Dr. Victor J. Dzau, CEO and Chancellor for Health Affairs at Duke University Health System, “A research misconduct investigation is proceeding and several of the pivotal scientific papers related to this work have now been retracted from the medical literature.”

Clinical Trials Continued

Duke missed opportunities to take quick action once Dr. Potti’s research was questioned, despite Dr. Potti’s research being discredited.

Keith Baggerly and Kevin Coombes, biostatisticians at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, first voiced their concerns in 2006 when they learned the Duke clinical trials were taking place. The two attempted to alert officials, but it was not until 2009 that Duke stopped the trials. Unfortunately, patients at Duke had already started receiving the treatment.

Duke officials then decided to restart the trials in January 2010, only to stop once again—for the last time—in July 2010. Dr. Michael Cuffe, Vice President for Medical Affairs at Duke commented on the trials, saying “These trials should not have been done. It’s clear additional steps need to be taken. We owe it to patients.”


Duke University has had other legal/medical issues, but it would be a better place for YoFo to attach herself to rather than Dr. Klingon

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I've always liked Kyle. I think she is the most "normal" down to Earth of almost all of the housewives across the franchise. She is a wonderful mother. The only issue I see with her is that she likes Faye and sometimes does exhibit some mean girl moments.



Not that Kyle is completely innocent, because she's obviously been angling for years to make Faye happen on this show...

Kyle, stop trying to make Faye happen! It's not going to happen!


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Has anyone else noticed that ever since Lisa said this, Erika seems to be wearing something pink almost every episode?  She had on those loud pink pumps at Kyle's non-bbq and in her TH Erika had on a pink blouse.  lol


Yes! And I hope it's intentional. 

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The problem for Brandi came later when Lisa invited Scheana to other events that were filmed (Ken's birthday party) because Brandi had asked her not to do this and Lisa had agreed, and also because Lisa was pulling away from Brandi. I always got why this upset Brandi. Her issue was with the fact that suddenly Lisa and Ken weren't taking her calls or spending time with her, while at the same time arranging for more screen time for Scheana.

This is another reason I am getting to the point where I cannot stand Lisa VDP.  She forces us to take Brandi's part!  Because if I recall correctly that's exactly what happened.  Lisa was trying to get some lift-off for VDP Rules and knew that having Scheana around Brandi would give it some oomph given that Scheana was in the other show.  I loathe Brandi.  She's like a cowpat on legs.  But she was right on this one.

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God, I hate to be in a position - ever - to defend Brandi.  But.....this sit down meeting with Scheana wasn't what Brandi ever complained about. She completely got what this was about (OK, near the end she said she felt used, but this wasn't what set Brandi off).  She was fine with that meeting, and understood she was setting up Lisa's new show, but also helping herself. Everyone was happy. The problem for Brandi came later when Lisa invited Scheana to other events that were filmed (Ken's birthday party) because Brandi had asked her not to do this and Lisa had agreed, and also because Lisa was pulling away from Brandi. I always got why this upset Brandi. Her issue was with the fact that suddenly Lisa and Ken weren't taking her calls or spending time with her, while at the same time arranging for more screen time for Scheana.


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This is another reason I am getting to the point where I cannot stand Lisa VDP.  She forces us to take Brandi's part!  Because if I recall correctly that's exactly what happened.  Lisa was trying to get some lift-off for VDP Rules and knew that having Scheana around Brandi would give it some oomph given that Scheana was in the other show.  I loathe Brandi.  She's like a cowpat on legs.  But she was right on this one.


I find Brandi more irritating than loathsome, and it's precisely because of what you said. In general, I think Brandi's awfulness has been widely recognized, whereas I think the other HWs sort of hide behind "Brandi was awful!" as a cover for their own bad behavior. Case in point being Lisa. I'm always amazed at how she manages to skirt by when her hands are all over the crime scene.


But I guess that speaks to LVP's savvy. Find someone louder and more obnoxious to take the heat off you.

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Kyle, stop trying to make Faye happen!


Faye has already "happened."  She "happened" 20 years ago on the very next day after Nicole was slain.  Her face was plastered all over everyone's TV sets.  You name the talk show, Faye was on it, acting like the sole authority on Nicole, whether she knew what she was talking  about or not.


Now, Kyle is determined to rehabilitate Faye and put her on this show as a regular or a friend.  Faye was already removed from this show once due to viewer disgust, yet Kyle persists!  There are many other shows that Faye could appear on, but she and Kyle are determined to forge ahead with their own crusade.  So far this season we've been given Kyle, Bethenny, Taylor and Faye.  Who's next?

Edited by Lura
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Duke University is not perfect:.


Didn't know said or even implied that it was.

My point was that Yolanda isn't' the only person concerned about toxins in the body being introduced through things like nail polish.

And the many people who believe they have chemical sensitivities don't wear make up, or nail polish.

If critics want to poo-poo that (not that that is what you were doing), that of course, is their right.

Edited by selhars
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God, I hate to be in a position - ever - to defend Brandi.  But.....this sit down meeting with Scheana wasn't what Brandi ever complained about. She completely got what this was about (OK, near the end she said she felt used, but this wasn't what set Brandi off).  She was fine with that meeting, and understood she was setting up Lisa's new show, but also helping herself. Everyone was happy. The problem for Brandi came later when Lisa invited Scheana to other events that were filmed (Ken's birthday party) because Brandi had asked her not to do this and Lisa had agreed, and also because Lisa was pulling away from Brandi. I always got why this upset Brandi. Her issue was with the fact that suddenly Lisa and Ken weren't taking her calls or spending time with her, while at the same time arranging for more screen time for Scheana.  


Because I had completely blocked pretty much anything that had to do with Brandi and Sceana, I went back and watched a bunch of clips of the prior seasons to see these interactions. 


I could see if Brandi was upset about seeing Sceana if she felt Ken and Lisa were pulling away from her, but didn't Brandi accuse Lisa of "mothering" her? I thought that was the initial catalyst for Lisa backing off. Also, when watching these things like when Lisa told Brandi to congratulate Sceana on her engagement, I got the distinct impression that this was something Brandi and Lisa agreed to before hand and Brandi caught feelings in the moment. - which is perfectly fine, but Brandi was being given an opportunity to prove to the audience that all of her protestations of being over Eddie and his cheating ways was actually true. 


Rewatching a lot of those scenes from past seasons brought home how much Lisa tried to help Brandi craft a better image for herself as a housewife. Getting the modeling gig, hanging out with her off camera, getting her to show she had moved on by congratulating Sceana, all of those things to me said that Lisa was trying to help Brandi get better control of her image and Brandi was going along with it until she wasn't.


I am also starting to see that Yolanda was grooming Brandi to be her own pitbull and go after Lisa. I want to say it started with the shoes she bought her in Paris. But it may have started earlier with the whole "Who is Adrienne Maloof in this world?" comment that kind of cemented Yolanda as being on Brandi's side. But, it was that dinner in Puerto Rico where we saw Kim and Yolanda pushing for a confrontation between Lisa, Brandi and Kyle, that it really started to click with me. Lisa seemed genuinely hurt and kept stressing to Brandi how much she loved her before she and Ken finally left. I think Lisa saw what was happening but couldn't articulate it on camera and could only kind of beg Brandi to remember that she loved her and had been a genuine friend to her. 


With all of that said, I am going to go back to pretending Brandi doesn't exist as I don't want her stench to emanate back onto this show. 

Edited by MatildaMoody
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Did she really get death threats or was it just hype?

It was very ugly and I think if people sit back and take a breath they might see how disproportionate the hatred towards Faye was and is.  She wrote a book, it contained some unflattering things about a murder victim, her friend.  She was one of many who had her name attached to Nicole's and received money for their story or work.  People posting on her Bravo blog acted and wrote as if she was worse than Hitler , Osama bin Laden or OJ.  It was page after page of hideous comments.  Even the Christian Post  headlined the story describing Faye as a villain.  Faye had received a death threat on her car.  But who decided to capitalize on the situation?  None other than Brandi.  http://thestir.cafemom.com/tv/152910/faye_resnick_hate_grows_to  Mind you this vitriolic was directed at Faye because she dressed Brandi down for what she did to Adrienne and Paul and their children.  She didn't threaten anyone, hit anyone, call anyone horrible names but people thought it acceptable to threaten her life?

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