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S31.E01: Second Chance

Tara Ariano
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Cambodia is a brand new location for the show, isn't it?

Yes, though other countries have filmed shows there. From what I've read, it's a really brutal location with heat, high humidity and torrential downpours.

This season is going to be very tough on the players, mentally, physically and emotionally.

I do think that the beaches have good food sources, but I'm not sure.

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Yes, though other countries have filmed shows there. From what I've read, it's a really brutal location with heat, high humidity and torrential downpours.

This season is going to be very tough on the players, mentally, physically and emotionally.

I do think that the beaches have good food sources, but I'm not sure.

It's also brutal thinking about the fact that the only reason they're able to find a big empty wilderness space to film in is because 25% or more of the population got murdered a generation ago. I wonder where the show is shooting in relation to the actual Killing Fields burial sites? 


EDIT - Okay, answered my own question. Here's more about the filming location:




And... once again we're fulfilling the Survivor tradition of pounding a location to death. S31 AND S32 are both going to be here. And yeah, two other international versions have previously filmed there, so they had the space allocated already.  And the Killing Fields are hundreds of miles away.


And it being empty apparently has nothing to do with a quarter of the country's population being wiped out. As hard as it is to believe of anywhere in the world these days, this area was uninhabited until recently.


This should play out fairly similar to the Thailand seasons, I guess, since it's really the same climate (and the same body of water it's on).

Edited by Kromm
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And... once again we're fulfilling the Survivor tradition of pounding a location to death. S31 AND S32 are both going to be here. And yeah, two other international versions have previously filmed there, so they had the space allocated already.  And the Killing Fields are hundreds of miles away.

I get why they do this. It is cheaper for them to film back to back in one location, rather than changing locations every time. If that keeps Survivor on longer, I am all for that.


Very excited for the new season. See y'all in an hour and 36 minutes. (Don't forget, an hour and a half premiere.)

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Well, Abi-Maria was just as nasty as ever.  What a liar, she has ZERO interest in growth.  I'm pissed I have to continue listening to her bullshit. 


Wiglesworth has seriously jacked-up her face, and she's only 38.  She looks 10 years older  Idiot.  


Spencer is maturing nicely, physically speaking and Kaos Kass is just as obnoxious and delusional.  Shirin still whines way too much for an adult. 


I always have and always will love Jeff Varner.  He just makes me smile and want to know him IRL.  And I still really like Vytas.  He got screwed. 


Ok, the term "Joga" instead of yoga is cute.  


AWESOME snag of the idol by Wentworth.  Girl has brass balls and pulled that off beautifully.  

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Started off really strong, but thought the episode dragged.


Absolutely love the beginning.  I never get tired of the maroonings, and loved the added twist of the extra bag of rice.  Did they both have to go for it at once, or could the other tribe have just stayed back on that boat continuing to collect supplies?  I think Wiglesworth had that bag of rice just fine.  No need to be the hero, Woo.


I love me some Stephen and Savage, but I about died when big, strong Savage cut that tree down-and Stephen couldn't cut that big stick apart.  I worry Kelly Wigles is already sticking out, and not in a good way.  Spencer and Tasha have the right idea, strategy wise-trust no one, and you can still be a good Christian but be aggressive and ruthless (ask for forgiveness later, Tasha).  I'm shocked Stephen was so on the outs.  


WTH was the deal with PG and Abi?  I thought someone set PG up, and pulled the whole Pete hiding the clue and causing division between R.C./Abi again.  But how did PG wind up with her bracelet?  Her story made no sense. 


I love me some Jeff Varner!  Love his take on Shirin, alliances, sitting back, and his confessionals.  Especially when he stopped mid sentence because something bit him.  Varner, Spencer, and Keith had the best confessionals.  I really love Keith.  Yes, I am very jealous of those ladies getting up close to Joe during the Joega session. Keith spit, so all is right in the Survivor universe.  I sympathized with him getting the torch wet, because that would totally be me.  Except I'd probably drop it to the bottom of the ocean.


Were there any women on Bayon besides Tasha?  I must have missed them.  Ta'Keo got a lot of airtime, so it seemed obvious they were losing.  My heart broke for Kelly.  I didn't know pre-game if she was as into this, but watching tonight, she totally wants this.  The other Kelley did very well getting that idol.  I knew ahead of time about the idol twist, so it was funny to see Kelley get so excited thinking she found it-and it was only the clue.


All that dramatic music tonight was also a riot-the dramatic shots in the boats when Kelly said she has thought about winning every day, the dramatic music when Jeff said they were going to tribal right after the challenge, the shot of Vytas at TC when Varner said everyone knew who was going home.


Glad Abi survived.  She's at least entertaining, if not annoying.  Vytas is just plan sleazy and annoying.  Even though I thought the episode dragged, it is off to a decent start. 


I see PG and Abi haven't really changed their previous games.  I think it is going to bite both of them.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Thank goodness Vytas is out so we don't have to look at his funky underpants for the next 3 months. <shudder> If Abi goes next I won't be unhappy.

Joega for the win. Excellent job by Kelly finding the idol clue and then the idol. And Shirrin hasn't been voted out yet. Good start.

Edited by Haleth
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Burning question: why are the men wearing shirts and ties? Is the clothing supposed to be representative of their lives now as opposed to when they last played? No change for Joe! It's cool to see the guys that you all have been talking about. They seem to have more food starting out.


Hi Keith! Stick to the plan! Fishbach, don't advertise your insecurities. Just try to get to know people, make a couple of friends. I feel like Jeremy's a little too aggressive with alliance-building in their first hour in camp, but it could work out for him.


Nice baby monkey.  Vytas is creepy - he's too touchy-feely with people he just met. Funny how yoga Joe is swooned over in one camp while yoga Vytas creeps people out in the other. I guess I'm more like Keith, have coffee and go to work. Kelly is like a different person without her dad. She has a cute smile and I don't know if I ever saw it on her season.


Yes, Kelly! Nice move to grab that idol when everyone was looking at the poles and keys. What I don't understand: how did it get dark so fast if they went straight to tribal council after the immunity challenge? It sunny bright during the challenge and now it's dark. Abi doesn't seem that doesn't seem that different from her season.


Ha ha Vytas! I wonder if Abi will go ballistic trying to figure out who voted for her. Good first episode! Can't wait until next week!

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Abi-Marie going on and on about that bracelet


Wow on a HII being part of the challenge and possibly having to grab it in front of other people. Kelley was able to grab it without anyone paying attention to her or Probst pointing it out.


I found it funny how everyone was happy with the exception of Keith with Joe doing yoga but no one was happy with Vytas doing it on his tribe. I wish Abi had gone home first, she's irritating, as hell and now I have to listen to her nasty behind for a bit longer. Dammit.


I have Spencer, Joe, Woo, Tasha to root for this season. I really do hope Kass is eliminated early, can't take her. 

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Welcome back Survivor.  I was telling my kids all day that tonight was my Christmas.  Survivor and Big Brother.   Usually I don't like returning players but for some reason I'm looking forward to this season. 


I wonder why so many people voted for Vytas since they didn't have time to discuss after the challenge. 

I didn't like Abi in her season and I don't like her now.  Everybody else is not annoying me yet.

I like putting the idol at the challenges...this should be interesting.

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BraceletGate was utterly ridiculous. I'm going to think that it was either a mistake or someone else but it there.


I vaguely remember Tocantins but I recall Stephen being so awkward.


Kelley finding the immunity clue. That was ballsy move. Plus, no one didn't even see her take it during the challenge. I have a feeling she's going to play under the radar for now (but not as invisible during SJDS).


Believe it or not, I'm liking Kass. The chaos is bound to come out sooner or later.


It's also brutal thinking about the fact that the only reason they're able to find a big empty wilderness space to film in is because 25% or more of the population got murdered a generation ago. I wonder where the show is shooting in relation to the actual Killing Fields burial sites? 


EDIT - Okay, answered my own question. Here's more about the filming location:




IIRC, that's the same island where a contestant on the French version of Survivor died.

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But don't you guys know? Abi's cheap fake gold bracelet gives her POWERS.

I like Peih-Gee, and I don't want to assume she stole it. Like someone mentioned, her story was weak. I also think it might have been a set up.

Poor Wigglesworth. She was so bummed after that challenge. I'm glad her tribe seemed supportive. They probably idolize her, for being on the first season. Heck, I would.

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I am in heaven. Vytas first and Abi with four votes. How freaking awesome.

I think Colton managed to pretend to have changed longer then Abi did. I didn't like her in her first season and I don't like her now. She is just ubber annoying and irrational.

Loving everyone back. Stephen is so out of his element. Woo is still clueless. Kelly, Kimmi, Jeff oh so good.


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I would much rather watch Joe do yoga over Vytas, too.


I don't know if it was pre-game alliances or the fact that Vytas was untrusthworthy.  I'm guessing a little of both.  Given the glare he had the end I'd be scared of him, too.  Also, I think you kind of lose the threat cred of "everyone is scared of me and should be" when you're the first one voted off and no longer in the game.  Kind of like the big kid who thinks he's tough only when he can't do anymore damage.

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Vytas' elimination was pretty heavily telegraphed. The moment they showed so much of the dynamics of that tribe, it was clear they were going to lose immunity and I knew Vytas was a goner because while Abi may have shown a little of her crazy, Vytas seemed to be creeping out or annoying everyone. Shirin's reading of him as smarmy was right on. I don't know what Vytas thought he was going for with some of that crap. I mean did he think he was being charming - yeah no. Oh and his elimination video just showed him saying they got rid of him because he was a huge threat. Uh yeah sure dude...


So I don't know about that second chance with Abi. Seems like the crazy is very alive and well. Although I will say I was with her on her bracelet being in Pei-Ghee's bag being suspect. But yeah I can see the crazy fighting to come out. Shirin seems to be trying to rein in the annoying but she can't help geeking out and not playing it cool when talking strategy and that might come back to hurt her. Poor Fishbach looks so lost at his tribe and as he said is back in his same nightmare of being surrounded by alpha males. 


The tribe of Joe and company definitely looks physically stronger but I hope challenge wins end up evenly split and we don't have a complete dominance because I'm not interested in seeing a merge of one dominant group and a Pagonging. I'm not sure if Joe is just playing the same game again or this is like deja vu where things seem all rosy for him at the beginning and everyone loves him but as soon as the merge happens, he doesn't have the numbers. The Joe is awesome and Joe love was really on display this episode. 


It will be interesting to see what happens with Spencer and Woo on the same tribe since Spencer was not particularly kind to Woo in his assessment of his game and sometimes even his intelligence. Spencer is right, he can be cocky and quite the intellectual snob. I was worried about him, thinking he had no shot, much like Joe but Joe has somehow seemed to secure his place in his tribe and Spencer looks good. But that might not be the case if as the promo suggests Varner and Dietz wake up and realize they need to get rid of the younger players who are too much of a threat and I think in their minds that might be Spencer. But I think he has some numbers with Kelly, Shirin, maybe Wigglesworth and again Woo is questionable. 

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Glad Vytas is gone, want Abi out next. Kass can go any time as well. Chaos is fine, when it has a purpose. But chaos, like the kind that Russell Hantz loved to do, is just stupid.

I had forgotten how much I like Varner and Fishbach. Tasha is much better this time around, and Spencer seems to have matured as well.


I haven't ben so excited about a season in a while.

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Kelley and Jeff were the stars of the episode. Loving both of them!


I will miss staring at dat ass, but Vytas is no big loss. He was being pretty gross.


But Abi is making me regret ever softening toward her post-Philippines. She talked a big talk about her "growth", but she is just an unpleasant person through and through. I hope she is gone next, and I hope it's Peih-Gee's vote that sends her ass home.


I hope this Stephen-is-screwed editing is just a red herring, because I don't want him to go home too soon!


Overall solid episode, thanks in large part to the cast.

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Idols hidden in challenge courses? Tribal Council immediately after a challenge? Looks like the old dog has learned a few new tricks.


I think Vytas got hosed. You should eject crazy right away, not muscle. I can see how he can creep people out, but Abi-Maria is a loose cannon. This is going to bite TKO in the ass.


So far, no major complaints about the show, though I might tire of Probst's insistence of using last names. Also . . . who is the sadist that decided Kelly and Kelley should be on the same tribe? They even share the same initials. Oh, and I still think Keith came in eleventh in the men's voting, getting bumped up when Mike won S30. Between the spitting and the torch miscues, he isn't doing much to change my mind.

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I liked the Joe the first time, but every time the show tries to pimp him out, it turns me off a bit. He didn't play that great in his first go-round. He needs to prove he has the chops to get the credit he's given.


I want to see more of Savage. I can't tell if he's cool or kind of a douche yet. I like Varner. He's enjoying the moment but also trying to be crafty. Others are too, but it's fun TV to watch someone from Old-School Survivor learning and verbalizing New-School Survivor.

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Abi getting her bitchface on early! I once visited PG's JEWELRY website once and her stuff is expensive. No way would PG be remotely be interested in Abi's cheap Forever21 crap. I would not be surprised if Abi set this up herself.


The HII at IC was brill. I am not sure if anyone else could have been as patient and coolheaded about it as Kelley was.

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I was so over Abi and her freaking bracelet that I actually yelled, "Great you found it. Now STFU about it." at the TV.


Was it Shirin who worked it just right for that vote to happen?  I think it was.  Thattagirl!



Love the idols being hidden in challenges.  That was cool.


Won't miss Vytas.   Aras is still the star of that family.

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Soooo many people I would have been fine with getting bounced first starting with Abi, Shirin, Andrew, Terry and Kass. Vytas has always been one of my favorites so that sucked. Jeff V. is delightful and I was so sad when he was voted off in Australia.

Shirin is so incredibly disrespectful when she doesn't like something. I want her gone more than Abi, I think.

I know there is a person called Peih-Gee because I saw her there on my TV, but I have no recollection of her in any season. Also Monica. She's not Culpepper's wife, right?

Stephen, please get your shit together.

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Shirin is so right about Vytas being swarmy, and I'm watching him on tv.... can't imagine how much more he comes off in person.

Please Abi be next, although I like TeKeo and don't want them to lose again, just once more to get rid of Abi.

I like PeiGee and she was one of the people I voted for, but that bracelet convo was weird.

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Yikes, that opening segment.  Jeff did so much shouting narration that I think I developed sympathetic hoarseness, and the opening credits hadn't even come up yet.


Nice move by Kelley going for that idol.  


Did I imagine it or did the reward include flint, matches, wood and kerosene?  I know that humidity will make fire-starting tougher, but these guys are Survivor returnees.  Can we make it a little tougher for them?  The only thing they were missing were charcoal briquettes.  I guess they're saving that for the next challenge.  (Props to Joe for making that fire on Day 1.)


Yoga with Joe sounds like a nice way to start the morning.  Certainly beats spitting with Keith.


Abi was annoying.  Vytas was also annoying.  Whichever one of them went home first was going to be okay with me.  


The monkey climbing the tree was adorable. 

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Running impressions............


I'm surprised they set up only 2 tribes instead of three tribes of seven.  I always liked that dynamic


Original Kelly looks determined.  I want her post merge.


Keith??  They win the challenge in spite of him.


Shirin is still annoying as hell.


Woo is still clueless.  Perfect dumb goat, again.


Terry is still a dick.  Spencer too, but smart thinking to ride Terry


Abi and her bracelet.  She wasn't going to be this way.  As if she could cork that volcano.


Jeremy overplaying again.


Andrew is still a dick


Joe is still pretty


Fishback looks ill.  He should have learned to weave.


Tasha is still crazy


Vitas ugh


I like Aussie Jeff and his attitude.


PG is doomed.  Whatever it is, she doesn't have it.  Stay away from her Jeff.


Kass is still Kass .  A total wildcard in it to win it, playing hard.


I always liked Kimmi.  The editors don't seem to.


Wow !  New Kelly finds this crazy idol clue.  I like the twist.  Nice move snagging it when attention was diverted.  Keep it to yourself!


Vitas, you think everybody should be into your yoga like you are.  They're not.  He's hot in those shorts and panting women seems to be a thing so far. 


Snap Tribal Council!  I love it!


Woo, you should have broke Tony's heart.


Hahahahahahahaha.  Adios Vytas.  Not only did you not beat Terry, you got booted first.  Very rare for a dude.  You are Aras' bitch forever.  Ouch!


Good move Spencer.  Can he parlay this "alliance" with the women through the merge??



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Jeff Varner must have gotten a night off from filming his role as Chet in "UnREAL".

The bracelet thing is a setup to start a feud between Abi and the dark-haired maven. Mark my words. Probst, you're so shallow if you are behind this.

Vytas.... even the monkeys saw through your yoga crap.

Is it just my imagination, or was everyone fattened up for the long haul?

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Yikes, that opening segment.  Jeff did so much shouting narration that I think I developed sympathetic hoarseness, and the opening credits hadn't even come up yet.


Nice move by Kelley going for that idol.  


Did I imagine it or did the reward include flint, matches, wood and kerosene?  I know that humidity will make fire-starting tougher, but these guys are Survivor returnees.  Can we make it a little tougher for them?  The only thing they were missing were charcoal briquettes.  I guess they're saving that for the next challenge.  (Props to Joe for making that fire on Day 1.)


Yoga with Joe sounds like a nice way to start the morning.  Certainly beats spitting with Keith.


Abi was annoying.  Vytas was also annoying.  Whichever one of them went home first was going to be okay with me.  


The monkey climbing the tree was adorable.

I thought that was an awfully generous fire starting basket too. They are giving them a lot more this season. I don't mind it terribly. IMO it's still pretty rough sleeping out there, on bamboo.

The monkey was too cute! A vine needs to be made of his little howl.

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What did Pei Gee say happened, that it was empty so she put it in her bag? It didn't really make sense to me, she came off as guilty, but I don't know why she would steal it and them not show it. Hated Abi on her season, was charmed by her in her post show interviews, maybe she's just not cut out for this kind of game, Big Brother might be more her speed.


I'm with Shirin on Vytas, he's just so smarmy, I think it works well on older women that are flattered that he's paying attention to them.

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Burning question: why are the men wearing shirts and ties? Is the clothing supposed to be representative of their lives now

They were all wearing what they were wearing at the last Survivor reunion finale, when they were in the audience and picked to get on the bus. And whatever they had in their bags they had with them.

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Smarmy wouldn't be my word for Vytas, though I liked him his first season. It would be overbearing. I found him overbearing- trying to push his yoga on everyone, checking on how their "bodies felt"...ugh, so maybe he was a bit smarmy.

Still don't like Shirin...and thought Jeff's assessment of her was right on.

I had started to warm up to Abi thinking maybe she just got a bad edit the last time, but nope, still annoying. She can go anytime...

Poor Kelly, I wanted to give her a hug after that challenge was over...I hope she lasts awhile.

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Just for starters  how long must we start every season now with everyone in their underwear?    I wouldn't get near a Survivor start without at least one bathing suit on and maybe some spandex shorts--any comfy clothing --I could layer on under my outerwear. And they would remain on---thru photo shoots.--promo pics-- breakfast at the hotel..whatever..   I'm sure they've seen the show!! They are aware that they are often duped into starting the game in their dress ups.. (i just read they were apparently drafted right from the finale--but they had their bags....so... they were aware that they would be starting from there)  


It is very likely someone set up PG and Abi.   Clever to push Abi's buttons and get her to show her psycho colors right away. I could suspect Vytas or Spencer if I needed to. (Maybe Abi herself actually, since she thinks she handled it so calmly and kindly)   PG's story could be true tho.. it's plausible.  


I need to go back and check out a few old seasons this week .  I don't remember PG Stephen, vague on Woo,  Kelly BvW etc.  


I am both happy and surprised Kimmy got back in.  My fondest memory was of her using the term jerk-off.  Think she was originally from NJ.  That's very NJ vernacular I think.


The excitement and nostalgia in many of the returnees has made it very fun to watch so far.     

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What did Pei Gee say happened, that it was empty so she put it in her bag? It didn't really make sense to me, she came off as guilty, but I don't know why she would steal it and them not show it. Hated Abi on her season, was charmed by her in her post show interviews, maybe she's just not cut out for this kind of game, Big Brother might be more her speed.


I'm with Shirin on Vytas, he's just so smarmy, I think it works well on older women that are flattered that he's paying attention to them.


PG said something along the lines of there was a bag that didn't have a label on it, so she took it and put it in her bag.  Which made no sense, and I believe only Abi's bracelet was in there.  PG seemed to be trying to come up with a story that even she had a hard time believing.  Of course this could be something concocted by PG to bring up this same thing happening to Abi during Philippines, an that maybe Abi was trying to set her up or screw someone over.  PG, though, seemed rattled.  I'm still calling a set up.  I fully expected Varner or Vytas to own up to it.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Regarding the bracelet, I wonder if the show provided bags that looked alike. PG took a bag that she thought was empty (but had the bracelet) and didn't have a name tag, and put her own name tag on it. I doubt she's a kleptomania and there doesn't seem to be any strategic reason to take a cheap bracelet.


That seemed to be what happened, but you'd think that when Abi was running around talking about losing a bag that was hanging in the spot PG found hers, PG would have thought to check.


I was a little annoyed at all the "old school vs new school" talk.  Especially someone being surprised that people want to talk strategy right away.  Have they not watched the show since their seasons? 


But other than that I thought it was a great start.  I liked the idols hidden at a challenge and the surprise TC.  I think this will be a good season, there are a lot of strong personalities.

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There is no way that production staged that. Not that they don't manipulate stuff on the show, they do, but actually taking something out of someone's bag and placing it in someone else's bag? No chance.

Edited by LanceM
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Maybe tptb decided that they needed to help them along because this is the same spot where the French Survivor contestant died.


It sounds like Joe has learned to up his social game, I hope so, because I liked him a lot, but he just had no social understanding.  Same with Spencer. But Joe showing just how good he is at challenges, and building, et. al, makes him a huge target.


Shut up, Abi.  Jesus. I hated her then, I hate her now. It's not a "male thing", it's an anti-you thing.


I think Andrew has a crush on Joe.


Keith is an idiot, and always was. Why didn't somebody take that damn torch away from him?


Who said, "I've seen this done, just do it right the first time."?  Obvious person is obvious.


What was that crawling around on the ground in front of Pei-Gee in the tribal council?


Baby monkey was so cute.

Edited by Rick Kitchen
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I actually think it's kind of sad that some of these people can't get over their first try at survivor.  Kelly thinks about it every day? For 15years?  Too bad they can't take the experience for what it was and let go of the disappointment of not doing well.

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There is no way that production staged that. Not that they don't manipulate stuff on the show, they do, but actually taking something out of someone's bag and placing it in someone else's bag? No chance.

Why?  Not looking to pick a fight, just wondering why you think they'd never do it.  I'm honestly up in the air about what production will and won't do.  Not sure why they'd do this - seems kinda petty and stupid, with a high probability that it'd just get handed back to the owner with no hard feelings.  

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