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S05.E16: First a Verdict, Then a Lawyer


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Meri makes a momentous decision that will change the Brown family forever>>



She decides to chuck it all with the kodster and 'go weird' , loses the orange tanner and rod stewart 80's hair and runs away with that vaguely Patrick Swayzeish-looking butch thrift store chick with the goth daughter. Contrived plot device is the two of them go Harley Davidson shopping, buy a bunch of  leather outfits and re-open the thrift store as a pawn shop/biker bar- they eventually get bit parts on Sons of Anarchy as badass 'honor amongst thieves'  pseudo-vigilante gun-toting motorcycle mamas that live out in the desert handing out street justice to brothers who treat their ol ladies poorly. Parting shot is Katie Segal watching them ride off into the sunset raising her beer in salute. (ok that was far-fetched, but there's something about this group that begs to be trolled a bit)...stay tuned for more alternate universe episodes...

  • Love 15

Meri makes a momentous decision that will change the Brown family forever>>



She decides to chuck it all with the kodster and 'go weird' , loses the orange tanner and rod stewart 80's hair and runs away with that vaguely Patrick Swayzeish-looking butch thrift store chick with the goth daughter. Contrived plot device is the two of them go Harley Davidson shopping, buy a bunch of  leather outfits and re-open the thrift store as a pawn shop/biker bar- they eventually get bit parts on Sons of Anarchy as badass 'honor amongst thieves'  pseudo-vigilante gun-toting motorcycle mamas that live out in the desert handing out street justice to brothers who treat their ol ladies poorly. Parting shot is Katie Segal watching them ride off into the sunset raising her beer in salute. (ok that was far-fetched, but there's something about this group that begs to be trolled a bit)...stay tuned for more alternate universe episodes.


Awesome. I'll venture into this because I'm snow-bound crazy even now.


Meri's decision is to use her secret savings to put a down payment on a celestial planet of her own. It will have a media room and a giant wet bar that faces Planet Kody/Robyn. Meri will entertain all children and adults who have not wronged her on Earth. She will keep her wet bar filled with delicious savory and sweet treats. Robyn and Kody will look on longingly from their own planet. They, unfortunately, will be gifted with the 400K inventory of cheap joorly and random junk from MSWC, which they will be destined to hawk to other celestial neighborhoods for eternity. Meri will smile. 

  • Love 14


Meri's decision is to use her secret savings to put a down payment on a celestial planet of her own. It will have a media room and a giant wet bar that faces Planet Kody/Robyn. Meri will entertain all children and adults who have not wronged her on Earth. She will keep her wet bar filled with delicious savory and sweet treats. Robyn and Kody will look on longingly from their own planet. They, unfortunately, will be gifted with the 400K inventory of cheap joorly and random junk from MSWC, which they will be destined to hawk to other celestial neighborhoods for eternity. Meri will smile.

Mariah will prop a giant spotlight atop the wetbar and aim it at Planet Kody/Robyn while sobbing--"its ours, I don't see why we can't just have it."   

  • Love 6

It just showed her sitting with lawyer and telling him she is wanting to discuss a legal divorce from Kody. 


They are really going to start alienating even more of their viewers if they keep doing these 5 second "cliffhanger" endings. Based on the timing of the tabloids/this episode it is so obvious that this was a PR stunt, if this was filmed around Christmas/New Years we would have heard about it a lot sooner. Also the lovely re-cap episodes of Robyn and Meri back to back to make them seem like they are glowing angels doing it for the family ugh, so much manipulation.


I hope Christine's mom starts rubbing off on her, she seems like a level headed cool lady. The scene when Kody said they should have waiting longer to court then get married was interesting, Christine got really emotional (IMO over nothing) but it could be a sign of her having mixed emotions.


Also Janelle looked great in that scene with the anthropology students when she was putting in the sign, you could really see the weight loss when she was standing. She's always so quiet around the wives/Kody but sometimes, mostly with outsiders like the students or the gym trainer, she really lights up. I wonder what happened with the trainer (I might have missed the episode) he's never being shown anymore sometimes I wonder if Kody started to forbid them from working together. Anyways I'm soft for Janelle because I think she is most likely to leave the nuthouse, although Christine's mom's influence might make her warm up to the idea. 

  • Love 4

I was flipping between SNL and this, so what is the timeline? I thought I heard Janelle mention that it was almost the New Year when asked about the whole Meri/Janelle issues by the faux anthropologists. When did Meri actually file for divorce? Are they really trying to pin the whole divorce nonsense on Meri. I am suppose to believe that she did not talk to Kody or Robyn prior to her talking with her lawyer about filing? Seriously? Meri did not seem like she wanted to talk about it to the cameras. It did not seem like this was some awesome decision for the family that Meri came up with just by her demeanor.


I got irritated with Robyn when she was trying to explain to Christine what Kody meant about longer courtships. I thought Kody should explain himself to Christine, because I think Christine wanted to hear from Kody, not Robyn, and what Robyn thought Kody was saying. Christine does tend to overreact, but I hated Robyn jumping in to explain Kody's thought process.


What was Robyn's answer to the faux anthropologists question about Kody having one on one time with Solomon, but not some of the other kids.

  • Love 3

Robyn needs to STFU. Christine heard exactly what Kody said - that he wished they'd courted longer, or courted at all. He didn't say he wished he hadn't married her, but she really has no filter and instantly reacts. I'm kind of glad she calls him out more than any of the rest of them. 


Overall, I think they were more honest about struggling to get along (Meri and Janelle) and how they'd made things work, but didn't really like each other.


I also wish Robyn or someone had admitted that Kody pays more attention to Solomon because he's a boy and he's Robyn's. He is another one of those dads who loves making babies and showing them off, but as soon as they actually have personalities and problems (just day to day things that need worked out, not special needs or illness), he's no longer interested. The adults can make whatever despicable lifestyle choices they want, but to run out on his kids until it's time to be Fun Dad for a few hours a week is terrible.

Edited by RazzleberryPie
  • Love 10

Christine heard exactly what Kody said - that he wished they'd courted longer, or courted at all. He didn't say he wished he hadn't married her, but she really has no filter and instantly reacts. I'm kind of glad she calls him out more than any of the rest of them. 


Yeah, Robyn really likes to explain everything about polygamy, and tends to do it too much, considering she has lived it the least amount of years amongst all those wives. Although I'll give her credit for explaining the sentiment about courting better than Kody was. Kody has foot-in-mouth moments and he doesn't seem the greatest communicator.  When she said that it was about doing things logically instead of based on luck, it made sense. 

Christine's instant flare up kind of alarmed me. I understand why she would be offended by Kody's comment totally, but the way she reacted just seemed a bit intense. 


MarysWetBar, you were absolutely right about the "big reveal". Stringing us along until the last few minutes, and then really no explanation at all. Based on the previews for the upcoming episodes and the next tell-all, I'm going to guess Meri is still with Kody. Still unsure what her motivation for the divorce would be though. 


I actually thought it was a pretty interesting episode overall, and I liked the conversations the "anthropologists" had with each wife. I found it really interesting that Meri said she was past trying to have a close relationship with Janelle. She seems okay with that, and she did try to extend an olive branch  before as Janelle herself admitted. So I don't know how Meri is going to react when/if Janelle finally approaches her since she basically said she's over it. 


Okay, I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, but I really teared up when Mariah was talking about that pregnancy reveal moment. That was really touching and felt very genuine.

Edited by purpleflowers



Also Janelle looked great in that scene with the anthropology students when she was putting in the sign, you could really see the weight loss when she was standing. She's always so quiet around the wives/Kody but sometimes, mostly with outsiders like the students or the gym trainer, she really lights up. I wonder what happened with the trainer (I might have missed the episode) he's never being shown anymore sometimes I wonder if Kody started to forbid them from working together. Anyways I'm soft for Janelle because I think she is most likely to leave the nuthouse, although Christine's mom's influence might make her warm up to the idea. 

Bumblebee, check out the SW in the Media thread.  Sean left his wife for a 22 year old girl, his wife filed for divorce and she's a friend of Janelle's.  So buh-bye Sean.

  • Love 1

Meri makes a momentous decision that will change the Brown family forever>>



She decides to chuck it all with the kodster and 'go weird' , loses the orange tanner and rod stewart 80's hair and runs away with that vaguely Patrick Swayzeish-looking butch thrift store chick with the goth daughter. Contrived plot device is the two of them go Harley Davidson shopping, buy a bunch of  leather outfits and re-open the thrift store as a pawn shop/biker bar- they eventually get bit parts on Sons of Anarchy as badass 'honor amongst thieves'  pseudo-vigilante gun-toting motorcycle mamas that live out in the desert handing out street justice to brothers who treat their ol ladies poorly. Parting shot is Katie Segal watching them ride off into the sunset raising her beer in salute. (ok that was far-fetched, but there's something about this group that begs to be trolled a bit)...stay tuned for more alternate universe episodes...


Only problem with that is: Sons of Anarchy recently had its final episode. Great scenario though. We need to find another one for Meri.



I got irritated with Robyn when she was trying to explain to Christine what Kody meant about longer courtships. I thought Kody should explain himself to Christine, because I think Christine wanted to hear from Kody, not Robyn, and what Robyn thought Kody was saying. Christine does tend to overreact, but I hated Robyn jumping in to explain Kody's thought process.


What was Robyn's answer to the faux anthropologists question about Kody having one on one time with Solomon, but not some of the other kids.


I've come to just despise Robyn, period. Kody is a narcissist, but Robyn is a disagreeable beyatch. And seeing her on the flashbacks, wow, she has NOT aged well. Resting bitch face, loads of wrinkles, and yet Kody still thinks she is the greatest since sliced cheese, just because she's maintained a reasonable figure. I was hoping that the first three wives would go off into the world together, finally realizing that they alone are the heart of the family and they are better off without those two drips. Then they could explore their newly reawakened sexuality together....but I guess not, given the conflicts between Meri and Janelle. Oh well.

  • Love 4

What is the timeline here? Are these "anthropology" students here after the divorce? Because I really despise the flip flop editing!

I am just taking a guess, but there was Thanksgiving-type of decor in the dining room of one of the homes where the students were chatting with the family, so that made me think at least part of their time with the students was after the divorce since the divorce was in September. But these anthropology episodes have been airing before the divorce talk is starting to happen, so it is a little confusing. 

Edited by purpleflowers

Upon watching a prior video, in which he said the concept of Meri having a second husband was a "vulgarity" that "sickens" him, Kody states piously:  "I've forgiven Meri since then, but this putting me on the spot -"


Christine interrupts, words dripping with sarcasm:  "Wow, how big of you", drops head into hand, "I can't believe you just buried yourself deeper".


And THIS, is why I still love Christine.

  • Love 24

I'm usually able to stick it through long enough to watch each episode of this train wreck, then post a bullet-pointed response here afterward.  I wasn't able to stay focused during this two hours at all, particularly after the bait-and-switch ending of the first episode re: the divorce.  I love a good clusterfuck reality show (looking at you, Duggars), but I'm becoming very weary of these people.  I loathe Kody, but that goes without saying.  I'm not a fan of any of these women, but if I were forced to choose a favorite, I'd pick Janelle simply because she's the most level-headed of the four (that's not saying much, of course).  Robyn, however, is just demonic.  She conceals her deplorable sneakiness beneath a wide-eyed "I just want the best for all of us" demeanor.  Give me a break.  That bitch knows exactly what she's doing.  She jumped aboard this sinking ship, fully aware that she'd be better off than she was as a single woman with three young children, one of whom has special needs.  I try to put myself into their shoes mentally and convince myself that these relationships are healthy and worthwhile and it just doesn't work.  I would pay good money to watch Kody spend a full week with an emotionally healthy woman.  His ego wouldn't last 48 hours.


Two final questions: Does that male "anthropologist" EVER take his hat off inside, particularly while eating in someone else's home or in his professor's office during a formal meeting?  Call me old-fashioned, but good grief.  This guy has more baseball hats and skullcaps than anyone I've ever seen.  Also, did we ever find out "who's the love wiiiife . . . who's the sex wiiiife?"

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 12

Bullshit show is bullshit. As expected the 'reveal' was in the last 2-3 minutes of the show. Trying to make this Meri's idea. Half expect her to pull a Blair Warner from Facts of Life and say "I just had another one of my brilliant ideas." Really Meri, you have been thinking about this for 5 years? Was this also while you drove the will I or will I not have Robyn act as my surrogate into the ground? While you were consumed with wetbar dreams? Fleeing in a covered wagon from Utah to Nevada? Gurl please. Robyn and Kody's terrible acting in the preview was Razzie Lifetime Achievement Award worthy.

Disappointed but not surprised that Mariah downgraded from being a pre-med major to a physician's assistant. MD and plural wife just don't go together. Nope. Also, LOL at her talking about being wife #1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Does it really matter given recent events?

I found the fake anthropology students less punchable this week for the coffee shop exchange alone. One moment stood out for me like gangbusters. Antoinette asked Kody how it would be possible for his non-hypermasculine sons to connect with him. Kody for once goes silent and his eyes go to Robyn looking for an out. I guess she had nothing because she merely said' Whew, it is getting awkward in here." LOL!!!

If those 2 really were students they would deserve an "F" for thinking Kody wasn't a jerk and overbearing. Oh, and they couldn't pick up that Robyn was the favorite wife? Bitches please. Helen Keller could have picked that up. Pair of TLC shills the both of them. Isn't the point of anthropology to observe and report in the subjects natural habitat? The Browns just organized a bunch of activities to put their best foot forward.

Antoinette should be wife 5. That would fix Robyn's wagon.

Nice to see even a small snippet of Janelle as a realtor.

I don't blame Christine for being sensitive given everything that was going on at the time. I think she is insecure about Kody period. Didn't he say a few seasons ago that in the beginning when he was just getting acquainted with her that he was disgusted at the sight of her eating nachos chips? She is the main wife that vocally complains about Kody's allocation of time amongst the wives and feels she is getting the short straw.

  • Love 7

What was the "Until recently" comment that Christine said during the courtship conversation?  When Christine was angry with Kody's comments that a relationship isn't as good as it can be without a long courtship?  And Christine said something along the lines of "I always thought we had a good relationship... until recently" and then she said something else.  I know it wasn't "Go to Hell, Kody" but it sounded similar.

  • Love 1

What was the "Until recently" comment that Christine said during the courtship conversation?  When Christine was angry with Kody's comments that a relationship isn't as good as it can be without a long courtship?  And Christine said something along the lines of "I always thought we had a good relationship... until recently" and then she said something else.  I know it wasn't "Go to Hell, Kody" but it sounded similar.

I'm pretty sure she said "Good hell, Kody!" Which I've been told is a "Utah swear." LOL

  • Love 1

If those 2 really were students they would deserve an "F" for thinking Kody wasn't a jerk and overbearing. Oh, and they couldn't pick up that Robyn was the favorite wife? Bitches please. Helen Keller could have picked that up. Pair of TLC shills the both of them. Isn't the point of anthropology to observe and report in the subjects natural habitat? The Browns just organized a bunch of activities to put their best foot forward.

How about their check-in "review" session with their so-called professor, all coming after Kody says "Oh to be a fly on that wall." The male "student" says it wasn't what he thought a polygamous family was at all, and the female student said that not only did she find the environment so incredibly supportive and the children all happy and healthy, but she wants to be a sister wife!!. Laying it on pretty thick, TLC.

  • Love 8

Upon watching a prior video, in which he said the concept of Meri having a second husband was a "vulgarity" that "sickens" him, Kody states piously:  "I've forgiven Meri since then, but this putting me on the spot -"


Christine interrupts, words dripping with sarcasm:  "Wow, how big of you", drops head into hand, "I can't believe you just buried yourself deeper".


And THIS, is why I still love Christine.

Cause really, what's he going to do about it? DIVORCE HER?

  • Love 3

Given the way Meri acted at then end about talking to a lawyer, I don't think we'll ever know the real truth about this divorce.  Her face gave her away as lying about something.  Perhaps it wasn't true that she initiated this or that it was her idea.   I guess in the coming weeks perhaps we'll find out more, but I think most of it is going to be BS sanitized for the show.  It sounds to me like something Kody would push under the guise of doing something good for Robyn's kids when it's really to serve his own selfish emotional agenda.  From the look on Meri's face, I don't think she's buying it either but she knows she has nothing but to gain from going through with it and why not?  She's not going to get what she needs from Kody anyway, and she can still stick around to benefit from the TLC gravy train.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 4

You know what seems so pathetic to me?  That I can't help but believe that the divorce was instigated by Kody, Robyn, or both.  Yet Meri is the one who is sent to initiate the proceedings and has to pretend that she's doing it for some 'greater good'.


Meri has been very proactive about protecting her standing in the family, to the point where she drove Janelle away for three years, but when it comes down to Kody wanting things his way in relation to adding additional wives to the group, Meri folds like a house of cards.


I don't think I'll ever understand why Meri, Janelle, and Christine tied themselves to a man who was never going to be just for them; each of them knew that they'd have to share him with other women.  I guess the power of self-delusion is strong with them.


Robyn's a different kettle of fish.  She's been too confident from the beginning, so sure of how things were going to proceed, setting up goals that benefited her and accomplishing those goals.  Who can forget her walking into the house after her wedding to Kody and asking "Where do I put my bills?", then laying them on the counter so someone else could deal with them?  How she took over talking heads and interviews so she could be the spokesperson for polygamy?


Before Robyn, the first three wives were living in Kody's world.  Now they're living in Robyn's world, with Kody as her co-ruler.  I'm starting to wonder if Meri really brought Robyn in as she claims, or if Robyn manipulated Meri into thinking it was all her own idea.

Edited by Zahdii
  • Love 12

"The scene when Kody said they should have waiting longer to court then get married was interesting, Christine got really emotional (IMO over nothing) but it could be a sign of her having mixed emotions."   This indicates TO ME that her cheerful facade is just that...a facade.  The hurt is always lurking right beneath the surface.  


As for Robyn explaining why Kody doesn't engage with some of his kids as much (i.e. daughters) because he can't find a common ground (or something like that) that pisses me off no end.  It is crucial, even when it isn't easy, to find a way to bond.  And if the kids don't like what you do, YOU find a way somehow.  It is not up to the kids to find a way to connect with you.  


"Robyn really likes to explain everything about polygamy"  With that insufferable concerned look on her face.  


I felt really sorry for (garrison or gabriel?) who got caught in a lie and was ashamed ON CAMERA.  That should have been a private moment.  Poor kid.  


And why is this baby having dental surgery????  Put to bed with a bottle of milk every night?  20 years ago I knew better than that.  

Edited by Granny58
  • Love 6

Upon watching a prior video, in which he said the concept of Meri having a second husband was a "vulgarity" that "sickens" him, Kody states piously: "I've forgiven Meri since then, but this putting me on the spot -"

Christine interrupts, words dripping with sarcasm: "Wow, how big of you", drops head into hand, "I can't believe you just buried yourself deeper".

And THIS, is why I still love Christine.

Yup! Janelle also gave Kody a "wow" overlapping Christine.

I normally noticed how great Janelle is doing anyway, but these flashbacks just make it so obvious - she's done a lot of hard work, it's really impressive.

  • Love 4

I find it a little coincidental that this divorce is happening now when in this episode Meri said something to the effect that she was thinking of doing it 5 years ago when Robyn first joined the family.  It sounds to me like it was put off until they needed a "trump card" to increase or continue interest in the show.  Perhaps that's why the attitudes of the wives weren't so great about Robyn, especially in the beginning.  They knew she really was usurping them - Especially Christine.  The divorce might have been Kody's idea, but also Kody's and the producer's idea to put off until they really needed it.  Someone in another thread said that Robyn's ex hasn't been too willing to give away official custody of his kids but given how we have suddenly started to see Robyn's son this season perhaps the real dad has had a change of heart, which might have made it perfect timing to push for marrying Robyn.

  • Love 4

As for Robyn explaining why Kody doesn't engage with some of his kids as much (i.e. daughters) because he can't find a common ground (or something like that) that pisses me off no end.  It is crucial, even when it isn't easy, to find a way to bond.  And if the kids don't like what you do, YOU find a way somehow.  It is not up to the kids to find a way to connect with you. 


Yeah, it came off as a sorry excuse.  The problem is that so much of his time with them has to be planned and older kids don't work that way.  You have to be there when they're there and when you can spontaneously interact with them.  Kody's time is so stretched that he's not able to do that. 

  • Love 1
 How about their check-in "review" session with their so-called professor, all coming after Kody says "Oh to be a fly on that wall." The male "student" says it wasn't what he thought a polygamous family was at all, and the female student said that not only did she find the environment so incredibly supportive and the children all happy and healthy, but she wants to be a sister wife!!. Laying it on pretty thick, TLC.


God, yes.  The whole set up was so blatantly false. I can't believe any legitimate instructor would appear with those two and hope to keep any credibility among his students.  I wonder what acting class HE came from.  The female "student" certainly put on the sparkly, peppy face for her "report", penned by Kobyn et al.

  • Love 3


Bullshit show is bullshit. As expected the 'reveal' was in the last 2-3 minutes of the show. Trying to make this Meri's idea. Half expect her to pull a Blair Warner from Facts of Life and say "I just had another one of my brilliant ideas." Really Meri, you have been thinking about this for 5 years? Was this also while you drove the will I or will I not have Robyn act as my surrogate into the ground? While you were consumed with wetbar dreams? Fleeing in a covered wagon from Utah to Nevada? Gurl please. Robyn and Kody's terrible acting in the preview was Razzie Lifetime Achievement Award worthy.


Did they say why they're doing the divorce thing? I really want to hear their stupid reason for all this.

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