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Any idea why Mark's daughter Elise dyes her hair gray?


That's the move, as the young'uns say these days. She's probably already done the ombre and the watered pastels that have been making the rounds these days. Seriously, I think it looks gorgeous.


Meanwhile, just OH HELL NO to Melanie's sister and her "I'm a bitch and call it 'protective'" shtick. And seeing her sister makes me even more convinced that Melaie used to weigh a lot more than she does now. (Good for her for losing the weight, if that's the case!)


Fernando? Kyle?  Just no.  Both of them need to grow up and get over themselves.

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Fernando admits on camera, in front of millions of viewers, that he texted other women while he was with Carolina. Girl.... you've got that and his mother to deal with. No green card is worth it. I cannot see him being faithful to her, or anyone.

Mark talks to his fiance and his daughter as if he's teaching a class of 5th graders. "OK...I am going to fix a meal now....you two sit here and talk....and try to find something in common....until I return....understood?"

Any idea why Mark's daughter Elise dyes her hair gray?

It's the trendy thing right now... a white/lavender - thanks to Kelly Osborne. 




OH! ETA: Didn't Fernando seem to have a little smirk when talking about previously cheating on his wife? He seems to think he has mad game.


Oh, Fernando, you are such a playa! You  and your man boobs do so well with the ladies that you need to go to Colombia to find one, When he said that he was traveling to Colombia frequently and he was on a "date" and his fiance was on a "date" when they met, I knew that he was probably using one of those travel services that set men up with dates and she was one of the women who go to the meet and greet parties. How much of a player can you be when you need to use one of those services? Mom's already not happy and the fiance isn't even there yet. 

He obviously does very well for himself financially, his house looks huge.  So it made me wonder if somehow Carolina could tell that he had money.  That's the only reason I can figure that she would want to marry this d-bag.  He's obviously very full of himself and i was a little shocked that he was much larger than it seemed from just the neck up.  He probably catfishes a lot of girls online.

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What does Fernando DO, exactly, that allows him to up and fly to Colombia for a few weeks? He is a real douchenozzle, and his mother is a hag. She and Melanie's sister could hang out and we could decide who was more hateful. Melanie's sister was just awful--"So, if you're a lifeguard at a resort, you must be fucking everything that moves. why, you are probably infested with every STD known to human kind!" WTF?? And Bev, newsflash-Devar lives in a tropical paradise, and has a good job. Moving to East Muffin, PA is not necessarily "living the dream". I wanted to throttle her. Who talks to other people like this? I really dislike people who excuse their nasty personalities by insisting that they're "keeping it real" or "being direct". Um, no. Bev is an unpleasant shrew who feels compelled to live everyone else's life for them. Devar may or may not be in it for "the dream", but he handled himself very well and Iiked his bonding moment with Melanie's son. 


So, this season is a creep-off between Fernando and Mark, I guess?

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So, this season is a creep-off between Fernando and Mark, I guess?

If he continues this way throughout the show, I'd definitely project Mark as my winner of the Creep Caucus 2015. And Fernando is the top candidate of the douchebag party.

Kyle and Josh (in my opinion) represent the geek and dork factions pretty well.

Fernando's mom is all, "I hope she doesn't like rice cuz I don't feel like cooking rice every day." I think I might love Fernando's mom.

Edited by charmed1
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I am agreeing with most of the posts here today.    


All I have to add is that did anyone else notice the matching polka dot shirts that Mark and his ex wife were wearing in the photo shown again?    

      Ted Bundy would be creeped out by Mark.


The other thing I noticed is that Fernando has baby elephant ears.

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I'm confused, why was Alexei back in Israel, what was the point of him going to Canada? I still don't understand why Loren had to quit her job and move to Florida in order to be with Alexei. Why couldn't she just continue her regular life with him in New York? I feel like this show is leaving out so much information.

Poor Noon, that house is disgusting! I just can't deal with roaches, especially in the refrigerator. Run Noon run!

Nikki lost me when she said that she didn't plan on working or going to school. I wanted to like her because I felt sorry for her but it's plain as day that she's just a gold digger. Mark is obviously okay with that right now so it's on him when she bleeds him dry then leaves his old ass just like his first mail order bride did. Anyway, I'm not usually a fan of dyed grey hair on young people but for some reason I think it looks cute on Mark's daughter. I liked her cat sweater too.

Fernando is a pig and he's delusional if he thinks people believe that he's a ladies man. If you have to pay for the pretty lady in your company it doesn't count.

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I'm confused, why was Alexei back in Israel, what was the point of him going to Canada? I still don't understand why Loren had to quit her job and move to Florida in order to be with Alexei. Why couldn't she just continue her regular life with him in New York? I feel like this show is leaving out so much information.

Poor Noon, that house is disgusting! I just can't deal with roaches, especially in the refrigerator. Run Noon run!

Nikki lost me when she said that she didn't plan on working or going to school. I wanted to like her because I felt sorry for her but it's plain as day that she's just a gold digger. Mark is obviously okay with that right now so it's on him when she bleeds him dry then leaves his old ass just like his first mail order bride did. Anyway, I'm not usually a fan of dyed grey hair on young people but for some reason I think it looks cute on Mark's daughter. I liked her cat sweater too.

Fernando is a pig and he's delusional if he thinks people believe that he's a ladies man. If you have to pay for the pretty lady in your company it doesn't count.


They met in Canada because they were unsure of when and if their visa would be approved and Loren wanted her parents to meet him.  The only way they could do that (at least the cheapest way) was to have someone fly to Canada for a little vacation.  I'm not sure we were told how much time passed between Canada and when he was approved to come over. 

She made it seem like she couldn't afford to support two people in NYC on one salary.  It's possibly but mostly she moved due to having to film for the show.  Probably just easier than trying to work with filming and a NYC work schedule 


and good point about Nikki, I forgot about that part.  It rubbed me the wrong way too. So.... you didn't think about getting a job or going to school... so what exactly are you going to do? Pop out babies??

Edited by gunderda
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I think Devar can handle Beverly. Managing people like that is a survival skill in the hospitality industry. 


Mark sounds like a fifth grade soccer coach, and I apologize to all coaches for the comparison. What's with the "take one for the team" stuff? He's talking to his daughter and future wife, for heaven's sake! 


Fernando's mother will never, ever set him free. There's a reason he's still living at home. 

supposedly the parents moved into Fernando's home.   That said, he's still a dick.

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I want Fernando to expand a little bit on why his parents moved in with him. He was rather vague about that.

Nikki.... pop out babies? Oh God I hope not!!! She needs to get the lay of the land and figure out just exactly what it is Mark has in mind for her, and go from there.

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I'm all about Marks daughter!. 

Mark- You girls need to talk and find things in common 

Daugher- Well, I'm somewhat Philipino, so there's that.

She's not buying one ounce of that bullshit.  She's adorable and knows her dad is a whack job. 


Fernando actually creeps me out more that Mark does. Who the hell does this chubby dude think he is? His money is giving  him way to much confidence. 


Loren, for the love of god stop the crying. What a manic mess.  I still don't get why having this guy staying in her apartment all of a sudden makes it too expensive to live in.  And she totally quits her job. What a stupid decision. And since when is Alexi an Israeli name? 

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I know damn well why Fernando had his parents move in with him: cooking and cleaning. I'm sure his mom does his laundry, cooks all the meals, and cleans. To Fernando, hosting your parents is easier and less expensive than hiring a maid, cook, and handyman plus arranging for a house sitter while you are out of town on sex tours. 

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Devar is actually winning me over too! And honestly, he and Melanie's relationship is one of more genuine ones. I think he's trying a little too hard with her son, and maybe coming off as a little insincere, but...they may end up being my favorites! I can't tell if his family comes to the US next week, or they go back to Jamaica??

I'm a little curious on the timeline of the Alexei trip to Canada too. I have to assume there was gap of several weeks because if they knew he had an appointment at the consulate, wouldn't they just wait until the got the results before flying everyone to another country to meet? I suspect the timing on this show might be a little diffcult, and perhaps they weren't as far along in the process as some of the other couples. But was she really calling people at 2 a.m. to tell them that he got approved? She couldn't wait till a reasonable time??

I also suspect that the production company really wanted to include more women with foreign male fiances this time around. Again Loren, while being a little annoying, does seem to have a real relationship with Alexei. So good job casting both of these ladies!

Because the dudes they cast are all a little squirrely. Okay, a LOT. I thought Mark and his child bride and Kyle of Ye Olde Roach Motel were bad enough and then we get last night's new addition. Fernando is the worst one yet. He cheated on his ex-wife...and then trolled around Latin America until he found another potential bride...whom he met while both of them were on dates with other people...and then he was still texting and messaging other women? The hell. Fernando is a tool. I am #TEAMFERNANDO'SMOM.



Edited by Nancybeth
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I'm confused, why was Alexei back in Israel, what was the point of him going to Canada? I still don't understand why Loren had to quit her job and move to Florida in order to be with Alexei. Why couldn't she just continue her regular life with him in New York? I feel like this show is leaving out so much information.


Loren and Alexei moving to Florida  to live with her folks seems like it was manufactured by TLC for drama.  There is no plausible reason why they couldn't reside in Loren's apartment in New York City.  She said they were moving in with her parents to save money, but how is she saving money when she doesn't have a job?  I am confuse. 

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The previous posters who said Mel and Devar have zero chemistry are spot on. Devar looks like he enjoys Hunter's company more than his future wife's. At the restaurant, after Hunter left the table to get some ice cream, M&D just sat there awkwardly across from each other. Outside of working out and liking Hunter, what do they have in common?

At one point in Loren's segment they briefly showed a family portrait where it looked like she has a sibling (a sister). I wonder if we will meet this person, because there has been zero mention of her so far. A few threads ago another poster mentioned that Loren seemed like an only child whose parents give her everything she wants. I had that impression too, so it was surprising to see that there may be a sibling in the mix.

I am suspicious of the high drama surrounding Alexei and whether he would be approved for a K-1 visa. Having been through the visa process myself, Alexei and Loren seem like the least likely couple to be delayed or denied in the process. They have met in person, are close in age, and don't have any factors that would complicate the application - at least none that have been mentioned (like medical issues, criminal history, or prior marriages). Also, I don't believe that Israel is one of the countries that USCIS scrutinizes extra hard for potentially fraudulent applications. Methinks that Loren and/or the producers were manufacturing drama while the application process was humming along in the background at its usual pace - USCIS is not known for its expediency.

I felt bad for Elise having to endure that awkward lunch with her dad's new fiancee. She seems like a decent person who is resigned to enduring a lifetime of her dad's wackadoodlery. Both ladies clearly looked uncomfortable.

Carolina... girl, run! You don't need this smug cheater who's creeping on other women while you're fixing to leave your entire life in Colombia behind to be with him and his judgy parents. What was with the weird comment about how she wouldn't be used to eating with a tablecloth? I think she'll manage.

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I know damn well why Fernando had his parents move in with him: cooking and cleaning. I'm sure his mom does his laundry, cooks all the meals, and cleans. To Fernando, hosting your parents is easier and less expensive than hiring a maid, cook, and handyman plus arranging for a house sitter while you are out of town on sex tours.

In fairness to Fernando and his family, his mother is a recent breast cancer survivor and I suspect living with her son has been more of a benefit for her being in poor health.

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I think Devar can handle Beverly. Managing people like that is a survival skill in the hospitality industry.


I did not think Devar was doing such a great job in his argument. I mean he mentioned how there were tons of women from America and Europe who came to Jamaica specifically to engage in having great sex with a Jamaican man.  I actually do remember reading articles probably close to a decade ago about such practices. I don't see how that helps his case especially since I was waiting for Devar to go on and say he never engaged in such behavior but a denial never came. He did go on to say that Melanie was one in a million. Hopefully, that isn't an actual number. 


Nikki lost me when she said that she didn't plan on working or going to school. I wanted to like her because I felt sorry for her but it's plain as day that she's just a gold digger. Mark is obviously okay with that right now so it's on him when she bleeds him dry then leaves his old ass just like his first mail order bride did. 


I am wondering if Nikki can do much of anything besides look cute. I remember the first episode where Mark and her where shown skypping online and he did that creepy wave thing. LOL! He mentioned cooking and she said that she was hoping he would teach her how. At the time I just assumed she was thinking of being taught how to cook American dishes but now I wonder. 

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He immigrated to Israel from Ukraine when he was 10.

I think Loren just seems like a bit of a drama queen. Like your boyfriend just gets approved for a visa and you start whining about losing sleep? I have a feeling Alexei won't put up with that behavior for long.

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Yeah, Loren quitting her job and moving in with her parents makes no kind of sense. So it's probably a TLC move.


Nikki not having thought about going to school or working reflects negatively on her, but only slightly -- she just got here, she's only 19, I won't judge her too harshly for not having thought everything through. But props to Mark's daughter for floating the idea. She knows her Dad is a wackadoodle and that there is a good chance the relationship will crash and burn. Still her little-sister-slash-stepmom might as well get an education out of it.

Edited by tpel
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Loren stated she quit her job, gave up her apartment and moved to Florida because she couldn't afford Alexei living in New York because he can't get a job when he first gets here. I call B.S. On that. It's either a TLC move or bad financial planning on Lorens part. Didn't Alexei have job in Israel? No money saved up?

Fernando is a douchebag. Carolina must want a green card really bad to put up with someone like him. What a catch, cheated on wife, goes to Latin America to meet women. Texting other women while he's suppose to be getting married to her. Now she's going to have to put up with his already suspicious mother. Good luck Carolina!

Poor Noon, what a terrible introduction to America! Cockroaches and drunk people on Bourbon street. She seems to think family is important, didn't they talk about Kyle not seeing his parents for so long?

Elise seems uncomfortable on camera to me. She acts like she's very aware of a camera on her, she's doesn't act natural. She is adorable though.

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I just didn't see cute or adorable with Mark's daughter. Her hair was ridiculous and looked like it hadn't been brushed in a while and I thought she was a rude bitch.

I understand that she felt awkward but I thought she acted like an asshole.

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Fernando's mom is all, "I hope she doesn't like rice cuz I don't feel like cooking rice every day." I think I might love Fernando's mom.

Can we talk about this for a second? Because I'm wondering what magical kind of "Hispanic" Fernando's family is that they look down on eating rice. The rich kind, perhaps? The red flags are all over the place with this one. My guess is that he's a "ladies man" in the same way Howard Wolowitz fancies himself a ladies man. The scenario others have mentioned above (i.e., that he really met her on a fix-up trip) is quite possible. I do think it's outrageous that he'd admit to cheating on Carolina on national TV, yet he probably ends up getting the K1 visa.


Melanie's sister... If that were my sister I would've thrown a drink on her and walked out. "You're sleeping with everyone he's slept with" is something she probably learned in Sunday school. Expressing concern about his STDs sounded to me like a thinly veiled racial jab, too.


RE: Mark's daughter, I'd be mad too if I found out about Dad's engagement over Facebook, was forced to move out of the house, then was summoned to brunch to make nice with new stepmommy.

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Loren is a high maintenance drama queen. Alexei's in for a lifetime of headaches with that one. Good luck, buddy. The crazy thing with them is that all this visa crap is only necessary because she wants HIM to come to HER. She's Jewish and entitled to Israeli citizenship if she wants it. Simple as that. They're going through all this because she doesn't want to be the one to move away from her family, learn a new language, etc. etc.


Bev...what a hosebeast! She looks like Jeremy Renner in a bad wig.



Expressing concern about his STDs sounded to me like a thinly veiled racial jab, too.

VERY thinly veiled. Ditto her disgust over Mel & Devar's kiss. He's a class act, and he is really winning me over with his attention to Hunter.



Because I'm wondering what magical kind of "Hispanic" Fernando's family is that they look down on eating rice.

I'm guessing they're Cuban. B-roll of Fernando puffing cigars, croquetas on the table in the first scene, snotty attitude toward other Latinos...I'm going with Cuban.



Bourbon Street would be a pretty crazy place in which to try and acclimate to America.

I can't believe I'm saying something in Roach Boy's defense, but she's from Bangkok. I can't believe anything on Bourbon street would raise an eyebrow.

Edited by IvySpice
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Loren is a high maintenance drama queen. Alexei's in for a lifetime of headaches with that one. Good luck, buddy. The crazy thing with them is that all this visa crap is only necessary because she wants HIM to come to HER. She's Jewish and entitled to Israeli citizenship if she wants it. Simple as that. They're going through all this because she doesn't want to be the one to move away from her family, learn a new language, etc. etc.




I'm guessing they're Cuban. B-roll of Fernando puffing cigars, croquetas on the table in the first scene, snotty attitude toward other Latinos...I'm going with Cuban.

Wouldn't Loren also have to serve two years in the defense forces if she got Israeli citizenship? That may have been a factor.


Someone in the other thread found out that his mother is Cuban and father is Italian. Which... yeah, makes sense to me.

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The process for bringing over someone you're already married to isn't really faster. You have to prove the same things for a CR-1 visa--that the marriage is a legit relationship, that you have enough money to support both of you, etc. You can do a Direct Consular Filing if you're living in the foreign country with your spouse, but I'm not sure if even that's any faster anymore.

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Melanie's sister... If that were my sister I would've thrown a drink on her and walked out. "You're sleeping with everyone he's slept with" is something she probably learned in Sunday school. Expressing concern about his STDs sounded to me like a thinly veiled racial jab, too.


I agree. I don't understand how Melanie could just sit there while that beast was raking him over the coals like that. When sister asked how do they know he's not sleeping with a lot of different women, I was hoping he'd ask "how do you know your husband isn't"?

Melanie just sitting there and saying nothing in his defense rubbed me the wrong way.

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That scene with Melanie and Devar over lunch with the sister seemed really disjointed to me.. I wouldn't be surprised if she made several comments that weren't shown and instead it was just spliced together to make it look like she was staring agape with nothing to add.  

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I think if Loren had been turned down for this show, she'd be on the first plane to Israel to marry Alexi. But no.... she wants fame. And we get to be the lucky recipients of her antics. :)

I agree. I think Loren wants to be a STAR! I think she quit her job in NY because her starring role on 90 day fiancé is her new job. And she moved back home to germinate herself a spinoff, the Jewish Kardashians etc. Think her background is media....

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That scene with Melanie and Devar over lunch with the sister seemed really disjointed to me.. I wouldn't be surprised if she made several comments that weren't shown and instead it was just spliced together to make it look like she was staring agape with nothing to add.

If you noticed at the end when Bev and her husband were talking to the camera, it was dark. That took all day.

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I'm going to reserve judgment on Devar. But I'm definitely on the suspicious side. Not very long ago I went to where he's from on a trip with friends and relatives, one of whom became very cozy with our "very nice, super helpful" bus driver. He showed up where we were during the week - dinners, trips out - and when something horrible happened during the trip, he was there to help. When he continued talking to this relative after we left the island on a daily basis, and subsequently proposed 4 weeks later, green card opportunities crossed my mind but mostly we thought it was real, thinking everything that happened sped up the relationship. He was super attentive and we all got excited behind the prospective marriage. Deposits were put on dresses, venues were visited and menus planned.


And then he came to the US to visit, and after returning home, the calls dwindled, then he was never available, and eventually there was no more contact. He talked a really good love game beforehand, and my opinion is he saw us traveling in a certain manner as a family, then came to NY and saw this particular relative's very small, basic Bronx apartment and how she was living (simply, on a small budget) and when he got back, likely looked for brighter horizons.


Where Devar is from is only a tropical paradise for the occasional visitor. There's a horrible lawless, seamy, corrupt, poverty-stricken underbelly that doesn't usually come with your tropical drink. Even Buttfuck, PA is a come up.

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But couldn't Loren marry him in Israel, bring him here, without becoming an Israli citizen?



The process for bringing over someone you're already married to isn't really faster. You have to prove the same things for a CR-1 visa--that the marriage is a legit relationship, that you have enough money to support both of you, etc. You can do a Direct Consular Filing if you're living in the foreign country with your spouse, but I'm not sure if even that's any faster anymore.

Israel is a special case in that there are virtually no civil marriages and she would have to prove she is a Jew. Since a religious authority is involved you face the situation like Catholics unable to meet pre cana requirements on a 90 day US fiance visa

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I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking this. He obviously has a good income that he can hop a flight to Columbia at the drop of a hat. But him characterizing the country as squalid and poor shows his ignorance. He was probably just looking at the women, didn't bother to figure out it's one of the most prosperous countries in South America. Ranked #3 in South America (behind Brazil and Argentina), #29 in the world by GDP.

His mother needs to shut her trap. She and her husband are living in their son's home, probably rent-free, so she has NO say in who he brings into his house.

Miami is a major hub to Colombia. Tickets are very cheap, outside of certain high season dates they are about 250. I'm sure that with timing, searching and luck you can find them even cheaper. I live outside of a major hub and tickets to Colombia outside of high season runs around 500-600. I got lucky and found some for only 250 a while ago!

Colombia IS very poor. Or let me rephrase it, there is a lot of poverty among the people. Te government is very rich.

Besides labor and rent, everything is damn expensive. A lot of stuff is way more expensive than in the U.S. Minimum income is only around 200 USD, and in my hometown, 60% of its inhabitants doesn't even make the minimum income.

Yes, there are wealthy people and people that live lifestyles somewhat comparable to America, but it's the vast minority.

I changed the channel when their part came on (will have to rewatch it), so I don't know if she has a poor background or not, but it's very possible that she does.

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Thanks Nutella that explains a lot especially airfare and helps me see what it's like there

Couldn't help but think It sounds a lot like the America the GOP envisions for its citizens in the good ol USA getting rid of that pesky middle class and all.

Edited by Dahlia
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Israel is a special case in that there are virtually no civil marriages and she would have to prove she is a Jew. Since a religious authority is involved you face the situation like Catholics unable to meet pre cana requirements on a 90 day US fiance visa

She was on Birthright, so...

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She was on Birthright, so...

The thing is the state controls that, while the clerics control the weddings making it more complicated than going to Clark County and being married by an Elvis impersonator

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Wouldn't Loren also have to serve two years in the defense forces if she got Israeli citizenship? That may have been a factor.


Someone in the other thread found out that his mother is Cuban and father is Italian. Which... yeah, makes sense to me.


LOL. I was guessing "argentinos" when she said she didn't want to cook rice every day and saw the salame on the table (lots of Argentine people are of Italian descent), but then I realized her accent isn't really Argentine. His dad didn't say much so I had no idea. Cuban makes sense.


Can I just say that I think Noon is my favorite of all? She is absolutely adorable and I feel bad for her. FREE NOON!


Ugh, Fernando. He isn't faithful and she's insanely jealous. They're doomed. Shit, let me move in with Fernando's parents. Those croquetas looked good. Haha.

Edited by cooksdelight
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New Orleans is such a beautiful city. I hate that Noon's first exposure to it and the United States was that shit hole toxic dump site that Kyle calls home. And this is coming from someone who has stepped in a liquid that wasn't water in New Orleans. I don't know what it was and I don't want to know, but I'll never ever wear flip flops in the French Quarter again.

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Can't we leave politics out of this?  I'm pretty confident that neither political party gives a crap about the middle class, because I'm there, and am not better off than I was (insert number here) years ago......


This was one of my last politics-free zones.

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