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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Seriously? Maya stood there and told Thorne that Aly had "challenges" or whatever condescending nonsense she was spewing. Both she and Rick are all shades of shitty for glossing over how poorly they treated Aly.


I loved the cop's response to Steffy when she was babbling about how Aly tried to run over her, "Is that your story?" I hope Steffy gets hauled away to jail for questioning and attempted murder. Ivy should blackmail her that Steffy has to stay away from Liam or Ivy will out her.


So is Thorne's appearance a limited run? Bury Aly and go back to Paris?


At least there was a (lame) explanation of Oliver's whereabouts during all of this.

  • Love 10

Did you notice the cop asked Steffy if "that was her story" when she said that Ally attacked her then fell and hit her head.  I bet they find bruises on her where she was hit the tire iron, and that sly Aussie has a video of the whole thing, she was wiley enough to video the confrontation when she pulled up.

Edited by Cindylou
  • Love 4
Seriously? Maya stood there and told Thorne that Aly had "challenges" or whatever condescending nonsense she was spewing. Both she and Rick are all shades of shitty for glossing over how poorly they treated Aly.

Absolutely. IMO, it's disgusting and the main reason why I'll never accept Maya as some kind of "heroine". Rick is just being his using d-bag self but Maya knows what it's like to be bullied for things beyond her control. Her refusal to own up to her part in what happened is simply appalling to me.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 14

Seriously? SERIOUSLY?!!!!!

This is the best you idiot writers could do??? KILL ALY??!!!!


We get all this Maya/Ric bullying shite, then out of the blue Aly is suddenly regressed to bonkers again and  oh dear me....poooooor little Steffy....just being FUN Steffy, full of California Freedom Steffy, getting her man-at-all-costs-just-cuz-she-wants-him Steffy causes her to become Aly's focus of rage ....and ALY has to die?!


I saw no facial expression in JMW...like Maelstrom said:


Seemed to me she was trying to channel her inner Jennifer Lawrence from Mockingjay, and the odds were not in JMW's favor.

...yeah. This. Not even close.

(I keep asking, why did they have to bring JMW back?)


I don't care anymore about any of these people. Steffy has a secret. Don't care. Maya & Ric have the sads. Don't care.Thorne lost his child. Damn. That really pisses me off but so has this show.  Just can't anymore. Sucks cause there are a few actors I like...their characters and story. Not so much. Nice work show...I am done.

  • Love 19

The more you think about it, the more depressing it gets. Aly dies in the same spot her mother did at the hands of Taylor's daughter and in the throes of psychosis. I was almost feeling sorry for Steffy having to take extreme measures to defend herself, and then she tossed the tire iron and ever so adroitly starts babbling about an accident. Just say you were defending yourself, asshole. The skid marks from Aly's car, the nail in the tire, and the creepy collage would lend credibility to that. Aly would have been so proud to learn that Steffy can indeed cover her own ass when she needs to.

Seriously, did the paramedics only try one chest compression?

Edited by NinjaPenguins
  • Love 17

Forgot to mention earlier in post about today's episode: BTW - I think the GLAAD influence is going a bit overboard. Did we really need Thorne to fall to his knees at Maya's altar? It's been two months since the word got out and weeks since Maya returned to FC. One would assume that Thorne as a key Forrester would've already spoken to Maya or something. Also, notice only Aly (crazy) and Julius (non-contract and established to be $$$ grabber) are the ONLY two characters that dare not fall into the PC camp.

I think B&B is doing a disservice here because no matter how liberal some Californians/Fashion industry people may be, it's not even close to being plausible. I think B&B is missing an opportunity here for some compelling storytelling. Just because someone does not agree/understand/relate to TG community, does not make them small-minded, crazy and/or a bigot. It's an incredibly complex issue that 99.9% of population has not had 'real' exposure. I mean I've lived in big cities (not burbs) had a broad based of eclectic and diverse friends and I've never met a TG person (or at least one that was revealed).

By canonizing Maya, they are at risk of boxing her in again - as the boring 'nice' character. She was so much more fun as assertive Maya who was tired of being walked on.

  • Love 11

I do think Brad bell could stand to read some novels, especially tales of the city..especially given the Maya story.



Brad Bell only recycles what has gone before on Bn'B.


Love Armistead Maupin.

Absolutely. IMO, it's disgusting and the main reason why I'll never accept Maya as some kind of "heroine". Rick is just being his using d-bag self but Maya knows what it's like to be bullied for things beyond her control. Her refusal to own up to her part in what happened is simply appalling to me.

Thorne should have torn them a new one for being so cruel to his psychologically fragile daughter

  • Love 13

How disappointing; I don't understand the shows thinking here. As the daughter of a legacy character, Ally should have stayed on the map as part of the future of the show. Not only that, but Ashlyn Pearce was a good young actress; I hope she goes out and makes it really big now. Stupid fucking show. 


And poor Thorne! How much is one forgotten, invisible son supposed to bear? After living his life as his parents second choice and in Ridge's shadow, slaving away in obscurity in the basement, losing two wives that he loved, and years of dealing with a mentally deficient daughter; he now must bear losing her too? 


And just when I was warming up to Rick and Maya, they go and inflame me once again. Did Rick really pounce on Thorne the minute he walked in the door about his engagement? And why did we have to have Thorne raving about Maya? I am not saying the conversations shouldn't have been had, but seriously? Was that the right time? Thorne's daughter is missing after the Hardy Boys and Nancy just found that creepy collage, and Rick wants to celebrate his engagement with Thorne? Did an intern write the show yesterday? I am beyond incensed! 


Even so, I will not blame Steffy. I don't like the character, but what I saw was self defense. I can assure you, if someone rammed a nail in my tire to set me up for a hit and run, then came at me with a tire iron? Well, sorry, but that person is gonna get what they are giving, crazy cousin or not. It would have been so much better for Ally to have been given another chance at getting better. What are we going to have now? Another Taylor like SL, with Ivy being the Hector character? Controlling all of Steffy's moves and thoughts? Fuck it all, but that scares me that they will also destroy Ivy. I hate what they have done, almost to the point I want to tune out again. 


I could rant all day, but I won't. I am going to switch gears and go to a happy place, because I got a sweet surprise this morning after viewing B&B. In honor of Shark Week (love it), the SYFY channel is showing all kinds of "Aquatic Life Attacks!" movies. Most are about sharks, some are about snakes or crocs, some have squish names "Dinoshark", "Sharktopussy", "Sharknado", but in general they are all really bad (love bad movies). So, I turned to the channel this morning, and who did I see? Thorsten Kaye in "Shark Attack 2", and man oh man, did he ever look good. Shorter hair, clean shaven, and buff, buff, buff! Shit ran me late for work! Anyway, the movie was pretty bad, not as bad as some I have seen, but TK was actually very good. My only complaint was a scene when Nick (TK's character) was inappropriately sexing up his blonde, and very beautiful, female co-star (BITCH!), in a late night romp in a pond. I hated every minute of it, but it did give me a chance to see all that maleness as it glistened in the water..............ok, better stop right there. In the end, blondie redeemed herself by saving Nick from a growling and very angry giant shark. I still hate her though. 

  • Love 16

Forgot to mention earlier in post about today's episode: BTW - I think the GLAAD influence is going a bit overboard. Did we really need Thorne to fall to his knees at Maya's altar? It's been two months since the word got out and weeks since Maya returned to FC. One would assume that Thorne as a key Forrester would've already spoken to Maya or something. Also, notice only Aly (crazy) and Julius (non-contract and established to be $$$ grabber) are the ONLY two characters that dare not fall into the PC camp.

I think B&B is doing a disservice here because no matter how liberal some Californians/Fashion industry people may be, it's not even close to being plausible. I think B&B is missing an opportunity here for some compelling storytelling. Just because someone does not agree/understand/relate to TG community, does not make them small-minded, crazy and/or a bigot. It's an incredibly complex issue that 99.9% of population has not had 'real' exposure. I mean I've lived in big cities (not burbs) had a broad based of eclectic and diverse friends and I've never met a TG person (or at least one that was revealed).

By canonizing Maya, they are at risk of boxing her in again - as the boring 'nice' character. She was so much more fun as assertive Maya who was tired of being walked on.

WORD to this entire post. I was raised in NYC, lived in CA and FL and never heard of nor met a transgender person (that I know of). According to B&B if I ever met one, my only options are to accept them or be labeled transphobic or small minded? There's no middle ground? Effing writers...

  • Love 5

Nice work show...I am done.

I haven't watched since the July 10 show.  I really do not like St. Maya and now that her parents are on I fear they'll be renaming the show The Bold and the Beautiful and the Even More Beautiful Avants.  Now that I'm reading about poor Aly...ummm yeah, I'm done, at least for now.  Of course I'll still be around to read the awesome snark :)

  • Love 5

WORD to this entire post. I was raised in NYC, lived in CA and FL and never heard of nor met a transgender person (that I know of). According to B&B if I ever met one, my only options are to accept them or be labeled transphobic or small minded? There's no middle ground? Effing writers...

I don't think that many people "come out" because of the risk of alienation and violence. I think that's now starting to change.

I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I'm acquainted with a person for whom gender is quite fluid. She is from this city but lives in San Francisco. She presently identifies as a woman but even she acknowledges that she might not always identify as such.

When I was growing up in Toronto, I met a transgender person for the first time. I worked with her at a summer job. That was over 20 years ago. It was an eye-opening experience. I witnessed a lot of prejudice and ridicule at her expense.

Another (at least) 10 full years went by before I "met" another transgender person (I use air quotes because I only know him through his (library science) blog and at conferences related to my profession).

For a while I lived in Montreal, when my DH was in grad school. One of his friends (a fellow student) has transitioned within the past 3 years. He's much happier since he made the transition.

Here in Ottawa, at the school where Prof. Catalogrrr teaches (in a pretty small program), just this last school year there were 2 people who identified as transgender.

What's my point? I'm not sure. I don't think transgender people are everywhere but I do think it's becoming increasingly safe for them to come out so we are seeing more of them in our everyday lives.

As for the writers, I think they need to realize that someone could dislike a transgender person based entirely on their personality and not at all on the fact that they are transgender.

ETA: to bring this back to B&B ... I always thought that Aly was justified in her dislike of Maya because it had to do with the fact that Maya treated her like a servant and mocked her endlessly. I never thought it was Aly being transphobic. Aly has always been described as fragile. I think Steffy coming back to town really set her off and it just confused everything for Aly. Steffy (whether rightly or wrongly) is a trigger for Aly.

IM(NS)HO, I think the show has done a disservice to mentally ill people (floating Darla head taking on the characteristics of Steffy with the ombre wig seemed entirely in bad taste to me) and made their issues a punch line. I also think the show has done a disservice to transgender people because Maya is no longer portrayed as a fully three-demensional person but rather as a ray of light and hope for all transgender people everywhere. Killing off a legacy character to advance a last-minute add-on of a plot is rather short-sighted (and I will miss the actress).

To add insult to injury, I suspect that all of this is just to prop up Liam and Steffy. I fear that Ivy will be the next character to be sacrificed.

Edited by catalogrrr
  • Love 15
According to B&B if I ever met one, my only options are to accept them or be labeled transphobic or small minded? There's no middle ground? Effing writers...

Yes. It bothers me that her being revealed as transgendered in such an ugly way is being made into Maya's 100% get-out-of-jail-free card. Apparently if Maya's ever done or said anything wrong--or at least anything that she should feel bad about and apologize for--that's all washed away now. And to drive home that point the show had to kill the main character that Maya helped to bully. I dunno, does B&B really want to put forth the notion that transgendered people are self-righteous and automatically eligible for sainthood? Or that they can't really be trusted (because I'm not confident Maya would have told Rick the truth if she hadn't been backed into a corner and forced to)?


Bottom line, I'm not sure what's been accomplished by making Maya transgendered other than allowing TPTB to jump on a topical issue bandwagon. This development has for the most part been a classic example of the writers telling versus showing and I doubt it has really created a new groundswell of empathy for or awe of Maya.

  • Love 12

My thoughts on Maya have pretty much been said. She doesn't have to be elevated to a level of sainthood that even Taylor never achieved to be accepted by viewers. A simple, sincere apology for her role in the events of the last six months would have been a start....no whitewashing necessary.

Ashlyn Pierce has talent which has largely been wasted, much like MacKenzie Mauzy before her, stuck as a Hope prototype between Rick and that American Idol reject. I was happy for her in the few scenes she got in "Into the Woods" and I hope AP gets a similar break.

  • Love 10

I wish they'd fire that awful annoying twit who plays Summer on Y&R and replace her with AP. She's the right age, she looks like the girl who played Summer as a child, and she can actually act.


Now that you put that out there, I can't get it out of my head. AP could definitely pull off being Phyllis' daughter and Victor's granddaughter although I could also see her as a sweet daughter to Jack if her paternity were switched back to him. She'd totally own Josh Morrow in Nick-Summer scenes, LOL.


Icing on the cake is when they do another Y&R/B&B crossover with Rick and Maya crossing over to do something with Newman-Abbott and cross paths with Summer and be freaked out how she looks like his late niece.

  • Love 5

Oh, Snap, why do you have to put good ideas out into the Universe and tease me with briiliance that will never be? AP would make a fantastic Abbott, but she's far too good for the odious Newman clan.

As much as Maya's shiny new halo annoys me, It pales in comparison to Rick basking in its glow. I want to root for and like Rick because the actor is pretty good, but I need to see that selfish douchebagel do some serious soul-searching. I saw Maya at least look guilty and uncomfortable at times with how they treated Aly. I haven't felt any genuine remorse from Rick. Unless he got some help, the anger that made him fire a gun in the office is still in there somewhere. I hope Aly's death prompts some real regret.

The writer's can kill off half the cast and commit character assassinations on the rest, and I still won't root for Steffy and Liam. They've reached the Victor Newman Limit, where only an act of all the gods who ever existed could make me cheer for them. Ivy and Wyatt need to get together, be happy, and let Liam and Steffy stew in the misery of spending time with each other.

We better see Oliver fly back from Milan.

  • Love 15

I wish they'd fire that awful annoying twit who plays Summer on Y&R and replace her with AP. She's the right age, she looks like the girl who played Summer as a child, and she can actually act.

From your fingertips to God's ears. I know this is a show, and I know that the actors are just hired to do a job, but I'm really, really, really bummed about Aly dying. Not only is she a legacy character from basically 2 families (I know, but Darla was basically a Spectra), not only is she a Forrester, designing at Forrester Creations, not only was she a great actor who did the best with the limited chances she got, but the character was a fragile young girl, who lost her mother at a very young age (and whose father is non-existent for all intents and purposes), who was recently bullied by her family, and who had clearly had a break from reality, but only recently was any help for her even attempted. I have to keep reminding myself that it's just a show, because I'm so upset all the way around.  


I also know that Ivy is going to wind up being caught-up and ruined in this whole thing. Ugh, I'm seriously thinking of giving B&B a time-out.


However, the above, quoted post gave me hope. She actually would make me not seethe every time I see Dummer on screen, assuming they'd let her be un-nasally, and un-whiney. AP would definitely be a great fit as Summer.

  • Love 12
So, I turned to the channel this morning, and who did I see? Thorsten Kaye in "Shark Attack 2", and man oh man, did he ever look good. Shorter hair, clean shaven, and buff, buff, buff! Shit ran me late for work! Anyway, the movie was pretty bad, not as bad as some I have seen, but TK was actually very good. My only complaint was a scene when Nick (TK's character) was inappropriately sexing up his blonde, and very beautiful, female co-star (BITCH!), in a late night romp in a pond. I hated every minute of it, but it did give me a chance to see all that maleness as it glistened in the water..............ok, better stop right there. In the end, blondie redeemed herself by saving Nick from a growling and very angry giant shark. I still hate her though.

Been lurking here from time to time, but I just wanted to jump in and say that I saw that movie too.  I think it came out in 2000.  TK did look good, and he has great legs!

  • Love 3


I also know that Ivy is going to wind up being caught-up and ruined in this whole thing. Ugh, I'm seriously thinking of giving B&B a time-out.



I was so close to liking Steffy with her concern for Aly and now not so much.  If Ivy ends up using this tragedy to break up Steffy and Liam, then I'll probably be reduced to rage watching.  Life is too short for that.


Killing core legacy children on any show is one of my hot button issues.  Yes, life can be random and no one is safe from tragedy but soaps have to keep the next generation in mind or they end up gutted, like GH. 

  • Love 12


I wish they had killed Nicole instead. I hate her.


  I wish they'd killed Maya, Rick, Liam & Steffy instead.


  Poor, poor Aly. As if she hadn't suffered enough already in life, her death will not only devastate Thorne, it'll prop Rick, St.Maya, Ping-Pong & Cha-Cha and possibly destroy Ivy. Whatever kindness I may have considered feeling for Steffy for her compassion for Aly died when Steffy killed her. And don't even get me started on Thorne's being nice to Rick & Maya despite their perpetual shittiness to Aly, which they downplayed to cover their own selfish and sorry asses.  Aly deserved much better and Rick & Maya deserve much worse.


RIP, Aly. Rot in Hell, Rick, Maya. Liam & Steffy.



Brad bell could stand to read some novels, especially tales of the city.. especially given the Maya story.


   I totally disagree. Not only is Mrs. Madrigal so much greater than Maya will ever be for numerous reasons, as far as I'm concerned, comparing Armistead Maupin to Brad Bell is like comparing sirloin to Spam.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 15

I don't know who is directing or setting the scenes on this show, but they are doing a terrible job. Steffy and Ivy just left the scene of a fatal accident instead of being made to answer questions? Wouldn't the cops be the ones to inform Thorne that his daughter was killed? Instead Thorne is going to hear the crushing news from the asshole who killed her? Way to tell Thorne what a psycho his baby was before you dropped the bomb, Steffy. And why have any fluffy filler like Zende and Nicole?

Wyatt, you don't know fuck all about Steffy. Shut your beak. Liam, you sound so dumb when in Steffy's presence. Get back in the toaster, you stammering nimrod.

I, I think I'm supposed to feel bad for Steffy because Ivy is out for justice, but I don't. Ivy only knows what she saw, and Steffy stupidly lied when she was clearly defending herself and had evidence to back it up.

  • Love 19

So Aly's death is being reduced to who get's Liam. They are throwing Ivy under the bus hardcore. The fact that Ivy can't entertain the idea of self defense is absurd after seeing Aly's closet.

I'm not going to focus on the absurdity that Steffy and Ivy just went on home after a questionable death and not be at a police station while Thorne was being notified but in soap land Ivy doesn't even follow Steffy to get the full story? I just can't with that stupidity.

  • Love 13

And why have any fluffy filler like Zende and Nicole?

Even thought Nicole wasn't any part of the Aly story, seeing Nicole prance around on the runway just came across in very poor taste and casts a bad reflection on the new couple. At such an intense story line moment I don't think having fluffy filler was the right move, especially something so light-hearted. If they really felt the need to show the blossoming romance in this particular episode it would have been better to have them having some serious or mundane conversation. Something somber would not have been such a stark contrast. They could have saved this fluff for a day or so to coincide with when Zende gets the news about his cousin.

  • Love 9

Disappointed. Shoulda put her in a coma. I give zero fucks about Aly, but I have a field of fucks for Thorne (she's his only alleged child) and I am always remiss to see a legacy character (or any character, frankly) killed off on a soap opera. Could have done the same story with a coma.

Side note: Toldja Ivy loves to watch. She apparently had 17 seconds to get out of the car and stop things, yell, scream or throw something but she chose to use that time to videotape. I'm telling you, the girl is starring in her own version of Sliver all day, everyday.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 5

Why did she snap that pic? This is a legitimate question. Did she forget what her cousins looked like?


The only thing I can think of is that she was going to try to film the confrontation to use to show Thorne and/or Aly's therapist to show how out of control she's gotten.  But she ended up getting a lot more than she bargained for.  


I know I should be all "it was self-defense, she's innocent!"  But, I hope that Steffy gets her FUN!! ass busted for this.  She lied to the police and she threw the weapon away.  When the only hardcore evidence they have is what's on Ivy's phone (if she turns it in), Steffy will have lost all credibility to make her self-defense claim believable.  

  • Love 7

I just can't believe that Aly is dead.  I have not read anything in the trades that even indicated that the actor was being let go.  Actually, SOD just did a pretty big story on her without so much as a hint that her character is dead and that she was being let go from the show, unlike Jessica Collins on Y&R who revealed she was being written out and pretty much indicating how it would be done.  And this was weeks before that storyline unfolded.  And knowing that these shows are taped so far in advance, there would have been a lot of talk on how Aly was being knocked off.  This kind of thing happens all the time on soaps, and there are usually no surprise killings like you see on prime time TV (the character of Will on The Good Wife comes to mind---everyone was shocked when he was bumped off).  But keeping something like this a secret, of a legacy family character, just doesn't cut it for me.   


As someone up thread said, there's no way that they would have let Steffy leave the scene and not take her to the police station in order to get her statement.  And for that matter, they would have taken Ivy into the station and spoken to her.  That would have been the time she would have shown them the video from her phone. None of what happened today makes sense.

Edited by KLovestoShop
  • Love 5

I've never been the hugest Aly fan in the world, mostly because they trotted her out so rarely, and really ruined her character when they turned her from the Aly that was adorable with Oliver, back into the HOPE! Aly, who so very clearly needed help which she wasn't given, however, I'm honestly just sick over this. I felt nauseous today watching it, especially when poor Thorne had to hear it from the girl who was partially responsible for her death (I get that Aly did plan and attack Steffy, but Steffy did deliver the fatal blow that knocked Aly to the rock, self-defense or not). In theory, soaps are supposed to make you feel something deeply, but today, all I felt was discomfort and an urge to change the channel. The Kardashians marathon was looking ok compared to this.


Any chance at all that Stephen Logan/Bobby Ewing can be standing in the shower when Steffy cleans up, so that it's all a dream??

  • Love 8

The more you think about it, the more depressing it gets. Aly dies in the same spot her mother did at the hands of Taylor's daughter and in the throes of psychosis. I was almost feeling sorry for Steffy having to take extreme measures to defend herself, and then she tossed the tire iron and ever so adroitly starts babbling about an accident. Just say you were defending yourself, asshole. The skid marks from Aly's car, the nail in the tire, and the creepy collage would lend credibility to that. Aly would have been so proud to learn that Steffy can indeed cover her own ass when she needs to.

Seriously, did the paramedics only try one chest compression?

Just to be the devil's advocate in remaining neutral I have some serious questions in the plausibility of the SL

Why didn't the police notify Thorne?

Why did Ivy just sit there without going to help her friend? She knew about her hate for Steffy.

Why did Ivy, who saw more of the confrontation, only record the last few seconds?

Why didn't Ivy show the police the video when theywhere questioned by the police?

The coroner had to be called to the site to find a probable cause of death and if there were a fatal blow to the head, with a tire iron, why didn't they arrest Steffy on the spot? It's the LA police, so you can't be sure that there was a proper investigation of the accident scene.

Once again, I'm only questioning the stupidity of the writers in insulting my intelligence.

  • Love 16

They really killed Aly? Sweet, albiet loony, Aly? Are you fucking kidding me?

Episodes have been piling up on the DVR, but I've been keeping up here and I am just horrified and heartbroken. This is a horrible decision, it takes the very last thing Thorne had left away from him, and it kills a young, female, legacy character for no good reason -- I stopped watching GH for a reason!

Edited by minirth
  • Love 10

Sooo, you witness an altercation between your two cousins, and one of them ends up killing the other, and you go to the office?


No one at the scene calls any Forrester to let them know what has happened?


After killing someone, accidentally or not, you just take a cab home?  No call to Daddy or Liam, or anyone?


I guess they didn't want to add any actors to these important scenes, or provide another set like the police department where surely Steffi and Ivy would be with their friends and family all hovering around.  Stupid.


I haven't liked Ivy for a long time now so I am okay with the obvious destruction of the character even further. 


I loved Liam's ridiculous wide eyed look of Oh Shit when Thorne shows up and Steffi tries to tell him what happened.

  • Love 6

Ivy filming the altercation doesn't bother me too much. It's what we do as a society now, I guess.

Waldo, I find the total exclusion of the police in this storyline baffling. The only authorities we've seen are two paramedics, who, quite frankly, didn't try that hard. There's no questioning of Steffy and Ivy, no police officers delivering the news to Thorne, and we get bizarre disjointed scenes of each Spencer brother finding out. And where was Thorne going at the end? The cops should have shown up by then to tell him. Accidents and notification of the family are not difficult to get right. Bad, bad writing.

  • Love 12

Besides everything else that has already been written abuot today, the part that irked me was when Steffy was struggling to get the words out to tell Thorne that his daughter was dead.


And what does that freakin' Waffles do? NOTHING.  Just sits there practically mute. Why not be a man and spare Thorne any more agony and just TELL HIM? No, he sits there with his mouth hanging open while Steffy struggled for words.


After this, I can not look at Waffles anymore. I would say he is like a little boy but I don't want to insult little boys !!

  • Love 15

So, not only did B&B make the stupid decision to kill the most interesting of the next generation of Forresters, and the only child of Thorne, they couldn't even give her death a stand alone episode?  They had to include scenes of that idiot Nicole doing some of her trademarked terrible dancing?  Poor Zende.  He deserves better than a gold-digging, blackmailing jerk for a love interest.


Whatever.  I'm back out anyway.  I just can't with JWM.  She's horrible.

  • Love 20

So, not only did B&B make the stupid decision to kill the most interesting of the next generation of Forresters, and the only child of Thorne, they couldn't even give her death a stand alone episode?  They had to include scenes of that idiot Nicole doing some of her trademarked terrible dancing?  Poor Zende.  He deserves better than a gold-digging, blackmailing jerk for a love interest.


ICAM. This totally should have been a stand alone and if they needed more scenes, then include a scene or two of Ridge finding out. No, instead we get that entitled, shit-eating & grinning Nicole prancing around. I can not stand the sight of her and I feel bad for Zende having to be saddled with that twit. What a waste of space.

  • Love 10


Most are about sharks, some are about snakes or crocs, some have squish names "Dinoshark", "Sharktopussy", "Sharknado", but in general they are all really bad (love bad movies).

Please tell me that second one really exists.



And where was Thorne going at the end?

Back to his Parisian basement or as I call it The Thorne Cave*. The writers probably won't even allow him to go to his daughter's funeral. (If they give her one)


* I like to imagine him fighting crime in his spare time.

Edited by Gudzilla
  • Love 8

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