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After Paradise

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If they want a host outside of the franchise who does great live tweets and is actually good at it as a talented and professional writer, they should invite Jennifer Weiner for the gig.


That would be so great, especially with her new book coming out next week, but it probably won't happen because CH doesn't want to be upstaged by a real novelist.

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I don’t like it for three reasons:
1) They don’t send the cast out during the intermission of a play to mingle with the audience and ask them how they like it so far.
2) Putting the Bippers on TV ruins the illusion, if there is one.  The Bippers attempt to act cool and claim they were in on the joke but the last hour of TV contradicts that view.
3) Chris Harrison needn’t be the host of every minute of every show.  We get it.  He’s the face of the franchise.  A fan/pundit show about BIP would be more open and honest if CH weren’t there to play censor.  It might open the door for a female trainee type to host.



Lacy's protest that her treasure chest 'caused her neck and back problems,' while undoubtedly true, elicited the least amount of sympathy in history.

Edited by Rainsong
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The co-host Jenny has a Maria Menounos-type voice that makes me have to lower the volume...and then I can't hear anyone else. Bitch, I just sat through an episode of Bachelor in Paradise, lower your voice so I can hear people debrief that shit. Or, Control Room, adjust her volume.... She annoys me.


I like that Paul Scheer is into the show. Unexpected and funny. 


Why is the G needed for Michael G? Would Michael and Mikey sound too similar? 


Ashley S. seemed like she would have failed the stroke test during the show. Jeez, they even threw her hard-hitting questions like "what other types of fruit do you like?" Still completely confused. I do think she had a mini-stroke of some sort.

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If that mean girl twitter troll doesn't come back it will not be due to her bullying Mickey or Jillian (penis comment), but rather her not supporting Kaitlin and her lame pick (Shawn). Chris shut that shit down fast! Obviously they don't care about bullying unless it is to protect Kaitlin otherwise they are more than happy to throw anyone under the bus and consequences/hurt feeling be damned. I am really pissed that they are such fucking hypocrites!

Ben Z bores me with his weird dead mom sob story--plus I don't find him attractive. I'd prefer Ben . Ashely I served one interesting fact--the Bens are the same age.

They should have other bachelor/bachlorette former contestants as the guests--not some irrelevant twitter troll (she even is an Ashley I fan so her judgement is suspect)

Edited by Vicky8675309
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I liked Tenley on this show too. I find myself doing other things while watching because the only thing i really like is the outtakes or extra scenes. The people currently on BIP can't say anything about what happens so it makes it hard for them to answer questions. I would rather have another hour of BIP, but they don't have enough going on to make it longer. We can only watch so much footage of people sitting around not speaking. 

I liked seeing more of her "date" with Dan. The fact they never said what her medical problem was pretty much confirms in big neon letters that it was Montezuma's Revenge. Which, since the show is sponsored by the Mexican Tourism Board, cannot be spoken of. Seriously, do NOT drink the water (or eat anything off a casual cart)! I speak from experience.



Another show said it was dehydration, which apparently a number of the contestants suffered from.

That's sounds basically like the same thing, since the uncontrollable diarrhea that's one of the main features of Montezuma's Revenge leads to potentially dangerous dehydration.

Ashley was incoherent and generally strange. I couldn't imagine reading her emails. They must be all over the place, with punctuation missing, and no discernible paragraph or sentence structure whatsoever.


My overall impression of this show is that its existence is completely ridiculous. BIP is throwaway television. Analyzing it after it airs is like holding a book club meeting to discuss this week's Wal-Mart flyer.

  • Love 16

My overall impression of this show is that its existence is completely ridiculous. BIP is throwaway television. Analyzing it after it airs is like holding a book club meeting to discuss this week's Wal-Mart flyer.

True, and yet I enjoyed it, fascinated by how much it had improved from last week. I imagine Chris spent a week watching "Watch What Happens Live", while she practiced "being nice".  Still, I was surprised they didn't play "Marry, Shag, Kill" with Ashley or Tenley. Just a matter of time, I'm sure.

  • Love 1

What a stupid show.  


ETA, I liked hearing Tenley talk about Kip and how she now feels about him and the break up.   She has met the new woman in his life and likes her.  They broke up a year ago and she is healed and feeling good about herself and life.  She did not come on this show to show him up, make him jealous or any motive other than trying for a shot at love.  

Edited by wings707
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I hate talk shows where the guest is asked a question, but then gets interrupted several times while trying to answer it.  This happened way too much and it's so annoying.

Someone must have told that co-host woman to tone down the mean-spirited insults, because she did manage to be a lot less offensive this time around.  She's still annoying, though.

  • Love 4

I thought it was so mean that they were asking Tenley about her ex's baby. What purpose would bringing all that up serve besides just being mean? They could have just asked something general like "How did it feel to get back into the dating world?" or the like. Not "So I heard the baby was born on the same exact day as this show aired, blahblahblah babybabybaby that's so terrible you must feel like shit, tell us how you feel!" 

  • Love 8

I hate talk shows where the guest is asked a question, but then gets interrupted several times while trying to answer it.  This happened way too much and it's so annoying.


Ugh, that is my pet peeve and the reason I rarely watch talk shows. What's the point of even having a guest when they only get to say one word before the hosts jump in and start talking over him/her? It frustrates me so much, since I'm always left wondering what the guest intended to say. That's the one good thing I can say about Chris Harrison, he usually lets the person he's talking to speak quite a bit before cutting them off, but it doesn't matter on this show when the co-host and fan guests keep desperately fighting for attention.

  • Love 3
I wanted to be done with this show but they played dirty pool by bringing in the great Paul Scheer.



Really?  Ugh I found him to be a total ass kisser here.  The first words out of his mouth to Chris H. are wow, your cliff hangers are sooo amazing I wish I could go to your house to found out what happens next.  Dude are you fucking stupid?!  No the cliff hangers are not that dramatic and yeah you can go to pretty much any spoiler website and find out what happens next!  *cough Reality Steve cough*  Enh I guess he normally is a funny dude but IDK he just irked me here.

Jenny Mollen is still useless

Word.  A NY Best Seller, really?  I wish they would just bring on contestants from the show, these guest people bug.  Ditto on the Ashley S. love & I liked Tenley as well.


Edited by Dirtybubble
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It scares me to think I pay this much attention, so I will feel better if I'm wrong about this ...

Chris H asked Tenley about her feelings when Ashley I. remarked on the death of her eggs. I thought Ashley's comments were directed to Clare? I don't want to risk more brain cell deterioration by watching it again to confirm, though!

I too thought AI's eggs comment was toward Clare, and figured someone here would address it without my having to re-watch any part of it--one viewing is plenty! Edited by KR Vermont
  • Love 1

Really, y'all, with the Tenley love?!


She strikes me as someone who is just putting up a front of being sickeningly sweet, but underneath is incredibly petty and bitter. She hasn't shown it much in the last couple episodes, but the first couple, if you watch her when anyone else receives any kind of attention or treatment, she's off in the corner of the screen FUMING behind an uber-fake smile. Wasn't she constantly whining about how she and Kypton never won any one-on-one dates, and it was so UNFAIR and so UNJUST and so WRRRRRROOOOOOOONNNNGGGG during the OG Bach Pad? Maybe I'm misremembering, and maybe it's just because I'm from the south and have a lot of experience with Fake Smile/Brittle Heart types, but I feel like I'VE GOT HER NUMBER. (Then again, I find joy in making subtle villians out of the quieter ones; the Joes and JJs of the world are low hanging fruit.)

  • Love 7

I liked tonight's episode a lot--so much better than last week's. That Jenny girl wasn't as mean, and all of the guests were on the ball. I laughed for a minute straight when the caller said "This is my most dramatic phone call ever" and also with the way this question was worded: "I like birds and pomegranates, as well. What other animals and fruits do you find interesting?"

I felt so bad for Jonathan, but I guess I'll take further commentary to that episode thread. I agreed with Jenny that it was probably the best thing to happen to him, though, to rehab his image.

While I agree that it was kind of mean to focus on Kiptyn's baby, I admit to hanging on every word. That is the kind of "investigative reporting" I'd hoped to see.

  • Love 1

It scares me to think I pay this much attention, so I will feel better if I'm wrong about this ...

Chris H asked Tenley about her feelings when Ashley I. remarked on the death of her eggs. I thought Ashley's comments were directed to Clare? I don't want to risk more brain cell deterioration by watching it again to confirm, though!

That was strange because Tenley also thought it was about Clare. She kept asking, "She said that about me?" and being told "Yes" then having to defend that at 31 she really wasn't old. Ridiculous, CH!


Also bad was them hanging the dead, stuffed parrot upside down in a cage behind Chris in the hope of provoking a crazy response from Ashley. Restrained, she just asked, "Did you put that there for me?" and Chris said, "Yes, it's one from Paradise". I thought that, and the questioning of Tenley re: breakup and baby were exactly the kind of -subtle- meanness that makes me work harder not to buy his "nice guy" act.


I really think Chris Harrison is the incarnation of Andy Cohen--that he's got the fake niceness and enthusiasm down well but would humiliate his best friend on national television if it meant creating "drama!" for ratings and money.


That said, it was a lot better and the calls from the audience worked well--the guest host, too--to underscore that everyone (except maybe some of the b/b-ettes) knows this is a completely ridiculous show.

Edited by Padma
  • Love 2

Really, y'all, with the Tenley love?!


She strikes me as someone who is just putting up a front of being sickeningly sweet, but underneath is incredibly petty and bitter. She hasn't shown it much in the last couple episodes, but the first couple, if you watch her when anyone else receives any kind of attention or treatment, she's off in the corner of the screen FUMING behind an uber-fake smile. Wasn't she constantly whining about how she and Kypton never won any one-on-one dates, and it was so UNFAIR and so UNJUST and so WRRRRRROOOOOOOONNNNGGGG during the OG Bach Pad? Maybe I'm misremembering, and maybe it's just because I'm from the south and have a lot of experience with Fake Smile/Brittle Heart types, but I feel like I'VE GOT HER NUMBER. (Then again, I find joy in making subtle villians out of the quieter ones; the Joes and JJs of the world are low hanging fruit.)


She always gave off entitled, special snowflake vibes but they tried to blitz her last nite and I thought she handled herself very well.

  • Love 5

Tenley had a five year relationship with Kiptyn, obviously was in love and expected marriage.  It didn't happen--nothing so shocking about that. And he quickly found someone new and she got pregnant. Nothing new about that either. Tenley was committed to the high road--"it's been a year, I've moved on, too, and wish them both well--she's a very nice woman"--but CH and the co-host just wouldn't let it rest, including wanting her to be angry, vengeful and still completely hung up on him. Why? That was so weird.


I'm personally completely neutral about her on TB--saw nothing special at all--but had to commend her for sticking to her plan so well on the Aftershow, being gracious and nice no matter what she was asked (grilled) about, and not bashing anyone.

  • Love 5

This reminds me of some spotty math I keep wondering about - she insists that her relatio with Kiptyn was 5 years long, and then last night, she said that the first day at Paradise was the one year anniversary of her being single. So, how did 6 years pass in between August 2010 and August 2015...?! I'm pretty sure Bach Pad wasn't filmed a full year in advance of its airing...


It's one of those WHO CARES things that keeps nagging at me nonetheless. I LIVE A FULL LIFE, y'all.

  • Love 3

This reminds me of some spotty math I keep wondering about - she insists that her relatio with Kiptyn was 5 years long, and then last night, she said that the first day at Paradise was the one year anniversary of her being single. So, how did 6 years pass in between August 2010 and August 2015...?! I'm pretty sure Bach Pad wasn't filmed a full year in advance of its airing...


It's one of those WHO CARES things that keeps nagging at me nonetheless. I LIVE A FULL LIFE, y'all.


I could see how she is confused and we are confused. First of all, she aint the sharpest tool in the shed which is why she was intimidated by Garofola and didnt pick him.

Secondly, she started dating Kiptyn BEFORE they started filming BP1. And around the 4 yr mark of their relationship, they broke it off only to get back together a few months later.


I'm ashamed that I know even this much of the Kipley but I admit that around the 2 yr mark of their relationship, I started checking their thread on that crazy "sleuthing" forum every once in a while to stir the waters by saying that she should get out bc he is never gonna marry her.

  • Love 1

But how weird was it that Jenny Mollen was asking "Weren't you sooo pissed because he had his baby the night the show premiered?" What? Why? I might be dating myself here but Jenny reminds me of Beth from the first Real World: LA. And Beth bugged me. And Jenny does too. And her pink suit was super Golden Girls.


I wanted to be done with this show but they played dirty pool by bringing in the great Paul Scheer.


Robby Z Robby Z Robby Z Z Z! Me too I wasn't going to bother but had to watch for him. He was really kind to everyone.


I was impressed with how Tenley handled herself but Ashley wasn't that interesting TV.

  • Love 3

Really?  Ugh I found him to be a total ass kisser here.  The first words out of his mouth to Chris H. are wow, your cliff hangers are sooo amazing I wish I could go to your house to found out what happens next.  Dude are you fucking stupid?!  No the cliff hangers are not that dramatic and yeah you can go to pretty much any spoiler website and find out what happens next!  *cough Reality Steve cough*  Enh I guess he normally is a funny dude but IDK he just irked me here.


I think you missed some obviously over-enthusiastic sarcasm there!

  • Love 6

The people currently on BIP can't say anything about what happens so it makes it hard for them to answer questions.

It would be better to have the eliminated person appear on the panel. Then again, they didn't do an elimination this week in order to create a 'cliffhanger.' Or they could have a former Bach/ette housemate of one of the week's most active players to either defend or insult them. Having current contestants on is too confusing, and I can see how it could be hard for them to constantly figure out the editing timeline, so as to not give anything away. I do like having superfans on the panel - they're able to bring the snark.

  • Love 6

They should do an elimination on the Monday episode of BIP and then have that person/persons on the after show to discuss what happened, what they think went wrong for them and since they don't have future knowledge, they can be a bit less worried about spilling something yet to happen. It just makes more sense, but then they'd have to give up this obnoxious "cliffhanger" that no one is sitting on the edge of their seats about format they've got going now.


At least this show gives me something to watch during commericals. lol

  • Love 4



Other than that, AP went from bad to worse in week 2.  The co-host Jennifer is trying her Kathie Lee/Kelly Ripa routine, frantically talking about her real-time reactions and invoking the name of her husband (supposedly famous individual, no idea who it might be).


The producers probably had visions of Big Brother's Little Brother and similar shows but this format and the questions are too tightly controlled especially with CH sitting there cutting off discussion lest any spoilers be revealed.  By the same token, having the contestants as guests is nonsensical; it's as if a football player showered and in his civvies were watching a live game in which he was participating.  If a BIP participant is appearing onscreen without a) an engagement ring or b) exhibiting emotional devastation then it lends credence to the theory that the whole thing is a put-on.  The latter is quite possibly true but why tip it off?

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Jason Biggs is famous for being in a series of movies years ago in which he has sex with a pie.  That's about the level of his 'fame'.  Not impressed with him or his wife.

LOL!   At least he had sex with a pie.   I just wish his wife would shut her piehole.


Somehow I don't think Kiptyn actually had a baby, nor deviously planned to give manbirth just before BIP.  If he did, that's amazing, and I'm not even mad at him.   I wonder if he ate a whole wheel of cheese and pooped in the refrigerator, too? 

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