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S05.E18: Confessions Of A Housewife

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How many times has that vest made an appearance? I remember that shag carpet from its appearance when Brandi was confronted by Adrienne and Paul about her lack of discretion about their children and the surrogacy.  I wonder what the original color of that vest was, because it sure looks dirty. I swear, it looks as if it has mange.


That vest is Brandi's version of Kim's shit-stained pillow!!    :-)

23 makes more sense than 21. 


So a 19 year age difference between Brandi and Dutch Boy, and a 16 year difference between the 21 year old Lisa V and Ken.  Pretty close, but Lisa was younger.


I understand her being squicked out though, since she knew him as a boy, most May/September relationships can seem a little weird to me.  Still, it's kind of funny considering Lisa did basically the same thing, at a younger age than Dutch Boy.  I wonder if her parents were horrified?  Probably.


Wasn't Lisa very upset with her friend when she started dating and then married Ken's son, who was much younger than she was?  


I think I remember something about that.  I know they have resolved their differences, but I think there was some discord there for a while between them.

Whoa! That makes a whole lot of difference then. lol


I seriously thought the guy was around 26. Knowing he is Max's best friend, that just makes it all that much more skeevy. Look, I am almost always defending couples when my spouse points out an old man with a younger woman. I try in vain to get him to see that there are couples who are attracted to one another and age is just a damn number. However, with Brandi, it just comes off so nasty.


Brandi wasn't seeking a life partner. LisaV married her guy and have been together ever since.


Brandi may have gone for the guy simply because there was that connection to LisaV. Sort of, I can get your son if I wanted to, type of attitude.


Brandi went with the guy because she was horny and wanted to have drunken black-out sex.....and unfortunately, Yolanda's brother is married.

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Yes that's true and Kyle should not feel guilty about having a nice life. However, the whole trip was a dumb idea. I mean invite Kim all the way to your new vacation home which will remind you both of the biggest fight you ever had just to sit around looking at the view and tell her Brandi is a bad friend?



But then, it's not like Kim brought up the other house because she was pained to see this one. She brought it up to deflect the Brandi stuff and would probably have done that anyway. Being in a different house in Palm Springs isn't a trigger for Kim. Or not the only one. And fighting about the house seemed to be the most enjoyable part of the evening for Kim anyway.

Edited by sistermagpie
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So, Brandi's date, was she sitting around, looking more pitiful by the glass full, because she was early and not because he was late? It sounded like a spur of the moment decision with Yolanda. Maybe Dutch Boy had after school activities he couldn't skip out on. But at least that wouldn't mean that he kept her waiting around due to lack of consideration. It's important to respect your elders after all.

Eileen, oh my. A sex show in Rio? And Lisa's seen some athletic sounding performances in Thailand. And Yolanda dated Julio Iglesias! This show could be so completely different with most of the same players.

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I don't having much to add that hasn't already been said, so I'll end with this...

...I need to work "She's (or he's) your asshole now" into a conversation during some point in my lifetime!

P.S. loved Kyle's house also!

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Kim is so jealous of Kyle and Mauricio's new house she can hardly breathe. ( Beaches) She seriously resents Kyle's happiness. 


Kyle definitely seemed like she hit a nerve when she told Kim that she was in no position at that time to handle a mortgage. Kim couldn't handle it so she burst out with "Talk about your own shit!" I was strongly reminded here of Kim in Amsterdam asking LisaR "Why don't you worry about your own life?" Kim's instinct is to turn it around on the other person when she feels uncomfortable and this episode was further proof of that.


Lol that Kim thinks she's been demonstrating her good behavior because she hasn't brought up the house in awhile. That's the best she can come up with.


I loved how it took Kim all but a nanosecond to point out that Farrah and Brooke split the listing. 


Kim truly has an elephant's memory when it comes to perceived slights.

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What happened to that white Bentley that was in her driveway last season??


It probably belongs to her dealer now.



Worth repeating.


Fozzy Bear - about all the signs being in English, I've found that European cities have dual signs because Americans only speak one language, whereas Europeans speak more than one. During my six months in Amsterdam, I met only one person who didn't speak English to me (and far better English than on the HWs shows), and it was an 80-year-old woman.

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I would have been interested to get Leo's wife's impressions of the other women. Leo's too for that matter. And Yolanda's mother while we're at it. Even if Andy could only mention a few things via WWHL I'd be curious to know if any of the women made a particularly favorable impression. 

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Secondly, if she [Kim] was that royally screwed out of the house, get an attorney and sue for damages.



This x 1,000. If she was financially damaged by K/M, why hasn't Kim sued for what she is "legally" owed?

Edited by absolutelyido
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I don't. Says the same about Kim, no? That is, if it even says anything at all.

It sure does. As was pointed out, phones work both ways. Why can't Kim make the first step? Oh, because she is the perpetual victim!! Like Brandi, everybody is to blame.



With a bottle.

Oh, that is no doubt. Pills too.


Has Brandi's nasty-ass vest with mange, acquired it's own Twitter page yet?



That vest is Brandi's version of Kim's shit-stained pillow!!    :-)


Edited by GreatKazu
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You know, I get the jealousy--it happens to everyone. But normal grownups, i.e., people other than Kim and Brandi, realize that it's not the fault of the person who has what you want and can be happy for the friend they're jealous of. And that's not to say that I know for a fact that those two are even jealous of anyone, though it does seem that way.

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So was there only $60,000.00 worth of equity when they transferred ownership to Kyle and Mauricio?

No.  Kim wanted to buy back in for $20000.  Kyle has stated that Kim was paid much more for the buyout of the house.


Haha it's cool, I have made my peace with being in the minority opinion, even though I'm pretty sure some people think I am Brandi or Kim (I'm neither, thank God). To answer your question...I'm not exactly sure what they should have done, to be honest. Did Kim say she'd contribute to renovations and flake out, or did Kyle and Mauricio do all of it on their own and then inform Kim she owed them? Could Kim literally not be trusted to make mortgage payments and so forced their hand, or did someone come to her and say the buyout was on paper only to make taxes and whatnot less complicated? What would their mother have wanted? What part, if any, did sister Kathy play in all of this? And wtf is giving Brooke and Farrah the listing all about? All I know is something stinks and it's not just Kim.

As far as I can tell Mauricio and Kyle bought the house out from Kathy and Kim in 2004 or there about).  I don't believe for a second that Kim was told that the buyout was on paper or anything else.  Mauricio and Kyle also bought out Kathy.  Their mother left the house to the three girls - nothing unusual here.  After Mauricio and Kyle bought them out, Kyle told Kim she was welcomed to use the house anytime she wanted.  Kim apparently wanted to buy back in at some point.  She offered $20000.  This was far less than what Mauricio and Kyle paid Kim for the buy out.  There was never anything mentioned about Kim owing them money for renovations or anything like that. 


The listing of the house was in 2014 when Kyle and Mauricio decided to sell it...at a loss considering what they had put into it.  The listing was given to Farrah and Brooke.  That seems to be a whole other issue as well.  I thought Kyle said that the listing was given to Farrah, and Kim chimed in:  And Brooke.  There was no obligation on Kyle and Mauricio to give half the listing to Brooke.  Farrah, on the other hand, is Kyle's daughter and works for Mauricio.  Another jealously issue on Kim's part, IMO.

Edited by breezy424
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Since I don't live anywhere near the west coast, maybe some who does can answer this for me. What is the attraction of having a house in the desert? Isn't it unbearably hot there? I mean, it's desert, right? No bodies of water there either. I think of it as a vacation home, so what is there to do there besides swim in the pool and sweat. I would think living near the coast is the more ideal area. I sincerely have no clue, just wondering.

I've lived in SoCal for some time and love going to the desert.  In fact, going next week for a couple of days.  I didn't understand the attraction either, until I made my first trip out there.  Yes, there's the total lack of humidity, but the air sparkles and there's hiking and a stillness that isn't found in the rest of SoCal.  There's no rushing around and the extreme heat doesn't move in until the summer months.  Even that time of year is becoming popular now.  One of the more incongruous things I've seen in Palm Springs is a dive shop, believe it or not.


The spa facilities are amazing and really cheap, compared to LA.  And there's a ginormous outlet mall.  And Hadley's for date shakes.  Mmm, next week can't come fast enough.

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I dislike older men that prey on young women in order for a quickie 1 or 2 night hook up as well. That is all Brandi was doing, hooking up for a quickie, she was not looking for a relationship and IMO, it was a "gotcha moment" aimed at LisaV because of the Max connection.

Im one of those people if woman wants to date a boy that age great have fun but Brandi wasn't fooling me why she got with him. She was too excited when she knew Max and dutch boy were connected. Brandi wanted his pickle for obvious and creepy reasons to be closer to LVP's life.

One thing I forgot to note in a previous post about the PS home being mentioned again. The last time it was mentioned, a lot of people were of the belief that Kyle was lying about Kim's sobriety. Many believed Kim was not an alcoholic. It played a part in how people felt about the PS home and the eventual sale of it. Now, we know without a doubt what Kim is. That surely changes things up a bit, along with the new info mentioned last night.

I never bought Kimsley was just an alcoholic. Other than alcohol I believe Kimsley is an experimental kind of girl. Pills... coke... whatever she wanted to try she probably did. When Kyle said Kim was not well enough to share a mortgage I knew exactly what she meant. It was like 'wink

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Im one of those people if woman wants to date a boy that age great have fun but Brandi wasn't fooling me why she got with him. She was too excited when she knew Max and dutch boy were connected. Brandi wanted his pickle for obvious and creepy reasons to be closer to LVP's life.

I never bought Kimsley was just an alcoholic. Other than alcohol I believe Kimsley is an experimental kind of girl. Pills... coke... whatever she wanted to try she probably did. When Kyle said Kim was not well enough to share a mortgage I knew exactly what she meant. It was like 'wink wink' of the night.


Glad to see I am not alone in my thinking about Brandi and Buster Brown. I do believe one reason Brandi hooked up with him was because she was horny, and wanted to "show off" how she can snag a young guy. See America! I am young, carefree, and I get all of these young guys! Remember that one young guy who worked for the moving company? Brandi was drooling over him and they supposedly hung out together. Yeah, Brandi. You had a one night stand with him like you did with Eddie. Back to Buster Brown.  I have this feeling that once Brandi was aware of the connection to LisaV., she made it her mission to bang him. She possibly asked him many questions about LisaV. back in the days when Max was a young boy, for use later on.


I also agree with you about Kim. As season one progressed, I figured Kim was a full-blown addict - pills, cocaine, alcohol by the time limo-gate happened. When the PS home was thrown in Kyle's face, I chalked it up to Kim being a dope-fiend and being pissed at herself, but blaming Kyle. And now, here she does it again.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Why was Brandi's date Andre hanging out on the red light district?  Perhaps he didn't have the 50 Euros to spend on one the sex workers so he settled for an old trollop like Brandi.  Forget his age just seems like an iffy place to meet a guy. 

Edited by zoeysmom
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Hmmm...the house story is so strange. I'm still trying to make sense of it, from Kim's perspective. The only thing I can think of is that she must have felt coerced into selling her portion of the house.  I assume her bitterness about it all is that her money (that childhood Disney money) actually bought the house for her mother and she resents that she had to split it between her sisters and then give it up entirely.  Thats why she thinks of it as "my house." Thats all I can think of?


Anyway, dutch boy was super gross and cheesy.  I wouldn't brag about being with that guy if I were Brandi. Embarrassing!


From what I understand Kim's "Disney" money did not purchase that house. Kim was an adult with children wen the home was originally purchase by Big Kathy.

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That's what I thought too--maybe he thought he bought her?

I was thinking maybe they didn't have time to go by the prison to see if there were any lonely men getting out that my give Brandi a spin so she  had to settle for a red light district bargain hunter.

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Besides the clean air and small population compared to LA/Orange counties, The Coachella Valley (Palm Springs, Palm Desert, La Quinta, Rancho Mirage, Indian Wells, et al) is easily accessible by freeway. In addition to much more house for much less money, the great shopping/dining and the nearby mountain ranges which have been mentioned, the desert has such unique beauty. The colors of the surrounding landscape in the morning/evening are beyond compare and the stars are visible at night, all of which is a soothing contrast for those who live in the coastal/inland regions. The lifestyle is very laid back; we did our morning grocery/errand runs in our caftans or nightgown/robe sets, but of course with impeccable hair/makeup/nails.


With her two homes Kyle has a lot of what used to be the magic of SoCal.

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Thanks zoeysmom, it almost makes McD's look like a gourmet place with all of those long names. Makes me want to go to my local one and order in Dutch and watch their eyes freak out. If you request ketchup or a straw you a real rebel here.


LOL. My problem is that I see that, apparently for St. Patrick's Day, they get pistachio shakes and we get those awful mint things. And I like mint, but...well, yuck.

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Then I have to assume Kyle knows that too which makes her choice of where to meet with Kim to discuss their issues a really, really bad one.

Yes, but I don't think Kyle was expecting House Theft Redux, or she probably would have met her at the county clerk's office. Instead, she thought they'd be having it out only over Brandi, etc. For that, you need a desert home far, far away from Brandi and her clutches.

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SwordQueen, I'm not about to quote your whole post, but just consider it LIKED with a heart next to it.


I agree that all of the women can be crass or insensitive at times and the ALL have received flack for their comments. The difference is, for every time 1 of the other ladies steps out of line, Brandi does so a dozen times and she is reprimanded for each of those mistakes.


For example, because it relates back to this episode, last season Lisa made that comment about Mauricio being seen with a younger woman. It was obviously a joke and the type of thing that Kyle would probably laugh at, had her daughter not been in the room. But, given that Lisa stepped out of line and broke one of the cardinal rules (don't talk about children) Kyle told her off and there was no mention of it again, on camera, by Lisa. However, Brandi brought it up every chance she got, even turning that into the season's major storyline.


Back in Amsterdam, Brandi hands Lisa flowers as a peace offering, but when Lisa admonishes her behaviour, suddenly Brandi is the victim and Lisa is the big bad for not accepting her half-assed apology.


I can't side with Brandi's "IT'S NOT FAIR" diatribe. She has been given multiple chances to change her tune but she likes playing the villain; or maybe she has to because it means a steady paycheck. Whatever the case, I'm not drinking the victim Brandi koolaid.

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Really? Doesn't she mention her lips in her opening credit? If she doesn't want people talking about her lips, she probably wouldn't turn it into a double entendre for her monologue.

She swings publicly between "I'm a plastic surgery pioneer!" and "Yeah, hard as rock, they were gross, they made me sad,  this is what's left after the doctor tried to fix them" (apparently, LisaR is as ambivalent about her lips as I am).


Another name that raises the hair on the back of my neck is the Richards family nickname, "Big Kathy" -- it sounds like a prison name, the name of the sixty-two year old lifer in cell block C who can get you a bag of M&Ms -- and an appeals lawyer -- if you just treat her real nice (first day in, they tell you to just call her "Big Kathy" -- while gently stroking her arm and talking about how back in the seventies, all the music was so much better and bye bye, Ms American Pie! -- but don't get stuck alone in the showers with her. Two weeks later, you're watching her eat mice and thinking, "How the fuck did THIS turn into MY life?"  Sorta like Kyle at the PS house.)

Edited by film noire
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This episode has reminded of why I think Brandi is the fakest of them all.  Her "date" that she wanted to showcase, her insistence that she is different from the other HW even though she seems to want exactly what they have, her trying to give Lisa flowers because she really wants to be loved, her dad being in the hospital and the excitement about the facial that turned into tears...Brandi isn't fake like many of the other HW are with flashy stuff.  She's faking her whole life.  I see someone who is truly hiding from herself, and not just behind designer clothes.  Her personality is all over the place and I'm really sure which one is the real her, if any of them are. 


I wish Yolanda wouldn't have been so kid-glove mothery towards her in the salon, and instead laid it out, in plain words, in that blunt way that she can do so well.  It's not Yo's responsibility to do that, but she seemed willing to take on that task, since Brandi is her asshole, now.  lol   <----- That right there is why I like Lisa V on this show.  She gives us little things like that.  That and the story about ping pong balls. 



 I'm not ashamed to like "obvious" things sometimes.  There's not a whole lot of depth or even reality to these reality shows, I mean, we're talking about BRAVO, here.  lol    I accept it for what it is and it gives me opportunity to have fun on forums like this one and it actually does make me think about things and challenges my thoughts and opinions, because I'm talking to real people, here, and we all bring much more to the table than these shows do on their own, imo.   

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I may have enjoyed Brandi's "seduction scene" as much as anything else on this episode.  The "lady" has no shame.  If the gent happens to be a generation behind her, so what?  She'll take anything with a hot poker.  The way she kept asking for a kiss made me think she's quite experienced in this exercise. 


Is this the way she got Eddie interested when she met him in a bar?  At first, I sorta felt sorry for her not going to the dinner, but when I saw the fun she was having, I changed my mind.  What will she have next -- a foreign born STD?

Edited by Lura
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She swings publicly between "I'm a plastic surgery pioneer!" and "Yeah, hard as rock, they were gross, they made me sad,  this is what's left after the doctor tried to fix them" (apparently, LisaR is as ambivalent about her lips as I am).


Another name that raises the hair on the back of my neck is the Richards family nickname, "Big Kathy" -- it sounds like a prison name, the name of the sixty-two year old lifer in cell block C who can get you a bag of M&Ms -- and an appeals lawyer -- if you just treat her real nice (first day in, they tell you to just call her "Big Kathy" -- while gently stroking her arm and talking about how back in the seventies, all the music was so much better and bye bye, Ms American Pie! -- but don't get stuck alone in the showers with her. Two weeks later, you're watching her eat mice and thinking, "How the fuck did THIS turn into MY life?"  Sorta like Kyle at the PS house.)

I think the Big Kathy thing is an old fashioned way of differentiating those in the family with the same name. On my mothers side of the family, we have a very large, Italian family. There were many sets of family members with the same name, so we said Big or Little Kathy for mostly women with same name. With the men, it was John for the elder and Johnny for the younger John, etc. It had nothing to do with a description, just clarifying which Kathy you are talking to or referring to...

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She knew it would throw Kim.  Even so, Kyle is the one who started the screaming and pointing her fingers.  She was so thrilled to hurt Kim with her Brandi dirt.


Meh, it runs in the family. Kim gets off on being able to make Kyle cry with her screaming about how Kathy and bestie Brandi are ALWAYS there for her and what a bad sister Kyle is.  Its tit for tat with those two. 


To 'buy back in' wouldn't she have had to not only pay back the 20 to make the estate whole and then additionally have to pay back her 1/3rd share that K/M paid her to buy her off the title?


Plus I'd add in her share of the cost of all the renovations Kyle and Mauricio made prior to putting the house on the market.

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So by reading this site and other sites this is what I can gather, anybody please feel free to correct me


Big Kathy bought this house in 1996 , by this time Kim was already 30 years old, divorced twice and with 3 children.

Big Kathy also bought KIm a house in PS, a different house than the one in dispute, a house just for KIm

Big Kathy passed away in 2001/2002 and dealing with the state probably took another year

The house was bought by Kyle and Mauricio from Kathy and Kim in 2008, for what has been posted the price paid was 420K, this means that each of them received around 140K . Kyle says she has cancelled checks to prove it

Between 2002- 2008 , in the lapse of those years taxes have to be paid, house insurance, bills, maintenance, etc. Kim is not paying any of that, K&M are doing it, they get tired of doing it and they all come to the conclusion to sell the property.

In 2008 Mauricio didn't have his own agency, he was working for the Hilton's agency so I am assumming that the commercial transaction was done via the Hilton's agency? under the supervision of Kathy's husbands and the Hilton's lawyers?

Kim has mentioned that she wanted the house back for 20K, where does she figures she can buy a whole house for 20K in PS? , your guess is as good as mine.

My cousin who is a realtor and also watches the show told me that Kim has used the term "home equity" so she believes that when the house belonged to the three sisters Kim borrowed 20K against the house equity, this means that when the house was sold to K&M , those 20K has to be repaid meaning that Kathy recived a check for 140K while Kim received one for 120K ergo the "kathy's check was bigger than mine"

It probably was explained to Kim that the reason the checks were different was because of the 20K of home equity she got against the house so that number stuck on Kim's head, later on she believes that all she has to return is 20K to get her share back, meaning the 1/3 of the house forgetting that she has also cashed a check for 120K and already spending it.

K&M made repairs to the house, upgrade it and invest their own money to do that, for 5 years they let Kim have use of the house and she doesn't have to pay a dime; in 2013 they sold the house for 450K, meaning that they made a profit of 30K but if you count the money they put to upgrade it, then that is where Kyle comes up with "we lost money on it" , considering that they paid a combined amount of 280 to Kathy and Kim and then went a bought this house for 2.5M I am not sure how Kim can say that this new house was bought with the money from the house kyle "stole from her"

Kim's 120K wouldn't pay for the driveway in that new house.


Of course nobody wants to bother Kim with facts and they let her live her lie so I am happy that Kyle got to say her side of the story.

BTW is also telling that Kim lost her house in S, the one her mother bought just for her, she also had to sell that and she has been renting and moving every year since the show started, bery telling of Kim's state of mind, trying to reason with her is like trying to heard a cat. No win battle.


Thanks for this, I have been trying to make sense of it and this seems like a very plausible timeline.  In my mind I figure Kyle and Kim's extended conversation like this:


Kim: You stole my GodDam house Kyle, you are a thief

Kyle: Kim, we never stole anything from you, mom left the house to all three of us and we bought you and Kathy out

Kim: you are a liar, you are lying

Kyle: Kim, look at the cancelled checks, here they are, you cashed your part, 120K altogether

Kim: my check was smaller than Kathy so that means you stole from me

Kyle: I didn't steal from you Kim, you borrowed 20K from the home equity and had to be paid back, you already used those 20K so you had to pay that back, in the end you received just the same amount of money than Kathy

Kim: you are a fuc%^& liar, you stole my house

Kyle: I did not, please take a look at this checks, these are the documents you signed, during all negotiations Kathy was with us, are you calling her also a thief?

Kim: No, Kathy always has my back unlike you, she will never steal from me

Kyle: but Kathy was there with us when the sale was made, do you think Kathy will let me steal from you. We (K&M) never charged you for all the miscelaneous payments that a house entails, taxes, insurance, electric, cable, etc. We split it in three ways. Even after that for years you were allowed to use the house free and clear of all payments.

Kim: It doesn't matter, you stole my house.

Kyle: It was our house Kim, all three of us

Kim: You stole my GD house and you know it

Kyle: the checks speak for themselves Kim

Kim: I tried to buy my share back and you didn't let me

Kyle: you tried to give me 20K back, that wouldn't buy you anything

Kim: but you said that the reason why my check was smaller is because I owed 20K

Kyle: you owe 20K from a home equity but that is not what we pay you, we pay you more than that

Kim: It doesn't matter, if I wanted to buy back my share for 20K who are you to tell me that I can't, you are a thief!!! You stole my GD house

Kyle: Kim, but the checks....

Kim: The checks do not matter, and how dare you bring me to this house that MY money  bought, technically this house is MINE

Kyle: what? this house didn't cost 120K

Kim: I don't give a FU%$, this house was bought with MY money so it is mine, you are in MY house so get out of here.


o . 0  


This is what I picture a conversation with Kim would be when she is sober, a conversation with Kim being high would be shorter , it would be This is my house, blah , blah, blah..

Edited by Wendy
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But then, it's not like Kim brought up the other house because she was pained to see this one. She brought it up to deflect the Brandi stuff and would probably have done that anyway. Being in a different house in Palm Springs isn't a trigger for Kim. Or not the only one. And fighting about the house seemed to be the most enjoyable part of the evening for Kim anyway.

Jealousy and entitlement go hand and hand with Kim and is what Kim & Brandi have in common, they bond over their shared, self induced, misery. Jealous people annoy me to high Heaven.

First, Kyle being Kim's sister, it's shameful that she resents Kyle & Mauricio's success. Kim can't blame Kyle for her lack of financial security. If she has nothing, she has no one to blame but the woman looking back at her in her mirror. It appears as if both Kathy & Kyle have helped her out but Kim keeps her hand out after she blows it, every time.

I have always felt sympathy towards Kim as a long time fan. I wanted to like the real Kim. Much to my disappointment, behind the curtain, she's a mean, jealous, sad woman who chooses to wallow in her victim hood. While I know her circumstances were sometimes out of her control, she has had more help and support than most women who find themselves alone as a single mother. If she wanted to keep a house, she easily could have kept it if she didn't drink it or drug it away.

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They have signs in English because Americans don't speak Dutch? I don't get it.


Not sure but maybe a reason for dual signage is because many places around the globe consider English to be a universal language?

Edited by beesknees
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Guys, we were all doing SO WELL. 

I've edited quite a few posts here to remove what could be considered inflammatory language. Personally, I appreciate that you all have your own opinions and are holding to them and explaining them so well; however, a quick lesson in forum etiquette: 

It's perfectly fine to say something like, "In my opinion, Brandi has been mistreated." 

It's NOT fine to say, "Brandi has been mistreated, and I can't believe you guys can't see that." 


Some posts have crossed into the latter. 


I'm not saying you can't have a banter and discussion about why YOU feel a certain way about a person on the show - but don't bring other posters into it by using sweeping generalizations in language. 


And lastly, if you're going to continue this discussion about Brandi, please take it to her thread. I've moved this line of discussion over there. 

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Not sure but maybe a reason for dual signage is because many places around the globe consider English to be a universal language?


I asked a German friend once about this.  In Holland the language is Dutch so they do more of the English signage since it is silly to do Dutch/German/French/Italian/English and Dutch is not  common.  She said it is less likely to see this in France since they have laws against using any language but French.  She said Germany you see this in cities with a large US military population.  She said there just aren't enough signs in Italy to make it matter.  LOL  So English is universal since most European countries have some English in school.

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Really? Doesn't she mention her lips in her opening credit? If she doesn't want people talking about her lips, she probably wouldn't turn it into a double entendre for her monologue.


Oh, I hate her tagline; it doesn't even make sense! And Kim's is grammatically unsound!

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Because she's a bitch.


She knew it would throw Kim.  Even so, Kyle is the one who started the screaming and pointing her fingers.  She was so thrilled to hurt Kim with her Brandi dirt.  Even though Lipsa hasn't stopped talking to anyone and everyone who would listen all damn season about Kim's sobriety.  


As far as I know, Kim was not blindfolded and driven to an "undisclosed" location to meet with Kyle.  She knew full well where they were meeting in Palm Springs and could have easily spoken up and said "no" when Kyle suggested it. 


After spending years (decades) caring for her sister both emotionally and financially (and not to mention treating her sister's kids as if they are practically her own), I fully and strongly disagree that Kyle's intention was to hurt Kim.  They both love and have a strong connection to Palm Springs, and they needed to be in a place to hash things out without the other housewives or even the usual distractions like kids, dogs, etc.  The PS house was an ideal location for that. 

Edited by Duke2801
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I need to speak about Brandi's blog for this episode so I guess I'll take it to her thread. Just when I thought this selfish trick couldn't sink any lower. If it weren't for a certain well placed question mark... Ugh, I'm so disgusted I feel like I need a moment. I try to refrain from being too quick to refer to any of these women as bitches but Brandi is sorely testing me in this regard because seriously, who does this? Who does this shit? She is a hateful menace and the fact that she's wrapping this steaming pile of shit with a plea for donations for the "Walking for Wishes" event for the Make-a-Wish foundation because she's supposedly such a sweet, caring, and generous person makes me want to vomit. 


From Brandi's Blog:


So, cut to Kyle showing her newest real estate purchase in Palm Springs. Kyle has decided the best possible place to talk to her sister is in the enormous multi-million dollar house she just bought from selling her and Kim’s shares of their deceased mother’s house…This always confuses me. If Kim was not of the mind to enter into business at the time, it looks like Kyle took advantage of her. If she was, it looks like a fast one was pulled. Clearly Kim is still unhappy about whatever transpired, and Kyle is hiding something. Wasn’t this the family house that Kim worked and paid for as a child star? Anyway, ask Kim, not me, but don’t ask Kyle, unless you’re a gossip site or magazine.





I'm almost impressed with how Brandi and Kim have their vile behavior down to an art form.

Edited by Avaleigh
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She swings publicly between "I'm a plastic surgery pioneer!" and "Yeah, hard as rock, they were gross, they made me sad,  this is what's left after the doctor tried to fix them" (apparently, LisaR is as ambivalent about her lips as I am).


Another name that raises the hair on the back of my neck is the Richards family nickname, "Big Kathy" -- it sounds like a prison name, the name of the sixty-two year old lifer in cell block C who can get you a bag of M&Ms -- and an appeals lawyer -- if you just treat her real nice (first day in, they tell you to just call her "Big Kathy" -- while gently stroking her arm and talking about how back in the seventies, all the music was so much better and bye bye, Ms American Pie! -- but don't get stuck alone in the showers with her. Two weeks later, you're watching her eat mice and thinking, "How the fuck did THIS turn into MY life?"  Sorta like Kyle at the PS house.)

We have a Big and Little in my family, and Big is a hard working, semi-respectable woman. I am offended on her behalf! It's Little who's the stone cold criminal. Little is the reason I wave at the jail whenever I drive past. It's so sad when families are divided, y'all. But at least she got her GED in there. God Bless America.

I always thought "Big Kathy" was the perfect nickname for Kathleen Avanzino Richards Catain Catain Fenton (née Dugan). So relatable. Just a simple woman who loved her girls.

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Palm Springs is very old Hollywood style glamour with regard to housing, surrounded by a beautiful landscape--the San Jacinto mountains, which give the whole area an almost surreal look.  There are amazing hikes you can do there, go to the Indian Canyons, have a date shake (yum!) or hit up one of many great places to eat, a quaint, old village feel while also being very cosmopolitan in its way, as well as being extremely gay and lesbian friendly.  There's a lot of fun to go around.  


If you're really into the Hollywood of the past, the city itself has a certain cachet because everyone who was anyone lived there part time.  The histories of both places are closely intertwined.  My first apartment was around the corner from George Hamilton's place, or as we called him, George Hamiltan.  Bob Hope, who most probably don't give two hoots about today, had an amazing house up on a mesa that's visible while you're on your way to pick up your groceries at Jensen's, which is the best supermarket in the whole world. The consignment shops are out of this world and filled with terrific, crazy stuff.

The temperature is really only 'unbearable' to a non-native in July and August and even so, you get used to it pretty quickly.  You get a lot of snowbirds.  Personally, I prefer the people who choose to make it a permanent home rather than a weekend home, but whatever.  The rest of the year it's very temperate, winters are amazing, pools are heated and cozy and the air is exceptionally dry.  I'd much rather be there than in the wet heat of the East Coast.  I love all desert cities, so I'm biased, but especially towards the Springs, since some of my happiest times were spent there.  Frankly, it's a great place to be.  I'm also partial to Palm Desert and Indian Wells.  It's a beautiful place. No. I'm not on the Chamber of Commerce or the Board of Tourism.  I just love it.

On point with the episode,  Kyle's new house definitely appears to be in La Quinta, about a thirty minute drive past PS up the 111, where a lot of the very expensive builds tend to go up. 

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Brandi's understanding of how one makes apologies is all kinds of wrong. Several years ago I had to explain to my daughter how to apologize and what it means for her and the other person involved.  She did something (minor) that upset a friend.  When she told me her friend was mad at her and I heard the story I said even if she didn't mean to, she hurt her friend's feelings and should say sorry. I called the girl's mom, and explained what I heard happened and felt my daughter owed her daughter an apology.  Other Mom said it wasn't necessary, kids will be kids etc. but let my daughter talk to hers.  All was well and good until a week later my daughter repeated the offensive behavior. She told me "I'll just say I'm sorry again."  I told her that's not how apologies and maintaining friendships work.  If you say "sorry" 1) you should understand that you did something hurtful/wrong/impolite 2) you should mean it and 3) you are making a promise to STOP doing/saying the thing that got you into trouble the first time. Just saying "sorry" doesn't magically make everything right again.  Your friends won't (and shouldn't) put up with fake promises.  She got it and fully understands the power of her words and actions. My daughter is now 7.


I appreciate everyone on this forum explaining God Damn House Gate in detail.  I just wish I never had to hear about it again.

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