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Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions


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While I wasn't happy with the outcome, I have to admit that was a great game.

And I can honestly say I knew the FJ answer when all 3 champs got it wrong.  I've never seen Alien but have read enough about it to know that the ship's name was Nostromo, which was the title of a Joseph Conrad novel.  (One whose adaptation I saw on PBS several years ago.)

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On 11/17/2022 at 3:55 AM, TakomaSnark said:

The buck, of course, stops with Michael Davies. Less making Jeopardy! a sport, bloated tournaments and other riff raff and get back to what Trebek and Harry Friedman knew the show was about for decades: Facts and information. 

THIS I absolutely agree with.

On 11/17/2022 at 8:07 AM, BitterApple said:

I can believe Andrew wouldn't get Better Off Dead, but I'm surprised the clue stumped Amy and Sam. I'm the same age as Amy and loved that movie during my childhood. 

I love that movie - huge John Cusack fan here - and I couldn't come up with it to save my life.

21 hours ago, SierraMist said:

Now that there is this outcry, I wonder if this gets addressed by Jeopardy management somehow.

Maybe, but the current management doesn't seem to give a shit about Jeopardy, so probably not.

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On 11/17/2022 at 3:54 AM, stonehaven said:

I was hoping Sam would win. I love this group of contestants. I will say that I am getting some clues in this TOC which makes me feel good. I was stunned that I knew three rappers in the rap category. I guess I know more than I thought. Now, if only I had automatic recall of ALL my passwords....sigh...

I got three as well, could have knocked me over with a feather!

On 11/17/2022 at 10:54 AM, Leeds said:

I love Amy's Dame Edna glasses.

I couldn't decide if I liked them or not - I liked them close up, but with a distance shot they seemed distracting. I liked the Friday ones anyway. That has always one of my hallmarks of someone with lots of money - being able to buy more than one pair of glasses,  just for fun.

On 11/17/2022 at 5:48 PM, annzeepark914 said:

I'm so very weary of one contestant quirk: the long hesitation. I don't recall these long hesitations until this past year. Can't remember all the contestants who do this other than Matt and Andrew, but there have been several. They always seem to have the correct response too.

Maybe they have the correct response because the hesitation allows them to solidify the answer.

We watched Wednesday and Thursday's shows back to back, so I don't remember what I did in each one (except NOT get FJ). I do remember that one of the nights (Thursday I think) I did much better than I expected. Didn't run anything, but answered more clues than usual.

I'd love to see Steve Sam (oops) win one (or more). Being an old fart, I want him to show up the young'ns for us (which he won't, but he's doing a pretty good job, even without winning. 😉 I like the young'ns competing too, so it won't be tragic if he doesn't. Merely mildly disappointing.

Edited by Clanstarling
Because Sam isn't Steve Martin.
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On 11/17/2022 at 7:07 AM, BitterApple said:

I can believe Andrew wouldn't get Better Off Dead, but I'm surprised the clue stumped Amy and Sam. I'm the same age as Amy and loved that movie during my childhood. 

I thought that was a fairly obscure movie and quote. People who love that move really love it and know it, but it wasn't a huge hit or anything and it's not really a classic movie quote. I was surprised to see it as a clue and would've been more surprised if someone had gotten it!

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I'm glad Sam won, if only so we can get at least one more game.

Amy appeared to overthink her FJ wager.  I suspect that a downside of being smart enough to be in the TOC is that you can get too much into your head and complicate things.  A less clever player (e.g. me and most contestants) would have bet enough to cover twice Sam's score and left it at that.

I was surprised Andrew couldn't come up with Trump L'oeil for his Daily Double.  I thought it was an instaget.

(Somewhere Alex Trebek is smiling because an answer was Trump L'oeil which is about as French as you can get, although he may be wishing Ken had pronounced it with more flair.)

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Great game! I am so glad Sam won, for him, and because it keeps the tournament going.  It's going to be pretty dull after this tournament.

I did get the ts's or missed DDs of baker's rack, trompe l'oeil, and brick.

And I got my second FJ of the week, not an instaget but pretty quick.

Edited by Trey
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FJ! was an instaget.  We vacationed  in Edinburgh Scotland in 2018. One Saturday we took the train to Dunbar to visit friends. We had tickets that night for the Rolling Stones concert. Got to the train station in Dunbar to return to Edinburgh. There is only one set of train tracks at that station and we got on the wrong train. That train was not bound for Edinburgh but going in the wrong direction bound for Newcastle. Train station at Newcastle is lovely and the stationmasters were very kind to us. That’s all I saw Newcastle.

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80% / 60% / 69%

J!: My best round of the tournament yet! Ran TV Dramas (and haven't seen a single one of em!) and Neanderthals, missed three in Furniture and one each in Cities, 5-Syllable, and Anti-Category.

DJ: And we're back to below average…ran nothing, missed one in Fiction, three Paint Samples, and two in everything else.

Did not get FJ, but YAY SAM!!

TSes were rolltop desk, Felicity, trompe-l'œil (DD), and brick.

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So glad Sam won one!  After such a shaky start, too -- I kept yelling at him to stop ringing in and guessing like that.

I can't believe I didn't get FJ.  I've been there!  But it just would not come to my brain in time.

I did, however, get the missed clues of roll top desk, baker, trompe l'oeil, and brick.  I would not have gotten trompe l'oeil if I'd had to spell it.

Here's hoping for Sam to win the next two games!

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AUUUUGGGHHHHH.  My phone rang during the FJ music. I had to answer - my SIL was calling to tell me the results of my brother's autopsy, so I MISSED the end of the show.

I checked thejeopardyfan.com to find out two things: I got FJ and SAM WON!!!  Much happier news than the autopsy.  (If the hospital had NOT done the needle biopsy [and nicked a blood vessel] my brother would still be alive.  They killed him.)

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As happy as I am that Sam won a game - he looked so thrilled! - I am sad Amy didn't end up clinching the win. That must have been so frustrating for her.

For Amy's bet - how she arrived at the exact amount I don't know. But I think she was trying to prevent Andrew winning no matter what, even though it cost her the game (but she still has another chance to try again to win). Andrew had $6800, doubled is $13600. Amy had $15800. So, in order to ensure Andrew didn't win, she had to bet less than 15800-13600=$2200 to cover the possibility of him getting FJ right and her getting it wrong. Letting Andrew win would be worse than letting Sam win, because if Andrew won the game he would win the tournament.

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1 minute ago, secnarf said:

For Amy's bet - how she arrived at the exact amount I don't know. But I think she was trying to prevent Andrew winning no matter what, even though it cost her the game (but she still has another chance to try again to win). Andrew had $6800, doubled is $13600. Amy had $15800. So, in order to ensure Andrew didn't win, she had to bet less than 15800-13600=$2200. Letting Andrew win would be worse than letting Sam win, because if Andrew won the game he would win the tournament.

Yes, I suspect that's what she was doing.  If Sam wins she gets to come back on Monday.  If Andrew wins, the tournament is over. 

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Amy betting to beat Andrew makes sense. Also, and correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't Sam been wrong in the last few FJ's? Maybe Amy was figuring he'd miss and wager big, so betting conservatively would either ensure she lived to play another game, or win her the tournament. 

I yelled at the TV when Andrew wagered everything on that second DD. You could tell his instinct was screaming "DON'T DO IT!!!!" given that he was clearly torn. I admire his "go big or go home" style of play, but his luck was due to run out eventually. 

I'm absolutely tickled that Sam won the game though. I'm really enjoying this year's TOC and want to see it go the distance. 

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The crowd went wild when the results were revealed!

Amy  has always been a conservative wagerer and Andrew has always been a bold wagerer, so today's game made total sense of that.

47 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Oh and is this more rubbing it in from TBTB?  Sam gets a credit for “epistolary”?

That's the word for a novel in letters. Why is it rubbing anything in? It's just the actual answer.

The next game should be exciting. I am loving this Tournament. 

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44 minutes ago, Roaster said:

In his interview, did Andrew say he was going on a date with Margaret Shelton?

I suspected from her eyeglass frames that Margaret was a cougar....

Was Margaret the young woman with black cats-eye style framed eyeglasses? Maybe there's the possibility of a little romance thanks to Jeopardy.

1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I yelled at the TV when Andrew wagered everything on that second DD. You could tell his instinct was screaming "DON'T DO IT!!!!" given that he was clearly torn. I admire his "go big or go home" style of play, but his luck was due to run out eventually.

I cheered when he got it wrong. Nothing against him personally but I rather Sam or Amy win. And was happy when Sam won the game.

Edited by blueray
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I understand why Amy wagered in order to live to fight another day (rather than what would have been a no-brainer wager of $6601 in a regular, one-and-done game), and I'm glad for Sam getting a win and us getting at least one more game, but I'd have been happy if Amy had put it away tonight.  Now I have to be nervous again next week!

My ideal scenario is Sam wins again Monday, forcing a seventh game, and Amy wins that one (and the tournament), but if she doesn't wind up winning this whole thing, I'm going to wish like hell she'd wagered differently tonight.  As, I'm sure, will she!  I loved her keeping it together until her wager was revealed, and then just sinking to the podium with head in hand.  Hindsight is indeed 20/20.

The audience being so pleased for Sam (okay, and more games, but I think a lot for him) was really nice.

The roll-top desk TS surprised me, since it had a picture.  I was also surprised no one knew baker's rack.  Because in both cases, it didn't seem like no one could come up with it, they all looked like they just weren't familiar with the item.

I was back to this ToC meaning I do worse than my norm in the first round.  I ran "anti" and got all but one in cities and words, but missed two each in Neanderthal and furniture.  And cultural osmosis failed me in the TV category; the only one of the shows I'd ever seen was The West Wing and that was the only clue I got.

I did better in DJ.  I ran women and got all but one in fiction and Before, During & After (I loved that category, but didn't know the telepathic character, so couldn't figure it out).  I missed three in painting, and two each in bands and castles.

I initially went blank on FJ, even though I'm usually pretty good with clues about cities in England, but then it came to me.

Edited by Bastet
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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I yelled at the TV when Andrew wagered everything on that second DD. You could tell his instinct was screaming "DON'T DO IT!!!!" given that he was clearly torn. I admire his "go big or go home" style of play, but his luck was due to run out eventually. 

Yeah, but OTOH, art history is one of Andrew's areas of familiarity. 
I was just yelling "Trompe-l'œil! Trompe-l'œil! Trompe-l'œil!" at him.

2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Amy betting to beat Andrew makes sense. Also, and correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't Sam been wrong in the last few FJ's? Maybe Amy was figuring he'd miss and wager big, so betting conservatively would either ensure she lived to play another game, or win her the tournament. 

Yes. Amy's wager made sense; it assured she'd still play another game.
I like to think that although Amy wishes she'd wagered differently and won, she is also at least a little glad Sam got a win.

Meanwhile, Sam's indefatigable sense of humor models good sportsmanship for his many students and former students who are no doubt watching. 

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Very happy for Sam, and I’m sure the audience was happy for him, too— although I suspect the loud cheering was mostly in appreciation that the tournament continues. I know some don’t like the new structure, but I’m loving it— not only is it extending the fun, but it gives everyone more of a chance. If this had been best of 2, Andrew would have won already, right?

Pretty good game for me, including TSs of trompe l’oeil, brick, rolltop desk, and couch. (C’mon, Amy, you’ve never even heard “voulez-vous coucher avec moi”? Not a Chaka Khan fan, I guess.) But I whiffed on FJ. I even thought of “castle” but somehow blanked on the “new” part.

Andrew and Margaret! Is this our first Jeopardy showmance? 😉

So sorry about your news, @Prevailing Wind. That’s just devastating.

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7 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

AUUUUGGGHHHHH.  My phone rang during the FJ music. I had to answer - my SIL was calling to tell me the results of my brother's autopsy, so I MISSED the end of the show.

I checked thejeopardyfan.com to find out two things: I got FJ and SAM WON!!!  Much happier news than the autopsy.  (If the hospital had NOT done the needle biopsy [and nicked a blood vessel] my brother would still be alive.  They killed him.)

That’s awful.  I’m so sorry to hear.

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@Prevailing Wind So sorry for your loss. Huge cyber hug!

Steve! 🤣 SAM! I couldn't be happier! You did it! (I knew you could... but wow, you had me on pins and needles that entire game... stop that!)

This untournament/not really best of seven is spoiling me... like others, I could watch it forever. Such true champions in all aspects of their play, banter, witticisms and overall non-annoyingness. Yes, sis, I know that isn't a word.

By the way, Sam, I saw your doppleganger (Steve Martin) being interviewed the other day and I swear you look more like Steve Martin than he does!

Now for another SAM win on Monday and then I don't give a rat's @ss who wins on Tuesday (but my money's on Amy for some reason, IF Andrew doesn't find the DDs first).

Who am I kidding... I'm all for SAM for the TOC WIN. 🙏

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29 minutes ago, PaulaO said:

Andrew said he and Margaret bonded over food so they are having dinner at a Korean restaurant.  No hint of romance, just 2 foodies enjoying dinner.

I bet the dinner conversation with Margaret Shelton and Andrew Hee would make a fabulous first episode of a podcast about Food & Factoids. Hope they record some on a phone!

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9 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

C’mon, Amy, you’ve never even heard “voulez-vous coucher avec moi”?

I got as far as thinking of Couche-tard (think Quebec 7/11) but was unable to convert the sound "coosh" to the sound "cowch" (or to link being put to bed with the kind of furniture I associate with daytime) quickly enough. 

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Happy for Sam that he finally got a win, especially on the FJ, as I felt that's where he kept faltering in some of the games where he was close. That said, I have a feeling not wagering enough on that FJ will come back and haunt Amy.

Because I have a sneaky suspicion Andrew will win Monday's game and win the whole thing. That was her chance to win it all and it came down to her just not betting enough.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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12 hours ago, blueray said:

I cheered when he got it wrong. Nothing against him personally but I rather Sam or Amy win. And was happy when Sam won the game.

I am slightly ashamed to say I did the same. But since he has two wins already, I'm not feeling too guilty.

10 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Pretty good game for me, including TSs of trompe l’oeil, brick, rolltop desk, and couch. (C’mon, Amy, you’ve never even heard “voulez-vous coucher avec moi”? Not a Chaka Khan fan, I guess.)

I am well versed with the Chaka Khan song - but since it means "would you like to sleep with me tonight", and not "would you like to sleep on my couch tonight" I didn't put it together. 🤣

I did pretty well (TOC standards) but no FJ again tonight. 😥

@Prevailing Wind, how horrible. I am so sorry for you and your family.

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