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Season 11 (Kaitlyn) Spoilers

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Perhaps she and Shawn got back together after the show?  This season is such a trainwreck, that I wouldn't be surprised if she'd posted a picture of her, Shawn and Nick in bed together...

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Now there are some people who think the producers force Shawn to go to Nashville this weekend to be seen with Dr. Chris and country music stars. And Kaitlyn to Chicago to be seen with Whitney b/c of the snapchat mess. I for one find that hard to believe.


What will Kaitlyn and Shawn do after the show is over since they are now both unemployed 

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Now there are some people who think the producers force Shawn to go to Nashville this weekend to be seen with Dr. Chris and country music stars. And Kaitlyn to Chicago to be seen with Whitney b/c of the snapchat mess. I for one find that hard to believe.

As do I. Just this past episode, Shawn was talking about being from Nashville and loving country music. There's the CMA festival (or something) this weekend. He was already going to be there.

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What will Kaitlyn and Shawn do after the show is over since they are now both unemployed 

Live off the money she made from this show? At least for a little while. I'm not actually expecting this couple to last anyway. Kaitlyn should have chose someone that had a career if she was serious about marriage.

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I was glad to read the activities tomorrow are back to more "fun" stuff: Texas two step competition; group date with mariachi music and they write her a song and a kayak one-on-one. But,of course, there has to be drama. That's apparently that the guys are mean to Nick when he joins, and then the 1-to-1 ends "emotionally"   and someone's mad at Kaitlyn. Plus  3 eliminations.

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Is there at least a rose ceremony finally, or did too many guys bail again?

The program info for next week says there's a rose ceremony in San Antonio, which is where this week's date take place, so apparently this crap trend continues. Ugh.

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if the season ends with Kaitlyn not being engaged, but wanting to continue dating someone she met on the show, that would be a much more sensible ending than we've seen in several years.   In real life, isn't that what people do?  date casually until you find someone you want to be in a relationship with?

If Kaitlyn comes out dating, but not engaged, then she's a lot smarter than I've given her credit for.

Isn't that what Juan Pablo did?

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And so did another Bachelor, many years ago, whose name I have forgotten.  He gave the "lucky" woman a one way ticket to California where he lived but he did not propose.  He was excoriated for it at the time but looking back, it makes a lot more sense to me that he did it that way.  (Though, to be fair, he should have bought a round trip ticket.)

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That would've been Jesse Palmer, the NFL "star" Bachelor.  The girl he chose was maybe 21 years old at the time, so in hindsight it makes sense.  The moment he reached into his jacket pocket and whipped out... a plane ticket was pretty hilarious.

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Spoilers said that there will be a rose ceremony at CitiField. Is it possible for two in one episode?


Yes tonight's episode will be begin with Nick arriving at the hotel in NYC and then everyone off to Citi field the next night for the rose ceremony where Jonathan, Corey and Ryan get sent home.   Then off to San Antonio where Ben H and Shawn have one on one dates and Nick gets the group date rose.   No idea if the San Antonio rose ceremony will be tonight too or held over to next week.

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That would fit with the theme this season of the episodes not actually ending. Think we will get an actual rose ceremony this week?

While I miss the rose ceremonies, I sort of love the ongoing theme of guys dropping out like flies,  or drummers for Spinal Tap.   When one or the other leaves, I tell myself they died in a bizarre gardening accident. 

Edited by Mu Shu
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The first Bachelor ever Alex didn't propose to everyone. I remember I watched Aaron Burke's season (2) that Chris and he made a big deal that he was going to it right and actually propose. The Wikipedia entries for the Bachelor/Bachelorette series (listed separately) have every season listed and it says whether there was a proposal or not. (more often than you think, there were no proposals.) 

Nick is now trying to date Whitney (another Chris Soules ex). She seems more his speed, but it's Nick dating yet another Bachelor girl for me.

Edited by Temperance
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1.  A screencap (and a half) of the video segment showing the guy's face is at



   I couldn't really identify it as Shawn, though there are similarities.


And here's the (very brief) videoclip at the Perez Hilton site



  The hair style and darkness of the guy's hair (maybe it's the light) looks nothing like Shawn's though. Nor his expression.


Mainly, too dark to tell.  Can't imagine Shawn having his hair touseled like that.


  He's a nice guy so it would be nice if they did have a connection.



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While I miss the rose ceremonies, I sort of love the ongoing theme of guys dropping out like flies,  or drummers for Spinal Tap.   When one or the other leaves, I tell myself they died in a bizarre gardening accident.

Or perhaps spontaneously combusted? :)

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I took me less time to read War & PeaceI than to read Steve's explanation that he was wrong!


I have to admit, Shawn becoming engaged to Kaitlyn is a surprise but if Chris could put Des' love for Brooks behind him and propose, I guess Shawn could too.


Got to pick my holiday for the break up pool at work;  Might go with US Thanksgiving.

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I'm going to pick the week after Labor Day in the break up pool.    I'm still more excited to see Nick dumped than watch those 2 get engaged.  He seems like a fairly nice guy, but hopefully he won't be saddled with her for too long.  

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I love how it's mentioned about Ian imploding like he ever had a shot of being The Bachelor even without last night's performance. And oh how the wheels have turned on RS's spoilers he was so 100 percent certain of. Hilarious. 

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Of course it won't last, but cool, mainly because it keeps Shawn on my screen 'til the end. I still think he's hot (I thought Ian was too, but his personality just killed that). And I still like Kaitlyn, so I hope she has fun doing the show and has fun with Shawn for awhile. I'm still put off by her being labelled trashy and skanky. Those terms just make me uncomfortable. She's definitely a drama queen, but I'm not seeing anything that makes me think she's a horrible person, and those are the only ones I tend to actively root against. So I'm glad she has a happy ending as far as the show goes. And thank heavens for it not being Nick. I just don't get the appeal.

Edited by CrazyDog
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So I guess it's down to Josh Murray and Cupcake for Bachelor? I could live with either of them.


Ben H is too young. Ian just self-immolated. Nick is too polarizing.



Cupcake's edit needs to take a huge shift in the coming weeks as he was barely on the show last night.   Usually by now the lead contender is at least the narrator of the season and I really haven's seen that many talking head bits from Chris and there is really no "story" like Farmer Chris had last time.   We do know from the season preview he goes out on a sea of tears so I guess there is time for his edit to shift to a viable bachelor candidate.   


As of right now, I only see Josh Murray being a true candidate. 

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I thought RS's explanation was no more long-winded and redundant than the rest of his posts, but he really didn't rationalize his original spoiling in the least, so good for him.


Given Shawn's coolness toward "the other guy" as he dubbed Nick in last night's episode, if RS's other spoiling re Kaitlyn's premature sleeping with Nick (what, twice? Once before the FS, once during the FS) is true, there probably won't be a wedding in Shawn and Kaitlyn's future together.

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Cupcake's edit needs to take a huge shift in the coming weeks as he was barely on the show last night.   Usually by now the lead contender is at least the narrator of the season and I really haven's seen that many talking head bits from Chris and there is really no "story" like Farmer Chris had last time.   We do know from the season preview he goes out on a sea of tears so I guess there is time for his edit to shift to a viable bachelor candidate.   


As of right now, I only see Josh Murray being a true candidate. 

JJ's been getting a lot of talking heads????? 

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Ahh, there's nothing better than Arrogant Steve admitting he was wrong! This is one of my favourite seasons for that alone. I never really bought Kaitlyn being single, so he's definitely the idiot, not the people questioning him. When will he learn not to ridicule people who are smarter than him? Right, never.

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Cupcake's smile and the previews of him Mesnick-ing are starting to give me Jake vibes, so I don't want him to be the next Bachelor. I think Ben H is the best option, young though he is.


It always makes me a little happy when RS is wrong, because he has such an over-inflated ego. And good for Kaitlyn and Shawn. Even if it's just going to be a hot summer fling, why not?

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Ahh, there's nothing better than Arrogant Steve admitting he was wrong! This is one of my favourite seasons for that alone. I never really bought Kaitlyn being single, so he's definitely the idiot, not the people questioning him. When will he learn not to ridicule people who are smarter than him? Right, never.


Yes I feel a little vindicated for thinking there was some bullshit with his whole "I'm totally 100 percent certain of my spoilers" but yet could only give vague responses when asked specifically about Shawn in the final rose ceremony. He couldn't say when or how Shawn was supposedly turned down or if he even proposed or if he left earlier or what but he was adamant that Kaitlyn chose no one, end of story. Of course now I think it will be hilarious if the initial spoiler of her choosing no one turns out to be true and she and Shawn just got together after so then he really looks like an idiot, changing his spoilers on what seems like it is solely based on the snapchat snafu.

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Back during Ali's season, there was some speculation that Ali herself, with the help of a couple of friends, had fed RS false info about choosing no one.  Coupled with his admission that he relied on a source he hadn't known before, RS might want to think twice about so openly declaring that the show won't mess with him.  The show runners might not, but I could see a lead or contestant's friends doing it, particularly if they don't like RS.


But anyway, we are still at Kaitlyn possibly sleeping with Nick twice and then dumping him.  And she supposedly doesn't let him go before the FRC (even Andi did that) and he proposes.  Damn son, you are really getting your ass handed to you this time around...

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But anyway, we are still at Kaitlyn possibly sleeping with Nick twice and then dumping him.  And she supposedly doesn't let him go before the FRC (even Andi did that) and he proposes.  Damn son, you are really getting your ass handed to you this time around...



And Nick isn't going to get the same positive reaction that he did when Andi dumped him.  


He could've still been basking in the sympathy-pussy he was probably still getting from that season.  But he blew it.

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Did he get a positive reaction though? Seems it was pretty evenly split with people declaring him creepy and a stalker and that was even before he brought up the FS sex. There were many people who were thrilled when Andi didn't pick Nick. It's just that Andi herself was so damn unlikable, she allowed Nick to seem much more sympathetic to some viewers. 

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This makes more sense to me.  She seemed too into Shawn and/or Nick to dump both of them.  And especially now what we have seen with Shawn, they seem so into each other, or at least have that edit.  


I can't stand RS' site.  As you all said, he goes on and on just about being wrong.  It is like a freaking novel.  

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Lol @ RS being wrong. Douche!


I was excited for his original spoilers because of the iconic meltdown the RIGHT REASONS~tm viewers would have. I do think it's shitty of Kaitlyn to sleep with Nick, TWICE, knowing well how messed up he was after the whole Andi debacle. Yes, I know he shouldn't have gone back and done this but still, if you are more into the other guy then don't sleep with anyone else. If I am in love with someone I have 0 desire to sleep with anyone else. But yeah, that's just me.

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I'm not sure that this all means RS was wrong. The premise of the show is to end up with a marriage proposal (or two). If kaitlyn doesn't end up engaged, then she didn't choose either guy. She can still date, kiss, sleep around, all she wants.

Then again, I don't know the specifics of what RS said, his site drives my computer to do all kinds of weird things.

Edited by backformore
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I wonder if RS still loves Kaitlyn--he was over the top thrilled with his original spoiling when he thought she sent both finalists home and was happily living the single life. Now that she seems to be a more traditional B'ette and not thumbing her nose at the Show, does she still appeal to him?

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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I'm not sure that this all means RS was wrong. The premise of the show is to end up with a marriage proposal (or two). If kaitlyn doesn't end up engaged, then she didn't choose either guy. She can still date, kiss, sleep around, all she wants.

Then again, I don't know the specifics of what RS said, his site drives my computer to do all kinds of weird things.



After 1,000 or so words, RS posted that Kaitlyn and Shawn are engaged.    


So to recap his updated spoilers:


1. Nick and Kaitlyn have sex on their one on one date in Ireland

2. Nick and Shawn and Ben H are the final 3;  Ben H goes home after fantasy dates

3. At the final rose ceremony, Nick arrives first, proposes and is turned down

4. Kaitlyn & Shawn get engaged


I know some think Nick is not pre-fantasy suite sex guy but RS hasn't change that spoiler.  I guess we'll know for sure next Monday night.  Stay tune!!!

Edited by CindyBee
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Lol @ RS being wrong. Douche!


I was excited for his original spoilers because of the iconic meltdown the RIGHT REASONS~tm viewers would have. I do think it's shitty of Kaitlyn to sleep with Nick, TWICE, knowing well how messed up he was after the whole Andi debacle. Yes, I know he shouldn't have gone back and done this but still, if you are more into the other guy then don't sleep with anyone else. If I am in love with someone I have 0 desire to sleep with anyone else. But yeah, that's just me.

I feel the same way. I'll think a lot less of Kaitlyn for it, if its true.


As for the idea he shouldn't have come back, I don't really understand why people feel that way (except, of course, for those who don't like him already.) Mary came back on Byron's season and I don't remember anyone saying anything negative about it. Other than calling Andi out for leading him on with the FS, I don't know why Nick angered so many people to begin with. I was with Sharlene who found him likeable throughout, but I guess many (inc. some guys on his season) didn't. 


As for him calling out Andi at ATFR, that didn't bother me at all since he had made his feelings about the FS crystal clear ahead of time--and even his little sister had asked her not to lead him on. That was just mean.  If Kaitlyn does it too, my guess is she'll be just as unapologetic and self-righteous as Andi (who so quickly forgot how she called out Juan Pablo on camera for, imo, much less.)

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After 1,000 or so words, RS posted that Kaitlyn and Shawn are engaged.    


So to recap his updated spoilers:


1. Nick and Kaitlyn have sex on their one on one date in Ireland

2. Nick and Shawn and Ben H are the final 3;  Ben H goes home after fantasy dates

3. At the final rose ceremony, Nick arrives first, proposes and is turned down

4. Kaitlyn & Shawn get engaged


I know some think Nick is not pre-fantasy suite sex guy but RS hasn't change that spoiler.  I guess we'll know for sure next Monday night.  Stay tune!!!

Thanks so much for these. I read RS years ago when he just recapped for fun but after he became successful at it he just became obnoxious (and seemingly paid by the word. His writing completely deteriorated once he knew lots of people were reading). But I also get strange things happening to my computer like there's malware, so I don't go there any more. However, I have to admit the spoilers are interesting and I appreciate reading them. Also, since he's gotten so full of himself and his "sources", I'm very happy when he's proven wrong! If he's wrong about "she picks no one", so much the better!

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I feel the same way. I'll think a lot less of Kaitlyn for it, if its true.


As for the idea he shouldn't have come back, I don't really understand why people feel that way (except, of course, for those who don't like him already.) Mary came back on Byron's season and I don't remember anyone saying anything negative about it. Other than calling Andi out for leading him on with the FS, I don't know why Nick angered so many people to begin with. I was with Sharlene who found him likeable throughout, but I guess many (inc. some guys on his season) didn't. 


As for him calling out Andi at ATFR, that didn't bother me at all since he had made his feelings about the FS crystal clear ahead of time--and even his little sister had asked her not to lead him on. That was just mean.  If Kaitlyn does it too, my guess is she'll be just as unapologetic and self-righteous as Andi (who so quickly forgot how she called out Juan Pablo on camera for, imo, much less.)


Exactly. I understand the premise of the show but if RS is right and she slept with Nick TWICE then I have to side eye her. I am not slut shamming her in any way, but she had already slept with him. Why do it again? And letting him propose? Nagl.


People don't like Nick because he was overconfident. He clearly wanted to find a wife and didn't play the dude bro game which pissed people off. Then he called Andi out and it was a rampage. Never mind that if Andi would've been a guy and Nick the girl then everyone would've applauded him for it. 

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Never mind that if Andi would've been a guy and Nick the girl then everyone would've applauded him for it.


Isn't that how Andi got to be the Bachelorette?  Calling Juan Pablo  out on the same shit? 

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So had the Snap Chat video had not happened, RS would still be saying Kaitlyn picked nobody and there was no F2? That retraction he had to do alone is probably making ABC happy.

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Exactly. I understand the premise of the show but if RS is right and she slept with Nick TWICE then I have to side eye her. I am not slut shamming her in any way, but she had already slept with him. Why do it again? And letting him propose? Nagl.

People don't like Nick because he was overconfident. He clearly wanted to find a wife and didn't play the dude bro game which pissed people off. Then he called Andi out and it was a rampage. Never mind that if Andi would've been a guy and Nick the girl then everyone would've applauded him for it.

Right. It's not about slut shaming but relationship ethics. I said the same thing about Andi. If you know your partner has strong feelings about sex in relationships, is taking this more serious than you, views sex as a strong commitment, etc. - don't hook up. It's has nothing to do with being a slut, but more about respecting someone's different feelings about sex. If the genders were reversed and Nick were a woman, I think he'd be less reviled for the same feelings.

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So had the Snap Chat video had not happened, RS would still be saying Kaitlyn picked nobody and there was no F2? That retraction he had to do alone is probably making ABC happy.



In his blog, RS said that he MIGHT have gotten the Shawn/Kaitlyn engagement news before the finale aired if the snapchat video hadn't happened.  But that's a big might.   my gut feeling is that he would have stayed with the "she's single" spoiler and the finale would have been a repeat of Des' where I sat with my coworkers at our watch party yelling at the TV "OMG, reality steve is WRONG" and "OMG, she's getting engaged to a guy not named Brooks".    Good times! 


He had an interesting part of his blog today, that only US weekly and People magazine have NOT run stories about the snapchat video and that's cause they are part of the Bachelor/ette publicity machine.    US did run a blurb on their new cover "How kailtyn broke Shawn's heart";  guess they got inside scoop on pre-fantasy suite sex-gate.

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So Kaitlyn basically has 4 instances of show-sanctioned sex on her resume for the last 6 months.  Not bad for a single girl, but not necessarily enough for a legitimate slut shame.


Not a role model for my 20-something daughter, but then I don't imagine too many of the contestants worry excessively about what their mom's think.  

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Isn't that how Andi got to be the Bachelorette?  Calling Juan Pablo  out on the same shit? 


Yup! And people were like "OMG! Props to her!" yet are calling Nick a drama queen, stalker and creepy. Rme. I hate how they have made me side with him. Ugh!

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