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I can't access the romantic Chris video; wish I could though. And Chris having an affair with Witney is so far out in left field, I can't even imagine it EVER happening, even if it did. 


Chris H. hosting Millionaire ... now THAT I can get behind! Thanks for the link, Lulee.

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Oh that's strange, it's a public Youtube vid. It's 6 minutes worth of pics of them together through the years, mostly from their travels, with cute captions added on top. In the end it said "I miss you and love you Sheena!", "Don't give up on this guy..." and "I can't wait for our next kiss!". Must be from near the end of their relationship, since it's from 2009.

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MsPH, I'll try a YouTube search later, it might just be my browser today or that specific link. But reading your post made me go, "Awww ..." See what a sappy sucker I am for this show? 


ETA: I'm also curious to see if Chris had his Ed Grimley hair back then, so I'm not entirely without snark today.

Edited by saber5055
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MsPH, I'll try a YouTube search later, it might just be my browser today or that specific link. But reading your post made me go, "Awww ..." See what a sappy sucker I am for this show? 


ETA: I'm also curious to see if Chris had his Ed Grimley hair back then, so I'm not entirely without snark today.


Oh yes, yes he did. Can't blame the Bachelor producers for that it seems!


The title is of the vid is "Sheena & Chris #12 31 09 0003", in case you couldn't see that either.

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I heard Chris and Witney (dance partner) on Adam Carrolla's podcast.  Adam is fairly knowledgeable since he was on DTWS, and Witney was understated but tried hard, and actually came up with some pretty good zingers and one-liners.  Chris...was boring.  He answered the questions asked of him, but didn't volunteer anything, didn't join the conversation, giggled sometimes, but honestly, he barely spoke.  He was totally unmemorable.  Adam had to work extra hard on that podcast, that's for sure.

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I noticed that Whitney wasn't in the DWTS audience this week. Trouble in paradise, I wonder? I don't think anyone thought that Chris would still be going strong in week 7, so I wonder if Whitney had other things schedules or if she just grew tired of hanging around in LA with nothing to do.

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I noticed that Whitney wasn't in the DWTS audience this week. Trouble in paradise, I wonder? I don't think anyone thought that Chris would still be going strong in week 7, so I wonder if Whitney had other things schedules or if she just grew tired of hanging around in LA with nothing to do.


I read somewhere she went back to deal with some work things. I don't remember where I read it though, so that may not be accurate.

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Here's a link re: possible breakup fwiw (personally, even though it's Celebuzz, I believe it. Then again, I always thought Whitney was too good for him and nothing about seeing him with her post-show--or on DWTS--has changed my mind.  I hope she finds someone great now. As for Chris, I think he's "gone Hollywood" and thinks he can hook up with "someone better" now that he's a "Star" and not just a (rich) Iowa farm boy.



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even though it's Celebuzz, I believe it.


I don't know. They're quoting "Bischoff's parents", which is impossible because her mother is dead and her father isn't in her life. I also don't believe for a second that Witney Carson has any romantic interest in Chris. The article mentions "the touchy nature of their relationship", but most DWTS partnerships are "touchy". Watching their rehearsal packages I actually get the impression that she doesn't even like him platonically. The only part I do believe is that Whitney Bischoff decided to go back to Chicago.

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It's a funny time to go back, though, since he's likely to be eliminated this week or next. It seemed odd she's never met his grandmother although she lives so close.


I didn't realize they were living together in LA. That probably was the death knell for their relationship right there (too much reality, too soon). Plus, Chris is always acting pretty chummy with the other "stars" so I wouldn't be surprised if he'd love to take any opportunities to "hang out" after the show without Whitney cramping whatever style he has or is trying to have. His body language from their first TB appearance seemed pretty much "meh", as opposed to "in love" anyway.  Now that he's being pursued by many women, he probably wants to enjoy opportunities he's never had before.


Then again, as I said, I think Whitney could/should do better.

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Welp. It would be no surprise. I think Chris wanted Jade, Britt or Becca more than he wanted Whit. She "won" by default after the others self-destructed or wouldn't commit.


I really thought he and Jade might've been a better fit, especially after he got all "Hollywood" instead of "Iowa."  I can see why he'd be freaked out about being married to her in a tiny farm town, but with the life he's living now I don't think anyone would much care that she had nude photos out there. I guess time will tell what his life ends up like after the "fame" is gone though.

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Since Jade, Becca and Britt all live in So Cal and Chris has been doing all right for himself on Dancing with the Stars, it would not surprise me at all if he's been in touch with some or all of them during his time in L.A.  I was disabused of his "nice guy" image during TB and just think of him as self-centered and dull as paint. But it wouldn't surprise me if he does like Bob Guiney did and finds some actress-type (already working, not Britt or Jade) to hook up with.

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Funny you should mention Bob Guiney, Padma. I took a peek at Whitney's twitter and there's the Blob himself standing next to her at the Kentucky Derby!

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Chris denied that he and Whitney have split following her absence from the Dancing with the Stars results show. It sounds like a legit excuse for her to not be there but maybe a coincidence and they have broken up or are on pretty shaky ground.


I now think these two are doomed. Can they/will they hang on to make the official breakup announcement at the Bachelorette MTA or AtFR?

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I don't believe for one second they are still together either. On Dancing with the Stars Chris kissed his partner on the mouth (and that seemed kind of disrespectful to his fiancé if they are still together) I bet they are just waiting a few weeks to announce their break up.

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Nah, he kissed her on the cheek which I don't see any issues with. In Hispanic culture that is how everyone greets each other. In Europe you get a kiss on each cheek. But yeah, they are so broken up.

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Looked like a kiss on the lips to me, too. This from a guy who a few weeks ago was expressing how awkward intimately dancing with a partner was when he was engaged. I'd say he's gotten over that.


I think they're just cooperating with TB at this point to give the new season a chance to start before announcing the break up.


I don't believe Chris that he's going back to Arlington ASAP.  But I hope he does.

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Count me in the dunzo camp as well. Even if it was a good excuse, Whitney had already left LA the previous week and documented that on her Instagram. She had missed two dance shows and one results show.

I do think Chris will probably trudge back to Iowa when no one wants to deal with him anymore where he and Whitney will probably give it a second chance. I still don't see a wedding in their future though.

However, I know Catherine had issues when Sean was on DWTS and they ended up married so who knows.

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Is Chris' aspiration of being a TV host a new thing?? I can't see it at all. So much for the hunt for the woman who's committed to a farm life in Iowa when HE can't even commit to that. Makes me feel that once again, I was punk'd by The Bachelor. 

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I feel bad for Whitney because I thought she was a great girl, very much in love with Chris (well, what she -thought- was Chris; personally, I think he was a different man from what she thought he was) and that she would have been really good for him, in Arlington or elsewhere.


That said, he never seemed very impressed by her or emotional about her (except for the wedding date--and that was a long time before the end). It wouldn't surprise me at all if, post-show, post-DWTS, he's seen his dating prospects improve so much that he's thinking, "Why do I want to settle down? Why do I want Whitney when I could have someone a lot more glamorous and exciting?" Like Bob Guiney, a guy who never would have had a chance to marry an actress if he hadn't been on TB.


Personally, I think Whitney is lucky, but I still feel bad for her because she had such expectations of the kind of man Chris was and such hopes for the life they'd have together. (But, at least now she can watch the season with her sister and friends and laugh like crazy at all the tacky things he does. Most of us don't get that kind of satisfaction in a break up! I hope she enjoys it, at least a little.)

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Not even a little bit surprised, but I do feel a little bad for Whitney. I hope she hadn't already quit her job, although I bet she could find another similar one pretty quickly between her experience and the exposure she got on The Bachelor.  Yes, I realize that's not normally where you'd want to publicize yourself as a Fertility Nurse, but she showed so much passion for it I think that could help her.


I wonder if Chris is interested in someone else now, or just decided to do the whole "sow the wild oats" (no pun intended) thing again after his Bachelor and DWTS appearances.

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OK, I have to be honest, I truly am shocked.  I thought Whitney did love Chris, and she seemed to want to be married SO much.  I feel bad for her :(

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ByTor I thought she did too - or more accurately I think she thought she did. I am betting once they were off the show and got to really know each other, things changed, then he goes all Hollywood?DWTS and things probably changed even more. Or who knows, maybe on her family trip home from DWTS she met some guy who swept her off her feet and she was the one who wanted out, but that seems less likely.  To me it always seemed like she wanted marriage and family soooo bad and he wanted someone who wanted marriage/family as bad as she did who was also willing to live on a farm in Iowa... even if they weren't a great match.

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The tweets and PR statements won't give us much intel. We'll just have to wait and see if one of them starts stepping out with a new squeeze or if Chris gives up farm life to move to LA or whatever.


I did read in a comments section somewhere - maybe to the USWeekly article - that Chris cheated on Whitney with an old girlfriend between the taping of the shows and the airing of shows. I always wondered if he was in it for the <drumroll, please> right reasons.

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Though they say it was mutual, don't they always, I suspect Whitney pulled the plug. 


That's kind of what I was thinking too. Otherwise I think she would've at least hung around for the rest of DWTS.

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Broke up?  Only a couple weeks after the DWTS gig was up?  Huh?  How lucky was THAT timing? *eyeroll*

That was the first thing I noticed, that they waited until after the DTWS finale! How conveeeenient...

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