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  1. I sure hope that this is the case. Otherwise...ugh. I suspect quite a few of us have been where Bridgette is to our deep embarrassment years later: naive, desperately willing something to be true ("he likes me!", "he wants only the best for me even when he's mean!"). The pity for her is that she's going through this on TV. She makes me sad, and irritated, but mostly sad. I really hope it's an act.
  2. Oh, Bridgette :( I'm so embarrassed for her.
  3. Welp! I think the Green Team can be a little much - but I think they deserve to be in the Final 3 so I'm happy. I'd have preferred the Cheerleaders over the Paparazzi to make it to the final however. I've found Justin exhausting but his enthusiasm for the race has made me root for his team. My money is on the reporters to win the big prize but I'm hoping that the team that has run such a dominant race pulls through. I'm going to show myself out :)
  4. This episode felt very cruel to me. From Tim's extraordinary (and, frankly, unpleasant IMO) outburst to the use of crew members as "real women" which created this weird and intimidatory dynamic between them and the designers. I felt very badly for Swapnil who actually was at his best when he was more relaxed in the first few weeks before he had to be busy for the sake of being busy...I dunno, I'm not sure what I'm trying to say except I lost a lot of love for this show tonight. I lost a lot of love for Tim as well.
  5. This is awesome. I actually like Austin a little (just a little) more after this video. It's a pity I've come to loathe him so much. Fantastic vid with all the hallmarks of the glory days of wrestling : cheesy theatrics, the tango, the pose-off, the romantic finale. Hilarious. Back to the show: if Vanessa does put up JMac, I'm resigned to at least two of the Austwins in the top three spots at the end. The stupidity burns.
  6. Well done, Sarah. I recognize that I'm not the target demographic for MTV. I don't understand these people. I don't understand the producers for setting up a Dome game like tonight's and allowing Wes to continue even after he indicated signs of concussion. I don't understand casting such broken people for our entertainment. As much as Nia might be deemed "crazy", or Wes a insert-derogatory-adjective-here etc by so many, I would take either of those two any day over "it sucks to suck" Nany, "he's a pussy" Bananas and the grinning Jordan while another human being lies hurt on the ground. It doesn't make an iota of difference to anyone but me - and I always roll my eyes when people on the internet proclaim that "I'm out!"as if anonymous people out there even care - but I will sleep better knowing I won't watch any more of this. Good luck to Leroy/Nia and Sarah although she is saddled with Jordan.
  7. Oh, yes...the actor playing the officer was very good. His was quite a difficult character to pull off and I thought Welch was superb. The whole episode was expertly done...the usual cast was very muted which brought the story to the forefront and made the pain and anger so raw. Ok, I'm off to cry again now.
  8. To everyone involved in the making of this episode: thank you. Sincerely. Also, Courtney B. Vance deserves an Emmy.
  9. This s very much a minority view, I know. Maybe it's because I've never watched RW so I can only base this off this season's Challenge, but I like Nia. She is one of the only women there who seems to know her own mind, speaks it, and doesn't let her partner roll over her. She's VERY crass but she doesn't seem to base her actions off of crippling self-loathing and a lack of self-esteem (Nany) or off of vacuity and an infatuation with an idiot (Jenna). Was Nia very awful in RW? If yes, I'm very sorry to hear that because I've been rooting for her and Leroy. YMMV. I also like Wes whose Machiavellian ways are very entertaining and a distraction from the bone-headed misogyny (Zach, Jordan) and smugness (Bananas, Jordan) from the other top male dogs...I appreciate a self-aware mastermind. This ep was the worst case scenario for my favorites - Wes/Theresa vs Leroy/Nia. I hope that Bananas does take the overall win as that might teach everyone to get rid of him as early as possible next time.
  10. I really, really enjoyed this. The actors were superb (I have always liked Schaal since the near-perfect "Flight of the Conchords" so when she came on I actually jumped up and down with happiness). I am so glad they went for a far more realistic version of what the last two people on earth would be like: crazed after two solitary years, their baggage and neuroticism carrying over, with very different and largely unattractive ways to psychologically deal with the disaster. Forte and Schaal characters are closer, I think, to what we normal schlubs would be like: neither looks like a model, neither is especially super-intelligent, neither is an angel or a superhero or the devil. Hopefully, the show will gather a following. It is so odd it might not get wider interest; it might have been better suited on a channel like FX. Anyway, excellent premise and excellent execution. Most interesting and original show on TV.
  11. What a fun episode. I was on the edge of my seat watching the truck challenge, hoping that Leroy and Nia would pull through. I'm glad that they sent Jonna and Zach into the Dome because as much as I like Jonna, I dislike Zach even more. Wes was entertaining to watch with his manipulations. Nia seems to be the only woman there - apart from Sarah - who speaks her mind and acts like an equal partner in her team; I don't think I can ever forget the sweat drinking (ugh) but I like her for speaking her mind. I also like that she told Zach to go easier on Jonna. Has Zach always been such a nasty, delusional, gas-lighting underachiever? I've never watched Real World but I've sunk my teeth into Are You The One. Anyway, good ep and I can't wait for next week.
  12. "Girl, you need to move on." I can't, Mama Pope, I'm obsessed with this show. What a great episode. I enjoyed everyone and everything, even the hopefully last echoes of the B6-13 storyline. Please, please let Mama Pope and Mellie have a spin-off show...I don't care what contortions in plot and realism need to happen but it needs to happen. Maybe Mellie is Pres with Mam Pope as her Fixer. I don't care, they are such fun women to watch on the screen. Next season then. The Veep should have known better than to mess with Olivia's gang of worshippers, Mellie looks like she's becoming the badass we know she can be, and Olivia hopefully won't be tremulous and sobby anymore. Thank you, Shonda, for your soapy, soapy blessings. See you next year.
  13. Tyler was the guy who talked about having taken a girl's virginity before and she didn't leave his apartment for three weeks, thus making dating a virgin unattractive in his eyes. He said that if he was on a date and found out that the girl was a virgin, "I'm not gonna call that one again". Layton gave a talking head afterwards, during the date (after the hilariously cute interactions between Virgin Lady and Heavily Accented Lady about how surprising the presence of said virginity was to the latter) and after Nathan's aggressive begging. Layton said "when a girl's a virgin it's definitely a turn on. I've dated girls in the past that were - and I do think of it as a challenge for myself because I'm not - but at the same time that is something I'm looking for in a woman." Either way, creep factor is too high for me :) I've just realized my life is barren. This is the most times I've written "virginity" ever and this is in the context of an MTV show. Ugh!
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