yeswedo October 21, 2015 Share October 21, 2015 Quote In their final challenge before Fashion Week, the designers travel to Los Angeles to create red carpet looks; one designer takes a huge risk. Link to comment
farmgal4 October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 I am pissed! Ashley should have gone home, not Edmund! 16 Link to comment
dizzyd October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 I don’t know if Ashley’s fabric looked great in person, but it looked like crap on my TV. It looked like the fabric was diseased and covered with sores everywhere the sequins turned. Candice was unnecessarily bitchy in her THs. I’m not even going to comment on the looks, this season has been so lackluster and disappointing. PR is no longer what it used to be. I think I need to go back to watching online recaps of the final looks. 13 Link to comment
leighdear October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 (edited) That is the suckiest suck that ever sucked. Edmond was straight up robbed. That no-talent child does NOT deserve to be there over Edmond. Why didn't Tim use his save? Gunn is dead to me now. SO happy for Kelly. She has an innate creative process that I love. She does work a lot on the fly, but she's always confident that she'll come up with something interesting and absolutely HER. You can't teach that. Candace did a nice job, and it looked lovely. I think she's going to win the whole thing, even with her reliance on black. Edited October 23, 2015 by leighdear 17 Link to comment
Popular Post NorthstarATL October 23, 2015 Popular Post Share October 23, 2015 No moment with Tim and Edmund at the end? And Tim hadn't used the "save" yet? Hmmm.... 54 Link to comment
Popular Post BloggerAloud October 23, 2015 Popular Post Share October 23, 2015 If they don't give Edmond the Tim Gunn Save I will be shocked because the last five minutes of the show was absolute terribly clunky foreshadowing of it. Plus there are no group shots of the designers in the preview for next week. And we didn't see Tim tell Edmond to pack up his stuff. 46 Link to comment
susannot October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 OK,I'm out. Edmond and Swapnil were both insanely talented. I hate what the show has degenerated to. 19 Link to comment
beaker73 October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 (edited) My DVR cut off the ending again! Did Tim not save Edmond?!? And WTF with the judges liking Ashley's C3P0 dress? Fuck, that was awful. ETA: ok I see from other posts that we didn't see Tim at the end. Now I'm sure that next week's show will open with the TGS. Also forgot to say...Kelly FTW! Edited October 23, 2015 by beaker73 11 Link to comment
susannot October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 On 10/23/2015 at 2:35 AM, BloggerAloud said: If they don't give Edmond the Tim Gunn Save I will be shocked because the last five minutes of the show was absolute terribly clunky foreshadowing of it. Plus there are no group shots of the designers in the preview for next week. And we didn't see Tim tell Edmond to pack up his stuff. Why foreshadowing? I would love to believe it. Link to comment
Straycat80 October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 (edited) I'm ok with the three ladies in the finale. I'm interested to see what they all create for Fashion Week. I liked Edmond a lot. He seemed like a very nice guy. But I thought he did go downhill towards the end. The red carpet dress was very 70's disco, it was pretty awful. I half expected Tim to come running out with the Tim Gunn save. Didn't happen. Edited October 23, 2015 by Straycat80 9 Link to comment
BloggerAloud October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 I think it's foreshadowing a save because of the entire speech Edmond gives plus Heidi saying she wished she'd see his collection plus the simple fact we never see him get told to get his stuff. The whole thing feels like a "Oh shit, Tim never used his save so might as well create a moment to use it now" kind of deal. 17 Link to comment
leighdear October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 (edited) If they bring Edmond back next week, it will be the lamest, most ridiculous and beyond stupid move for "drama". Doing it this way just leaves a bunch of pissed off fans that will NOT find it amusing next week. Idiots. Edited October 23, 2015 by leighdear 18 Link to comment
terrymct October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 (edited) First, I want to say that I'm glad they ended up with a group made up of people who were competitive with each other, but still helped each other and were generally nice.I'm surprised that Tim didn't swoop in to save Edmund. His dress this week was somewhere between a skating costume and a disco queen dress. Not good. I wonder if next week will open with the save?Kelly is a nice lady who still needs to invest in a hairbrush. I like her, but I didn't get the effusive praise for the jump suit. The fabric was really neat, but the cut of the jumpsuit was unflattering. She looked like Buck Roger's love interest or maybe Kirk's girlfriend du jour. I swear I saw a version of that jumpsuit in the episode of the original Star Trek series where the hippies take over the Enterprise and discover Eden. Or was it the alien woman who put the shock collar on Kirk?Candice's dress was lovely, especially how she used the lines in the sheer fabric. The judges were spot on in their assessment of it though. It's a safe dress.Ashley's dress was fine, a big departure for her, but the bodice issues kept it from being a great dress. I've seen that fabric on a pair of Uggs, though. I hope she rises to the occasion and produces a kick butt plus size runway show. Edited October 23, 2015 by terrymct 12 Link to comment
Bebecat October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 Ok, what the hell is the TG save for, if not for Edmund? That was ridiculous. I hate that Ashley made it over him. Tonight was really his only misstep, if a bad one. Was that solid purple dress he had an alternative? Wish he had gone with that one. I hated Ashley's gown and AGAIN, it was her MODEL they were complimenting! Somnot fair she got that model all the time. And what happened to her so-called designs for larger women?? There are several stars she could have designed for, i.e Melissa McCarthy, that woman from the Glee Type movies (?) and the black woman who now has a role on .empire, Gabrielle S. Just to name a few. She is a hack, Imo. I did not love Kelly's but could see it at Grammys for sure. I thought Candice's was nice but so boring. Not excited for finale at all, if I ever was. 5 Link to comment
BloggerAloud October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 It was interesting that they went into the "In fashion one day you're in and the next you're out" because this show has NEVER in its history been consistent on that and usually are pretty haphazard when it comes to applying that standard. 15 Link to comment
mauras October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 I never ever thought I'd say this, but I think I might be done with PR. The looks this season have by and large been mediocre (or worse), and though I agree that Edmund's look tonight was pretty bad, he was the only designer left who seemed genuinely talented to me. I have no interest in the remaining three--Candice and Ashley are utterly boring designers, and I don't think I've a single thing Kelly has made this season. The creativity and talent that once made this show great are long gone, and my interest in the show is finally following them. 10 Link to comment
Rhetorica October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 I love Kelly's talking heads. LA Swatch sighting! Ashley's model is perfection! Are we sure Edward wasn't saved? We didn't see Tom send him to his room. 5 Link to comment
beaker73 October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 On 10/23/2015 at 2:42 AM, BloggerAloud said: It was interesting that they went into the "In fashion one day you're in and the next you're out" because this show has NEVER in its history been consistent on that and usually are pretty haphazard when it comes to applying that standard. Yeah, I totally rolled my eyes when Heidi said that. Since when, show? On 10/23/2015 at 2:45 AM, Rhetorica said: I love Kelly's talking heads. LA Swatch sighting! Ashley's model is perfection! Are we sure Edward wasn't saved? We didn't see Tom send him to his room. He'll be saved. 5 Link to comment
leighdear October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 Ashley was the one that had a plan B, in case Tim didn't like her main dress. She even started constructing it, and Tim told her to ditch it. That kind of defeatist attitude marks her as just a seamstress, not a designer. I am just so beyond pissed at them doing this, even if Edmond is ultimately saved. These cheap, sleazy and low-rent tricks just make me hate them. And I don't want to hate them! 8 Link to comment
Nidratime October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 I'm glad because this was not Ashley's challenge and she knew it! This was Candice's challenge and she was boring and made her very skinny model look chunky with black belly rolls. And, this was Edmund's challenge, who should have known that a short dress that looked like something from the 70's Sonny and Cher Show was not going to work. Ashley went outside her box and good for her. Glad Edmund went home, but I sincerely wish it had been Candice instead. I hope Candice is left sitting on her own petard, offering good wishes to Kelly through gritted teeth. 14 Link to comment
sinkwriter October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 I'm really happy for Kelly and Ashley. However... I kept waiting for the moment when Tim would come into the room and tell Edmond he has to pick up his stuff and it never happened. All season, every season, that is how they end it, so how on earth did they not have that this time unless they're planning a "surprise" of Tim giving him his own show and having all 4 of them go to Fashion Week? (Or maybe send another one home for not stepping it up enough for their Fashion Week collection.) I mean, why bother with the "trick" of Edmond getting saved later? Either he's going to be saved or not. There would be no major shock either way. So just show it already, or show Tim sending him home. Personally, I'm very disappointed for Edmond. I hated his red carpet look from the moment he chose that horrible Rainbow Brite sequined fabric, and I hated even more how short he made it. (I'm fine with it not being a train-length gown, but that was WAY too short.) But despite all that, I had liked his work throughout the season and I love his attitude, so... if Tim doesn't save him, I will be very disappointed. He worked SO hard to get there; of all of them, I really wanted him to make it. He even surprised me. I thought for sure he'd say Kelly and Candice should go with him to Fashion Week. I was really impressed with him for choosing Ashley. I think he understands that Candice already has a story, she already has a point of view, and she already has an established business and successful life outside of PR. I think he sees that Ashley could offer a new point of view that is unique in the world of fashion (because offering up a plus-sized runway would be fantastic and long-overdue in that world), and likewise he sees that Kelly is completely outside the box and would offer something bizarre and unique, which makes for a good show. After all her over-confident talking heads, I kind of wished Candice would have been a shocker go-home moment, mainly because even though her dress was well made, it didn't have much personality at all. Say what you will about Ashley's dress or choice of fabric, but at least it was unusual. Candice played it safe and once again didn't even bother with color (even though they were told that was an important element). I don't think Candice made anything special (and as Zac said, the back was very Nancy Kerrigan ice skating outfit). For all Candice's talk about being edgy, she didn't make anything with vibrance or personality. 21 Link to comment
Bebecat October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 (edited) It will be almost a non-event if Edmund is "saved". What a farce. But it is like they know no one wants to see those three do the finale. At least I sure don't. And the commercials for the Junior show are driving me nuts, I am not watching that one. I cannot stand Kelly Osbourne. Or a bunch of Tweens. Also, not seeing "plus size" for any of Ashley's stuff, really. They should have given her a full-figured model, if they were serious about plus size. Edited October 23, 2015 by Bebecat 12 Link to comment
Popular Post RococoChanel October 23, 2015 Popular Post Share October 23, 2015 Can the designers stop saying "sequence" instead of sequins? 30 Link to comment
dbell1 October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 Fake drama is the hallmark of Lifetime, so we know that Edmund isn't out. They're trying to build an audience. Or buzz, or a lynch mob. Or something. Kelly had me giggling when she was Edmund's talking fabric. He's all "the fabric needs to talk to me" and she goes "hello Edmund, I'm your fabric" or some such thing. Ashley should have gone home weeks ago. I'm a size 16 and I wouldn't wear her work ever. Candice is just there due to Halloween being this month. There's no other reason. 14 Link to comment
AwesomO4000 October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 Yeah, I don't see why this wouldn't have been the perfect time for a Tim Gunn save, so I'm hoping that's still an option next week. One weird thing though. I liked the back of Candice's dress, but on the television I was watching, it looked to me like it made a lumpy area below the bustline that made it look like she had a fat roll there or something. None of the judges mentioned it though, so I'm starting to think I imagined it or something... what I think I imagined was a pretty annoying lumpy spot though, so I'm not sure. I was at least glad that she didn't make one of those really low bust dresses that made the model's busts look droopy to me. I was getting annoyed by those. On 10/23/2015 at 2:50 AM, Nidratime said: This was Candice's challenge and she was boring and made her very skinny model look chunky with black belly rolls. Oh thank goodness, I was beginning to think I was imagining things - see above - because none of the judges mentioned this. 6 Link to comment
Adeejay October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 (edited) I can't believe Heidi said, "well, we have to be fair"; since when? I don't believe we've seen the last of Edmond. Edited October 23, 2015 by Adeejay 5 Link to comment
NorthstarATL October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 The more I think of it, if the Tim Gunn save were no longer eligible Heidi would have said something like "and you decided not to use it this season", whereas she said something like "yet" IIRC. Kelly, considering the amount of detail that she generally manages within the challenge time constraints, is the show I am most interested in seeing. I did not particularly like the look of the pantsuit this evening, but I appreciated the work and the idea. Candace will likely craft a very well-sewn wardrobe for Morticia Addams. I still don't know what to make of Ashley, given that she blew the one challenge that fit her niche market. Will PR permit a plus-size runway? I do hope we will see Edmond's. His, again, is more likely to be exciting, and tonight's misstep a fluke. 10 Link to comment
farmgal4 October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 On 10/23/2015 at 2:35 AM, susannot said: OK,I'm out. Edmond and Swapnil were both insanely talented. I hate what the show has degenerated to. susannot, I'm seriously thinking about checking out with you. I have watched this show religiously, never missed a show, since Season 1. I even managed to watch while flat on my back, highly doped up on Dilaudid, in the hospital after having major surgery! But I just can't with this shit anymore. Ashley is NOT a good designer IMO. She is mediocre at best. Y'all are gonna think I'm crazy, but I think if she weren't morbidly obese, she would have been voted out weeks ago. 24 Link to comment
Bebecat October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 I am surprised the save can be used this late...but I hope it is. I want to see a collection from him. Much more than from any of the others. 2 Link to comment
QuantumMechanic October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 (edited) Tim has to be using the save. Why? Because Reveal spoiler the previews showed the three women in some pre-fashion week challenge. What's the point of that if there are only three people? They aren't going to knock one of them off and only have two go to fashion week. So Edmond got saved and there are really four people in that challenge, where one will be knocked off and the remaining three will go. Edited October 23, 2015 by QuantumMechanic 8 Link to comment
RedheadZombie October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 I feel pretty confident that Edmond will be saved. He was acting in a cautious manner - not really showing any sadness. He suspects he will be saved. 5 Link to comment
avecsans October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 My kids loved a book called "The Rainbow Fish" when they were younger and the fish looked exactly like Edmond's fabric. I don't think there's any question that he will be back next week. Kelly has a great attitude and I'm rooting for her to win. Candice is a master of passive-aggressive jabs. "Oh, you used the PLASTIC boning?" I really hope she loses, but not as much as I hope Ashley and her tears lose. 24 Link to comment
Frost October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 I can see Tim using the save for Edmond and somehow allowing four designers to show at Fashion Week. But the other three were flat out told "You're going to Fashion Week" so I don't see how they would have to compete again to really go. Maybe Edmond will be given one more chance to impress the judges enough to have him officially show. 2 Link to comment
Honey October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 (edited) On 10/23/2015 at 2:50 AM, Bebecat said: Bebecat, on 22 Oct 2015 - 10:50 PM, said: It will be almost a non-event if Edmund is "saved". What a farce. But it is like they know no one wants to see those three do the finale. At least I sure don't. And the commercials for the Junior show are driving me nuts, I am not watching that one. I cannot stand Kelly Osbourne. Or a bunch of Tweens. Also, not seeing "plus size" for any of Ashley's stuff, really. They should have given her a full-figured model, if they were serious about plus size. If they had given Ashley a plus size model she wouldn't be going to Fashion Week. Her model is the only reason she wasn't sent home. Aube could wear a plastic garbage bag and look gorgeous. Also, does Candace wear a wig? How does she get it so perfect? I always wanted hair like that, instead of the naturally curly hair I have. Edited October 23, 2015 by Honey 11 Link to comment
PepperMonkey October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 Well, I wanted Candice to go home. She played it so safe it was ridiculous. Also, I liked her at first, and didn't think I was going to, but her attitude has just really put me off week after week. Kelly's textile was awesome, the design not so much, but if anyone deserves to go to NYFW, it's Kelly from the deli. I do wish to all the gods and goddesses she would do something with her hair, though. I love love LOVE her but I want to cut/comb/restyle her hair every damn week. I'm "pretty sure" Tim will save Edmond next week, but not positive. Ashley's dress was not THAT bad, but was it any worse than Edmond's? I'm not sure. Based on the fact that I would have had a hard time choosing between Edmond and Ashley for the auf, I would have let both of them do collections and come BACK to compete for the final spot. We'll see what happens. I don't really care who wins as long as it's not Candice. 10 Link to comment
awaken October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 My dvr cut off so I had to come here to find out the ending! I was SURE the save had been used! I absolutely guarantee it will be next week. Heidi specifically mentioned that it hadn't been used yet before the runway. She would have said it was no longer available if he wasn't going to. They've mentioned many times about Edmond watching since day 1 and trying out for years to get on the show! He HAS to go to fashion week or all the drama will have been wasted! On 10/23/2015 at 2:50 AM, Bebecat said: Also, not seeing "plus size" for any of Ashley's stuff, really. They should have given her a full-figured model, if they were serious about plus size. That is exactly what I was going to say. If she really is an expert in this area her runway better be plus size!! And I don't mean size 6! I wish she had a plus size model for more than just that one peplum travesty. 6 Link to comment
auntlada October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 On 10/23/2015 at 3:26 AM, PepperMonkey said: Based on the fact that I would have had a hard time choosing between Edmond and Ashley for the auf, I would have let both of them do collections and come BACK to compete for the final spot.. I'm surprised they didn't do that. I thought they were going to have them create a new look in an hour, but then I looked at the clock and realized it was time for the show to end. 4 Link to comment
awaken October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 On 10/23/2015 at 3:22 AM, Honey said: Also, does Candace wear a wig? How does she get it so perfect? I always wanted hair like that, instead of the naturally curly hair I have. I am dying to know what she looks like when she gets up in the morning! And how long it takes her to get her look on each day and how it stays so perfectly in place! I also want to look up old pics to see what she looks like underneath all that! 5 Link to comment
Nidratime October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 Quote Also, not seeing "plus size" for any of Ashley's stuff, really. They should have given her a full-figured model, if they were serious about plus size. Quote That is exactly what I was going to say. If she really is an expert in this area her runway better be plus size!! And I don't mean size 6! I wish she had a plus size model for more than just that one peplum travesty. So, why blame this on Ashley? They didn't give her a plus sized model. She couldn't do what she's known for. I don't think they really care about her point of view in terms of fashion. They just want to look good by including her. 13 Link to comment
grumpypanda October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 I'm positive that Edmond will be saved. If Tim doesn't use his save it's basically saying that this show has gone down hill because there isn't a designer worth saving. Plus he wasn't sent to the work room to get his stuff. Anyway, the clothes Candice- Nice but boring. I too saw the strange bunching on the dress but the overall effect was still pretty. Anyway, I'm so tired of her talking heads. Every time she opens her mouth I just yell to the tv “Shut up Candice." Edmond- Hot mess disco dress. I hated watching him make one bad decision after another. Funny that Tim told Edmond that now is the time to take a risk and then later Nina said that now is not a time to get creative and go crazy. Edmond should have listened to his gut and ignored Tim. Ashley- I hated this dress. I thought it looked half-assed sewn together and fit the model poorly. Aube was working the hell out of that mess though. Kelly- I love Kelly but I hate jumpsuits. I did like the fabric she created and I'm happy that she gets to spend 100 nights at the coolest hotels in the world. Maybe not the coolest but it's free so that's still awesome. I wish Tim wouldn't have talked her into the jumpsuit. I think it would have looked stunning as a full length gown. 9 Link to comment
Bebecat October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 Ashley's model has saved her butt all season, but it shoukd not be that way. There has not been one time when the judges did not say hiw great the model looked, rather than how great the outfit looked. That is one hell of a model, she can wear and sell anything. She should be having a stellar career and I hope she does. She is best PR has ever seen, Imo. 22 Link to comment
njbchlover October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 (edited) For a "red carpet" runway, I, too, was completely underwhelmed. I really do think the best outfit tonight was Kelly's. She had a clear vision and a woman in mind~~I could totally see someone like Katy Perry wearing that outfit to the VMA's or something~~I could also see Taylor Swift wearing it, too. She put a lot of work into her piece, and while it's not exactly my style, nor what I would expect from a red carpet challenge, it was perfectly cut and the fit was amazing on her model. It wasn't "safe" or "strategic" was an innovative idea for the challenge, because your brain automatically thinks "long, formal gown" when you think of red carpet. Candice's dress was, again, Candice's dress...there, again, we see another form fitting black dress (thank God, at least, no corset this week). I did like what she did with the mesh/sequinned material - the way she positioned it was interesting, but the dress itself did not have a "WOW!!" factor at all. And, I agree - the fabric was bunching around the model's stomach. Christian Siriano mentioned that all of the garments, execpt Kelly's, had fit issues, and I think that was what he noticed. Ashley's dress - meh....I wasn't thrilled with it. Aube walked the hell out of it, and it fit her like a glove on the bottom, but the bodice had so many issues. I didn't at all like the extra strap she added, but it's good that she did, otherwise, Aube's breast would have been falling out. The material was interesting, but I got what Zac was saying about it being a tough fabric to wear all night. I think if a person were to sit down for a few minute in that fabric, and then get up, it would look like something accidentally happened to their behind....and not in a good way!! I wish Ashley would have tried to design something that would have worked for both smaller and larger figured women - it can be done and has been done, and done well. Edmond....oh poor Edmond and that fabric. That was a tough fabric to work with unless he was creating a costume or a 60's/70's retro dress, which is what I thought of. All I could imagine was Goldie Hawn, wearing white go-go boots and dancing on "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In" back in the early 70's. It was cute, but there was no real innovation. I loved hearing Christian saying he could sew that dress up in about 10 minutes, and I believe him, especially with how quickly he created his designs when he was on the show. I do think that Edmond got overwhelmed by the fabric, it wasn't "talking to him" - it was yelling at him, imo. I also do think that we will see Tim use his save at the beginning of the show next week - no drama there, whatsoever. I am still in shock over Candice's talking head comments--she really does have a high opinion of herself!! She has enough self-confidence to give as much to Ashley as she needs and then have some extra to spare. I kind of hope she goes down in flames after the final runway, just because she needs to learn some humility. I don't dislike her, but I don't really like her, either. And, Kelly still cracks me up. I absolutely love her talking heads, and I think she is hysterical. She is so open and really, just a big, ole' goofy girl, and I love that about her. Nice to see how they all seemed very nice to and about each other, although I didn't like Candice's talk with Kelly about how Ashley just wouldn't be able to cut it at fashion week because she "only does ready to wear". I may not understand all of Ashley's fabric choices, but at least she is not afraid of color, and will use it. Black, black and more black makes for a very boring fashion's been said over and over again in the past how all black just doesn't "show" well. Should be interesting. I'm hoping for a Kelly win, but I really think it will go to Edmond or Candice (provided she throws some color in there...) Edited October 23, 2015 by njbchlover 8 Link to comment
susannot October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 On 10/23/2015 at 3:01 AM, farmgal4 said: susannot, I'm seriously thinking about checking out with you. I have watched this show religiously, never missed a show, since Season 1. I even managed to watch while flat on my back, highly doped up on Dilaudid, in the hospital after having major surgery! But I just can't with this shit anymore. Ashley is NOT a good designer IMO. She is mediocre at best. Y'all are gonna think I'm crazy, but I think if she weren't morbidly obese, she would have been voted out weeks ago. I also started watching the show in about Season 5 or 6 or so while high on Percocet following major surgery. Is Percocet the same thing as Dilaudid? Anyway, what does that say about us, and the show? Watching fashion is fun even if you are doped on opiates. And you will keep the (fashion) habit. Agree with you about Ashley. I have disliked her designs for many weeks now. 2 Link to comment
Madding crowd October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 I'm really hoping to see Edmond at fashion week. I liked most of his work, he seems like a really nice guy and I feel he works hard. I didn't like his dress this time around, but once again Tim kind of steered him in another direction by telling him to take a bigger risk. I did feel a little frustrated that the judges didn't seem to care about 'taking a risk' this time around even though Tim mentioned it at the start of the task. Kelly is very funny but I haven't liked any of her outfits this season and she looks like a mess herself. Her jumpsuit was well made, but looked like something I'd seen before and didn't seem different enough for Katy Perry or special enough for runway. Candice's dress was very pretty but hardly risky at all. I also wonder if she wears a wig, her hair had the most perfect part I've ever seen. I don't like her Gretchen like comments and TH advice to the others and i also wonder why people need to wear a mask all the time (I"m talking about her overall look). Ashley's dress was just OK and the fit didn't look good. I would put her last in terms of who should show at Fashion week but I think the producers want to play lip service to plus size fashion. 5 Link to comment
ByaNose October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 (edited) Edmond was robbed and not saved by Tim. I thought for sure we were being set up for a visit by Tim as Heidi was offing Edmond. I don't think Ashley deserves to be there and it has nothing to do with all her whining this season. Okay, maybe a little. LOL!!!!! And, Ashley really did have the hottest model. I don't know her name but that gurlllll can work it. Edited October 23, 2015 by ByaNose 1 Link to comment
rallymantis October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 I just came in to scream, "BULLSHIT!" This was the first Lifetime season I had watched (gave up on it after the move), and wow, wish I'd stuck to my original guns. I'm beyond pissed, and can only hope those of you predicting the TG Save are right. I can't recall a designer as bad as Ashley in a Bravo finale, and can I say -- including Christian S, they've had PLENTY of designers who've been hand-waved onward after a poor runway showing (even the penultimate one), based on "body of work". Hideous. And hideously disappointing. Sorry, Edmond. I hope everyone's right about you. 5 Link to comment
Knuckles October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 I am happy that Kelly gets her chance. I was also stunned that Garcia fessed up that she was ready to auf Kelly early on, but was slowly won over by her efforts. And Christian, glad to see you. His critiques were so on he said of Kelly's work...the fit was perfect, alone of all the designs, and her fabric design was innovative and work intensive. I also applaud her for saying that she envisioned her design on the red carpet at the music awards...which made perfect sense, though I was thinking Oscars or Emmys...a totally different environment. The come-from-behind kid wins it. Candice is a drag to listen to...I mute the sound so I am spared her self-serving thoughts...And as Christian pointed out, the fit was an issue...I saw rolls of belly on a skinny model, not good in a look intended to be sleek. For fashion week, we will be seeing black, corset backs, black, sweetheart necklines, black,neo-pirate ensembles, black, and leather. Also did I mention black. I am sure we will all be surprised. Ashley's effort was more Fredericks's of Hollywood than fashion. As usual, she picks terrible material. Even moving your arm against your dress will give a messy, clumpy effect. And sitting will make your backside a rumpled mess. The bodice was just not well designed and fit badly. As noted by other posters, Aube sold she has sold everything on the runway. That woman is a killer model. There was a brief shot of Aube trying on the outfit and I swear they caught a look of dismay on her face...but girlfriend soldiered on...congrats to her for outstanding work. 13 Link to comment
slothgirl October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 (edited) On 10/23/2015 at 2:42 AM, BloggerAloud said: It was interesting that they went into the "In fashion one day you're in and the next you're out" because this show has NEVER in its history been consistent on that and usually are pretty haphazard when it comes to applying that standard. So much this. ^ On 10/23/2015 at 2:46 AM, leighdear said: Ashley was the one that had a plan B, in case Tim didn't like her main dress. She even started constructing it, and Tim told her to ditch it. Edmond had 2 dresses going also. On 10/23/2015 at 2:50 AM, sinkwriter said: as Zac said, the back was very Nancy Kerrigan ice skating outfit). When Zac brought up Nancy Kerrigan, I wanted to smack him on the kneecap with a pipe and shout "VERA friggin WANG designed Kerrigan's Olympic dress! It was lovelier than anything YOU'VE ever designed, twit !" Seriously.. if a negative comparison to "skater dresses" is going to be made, Nancy Kerrigan is the WORST example to use since several of her dresses were designed by one of the world's top fashion designers and only needed a longer skirt (and less "lycra-stretchy" fabric) to be red carpet worthy gowns. Some of them cost as much as red carpet gowns too. (the most famous cost $13,000) On 10/23/2015 at 2:54 AM, AwesomO4000 said: Candice's dress, but on the television I was watching, it looked to me like it made a lumpy area below the bustline that made it look like she had a fat roll there or something. None of the judges mentioned it though, so I'm starting to think I imagined it or something... Nope. You're not crazy.. I saw it too. On 10/23/2015 at 3:01 AM, farmgal4 said: Ashley is NOT a good designer IMO. She is mediocre at best. Y'all are gonna think I'm crazy, but I think if she weren't morbidly obese, she would have been voted out weeks ago. Favorite moment of the show: Aube taking the Angelina Jolie "leg out" stance and staring down the judges on the runway with a look of "Don't you DARE eliminate us; I'm the best model you've had in YEARS and you know it !" Aube should win this whole thing. The designer can get a "the designer paired with the winning model will have a spread in Mary Claire magazine" prize. I've felt all season that Ashley was there because she was herself plus size, not in spite of it. There's so much backlash for the fashion world these days with perpetuating unhealthy "ideals" of the female body that encourage eating disorders in young women (and some not so young) that a plus size designer (supposedly) doing plus size fashion was like a steak to a starving dog (wow.. that turned into a rather tasteless metaphor... uh.. as did that.. damn... I'm not doing this deliberately, I promise!) But there was so much Ashley love in the beginning, I was afraid to speak out for fear of being accused of being bigoted. There was so much talk about how people were prejudiced against her because she was overweight, and it seemed to me to be exactly the opposite. Like her bridge appliques from last episode, she just didn't know what to do with that fabric. She knew it was cool that it changed color when you swiped it, but didn't have any idea how to use that to her advantage, eventually not using it at all, and being stuck with the potential problems it would cause. My first thought was that she should create a design on it by running her fingers up from the bottom to create a vine like pattern that snaked it's way up, fading out as it goes. But she already had so many ideas in that dress, that it would have just been more confusing. She could have also placed the strap differently so that it looked deliberate rather than "last minute save". She might have tried having it go more towards the other breast instead of to the neck. As a teacher said to me one time "If you can't hide it, emphasize it". She tried, but failed, to hide the issues. Edmond choked. THAT is what choking looks like (not that time everyone said Ashley "choked"). But to be honest, he's had trouble with fabric choices all season, starting with that god-awful yellow skirt in the challenge with Hanmiao. (didn't he choose the totally unsuited to bathing suit material also?) Kelly. I just love her. I don't care what she makes. I did love that textile though. I thought sure she was going to make a bell-bottomed pantsuit, so that was a surprise. Edited October 23, 2015 by slothgirl 9 Link to comment
millennium October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 Edmond can go or stay. I don't care. They all suck. This show sucks. The contrived drama of "oh my, what ever will we do? we must send someone home!" was so heavy-handed that I felt embarrassed watching. My DVR cut out during Edmond's last talking head, so I figured I'd missed the inevitable Tim Gunn save. But I guess that's saved for next week. No way that won't happen. It's Chekhov's Tim Gunn. 9 Link to comment
roctavia October 23, 2015 Share October 23, 2015 I actually liked Ashley's dress a lot... I think it's a cool fabric and it looked good on the runway. It was also different in it's design- the one shoulder and the way she cut the bodice was unique instead of the same old dress over and over again. Overall I do agree that she's had some disasters- though I actually thought the judges made the right decisions in picking something worse than Ashley's outfit to go home. Like tonight... Edmond's dress was a mess! He just kept going and going at it and it looked overworked to me and wasn't anything different or red carpet worthy. I like Edmond and was sorry to see him eliminated, but his dress was the worst this week. I can see the save happening and it won't be a surprise... but I still think it's stupid. I hate all of these saves or last chance kitchens or whatever other bullshit reason they come up with for bringing someone back. Once you're out you are out... everyone has to lose at some point. Using the TG save for the finale just sounds stupid.... you got eliminated, but here's your ticket to fashion week anyway! lame! I'd rather the window for it's use have passed. And really, it doesn't mean the designers are bad this season (even if they are) but just that Tim didn't disagree with the judges on the eliminations... or at least that's what the TG save was supposed to be for. Candice's dress was nice, but safe and a little boring... it was all the fabric that made the sheer stuff look cool. She also grates on the nerves, so she can go away any time. I like Kelly and she's definitely been making some interesting looks these last few weeks. That said, I'm not totally sold on the jumpsuit. The textile she made was neat and the pants appeared to fit perfectly... but the top left something to be desired for me. I don't think this season has been as great as some of the others... but not awful... and I actually like the lack of drama during this final part of the season. Candice is mean girl enough in her talking heads, but in the work room everyone seems to get along fine. I just want to see the work... I don't care about the drama. 6 Link to comment
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