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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Myron? WTH. And how does Rick not know? And this is hilarious, he's going to explode. I can't wait for everyone he's abusing to know this lie being kept from him now.

I second that and cannot wait to get home to watch. When i read the recap, my mouth dropped open. Karma is a bitch, my friend, or in this case a boy. Wow. and I can't wait to see what kind of back story they come up with for the baby she lost. This is totally crazy and a great cliffhanger. 

  • Love 2

Myron? WTH. And how does Rick not know? And this is hilarious, he's going to explode. I can't wait for everyone he's abusing to know this lie being kept from him now.

And it's this kind of attitude, along with pulling the fucking rug out from everyone who liked Rick/Maya 1.0, that gives me the hives about this. Artsda, no shade, you're certainly welcome to your excitement, but it really seems like these writers would go for the "Ha ha! She's a man, dummy! That's what you get for overreacting!" instead of any kind of character growth. Like Maya will be a punchline. Not here for it. Not one fucking bit.

  • Love 13

Wow.  Poor KM... because you know once the story is over, what can they do with her?  And what a crappy thing to do to Raya fans.  Rick is no Bianca.  (And I still have Zarf PTSD, too.)


ETA:  Probably the only person on the canvas who might understand would be Caroline. 

Edited by tessaray
  • Love 4

Wow.  Poor KM... because you know once the story is over, what can they do with her?  And what a crappy thing to do to Raya fans.  Rick is no Bianca.  (And I still have Zarf PTSD, too.)


ETA:  Probably the only person on the canvas who might understand would be Caroline. 


I feel horrible for the actress, but I guess a job is a job.  When they say anyone can write this horseshit, they mean literally anyone.

  • Love 2

Whoever guessed the secret...um, I guess you win?  I laughed and laughed, and rewound it and laughed some more.  Then I had to leave for work.  I was so  anxious to get to work so I could log on and see what y'all had to say.  because this is Soapdish/Tootsie/PASSIONS worthy storytelling.  You know they won't do anything even remotely sensitive or interesting with this but my initial reaction was unrestrained hilarity.  I am still giggling, even though I know I probably shouldn't.  


Rick, go talk to your Mom.  Has Brooke even left the house in the last two weeks?  Since Deacon dragged her drunk ass out of that restaurant, we've only seen Brooke in her living room.  I can't believe no one in her family has checked on her, until KATIE of all people shows up to convince Brooke that she's not lonely ENOUGH and should be drinking MORE.  Thanks Katie, you insidious bitch.

  • Love 8

You guys do realize those of us who can't watch until we get home this evening are PRAYING y'all are making this shit up, right? Because if you're not kidding, all I've got is "This is going to be worse than Zarf, isn't it?"


I haven't watched yet either, and I cannot wrap my mind around the idea that this is a thing that actually happened.  


And now that you mentioned Zarf, I'm going to need to go to my safe place for a while.  That shit was traumatic. 

  • Love 8

As much as I want this to be true, I think this will be a fake out like Ridge at the gay parade. Maya will say something like " Is that what you think ? No I'm just your real mom."


What makes Nicole think that telling 'the secret' won't get her thrown out along with Maya?



Coming out of lurkdom to say I've watched this show off and on since it began, and this is the best laugh I've ever had!! I don't care that the Myra's baby story has to be retconned. This is comedy gold, y'all!!!

Totally agree,


If they do go forward with this story I'm sure it'll have all the sensitivity and realism that Brooke's story has had.

  • Love 4

Well I'm out too. With the shit happening to transgendered people right now this isn't a fucking joke. This isn't funny, thoughtful or in any way planned and it makes a mockery of transgendered people and what they go have to go through. Never mind the fact that it came completely out of left field. What are Raya fans to do with something random like this.

They just as easily could have made Caroline or Aly transition and it would have been almost equally baffling except that Maya had a BABY!! Bell is a douchey hack, screw that guy and fuck this show.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 5

Could someone explain the Zarf references please?


A transgender lesbian character  from All My Children

As much as I want this to be true, I think this will be a fake out like Ridge at the gay parade. Maya will say something like " Is that what you think ? No I'm just your real mom."


What makes Nicole think that telling 'the secret' won't get her thrown out along with Maya?


Totally agree,


If they do go forward with this story I'm sure it'll have all the sensitivity and realism that Brooke's story has had.

I said they were going the fake out route too but I think they are going to make this stick .

  • Love 2
I guess Maya won't be having an unintended or entrapment pregnancy now, huh? At least we can rule that out??

Is it possible that Maya was born with both male and female reproductive organs and that at one point (probably before puberty) the male stuff was removed? That would leave open the possibility that she could have gotten/still get pregnant.


Whatever, "Myron"? I see what you did there, B&B writers. It's still not going to be okay for Caroline or anybody else to start calling her random names other than the one(s) she chooses to be called.

  • Love 8

This story will be a train wreck of EPIC proportions.  I think Maya DOES come from money, and used that to get reassignment surgery.  I think the real damaging secret is that Maya comes from money, she's not some poor downtrodden misused innocent.  She's a jaded "royal" who disappointed her parents at every turn.  They probably didn't even care about the living as a woman thing, since Nicole seems to remember having a big sister living with her as a child, and not a big brother. (sounds like she would've been old enough to at least remember that,  if she was old enough to feel resentment about it later) Her parents probably disapproved of Myron turned Maya lying to and deceiving others...boyfriends etc.  Especially the one who got her to take the fall for...something... and spend three years in jail.  Maybe the "daughter" was kidnapped to begin with, so that Maya could complete the charade.  She stole someone's baby from a hospital or bought one on the black market.  But didn't Daisy say that Maya gave birth WHILE incarcerated, and that's why the little girl was adopted out?  Oh forget it, why am I thinking more about this than the people who are PAID to think things through and write stories about them?


Hey Deacon, could you hand over one of those bottles of vodka that you're throwing out at Brooke's?

  • Love 5

As much as I want this to be true, I think this will be a fake out like Ridge at the gay parade. Maya will say something like " Is that what you think ? No I'm just your real mom."

I was trying really hard not to let myself think something like that. But the article Artsda posted has assuaged my fears. And here I thought it was going to be drunk Brooke who was going to bring the zany fun, the Rat Circus as it were. 

  • Love 2

Coming out of lurkdom to say I've watched this show off and on since it began, and this is the best laugh I've ever had!! I don't care that the Myra's baby story has to be retconned. This is comedy gold, y'all!!!

I've been laughing so hard, my sides are hurting.  Mr. PT called it...he said "They're gonna go "Jenner" and make her a man"   I said "Oh stop, now you're reaching!"  BAM!  Myron!   Oh lawdy....I am so loving this.  Little Ricky is gonna lose his damn mind.  Brooke better call that liquor store and get a delivery stat, because he's gonna by crying to his momma soon enough.


Rick:  "Maya lied to me!"  

Brooke:  "You mean Myron lied to you"  




Bye Myron!

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
  • Love 8

Is it possible that Maya was born with both male and female reproductive organs and that at one point (probably before puberty) the male stuff was removed? That would leave open the possibility that she could have gotten/still get pregnant.

Possible but not probable. It was written that Maya has a daughter but recorded cases, of births from this condition, have been Male. If Maya was born with both sex organs than I don't think that her parents would shun her for choosing one or another. That is why I feel that the sex change was a gender reassignment.

Maya may totally deny Nicole's allegation and Rick would doubt Nicole because Maya never lies. Besides, Rick's head would explode.

Decon throwing out Brook's liquor in only one garbage bag? What happened to the case of Vodka she just bought?

  • Love 2

donovan, Zarf was a biologically male rock star who secretly thought of herself as female. She came out to Bianca, who I think came over for dinner or something, in full female makeup and dress, and announced, in the most dramatic way possible, that she was a woman, that she was a lesbian, and that she was in love with Bianca.

I realize that doesn't sound all that bad, but as the gods are my witnesses, it was horrendous. The acting, the writing, the culture of the show in general just wasn't conducive to telling a good transgender storyline. (And that was AMC. Imagine what B&B will do!!!)

Zarf's female name was Zoey, so on the twop boards she immediately became Zarfooey! That bit of humor was about the only good thing about that character.

  • Love 6


Because if you're not kidding, all I've got is "This is going to be worse than Zarf, isn't it?"


Nothing could be worse than Zarf. Nothing. It's just not possible.


I know I shouldn't have, but I cracked up when Nicole said 'you're my brother Myron' or whatever the exact line was.


The writers will probably make a shambles of the storyline, but I'd still rather they do something out there than fall back on the old Nicole is actually Maya's daughter stuff. And if the writers manage to do justice to it (small chance I know), it has the potential to be kind of a unique storyline for daytime.

  • Love 2


Myron? WTH. And how does Rick not know? And this is hilarious, he's going to explode. I can't wait for everyone he's abusing to know this lie being kept from him now.



And it's this kind of attitude, along with pulling the fucking rug out from everyone who liked Rick/Maya 1.0, that gives me the hives about this. Artsda, no shade, you're certainly welcome to your excitement, but it really seems like these writers would go for the "Ha ha! She's a man, dummy! That's what you get for overreacting!" instead of any kind of character growth. Like Maya will be a punchline. Not here for it. Not one fucking bit.


I am also concerned that this will turn into a cartoonish mess--just like every "ripped from the headlines" storyline that Bradley pens.  At least the writers of Law & Order got their facts straight and did their research even when they took dramatic license with their storytelling.  If the members of GLADD are putting their hopes in Bradley, I'm afraid they will be greatly disappointed.


I am also concerned because of that gun that Rick has.  How many men would react in a positive way upon learning that they have been sexually involved with a transgendered person?  And, the transgendered individual didn't tell them?  Rick gave up everything for a person who deceived him in one of the worst ways imaginable.  I still don't know how he got through Amber's deception without snapping and wringing her neck.  Now, this shit.  The newspapers are replete with stories about transgendered people being beaten and killed by angry, homophobic partners.  I would be genuinely shocked if Rick responded in a positive manner when he learns about Maya/Myron.

  • Love 4

The thing is, I was so hoping that Maya would get her comeuppance for her behavior the last few months and now I won't be able to enjoy any of the fallout, because she really doesn't have any friends on the canvas (that I've seen in the last 8 months).  Who will be on her side?  The few trans women I've met in my normal, boring, medium sized hometown have been treated so crappy that I don't want to see that happen to Maya even.  

  • Love 11

Wow. Poor KM... because you know once the story is over, what can they do with her?

I feel sorry for KM, but not because of this. I don't see her character being viable once the shock and awe wears off, but thems the breaks. We all hitch our wagon to the wrong horse everyone once in a while; at least she got paid.

The problem I see is how the writers set her up to receive all of this vitriol from the audience prior to the reveal. I don't see how they could tell an effective story in that environment. Plus, I can just see people using the fact that the character is transgendered to just lay into what they see as physical flaws, without taking into account that there is a non trans woman playing her. Like, how would you feel if people were mocking your appearance and then saying, "Of course she looks like that -- she's a man!"

  • Love 7

It is odd that they would do this, yet this show about fashion designers and set in Los Angeles, has no gay community at all. I don't count Karen and Dani, as their sole purpose appears to have been to show how open-minded and accepting Bill could be. That's what makes me skeptical that it is for anything other than shock value. I hope I'm wrong.

Probably an UO, but I do feel bad for Brooke. I've felt lost like that before and unsure of how I got to a certain place in my life. My reasons may be different than Brooke's, but I can still relate.

I flove Quinn and how proudly inappropriate she is. I hope she becomes Maya's friend.

  • Love 10


The problem I see is how the writers set her up to receive all of this vitriol from the audience prior to the reveal. I don't see how they could tell an effective story in that environment. Plus, I can just see people using the fact that the character is transgendered to just lay into what they see as physical flaws, without taking into account that there is a non trans woman playing her. Like, how would you feel if people were mocking your appearance and then saying, "Of course she looks like that -- she's a man!"


Yes, this is closer to what I was thinking but couldn't quite put into words.  

  • Love 3

As awesome as it would be to have a regular trans character on daytime, B&B is not the show to do it. Hell, I wouldn't trust any of the soaps currently on the air. As mentioned, Maya is being set up as the ultimate joke on Rick. The fact that she is also a woman of color makes the situation even ickier. And I am not here for Caroline or Bill or Ridge's jokes or comments about her. So, no thanks, B&B. You can keep your publicity stunts.

Poor KM.

  • Love 14

Some how I feel like if it was another character they wouldn't really be fazed and would be understanding and the relationship would proceed at the same momentum. Brooke for sure, Caroline, and Ally I can see dating a man and him stating he's biologically female or was born female and being all "oh ok. So let's get dinner."

Rick I think he's very egotistical and controlling so he's going to be a douchbag cuz of the lies. I was going to joke about this being the secret before but I thought it was more like Myrna has gas lighted a rich dude, or dated or was engaged to a wealthy man who died mysteriously, something that would make Rick fear for his life.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 4

OK, wait, what is the age difference between Maya and Nicole?  From what I gathered today, Nicole always believed Maya was her sister, thus leaving Maya surprised that Nicole knows she was originally Myron.  From my understanding, you have to be a certain age to have the gender reassignment surgery.  So, if Maya has been "Maya" for all of Nicole's memory, how much older is she than Nicole?  Is Maya supposed to be pushing 40?  

  • Love 3

And it's this kind of attitude, along with pulling the fucking rug out from everyone who liked Rick/Maya 1.0, that gives me the hives about this. Artsda, no shade, you're certainly welcome to your excitement, but it really seems like these writers would go for the "Ha ha! She's a man, dummy! That's what you get for overreacting!" instead of any kind of character growth. Like Maya will be a punchline. Not here for it. Not one fucking bit.


It's been me toned about Rick's temper, so how's that supposed to go over? Trans women are killed often by men they slept with, ones that usually think twice about firing weapons in the work place. Then there's the whole snicker-and-point aspect, like this somehow justifies the shit Caroline's pulled in the past or Maya's current snobishness/assholishness.

Honestly, this might have gotten a pass even five years ago,but the country as a whole is moving beyond seeing transgendered people as freaks or comic relief. It just highlights how truly behind the times that B&B and the genre in general really is...and why it'll die out in another decade because no one charge wants to change that.

OK, wait, what is the age difference between Maya and Nicole? From what I gathered today, Nicole always believed Maya was her sister, thus leaving Maya surprised that Nicole knows she was originally Myron. From my understanding, you have to be a certain age to have the gender reassignment surgery. So, if Maya has been "Maya" for all of Nicole's memory, how much older is she than Nicole? Is Maya supposed to be pushing 40?

This has been bugging me from day one. Maya can't be much younger than Rick who's in his early 30s. So, is this the reverse of the BS they pulled trying to pass off Jack Wagner's Nick as being considerably younger than Brooke and Ridge?

  • Love 3

This is ridiculous. My guess is that the writers were thrown for a loop with LG's injury and had to conjure up something on the spot (more accurately, pulled it out of their asses.) Sooooo.... they borrow from what's trending and this is what they came up with. Why not have Maya go platinum blonde and start showing up in mesh and latex dresses as well? Flaunt it, girl!


I'll bet that Rick never even finds out. Nicole will make Maya squirm enough that it will start chipping away at her relationshp with Rick. That's where the fault line will start cracking. The reason I say this is because Brad Bell usually chickens out when he attempts to have the storyline address some relevant social issue. He throws it out there then backpedals. Some notable exceptions are homelessness and animal spay/neuter/adoption. Hell, they can't even remember to include Katie's surgical scar.


To me, the storyline that irks me even more is with Brooke. It's not even the "alcoholism" which is laughable. (Deacon must have been throwing those bottles at MLB pitching speed to have them shatter like that after being lightly tossed from a few inches or so.) What bugs me is that this "Brooke is lonely" nonsense. It makes her seem like a sex-starved airhead whose sole existence revolves around having a man (men) in her life. I don't even get what the problem is. Is she pining after Bill? Horny? What happened to volunteering at the homeless shelter? Hang out with Donna. I'm sure she can find an active social life in L.A. (if she wants one.)

  • Love 6

Silly grisgris,you know a woman is only worth something if she's attached to a man. Get with the (18)70s!

...this fucking show. :headdesk:

As for Katie's scar, I'm surprised that the show has been as consistent with remembering the transplant even happened, seeing as it happened last decade and all. Her whole heart issue is B&B's equivalent of Saint Cassie Newman; always the convenient excuse to pull shade on others,and an overplayed plot device.

  • Love 7


Now that the Spencer hostile takeover plot has fizzled,  ( was there a point to that other than seeing the reanimated corpse of Steffy in a bikini?) What new plan does Liam have to protect his delicate womenfolk from the Big Bad Rickasaurus? How about he help get them out of the Three Bedroom /two bath "Forrester Mansion"? That seems to be the place where most of the bullying happens. 


Shira quote

[Ducking for cover] Steffy is coming back for a longer stint in April. Just when you thought it was safe to turn on your TV again...


The hostile takeover may not be over if Steffy is returning.

OK, wait, what is the age difference between Maya and Nicole?  From what I gathered today, Nicole always believed Maya was her sister, thus leaving Maya surprised that Nicole knows she was originally Myron.  From my understanding, you have to be a certain age to have the gender reassignment surgery.  So, if Maya has been "Maya" for all of Nicole's memory, how much older is she than Nicole?  Is Maya supposed to be pushing 40?  


While Myron was still living at home he may have been going to therapy, taking hormone therapy, dressing and grooming as a woman (Maya) in preparation for the final transitional operation/s.


Personally I don't think BB has any business producing culture war/social issue SLs for the simple reason that he butchers everything he touches. His habit is to drop an anvil or 50 instead of demonstrating an inkling of empathy or grace.

  • Love 2

Maybe Maya assumed the identity of "Maya Avant, transgender woman" (for whatever reason) and now she's between a rock and a hard place.  If she comes clean, she loses Rick, if she doesn't, she still could lose him?  I still haven't had a chance to watch today's show, so I don't know if she admitted to being Myron or not...

  • Love 1

OK, wait, what is the age difference between Maya and Nicole? From what I gathered today, Nicole always believed Maya was her sister, thus leaving Maya surprised that Nicole knows she was originally Myron. From my understanding, you have to be a certain age to have the gender reassignment surgery. So, if Maya has been "Maya" for all of Nicole's memory, how much older is she than Nicole? Is Maya supposed to be pushing 40?

Age of consent is 18 for gender reassignment but that doesn't mean that Maya/Myron was already dressing as a woman whenever he/she saw Nicole. If Maya left at 18, Nicole could have been as old as 5 and she would not have known the difference.

IMO this is more about a trust issue that Rick has than who Maya is. It's more about the fall of Rick, the pompous AH, than about Maya. Maya is the means to the end and it doesn't matter if Maya was green, yellow, pink or from outer space. It's also about Eric showing blind faith in Rick and how stupid he was for trusting Rick. It's killing 2 birds with one stone. I also believe this was a hasty rewrite, by the writers, for Linsey's accident.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 7


And I am not here for Caroline or Bill or Ridge's jokes or comments about her


I tend to think everyone will actually be quite accepting rather than mocking. Politically correct and all that. Hell, when Dani and Karen were around even Bill wasn't a jerk which seemed very uncharacteristic.



What bugs me is that this "Brooke is lonely" nonsense. It makes her seem like a sex-starved airhead whose sole existence revolves around having a man (men) in her life.


But hasn't this been the primary character point of Brooke for the last 10 years or so (probably a lot longer). She used to be a scientist etc and then that went away and she's been all about sexing up whoever is her destiny of the moment.

  • Love 4

I don't know, I think that's kind of "projecting" a little, because in that USA Today interview, she seemed pretty darn psyched for the opportunity. Gotta admit, it's a goldmine for an actress, instead of all this shallow nonsense of "LEAD MODEL" and lazing around in bathtubs. Plus, she's going to get a TON of publicity. If she were Nicole's mother? That would just be "another day at the office." But this is big news. It could be exactly the horse that the actress needed. Yes, it limits her romantic pairing options on this particular show for the future, but at least she's getting the chance to do something relatively ground-breaking before she goes.

That's why I said I don't feel sorry for her. I'm sure it will be an exciting acting challenge, but hers won't be the first trans character, clearly, because everyone on here is talking about Zarf and that was years ago on another soap. And I'd still never even heard of that until today.

Yeah, I'm projecting, based on past behavior with this show. It's the best indicator of future behavior. I say they'll pull a Tony Dominguez (Oh my gosh, Tony has HIV!), have all of these storylines center around her for about a year and a half and then it'll be all, "Who?"

You can have all the best intentions to have a powerful performance, but if the writing is crap… I mean, they can't even get an ALCHOLISM story right, and this is their 8th or 9th go-round at it.

  • Love 5

Hopefully Rick will accept Maya as the woman he fell in love with, but I don't trust this show to write this story with any sensitivity or empathy.


The thing is, I was so hoping that Maya would get her comeuppance for her behavior the last few months and now I won't be able to enjoy any of the fallout, because she really doesn't have any friends on the canvas (that I've seen in the last 8 months).  Who will be on her side?  The few trans women I've met in my normal, boring, medium sized hometown have been treated so crappy that I don't want to see that happen to Maya even.  


I know, right?  She's been so awful to everyone except Rick, and so opportunistic and power-hungry, but how in the hell am I supposed to not feel bad for someone who has to live in fear from the world?  Whatever, show.  I'm just glad the secret is out.  I was getting tired of Nicole and Maya having the same conversation over and over again.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 5

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