Lamb18 July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 One thing I've been wondering: did Nick somehow know ahead of time that Kaitlyn wouldn't choose him or he didn't care as much as he said? His eyes and expression were so dead in his talking heads during that last date. He was wearing the same shirt so I think they were all filmed the same day. On the other hand, Shawn was all twinkle in his talking heads. Despite everything, I always hope that the couple makes it. (Not that I care a whole lot - whether or not they last six months won't change the amount in my paycheck.) I remember that a lot of you commented on Chris and Whitney's body language during the Final Rose, and I could really see the difference with Shawn and Kaitlyn. All huggy and touchy, much more so than C and W. I hope Nick is never on this show again - for his and his family's sake. 7 Link to comment
hypnotoad July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 They all knew what they were going into. Kaitlyn could of course have let Nick know off-camera that he wasn't F1 ahead of time even if he had to go through with the final rose ceremony--if she had told him she would do that and then didn't, shame on her twice. Exactly. Listen I get that all of them are there for their 15 minutes or if lucky longer in the spotlight. Totally understand. Also get that Nick sure didn't have to put himself through this again. However, she did not have to make him one of the final 2 either. Cut him loose before that. Keep him until the final 3 or 4, he gets time on the air and then cut him loose so no last episode rejection again. and if they haven't spoken since that night, what the hell did he do to merit that much disdain...? I think mostly because he called her out on her crap and wouldn't let her ramble on and on about how she loved him right up until she dumped his ass. I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life (or, you know, til the obligatory 6 months of dating comes to an end) with that laugh. Holy. Fucking. Shit. OMG This! I didn't notice it all that much in the prior episodes I watched but tonight? It drove me nuts. 7 Link to comment
KR Vermont July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Hmm, was the "different" twist that, this time around, Nick was allowed to pick a Neil Lane ring and get through his proposal before getting the heave-ho? Because it seemed like this finale had all the usual well-worn scripted cliches. (e.g. It's the day before the proposals and I don't know who to choose! I feel sick, I can't decide! [cue weeping] Cut to the next day: It's been you all along, I've only loved you! I love you soooooo much!) I thought Shawn looked different during ATFR, but his nose didn't stand out (as it usually does) as the difference, if he got a nose job. I liked his big glass jar of memories gift to Kaitlyn. Conversely, I wonder what happened to Nick's gift after the fact. 2 Link to comment
Popular Post CalamityBoPeep July 28, 2015 Popular Post Share July 28, 2015 That moment where the runner up gets rejected always makes me think that the leads on this show have to be the most self-centred, egocentric, inconsiderate jerks around. Signing up to do that to someone just seems wrong. So many times, I've wanted to see the F2 go out the way Nick did tonight. Basically cutting through the "I meant this, I meant that, me, me, me" that the Bachelor/ette always focuses on. When you're dumping someone, telling them how genuine you were feeling before is just mean. I felt like he spoke for so many F2's... the ones who really cared, anyway. Saying, briefly "look, I don't need to hear this... you don't love me like I thought you did." She still insisted that she needed him to understand though. You know what? You don't get to decide what the dumpee has to understand, Kaitlyn. (That goes for every bachelor/ette from the beginning to eternity.) You could almost read the thought bubble over his head going "ok, need to leave now." Yeah, as much as I haven't liked Nick through the season, and as much as I was sitting there like a child in the backseat of a car, asking "Are we there yet?" waiting for it to be over, I still thought Nick handled the dumping with strength, dignity, and class. Good job, Nick. I dislike you much less now. 28 Link to comment
Artsda July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 (edited) No, Steve corrected his spoiler almost 2 months ago. He nailed everything we actually saw. Only after Caitlyn's snap chat forced him to correct, before that he was nailing the fact she picked nobody. Interesting the family of Nick's was front row and even after he was done was standing to greet Caitlyn & Shawn at the end. Edited July 28, 2015 by Artsda 1 Link to comment
Padma July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 I believe that. When Nick mentioned Kaitlyn having said "I love you", the look Kaitlyn gave him was the same as the one Andi gave when he said "fiancé stuff". I love Nick for that. Because both of these women knew he really meant it when he said "I love you". And he was completely honest about wanting to be cut loose before the end if they didn't reciprocate. (Kaitlyn had even seen Andi's season! No excuses--she knew!!!) I liked how he called her out. Just as I would have liked an F2 b-ette calling out the Bachelor if he'd done the same thing--slept with her after she said "I love you, so don't go that far with me unless you feel the same"--and then dumped her. And then felt self-righteous about it afterwards, like Kaitlyn and Andi, and angry with the man they knowingly led on (I guess so that they could look more desirable at the FRC). It's cold and heartless, something you wouldn't even do to a friend, much less someone you keep saying you have "deep feelings for" or brazenly claim to "love". I didn't even see any empathy from Kaitlyn, much less "love". (I liked Nick correcting her, "No. You don't love me." Because... true, that, so why keep lying?) I think they'll be there "as a couple" at the B-I-P finale for their last gasp of fame and will break up soon afterwards. Kaitlyn's "big personality" (meaning, I think, "she loves to flirt and have casual sex, do you have a problem with that?") will be the catalyst and Shawn's own "big personality" won't help either. After that, hopefully, they will both be gone forever from the tv (but of course, we know that as long as they're still claiming to be together, CH will still be talking to them on camera, and if they DO break up, one or both of them will be on next summer's B-I-P. It's inevitable, like death and taxes. 12 Link to comment
Phei July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Kaitlyn was a sour bitch towards Nick tonight and I think, actually I'm sure, it has everything to do with Sean's jealousy. 6 Link to comment
dbell1 July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 I really might be done with this show. Bringing Nick's family and little sister to the finale was beyond the pale for me. We're they there to make him behave? And "breaking all the rules" Kaitlyn really should have cut Nick that morning. Letting him propose after banging him multiple times was wrong on every level. Pretty surprised that we didn't get a quick Britt and Brady update. Maybe Nick can approach her next? :/ 5 Link to comment
MakeMeLaugh July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 (edited) Aren't there usually a couple of other former B's and B'ettes in the studio audience for the live finale, and they opine about who they think will be F1, and the audience claps for the one they want? I think everyone wanted to be done with this season. Eta: just watch, these two yingyangs will probably go on to be the most solid couple ever to come put of the franchise. Edited July 28, 2015 by MakeMeLaugh 4 Link to comment
wonald July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Eta: just watch, these two yingyangs will probably go on to be the most solid couple ever to come put of the franchise. Too late. We already have Des and Chris. Now THAT was the greatest love story never seen on TB. 10 Link to comment
backformore July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 I know its nit-picking, but Shawn kept saying "I felt a pit in my stomach" . I don't know when people started messing up that saying, but it drives me crazy every time. The saying is "a feeling in the pit of my stomach." It means the middle of your stomach, and a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach generally means an anxious feeling, a feeling of dread, when you feel your stomach is sinking. "Feeling a pit in my stomach" always makes me think of someone eating a peach, pit and all. These guys can't afford those rings, I assume the show pays. But what happens to the F2 ring? Nick still had the ring on the ride out of there. 13 Link to comment
Armchair Critic July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Did Nick throw the ring in the limo? Maybe it was the cap to his water bottle? LOL 1 Link to comment
wonald July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 These guys can't afford those rings, I assume the show pays. But what happens to the F2 ring? I'm sure some intern handed it to Neil Lane as soon as Nick was out of the limo. These rings go back to Neil, unless the relationship last 2 yrs. 2 Link to comment
Artsda July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Did Nick throw the ring in the limo? Maybe it was the cap to his water bottle? LOL He threw the ring box with the Neil Lane and the ring he was wearing. 5 Link to comment
atlanticslide July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 That moment where the runner up gets rejected always makes me think that the leads on this show have to be the most self-centred, egocentric, inconsiderate jerks around. Signing up to do that to someone just seems wrong. Yeah, but by the same token, the men/women who compete sign up for this knowing that that's a potential outcome, so they're not exactly hapless victims of egomaniacal assholes. Everyone knows what they're getting into here, Nick probably most of all considering, as he's reminded us twenty or thirty times this season, that he's done this before. That said, when he was nervously revving up to propose while Kaitlyn watched him awkwardly and then had to stop him as he reached for the ring - that was just painful. I really didn't like Nick this season but still, ouch. 12 Link to comment
scarlettudor July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 (edited) Unless the show decides to pit Ben Z against Ben H for the Bachelor and let the 25 women pick which one they want, I really see Nick as the next Bach. Twice a bridesmaid, never a bride! So close. On the other hand, I did/do like Kaitlyn. I liked her on Chris Soules' season and I liked her even more this time. For once, I really did believe she had deep feelings for both men. And she didn't want to let Nick go until the last minute, although she knew from the very beginning she would pick Shawn. I think the show relentlessly short cut Kaitlyn. Few exotic locales, no home town dates. Heck, they even did the FR in the DARK and the pavement at the house looked wet like it'd been raining! Talk about the bum's rush. I think they did it to punish Kaitlyn for so obviously preferring Shawn from the get go. And you know what? I don't blame her for 'being in the moment' with Nick. Not something I'd do, especially if I was so in love with another person. But, heck, she had every right. She was not in a committed relationship. She was seeing several other guys. Maybe it was her version of a last fling. But I definitely won't slut shame her. And I think Kaitlyn and Shawn looked very happy and in love. (Geesh, this is all against the protocol of this forum, isn't it?) Edited July 28, 2015 by scarlettudor 12 Link to comment
seasick July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Do either of these dopes have a job? Doubt they'll last long on the reality show/appearance circuit. I think they will both get very pathetic trying to squeeze a living from this joke. Loved NIck basically telling K she was ignorant, inconsiderate and self-serving cow to let him give his final speech before the dump. "yeah, uh, yeah I guess I should have done it differently but if you hadn't noticed it before I'm incredibly thick and self-absorbed.. I don't think about other people's feelings. Also the "what were you thinking" question about saying many times that "you loved me". Ooohh she didn't like that. Got that lemon face. Yes Shawn she's loose with the "L" word too. I haven't posted much here although I miss posting and reading the posts. I'm just so thoroughly disgusted with Kaitlyn and the show." The Nick and Shawn bed-hop". Watched Jimmy Kimmel..they talked about the snapchat incident. He said ABC was really pissed about it. I wish they would sue her fool behind. She said they were sending pics to the producers. Bedtime pics to the producers? Well of to put our sex life out there to Somebody! . Don't know how comfortable I'd ever be with telling my parents and their spouses and my sis --in a family gathering-- that "things went too far" with one of the guys. he is!!!! 'Yeah we slept together.. let's all discuss'. They didn't even cringe or gag or nuthin'. Wonder what their home movies must be like. Perhaps the snatchchat was meant for mom and dad.. Did I say how much I can't stand K and how pathetic this show was.... 18 Link to comment
NikSac July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Break up announcement, in six months. You think it'll take that long? Oh that's right...contracts... 3 Link to comment
shok July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 (Geesh, this is all against the protocol of this forum, isn't it?) Heh. Yeah, you're really going against the flow here. :) I'll get in the canoe and paddle in your direction too. I thought Kaitlyn and Shawn were really sweet together and her sister was right - Kaitlyn is different when she's around Shawn. She glows, and so does he. They look very happy and I'm a sap who believes in love at first sight so I hope they build and grow their relationship and are very happy together. 8 Link to comment
nate263 July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Watched Jimmy Kimmel..they talked about the snapchat incident. He said ABC was really pissed about it. I wish they would sue her fool behind. She said they were sending pics to the producers. Bedtime pics to the producers? Well of to put our sex life out there to Somebody! Yeah that was either total BS or the producers are so desperate to have a successful marriage/finale that they request proof that the Bachelorette is still together with their partner. Link to comment
NikSac July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 I think the show relentlessly short cut Kaitlyn. Few exotic locales, no home town dates. Heck, they even did the FR in the DARK and the pavement at the house looked wet like it'd been raining! Talk about the bum's rush. I think they did it to punish Kaitlyn for so obviously preferring Shawn from the get go. As someone who lives in California with a dead lawn because of the drought, I've noticed the mansion pavement before. As far as I can tell it's always raining there. It's like magic. 3 Link to comment
JenE4 July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 As someone who lives in California with a dead lawn because of the drought, I've noticed the mansion pavement before. As far as I can tell it's always raining there. It's like magic. I read an article that they always hose the driveway down for limo entrances because it looks sparkly on film in the dark w/ the stage lights. 6 Link to comment
DEL901 July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 For all I have sympathy with Nick's request to be cut loose if she wasn't going to choose him, that's not the show he signed up for and he knows it. Do I particularly like Kaitlyn or Shawn, no. However, I think they make a good couple. Who knows. Maybe they'll be another Desiree and Chris. I didn't think they had a chance after the Brooks debacle, but they ended up getting married. 5 Link to comment
Bugs Meany July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 The only thing I find more annoying than Nick is the fact that they didn't announce the next Bachelor (and the camera time they gave Nick tonight) makes me fear they're actually considering him!Worry not! No matter who TB ends up being, they won't announce it until the BiP finale.Why did Nick's family agree to be there? I don't think there's a precedent for the loser's family appearing on ATFR. 2 Link to comment
JudyObscure July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Chris Harrison interrupted every conversation that got near the "Show told me to do that" explanation. He interrupted everything, period. I went to bed at 10:18 because, twice in a row, he let Nick labor his long stuttering way through a sentence, just to cut him off right before he got to the point. Was he even listening? I used to be a fan of Harrison's when he seemed to be keeping a sort of tongue-in-cheek control over the mess, but he was checked out this entire season. I felt some major irritation with Nick's family. They had to know he didn't win, but wanted to be there "to support," their 34 year-old baby, including more tears from the little girl. I thought it was easy to see, tonight, that the both Nick and Kaitlyn have not fallen far from the tree of fame whores. I do think Kaitlyn led Nick on with far more fiancee stuff than was necessary, but I also think the show probably called him, after seeing what a dud season they had going, and offered him a nice bonus to come on and shake things up. All in all, worst travel locations, worst date ideas, worst storyline, worst proposal spot, and worst lead of any of these I've watched. 19 Link to comment
Phei July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 I think the Bachelorette is told to lead the runner up on for "drama", I don't think she has a choice, maybe why she seemed so pissed off at Nick for pushing the whole "why let me finish my speech". She knows Nick knows how the whole thing works and was pissed that he was calling her out for basically just listening to what producers told her to do. 9 Link to comment
cinsays July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Well, I thought I couldn't like Kaitlynn any less, but I was wrong. She knew it was Shawn from the start, yet kept leading Nick on and making him think he was the one. My impression of the last dates was that she and Nick were very comfortable and touchy together while she and Shawn were very ill at ease and didn't have anything to say to each other. And it looked like she was spending at least most of the night with Nick --- sleeping with him again? There was some mention of 2:30am and her not getting much sleep? or was I imagining it..... could be.........I was falling asleep because this was all so exciting... And she told him she needed every second with him to decide? But tells Shawn it was always him. Well, which is it? If she had any heart, she would have cut Nick loose before the final rose event. I never liked him, but dislike her a whole lot more. I don't care if they make it as a couple, but please don't make me ever have to see either of them or Nick again. And I think I will pass on Bachelor in Paradise. My fake romance tolerance capacity has been exceeded - I just can't take any more. 8 Link to comment
seacliffsal July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Yikes! Get all of these contestants dictionaries pronto! Loved how indignant Shawn was over the word jealousy and then in his own defense he basically defines the word (I was just angry over her being with other guys, but if you want to use the word jealous, fine...). I really wish Chris would have called him out on that-something like 'well, I will since you just DEFINED the word jealous...' And then there was a mini-debate over the term 'in love' between Kailyn and Nick while she was DUMPING him. Oh those crazy kids. Kaitlyn continued to show that her humor centers on making comments about others. On Kimmel she mocked Tony and the first guy out a bit. It was hilarious to me that all of her 'jokes' fell flat during the live sections. She would say something, laugh at her own 'joke' and then look confused when the audience didn't laugh back. Sigh. I do wish the best for Kaitlyn and Shawn. She loves drama and he will bring it. They did look super happy together. My only advice to Nick would be to look for love at church, a volunteer organization, etc. But don't look for love on The Bachelor again. The good will that many express towards him may not be able to take another hit. I agreed with him when Kaitlyn dumped him that he did not need to hear her justification. He really looked like he wanted out of these as soon as possible, but the producers probably made him stay. The one question I really wanted Chris to ask was about the employment status of Kaitlyn and Shawn.... Good luck to all of them. 7 Link to comment
kira28 July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 I loved the fact that he pointed out that she let him get that far, especially after they both bonded on being humiliated on national TV. If she remotely gave a damn, she'd never have let him get to the proposal. A whispered "it won't be you" or giving him the choice to leave would have been the humane thing to do. I haven't crapped on Kaitlyn all season, but she showed herself to be an insensitive douche with the way she played Nick. Good luck with your possessive moody fiance. Nick was classier than she could ever be. Totally agree. Kaitlynn is a trashy, heartless self centered woman who doesn't seem to consider anyone's feelings but her own "in the moment" feelings. Interesting that Shawn said Kaitlyn couldn't tell him she loved him yet (because of the show) but turns out she was telling Nick she loved him all along. How does that feel Shawn? I almost feel like Kaitlyn took Nick to the end and didn't clue him in that he wasn't "the one" so she could humiliate him and prove some nonsense to Shawn about her loyalty to him. Nevermind that she banged Nick every chance she got. And she looked way happier around Nick then she ever did Shawn. But whatever floats your boat honey. You and lunkhead go be happy together. You deserve eachother. I think Kaitlyn is an incredibly cruel person. Even on the last dates she was so awkward and quiet with Shawn (because she was probably distracted from having sex with Nick all night) and Shawn started to get all nervous because he wasn't sure if her feelings for him had changed. He was always on edge around her. Everyone was miserable when Kaitlyn was around. I really never bought that Nick was there for Kaitlyn. She and Andi have NOTHING in common besides hair color. Andi (even though I didn't like her) appeared somewhat classy, she could hold a conversation with the men and she had a bit of a sense of humor. She was a very attractive woman. Kaitlyn is trashy, inarticulate, I can't remember a single conversation she had about anyone. She doesn't even have a career and she's almost 30! and despite her claims to the contrary, she has NO sense of humor. so aside from sex, I don't see Nick being interested in Kait. And his reaction, how quickly he went from gushing about her to looking like he wanted to kill her and walk away, he wasn't heartbroken at not being able to spend the next six months with her. He was angry that she treated him so inconsiderately . I think he was there because he's a famewhore. I just think he's mad he once again got humiliated on national tv. But Nick should actually be celebrating. Kaitlyn is no prize! So in reality Nick won. 8 Link to comment
MakeMeLaugh July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Since Shawn said he was looking forward to openly defending Caitlyn against the nasty comments against her, I thought it was hypocritical of her on Jimmy Kimmel, when shown a video of two dogs having at it, to immediately quip, "It's Clint and JJ." If a snarker replied, "No, it's Kaitlyn and Nick," imagine the scolding said snarker would get from them. Let's start that antibullying campaign at home, Kaitlyn. 18 Link to comment
truthaboutluv July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Do either of these dopes have a job? I was curious about that since I heard the story of Shawn quitting his job to be on the show and apparently he was tweeting with someone during the season where he mentioned he was looking for a new job. And Kaitlyn's actual profession has been a big question mark. She was listed as a dance instructor on Chris' season but I don't think she has her own dance studio or anything like that. I guess it's not impossible to get a new job but the question is will they really want to go settle back to normal life - something tells me not so much. Also, I only watch in bits and pieces, did they give any concrete statement on their future, as in where they will live since Kaitlyn's from Vancouver and Shawn from Nashville? 1 Link to comment
TheFinalRose July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 I think the Bachelorette is told to lead the runner up on for "drama", I don't think she has a choice, maybe why she seemed so pissed off at Nick for pushing the whole "why let me finish my speech". She knows Nick knows how the whole thing works and was pissed that he was calling her out for basically just listening to what producers told her to do. I agree with this. Honestly, the producers are not going to let the lead let the runner up go ahead of time every season, otherwise we miss out on that dramatic, whose-foot-is-coming-out-of-the-limo moment that is the only exciting aspect of the whole franchise. I think the producers decide on an individual basis what would make better tv. In this case they decided bringing Nick to the last moment was better. EVERY F2 wants to avoid being that dumpee and now because there is precedent the lead gets criticized for not doing it earlier, but I doubt it's always their choice. Kaitlyn and Shawn looked pretty ecstatic together and all I could think about when I saw them was the contrast with Chris Soules and Whitney's ATFR appearance. Poor Whitney. Chris Harrison really did not want Nick to stray from the "Shawn is my mortal enemy" script with the way he cut Nick off. I am surprised ABC did not make them duel. 13 Link to comment
JudyObscure July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 On Kimmel she mocked Tony and the first guy out a bit. It was hilarious to me that all of her 'jokes' fell flat during the live sections. She would say something, laugh at her own 'joke' and then look confused when the audience didn't laugh back. Sigh. I just saw her on GMA and was actually a little shocked at how dumb she seemed. She was practically inarticulate and didn't seem to understand the simplest questions from the interviewer. It gives me an idea of just how hard the producers have had to work with her all season. 13 Link to comment
ByTor July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 The six month that six months real time, or six months after the final episode? Link to comment
MakeMeLaugh July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 ... did they give any concrete statement on their future, as in where they will live since Kaitlyn's from Vancouver and Shawn from Nashville? Chris H asked them about what they were going to do next and they said, Go to Starbucks. I think we have a couple of live from moment to moment pixies here. 9 Link to comment
MsPH July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Since Shawn said he was looking forward to openly defending Caitlyn against the nasty comments against her, I thought it was hypocritical of her on Jimmy Kimmel, when shown a video of two dogs having at it, to immediately quip, "It's Clint and JJ." If a snarker replied, "No, it's Kaitlyn and Nick," imagine the scolding said snarker would get from them. Let's start that antibullying campaign at home, Kaitlyn. Yeah, these two bullies are the worst faces for an antibullying campaign EVER. He's still throwing snide comments about Nick too in interviews. 10 Link to comment
Sarah D. Bunting July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Who's "the world's biggest joke"? Watch Stephanie Green narrow it down in her finale coverage! 1 Link to comment
wovenloaf July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 I just saw her on GMA and was actually a little shocked at how dumb she seemed. She was practically inarticulate and didn't seem to understand the simplest questions from the interviewer. It gives me an idea of just how hard the producers have had to work with her all season. Also, was she wearing the same dress as she was on AFTR?? 2 Link to comment
alexa July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 I have many conflicting feelings about this episode. My first thought was that I was glad that after the lack of tradition throughout the season it was nice to see the final episode go as they normally used to.... the whole meet the family, alone time with gifts, preparing for the proposal, two people embarrass themselves hoping they are the one. That is bachelor tradition, and it was kind of comforting to return to the old craziness. That said, I did feel bad for Nick because as the season went on I did think he had genuine feelings for her, and he really felt she reciprocated them. And quite frankly (not knowing for sure if anything ever happened with Shawn), the fact that she chose Nick to have "intimacy" with early on really confuses things for everyone if Shawn was "the one" from the beginning as she now claims. I am not a prude about what she did, but the reality is that she only made things harder for everyone involved. I really hated how she pressed him to talk about things at the end, because that is just mean. I am glad he pressed back saying, no, you don't feel the same way, so stop telling me that. I get why she did the traditional end rose ceremony versus telling him ahead of time, but at the same time it was kind of mean given that the longer she pretended and strung him along, it was bound to only make him feel even worse. And it does sound like he did ask her more than once to just tell him when she no longer reciprocated. As for her and Shawn, I did see a difference with her with him versus the other guys. So I do think he is the one she cares for the most (at this moment). I guess time will tell how they fare. 3 Link to comment
BeatrixK July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 As someone who lives in California with a dead lawn because of the drought, I've noticed the mansion pavement before. As far as I can tell it's always raining there. It's like magic. I used to work for a small TV station - and, inexplicably, wetting the pavement is something done to make things look 'fresh' on camera. I swear, they did it for every car commercial we filmed...something about how it makes the pavement look less dull. No sympathy for Nick - he knew what he was getting into. And I agree with how weird this season felt: Pretty much San Antonio and Ireland. And more Ireland. And, hey -- still more Ireland. Then back to square 1. That was seriously off. 6 Link to comment
truthaboutluv July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 And quite frankly (not knowing for sure if anything ever happened with Shawn), the fact that she chose Nick to have "intimacy" with early on really confuses things for everyone if Shawn was "the one" from the beginning as she now claims. I am not a prude about what she did, but the reality is that she only made things harder for everyone involved. The sex was confusing enough (and I liked how they constantly bring up the sex after their 1 on 1 and her calling that a mistake, like that was the only time it happened, which we all know is not the case) but the "I love you" is even stranger, especially if Shawn is to be believed that even with all her "you might be the one" she said to him, she never told him she loved him. That's just plain weird. If I didn't know better, the cynical side of me might think Kaitlyn watched Andi's season and like some viewers hated Nick for his fantasy suite reveal at the ATFR and worked a long con on him, to thoroughly humiliate him again on national television. It's the only thing that makes sense to me. Because putting aside how physical things may or may not have been between them prior to the show, supposedly they were at least decent friends. US Weekly even reported how when she and Britt appeared on Jimmy Kimmel after the dual Bachelorette was revealed, she was sending some signals to him or something with her ear tugging or whatever. So this is someone she was apparently very close to, who had this same experience that she had and she was the one asking Chris why he didn't give her the courtesy that Andi gave him and let her go before the FS and then she not only lets him on the show but has sex with him repeatedly and then compounds it by telling him she loves him during the filming as well. Yes some may say Nick should have learned after he was so confident with Andi (and as I've said, he was stupid for putting himself through this mess again so that's all on him) but I can't see how he wouldn't think she'd pick him. 7 Link to comment
backformore July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 I was curious about that since I heard the story of Shawn quitting his job to be on the show and apparently he was tweeting with someone during the season where he mentioned he was looking for a new job. And Kaitlyn's actual profession has been a big question mark. She was listed as a dance instructor on Chris' season but I don't think she has her own dance studio or anything like that. I guess it's not impossible to get a new job but the question is will they really want to go settle back to normal life - something tells me not so much. Also, I only watch in bits and pieces, did they give any concrete statement on their future, as in where they will live since Kaitlyn's from Vancouver and Shawn from Nashville? "Dance Instructor" can mean anything from having a ballet studio - to - teaching basic dance steps one night a week at a senior center. I'm thinking her talents in that area are similar to her talent as a hair stylist. 2 Link to comment
TheFinalRose July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 I have many conflicting feelings about this episode. My first thought was that I was glad that after the lack of tradition throughout the season it was nice to see the final episode go as they normally used to.... the whole meet the family, alone time with gifts, preparing for the proposal, two people embarrass themselves hoping they are the one. That is bachelor tradition, and it was kind of comforting to return to the old craziness. I hope the producers (cough cough Chris Harrison) learned their lessons for allowing all the off camera fraternizing. This monster needs to be kept in its pre-ordained cage. No one, the cast members or the audience, enjoyed or benefitted from the mess that happened with the bend the rules atmosphere. I, too, actually watched this last episode without surfing the net constantly, just because I recognized pretty quickly that the old format was back and I relished the familiarity and safety of it. 6 Link to comment
Mu Shu July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 (edited) Based on the cut she did on Joshua, I'd say doing hair is not her strong suit. Really, she seems mediocre at most things. Oops, I see you meant the same thing. Edited July 28, 2015 by Mu Shu 1 Link to comment
Bugs Meany July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Re letting the F2 go before the FRC: The three Bachelorettes (in recent memory) who've gotten to do that were Ali, Emily and Andi, and I think it's because they earned it. (TPTB surely don't like that option.) Not until Kaitlyn did I notice what the best Bachelorettes have: competence. They can hold good conversations on dates. They keep their composure in the face of "drama." They keep even the non-contenders engaged. In short, they know how to control their seasons. Whereas on Kaitlyn's season: -She held such content-free conversations that we learned literally nothing about Jared, who finished 4th! -Forget Jared--we learned nothing about her! We were all baffled when Joshua called her a "barber." -She was a crying mess at least once per episode. -Multiple guys, knowing there was no point in staying, left voluntarily. I'm counting JJ among them. Making a totally unwarranted confession of cheating was his asking to be sent home. -The whole thing became such a mess that the episode format from 29 previous seasons had to be abandoned. She was the worst Bachelorette ever. 17 Link to comment
Gregg247 July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Don't worry, Nick, there's always next year! I'm sure he'll do better in 2016 on "The Bachelorette: tbd". I actually felt sorry for the guy. He got cut off at the knees with her rejection, and while in the limo, seemed to suddenly realize how silly he was going to look in front of all of America -- oops, sorry, I mean "Bachelor Nation". My favorite part of the show was when Neal Lane showed up at Nick's room and Nick was so relieved he embraced him like a long-lost relative. haha Neal was taken aback! I got skeeved out when Kaitlyn told her family that she'd already screwed Nick while still "having feelings" for Shaun, followed immediately with Nick showing up. Then mom questioned him all about it. Yikes! No way could I have done that! By the way, Nick, nice outfit to wear when meeting the perspective in-laws. A dirty v-neck t-shirt, an open jean shirt over it, skinny jeans, and Keds. He looked like a hipster version of Boxcar Willie. I hope Shaun and Kaitlyn stick together so they don't spoil the gene pool for any other unsuspecting people. 8 Link to comment
petalfrog July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 Wonald, I totally agree that Shawn got a nose job. It was more streamlined and less crooked. He was also notably less ruddy. One thing I've been wondering: did Nick somehow know ahead of time that Kaitlyn wouldn't choose him or he didn't care as much as he said? His eyes and expression were so dead in his talking heads during that last date. He was wearing the same shirt so I think they were all filmed the same day. On the other hand, Shawn was all twinkle in his talking heads. Lamb18, Sharleen Joynt (from Juan Pablo's season) has talked several times that many talking heads are filmed way after the fact in the same clothes etc. I agree with you that Nick looked dead-eyed during those talking heads and I think it was because they were probably filmed the next morning. Not much to add. I do think Kaitlyn and Shawn looked gleeful together. I prefer the darker hair on her but she really needs to ditch those ratty extensions and embrace a shoulder-length bob. I also noticed they did not announce a new Bachelor or even discuss that at all? I couldn't believe they had the proposal at the MANSION! Has that ever been done before? We were dying of laughter at the dogs barking in the background of Nick's dumping... budget, budget, budget! Could they not send them up the street to beautiful wine country or some place at least attractive? Also, there was practically no swimsuit or hot tub time this season which is a little lame. Let's bring back the old formula please! Between this season and Chris' it's clear that this show suffers without travel and exotic scenery. Last, as a Trinidadian... looks like John Oliver made us popular enough to be the butt of the joke, Caribbean-style, but Tobago would actually be the exotic locale to send Bachelor nation (that's where a season of the Challenge was held!). 2 Link to comment
jmonkey July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 (edited) Another craptacular season bites the dust. I'm so glad that's over and that Kaitlyn and Shawn can finally go out in public to either Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, or Tim Horton's. Since neither one seems to have a job, they can devote their full-time attention to confronting cyberbullies. I expect Shawn to go on a social media tirade defending his fiance. He's had to restrain himself for months while his future wife has been receiving death threats. Anyway, congratulations to busted Ryan Gosling and busted Lacey Chabert for finding true love! I give them 6 months tops. Was anybody surprised by Shawn "winning" this season? I was fully spoiled thanks to the photo Kaitlyn sent out of her and Shawn in bed together. I wonder if Fleiss and company will go after Kaitlyn legally for spoiling it since she was in breach of contract. Of course, even if she didn't spoil it herself, the editing made it clear than Shawn would be the winner. The scenes of awkwardness between Shawn and Kaitlyn in the finale were a dead giveaway that Shawn would be the winner. The editors also made it look like Shawn was going to leave earlier in the season due to his jealousy issues. TPTB thought it made for a good storyline to have the guy who almost left win the game. It seems like Shawn decided Kaitlyn was his dream girl during Prince Farming's season, and I hope for his sake that reality doesn't turn into a nightmare. While I think Kaitlyn did make it difficult on the editors to create a season due to her being (IMO) uninteresting and focusing on just a couple of guys, I think she played her role well enough that she didn't burn any bridges a la Juan Pablo. She will be eligible to participate in Dancing With the Stars, future Bachelor events, and a TV wedding. if it comes to that. The producers did have to change the formula a little bit for her, and I'm sure that irked them, but she played a good enough soldier for the most part. For example, she almost waited for Nick to propose before dumping him. I'm sure the producers urged her to do that for better TV. She admitted in ATFR that she should've eliminated Nick sooner, but that wasn't in the script. I don't feel sorry for Nick in the slightest. He got what he wanted out of his appearance on the show-an additional 15 minutes of fame/redemption to prove that he isn't the same jerk that appeared on Grumpy Cat's season. Yes, he got dumped and was runner-up again. I think he was more upset about losing the girl to Shawn than getting rejected by Kaitlyn. Nick has been a finalist twice and is one of the best players at this game. It has to hurt his ego to not win the championship even after giving an Oscar-worthy performance in some of the scenes i.e. when he cried in front of Kaitlyn's mother, his rejection of Kaitlyn's post-breakup overtures and his tossing of the rings in the limo. I loved when he said something like "this isn't real" during the breakup. Truer words have never been spoken on this show. Nick may have lost this season, but he'll go find a woman in real life who's way better than Kaitlyn and who will love him back. Or he'll just keep appearing on The Bachelorette until he wins. Edited July 28, 2015 by jmonkey 2 Link to comment
truthaboutluv July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 I couldn't believe they had the proposal at the MANSION! Has that ever been done before? Yes, they did it in Byron's season which ironically was also the season that had the two leads which the contestants had to vote on. Link to comment
coconutcookie July 28, 2015 Share July 28, 2015 In a way it would be interesting to see how Nick would handle himself as the bachelor. We've seen him seemingly sweep two bachelorettes off their feet, only to be dumped at the end. He has an easy, riveting charm that pulled the women in, but I can only think they eventually saw through it or found something in some way unsubstantial or unserious about him. I wonder how he would work his magic on several women at the same time. It could lead to some interesting dynamics. 4 Link to comment
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