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S14.E10: Crew's All In

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It strikes me that the crew must be pretty brave since they have seen the designers at work during this, and some must have seen what happened in previous seasons.  Good luck to them.


Maybe they will give them more than 9 hours for this challenge since it will be the crew....oh who am I kidding, someone is bound to end up is something droopy, ill fitting and in a strange fabric!

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I was so pleased when Zac snapped "Nonsense" at Swapnil when he said he was doubting his talent.  That was a play for sympathy and Zac saw right through it.


I always feel so uncomfortable during the real person challenges because the models go into them with so much hope and inevitably a couple get stuck with disasters.


How did the models and designers get paired up anyway?  Tim already knew who was with who, but was it a deliberate choice on someone's part or was there a drawing?

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What a lot of homely, boring looks. Swapnil seemed to have given up a few challenges ago, so it's about time he got booted off; but Ashley should have gone home too for perpetrating that horrible dress. And why was Nina so excited over Merline's jacket? It looked like a grey puffy potato sack.

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What a spectacular fall from grace, Swapnil. I can't even figure out what happened to him. That garment was tragic. You could have driven a truck through the distance between him and Tim when he walked out. Wow.

Merline and Kelly were top two?! What is this chaos? And Kelly got a makeover (under) too. Her hair was gorgeous.

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Can we just take a moment to acknowledge the awesomeness of Zac Posen's expressions.

Yes. That was quite the eyeroll.

What is it about these "real woman" challenges that makes these designers melt down? I've been on Team Swapnil since Day 1, but I'm OK with him leaving. And i think Tim was too, cuz--dang--that was a cold exit. I will say that Swapnil's model seemed a bit of a pill. I couldn't figure out what the hell she wanted either.

Ashley and Candace's outfits were atrocious. Loved Kelly and Merline's Edmond's was just OK. I kinda wish they had sent Ashley too packing because I'm over her.

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I'm mystified by Merline's top look...I think she and Edmund were just fair to middlin myself.  Loved Kelly's look however, her crew member looked great and she really listened to her client, but still put herself into the design.


Very disappointed in Swapnil as well  The words are just escaping me right now.  Guess no Tim Gunn save then.  


I had such high hopes for this season, but now I'm totally underwhelmed.

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I swear the judges were about to break their ankles tripping all over themselves trying not to say "fat" during Ashley's critique when they so desperately wanted to. When Nina referred to her model as a woman "with a figure" I had to change the channel for a second. Why couldn't they just say it was unflattering to her? That's really the long and the short of it. All the disappointment that "especially" Ashley failed at the challenge was offensive.

I think this was the first thing Merline made that I kind of liked.

Don't know what Edmund was thinking putting that coat and dress together

I think it'd be bold of Tim to not use the "Tim Gunn Save," if it's not a requirement of him to use it.

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Grey potato sack vest description is spot on. It could have been gr8 but the puffiness of it was really distracting.

Bye, bye, Swapnil. I'll miss your gorgeous eyes and face. But it was your time to go.

Edited by atir
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Can we just take a moment to acknowledge the awesomeness of Zac Posen's expressions.


Oh yes. Zac really shined in this episode, haha... I was glad he didn't let Swapnil keep rambling about his "confidence." I don't believe that either. I think Zac would have kicked him off weeks ago...

I liked Kelly's! I'd never wear it myself, but I liked it and it looked well made. Her's was really the only one I liked. The top half of Merline's was okay, but I didn't like the skirt. Everyone else's was varying degrees of ugly.

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That was the ONLY time I have ever heard Nina say something nice, in order to spare someone's feelings.  She was actually kind to Ashley.  What the hell is going on???


I'm glad Swapnil is gone, and so is Zac.  I don't think anyone could have pleased his model though.

I wish Ashley had gone home too.  I'm sick of her tears, and the streaks running down her face.

Yay Kelly!  I love the overalls, and I would definitely wear them. 

Candace's outfit looked a lot like the one from the unconventional materials challenge.  I hated both of them.

I love bitchy Tim.

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Well, this explains why they finally auf'd Laurie last week. No one on the crew wanted THAT much exposure.

I liked Merline's altered vest. So much nicer than the weird jacket she was going for. That was the only redeeming feature though.

If you had told me at the start of the season that I'd like Kelly and she'd make top 5, I'd have laughed.

Swapnil has been checked out for weeks, so no great loss. Talk about an awkward exit.

Ashley did her model no favors. No larger woman wants peplum and that fabric was a crime against humanity.

Edited by dbell1
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on the whole they came off as demanding, uncooperative and tearful for no reason.

If I were a suspicious, cynical viewer, I might think they were instructed to be confrontational.


I liked Kelly's vest the best of her outfit.  The tailoring on the shoulders was pretty.  The overalls were really cute, the tank top not so much.


Do we need to put out a missing dog alert on Swatch?


I guess Candace just can't help herself.  "My client likes color, so I got black..."  She did at least amp up the spice.  It was a runway look.  I always want one of the designers to say answer "A runway at Fashion Week" when asked where someone would wear an unusual outfit.


Ashley's tears are tiresome.  Over the course of the season, she must have used the word "overwhelmed" at least a hundred times.

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I believe that after six shows, Swapnil was over being the bridesmaid when he should have been the bride.  I have a feeling that because he was considered successful in India, he was seen as a pro, hence Tim's, "why are you here?"

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Finally, they give the designers 2 days, and $200 to spend at Mood, and this is what they come up with? 


 I will say that Swapnil's model seemed a bit of a pill. I couldn't figure out what the hell she wanted either.


I think that was because Swapnil refused to listen to her.  It's like she would start to say what she wanted, and he would cut in and tell her what he was going to make.  I think she kind of gave up because she realized he wasn't going to listen to her.  To me, he seemed determined to do what he wanted, no matter what.


And I actually thought his second look was slightly better than the one he threw together in the last few hours.  They were both too old for his client, though.


Ashley has picked the most horrifying prints the last couple of challenges.  I'm so over everything being black or grey, but selecting cheerful curtain fabric isn't the answer.


When she pulled out that bolt of fabric, everything in that section of Mood reminded me of cheap calico prints they sell at Wal-Mart or Ben Franklin.  Stuff you use to make quilt blocks with, but no one actually makes clothes out of it. 

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If you had told me at the start of the season that I'd like Kelly and she'd make top 5, I'd have laughed.

Ditto! From the Road to the Runway and very beginning of the season, I thought she would irritate me to no end...for like, 3 weeks tops... But she has grown on me a lot, she seems fun and I like that her clothes are relatively distinct to her, versus some of the other designers that make pretty forgettable stuff over and over. And her and Edmond are the only ones I think seem that pleasant to be around at this point!

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So little patience, I have. Crew volunteers? It's a piece of clothing on a TV show that you never have to wear again or even keep. It's not your entire self worth. You'd think they would have been a little more relaxed from being around the show for years but on the whole they came off as demanding, uncooperative and tearful for no reason.

Unlike Nina, I was not one bit surprised that Ashley sent her model out in something unflattering for a plus size person, because that's the way she dresses her own damned self week after week!

I was coming here to say the same thing about the "models." I don't understand why Edmonds model insisted on having a raincoat because it's not like she's really going to wear the outfit outside of the runway. I actually felt kind of bad for Swapnil because his model was so damn uptight. She doesn't want her arms showing, she doesn't want her legs showing, I don't get what she wanted exactly. Why not let your designer glam you up for one day. It's just for a few hours, lighten up a little, try something different! Swapnil's model had a perfectly nice figure so I don't get why she was freaking out over showing a little bit of skin.

I didn't have a problem with the silhouette of Ashley's outfit but the print and color were hideous. I'm so over Ashley and her tears. I was rooting for her in the beginning but I'm tired of her constant breakdowns. Lighten up, it's just fashion-Santino.

Candice's model really did look like a cheap hooker. Her hair and makeup looked awesome though.

I didn't really care for Kelly's look but it was still the best of the bunch. I love overalls on a toddler but not so much on a grown woman.

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I thought Kelly's and Ashley's outfits were hideous. Lot of ugly tonight. Lot of ugly this whole season really.

Love Shiri Appleby and Constance Zimmer. Wish we heard more from them.

How have I not noticed Edmund until tonight? He's too cute!!

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I believe that after six shows, Swapnil was over being the bridesmaid when he should have been the bride.  I have a feeling that because he was considered successful in India, he was seen as a pro, hence Tim's, "why are you here?"

Oh -- Swapnil's out?  Tim got his wish?  Well -- thats great, I now have my Thursday nights back and I just discovered a BBC show about midwives.


I suspect this is my last season of PR.  They have managed to suck all the joy out of the show for me.  Tim's personal vendetta, Zac's bitchiness, low rent sponsors, one day challenges......its too much.


I hope someone else comes up with a fashion show that can do better than PR.  Someone get MK back on TV!

Edited by RCharter
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This season is kind of disappointment.


I do think Swapnil gave up but his client didn't seem openminded so she wasn't easy to please. Something tells me that she was the only other female in the crew. However, a better designer would have given her something that she liked. It's good that Swapnil is gone.


Ashley's look... she should have been out to.


I like Edmonds' jacket and I like Edmond's dress. I did not like the jacket+dress combo.


Candace created a street walker outfit and not even a good one. Not a good look. 


At this point, I don't care who wins but I know who I don't want to win: Ashley (you can stop crying now) & Candace (please get over yourself, yout clothes are also hideous). 

Edited by corinne
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I'm over Ashley as well. With that Peter Pan challenge, they were given the challenge the day before, so she had the whole night to think about what to make. With this challenge, she had an extra day, and a model in her comfort zone. Why is it that the things that should make it easier for her seem to make it more difficult?


And what is going on with her hair? I get that the roots are growing in, but why are the tips going grey/white?

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Swapnil gave up, and I don't have a problem with him going home.  However, his client was a whiner and a complainer.  As much as he didn't hear her, she didn't hear him, either.  There's nothing he could have done to please her, even if he had tried.  Some people just like being sad sacks.


I'd rather Candice had been aufed over that awful Halloween hooker costume her sweet client had to wear, though.  And her lack of self-awareness is sort of stunning.  Her constant talking heads about how the others aren't pushing themselves .... all while she churns out the same crap week after week.


Merline's top was nice but I didn't like the skirt.  Also, those shoes were an extremely poor choice as they made her client walk like a trucker.   


I'm over Ashley's constant crying and her horrible print choices.  She definitely has some taste issues.


It's probably going to come down to Edmond or Kelly.  I'd be happy with either of them winning.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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On re-watch, I hated that Ashley rolled her eyes behind her client's back.  When Tim said "I'll leave you alone to mind meld", Ashley said "Let's get you out of that" and followed her client out of the room while rolling her eyes.  She can leave now.


Swapnil was a bitch for not even extending a hand to Tim to say goodbye.  I was never on the Swapnil train that so many here seemed to be on.  I'm glad he's gone.


Speaking of eyerolls, I was worried that Zac's eyes might roll right out of his head, and land on Nina's lap.  How editorial.

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Whatever people say about the merits of Candace's garments (and I'm no fan), she is often dead-on in her critiques of the others' work.


Also this: when Ashley started tearing up and they cut to Candace looking disgusted, it was such a perfect reaction shot- too perfect -  I'd bet money the snipped that shot from some other part of the judging and it had nothing to do with Ashley.

Edited by sleepyjean
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First of all, does anyone but me think maybe Swapnil is on something? The spaceyness, the acting like he can't string a thought together and the falling asleep on whats-her-name's shoulder? Very odd indeed. Second, peplums- please don't. Ever. And finally, I really need to go back to the beginning and watch the episode where the hopeful candidates show samples of what they can do (I missed it). What exactly wowed the judges to the point that these designers were chosen above all the others. I've watched enough of this season and I gotta say, I can't picture ANY of the remaining ones showing a collection at fashion week. Are they even doing that? Sorry, I fast forward past Heidi's rundown of prizes so maybe it's not even an issue. 

Edited by JustDuckie
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Can I just say something about the AARP contest winner they keep showing talking to Tim in a commercial? Honey, why don't YOU try walking in those shoes? Those are "put on a pedestal and admire" shoes, not "stroll down a city street without breaking my ankle" shoes. It's lovely that you can follow your dream, but those are art pieces not practical footwear.

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