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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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18 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Audrey has made a real 180 in the looks department!  Thanks Mariah.

I think Audrey looks fine. She looks like most butch 20-somethings...and I doubt Mariah made her get that haircut, it's far more likely that Mariah encouraged her to get a haircut that made her feel more comfortable in her own skin. 

I admit, I'm sensitive to stuff like this because I work in a family business, and for a long time my dad had my high school photo up in his office...so I'd have people who only knew me as an adult with short hair comment about how nice I looked with long curly hair...but I looked at that photo and what I saw was someone who was horrifically miserable and hated how she looked in the mirror every day. The first time I got my hair cut off was the first time I looked at a photo of myself and felt good about it. 

Lesbian styles and what counts as attractive are not always going to line up with mainstream standards. By lesbian style standards I think Audrey looks completely normal. I don't love Mariah's weird curly mop top, but that's more because it gives me flashbacks to the mushroom poof that occurs if I don't style my hair and get it cut regularly!

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, questionfear said:

I think Audrey looks fine. She looks like most butch 20-somethings...and I doubt Mariah made her get that haircut, it's far more likely that Mariah encouraged her to get a haircut that made her feel more comfortable in her own skin. 

I admit, I'm sensitive to stuff like this because I work in a family business, and for a long time my dad had my high school photo up in his office...so I'd have people who only knew me as an adult with short hair comment about how nice I looked with long curly hair...but I looked at that photo and what I saw was someone who was horrifically miserable and hated how she looked in the mirror every day. The first time I got my hair cut off was the first time I looked at a photo of myself and felt good about it. 

Lesbian styles and what counts as attractive are not always going to line up with mainstream standards. By lesbian style standards I think Audrey looks completely normal. I don't love Mariah's weird curly mop top, but that's more because it gives me flashbacks to the mushroom poof that occurs if I don't style my hair and get it cut regularly!

Everyone should wear their hair the way they want to—I think short hair can look great, I just don’t find Audrey’s haircut to be particularly flattering on her. I think long hair and short hair can look attractive on both men and women— Audrey’s and Mariah’s cuts just aren’t very appealing to me. 
Also, getting their hair cut short at exactly the same time seems as if they are becoming a little too enmeshed and co-dependent— which may not be the healthiest for a relationship. YMMV

  • Love 12


This shows the intelligence level of her followers/fans. There should have been written as they’re...meaning ‘they are’ not in some different place. 
(This comment was taken from the last picture and I did a screenshot.) I am by not means trying to say that I am even worthy of being the grammar police, but this did stick out to me. 

  • Love 12
25 minutes ago, Adiba said:

Everyone should wear their hair the way they want to—I think short hair can look great,

Absolutely!  Everyone has their own style and embraces what they think looks best on them.  But others may not find them flattering at all and it has nothing to do with their lifestyle.  They just don't appeal to everyone nor should they.  Makes life interesting.

  • Love 17
On 1/24/2021 at 11:55 PM, Joan of Argh said:

I watched a true crime show about the Lululemon murder, I think it might have been on "Dateline" or "On the Case with Paula Zahn" or "48 hr mystery"

I don't think they revealed that the store was Lululemon and just made it sound like a store that sold tennis shoes and exercise clothing.

I saw that;  the version I saw mentioned the name of the store, and I had to google it.  It was a rather weird crime story.


On 2/18/2021 at 2:03 PM, Jeanne222 said:

Audrey has made a real 180 in the looks department!  Thanks Mariah.

Except I think Audrey looks a lot better than Mariah.  It doesn't help that Mariah has that nose ringk.  I just cannot stand those.


On 1/26/2021 at 7:21 PM, Dustbunny said:

Cheezy McCheeze face with her TOO SHORT shorts and pigeon toes.

What's going on with her crotch.. looks flabby and drooping.. shes only 25  😫

That was nearly 2 years ago.  I hope she has lost weight since then but she probably has gained the COVID 19 or more.   She needs to be careful, because she is almost as fluffy as her 50ish mom.


On 1/30/2021 at 7:23 PM, Teafortwo said:

"Menstrual support" for trans men and non-binary people who suffer from endometriosis.

ETA: I'm not reposting the image. It's stark and rather unsettling.

I have a transman in my extended family.  I need to ask him about this.  Oh, wait, no I don't.  

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Joan of Argh said:

Exactly... I think their hair looks awful and it doesn't have anything to do with their sexuality.

Most of us think kodys hair is ridiculous and looks like Ramen noodles and Maddie's severe hair color choices look like shit on her or how ugly Mykelti's hair has looked in the past or how Meri's hair looks like a scarecrow and it doesn't have anything to do with their sexuality.

I don't know why when it's Mariah and Audrey it's immediately taken as a jab at their lifestyle or needs to be defended.... They have stupid looking hairdo's just like Kody's, Maddie's, Mykelti's and Meri's..... Plain and simple no sexual preference involved.


I agree, My brothers oldest daughter is gay and since the day she came out she's always said "just treat me like everyone else"

She told us this a long time ago...  "I'm just as capable of having a bad day, being angry, cranky, dumb, ridiculous, annoying and making bad decisions as everyone else so please don't put me on a pedestal and tippy toe around on egg shells or make excuses for me"

JMO but I think that Mariah and Audrey's hairdos are not flattering, just like the other Brown family members who have unflattering hairdos, nothing less and nothing more.

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, HighlandWarriorGrl said:

Didn’t Meri post somewhere lately that Mariah had gotten her under graduate and master’s degree and we all went “what?”  I don’t remember where I saw it, but I’m almost positive I did.

Yes she did, sorry I don't recall where she posted that information but I definitely remember reading it somewhere.

  • Useful 1
22 hours ago, questionfear said:

I think Audrey looks fine. She looks like most butch 20-somethings...and I doubt Mariah made her get that haircut, it's far more likely that Mariah encouraged her to get a haircut that made her feel more comfortable in her own skin. 

I admit, I'm sensitive to stuff like this because I work in a family business, and for a long time my dad had my high school photo up in his office...so I'd have people who only knew me as an adult with short hair comment about how nice I looked with long curly hair...but I looked at that photo and what I saw was someone who was horrifically miserable and hated how she looked in the mirror every day. The first time I got my hair cut off was the first time I looked at a photo of myself and felt good about it. 

Lesbian styles and what counts as attractive are not always going to line up with mainstream standards. By lesbian style standards I think Audrey looks completely normal. I don't love Mariah's weird curly mop top, but that's more because it gives me flashbacks to the mushroom poof that occurs if I don't style my hair and get it cut regularly!

Why assume Audrey is "butch?" I don't get that feeling. This has Mariah written all over it.

  • Love 1

So if Mariah has graduated from her master's program at the University of Chicago, does that mean she and Audrey are living together in Salt Lake City?  I see she listed her new job as "Program Manager".  A quick google search shows a Promise Program Manager position pays $12/$13 AN HOUR....


Edited by smarty2020
  • Useful 4
7 minutes ago, Cetacean said:

"Won a lawsuit"?

The only thing that I can think of is that she may be trying to take credit for polygamy being decriminalized.  I don't recall them doing anything in this regard, save for waving placards at a rally organized by others.  I think credit should be given to those that stayed in Utah and fought the fight rather than what the Browns did...scamper away like thieves in the night.

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, OdinO. said:

Why assume Audrey is "butch?" I don't get that feeling. This has Mariah written all over it.

Audrey has extremely short hair that looks like either an undercut or like they took clippers to the bottom, and she's wearing a shirt/button down combo that looks almost identical to most of my wardrobe. It's very possible Audrey doesn't specifically identify as butch, that's her choice, but I'm stating the fact that as a butch lesbian, I know my own-she's definitely embracing a masculine of center style. 

I'm also probably 20 years older than Mariah and Audrey, and I find them very over the top. The only reason I chime in here is because I do think this thread sometimes has a hard time separating "existing as gay" and "LOOK AT ME I'M SO GAY". Mariah and Audrey cutting their hair short, whether you like the cut or not, isn't activism, it's what they clearly like. I don't run around telling everyone I meet how very gay I am but I also recognize that 99% of the world would clock me as potentially gay immediately, because I dress in a very stereotypically masculine fashion. And I think sometimes it's hard because most of the world is conditioned to see "butch" as either being stereotypically over the top (think Big Boo in Orange is the New Black") or basically non-threatening vaguely masculine, like Ellen DeGeneres. And you know what, it sucks to open this thread sometimes, see someone who is definitely exploring dressing masculine of center, and see the thread tear them to bits for it. I also know that while it seems like they're doing it for Instagram, if they're still in Utah they're probably having a tough time of it sometimes...I don't know any women with short hair who dress masculine who haven't been told at least once that they're in the wrong bathroom, or been called "sir" mistakenly and then treated badly when the person is corrected. If that hasn't happened to Audrey or Mariah yet, it will.  

I know I'm generalizing, and I'm not trying to call anyone out or rag on anyone for snarking here. I'm just pointing out that I see a lot of myself in my early 20s in how Audrey is dressing, and sometimes it sucks to open this thread and see people reacting like Audrey wrapped herself in a rainbow flag and then set it on fire to prove a point, when it's just as likely she's more comfortable that way, even if it does make her more "in your face" gay looking. 

I know this was rambling, and if it dragged the thread too off topic, mods feel free to move it or PM me. Thanks. 


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39 minutes ago, questionfear said:

And you know what, it sucks to open this thread sometimes, see someone who is definitely exploring dressing masculine of center, and see the thread tear them to bits for it.

WIth all due respect, I don't think "tear them to bits" is really fair.  Sure there are snarky comments but there is an equal amount of snark for virtually every member of the Brown on their fashion choices.  I realize you are seeing it from a different view but take a look at the thread for Janelle or Meri and the comments are much more harsh in many cases.  The comments about the haircut were more about how unflattering the cut is, nothing more.

  • Love 20
16 minutes ago, Cetacean said:

WIth all due respect, I don't think "tear them to bits" is really fair.  Sure there are snarky comments but there is an equal amount of snark for virtually every member of the Brown on their fashion choices.  I realize you are seeing it from a different view but take a look at the thread for Janelle or Meri and the comments are much more harsh in many cases.  The comments about the haircut were more about how unflattering the cut is, nothing more.

exactly and no one gets more shit about ugly ass hair than Kody and it has nothing to do with his lifestyle either,

I don't recall anyone shitting on Mariah or Audrey or "tearing them to bits" over their lifestyle.

For one thing it wouldn't be allowed by the mods because there's rules against that sort of thing

I don't know why it always has to be blamed on their sexuality whenever they receive the same criticism as the rest of the family.

I for one couldn't care less about their sexuality and I never mention it.


  • Love 14
2 hours ago, questionfear said:

Audrey has extremely short hair that looks like either an undercut or like they took clippers to the bottom, and she's wearing a shirt/button down combo that looks almost identical to most of my wardrobe. It's very possible Audrey doesn't specifically identify as butch, that's her choice, but I'm stating the fact that as a butch lesbian, I know my own-she's definitely embracing a masculine of center style. 

I'm also probably 20 years older than Mariah and Audrey, and I find them very over the top. The only reason I chime in here is because I do think this thread sometimes has a hard time separating "existing as gay" and "LOOK AT ME I'M SO GAY". Mariah and Audrey cutting their hair short, whether you like the cut or not, isn't activism, it's what they clearly like. I don't run around telling everyone I meet how very gay I am but I also recognize that 99% of the world would clock me as potentially gay immediately, because I dress in a very stereotypically masculine fashion. And I think sometimes it's hard because most of the world is conditioned to see "butch" as either being stereotypically over the top (think Big Boo in Orange is the New Black") or basically non-threatening vaguely masculine, like Ellen DeGeneres. And you know what, it sucks to open this thread sometimes, see someone who is definitely exploring dressing masculine of center, and see the thread tear them to bits for it. I also know that while it seems like they're doing it for Instagram, if they're still in Utah they're probably having a tough time of it sometimes...I don't know any women with short hair who dress masculine who haven't been told at least once that they're in the wrong bathroom, or been called "sir" mistakenly and then treated badly when the person is corrected. If that hasn't happened to Audrey or Mariah yet, it will.  

I know I'm generalizing, and I'm not trying to call anyone out or rag on anyone for snarking here. I'm just pointing out that I see a lot of myself in my early 20s in how Audrey is dressing, and sometimes it sucks to open this thread and see people reacting like Audrey wrapped herself in a rainbow flag and then set it on fire to prove a point, when it's just as likely she's more comfortable that way, even if it does make her more "in your face" gay looking. 

I know this was rambling, and if it dragged the thread too off topic, mods feel free to move it or PM me. Thanks. 


Well said, @questionfear.

  • Love 4

I commented on the Robyn-the-Peacemaker thread about Mariah's quitting her 3-year academic program in Year 2, and she's leaving with neither an MSW or an MA in social justice.  She'll finish her MSW in Utah.  She's abandoning her studies in social justice.  She's such a poseur in so many ways, and all her rantings were just loud, obnoxious noise.  

I can't believe that she would first tell Meri about her decision to transfer upon her arrival at an ad hoc event with Robyn's and Christine's children.  If so, it's yet another example of what an ingrate Mariah is.  (Meri should be livid about the tuition she's paid or subsidized.)  I can believe the passive response from everyone, because that crowd is not academically inclined and probably didn't grasp what was happening.  (I don't believe Robyn's past claims that she attended college.)

I believe that Mariah dropped out for academic reasons and is hiding behind Audrey's depression.  Nobody asked Mariah about any alternatives, such as relocating after earning both degrees, or about any impacts, such as the credits she'll lose in the transfer.  Nobody showed any concern for Audrey's mental health or asked if she could manage one more year in Chicago so that Mariah could finish her program. 

Finally, if Loyola were like most schools, they switched to remote learning in the semester Mariah would have left.  She could have been working toward her original degrees in Parowan, SLC, or any place where Audrey could manage or thrive.

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3 hours ago, Grifter Lives said:

if Loyola were like most schools, they switched to remote learning in the semester Mariah would have left.  She could have been working toward her original degrees in Parowan, SLC, or any place where Audrey could manage or thrive.

That's what I had assumed they were doing and wondered if Meri was still paying rent on their Chicago 2-bedroom apartment.  Mariah probably did flunk out or drop out before or during Fall term of 2019, since her IG Chicago Days blather stopped 76 weeks (8 months) ago and she stopped yoga blathering 92 weeks ago.

Mariah doesn't seem cut out for social work; she is a taker, not a giver. It's all about ME ME ME ME ME.

Edited by deirdra
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I don't know, y'all, I can't imagine changing grad schools right in the middle of my program unless it was for an emergency situation or something like that. For me, it wasn't easy to get all ramped up and involved with my new dept., my profs, my  classes, the workload, etc., it takes time and effort to get up and running.  But, if Mariah did, then good for her.

I don't know what happened there, but I just can't stand Mariah so watching her upcoming nuptial stuff is a big NO for me. Ugh, nope, i will read here for the snark, but that's it.

  • Love 12
8 minutes ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

I don't know, y'all, I can't imagine changing grad schools right in the middle of my program unless it was for an emergency situation or something like that. For me, it wasn't easy to get all ramped up and involved with my new dept., my profs, my  classes, the workload, etc., it takes time and effort to get up and running.  But, if Mariah did, then good for her.

I don't know what happened there, but I just can't stand Mariah so watching her upcoming nuptial stuff is a big NO for me. Ugh, nope, i will read here for the snark, but that's it.

I agree and don't think I could take her saying hello let alone watching her wedding.  That's a huge no!

I think Mariah and mother Meri could go silently and the show would do improve

Meri and wanting the biggest Vegas house, Meri and the fake internet boyfriend, Meri deciding to live in the trees?

Then remembering she made them all go out and around at the Lehi home.

She is ugly inside and out!


  • Love 7
9 hours ago, Grifter Lives said:

I commented on the Robyn-the-Peacemaker thread about Mariah's quitting her 3-year academic program in Year 2, and she's leaving with neither an MSW or an MA in social justice.  She'll finish her MSW in Utah.  She's abandoning her studies in social justice.  She's such a poseur in so many ways, and all her rantings were just loud, obnoxious noise.  

I agree Mariah is a Posey Poserton.  Mariah and her Bali trip, the bragging about becoming a yoga instructor, the energy and all the feels and where has that gone? Nowhere. Mariah is a fat, angry faker who almost never practices what she preaches. Mariah certainly doesn’t have the disposition to be a yogi  

She posts “causes” and then forgets about them, expecting everyone else to do the actual work. Remember the bees? Pretty sure Mariah doesn’t. She’s fake AF. 

  • Love 14
7 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I agree and don't think I could take her saying hello let alone watching her wedding.  That's a huge no!

I think Mariah and mother Meri could go silently and the show would do improve

Meri and wanting the biggest Vegas house, Meri and the fake internet boyfriend, Meri deciding to live in the trees?

Then remembering she made them all go out and around at the Lehi home.

She is ugly inside and out!


Mariah is a thunder stealer. 


Crying at Robyn's pregnancy announcement.


Throwing tantrums about house in Vegas.


Interrupting her dad's bday gift opening to announce engagement. She's horrid.

  • Love 14
10 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

Do you think the other older siblings like Mariah or do they see her they way we see her?

Ohh, they probably love her, maybe not like her so much. In my family, my mom would say "a little bit of her goes a long way", and smile her fake smile. I know they see her how we do. Maddie rolls her eyes or sucks her lip in. Think of Aspyn and those breakfast crepes. When Mariah flounce stomped out of the room, they just looked at each other, then down. 


Lil bit- long way


  • Love 15
On 2/20/2021 at 3:21 PM, deirdra said:

When she started her double-major MSW & MSJ degree, it was supposed to take 3 years, including internships.  If she doesn't graduate this Spring, something may be up.  Her positions in SLC could have fulfilled some of the required internships, or she may have taken a leave of absence. 

How does one serve internship as a Social Justice Warrior? Help organize a BLM riot or similar fiasco?

  • LOL 5
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On 2/20/2021 at 5:45 PM, questionfear said:

Audrey has extremely short hair that looks like either an undercut or like they took clippers to the bottom, and she's wearing a shirt/button down combo that looks almost identical to most of my wardrobe. It's very possible Audrey doesn't specifically identify as butch, that's her choice, but I'm stating the fact that as a butch lesbian, I know my own-she's definitely embracing a masculine of center style. 

I'm also probably 20 years older than Mariah and Audrey, and I find them very over the top. The only reason I chime in here is because I do think this thread sometimes has a hard time separating "existing as gay" and "LOOK AT ME I'M SO GAY". Mariah and Audrey cutting their hair short, whether you like the cut or not, isn't activism, it's what they clearly like. I don't run around telling everyone I meet how very gay I am but I also recognize that 99% of the world would clock me as potentially gay immediately, because I dress in a very stereotypically masculine fashion. And I think sometimes it's hard because most of the world is conditioned to see "butch" as either being stereotypically over the top (think Big Boo in Orange is the New Black") or basically non-threatening vaguely masculine, like Ellen DeGeneres. And you know what, it sucks to open this thread sometimes, see someone who is definitely exploring dressing masculine of center, and see the thread tear them to bits for it. I also know that while it seems like they're doing it for Instagram, if they're still in Utah they're probably having a tough time of it sometimes...I don't know any women with short hair who dress masculine who haven't been told at least once that they're in the wrong bathroom, or been called "sir" mistakenly and then treated badly when the person is corrected. If that hasn't happened to Audrey or Mariah yet, it will.  

I know I'm generalizing, and I'm not trying to call anyone out or rag on anyone for snarking here. I'm just pointing out that I see a lot of myself in my early 20s in how Audrey is dressing, and sometimes it sucks to open this thread and see people reacting like Audrey wrapped herself in a rainbow flag and then set it on fire to prove a point, when it's just as likely she's more comfortable that way, even if it does make her more "in your face" gay looking. 

I know this was rambling, and if it dragged the thread too off topic, mods feel free to move it or PM me. Thanks. 


Your mention of "being in the wrong bathroom" and "being called sir" reminded me of my early days in the military.. Even had officers' wives wait for me to open doors at the commissary and base exchange for them. Yes, indeed. Clothing does make "the man", as that old saying goes.


  • Love 2
On 3/3/2021 at 8:49 AM, Grifter Lives said:

I can believe the passive response from everyone, because that crowd is not academically inclined and probably didn't grasp what was happening.  (I don't believe Robyn's past claims that she attended college.)

Now. Now. We all know that Robyn went to community college for a semester and she studied Geometry and Calculus and she knows everything about shapes and minusing!


...bonus points if anyone can figure out what I'm referencing beyond digging at Robyn... 😁

  • LOL 4
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On 3/6/2021 at 4:14 PM, Roslyn said:

Now. Now. We all know that Robyn went to community college for a semester and she studied Geometry and Calculus and she knows everything about shapes and minusing!


...bonus points if anyone can figure out what I'm referencing beyond digging at Robyn... 😁

Cardboard boats and MSWC profit.

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On 3/8/2021 at 11:15 PM, Art Of Noiz said:

Cardboard boats and MSWC profit.

You got half of it!!

My phrasing is a favorite quote from an old movie my kids loved called "Jingle All the Way".

While waiting for a toy store to open Sinbad (as a quirky mailman) says he knows all about the Toy Cartels because he "went to community college for a semester and he studied Psychology so he knows what he is talking about!"

It pops in my head when I hear Robyn talk about "when she went to college and had Calculus class..." 😂

  • LOL 10
Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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