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S01.E15: The Scarecrow


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Gordon and Bullock set out to stop Gerald Crane, a biology teacher who has been harvesting the glands of his murder victims. Meanwhile, after finding herself in an unusual setting, Mooney continues plotting to gain power, and Falcone attempts to change Maroni's plan for the Penguin. Bruce takes a treacherous hike.



Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Jim and Leslie are so cute! Jim is adorably awkward. Also, no Barbara! Yay!

Is Kelly of any importance in the comic book world? Is he Fish's newest lackey? I like him, but if he survives long enough to see the return of Butch, I'm afraid he's a dead man.

Poor Penguin! He was kinda adorable this episode. Penguin seemed to handle Jim breaking up with him pretty well. And only like two people Showed up to his grand opening :(

The Penguin/Riddler meeting was perfect.

The Fish stuff was predictable, but the eyeless girl was a twist.

Favorite lines of the night: Harvey's "office romance" advice.

Poor baby Scarecrow :'(

Excited for next week!

Edited by HoodlumSheep

This is another episode that jumped around too much.  I was expecting more time with the Cranes, and more tension. Poor Jonathan, though.


Ed stuck to his tried and true method of creeping, and Oswald stuck with polite but dangerous. I still think this pair could get along in time. I thought Ed might grab Jim's invitation out of the trash. Falcone's mistaken in his assumption that Oswald knows his limits. I liked Maroni's appearance at the club to mock and warn; he's such a cheerful evil kingpin.


Not sure what to think of Fish's predicament just yet. I'm sure everyone knew how that power struggle would go.


Bruce's solo hike was melancholy. I wonder what the occasion was for the hikes with his father. He got to practice his resourcefulness, but I suspected Alfred would be along. I'm not surpised he let Bruce climb the hill himself, because tough always seems to go before love with him.  Watching the sunrise together was a good moment for them. I think this is the first time Alfred has appeared out of uniform.


I enjoy the random graffitied posters of the mayor.


We'll have to see how the Grayson acrobats perform.


Edited for grammar.

Edited by MisterGlass
  • Love 4

I didn't find the episode boring. Sure, we had Bruce angst and some goofy "Leslie needs boundaries" stuff, but we also had some action, Oswald and Ed playing a game of cat-and-also-cat, and Fish Mooney winding up on board the AMAZO from last season's Arrow. At least that's where my mind went. And no Barbara? Bonus!


Damn, that was some quality scenery chewing from JPS. I'm amazed none of the actors around her have lost fingers.


Poor Jonathan. Poor doomed Jonathan. CGI scarecrow is nothing to mess with. And he got injected with adrenal gland goop, which was disgusting to watch get prepared. Maybe he could hang with Ivy, since they're both disturbed and a bit psycho.


And poor Bruce. At least he had a happy sunrise with his trusted manservant.

  • Love 1

Fish's survival instincts are a thing of beauty -  "My name is Fish Mooney and I'm in charge now!". Loved Fish as Calisto to her Morlocks, ops, wait, sorry, wrong fandom. That was the best part of the episode for me, and I cannot wait until she is back to Gotham with her new army.


This was probably the very first time that I trully enjoyed ALL Alfred/Bruce scenes. Bruce breaking down was long overdue, but I appreciate that the tone  was more about sandness than pure angst/anger. Alfred still has a lot to learn about being a parent, though. Oh, and their wardrobe is fantastic.


“Office romance, always ends in tears. TEARS." - Harvey Bollock, official big bunch of grumpy bear, and his take on love in the workplace. Once he is done as a police officer, he can start his own radio show "Dear Harvey".


Jim and Lee have so much chemistry that it is going to be painful to watch Jim and Barbara scenes when she is back. It is not even fair competition, you know.


THREE Barbore less episodes. Hopefully, three and counting.


Nygma and Penguin. Nygma and Penguin.


Between the woman whose eyes were taken and Scarecrow living in endless terror, that ending was brutal. Why it is always the eyes?? Why?


I enjoyed the episode, but the writers are too eager to introduce all the  villains but not really concerned about creating some sort of cohesive main arc that integrates all these folks in a way that is more mythology - as it should - than case of the week/one single episode, never heard again. Yes, I'm looking at you, promo.

Edited by Raachel2008
  • Love 3

Well, thank god for Fish Mooney or that would have been one boring episode.

Fish Mooney makes everything better. Nobody puts baby...oh sorry Fish Mooney in a corner. What did it take her all of five minutes to take over the prison?

I liked the short scene between Penguin and Ed Nygma.

I was half expecting the endless terror to be of his father but the scarecrow works better genre wise.

Edited by Chaos Theory

Nygma trolling Cobblepot was the highlight of the episode for me.  I agree with the poster above who could see them as allies at some point in the future, but I also hope they keep up the antagonism for at least a little bit.  I'd love to see Cobblepot get a run for his money.


Stephen Crane - worst dad in Gotham, or worst-est dad?  Now there's somebody who deserves to be dug up and shot again.

  • Love 7

Ok, did that redhead last episode die or was she rescued? I got totally confused at the beginning...

Loved ed and penguin. All the don stuff was entertaining. I always adore Alfred and Bruce got some time outdoors which was healthy. Fish was interesting but I have no idea what on earth is going on there. I could have done with about half of that and more time spent on something else.

The actual case was the weak point, IMO. I don't think they had enough story for a two parter or something. I hope they leave this little romance with Jim and dr inara drama free.

As expected Nygma and Cobblepot were wonderfully wrong and yet, so right together. The Emperor Penguin line cracked me up from Ed's "cool info, amirite?" and Oswald's "wtf?" reaction.  More meets; maybe Oswald has to identify someone and Ed has to see what's up?


Lee, though I enjoy her playing Jim because he's low-hanging fruit, needs to find something else to twit him about. It is already tiresome, to me, and there are about as many things Jim seems to be uptight about as phobias Crane senior enumerated. Dr. Tompkins is fun and I enjoy her and her relatively normal outlook. It's just this eensy thing that is tiresome. Morena Baccarin is always FTW. 


Bullock-- I want to know more about how he knows about "always ends in tears. TEARS." To borrow from channel neighbor Backstrom, he's a deep man.


Fish--Fish's look at the end; was it a "Gonna have to step this up  now" look or a "These bastards are gonna pay look, or both? Or neither?


Bruce and Alfred are sweet even when they aren't exactly. An all too rare moment of calm for Bruce, even with the ankle sprain. Also, thanks DP and crew for a lovely shot.


Moroni and Falcone-- Old-school bastards being old-school bastards.  I hope that the don lets Penguin redecorate more, especially since he seemed to want to remove all of Fish's taste/history with the place.


I guess tonight was a roll-call credits episode; I was hoping to see Montoya and Allen. I was thinking we might see Barbara at Penguin's opening night. Sorry, Oswald's, with the nifty neon blue umbrella.


Fifteen episodes in and I am still excited for the next episode, regardless of promo monkey shenanigans.

I really wanted an Oswald Nygma spin-off now.  OK, I'll settle for an episode where they are forced to go on a road trip or something. Those two were cracking me up, and I especially loved seeing Oswald being the one that was getting frustrated.  I thought the actors played off each other very well, and I want to see more of it.  Make it happen, show!


Jim, I like you, but please, please remove that stick out of your ass.  Do you realize just how lucky you are to be dating someone as awesome, smart, and beautiful as Leslie?  Especially compared to your last girlfriend (OK, yeah, Barbara was pretty.  But she was lacking in the other two..)  Are you really going to get all freaked out over her working at GCPD, now?  Come on, man.  It's not even like you are always going to be hanging out together.  She's the M.E.; you're a detective: it's more then doable, despite what Bullock claims (and, are you really going to listen to him?)  And, showing affection for her at work is very low on the "nefarious" things that GCPD is currently involved in.


The case of the week wrap up was boring.  It was all because Daddy Crane felt guilty over not being able to save his wife, so he was trying to take the fear away.  Instead, he just completely messed up Jonathan, and this is how Scarecrow begins.


So... Fish is in some kind of prison, and is already running the place like a Queen.  I have no idea what is going on here, but I'll roll with it.


Enjoyed the Maroni/Falcone stuff, and how John Doman and David Zayas play off one another.  But, I love how they both shit on Oswald, knowing what he is going to become.  These two have no idea what he is capable of.


Bruce's stuff was kind of slow, but the final scene with Alfred was nice.  I love that snarky, hard-ass butler.


Montoya and Allen really did just disappear in a void, huh?  Barbara too, but I ain't complaining.

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 3

I felt bad for Penguin....a party and nobody came. Sigh - maybe he shouldn't have sliced and diced both preppy boys.  I want him to have a definitive win soon.  And I sort of liked Marony prior to this but his gloating face was just too ugly for me.  The shot making it look like Penguin was pissing his pants was ingenious.  Jim's righteousness is also his stupidness at this point.  We all know he's going to need Penguin again - plus going just to get a look at possible criminals is feasible. 


I know the doctor is written into the story as a good gal (?) so far, but I think she'll end up being creepers somehow.  However if she fits into the batman mythology I'm wrong and it's all good.  I find her pushing Jim tiresome as well already.


Even Nygma recognized boundaries - haha - and then Penguin advanced on him.  It was a good meet but not great.


I was in disbelief and amazement that Alfred didn't follow Bruce! until, of course, he did.


Fish is the cartoon within the cartoon.  I find her ridiculous over the top even for a criminal mastermind. Suuure those guys were so scared they backed away.  Ewww and her being come hither is just creepy.


Whatever Scarecrow becomes it's his Daddy that should be his biggest fear.  Asshole - that was like 30x the dosage he took.  The scarecrow wasn't scary at all, sadly, although it might find a home on Sleepy Hollow?  Anyway, I suspect except for people with serious phobias most people's greatest fear is dying so how do you confront that?  Say you're not afraid of bullets and get all shot up?  Ummm....yeah, no.

I enjoyed the episode, enjoyed the Oswald/Edward faceoff in particular.  Good stuff from Marone too.  Liked the Scarecrow stuff.  Fish would last about five minutes in a real prison but her storyline was entertaining.


The Jim story was stupid.  He tells her a job is open at the police station and then bitches when she gets it.


Expected Bruce to have his batcave moment.

Edited by benteen
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I'm confused on how Fish got into the prison or wherever it was.  Last week ended with her charging at the 'pirate' or whoever he was, but the way they shot the scene I expected either a big fight, or some kind of recognition (she knew him from something previously?).  This week opens up with her passed out on the floor, and no sign of the pirate.  Also no explanation of how everyone else got there - were they all captured from ships?


And while I like that she quickly figured out the power structure in her new environment, I think she was very lucky she didn't get attacked while she was still passed out.


Otherwise, I liked the episode, Harvey is great for bringing Jim back to reality.  I agree with whoever posted that Dr. Crane is worst father of the year, 'we have to finish the protocol' by injecting triple the normal dose?  Psychologically damaging his son for life?  What happened to his carefully measured experiments?

Loved the visuals...this was wonderfully dark. Seemed like a wonderful reminder to Jim just what can happen if you continue blindly down an altruistic path. Dr. Crane meant well...but he screwed up his son instead.

Speaking of Gordon, I sure hope Dr. Tompkins will get him to loosen up...one episode of “stuck up Jim” was hard enough.

Penguin vs Riddler was pretty cool...man, when you can creep out the ol' Cobblepot, you know you're messed up.

It was also nice seeing Oswald finally trembling again...he grew in power too soon so the show needed to check that, and I think they did a pretty good job. It's also nice seeing Falcone and Maroni being such good buds...for such mortal enemies, they do seem to get along just fine.

Thought the Bruce storyline, while touching, was distracting...I think something like that would have worked better if it were tied to the case at hand.

Then there's Fish...no idea what her storyline is at this point. Where exactly is she and who took her, and why? What is that prison for in the first place? I suppose we'll all get the answers at some point but it's just too strange at this stage.

Overall, it was a great episode.

This episode was worth it just for the brief scene between Ed and Oswald. At first when I saw Edward spot Oswald, I thought oh crap, have they somehow been secret partners all along and I somehow missed it? I thought they were giving each eye signals to meet so they could talk about something. Loved their weird conversation.


Harvey looking at beakers was also hilarious.


I still don't care about Fish's storylines.


I did find Maroni and Falcone laughing at the judge together both creepy and amusing.

  • Love 1

How old is Batman in relation to Robin? If we're possibly going to see Robin at the circus, it should be a baby Robin. Not one who could do much trapeze work at this point.

It wouldn't be Robin it would be his "newly married parents. The new Stars of the circus framed for a murder they didn't commit that Jim and Harvey solve."

Jim and the doctor lady is just stupid. It was his idea for her to work there and now his panties are in a twist.

I wonder if this was always the way Bruce Wayne learned. Fall off a cliff and get back up or if this is just how Alfred teaches him post parents dying.

Edited by Chaos Theory

Loved that episode. Now that was a perfect and horribly tragic way of setting up Jonathan and his future fate as the Scarecrow.


Gerald's motives were interesting, even sympathetic but at the same time, it had to end horribly for him and even worse for his own son, who he's cursed now.


Gordon and Leslie really do have chemistry. They just work so well together that I want the show to defy canon and not have him and Barbara reunite at all.


Leslie in general was pretty fun in this episode though I was surprised that Essen hadn't heard of her and Gordon being an item. Bullock's teasing was amusing too.


Great subplot with Bruce and Alfred this week and like with Jonathan, I got an element of Bruce's fate being set up as well.


Fish really does know how to turn a bad situation into an advantage. Killing Mace and assuming command over those prisoners almost seemed a bit too easy though. Eyeless woman gave me the creeps though.


Nygma and Oswald meeting up at GCPD was just delightful. I want another scene with those two.


Good scenes with Falcone and Maroni as well. Felt a little bad that Oswald's opening night was a bust though.


Next week's episode looks very, very interesting, 8/10

Edited by darkestboy


Enjoyed the Maroni/Falcone stuff, and how John Doman and David Zayas play off one another.  But, I love how they both shit on Oswald, knowing what he is going to become.  These two have no idea what he is capable of.



This. It's glorious watching these two actors work on this show. They're both playing rather conventional tv/movie gangsters but each is giving it his own particular spin. See, this is why you always use HBO alumni-they usually only hire the best.

I enjoy the look and feel of the show, but the episodes are starting to feel as if they are rambling... There are so many characters the show checks in with : Riddler, Penguin, Fish, the Mob Bosses, Alfred and Bruce, sometimes Barbara, etc. It can make whatever the main story is supposed to be feel thin.

It sort of works when the different story lines touch on one another, like Gordon's scarecrow case and Penguin's visit to the police station. But Bruce's camping trip story and Fish's prison situation didn't mesh as well. (Although the Fish scenes were good.)


I did like Gordon's irritated reactions when the new medical examiner was complicating his work life...

Edward is really growing on me as a character, I actually look forward to seeing him every week.

Meanwhile, I actually enjoyed the Bruce and Alfred scenes. I thought we were going to find the batcave alas not yet. It has to happen soon if it hasn't already happened though.

Jonathon's scarecrow nightmare was actually pretty scary for network cgi.

I also find Falcone so much intimidating than Sal. To me it seems clear that Carmine is the real power and that Sal maybe rose to his position with a lot of luck.

Eta: I don't feel like it's an episode of Gotham for me unless I add, "Poor Jonathan."

Also where is Gordon sleeping? At the GCPD? Let him crash on your couch Leslie, the man just helped you get a damn job with one assumes a nice life insurance policy!

Edited by Delphi
  • Love 2

Jim and Leslie are SO much more entertaining than Jim and Barbara, which probably means I should appreciate them now while I can because Jim eventually names his daughter after the dreary one. I realize that Jim is "by the book", and his scenes with Leslie and Oswald reinforced that, but it makes him a less effective police officer. I do hope they delve into how he removed the stick up his butt enough to have a partnership with a group of vigilantes which breaks all the rules.I liked the Bruce/Alfred stuff for what was presented, but in the context of who they will someday become, Bruce should already be Selina levels of agile by now, and packing to leave. Nygma/Penguin was awesome. Never liked Scarecrow. Never will.

How old is Batman in relation to Robin? If we're possibly going to see Robin at the circus, it should be a baby Robin. Not one who could do much trapeze work at this point.


Typically Batman is depicted in his mid-late 20's (maybe early 30's) when Dick Grayson is a teenager. So he's atleast 10 years older, probably more.


So Baby Robin maybe, likely no Robin. John and Mary Grayson on the other hand? They could easily make an appearence. Dick is usually an only child (all comic iterations) but in Batman Forever Dick also has an older brother, Mitchell Grayson, they haven't balked at editing the continuity in this show so they could easily add even more Graysons.

Edited by Maximum Taco

Penguin and Riddler meeting was the highlight of the episode for me.  Penguin all guarded and defensive, Riddler bemused.  Fish was great, a total predator.  Moroni's comments to Penguin were hilarious.  I wonder how much longer Barbara will be sidelined before she makes her dramatic, boring reappearance?

Edited by Dobian

How old is Batman in relation to Robin? If we're possibly going to see Robin at the circus, it should be a baby Robin. Not one who could do much trapeze work at this point.


Bruce was already an adult when he adopted Dick. So I suppose the Graysons are in their teens or early twenties and haven't produced Robin yet.


Speaking about superhero production, while I love that Barbara Kean hasn't graced our tv screens for 2 whole episodes, I fear that when Barbara breaks out of Stepford Parent's mansion, we'll have to suffer through 2 or 3 episodes of her. :-(

Good episode.


Great interaction between Penguin and Nygma. Nygma's starting to grow on me, to be honest. Penguin though - he still bothers me that he is begging for protection, blah blah. Find your own protection, Penguin and then figure out how to gain power.


Loved Maroni and Falcone's little conversation. Here they are, complete rivals but they respect each other, have nice little interactions. If those two ever teamed up..man. Good luck Gotham.


Fish in the prison. Damn, once she finds out whose holding her prisoner, I do not envy those people. and the POOR woman whose eyes were removed. God, that was horrible and so disturbing. And you know Fish is going to make an example out of them. Just creepy as all heck.


I totally get why Jim is hesitant about the public displays of affection and honestly, he is right. They shouldn't be making out in the precinct. It may seem cold of him to say it, but he's right - it's not professional and it undermines both of their authority.. There will be whisperings of favouritism. I get it, honestly. Put it this way, if they both have a disagreement or opposite opinions, it will be viewed as a 'lovers spat' instead of hard facts being used to judge a case or situation. The flip side if that if Jim sides with Leigh, not the Captain, then he's only siding with the ME because they are a couple, not because of logic and hard fact. They shouldn't have told anyone they are together.


Thought the final scene with Bruce and Alfred was sweet. It's like Alfred really wants to be considered Bruce's father in a way, and Bruce is really fighting to accept that. But you can see them growing closer. I like it.

  • Love 2


Thought the final scene with Bruce and Alfred was sweet. It's like Alfred really wants to be considered Bruce's father in a way, and Bruce is really fighting to accept that. But you can see them growing closer. I like it.


The Bruce-Alfred story was the parallel story to the Cranes. Both dads have sons who with traumatic experiences and want their sons to heal. Crane does it one way. Alfred tries it another way. I don't know if having an injured teen crawl his way uphill unaided is the best way, but it's better than killing a bunch of people to steal adrenal hormones to inject into your kid.

  • Love 3


Speaking about superhero production, while I love that Barbara Kean hasn't graced our tv screens for 2 whole episodes, I fear that when Barbara breaks out of Stepford Parent's mansion, we'll have to suffer through 2 or 3 episodes of her. :-(

If we have to have Barbara come back , I wish she had been the person thrown into the pit with Fish and Co. It's such a random pairing that it could be interesting to watch. And I totally would believe Barbara went looking for drugs in the wrong place and got picked up and dropped there. And if Fish and Barbara bonded so that she ends up being Fish's moll? Watching Montoya's eyes bug out of her head in shock would be priceless.


I know Baby Bruce ain't Batman yet, but that kid sat there for at least 30 mins to an hour - until it was pitch dark- to come up with a splint to drag himself up? C'mon!


I liked that Alfred dealt in tough love with making Bruce save himself up to a point. It combined several lessons that Batman incorporates well: Bear through the pain and don't count on ANYONE to come save you - save yourself.


The origins of Jonathan 'Scarecrow' Crane were pretty darned tragic and sad. He didn't ask for this nor seek this out, it was thrust upon him; and it may be that it's his attempt at coping to this situation that turns him into a 'villain'.


Nygma getting under Oswald's skin was so funny. It's something when Oswald looks at you like *you're* the creep. And Nygma's glee and excitement as he was reading Crane's paper and wondering who Subject B was AND commenting on Leslie smelling nice. Love it. But I do think he would respect Leslie as Jim's lady friend. Last week Nygma was all smiles watching them kiss in the police bullpen so he's all for that ship.

Edited by TobinAlbers
  • Love 1

I agree with Jim... kissing and all of that at the office is unprofessional. They are there to work and should leave the romance for non-working hours. Even that long kiss they had (while it was hot) was also unprofessional. If one of my co-workers had such an intimate kiss right in the middle of our office... they would have a stern talking to by a supervisor. I feel like Leslie should know this as well... her acting like a schoolgirl is not cute.


How did Fish take over like that? Really improbable. 

  • Love 2


It's also nice seeing Falcone and Maroni being such good buds...for such mortal enemies, they do seem to get along just fine.

They're part of the old school guard that balanced the power in the city.  They reaffirmed their treaty the last time they bartered over Oswald.  Apparently Ozzie is worth a toxic waste dump of some potential, and the life of a judge / possibly additional money.



Once he is done as a police officer, he can start his own radio show "Dear Harvey".

Oh, that would be so fun.  And sarcastic.  He would absolutely use Jim's love life as fodder.

Fish saved this episode. Jada has got to be having a ball.



Loved her here. "Where am I? You don't know? Oh, well, it's not important right now. Time to divide and conquer this shitheap," and boom, Fish Mooney is on top. She doesn't bother with information she doesn't need in the moment--what's important is that everybody understand not to mess with Fish Mooney and Her Incredible Superpowered Wig. That wig would stay in place through a nuclear holocaust. While I agree that the lack of sexual assault was a bit unrealistic, I'm completely willing to go without, trust me. And Fish's showdown with the Gun Show Twins was purposely written for her to express, obliquely, that any kind of attack on her is going to prove more trouble than it's worth and you two really don't want to be beaten up/shredded/deballed by a wee little tiny girl, now do ya? No, you don't. Just keep walking and everybody's okay.


Alfred continues to be reckless with Bruce's mental health, and is now expanding into his physical health! Hypothermia? Shock? Pshaw! Nothing a little crawl through the wilderness in the dark can't fix!  (Yes, I'm sure he would have jumped in had Bruce been in immediate medical danger but still.)


I really liked Bruce's forced march through the woods--that determined, unhappy stomp that says every step is an effort. The actor is doing a really good job with the character's hurt, suffering but stuffing it down body language. 


The origins of Jonathan 'Scarecrow' Crane were pretty darned tragic and sad. He didn't ask for this nor seek this out, it was thrust upon him; and it may be that it's his attempt at coping to this situation that turns him into a 'villain'.



I felt so bad for him! But honestly he would have died of a heart attack pretty quickly--the human body can't take that many stress hormones over such a prolonged period of time.


Also, my husband pointed out to me that the actor looks exactly like a young Martha Plimpton and now I can't unsee it.

  • Love 2
I feel like Leslie should know this as well... her acting like a schoolgirl is not cute.



Her whole teasing act is getting weird--the constant displays of affection, the "you should see my apartment for some hot sex but not just now" thing--it's starting to feel just a touch calculated, like somebody has figured out to the nicest degree the way to keep Jim Gordon hooked. Be completely open and upfront, make your offers, but never quite follow through at the last, leaving him in control (or so he thinks.) I am wondering if she is an android/spy/whatever Gotham can come up with to torture Jim "I AM Smiling" Gordon.


I also would like to see where the hell Jim Gordon is actually living. Even when Barbara was around it seemed established that they didn't live together at her place full time, or he would have had to make a much bigger production of moving out (and would have caught Selena hanging around sooner.) Plus, when Selena brought Ivy there she noted the dust on the furniture and smell of rotten food, so nobody'd been there since Barbara left. When Jim was at Arkham for his two week punishment stint and there was that scene where he was talking to Harvey on a couch, my husband and I got all excited, thinking finally we were seeing his apartment, but alas, just some common room on the the asylum grounds.

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