slothgirl October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 (edited) Edmond's looked good, but a tad boring. He should have traded the Morticia-does-the-Argentinian- Tango dress back to Candace I do Argentine tango and I wouldn't be caught dead in that dress, much less on the dance floor. Morticia has far more sense of style than to wear it either! I would be far more likely to wear the dress he threw together at the last minute. What's the point with these people? Kelli. Unlike Candace, I felt so sorry for her. But that shit she made is awful, just awful (and what was Tim thinking? He should've seen how low rent it would look on the runway. Any saving grace, like the detail work, is too small to have impact up there). Are you channeling Tim? ("What's the point??!?!?") I feel that Tim really steered Kelly wrong. I liked her pieces in her workroom, but they didn't show well at all on the runway, and THAT is exactly the sort of guidance a mentor should be giving "This detail work won't show on the runway, and so the wow factor will be lost. The fabrics won't look luxe; it will look cheap". So since Tim couldn't see that, I'm left to ask "What is the friggin' POINT??!?! ... of having a mentor? I got a real guffaw out of Ashley's talking head when she dissed Kelly for being over-dramatic about the stain. Ashley dear, you are the LAST person who should be criticizing someone for getting emotional! Edited October 30, 2015 by slothgirl 14 Link to comment
Muffyn October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 Candice gave the models her eyebrows. D’oh! When the judges commented in the makeup and eyebrows there was a great cut to Candice. I see Edmond’s long black dress with the long sleeves and the ruffle coming back as a short, sleeveless dress. He may even open up the back. After all, Heidi wants sexy and to her that means skin. I did love his middle dress. I actually agreed with the judges on Ashley’s collection. It wasn’t exciting but the biggest problem was the fit and details. Learn to sew in a hidden zipper, hide the bras, and correct the fit. The non-lace top looked three sizes too big for the model. She never should have included that in the mini collection. Am questioning my own taste level but I found the purple lace outfit so sexy. I can’t say I would wear it but I do appreciate having plus size women shown celebrating their bodies rather than hiding them in shame. I found it weird that Candice was filmed at Ocean Beach. At the start of the season, we saw her rather pricey house on the peninsula. It felt like they were trying to remake her image as the poor kid trying to make good. She may well have had a difficult upbringing but from what we saw at the beginning, it seems she is doing okay. 11 Link to comment
GaT October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 Exactly what I said would happen last week, Tim uses his save for Edmond. Yawn. I didn’t love any of the 3 outfit collections, but I disliked Ashley’s the most. Everything fit poorly, & those head pieces made me think of this I liked Edmond’s best, but “liked” is a very strong term. Maybe “tolerated” would be a better word. 3 Link to comment
JasmineFlower October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 First, I could do without the drama of the "create the final look" - How many years have they thrown that in now? There's no way in hell these people didn't show up to the finale with a design in mind to make for their final "surprise" look. If they didn't, that's truly on them, cause there's only so many times they can do that and not be a surprise. It's worse than the "you made it to Fashion Week" stuff like the others didn't as well. They need to edit that to "you made it to Fashion Week and get to show your collection on TV to the entire world." It'd be a lot more honest, but I know, this is "reality" TV. But seriously, the shock at the final look creation is very, very, very overdone. Second, I didn't think I'd ever say this, but I think it's time for a new mentor. Maybe not replace Tim, but he should get help, so like a co-mentor. Nick Verreos comes to mind as someone who can do it, not because he's a formal contestant, but because he's an instructor at FIDM and good on TV. Tim yet again gave bad direction to the designers and it led them to believe that they were on the right track and the judges dashed their hopes. He definitely gave Kelly the impression all was well. Edmund flat out asked if he thought different pieces were necessary and said no. And Tim jumping to the swimsuit was not good, there's A LOT in between gowns and a swimsuit, Edmund threw out several things that were well within the wheelhouse of his collection that weren't as far away on the spectrum as swimwear, but Tim dismissed it as being not necessary. I feel like he did pretty good with Ashley and did warn Candace that it was going costumey, but still while 2 out of 4 isn't bad, there was a time when it was always 4 out 4. Tim would say it, you'd hear about it on the runway, Makes me think (ouch, I know) that a younger voice is needed to make sure the mentor's vision is in line with the judges and bad advice isn't being given. Third, Time. Was it always this short? Like back in Seasons 1-4? I feel like they got more like 3 months to prepare not 6 weeks. Why should they get such a small amount of time to create their collections of a lifetime? I don't get it. And I certainly don't understand having the judges critique two days before their shows. It should be a minimum of 5 days, 7 if they actually want it to be decent. Less than 3 is almost inhumane and wishing for them to fail. You're gonna criticize the entire collection up and down, and then be like, fix it all in 48 hours? It ain't right. As for the actual collections, I probably like Edmund's the most. I have no idea if I like the entire collection or just some of the pieces, but I know my favorites are in his collection at this point. I'm far and away loving more of his pieces more than anyone else's. And his judge's critique was just strange, it's like they needed to pick on something. I get saying the pieces didn't look cohesive (though not the degree they were complaining), but only to this group would skintight, body hugging, need to be less than a size to even think of pulling it off type of dress not be "sexy". I wanted to hand them a dictionary because that wasn't the right word. Costume I can buy, not sexy is a stretch. You can be covered up and sexy. You don't have to be falling out of your clothes, with everything but the nips exposed to pull off sexy. I enjoyed Candace being brought down a notch. She seemed certain they were going to gush. Although I am happy to see red and white in her collection, I'm uncertain of how including two colors that aren't black qualifies as playing with so many different colors. It's like she needs to learn more about how many more there are. I thought that hat was seriously odd. I didn't mind the under part, but the top of it really didn't work for me. I'm unclear on why she was so confident about her new look and wonder why no one mentioned the finishing details on her accessories, the gloves seemed really sloppy to me. Kelly's collection feels the most like a true collection to me, where each piece really fits and tells the same story through the clothes. But I don't get the sheer part and assuming you'll get models that will make it work. Maybe they just aren't showing the model selection, but I hope that's something they were told could happen. I'm not in love with Kelly's collection, but it does feel cohesive. The judges comments did ring true. They don't want another Daniel V whose sportswear was flat as a pancake on the runway. This is above that already, but doesn't feel nearly as luxurious as Jay's winning collection did, so I do get what they are saying. I'm not looking at her clothes and thinking they are expensive or overly special. I think they are very her, and there seemed to be a few pieces that might give off a more luxurious feel to them, so maybe when it all comes together it will work. Ashley. While I wasn't loving her collection, I did think it felt like a collection, but I do hope she loses the flower pieces on many of the models. That shouldn't be tying the pieces together because they feel a bit distracting. What I loved most though about her collection was the way the judges seemed to respond to it. Ashley's not my favorite, hasn't been for some time, and maybe this is my imagination, but Candace to a large degree and Kelly to somewhat of a lesser degree felt extremely dismissive of Ashley's collection and I felt like it might be because it's plus size, not because of the designs. And it felt like that's exactly why Ashley actually does need to get to Fashion Week and show even if the road has been a but murky because, while Ashley's aesthetic is not mine, can we not be so dismissive of the plus size collection? They went onto the runway thinking they were golden and she was toast and she got the best review of all of them and they have some thinking to do and a lot of work to complete. Maybe I just took it the wrong way, but yeah, I was like, what's up with being so dismissive. When Candace said Ashley's hair pieces were gorgeous without mentioning anything else, and skipped over to Kelly's designs, it felt like she said Ashley has a pretty face...So, I definitely could have taken it the wrong way, but yeah, wasn't a fan of anything she said after that really and I was open to giving Candace a shot during the finale. 11 Link to comment
ChattyCathyLA October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 (edited) I don't understand how Tim could tell Candace that her collection was "drag queen" and not say the same thing to Kelly! Of the two, Kelly's reminded me of the glitzy, garish costumes from the musical play "Rock of Ages" or "Kinky Boots"! Very theatrical, but with unnecessary detail that would be lost on an audience. In the 70s, the cognoscenti wore Halston to Studio 54, not this stuff! And heaven forbid - no one at Studio 54 would be caught dead in a fanny pack! OMG! They wore Gucci, Vuitton, Hermes and Roberta Di Camerino bags! The collection of Candace's that Tim critiqued was reminiscent of Galliano or Viviene Westwood's "out there" collections. I'd like to see him criticize THEM! Candace's felt "operatic" or even "flamenco" to me. I thought the structures she created were BRILLIANT! She is like an architect where the rest of them just sew clothes. JMHO I think Tim Gunn has lost it! He's run his course! I would love to see him replaced by someone with more innate charisma. Isaac Misrahi, anyone? Edited October 30, 2015 by ChattyCathyLA 6 Link to comment
Kareem October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 Hate. The. Flowerpots. On. Their. Heads. Clothes were awful. Cannot understand why Edmond was unprepared. Not feeling his collection. Candice makes costumes, just in time for Halloween. Kelly clothes look like Kelly clothes yet her beautiful disposition blinds me. Hope she wins. Still like Swapnil's best. JMHO. Candice's little boy is so cute, I could eat him. 4 Link to comment
ChattyCathyLA October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 (edited) "I am not feeling all the headdresses Ashley is putting on her models. Her looks definitely have a 1950's feel, but it's also making me think of Carmen Miranda crossed with mother of the bride." I think she was actually going for a Frida Kahlo look, like the floral headpieces the artist wore in her self portraits. Ashley even said that her inspiration was Mexico in the 1950s. Goes along with the full dirndl skirts. Example: Edited October 30, 2015 by ChattyCathyLA 6 Link to comment
ChattyCathyLA October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 (edited) I really hope I am wrong but it seemed like the judges were setting Ashley up for the win. Everybody else has to re-think and re-design their collections but Ashley is only told to make alterations? Agreed! She should have been gone a long time ago, but I think the judges want to be politically correct and give the win to a plus-size collection. UGH, I hope not! Her mini collection looks like it was made by a 15 year old in Home Ec class! Edited October 30, 2015 by ChattyCathyLA 11 Link to comment
anonymiss October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 (edited) I didn't think I'd ever say this, but I think it's time for a new mentor. Maybe not replace Tim, but he should get help, so like a co-mentor. Nick Verreos comes to mind as someone who can do it, not because he's a formal contestant, but because he's an instructor at FIDM and good on TV. Tim yet again gave bad direction to the designers and it led them to believe that they were on the right track and the judges dashed their hopes. He definitely gave Kelly the impression all was well. Edmund flat out asked if he thought different pieces were necessary and said no. I'd like Nick. Or how much do they need to offer to get Joanna Coles back? I love her to pieces. LOL at the beginning of this and how badly feigned the worry and shock were at the divine Tim Gunn saving Edmund! I love chinoiserie everything so I actually love what Candace showed and would wear all of it. However, I LOVE more that Nina called out her poseur ways: "I've seen this show." McQueen you are not. Anyone who is in a generic hipster costume 24/7 is advertising they actually have no confidence in having their own style so they coopt something "edgy" and "unique" except they all do the same damn thing. I do respect that she handled her tears in a dignified way, biting them back instead of indulging in them the way Crybaby Ashley does. Kelly's inspiration is fun like her but I think her separates are much weaker than her dresses. She should have showed her dresses like what she showed Tim. Edmund is in over his head because he thinks he is. He's psyching himself out and trying to design like what he thinks "a real designer" would do rather than listening to and trusting his own creative voice to come out. Ashley: Yawn. Just OK. She has a greater challenge but it was very XXI right down to the colours, fabrics, and same designs. The head pieces are laughable Chiquita girl-ness. Does Candace's face remind anyone of Renee from ANTM? Before Renee went crazy and got a gun? Edited October 30, 2015 by anonymiss 2 Link to comment
cdp73 October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 Am I the only one who thought the red/white pants Candice showed the judges looked like the model had a menstrual accident? 18 Link to comment
RealityCowgirl October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 (edited) I fell asleep before the runway and need to go back and watch. I will say for now that the roasting over the coals that you all are describing explains one thing: the gap between what I saw in the FW photos and what I saw from Candace. I don't have access to spoiler tags at the moment, so I'll leave it at that. You're already expecting something different, given the feedback that they reportedly gave her. I'd compliment her for one thing I've been harping on for a couple of seasons; but it could be slightly spoilery, so I'll hold it for next week. Back when I've watched the last piece. My parting shot for the moment: they got what they cast - and that ain't a good thing. Edited October 30, 2015 by RealityCowgirl 3 Link to comment
tessa October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 Wasn't going to watch until I read the comments here. I've always liked Edmund and Ashley. Kelly ran in the middle and last place was Candace - but I liked Candace's collection most of all followed by Kelly - disappointed in Ashley's and Edmunds. Link to comment
Bebecat October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 I am glad I missed this last night, I generally do not like the first part of the finale anyway. But if they still cheering Ashley's home ec projects on like they are cutting edge genius, I just can't take it anymore. I wish the show would have a real winner for plus size, but she is not it. Yet them seem to be forcing it, and I don't know who they think they are fooling. I don't like t say much as I am not plus sized but I can't imagine the clothing she shows being flattering. Often it is only suitable for Aube, who is perfect. Not even suitable so much as anything works on her no matter what. Where is she by the way? Glad to hear Candice got knocked back...may have to,watch on demand just to see that. 5 Link to comment
Knuckles October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 I'm convinced Tim Gunn is not well...and that that has affected both his temperament and his ability to give focused, useful mentoring. I think it explains some of what has happened this season. That said, I am surprised how little serious guidance has been given to the designers. This group really needed to be drilled on some of the basics...sewing, for a start, fabric selection (I'm looking at you Ashley) and fit. Did I mention fitting the clothes (yo, Ashley). And before sending them off to do their FW collection, why not have Posen give a brief summation of what comprises a successful collection...what pieces, what variety of looks, how to think it through. This is not the strongest collection of designers, which must be clear to the judges, so don't set them up to fail...make this work. It would be interesting for the viewers as well. This is not Christian, or Laura Bennett or my own fave, LeeAnn, they need more direction, so give it. 10 Link to comment
RealityCowgirl October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 (edited) "I am not feeling all the headdresses Ashley is putting on her models. Her looks definitely have a 1950's feel, but it's also making me think of Carmen Miranda crossed with mother of the bride." I think she was actually going for a Frida Kahlo look, like the floral headpieces the artist wore in her self portraits. Ashley even said that her inspiration was Mexico in the 1950s. Goes along with the full dirndl skirts. Example: Dirndl skirts! That's the word I've been trying to remember! I'm a different plus size shape who wore a LOT of dirndl skirts in my 20s. Comfortable as everything, but not a good look, especially given my short waist. Twentysomething Ashley makes that same mistake personally - with an even shorter waist - which only reinforces for me that she doesn't understand basic design concepts re dressing plus-size bodies. The peeks of her collection I didn't sleep through last night didn't do anything to contradict that for me.I almost wish Christian had been a judge during the producer challenge, where she wasn't dressing Aube. I follow him on Instagram. He posts photos of a range of women's bodies - many plus-sized -that illustrate he mostly gets it. They're Siriano designs, so they're usually glorious and apples to Ashley's oranges. But he manages to not make them look dowdy or misshapen. That runs from Christina Hendricks' hourglass curves to more traditionally "plus" shapes. I don't know he could have worked miracles in one judging session (also not saying he's the greatest 'plus' designer ever), but he might have pointed out the glaring mistakes and planted a seed with her. I don't think she gets the larger market - more like what she and her friends might wear right now. Edited October 30, 2015 by RealityCowgirl 6 Link to comment
RemoteControlFreak October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 So obviously Springfield is not Boston, not even close. So we know Kelley doesn't live where PR says she does. What about the other designers? Candace met Tim in San Francisco, but doesn't she say in her early home visit video, "welcome to my home in Silicon Valley?" 3 Link to comment
RealityCowgirl October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 (edited) Hate. The. Flowerpots. On. Their. Heads. Clothes were awful. Cannot understand why Edmond was unprepared. Not feeling his collection. Candice makes costumes, just in time for Halloween. Kelly clothes look like Kelly clothes yet her beautiful disposition blinds me. Hope she wins. Still like Swapnil's best. JMHO. Candice's little boy is so cute, I could eat him. Yeah, Swapnil would have mopped up the floor with these four (with non-insane judges) - and his is not even a top-tier PR final collection for me. Beautiful, though. Edited October 30, 2015 by RealityCowgirl 7 Link to comment
grumpypanda October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 (edited) Weird episode, I was so happy when I saw Kelly's collection at home because I thought she had a real chance at winning. Sidenote, favorite line of the night, Tim- “I like the wood also." Anyway, what the holy hell did Kelly show the judges? I completely agree with them, her clothes looked cheap and flimsy. Those shorts fit horribly and that disco outfit looked like a party store Halloween costume. I love Kelly from the Deli and really wanted her to win but I don't see how she can fix her collection without completely starting over which isn't possible. And I hate the fanny packs! Candice was quite pleased with herself and I enjoyed her smack down but I think her collection can be saved with a little tweaking. I hated the hat and the styling was atrocious but those things can be fixed. On a positive note, Candice looked so much better in her talking head segments with her bangs pulled back and that grey sweater. Who thought it was a nice day for a picnic at the beach? It looked absolutely cold and miserable out. I loved Edmond 's black and white middle dress and I don't why the judges want to pigeonhole him as this sexy designer. Not every woman wants to look sexy all the time. What's wrong with pretty or glamorous? I think his collection can be saved and he could win it all. I didn't hate Ashley's as much as most of you. She definitely had major fit issues but I didn't think it was horrendous. I actually liked the flowers but I agree with Heidi that maybe she needs to scale back the size of some of the crowns. Ashley annoyed the hell out of me with the dyed fabrics. She acted like she invented something revolutionary. I did love the hair and makeup on her models though. Edited October 30, 2015 by grumpypanda 5 Link to comment
poeticlicensed October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 For once, I actually agreed with the judges WRT to their comments about Edmund, Candace and Kelly. Gah what a disaster. Edmunds collection probably has the most potential but only gowns and dresses? Come on. And only black? The only contestant that has been able to pull off a black collection was Christian Siriano. THe long black dress was a combo of Morticia Adams and Mrs. Danvers. The white flowy dress was pretty. I think he can pull it out. OMG Kelly, it looked cheap, cheap cheap. I get you want to do street, but don't make it look like you just bought it at WalMart. That mesh was terrible, terrible. Candace was total costume. Some of the pieces individually were nice, but all together, lets just say Halloween came a few days early. And the judges once again give Ashley a pass on her lace and quilt nightmare dresses. Plus size and see through crop tops, just no. Quilted dirndl skirt, just no. I did like the lace and her dying them (I have a soft spot for pink and purple), but the designs were terrible. And those freaking flowers were driving me nuts. She was totally referencing Frida Kahlo, just google her and you will see similar head flowers. But she was so into those flowers, it's like the outfits were an afterthought, she just kept playing with them and fidgeting with them. And what was up with the outside zippers. It looked like she had accidently sewn them in on the wrong side of the fabric. 7 Link to comment
wait.what October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 Wow. The clothes all looked better on the HANGERs than the MODELs. That's not good. 6 Link to comment
Beden October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 I think maybe Ashley would have more success going to work for a florist. I can't see any plus size woman wanting to wear the clothes she makes or the clothes she wears. But I also think she's young and needs more experience & sophistication. I have nothing against her, but I really don't want to see her win. If she wins I think it will just be producer set up and all about "oh look PR is breaking new ground - plus size at fashion week!" But it's not good plus size & it would be a pity to reward Ashley for this when she clearly has so much more to learn. Perhaps this early success will keep her going in this wrong direction. Thank you, I was going to say roughly the same thing. I used to be plus size, was for years and I sew--I know how hard it is to correctly fit a larger person. Even Ashley said something along the same lines. No, I'm not making excuses for her but it is true that fitting a size 0 model--basically straight up and down (yes, with variations) is easier as larger women and men get larger in different ways--some are 'apples', some have huge butts, some are top heavy, try fitting pants when thighs are rubbing together and arms are a problem not just because of size but because they can rub against your sides and cause problems there and so on. And having said that, if she wants to design for plus, she should get her shit seriously together with being able to make the adjustments. It seems to me that she's a basically nice person who's very young and not just in years. She needs to ramp up her fitting and sewing skills big time--that's obvious. She should consider a course or two in color, texture and textiles. Those pastels are vapid. One or two pieces, fine, but they, collectively, looked washed out. Her final look, the purple pant (skirt?) lace thing...yikes. Okay, I personaly dislike the current trendy see through look in skirts and such with your legs showing but, well, yikes. No one wants to see granny panties showing through. I suspect she's stuck on the gathered skirts she chooses to wear because they're comfortable, if not flattering. Extra fabric adds weight and bulk to a figure, so do peblums. Her decision to reference Mexico in the 50's was fine but she took it too literally. She essentially did 50's Mexican, without adding any updated aspects; not good. And her models were plus sized. Size 12 is considered plus in fashion while the average size of American women is a 14. Yes, they were young and toned but not everyone who's heavy is a tub o'lard and even those who are still want to look decent. 10 Link to comment
Booger666 October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 I'm OK with anyone but Candice or Kelly winning because they are such tools. I would like to see them mature into better people before they get some success because once that happens they'll really, really be in love with themselves and think others just don't matter. I thought Kelly's collection was so cheap she should be ashamed. I'm with Heidi, where did the money go? Ashley's I would've liked more in brighter colors. Cracked me up that Tim told her to add jewel tones so she adds eggplant. WTF?! I didn't think Edmond's was as bad as the judges did. Not my style, but I did see it as somewhat cohesive in that I could see the same girl wearing them (like Nicole Richie or SJP, they have a broad style spectrum). Candice's looked so heavy and overwrought. I think she did the best job with fit and tailoring, but it has been said of other contestants do you want a designer or a tailor? 3 Link to comment
beaker73 October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agreed with the judges tonight. Those mini collections were not good. Does Ashley have anything else in her collection except skirts and cropped tops? I'll admit I was looking forward to seeing what she could do with a plus sized collection, but I'm not getting my hopes up. And did PR seriously use the "real woman" challenge as an example of one of her good designs?!?! Good lord. I was disappointed in Kelly's mini collection. I remembered thinking it looked better when she met with Tim, but, yeah, it was looking cheap. Team Fanny Pack had better get it together! Edmond's was OK. I didn't love the long black gown with the ruffle. Candice. My, my, she sure got knocked down a peg or two, eh? Candice: "I have this finale piece that I'm quite...fond of." Nina: "Pffft. You're no McQueen. Be gone!" The winner will be whoever listens to the judges "advice." Look what happened to Mondo--he refused to cut the sleeves off that black and white circle dress and lost to Gretchen. 5 Link to comment
Julia October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 I found it weird that Candice was filmed at Ocean Beach. At the start of the season, we saw her rather pricey house on the peninsula. It felt like they were trying to remake her image as the poor kid trying to make good. She may well have had a difficult upbringing but from what we saw at the beginning, it seems she is doing okay. I think there's something creepy about that story. Did you realize that Candice was in her mid-twenties? And in one of the articles about her, they talked about her making her first studio in the big dining room of her daughter's rich dad's home, where she lived. Only, she had her daughter at seventeen. I'm gonna guess the fancy silicon valley house is his, whoever he is, and that Candice has had kind of a difficult life. 2 Link to comment
backgroundnoise October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 (edited) I'm sort of worried they may give it to Ashley just because PLUS SIZE COLLECTION. Even if it's not that great of a plus size collection, it makes a statement. I'm hoping they'll consider it enough that she "made PR history" and leave it at that. I'll be seriously disappointed if she wins. "the gap between what I saw in the FW photos and what I saw from Candace." OMG, she really dumbed her collection down. No wood, no hoop skirt, no finale dress she liked so much, no red outfit Heidi told her ditch. She'll probably get dinged because it was so blah. I think showing the mini collections for judge's feedback is a big mistake. The designers should be judged on what they present as a collection, seen for the first time at the show. I hate how the judges so blithely tell a designer "just ditch this" like that's so easy to do two days before they have to present at FW. Edited October 30, 2015 by backgroundnoise 8 Link to comment
Frost October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 Did they only have a couple of hours for fittings with their three models for the mini collection show? I am not a fan of Ashley's pastel color selections but showing a 'plus size' collection puts her at a disadvantage from a fitting perspective. Aren't most runway models the same size? In that case, fittings would be a matter of adjusting by centimeters to ensure a perfect fit. It would seem much more challenging for Ashley to correctly fit all her pieces that were made on a form to her plus size models more variable measurements. If that's the case, Kelly's poor fitting shorts are a bigger problem. That being said, I don't like Ashley's collection, regardless of fit. She needs a course in fabric selection. When I think of Mexico, I do not think pastels. I think vibrant turquoise, brilliant red, jade green. And not a single pattern? Even a simple stripe? 3 Link to comment
Honey October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 (edited) If the designers are influenced by their surroundings, I have to think all Kelly sees in her life is faux wood grain paneling, and chrome diamond step bumpers. I suppose that's possible. If they want to have these mini NYFW critiques, why not do them a week before fashion week, to give the designers time to actually fix things? Ashley should look at this site. Notice how flattering the fashions are to the plus size models. Edmund's mini runway show really did look like 3 different collections. I have to say, Candace looks gorgeous without makeup. She has absolutely flawless skin, and she looks 10 years younger. One more thing...Nina actually asked Ashley why she didn't use any patterned fabric, and she went on to say that Ashley was good working with patterns. Can anyone remember a single patterned fabric that Ashley chose at Mood, that wasn't horrible? Edited October 30, 2015 by Honey 6 Link to comment
Popular Post alrightythen October 30, 2015 Popular Post Share October 30, 2015 So Ashley finally gets to fulfill her dream of creating modern, stylish clothing for plus-sized women… and she makes lacy pink church lady dresses with sloppy external zippers and puts flower arrangements on their heads. Which the judges mostly loved. Still scratching my head. 26 Link to comment
jette October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 Ridiculous that the judges are demanding "sexy" from Edmond. Michael Knight showed "sexy" at fashion week and went down in flames to finish in fourth place. It's also insane to tell the designers that the garments they've constructed over a 7 week period are less "them" than items that were thrown together, usually in one day, with mandated design parameters (unconventional material, 3D print, a specific client, etc). I believe Ashley wasn't given any harsh criticism for her collection because she's such a fragile little flower (subliminal message on her models' heads) - she'd never be able to recover to make substantial changes to her collection. I hope Edmond's perseverance is rewarded and he gets the win. 11 Link to comment
petalfrog October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 I don't get how the judges can justify telling Candace she's being derivative, yet Ashley gets no comments for lacey see-through despite that dominating the red carpet by every designer for at least two years now. Ashley is the one who dropped the ball on creativity. She may have used a cool inspiration but her designs are nothing more than trend following. Candace's red outfit was hideous and the gloves a major misstep but I loved the jacket. I adore Kelly from the Deli. She's my favorite contestant ever and so I am sad she dropped the ball. I agree that she needs to go bigger and over the top. Why are those shorts such an awkward frumpy length? They should be flat-out insane, ass hanging out booty shorts. If she wants to bring street style to Studio 54, then bring it. 9 Link to comment
Archery October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 All of Ashley's models looked like Adele clones on stage, in throwback mother of the bride. I loved Edmond's black and white dress. Showing the mini-collection never makes sense to me. If you have 10 looks, and you've conceived a through-line story that connects them all, and that builds in drama until you get to the last piece (which should be a showstopper), then you either have to break up that story to show your best pieces, or show three looks that are cohesive but come across as too similar. I though Nina was right on point with her comment to Ashley: would you rather be remembered for your flowers or for your garments? 4 Link to comment
Maya October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 What was up with Edmond? He still needed to create two whole looks when he arrived for NYFW? Wtf? Then of course there's a final challenge and another new look (which he should have anticipated, being the PR fanatic that he is). It seemed very out of character to me. He was always such a student of the show, thinking very smartly about every challenge, etc. It was odd. 8 Link to comment
Nidratime October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 Yes, I see the Frida Khalo reference in the head dresses, but with Frida it seemed natural and not tacked on to the rest of what she wore. That's why my first thought was Carmen Miranda, because they stuck out to me as showy, drawing attention away from the clothes. Frida's outfits work because her whole classic peasant dress look complements the flowers and seems cohesive. With Ashley's, they look like they're just stuck on top of an easter outfit. It's definitely referential, but more to the church lady than Frida. Back to Kelly again, now I know what that faux wood fabric reminds me of ... it reminds me of that tacky paper you stick on shelves to make the shelves look like wood. 7 Link to comment
izabella October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 (edited) Ashley needs to find a bunch of old episodes of Stacy and Clinton's "What Not to Wear" and learn how to best dress plus-sized women. Keep the girls Locked & Loaded, emphasize the smallest part of the waist and let the rest of the outfit skim the body (not plastered onto it!). Seams and structure are your friend - drndl skirts are not. Above the knee to avoid dowdy hemlines that cut off your legs below the knee, and to show off what is often a feature on plus-sized women, slimmer calves. Crop tops with tight skirts that emphasize tummy and other fat rolls are not flattering. See through is ok in one piece, not both. And the #1 tip for any and all women, plus-sized or otherwise - a GOOD FITTING BRA. Edited October 30, 2015 by izabella 22 Link to comment
seacliffsal October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 Okay, some of my love for Tim Gunn came back during this episode. Yes, we anticipated the Save for Edmund, but the way Tim did it was so touching. Tim was so gracious to all of the families and his earnestness in taking notes for the designers just touched my heart. I am almost angry about Ashley's so called plus sized designs. She does not seem to understand what it means. I do not know any plus sized women (including myself) who want heavy lace garments. I love lace, but it is a heavy fabric that adds illusions of additional weight. Then, all of the outfits were crop tops. That immediately leads the eye to one's stomach area. Although her models were toned, many plus sized women are not and do not want attention drawn there. Same with the see through lace skirt with the granny pants. Her clothes seemed very matronly and yet Nina does not use that term when she was wearing out its usage during the season. I also think Ashley tried to mimic the fading trend of large metallic zippers that are visable. She used the wrong zippers for that look and they were terrible. Also hated the lace crop top that exposed the entire back. If a model shows back fat I can't even imagine what it would look like on an average woman. I believe that the judges continue to coddle her and it actually is not helpful to her. Constructive criticism may actually help her improve her designs, but when the judges proclaim them fabulous she has not reason to re-examine her work. And then Nina had the nerve to tell Ashley that she works so well with prints....maybe on a couple of designs, but the misses were horrendous. Okay, I'm going to end my rant about Ashley's designs...for now. I hope that Edmond reworks his designs into a winning collection. I think Candice could also pull this out. As much as I like Kelly, I felt that her designs were very costumy. 11 Link to comment
Twopper October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 Ashley: Frida flower crowns? Okay -- then DO THAT. Riff on Frida in Mexico City in the late forties/ early fifties, when her clothing had become a kind of armor for her shattered body. The sicker she became, the more intricate her fashion. And yes, being fat is not necessarily being physically shattered (I have been on both sides of the scale) but using Kahlo's emotional connection to her clothing -- a feeling almost every fat woman has endured (I have literally screamed at pieces of clothing for not behaving) -- could be a powerful inspiration. Instead, pastels and fucking flower crowns. Wonderful. Now all the plus-sized, fashion forward women of the world can look like a giant Necco wafer sprouting pansies -- as their back fat explodes everywhere -- I had no idea about the fashions in Mexico City in the late 40's and 50's, but I have a trunk with some of my mother's clothing from when she lived in San Juan during that same period and hundreds of pictures/slides. In one of them, she is wearing a crop top with a skirt that is similar to what Ashley sent out on the runway. My mother, however, was slender and extremely long-legged; she looks fantastic. The clothes are mostly pastels--pinks and purples. I had a smaller version of one of them; mine was blue. I think what Ashley did was to take styles of that period and try to make them large enough to fit plus sized women. That really just doesn't work. And the crop top didn't quite fit. It made me wonder if there is more variety in the measurements of plus size models than the other models. And her personal style--or lack thereof-- bugs me. She looked better dressed at "home," than she did during the competition so maybe she just didn't bring a lot of clothes to NY or she just wanted to wear "comfy" clothes to work in. Oh, and I really hated the see -thru skirt (or was it pants?), I have taken a lot of predisone over the years which gives me a hump on my back, so I need a xl or 2xl in tops. Since I am short-waisted I need a petite size for jackets, etc. I have my mother's extra long legs, and need size 8 pants. Shopping is not fun for me anymore. I was hoping for more from someone who claimed to design for us big girls. Edmund, oh Edmund. There are times I want to slap him. He seems to have potential, but I wonder why he got skipped over for all the previous seasons. I would hope he has watched, re-watched, and watched again every season. Surely he had to know that they would be asked to design at least one more thing before they could progress to fashion week, yet he still had lots to do when he got to NYC. I understand the designers needing to make small alterations, adjustments, etc, but to have as much to do as he did boggles my mind. I like the white and black the most, but I think I have seen it somewhere. Candice--why are they meeting on the beach? It looked so cold and uninviting. Hers was maybe the most predictable. Make everything in black, and then do it again in red? Okay, maybe I am simplifying. She did have a few things I liked. And, she did seem crushed by the judges comments. Kelly--okay, I thought she was from the Deli in Boston, but they showed her in Springfield. Her collection looked better at home; maybe Tim could have pointed out to her that it might not show that well on the runway. I am beginning to wish at the beginning of next season, they have a discussion as to what they mean by "cohesive." I am not a designer so to me it seems like the definition seems to shift. As to winners--- I guess I will have to wait til next week. I can't see Ashley winning this even though she got less criticism than the others; it may be they thought the others had a chance to tweak their designs for a more winning look. I don't see Kelly or Candice winning. So I guess Edmund may win. Or not. 3 Link to comment
sleepyjean October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 (edited) Candace was so gobsmacked that the judges didn't just go ahead and declare her the winner, I'm not sure she'll recover. Candice was just chomping at the bit expecting her look to be the only one the judges liked. There sure is a lot of Candace hate here. I don't dislike Candace. I don't find her entitled or snide, and most of her comments are on point and well stated. She was devastated, just like Edmond and Kelly were. Candace does have an extremely theatrical collection. While that's not my taste, everything looks well made and well fitted and it does seem like it would play well in the finale. The runway show is not a time to be understated. I will be sad for her if she ditches that giant dress with the hoopskirt. A lot of time, effort, and money went into that garment. In any other challenge, if Ashley had put those ghastly designs on regular models, she would have gone home. Abso-freakin-lutely. The fabrics look like bad dye jobs left in the sun too long Ashley seemed very proud of her dye job and clearly expected extra credit for that. It's not difficult to dye things to pastel colors. If she'd come up with some uniquely striking shades, or done a cool ombre or color wash, that would have been something to write home about. I guess the dyeing made sure the colors all matched exactly from garment to garment, but that wasn't a particularly amazing feat. It doesn't take a great deal of creativity or skill to dump a packet of Rit into a tub, throw the fabric in, and watch the clock for 15 minutes. Why would Edmond, who has been planning for this and and watching this show for so long, show up with an unfinished collection, and expect to have ample time to finish it? He knew there would be another twist that would eat into his time. Why would Ashley show up without a matching bra for that open-back lace top with the open back? And why would she show the judges such an ill-fitting crop top? Why would Kelly use nude mesh, knowing that she has no idea what her models' skin tone will be? Even if she brought four different shades of mesh to NYC, it's still likely it wouldn't match, and when it doesn't match, it looks so tacky. Who else is not surprised that when crunch time came, Ashley reached for purple fabric? Edited October 30, 2015 by sleepyjean 9 Link to comment
BusyOctober October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 Not impressed with any of the women's collections. There were some cool pieces in each, but overall...No. Edmond's was beautiful and I don't get why they hated the black gown w/ wasn't my favorite, but it was very similar to what Candice has done...every damn week. I am no fan of Candice's but I did feel bad for her after that scathing critique. They (for the most part) loved everything she did all season, so she did a more expensive, extended version of that and now they think it's "drag queen" "costume" and "over styled"? WTF?? Ashley would place higher than Candice on my favorite list, but I didn't get her collection at all. It looked like every plus-sized mother of the bride or bridesmaid dress I've ever seen in a department store or David's Bridal. Pastel & Lace with dried bouquets on their heads instead of in their hands. The only thing that made some sense is her inspiration from the '50's. I've seen head pieces like that in my grandmother's photo album - weddings, graduations and church events. And even though many of the colors have faded in those photos, I can't see any wonky zippers in a single one on them. There is no way any of these guys could (or should) remake/refit 10 looks in less than 2 days. It goes back to the whole premise that they wanted high fasion, expensive, luxe clothing made in one day during the regular season. If they want to see expertly executed clothes they need to give them 2 days minimum. If the judges want a "sneak peak" in order to offer criticism, they should do it a week in advnce of FW. Then maybe toss them a couple of 'auf'd' designers to help sew. And I do not understand the admonishing from Nina "be YOU!". All of those designers did exactly that. Every piece shown could easily be correctly identified as belonging to each designer. No one would mistake one of Ashley's skirts as one of Kelly's! How much more of themselves can they be at this point? And I'm with others who think something is off with Tim. All season his mentoring and critiques have been 180 degrees off point from what the judges think. Something is wrong with his fashion sense. 8 Link to comment
jette October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 (edited) What was up with Edmond? He still needed to create two whole looks when he arrived for NYFW? Wtf? Then of course there's a final challenge and another new look (which he should have anticipated, being the PR fanatic that he is). It seemed very out of character to me. He was always such a student of the show, thinking very smartly about every challenge, etc. It was odd. Actually, Maya, maybe Edmond was just being crafty...since they were given another look to create that he can substitute for one of the two he was lacking, he's at least got a garment that he knows the judges do like. He can make another look to go with that one and bring some cohesiveness to the collection. Or not. The judges keep changing the concept of cohesion. ETA: like Twopper just said. Edited October 30, 2015 by jette 3 Link to comment
Julia October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 Did Ashley's shorts fit badly or do you think she actually designed them to look as if they were creeping up over her thighs? Link to comment
pally October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 Ashley has zero understanding of the plus size woman's body. I kept looking at the clothes she made and I really can't figure out who is her customer. No plus size woman wants shorts that ride up their thighs, skirts that add unflattering dimensions to their waists, crop tops with open backs (plus size women need supportive bras), see though lace that highlights problem areas. I love color and patterns but don't make me look like my sofa. And those ridiculous flowers...she took her bad mother of the bride outfits to drunken mother of the bride.Candace....Tim told you to edit, he told you to that you were bordering on a drag show and you didn't listen. Why are you so shocked when the judges tell you the same things? She was so sure she knew better. I think she had some lovely individual pieces but as a whole the collection is overwhelming and has a been there done that feel. She has to stop designing for herself if she wants a continuing career in fashion. Kelly--at least she is enjoying herself. She'll never be high fashion but I could see some ready-to-wear lines to go after her.Edmond- I loved the white dress with the big bow it was so light and floaty....then he brings out that black Cruella de Ville dress. Its almost like that last red carpet challenge took his design mojo and now he has a split personality. However, he deserves the win.I still would have liked Swapnil in the finale. He's a far better designer than at least 3 out of the 4 finalists. 7 Link to comment
Hpmec October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 Kelly's collection looked like it belonged in a mall fashion show featuring cheap clothing from Forever XXI. Just, no. I'm a size 16 and I would never wear anything Ashley was showing. Purple see through lace? Pastel crop top? What was she thinking? Plus size sections in retail stores are cluttered with hideous polyester prints. Ashley had an opportunity to create and showcase classy fashion for the larger woman, and she totally blew it. But since she has no idea how to dress in a flattering way herself, it's not surprising. Candace is all about drama, which makes sense because she's designing costumes. I didn't like Edmond's Morticia dress, but his other dresses were fine. He has a good backstory -- tried out for the show every season. Saved to be in the final four. Makes pretty clothes. Edmond for the win. 8 Link to comment
grumpypanda October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 I think there's something creepy about that story. Did you realize that Candice was in her mid-twenties? And in one of the articles about her, they talked about her making her first studio in the big dining room of her daughter's rich dad's home, where she lived. Only, she had her daughter at seventeen. I'm gonna guess the fancy silicon valley house is his, whoever he is, and that Candice has had kind of a difficult life. Candice is a big mystery to me. When we first met her she was flaunting her glamorous home and appeared to already be rich and successful. I don't remember any talk of a husband so I assumed Candice owned the home and was quite wealthy. Anyway, later we learn that she has two kids one of which she had as a teen and grew up with druggie parents. I wouldn't find her rags to riches story all that unbelievable but she's only 27 and we know that she hasn't made it big in fashion yet. I remember reading somewhere (it's also possible that I made this up in my mind) that she was a dominatrix but I don't know if that's true. If it is true I can see her making a lot of money which would explain the nice home. Maybe she just had some rich babies daddies and gets a massive amount of child support or maybe she has a day job. I don't know why I even care but I am intrigued. Everything about her seems so fake and manufactured. I feel like she created this mistress of the dark cool girl persona when she was a goth girl teen and kind of got stuck in it. 8 Link to comment
gunderda October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 (edited) Ashley's purple outfit was hideous. Open backs, crop tops, and see-through skin tight pants for a plus size line? Is she kidding? Not that those models looked very plus size anyway. What regular plus size woman would wear a crop top? These "plus" models are really just bigger gals, young, firm, pretty much toned just a little larger, but real plus size ? LOL I dislike most of Ashleys own outfits She loves washed out old prints ugh Unfortunately(?) that's the 'plus-size' in the fashion world. I'm border-line plus size and most plus-size model's bodies look WAY better than mine lol And I'm a weirdo - I liked Kelly's! Even though it's not high fashion... does looks kinda cheap... it at least looked like a collection. And it was fun! black black black - boring boring boring. Edited October 30, 2015 by gunderda 4 Link to comment
KLovestoShop October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 Was Ashley trying to channel Victoria Beckham and her big zipper look from a few seasons ago? I didn't like it when she did it and I don't like it when Ashley did it. You know, there are a lot of plus size women who look in the mirror and don't see themselves as being that big, just as the anorexic women look in the mirror and see themselves as a size 20. I think Ashley has the issue of seeing plus size as being able to wear anything, and that's just not the case. From what I've seen her wear over the season, I get the feeling that Ashley might see herself as not being that big, because most of her outfits are not appropriate for her size. Believe me, as a plus size woman, you can look great if you wear nicely fitted, and appropriately sized clothes. I've seen so many large women shoved into skinny pants and leggings and I'm sorry, they look really bad---I saw one woman wearing flesh colored leggings and a top not long enough to cover what needed to be covered, and to say the least, it was scary bad. Ashley needs to look at plus size designers, and there are a few, and see how it's done. She needs to look at Marina Rinaldi, Johnny Was, Steve Fabrikant, and Lafayette 148. 6 Link to comment
MBJ October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 (edited) I swear I am not letting my Candice dislike cloud my judgement, but I had a very bad reaction to Candice's mini collection. As soon as the red and white look came out I said tacky, tacky, tacky. It's just all wrong. Maybe the reason she doesn't use colour or print is that she's simply bad at it? Throughout the show her best quality is that her execution is always perfect and her clothes look well done. The problem is taste, for her. It screamed 1990s to me, but not in the cool 'hip' way that some designers try to do (the new Saint Laurent - slip dresses, lingerie, grunge, plaid, ratty tights - think Courtney Love). It just screamed bad 1990s (vinyl, costume stores, pleather, shiny materials that look cheap - think Spice Girls). That was my major problem. I guess we were all waiting for Candice's comeuppance and here it is. This is the problem when an artist thinks she's perfect in every way and has zero critical eye. Usually artists are full of self doubt like Ashley. Candice could use a critical eye towards HER OWN DESIGNS. She's great at having it for other's. But there is something wacky going on in her head. I'm not saying people should be more insecure but I guess I've been raised to feel like a bit of self deprecation is endearing, and you should always feel a need to improve and to know that there are other smarter people in the room to learn from. I know it sounds bad but I mean it better than it's coming off. Humility basically and the desire to grow and learn and get better. There is some good saying out there about how intelligent people know they're not the most intelligent people in the world, I could be completely making this up. Kelly's collection seemed fine - she has a voice, and I get it, and it's unique - but she should have listened to Tim's advice about the mesh. It looked very cheap. Edmond's collection seemed fine but get rid of the ruffled dress, I strongly agree with the judges here. No woman would want to wear that. That bow dress was immaculate and the best thing we saw today. Every woman would want to wear that. He can't do all over the top gowns in a collection unfortunately. Should do some things that are really minimalist and put a pant or two in there. A tuxedo pant with something beautiful on top. Ashley's, I don't even know what to say or think. At least it wasn't Candice's. Some designer always gets way too headstrong about some stupid thing in their collection and this year it's Ashley with the headpieces. Everyone is telling her logical things about removing them and she refuses to listen. 1 or 2 would be fine but there's no way it should translate to every look a woman would want to wear. Glad Edmond was saved. I hope he can take it. Really, extremely impressed with the judges today. They told it how it is and I agreed with so much of it. I'm so glad they didn't praise Candice like the sun shines out of her ass. Maybe she has finally learned it doesn't. sinkwriter, after reading everything it looks like I'm echoing you on Candice. millenium and others, I agreed with Candice not needing to mention her parents were drug addicts, then again, maybe I can't judge. I don't know. LotusFlower, I agree it seemed kind of slacker and procrastinaty, but Edmond has probably watched every season. I think it's actually strategic to wait for the harsh critiques and the knowledge that you'll have to whip up 1 or 2 garments in the last minute challenge. Edited October 30, 2015 by Ms Blue Jay 4 Link to comment
PrincessSteel October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 If Kelly were a more strategic person (and she might be IRL but the show has presented her as a naif), I would say that she purposely showed her weakest looks so as to appear to have been schooled by the judges after this mini critique. There were some very wow looking garments left in the workroom. The judges have been taking a lot of credit for her growth and she would be silly not to use this. Nina bores me except when she manages something really nasty, like Candace's critique. The 'you're no McQueen' moment made up for a season full of generic comments. 8 Link to comment
sinkwriter October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 (edited) Did Ashley's shorts fit badly or do you think she actually designed them to look as if they were creeping up over her thighs? Did Ashley design shorts? I don't remember that. Or do you mean Kelly? I got a real guffaw out of Ashley's talking head when she dissed Kelly for being over-dramatic about the stain. Ashley dear, you are the LAST person who should be criticizing someone for getting emotional! I actually was impressed with her for not getting weepy when Kelly bluntly told her that she'd had no faith in Ashley helping her and thought she might sabotage her. Instead, Ashley calmly said, "Well, maybe this is a lesson to you that you should trust me more." (Or something to that effect.) There was no getting worked up, no drama, just Ashley telling it straight and not swallowing back her feelings or just saying it to the camera interview instead. I think a lot of Ashley's emotions came from lack of sleep during the madness of the PR schedule. It's amazing what going home, getting some decent sleep, and being back in your own environment for 6 weeks will do for your temperament. I'm hoping they'll consider it enough that she "made PR history" and leave it at that. I'll be seriously disappointed if she wins. I'm hoping Project Runway doesn't see Ashley's collection and think, "Okay, we did it once [showing plus-size fashion], we're done with that now. We don't need to show such a thing again." I hope instead that this was the first step in them opening the door to more fashion options out there, and maybe next time a plus-size fashion designer auditions for PR, they kick major ass and bring about a revolution for sizing in fashion. Dare to dream, anyway... *GRIN* Edited October 30, 2015 by sinkwriter 4 Link to comment
Primetimer October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 The designers walk three-look mini-collections for the judges, and not everyone gets to sparkle. Read the story Link to comment
Knuckles October 30, 2015 Share October 30, 2015 Unfortunately, Candice may have seen the McQueen show at the Met, which was a huge hit, while she was here in NYC. Explains the extreme hats and the gloves, et. al. Using accessories that are hallmarks of a great, late designer really got Garcia irritated. Stripped of hats, and gloves, and with different makeup and hair...Candice could edit out some of the most telling references. I don't like her work, but the lace jacket was lovely and she can sew and fit clothes. Actually, I think she's a student of reality television, and was carefully working her that the smackdown from the judges was especially devastating.I also think she's a tough enough player that she will rework her collection as fast as she can. Ashley should have been gone weeks ago. It kills me that Bucket 'o Tears expects to be coddled. You dyed some freaking what. Kelly's fabric creation for her jumpsuit was leaps of innovation past that. Quilted circle skirts, badly fitting crop tops, visible bras, see-thru lace that would emphasize a full-size woman's underwear?? I could scream. And that acid yellow skirt she was wearing herself...that cut her waist and make her seem blocky, not feminine...she dresses herself with the same lack of insight that her collection shows. Clothing for a larger woman should suggest that she is voluptuous, not just big. Use lace if you will, but do so strategically. If Mexico is your theme, then use strong color, but cut your clothes to skim the body and draw the eye to a sleek, polished line. Larger women need a sophisticated look, anything else looks apologetic, as if their size needs to be excused. This is wholly should make you feel wonderful and empowered. 13 Link to comment
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