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Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions


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Great game today. I really think the tournament is going to come down to who can find and successfully answer the DDs.

I try to guess what each contestant might bet in FJ and I was correct with Sam and Andrew, but I couldn’t figure out Amy’s reasoning. Did Amy bet correctly and I’m missing the logic? It just seemed like a random number to me.

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So much for Sam remaining undefeated. Oh, well.

67% / 60% / 62%
J!: Missed one in Mall of America, Top of the Morning and Streakers, two in Southern Hemisphere and Shark Tank, and three in D to O.
DJ: Missed one in Foreign Words, three in US History, and two in the rest.
FJ: Could not think of it but as soon as Sam's response was revealed I said, "that's it!" I remember the story in the news but completely blanked on the country.
TSes: Kate Hudson, in flagrante delicto (DD), and London

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I was very surprised that John Dean was a TS. Yes, I expected that Sam would get it just by virtue of having lived through Watergate, but for all three. John Dean has spent a good deal of time on the news networks over the past few years, especially during the Impeachments.

Hallelujah, after an O-fer last week, I got FJ. It'll probably be my only one for the week. 

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1 hour ago, annzeepark914 said:

Re: TS...I was going to say, "They were too young to remember John Dean" but then immediately remembered Sam had to be 29 or 30 at the end of the Nixon era. Hmmm. I don't care...go Sam!!!

John Dean was an instaget in our retired household. Even my not very good with politics husband looked at the screen and said “John Dean”. One for the Boomers. 

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With it being anyone's game heading into FJ, I was a little worried for Amy as, to the extent she had a weak spot during her run, it was FJs.  Sure enough.  Oh, well; it's only game one.  Get 'em next time (and the next, and the next), Amy!

I did not run a single category in the entire game. <sigh> I don't know if that has ever happened to me before, so I'm going to tell myself it hasn't and console myself that the one time it happened was in a ToC finals match. 

I still did pretty well in the first round; I got all but one in mall, streakers, D-O, and morning, and missed two each in the rest.  But in DJ, words & phrases was my only one-miss category.  I missed two each in history and TV shows, and three each in the rest.  Ouch.

I did almost immediately know FJ, though.

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43 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I liked Amy's outfit.

Me too. Did not know FJ, was interrupted and lost my concentration about halfway through. They all seem pretty evenly matched. I hope it goes at least 5 games.

Apparently I'm back to not getting my email notifications, last time it was over a year before they came back, hope it's shorter this time.

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Did anyone else do the “Good Morning Vietnam” response as a Michael Scott impersonation? Just me? Ok.

In response to the question about what ritual gets repeated for elderly Jewish men, my husband correctly responded “bar mitzvah” while I said (clearly without thinking it through) “circumcision?” And then laughed and laughed at the look of horror on his face.

I like the Best of Seven setup. It seems more equitable. In a 2-game final, the winner of the first game can set an almost insurmountable lead, if they do well enough. Bo7 also stretches out the drama, which for me means extending the fun. It almost reminds me of old school tennis championships, where there were no tiebreakers and finals could go on for hours and hours. Maybe ToC should require a 3-game minimum, with at least 2 consecutive games won. That could stretch it out for quite awhile, and really make them sweat. (I know this won’t happen, but I personally would love it.)

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3 hours ago, catrice2 said:

I am not liking this best of seven set up.

I don't dislike it in concept but I hate that they're saying 'best of seven.' If Andrew wins three in a row, it's over. There is no second chance for Sam or Amy to go on a four-game run and truly win 'best of seven.'

I get that Davies thinks of it like a sport and is picking sports terminology to emphasize that but confusion about how quickly this could end is unnecessary. I think many people are expecting to see all three contestants into next week and will be very surprised if we're back to regular games beginning Thursday.

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I think this could go on a while - I agree with those who have said a lot will come down to who gets the DDs.  I do have a 1-2-3 preference for the winner, but I really would be happy for any of them.  Good for Andrew, drawing first - not blood.  First buzz?

On 11/13/2022 at 9:33 AM, dcalley said:

Trivia time: This is the last print issue of Parade Magazine. This could very well come up in a Jeopardy clue in a few months!

I'm suddenly transported back to mornings in my childhood home with the Sunday Washington Post.  I looked forward to Parade and thought it was a good mix of mostly light stuff, but admit I haven't held one in my hand since I moved out.  Sigh...

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9 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

Re: TS...I was going to say, "They were too young to remember John Dean" but then immediately remembered Sam had to be 29 or 30 at the end of the Nixon era. Hmmm. I don't care...go Sam!!!

That would make him close to 80; I know he’s older but not that old.


I’m not sure what the logic is in what Wildcard posted. Even if Andrew wins again today and tomorrow, it’s still possible that Amy or Sam could win games 4 through 7. Am I missing something?

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1 hour ago, GreekGeek said:
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I’m not sure what the logic is in what Wildcard posted. Even if Andrew wins again today and tomorrow, it’s still possible that Amy or Sam could win games 4 through 7. Am I missing something?

The winner is the first person to win three games. If Andrew wins today and tomorrow, there won't be games 4-7. I saw a bunch of people whining on facebook that best of 7 means 4 and Jeopardy! is stupid and can't do math, but that only works if there are two players. With three, they could tie at 2 each, so the seventh game is the tiebreaker (and the minimum number of games to guarantee that one player wins at least three). Personally, I suspect the Jeopardy site is only showing three days so they don't give anything away. We know there will be at least three. If they show dates past that, it tells us at the very least that the same player did not win all three of those games. If there really are only three days, then we already know who wins tonight and tomorrow.

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It's not really a best of seven though. That implies there are 7 games and whoever wins the most is the winner. That's typically how a 'best of' works.  You take enough games to no one else can tie. 3 games doesn't prevent another from catching up to you in a true best of 7. If someone won zero games the other two win 3 each, then it would be 4 games needed to win. Or it could be a tie at 3-3-1. I can see the criticism being valid.   A 'best of seven' with three people is a confusing and requires clarification. 

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1 hour ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

If someone won zero games the other two win 3 each,

That can't happen since the first person to win 3 games is the winner.  It's not like hockey playoffs.

Anyhow, great game.  Some ToCs are a little lacklustre but this series so far has been very exciting.

I did get two ts's or missed DDs, in flagrante delicto and London.  I really felt for Sam garbling  in flagrante delicto; it is kind of a difficult phrase when you are under pressure.

I knew I knew FJ because it had been on the news but it took me a bit of time to remember which country it was.  The category "Geograph-flee" had me trying to come up with countries that had flee in their name.

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1 hour ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

It's not really a best of seven though. That implies there are 7 games and whoever wins the most is the winner. That's typically how a 'best of' works.  You take enough games to no one else can tie. 3 games doesn't prevent another from catching up to you in a true best of 7. If someone won zero games the other two win 3 each, then it would be 4 games needed to win. Or it could be a tie at 3-3-1. I can see the criticism being valid.   A 'best of seven' with three people is a confusing and requires clarification. 

FWIW, I don't see the phrase "best of seven" on the Jeopardy site. The graphic that lays out the tournament structure says 'Finals: 3 games guaranteed, up to 7 games possible; First to 3 wins is the champion."

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21 minutes ago, PaulaO said:

What is Amy’s tattoo?  Someone said Ozma but other than the Wizard of Oz, I don’t know what that is.

"While still an infant, Ozma, the daughter of the former King Pastoria of Oz, was given to the witch Mombi of the North by the Wizard of Oz. Mombi transformed Ozma into a boy and called him "Tip" (short for Tippetarius) in order to prevent the rightful ruler of Oz from ascending to the throne. Thus, Ozma spent her entire childhood with Mombi in the form of the boy Tip, and had no memory of ever having been a girl. During this time, Tip had managed to create Jack Pumpkinhead who was brought to life by Mombi's Powder of Life. In The Marvelous Land of Oz, Glinda the Good Sorceress discovered what had happened and forced Mombi to turn Tip back into Ozma; ever since then, the Princess has possessed the Throne of Oz (although many realms within Oz remained unaware of her authority)." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_Ozma

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I was a little kid during Watergate, but I know John Dean when I see him. That was a really surprising TS, since Dean has been a public figure for his entire adult life. It's not like he disappeared after Watergate.

ITA with those who dislike the tourney being called a 'best of seven'. It's really not a 'best of' anything, it's whoever gets to three wins first. When Ken says 'best of seven' it's like sandpaper on my eardrums. 

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Watched Celebrity Jeopardy Semifinals just before watching the TOC. I think my brain exploded switching from "so easy, I'm smart!" to "I'm as stupid as the acronym DUMBO" (my apologies to any New Yorker who might be offended.

That being said, as always, my expectations on how well I'd do were low, and I met those expectations.

15 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

Re: TS...I was going to say, "They were too young to remember John Dean" but then immediately remembered Sam had to be 29 or 30 at the end of the Nixon era. Hmmm. I don't care...go Sam!!!

I was yelling "Dean, Sam! Dean! Come on!" Sadly, he didn't hear me.

5 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

That would make him close to 80; I know he’s older but not that old.

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I’m not sure what the logic is in what Wildcard posted. Even if Andrew wins again today and tomorrow, it’s still possible that Amy or Sam could win games 4 through 7. Am I missing something?

Sam is 74. Nixon resigned in 1974, making Sam 27 at the time. I was still a teenager at the time (barely).

I'm pulling for Sam, would be happy with Amy, but respect Andrew's game.

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14 hours ago, ProudMary said:

I was very surprised that John Dean was a TS. Yes, I expected that Sam would get it just by virtue of having lived through Watergate, but for all three. John Dean has spent a good deal of time on the news networks over the past few years, especially during the Impeachments.

I always say the wrong Nixon associate.  This time I said Haldeman.  Although I never get G. Gordon Liddy wrong - to me, he's the one who's the most recognizable.

Anyway, totally rooting for Sam but could live with Andrew.

Edited by proserpina65
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4 hours ago, Trey said:

That can't happen since the first person to win 3 games is the winner.  It's not like hockey playoffs.

Anyhow, great game.  Some ToCs are a little lacklustre but this series so far has been very exciting.

I did get two ts's or missed DDs, in flagrante delicto and London.  I really felt for Sam garbling  in flagrante delicto; it is kind of a difficult phrase when you are under pressure.

I knew I knew FJ because it had been on the news but it took me a bit of time to remember which country it was.  The category "Geograph-flee" had me trying to come up with countries that had flee in their name.

I realize it can't happen in this scenario they are using. 

I am saying if it were a true best of seven that could happen.  Which is why they shouldn't refer to it that way. 

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12 minutes ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

Yeah this whole tourney.....again I skip parts and fast forward so maybe they say it before the show and miss it but I've been confused the whole time about the structure 

I guess they want me to look online to find out. 

They announce it during the games. It must be in a part you fast forward.

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15 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Did anyone else do the “Good Morning Vietnam” response as a Michael Scott impersonation? Just me? Ok.

No, but I said it like the character did in the movie (at least in the scene they used in every trailer/promo for it; I never watched the film).  And I said "in flagrante delicto" like Wadsworth from Clue.

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21 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I'm really surprised some people are dwelling on things that don't matter about this ToC instead of enjoying the competition with three top-notch players, something we haven't seen for a long time. Ken also appears to share my enthusiasm, his interviews have been stellar, and he makes every player feel welcome and important. I don't care if this tournament runs seven months (I wish it would), I'm enjoying every second of it. Ken also is pleased and happy with the quality and skill of all three players, if my read on it is correct.

Maybe I’m reading something into that incorrectly, but if you’re referring to folks here discussing the semantics of “best of seven” vs “first player to win three games” I want to stand up for Jeopardy! (and basic math) pedants everywhere and say “that’s just not the same thing!” while still very much enjoying the tournament. 

If that’s not it, I’m curious what you’re referring to.  I really get most of my info here and from TJF so I’m not seeing the complaints.

ETA:  Cross posted with your edit and I realized you’re probably referring to the Amy haters. Yeah, boo hiss to that stuff. 

Edited by SoMuchTV
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I had no idea for FJ tonight, and have no idea who Gridley was.  Or Hardy the captain, either, for that matter.  

The only TS I got was Fort Myers.  

I feel like some of the DD have been easier than they should be for a ToC, like the one yesterday about the Keats ode.  Some of the regular clues are plenty challenging, but I think the DDs should be harder than the regular clues.

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I do like this format and way of determining the winner much better than the old two day added winnings firm. 

17 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

I had no idea for FJ tonight, and have no idea who Gridley was.  Or Hardy the captain, either, for that matter.  

The only TS I got was Fort Myers.  

I feel like some of the DD have been easier than they should be for a ToC, like the one yesterday about the Keats ode.  Some of the regular clues are plenty challenging, but I think the DDs should be harder than the regular clues.

I thought it was ridley in the quote 'you may fire when ready, gridley'  I wasn't correct about that and it wasnt the right quote. I'd never heard of the other quote. 

Edited by DrSpaceman73
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