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S01.E01: Jill and Jessa Counting On: A New Chapter


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Kinda off topic, but how does thrift shopping not help the local economy? Instead of the money going to a big boxed business like Wal*Mart, the money went to the owner of the thrift shop---those places aren't free to run, they're a local business like anything else. I personally don't shop them because I'm lazy, but I think buying from a thrift shop does more good for the local economy than going to Wal*Mart would have. 



I think they meant shopping at a shop (even if it had to be a Wally World) in CA rather than NWA. I wonder how many thrift shops there actually are in a second world country like Guatemala, but if they were anywhere, I'd think they'd be in a more civilized place like Antigua.


Sorry I wasn't clear. Sew Sumi said what I meant better haha.

Edited by sometimesy
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But it would sure make a more interesting episode.

Plus, they could combine their shopping with one of those less-than-interpretative Come to Jesus dance thingy things.

Who wouldn't watch that?

hahaha! Leghumpers would be up in arms that they shopped at a little tienda in CA rather than shoehorn in a scene with three sisters in order to fit their TH segments into the episode. Because TLC confirmed that this show isn't just about Jill and Jessa. DUH! 


And that's why we weren't subjected to one of those lovely interpretative dances. 


That's also why, to a person, we all thought the episode mind-numbingly boring. At least give us some comedy! 

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It certainly did for Henry VIII. Anne Boelyn held marriage over Henry's head to get himself some. And BOOM! we have the Church of England because the exalted leader couldn't get what he wanted any other way! 


I think Anne wins any purity contest over the Duggar spawn, who haven't changed any of Gothard's tenets in order to marry. But looking into the Duggar girls' marriages a little bit, I continue to be amazed at how little these people seem to really know one another. They merely try to out-platitude each other. I'm still pissed at Derick's derisive sneer at "non-bible readers" who shockingly (in  his mind) know that pride goes before a fall. Fuck.you.


eta: snerk...



I am pissed as well and I totally missed that sneer. Could someone give me the context for Derick's condescending remark? TIA
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It was during a staged "bible time." Derick basically prefaced the verse by saying that "even non-bible believing people" knew about it. I don't know what he said after that, but the scene was short, and by then I was seething. Maybe an underhanded dig at Smuggar? I'm not really sure, but why else would he choose that verse to parade in front of the cameras? 


Anyone who can finish off Derick's remarks can feel free to correct me if I barked up the wrong tree of pride. :D

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I've known several people who use "whenever" that way, and I think it could be a regional thing to some degree. The people I've heard using it are mostly Oklahomans [next door to Arkansas], including people with education, life experience, and overall maturity FAR above the Duggars'.

At any rate, it's certainly not unique to the Duggars. I can see how it could be infuriatingly irritating to a listener, whatever its origins.

EDITED to add: the people I know who've used "whenever" that way, have not tended to use it every single time instead of "when." I'm having trouble explaining this, but it seemed more like a turn of phrase that popped up now and then in their conversations.

I think they are actually yearning to say "whensoever" because the Bible.

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I've lived in both Europe and Asia, and never saw thrift stores like we have here in the US.  Many countries don't have the luxury of ditching stuff the way we do when we get bored with it.  Clothing for children got passed along until it was threadbare, then discarded.  And in other cases, items were donated to local religious organizations to assist the needy.


Packing up used clothing from the US (Which was most likely produced overseas) probably cost the same as buying new in Central America.  These pathetic people can't even get that right.  To me it's an insult to the people they are supposedly meaning to help.  They are only worth giving used crap to.  

Edited by leighdear
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I've lived in both Europe and Asia, and never saw thrift stores like we have here in the US.  Many countries don't have the luxury of ditching stuff the way we do when we get bored with it.  Clothing for children got passed along until it was threadbare, then discarded.  And in other cases, items were donated to local religious organizations to assist the needy.


Packing up used clothing from the US (Which was most likely produced overseas) probably cost the same as buying new in Central America.  These pathetic people can't even get that right.  To me it's an insult to the people they are supposedly meaning to help.  They are only worth giving used crap to.  

The fact is that we discard so much usable clothing in the U.S. that some thrift stores will actually turn it away. I worked for a long time in the nonprofit world, and when I was the supervisor of a confidential shelter for DV survivors we got SO MUCH CLOTHING  donated. A whole lot of it was utterly useless to the clients; when we turned around and tried to donate it to several local charitable thrift stores we were told they didn't want it. If Jill had a mentality of CREATIVE PRODUCTIVITY, she could put together a clothing drive that netted a metric shit ton of clothes to give away in CA. Not only that, but many businesses are happy to make product donations to nonprofits--so they could acquire some new items, too.


All of this, of course, would require forethought, planning, energy expenditure, and ACTUAL WORK, which is sort of outside the Duggar bailiwick.

Edited by SometimesBites
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They, Derick and Jill, sure could do a lot more than they do.  Your suggestions were excellent, and not difficult for even the dense to initiate.  You are so right, people are happy to help, even with new goods from retailers.


The thrift stores around here are generally for profit and are goods that were donated directly (but you don't get a deduction) or given by overstock from goodwill (who sell the worst stuff as rags to be shipped overseas to be turned into other goods), or plucked from bins including the bins we set out weekly for paid pick up.  It is legal because once you take out your trash, it's free to whomever. It bothers me, but nothing you can do.  I also know darned well they are on scanners that follow fire trucks around and plough through the debris where they can find good stuff in the contaminated ashes.  That's how I lost jewelry and coins that would not have burned but was never found.  That is illegal, but have to catch them.  Hope they get something from the contamination.


Also the Thrift Stores are often owned by recent immigrants who came here to make a buck and using this ingenuity have managed to do so.  You should see what recent immigrants have accomplished and the money they have made.  Extraordinary houses and cars, after they have a few stores operating.  

Edited by Micks Picks

The fact is that we discard so much usable clothing in the U.S. that some thrift stores will actually turn it away. I worked for a long time in the nonprofit world, and when I was the supervisor of a confidential shelter for DV survivors we got SO MUCH CLOTHING  donated. A whole lot of it was utterly useless to the clients; when we turned around and tried to donate it to several local charitable thrift stores we were told they didn't want it. If Jill had a mentality of CREATIVE PRODUCTIVITY, she could put together a clothing drive that netted a metric shit ton of clothes to give away in CA. Not only that, but many businesses are happy to make product donations to nonprofits--so they could acquire some new items, too.


All of this, of course, would require forethought, planning, energy expenditure, and ACTUAL WORK, which is sort of outside the Duggar bailiwick.

Bolding mine. It would require just an ordinary individual thought. Something that Jill seems incapable of.

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We do have charity shops, which according to Google is what you call a thrift store. I donate all of my clothes and books etc there. It's not as prevalent as it is in the UK or Ireland say, but they do exist. Badly needed as well, since there is an ever increasing lower class rearing its ugly head here. Thanks Merkel.


Setting up a business is something none of the Duggarlings can do, I think, since none of them have an ounce of sense or enterprising spirit. For all that their parents had ordinary childhoods, they have utterly failed at passing a work ethic or some sort of individuality onto their children.

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Jilly Muffin announced that caring for Izzy and going to school is just too much. I know women with kids who got MBAsor went to medical school. I mean I guess this is the first time she's been to a brick and mortar school...FFS...it's a Spanish class not biochemistry. Language classes are great fun, but I guess this requires too much effort for her grossly unprepared mind.

One or more of the posters has suggested Muffy might be preggers again. This may really be why she's quitting school, er I mean Spanish class...but she can't announce it yet. I grew up in East Texas and knew plenty of Fundies and Fundie lights who held actual corporate jobs ...sent their kids to brick and mortar schools (both public or private Christian schools)....they led rather grim and strict lives yet instilled the values of education, a work ethic, encouraged college or trade school, because they realized as the Apostle Paul taught that one had to learn to live in the world but not become it...the Duggars were kept too insulated to learn this lesson so their coping skills are severely limited.

Well I guess it's on again tonight. Another snooze fest of America's Most Boring Family. Now that they're married and don't have 40 hours of laundry a week to do...they don't know what to do with all this time because they've never been allowed to read what they want or watch what they want. So married life is eat, sleep, screw, pretend to work, lip peck every 20 minutes...Fundy girls seem to have contests to see who can come up with the most eloquent platitude or whose husband is more amazing than another's. Though I realize they are products of their upbringing, it simply boggles the mind just how messed up their parents' "social experiment" really has been....one giant Charlie Foxtrot!

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
  • Love 16

Jilly Muffin announced that caring for Izzy and going to school is just too much. I know women with kids who got MBAsor went to medical school. I mean I guess this is the first time she's been to a brick and mortar school...FFS...it's a Spanish class not biochemistry. Language classes are great fun, but I guess this requires too much effort for her grossly unprepared mind.

One or more of the posters has suggested Muffy might be preggers again. This may really be why she's quitting school, er I mean Spanish class...but she can't announce it yet. I grew up in East Texas and knew plenty of Fundies and Fundie lights who held actual corporate jobs ...sent their kids to brick and mortar schools (both public or private Christian schools)....they led rather grim and strict lives yet instilled the values of education, a work ethic, encouraged college or trade school, because they realized as the Apostle Paul taught that one had to learn to live in the world but not become it...the Duggars were kept too insulated to learn this lesson so their coping skills are severely limited.

Well I guess it's on again tonight. Another snooze fest of America's Most Boring Family. Now that they're married and don't have 40 hours of laundry a week to do...they don't know what to do with all this time because they've never been allowed to read what they want or watch what they want. So married life is eat, sleep, screw, pretend to work, lip peck every 20 minutes...Fundy girls seem to have contests to see who can come up with the most eloquent platitude or whose husband is more amazing than another's. Though I realize they are products of their upbringing, it simply boggles the mind just how messed up their parents' "social experiment" really has been....one giant Charlie Foxtrot!

I see what you did there. *wink*
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Yes, they are very much opposed to it, as are many fundies I know, because of how often a fertilized egg fails to implant. Which is murder in their eyes.


Sounds like the issue wasn't extensive decay, which would be the only reason for pulling all his teeth and going for dentures or implants. If his jaw needed to be expanded as many are saying, that's a different issue.

No reputable dentist would pull healthy teeth!!! Dentures are a last ditch, and are for people who cannot afford implants. When the teeth are removed, the bones in the jaw and maxilla begin to shrink. I am sure you have noticed the denture face in people who have had them for many years. Derrik has done the right thing. His surgery wasn't botched. Give it a year and things will start to look better.

People bail on surgery at the last minute all the time. I don't buy that.


Since their ministrycation is a non-profit - will it's 2015 taxes be public record? I suppose it's also possible Derick has some kind of scandal in his closet - not gross stuff like Josh, but stuff they don't want out. Maybe why he really left his job.


Of course. They need footage. Jill will either come home to announce a pregnancy, or have some kind of pregnancy emergency that requires a two week stay in Arkansas. A vacation from their vacation.


You'd think their passports reentering the US would trigger a computer flag, somewhere.



Pickles posted a picture from the special - Derick is laying in a hospital bed, eyes closed, hooked up to a vent(? cant see clearly), while Jill stands in the foreground, holding Izzy, beaming a gummy smile. It's just..so..off. I'd post it here but won't run afoul of the mods.

He is NOT on a ventilator. That is 100% O2 coming from a non rebreather that is placed under his nose. It is just assistance with his stats after surgery. And for the poster that said he did not need his maxilla broken, I can tell you with 100% certainty that he would not have that surgery done unless it was necessary. Orthodontist's don't extract teeth to make space anymore. There are much better ways to create space...usually done as a child when the bones are still pliable. It is a shame Cathy did not give her sons the treatment they both needed as boys.

Cathy and her husband may have not been able to afford dental care for Derick. Even with insurance, dental and orthodontist work can be expensive. I got braces in my early twenties and now I am facing a trip to the dentist because of Bruxism and TMJ Arthralgia. Yes, my dad should have gotten me dental care in my early teens, but I cannot blame him for the problems I am having now. In my case, side effects from the hypothyroid med I am on, the radiation ablation treatment, and the sleep apnea may be causing the problems. Derick is a big boy now so he needs to be addressing his dental care and not expect his mother, Jill, or the Duggars to do it for him.

Jill and Jessa are so boring, they actually bore each other.

 LOL When they were doing that scene where they were picking at fruit while talking (their 2 dweeby 'men' were tossing around Izzy in the background), I thought they were channeling the Kardashians, with the pushing food around on a plate business and the bored monotones. I was waiting for one of their phones to ring, and its Mullet calling with "startling news", ala Kris K.

So is everything all trumped up for tonight (haven't watched any teasers this week) ...isn't this Anna's turn with the Visine eye drops ?

Soon after this episode aired last week I asked about Jill saying that a judge had ruled that the release of the records wasn't right... I didn't remember there ever being any true judgement on the matter... But I just got my answer as I am rewatching. Jill says that a judge said the records never should have been released because it outed the victims, and had them destroyed, but that's not what happened, one of the victims was under the age of 18 at the time requested they be destroyed.

Everytime I give these people a little sympathy they open their big mouths and I'm back to snarksville as far as they are concerned. I should have known, I highly doubt a judge would rule to destroy the records at that point because the damage was done and the cat was out of the bag, destroying the records was a moot point. I do feel bad that a painful time in their lives was forced to be replayed in the world of public opinion... But their efforts to sweep it under the rug is what is making it worse. I think if handled correctly people would have sympathized and felt bad for them, but they basically handled everything in the worst way possible and I personally now hate them more.

Ps I was multitasking the last time I watched and didn't notice... Did they just STAPLE a valence on the wall!?!?!? I have the domestic skills of a college bachelor, but for the love, a true valence is not expensive OR hard to put up.

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Jill and Jessa are childults...so they have the maturity of 14 year olds and that's being charitable. II'm sad for what happened that we all had to find out about this in a very public way...they went to pieces over Josh cheating...as sheltered as they are I can't even begin to think how embarrassed and traumatized they were about what was done to them. Who wants their private pain and shame laid bare.

How they handled it or rather how they were coached to say theyd handled it was sad. As much as I love to snark on this family, those girls were victims. They put themselves out there for a lot of ridicule but some things are just off limits. I had a friend who was a sexual abuse survivor who drank herself to death, so this kind of abuse can cause long term damage. There's no way to know how they realty feel about it and if they really have come to terms with, but I hope they all have found healing. It's really up to them to decide how they feel, but if Duggar history is any indicator, we'll all be wondering if they have been allowed to.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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I made myself sit down and re-watch this mess last night after reading all of the comments.  One thing that really stood out to me was their consistent misuse of the word  "whenever".   Every single time they used it, the correct word would have been  "when".  Such as  "whenever we found out what had happened"   Drove me bonkers. 


Not only do the two newly married young kids have no real relationship with their spouse, they all sat around unable to converse amongst one another.  It was like they were all strangers...so uncomfortable.   How do you marry someone without even being able to hold a conversation with them?  How do you conceive a child with someone that you don't even really know?  I'm seriously confused by the dynamics of it all. 


ETA: Ben is an idiot who looks completely over Jessa and the entire situation he finds himself in.  I think he was so excited to  "have sex"  with a real female that all logic went out the window.  It probably wasn't all that he had imagined it to be, and now he's stuck...with a baby on the way... a wife who expects to be a princess....no income....and a father in law who calls all the shots.  Pretty shitty decision making, Michael Seewald.  This is what happens when you are so short sighted - you completely miss the big picture.  Good luck with that. 

Fixed it for you. lol


I think Bin got put on the choo choo train to Duggarville then forgotten about by his family that wanted to dump him ASAP.

Edited by Fuzzysox
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I am going to try to be positive since I am full of holiday spirit.

First baby Izzy so adorable, as if Annas little one, sorry can't remember her name.

Glad to see Cathy getting to spend time with her son an grandson with her Cancer battles.

Maybe it's just me but Ben actually seemed a little more articulate than he did on #19 kids and counting.

Some say boring I would rather sit through this than watch Jim Boob plaster on hair spray or listen to Michelle and her grating baby voice any day of the week!

I agree with others who say Joy Anna is absolutely beautiful, she may be out if the nest before her older siblings.

My only WTH was if Josh was upfront to Anna and her family would you or your parents want you to marry someone who had molested family members!?

I bet you there was some tater to casserole one or both of the shin digs they had!

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I think Joy Anna is plain looking. She probably gets a pass because she hasn't had the opportunity to show us her personality like the older girl have so she hasn't turned ugly yet.

Im sorry but I dont get all this praise for Joy Anna,she is homely at best.

Its been covered due to the floor skimming skirts,however most of the girls (not counting Jinger) are quite dumpy with thick legs.


Edited by Almost 3000
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I think Joy Anna is plain looking. She probably gets a pass because she hasn't had the opportunity to show us her personality like the older girl have so she hasn't turned ugly yet.


I actually think we've seen quite a lot of Joy's personality. She has shown to be one of the more sensitive ones. Sure, a lot of them are crying about the recent turmoil in the family, but Joy was was getting very weepy about Joy leaving the family as well. It was sweet seeing how close those two are. Joy also seems very spunky and a bit tomboyish to me. I think she and Jana are probably the nicest of the older girls. Joy seems the most genuine to me, as genuine as you can get in that family. 


I do think she's very pretty as well. She has lovely eyes and a great smile. Her hair looks healthy, which I do not think I can say for Jessa and Jill. They need a good trim! She is heavier than her older sisters, but I wouldn't call her "dumpy". She may still be growing into her body. 

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ghoulina ~ Point taken. I guess I meant I rather liked Jill and thought she was cute while courting until we now see what we see and I can't stand her. I hope as we get to see more of Joy that won't happen. If she's lucky the show and all its various forms but for maybe some updates will disappear and her life will play out in a more normal way.

I actually think we've seen quite a lot of Joy's personality. She has shown to be one of the more sensitive ones. Sure, a lot of them are crying about the recent turmoil in the family, but Joy was was getting very weepy about Joy leaving the family as well. It was sweet seeing how close those two are. Joy also seems very spunky and a bit tomboyish to me. I think she and Jana are probably the nicest of the older girls. Joy seems the most genuine to me, as genuine as you can get in that family. 


I do think she's very pretty as well. She has lovely eyes and a great smile. Her hair looks healthy, which I do not think I can say for Jessa and Jill. They need a good trim! She is heavier than her older sisters, but I wouldn't call her "dumpy". She may still be growing into her body. 

 Knowing the personalities of the older Duggar girls influences my thoughts about their looks I suppose. 

I have always thought Jana was the prettiest of the group and she seems sweet. Jana also seems the most put upon my her DNA donors, so maybe that softens my opinion of her.

Jessa is so harsh and condescending that nothing about her is pretty.

Jinger looks unrelated to the others.

Jill and Anna aren't very bright and their constant spouting the party line as directed by their cult is very unattractive to me.

Joy is still growing into her looks as I see it.

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I always feel uncomfortable discussing the looks of children - if they aren't blessed with beautiful countenances it's not their fault, to be sure, so I'm pretty hands-off with that aspect of the Duggars. I WILL pick on the parents, however, who don't help what can be helped, like crooked teeth, acne, and bad haircuts. Unfortunately the J-Crew has that in abundance. 


To me, Jessa is the more conventionally pretty of the two on Counting On - better skin, better smile, better face shape, but - and this is the important thing - if I didn't know either of them and they were't on TV being judgmental harpies shilling for a cult I'd never pay them any notice, good OR bad. 


In the real world, for me, peoples' looks are just what they are, just as MINE are, but Jill and Jessa - pretty, perhaps, maybe even beautiful, in the right light - have MADE themselves ugly to my eyes by virtue of their judgment, vitriol, laziness, and sanctimony.


I can't look at them objectively anymore because their inner darkness has obscured their outer light. They could both be candidates for Miss Universe for all I know, but all I see is the inner ugly that radiates from every single pore. 

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They all, even Ben and Derick, have this fuzzy, slurred sound to their voices. I'm not sure if that's the Arkansas accent (in that case, I apologize), or pure stupidity oozing out.  There's just this "Uhhhhh......pause......(insert some empty random statement here)....heh heh.....little smile then look at the person next to them".  I'm not sure if it's a regional thing, or a learned speech tic from being so insular and not hearing a wide variety of different people speak.  It's sort of like they're buzzed, slightly blurry around the edges.  

  • Love 7

They all, even Ben and Derick, have this fuzzy, slurred sound to their voices. I'm not sure if that's the Arkansas accent (in that case, I apologize), or pure stupidity oozing out. There's just this "Uhhhhh......pause......(insert some empty random statement here)....heh heh.....little smile then look at the person next to them". I'm not sure if it's a regional thing, or a learned speech tic from being so insular and not hearing a wide variety of different people speak. It's sort of like they're buzzed, slightly blurry around the edges.

You mean like Butthead of Beavis and Butthead ???

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Jessa and her dopey 'man' devoting all their time to the 'fun' of keeping the gender a secret ??? Good God, they really don't have anything else to do.


I don't believe this is completely true. I think Jessa and the 'stunned one' just said that in hopes of capitalizing on the birth. Just as telling as the comments about Jessa's birth not being as celebrated as Jill's. They were counting on TLC's money for the birth, and Josh messed them up. I think Jessa's been filmed long enough to feel entitled, and that is her true "beef" against her brother.

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I think Jill & Jessa is/was a 3 episode deal, so the next episode is the "last", but TLC's failure to cultivate decent ratings for anything else means we can probably expect more

InTouch move on quickly

Catch Jill & Jessa: Counting On on Sunday at 9 p.m. on TLC and watch the preview below!

Edited by Kokapetl
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