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S02.E02: Episode 2

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Clare receives a date card and goes on a mission to find herself a man. Later, Ashley S. gets a date card and chooses Dan to accompany her. On the date, the two discuss her infamous crazy girl reputation. At the rose ceremony, the men hand out roses and one woman is forced to leave paradise.

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The introduction to this show is the greatest piece of cinematography in the History of the Bachelor franchise! (And lest we forget the great Ryan Putz jump off the balcony re-enactment.) I could have watched that over and over. Tough call, but my favorite part was "And Starring Chris Harrison" with him reading his own book. Hah!

Oh, poor Clare getting stuck with Mikey because everyone else is coupled up. Mikey is just as delusional as Princess Jasmine Ashley Kardashian--thinking they're on the same page and asks to kiss her immediately after she tells him that she's not interested in him and is hoping someone good will show up next.

So the best first date ever was getting matching IVs in the hospital? And Pomegranate Ashley did the same "I like you a lot" impression that Jared did to Kaitlyn, which apparently is a thing and is from Dumb and Dumber as a fellow forum member helpfully pointed out when Jared said it.

So Clare should have done some more investigating speaking to the guys rather than just the girls because she believed Ashley that Jared was "solidified" with her, but Clare really likes him and he absolutely would have jumped to Clare I bet. Now Tenley is getting her claws in him--and Ashley is crying how she always loses guys to "old ladies" and yet no lessons learned on maaaaaybe she should work on her maturity a bit. 

Oh, no Tenley is REALLY desperate and ew--crazy--that she's stooping to KISSING JJ just to get a rose?!

See, Clare, you should have asked Jared! So if Jared gives Clare his rose, Mikey might give his to Lauren and Ashley would still stick around. But will JJ go for Tenley or Jillian? I think Jillian might end up going home...unless Mikey keeps her around to spot him lifting because if he's alpha male, Jillian is beta.

Why would Jared give hid rose to Ashley?! That's crazy! Get rid of her while you can! Now you're "solidified" whether you like it or not!

Ok, even though I just predicted Jillian going home, I was still surprised, lol.

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Old ladies? Tenley is only 31. Kardashley, I wish you and your sister premature grey hair, crows feet and saggy boobs. Oh, and red lips scream "beach vacation!" /rolls eyes

Everyone else seems okay. Apart from Jillian. I don't care for her. Losing her this week makes me feel nothing. I'll forget she was there by the time the aftershow is over.

Team wildlife.

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Yeah that intro was amazing. And it only took 5 minutes to have Clare consulting a crab for advice. Love it.

Oh my god JenE4, thank you so much for reminding me of the Ryan Putz jump!!! Incredible.

Did they show all the guys giving their rose? I feel like in the 2 seconds it took me to pour a cup of tea, I missed several of them. Whatever.

Tenley seems desperate. But I think she's pretty.

Does Clare seem like she's trying too hard in the talking heads...? She seemed a little...unnatural or something in them.

Oh and whoever said in last episode's forum that Jade has some weird boob/cleavage thing going on - yeah. I noticed it tonight. Wonky. It was like they were being pulled apart, yet she was wearing a flimsy dress that wasn't even holding them up?

Edited by wovenloaf
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Strangely, JJ didn't bother me, in fact I thought he was a bit amusing with Jillian.  He didn't seem attracted to either Tenley or Jillian, so I think he just did a mental coin flip.   Of course, I may hate his guts next week.  *LOL*

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So, the hubs, who doesn't watch any TV and has a particular disgust for anything reality TV related, wandered in while I was watching and stared at the screen for a bit while the rose ceremony was going on:

Hubs: So, what's the prize on this thing anyway?

Me: Why, sweetie, the prize is getting to stay on TV for another week, obviously.

Hubs: No, I know, but I mean what is the STATED prize on this thing?

Me: Well, the chance to explore the possibility of maybe continuing a relationship with a person you meet in paradise outside of paradise.

Hubs: No, really, I mean, what's the actual prize, do they win money or a trip or something?

Me: Nope.

Hubs: Seriously? You're not foolin' me?  They do this for no reason other than the chance to be humiliated on national TV?

Me: Pretty much.

Hubs: [slinks quietly back into the bubble of peaceful retreat from popular culture from which he wishes he had never emerged]


[Yes, this conversation actually took place, almost verbatim].

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I get that Clare didn't want to use her date card on a guy who may already have been taken, but what a waste to use it on someone who holds zero attraction and interest for her. It's like she played it safe to keep friendly with the women, I guess.

I liked how Jared assured her he was interested in her, even if someone else gives her a rose first. Though, I'm peeved he felt some sense of obligation (or rather, producer pressure) to bestow his rose on the Sisters to keep them around. ugh

Edited by KR Vermont
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The cheesy beginning was worth watching another night of the Princess sisters crying. I loved the shot of Jared peeking out from behind a tree and Kirk smiling up for the sand. Classic and Baywatch inspired! I really cannot stand Ashley I and it seems like she cannot think of one thing to say or do without her sister's help. And what is up with Lauren? Why did she come on the show if she has no interest in meeting new people, hanging on the beach or at least finding a guy to make out with. I could see her saying they were all old if she was 18, but she is 24! Who does she usually date, high school boys?


I like Clare and was happy to see Jared showing some interest in her. I think it hard for the women who have to come in after the first group, especially the ones who don't want to throw themselves at the guys. Tenley seems sweet and all but she comes across as so terribly desperate.


I had a feeling Jillian would go home. She comes across as too hard and I don't know anything else about her. I don't want to see too much more of the vapid, crying sisters though, free Jared!

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Wait a damn minute!!!  Do these fools have to pay for their own drinks in paradise?  My closed caption very clearly showed "$4" when Ashley I. asked for her lemon drop shots.

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I heard the $4 comment too. Really? I thought TB keep everyone boozed up on the house. If they didn't how would everyone believe it was paradise?

I loved the opening intro so much I immediately rewatched it. Perfect cheesiness & poking fun at the whole thing.

I loved Clare & the crab. The LI sister needs to leave. All she does is listen to AI cry & insult her.

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That opening was comedy gold.


I also loved the music playing on Mikey and Clare's date. The editors are the heroes of this show lol. Mikey heard none of the words that came out of Clare's mouth and I think it's one of the many reasons he's single lol.

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Mikey heard none of the words that came out of Clare's mouth and I think it's one of the many reasons he's single lol.


That was hilarious. He's the kind of guy who hears a polite rejection and thinks "yeah, she's into me".


Sucking up to JJ and just about begging him to kiss you has to be romantic rock bottom. I've never felt so much second-hand embarrassment as I did for Tenley in that moment.


I loved that Lauren not only knows which ones of the women have breast implants, but also what kind of implants. If superficiality were a science, Lauren would be a top scholar.

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I loved the opening intro so much I immediately rewatched it. Perfect cheesiness & poking fun at the whole thing.



The BiP iteration of the franchise is the greatest yet because it's the first to show that the producers are finally beginning to turn into the skid and unapologetically own what it is that really makes them popular with a lot of people--the cheesiness.

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This show is much more realistic than the bachelor in that you get to have your choice of who you want instead of 27 people all pretending to be into that one person which obviously Is impossible. On a different note they edit the crap out of BIP and ultimately I think it's the producers choice who stays and who goes based on ratings .

I don't get how people don't find tanner good looking I think he's very attractive . And I just don't see the attraction to jade she's average looking at best and has 0 personality. It's actually funny I always say she looks and acts just like Winnie cooper from the wonder years and someone else posted the same thing . Never understood anyone's infatuation with Winnie either , she too has 0 personality

On another note Ashley I has to be the most annoying person on the planet poor Jared for him being the object of her affection

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Jared must be tempted by the fantasy of a menage a trois with the Idiot sisters to give Ashley I a rose.

Earth to Tenley: there are millions of men not on the Bachelorette for you to to get to know.

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Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder, as I find Jade the prettiest one there. Kardashley could be a contender under all that slap, but that's something we will never know.

I think Jade doesn't come across as exciting on tv, but she's probably charming in real life. And not just to men - Chris's sisters seemed to really like her, too. She's just too low-key to make an impression on tv shows like this.

Edited by starving artist
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It depresses me that there are people sitting at home watching BIP who actually believe Clare was talking to a crab. They're probably the same people who think everything they see on The Bachelor is real and genuine.


(I know nobody here thinks that. The people here are too smart for that!)

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No matter where Clare is, the editors are going to find some critter for her to supposedly "vent" to.  They tapped into it by accident last season, and running with it was appropriate to the vibe of the show.  The same with the Jillian black box and Ashley I's crying jags.  


They can't use any of those next season, but I imagine they are always on the lookout for some type of "hook" that can be used to ratchet up the funny.  I actually appreciate them doing that, because it really emphasizes how this show does NOT take itself so seriously.  

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I also loved the music playing on Mikey and Clare's date. The editors are the heroes of this show lol. Mikey heard none of the words that came out of Clare's mouth and I think it's one of the many reasons he's single lol.


Right? She refused to kiss him and basically told him that she wants to keep her options open. And what he heard was - "I really like you, it's not just physical, so let's take it slow". Bahahaha! If Mikey weren't so skeevy, I might feel bad for the doofus. 


Count me in as one who thinks the intro is the best thing about the show. Gold! 

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I fear that Jared is going to turn in to this year's Graham (Graham, right? Wasn't that the guy who got trapped into giving Ashlee roses every week?). He's going to keep giving Ashley I. a rose because she's stalking him and sobs every time he does something other than continually assure her she's not an idiot (which he has to know she is, right?). So he's just scared of the sobbing, like Grant was scared of getting screamed at. Just say no, guys!!!

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It depresses me that there are people sitting at home watching BIP who actually believe Clare was talking to a crab. They're probably the same people who think everything they see on The Bachelor is real and genuine.


(I know nobody here thinks that. The people here are too smart for that!)


I think she actually was talking to the crab this time, since he made a crab impression at the end of her rant. She obviously wasn't talking to a raccoon last season, but she took the joke and ran with it. Clare has a sense of humour, which I appreciate.

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The introduction to this show is the greatest piece of cinematography in the History of the Bachelor franchise! (And lest we forget the great Ryan Putz jump off the balcony re-enactment.) I could have watched that over and over. Tough call, but my favorite part was "And Starring Chris Harrison" with him reading his own book. Hah!



The cheesy opening was cute, but for pure greatness nothing will ever be greater than the Ryan Putz RE-ENACTMENT (in huge letters across the screen.) That is when I fell in love with BIP.  Mr. Final Rose is now forced to watch this show with me, as my daughter went back to college early and left me without someone to enjoy the hilarity with.  He quickly, and independently, voiced his astonishment at Jade's popularity too.  



Sucking up to JJ and just about begging him to kiss you has to be romantic rock bottom. I've never felt so much second-hand embarrassment as I did for Tenley in that moment.



It's the proverbial kissing a frog.  But she's a smart girl, knowing she has to stay to have a chance with the next hot guy who will be running down the beach to join the fun.  And the producers must have promised Jared the first male date card in exchange for giving the rose to Ashley because, otherwise, why? The rest of the show was kind of dull, but there has to be this set-up so that it can all come crashing down in tears later.  


Did anyone notice Ashley refer to what happened "last night" and then correct herself and call it "last week"? Poor girl thought she was still on the one night a week Bachelor show.


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Sucking up to JJ and just about begging him to kiss you has to be romantic rock bottom. I've never felt so much second-hand embarrassment as I did for Tenley in that moment.

Unless it was Tenley on her first Bachelor Pad experience, climbing into some guy's bed in the middle of the night and being politely sent back to her dorm. Or Tenley doing a surprise ballet dance for Jake on his season. I gotta love Tenley for her general awkwardness, she's rivals Jamie, the nurse who straddled Ben and gave him kissing lessons.
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This show is *amazing* and I have *such a connection* with it. The opening was HILARIOUS. I died.


Kardashley is awful but as someone who has had breakdowns about being #foreveralone, I can relate. It's really hard emotionally to see everyone around you being all happy and in love and you being alone even though is the thing you want the most in the world. But as I learned and am still learning, you have to LOVE YOURSELF before anyone is going to love you too.


Ashley S. and Dan are cute. He is the best looking guy there for my tastes so get it girl!


I still can't stand Carly and think Kirk can do so much better.


Mickey is an idiot. Clare needs to give up going on these shows. I am so, so sure she could land a nice guy in the real world. Or maybe she can try eHarmony.


Juelia and Jonathan are basically invisible. I was shocked they were "bonding". Just like I was shocked Jillian/JJ had hooked up.


Tenley is so doing this to make Kyptin jealous. I really do feel bad for her, you can tell she is very much heartbroken. Girl, get yourself some therapy and travel a bit. It'll be good for you.


Tanner continues to be adorable.

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It's really hard emotionally to see everyone around you being all happy and in love and you being alone even though is the thing you want the most in the world.

But who's "all happy and in love" around them at this particular moment, though? This was literally Day 1 of the show. Everyone was practically still introducing themselves. 


Kardashley and her sister both seem mentally unstable. Hopefully it's just all the booze making them cry constantly over nothing. 

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The introduction to this show is the greatest piece of cinematography in the History of the Bachelor franchise!


I liked this as well but I wonder with the addition and subtraction of so many people this season are they gonna change the opening credits each time?  Are the new people going to arrive and then the opening credits run?


I felt bad for Jillian.  I liked her on Chris's season and I like her here as well.  I know she's not everyone's cup of tea and it would take a special kind of person to get it but IDK I just liked her a lot. 

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I really cannot stand Ashley I and it seems like she cannot think of one thing to say or do without her sister's help. And what is up with Lauren? Why did she come on the show if she has no interest in meeting new people, hanging on the beach or at least finding a guy to make out with.

It's my theory (from watching UnREAL and becoming even more jaded about shows like this) that Ashley I agreed to lose her virginity on TV if her sister could come on the show with her.  I'm sure it sounded great to Lauren until she got there and realized how OLD and BORING everyone was.


I also suspect heavy producer involvement in Jared giving his rose to Ashley.   His sigh before calling her name was hilarious, kind of like he was admitting defeat.

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I was trying to avoid this show, but I find I can't look away.

I can get having an emotional crisis about being alone forever...once you hit my age range of 40-ish. At 27, it seems a little early. I think she still has plenty of growing up to do. I kind of think her sister gets that this is all ridiculous and she's just enjoying the farce. Maybe? I might be giving her too much credit.

Tantric yoga in general seems kind of barfy. With someone you don't even know? I can't even.

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Mikey heard none of the words that came out of Clare's mouth and I think it's one of the many reasons he's single lol.


Right? She refused to kiss him and basically told him that she wants to keep her options open. And what he heard was - "I really like you, it's not just physical, so let's take it slow". Bahahaha! If Mikey weren't so skeevy, I might feel bad for the doofus.


Ha, I did a double take at his response to what she said, I wasn't sure if we both heard the same words or not.  


Skeevy though he is, I do actually feel a little bad for Mikey. Especially when they made him watch all the mean comments on the After Paradise show, it felt like an uncomfortable pile-on and he just sat there with this uncertain little smile on his face trying to pretend he was in on the joke. 


Sucking up to JJ and just about begging him to kiss you has to be romantic rock bottom. I've never felt so much second-hand embarrassment as I did for Tenley in that moment.

Ugh, I was cringing through that entire segment, the begging was already embarrassing but the fact that it was JJ of all people made it worse. The desperation was pathetic and uncomfortable to watch.


And if the poster who speculated that she's doing this to make her ex jealous is correct and that's her motive...mission most definitely NOT accomplished. Oof. She's coming across as the bottom of the barrel who has to beg the most hated guy there as her only shot at staying. Not exactly a pretty picture of "the one that got away." 


I loved that Lauren not only knows which ones of the women have breast implants, but also what kind of implants. If superficiality were a science, Lauren would be a top scholar.

Lauren has definite glimmers of potential funny for me, her delivery of "saaaaaaline" made me laugh and when she and Ashley are just being ridiculous together, I find them amusing. 


Worst is her constant, soft spoken, "Pease don't judge me."  "Thank you for not judging, me,"  While dissing some other girl as, "Not the sort of person you would take home to meet your family."    Tanner was my favorite until he fell for her act and now I'm disillusioned.


Yeah, I have to agree that it's rich for Jade to be judging the other women as "not the sort of woman a man brings home" or whatever she said. If she's so worried about being judged for her choices, she needs to quit viewing the other women through that lens. Not to mention the fact that it's utterly irrelevant to the premise of this particular show. 


Did anyone notice Ashley refer to what happened "last night" and then correct herself and call it "last week"? Poor girl thought she was still on the one night a week Bachelor show.


It was the other way around, she called it "last week" when she meant last night. Jared was mocking her for it. I think this was after her genius plan of reversing her clam-up tendencies by getting drunk. I honestly can't say I noticed a difference, she was not a whole lot looser or more interesting post-cocktails. 


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Kardashley and her sister both seem mentally unstable. Hopefully it's just all the booze making them cry constantly over nothing. 



I too hope its the booze that are making them such a mess.  And anyone from my crowd in college knows, I was a bad, bad, bad crier when I drank so I sorta have a bit of sympathy for Ashley.  But just a bit. 


I'm still trying to comprehend why she is so insecure.   I guess only a license therapist can figure that out for her.  


As for Mikey, I just love how he is totally clueless to the world around him.  First day, he tells everyone he's "an alpha male" and tells Jared & Tanner that he'll have them all buffed up in no time, not realizing that neither guy is remotely interested in doing so.  And now he's totally tone death to what Clare is saying to him.   Oh well, should make for a crazy episode 2 when she tries to distance herself!

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Loved, loved, loved the opening credits. Kind of a blend of Love Boat and Three's Company. I can see them adding the new cast members each episode like Love Boat did, and loved Chris Harrison as "your host" similar to the Love Boat cast being "your captain, your bartender, etc." That intro alone was worth the hour to watch the show.

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I get that Clare didn't want to use her date card on a guy who may already have been taken, but what a waste to use it on someone who holds zero attraction and interest for her. It's like she played it safe to keep friendly with the women, I guess.



If I came in late and got a date card, I'd hold it up and announce to the entire group: "Who wants to go on this date with me?" If no one says "I do!" then I guess I'm that helicopter guy from last season (forgot his name!) and go by myself. But, I'm guessing if I looked like Clare, several guys would raise their hand, then I would do a lottery pull, names from a hat, and that guy would go with me. Then no one could get mad at me. Well, at least not for that.


That opening was comedy gold.



Yes, GOLD, Jerry, comedy GOLD!


I think  Ashley I is stunningly beautiful, but talk about not judging a book by its cover. Inside she's ... horrid.


Tantric yoga in general seems kind of barfy. With someone you don't even know? I can't even.



Mikey was enjoying it a bit too much, which was obvious in a quick shot before the camera cut off and went to something else not so evident.

Edited by saber5055
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Because I am a degenerate I saw Tenley posted on twitter that Clare was actually talking to her not the crab--not that any of us truly believed that she was talking to a crab. However some of Clare's interviews came off nuts like she was doing some kind of manic Oprah impression or something with the shouting of her desired dates? Feeling that much Mikey on a first date must have been awful.


It's kind of weird no one was interested in Tenley but I love that no one can even be bothered to pay attention to Lauren.


I have very strong reactions to After Paradise, I'm heading to that forum now....

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Skeevy though he is, I do actually feel a little bad for Mikey. Especially when they made him watch all the mean comments on the After Paradise show, it felt like an uncomfortable pile-on and he just sat there with this uncertain little smile on his face trying to pretend he was in on the joke.



Yes this was awful.  And I mean, I like to snark on people, but this was in person.  I felt awful for him.  That entire show was awful.  And Ashley I was a complete embarrassment to herself.  This should not be a live show.  And it should not be a full hour.  And it should not be a recurring show.

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It's kind of weird no one was interested in Tenley but I love that no one can even be bothered to pay attention to Lauren.


I found this to be funny as well and to quote Unreal "sluts always get cut" so I figure she isn't here for long.  Gah I can't get over the everyone is old and boring comment.  If I liked Lauren I would say she said this because she is feeling like an outsider; she is accustomed to getting all the attention and now that she isn't she is feeling hurt and is just lashing out.  That combined with alcohol anyway.  BUT because I don't like Lauren I will just say she's being an idiot. 


So far I like everyone else.  Even J.J. didn't bother me that much even though I got a serious case of the creepy-crawlies when Tenley & Jillian were kissing his butt for that rose.  *blarf*

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I'm still trying to comprehend why she is so insecure.   I guess only a license therapist can figure that out for her.




I am not a licensed therapist, nor do I play one on tv, but I suspect that we have only seen Ashley in these televised dating thunderdome environments where she gets lost among other pretty women.  I suspect that if the cutest guy of the bunch, or the Bachelor in that scenario, zoned in on her as if she was the most amazing woman on the planet, choosing her over and above all others, in full sight of all the others, she would probably be able to talk to him. I think she gets insecure because other women are getting more attention in front of her, and then she chokes up and puts pressure on herself.  IDK, JMO.  

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I also suspect heavy producer involvement in Jared giving his rose to Ashley.   His sigh before calling her name was hilarious, kind of like he was admitting defeat.


Didn't Clare also sigh before agreeing to take Mikey on her date? Yea, that's just what you want to hear before getting a rose or a date, a big old sigh. I love the delusion in these people. 


If I came in late and got a date card, I'd hold it up and announce to the entire group: "Who wants to go on this date with me?" If no one says "I do!" then I guess I'm that helicopter guy from last season (forgot his name!) and go by myself. But, I'm guessing if I looked like Clare, several guys would raise their hand, then I would do a lottery pull, names from a hat, and that guy would go with me. Then no one could get mad at me. Well, at least not for that.


She suggested doing the hat thing when she was "talking to the crab", and I actually think that would have been the best idea. She could have come out and announced in front of everyone that since she was a late arrival and some pairings were already happening, she'd feel most comfortable choosing her date at random. That way no girls get pissed off (wait, who am I kidding? This is BIP!) and she has a much better chance of having a date with someone decent. 

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My theory is the Eyelashy can't keep any dude she attracts bc she is inane and doesn't put out so there is no reason for them to stick around. That is why she is biiter that "old women" can take away the guys that she wants. You could die from alcohol poisoning if you took a drink everytime she said "You're cute." to Jared or that she needed to "solidify" her relationship with him. That's at least 8 times right there.

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I fear that Jared is going to turn in to this year's Graham (Graham, right? Wasn't that the guy who got trapped into giving Ashlee roses every week?). He's going to keep giving Ashley I. a rose because she's stalking him and sobs every time he does something other than continually assure her she's not an idiot (which he has to know she is, right?). So he's just scared of the sobbing, like Grant was scared of getting screamed at. Just say no, guys!!!

Jared's big mistake was accepting that first date - just say no, indeed!
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I fear that Jared is going to turn in to this year's Graham (Graham, right? Wasn't that the guy who got trapped into giving Ashlee roses every week?). He's going to keep giving Ashley I. a rose because she's stalking him and sobs every time he does something other than continually assure her she's not an idiot (which he has to know she is, right?). So he's just scared of the sobbing, like Grant was scared of getting screamed at. Just say no, guys!!!

In defense of Ashlee the dentist, Deanna was the one with the Graham fixation and the one who had the screaming fits. I do see the parallel with Jared, for sure. He needed to shut that down immediately, or she's going to cling to him like a barnacle and ruin any other relationship chances he has.

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Yes this was awful.  And I mean, I like to snark on people, but this was in person.  I felt awful for him.  That entire show was awful.  And Ashley I was a complete embarrassment to herself.  This should not be a live show.  And it should not be a full hour.  And it should not be a recurring show.

Looks like Bachelor Nation's lame answer to Watch What Happens Live - hope it gets better. Kicking off with Ashley I and Mikey T wasn't exactly genius.
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In defense of Ashlee the dentist, Deanna was the one with the Graham fixation and the one who had the screaming fits. I do see the parallel with Jared, for sure. He needed to shut that down immediately, or she's going to cling to him like a barnacle and ruin any other relationship chances he has.




No last season on BiP, AshLee, the "room organizer" or whatever her job is, latched on to poor Graham and he didn't have the guts to cut her away at the beginning so he was stuck with her as none of the girls felt up to dealing with her crazy and trying to get to know him more.    

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