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S04.E09: Sketching With Sharks

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As soon as they started the judging with Helen's flesh-colored bubble monstrosity and started lavishing praise all over it, I knew we were in for yet another Bizarro World runway. Hell, this whole season seems to be taking place on Bizarro World. The judges lap up anything ugly, and the stuff that I think is nice they absolutely abhor. It's so weird! 


But the real issue I had with this episode was the fact that they handed Dimitry the win. They'd made such a big deal about how he's always just missing out on winning, and Zanna was all obnoxious about it, so I was anticipating the win just from the editing. The thing is, that coat is NOT avant garde, and it also isn't particularly original. As soon as he started working on it, I was like, "Wait, haven't I seen this before?" And then whoever it was that did the interview (Fabio? Jay?) where they mentioned that Dimitry had used this technique during his season and the editors helpfully inserted some footage of his final runway show. I don't remember things very well, my brain is like a sieve, but I feel like during his season, Dimitry used that technique to make a dress, and the judges loved it so much that he used the same technique in his finale collection. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.


Obviously he realized that he'd have to pull out that same card the other judges loved in order to get a win out of these judges. I just wish he'd done something different with it. Because while the pattern and technique looked cool, the silhouette was so flat and definitely not avant garde at all. It also annoyed me that he kept saying it was a coat, but he never made anything for the model to wear under it. I swear on the runway she was just wearing a black bra and panties. Why wouldn't you just call it a dress? Bah!


This is where I wish the guest judge had been one of the fans of the show. Nicole Sherzinger wasn't terrible, she had a few decent comments to offer (also, as an aside, have you heard her sing on stage? I saw a performance of Phantom Of The Opera that blew me away. I thought she was just a tacky pop star, but the girl's got actual pipes!). But occasionally the celebrity guest judge is a huge fan of the show and is super excited to be there. That's who I wish had been on for this episode, because I would've loved to see what would've happened if Alyssa, Georgina and Isaac slathered praise all over Dimitry's dress and then the guest judge had been like, "Well, it's pretty, but you've done this before a bunch of times during your season." Actually, now that I think about it, they probably would've just edited that out...


Is this season over yet? Isn't it time for a double or triple elimination to speed this up?

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I was only half watching the runway, so I may be misremembering. But I'm pretty sure it was Dmitry's avant garde *thinking* - rather than avant garde *execution * - being rewarded. Maybe Isaac said that?

Okay then...

Didn't care one way or another, like virtually all of this season.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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As soon as they started the judging with Helen's flesh-colored bubble monstrosity and started lavishing praise all over it, I knew we were in for yet another Bizarro World runway.

IKR?!  That was the fugliest thing on the runway and I was convinced she would be in the bottom and possibly go home but NO oh no we gotta lavish praise over a shapeless, thigh length dress with a loofah attached to it.  Between that and Issac saying this was the best A.G. runway......bitch please!  Did he not see season 4?  Christian and Chris would have wiped the floor with this group.


Having said that I am happy with Dimtry's win because his was the most visually pleasing design to me and yeah he's done the pattern before but honestly with this group beggars can't be choosers. 

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Does anyone else get the feeling that no matter the designs each week, the producers have a certain order of offing that was established at casting?  It's the only way I can understand some of the unfortunate choices the judges make.  Last week, the story line called for Dimitry to be thwarted again in his quest for first; this week, he vanquishes the designer who edged him out and takes the prize.    

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I was only half watching the runway, so I may be misremembering. But I'm pretty sure it was Dmitry's avant garde *thinking* - rather than avant garde *execution * - being rewarded. Maybe Isaac said that?

Okay then...

Didn't care one way or another, like virtually all of this season.


Yeah, I remember Isaac interjecting that Dimitry's wasn't technically avant garde, but they still loved it. Which is why the judging feels like bullshit. "This didn't really meet the criteria set up for the challenge, but since we've already predetermined you're going to win this one (hence the earlier comments about how he NEEDS this win), congratulations, Dimitry!"


"Also, Justin, we're sorry that you're going from first to worst, but you were predetermined to go home this week, and we're just sorry that your dress wasn't actually the worst one on the runway. But rules are rules!"

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Am I going insane? Didn't someone do another dress in this season or a recent season with thos hideous ruffles poofing off the side? And wasnt that person ripped to shreds? Weren't they told you could rest a drink on the ruffles? So why, why, why was Helen's dress last night praised to the heavens? And Michelle's mess? That lip looked absurd and no pussycat doll is going to convince me otherwise.

Edited by Seelouis
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I think Helen did that same technique earlier in the season. She or someone else mentioned it when she started doing the ruffles and hoped that it would turn out better this time. (I guess the judges thought it did)


Anyway, my husband sent me this link this morning that kind of goes a long way towards explaining why Isaac Mizrahi is maybe not the best judge of anything: http://time.com/3670647/qvc-moon-planet-or-star/

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Since the designers got to have fancy nails for their models this week, I thought Helen would go nuts but instead all we got was her saying that she loves all that stuff but she didn't get to go crazy with her model. Disappointing!


Yes, the promos have been so misleading. First we were supposed to think that Dmitry and Zanna had a huge fight and it was almost nothing. Then we had a promo of Isaac saying, "You swam with sharks?" with a cut to him saying, "Who cares?" so we were supposed to think he was annoyed with Helen, but it turns out that the editing monkeys totally lied again because later he was shown saying he didn't care that it didn't look like a shark. Then we had a promo of Nicole Scherzinger saying, "I feel like she's giving me attitude," followed by Alyssa yelling, "RESTING BITCH FACE!" so we were supposed to think that Nicole didn't like one of the designers but she was actually complimenting one of the models. On a side note, how is it possible that in the year 2015, Nicole has never heard of that phrase before? She said she was going to use that again later, as if she needs permission from Alyssa Milano to use a phrase that has been all over the internet for years.


Nicole Sherzinger wasn't terrible, she had a few decent comments to offer (also, as an aside, have you heard her sing on stage? I saw a performance of Phantom Of The Opera that blew me away. I thought she was just a tacky pop star, but the girl's got actual pipes!).

Before Nicole Scherzinger was in the Pussycat Dolls, she was on Popstars, a precursor to American Idol. As a result, she was in this girl group called Eden's Crush which toured with Jessica Simpson and N Sync. When the Pussycat Dolls rebranded themselves (they were originally a burlesque group in Los Angeles in the mid-90s) as a pop group, she was brought in and made the lead singer along with four of the members of the burlesque group. You can't really tell from the PCD catalog but she can sing a lot better than you might think. I still don't know how any of that qualifies her to be a guest judge on this show, but hey, after J-Woww and Snooki, anyone is "qualified." This is the Phantom of the Opera performance she did a few years ago:

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Dmitry's was not remotely avant garde and we have seen it from him many times before; in fact, I kind of think of it as one of his signatures! Having said that, I'm okay with his win because SEA WHORES! Also, he's Dmitry.

Fabio really has no business calling out anyone else for repeating the same looks. I thought his dress (?) was boring and also not avant garde at all. Also, what the hell is the obsession with pink? I'm a girl; I like pink, too, but he's repeating his same shapes and colours from season 10 just as much as Dmitry. I guess his motto is "Pink is my signature color" (TM Steel Magnolias).


Helen's was god horrible. What the hell do they see in her? What is surprising me, however, is that she is NOT making me want to set myself on fire like she did in her season. She's not nearly as heinous, but I still don't want her to win. Hers was worse than Justin's but it was his time to go based on how they have this thing laid out. I still can't figure out who they are setting up for the win. I'm pretty sure it's NOT Michelle, but that's the only thing of which I am sure.


None of this shit was avant garde, seriously. Michelle's came the closest to skating around it, but it was so ugly, I couldn't even applaud that. The lips were confusing and distracting. I'm okay with her being safe because nothing else was much better.


Justin has to be a lovely human being because everyone to a man was crying over his departure. Fabio was a little drama queen-ish, but it's clear they will all miss him. I'll actually be glad when this mess is over.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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"Well, at least now his model is free to go back to her job at the lemon-sucking factory." Bwah! Maybe she was aggravated that the hairdo made her look like something from the black lagoon. Yikes.

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As soon as Justin started saying things like he didn't know if he could handle it anymore, I knew he was a goner. Same with Dimitri. I knew as soon as Zanna busted his ass about not winning  that he was going to win.


There are no words for Michelle's Barney outfit. The makeup was disturbing.


I liked Fabio's look and I know what his vibe is, but the judges need to be more clear in  their instructions. Avant garde in PR means a massive explosion of fabric and bizarre makeup.


Overall, the most disturbing thing on this episode was finding out that Alyssa was the "insipiration" for Ariel (aka the Little Mermaid). SAY WHAT??

Edited by poeticlicensed
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I didn't really like any of the looks that came down the runway this week. I don't have a favorite designer this season. I guess I'm just watching because I like Project Runway, but this season of All-Stars has been lackluster like others on here have noted already.

I thought Helen's dress was going to be at the bottom, but the judges loved it. Jay's dress looked very similar to what he designed last week. Michelle's dress looked bad especially because of the color scheme and I thought the makeup looked awful.

I'm neither here nor there with Dmitry winning this week. I'm just glad he won so Zanna can finally stop bothering him about not winning yet.

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So Alyssa mentions that Dmitri NEEDS a win last week, then Zanna harps on him that he NEEDS a win this week, then....Dimitri wins! Way to keep the suspense, PR!


Helen's was so blah, as usual. She only designs in beige and cream when it's not blood red. She needs some makeup, she makes me tired just looking at her!


Sonja's was gorgeous, loved it.


When Justin's first came out I thought I loved it, but on closer inspection it was kind of messed up. Not sure he deserved to go home over Fabio, I hated the pink.


This show has gotten so boring! There's hardly anything going on between the ridiculous opening segments and the plugs for Mary Kay and Chi Hair Care.

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Helen did that beige-ish tank dress with the gigantic ruffled cocktail table attached to the side of it in episode 3. 


But she had previously done that beige-ish OTHER tank dress in episode 1 that thankfully did not have gigantic ruffles.

Edited by leighdear
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Dmitry's outfit was not AG.


Absolutely hated Helen's.


Fabio's might have been something if he'd had more time to tailor and re-shape.


I actually liked Michelle's - thought it fulfilled the challenge.


Glad Emo Justin is gone. I don't care how sweet he is, the constant fake-bravado and crying is annoying as all get out.


Zanna was going for Stern Fashion Mentor in her confrontation with Dmitry, but he was way ahead of her. Also, I thought she completely misunderstood his comment that started it all.


Izaak is so... fey and twinkly...is he trying to sell more QVC dresses?

Edited by pasdetrois
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Am I going insane? Didn't someone do another dress in this season or a recent season with thos hideous ruffles poofing off the side? And wasnt that person ripped to shreds? Weren't they told you could rest a drink on the ruffles? So why, why, why was Helen's dress last night praised to the heavens? And Michelle's mess? That lip looked absurd and no pussycat doll is going to convince me otherwise.


Yes - that someone was Helen...and Betsey Johnson was the judge who said you could rest a drink on them. 

That was what I didn't understand. 

I sometimes wonder about Isaac, Georgina and Alyssa - it seems like their opinions are formed by the guest judges who are their equal in the design world (or higher...not that we see too many higher caliber designers as guest judges anymore), and when the guest judge is an actress or some D-list celeb, they are forced to form their own opinions, which are most times very questionable, imo.  Isaac, especially, often sounds like he is talking out of his behind - he makes no sense to me, at all!! 


ETA:  I'm not sure if that was during PR Allstars or during her season, or maybe I'm totally wrong about who said it, but I still stand by my opinion of Isaac, Georgina and Alyssa as judges.

Thank you; I thought it was just me and, correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Dion wore that backwards tux at the Oscars when that song she sang from Titanic was up for an award. When was that--1997? Not new.


Does anyone else remember that ancient I Love Lucy episode where they're in Paris and Lucy and Ethel end up with Haute Couture outfits actually designed by Desi and Fred? They wore horse buckets as hats, I think the dresses were burlap; they sucked in their cheeks and did a quasi model walk. That's all I could think of with that ridiculous, shapeless, thrown together sack the judges creamed over.


That I Love Lucy episode is one of my favorites (HUGE ILL fan here!!).  Actually, thinking about it, those dresses that Lucy and Ethel wore were more avant garde and better done that most of what we saw last night, LOL!!!!  :-)

Edited by njbchlover
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Finally had a chance to watch this.


  • No, Dmitry's wasn't AG or original but neither was Fabio's, something completely lost on Fabio.
  • Sonjia's was overly literal, but far and away the prettiest thing on that runway.
  • Is winning all that nail stuff really all that great of a prize? Do designers give that much thought to their models' fingernails when putting together a runway show? Does anyone really notice the models' nails, particularly when they're often carrying purses or using their hands to swish the fabric? Yes, I know they need sponsors, but I'm curious whether this is much of a consideration in real life.
  • Speaking of nails, how the heck does Helen accomplish...basic human hygiene...with those hideous daggers she's sporting?
  • The pattern on Alyssa's aquarium dress seemed to have a giant arrow pointing to the exit for that apparent 5 year old child she's about to birth.
  • Alyssa finally looked comfortable in her pretty princess runway dress, but did it have a tear on her right shoulder, or was that supposed to be some sort of avant garde touch? And why do they apply her makeup with a trowel?
  • What the heck was that garment made of jumbled fabric scraps Georgina was wearing? Was THAT supposed to be avant garde, or was it just a tragedy?


And finally:

  • Sea whores!
Edited by designing1
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Every time I saw Michelle's model I thought, "Elephant Man in drag."


For an avant garde challenge, they awarded the least AG outfit (or at least tied with Sanjia's for the least AG). 

Every time I saw Michelle's model I thought, "This wasn't the design-an-outfit-that-Alyssa-can-wear-right-now challenge."


Dmitry bugs me.  It wasn't avant garde and it was a recycled idea.


Didn't Fabio use that color pink to mimic the color of the tube worms?  Like, be true to your inspiration.

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Finally had a chance to watch this.


  • Speaking of nails, how the heck does Helen accomplish...basic human hygiene...with those hideous daggers she's sporting?

I don't think she does, just based on appearances.

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I couldn't believe the praise Helen got for that mess she created. It looked like something Phyllis Diller might have worn to a wedding when she wanted to be demure. Dmitry won for creating something he's created a million times before. How AG. And Fabio, I love you, but PLEASE stay away from pink. Oh, and Michelle - SHUT UP.

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I hate to defend ignorance, but not knowing the difference between planets and stars and satellites does not mean someone couldn't judge fashion, at least as far as I'm concerned.  No one, certainly not me, is an expert on everything, and the status of the moon has nothing to do with flounces and zippers.


Maybe, but there's a point where displaying a level of basic ignorance just suggests an extremely stupid person-- for example, if an adult suggests that 2+2=400.


Isaac Mizrahi not only suggested the moon was a planet, he went on to add that "things live on it." To me, this is a "2+2=400" kind of statement.  Not seeming to know what "Avant Garde" is on this week's episode seems to be the least of his problems.


Dear God-- It all leads to the terrifying revelation that when Snooki was a guest judge, she might have actually increased the IQ level of that judging panel.


I couldn't believe the praise Helen got for that mess she created. It looked like something Phyllis Diller might have worn to a wedding when she wanted to be demure.


ETA:  Ohmigod, this is so perfect.  I could so see Phyllis Diller wearing Helen's outfit on her way to guest on a Laugh-In episode.  Exactly!

Edited by bobbyjoe
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I forgot to ask about this, somehow I missed it. How exactly did Helen sketch while she was in the shark tank? It couldn't have been just sketching on paper or a tablet, how did she do it?

Isaac Mizrahi not only suggested the moon was a planet, he went on to add that "things live on it." To me, this is a "2+2=400" kind of statement.  Not seeming to know what "Avant Garde" is on this week's episode seems to be the least of his problems.



In the special world Isaac lives in, the moon is residence to many, many, many tiny mice that sew. The green cheese attracts them.

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So glad Justin finally left.  I was so tired of him.  And even more of Helen and Michelle trying to show what magnificent humans they are because they CARE so much about him.  Blech.


Jay is sketching so much better than he is designing.  I like his work over all but on this show it seems like he can't figure out how to get the vision to the body form in the amount of time given.


Everything that wasn't bad wasn't haute couture.


I think, like Top Chef, but even more, the show gets so invested in THE CHALLENGE they think that allow is what makes for compelling viewing.  Well it doesn't.  Top chef's lackluster line up this season makes Restaurant War meaningless.  This season of All stars is even more ho-hum so the HC challenge is stupid and inane as such.  Throw in time constraints and it becomes ridiculous.  And people who are supposed to be at this level having a "theme" handed to them for this challenge.  Is moronic.  All you should do is give them enough money and time and tell them to create a HC and if it ain't no matter how pretty?  It sits on the bottom.  It is time both the judges and the contestants learn the meaning of the word or at least be forced to follow the definition. 



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Just make the ruffles bigger.


I just saw an ad that included Justin's look from last night and I realized it was like one of those routines that do one side of the body dressed as say Stevie Wonder and the other side as Paul McCartney to sing Ebony and Ivory.  Only in this case the model looked like she was a man in drag who would break out in a baton routine to the theme of Dynasty since the dress and styling was some bizarre horrific melding of that show's Joan Collins and Linda Evans.

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Not that this is sour grapes for my favorite, Justin, going but wasn't Jay's the same exact dress he did last week for resort wear?  That was black and white too.


I liked Sanja's best.


I liked Sonjia's too. Hers felt the most avant garde to me.


The rest of the outfits were meh to me.


I HATED Helen's dress.  The model looked like she got tangled up in a parachute and then farted.



Edited by Surrealist
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Dmitry comes off confident, yet Zanna sees it as arrogance, as she stated.  He's polite and listens, but doesn't tongue-bathe Zanna when she drops her pearls of wisdom on him.  And obviously it drives her nuts.


As many times as she's referenced on these threads for her clothing and hairstyle, I can't EVER remember anything about her after the show.  As soon as she shows up on screen, my brain & eyes tune her out as being completely irrelevant and unnecessary to the show.  She just never registers with me.  I don't think she registers with Dmitry either. 

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I thought Zanna was being a total jerk to Dmitry, with her hyper-insistence that he neeeeeds a win.

The previews were edited in such a way to make that conversation look like my darling Dmitry was being arrogant and slamming the judges, but I thought he was being gracious about the whole thing...simply stating that the judges were entitled to their opinions and that he stood by his work. Isn't that what the judges are always saying? Defend your work? I don't know why Zanna was harping on the "win" so much. I keep thinking...WHY does he neeeeed a win? So he can get a year's supply of press-on nails? Is there any other reason to neeeed a win if immunity isn't on the table? Because it seems like if you're designing solely with pleasing the judges in mind, then what's the point?


Considering Nicole S's last foray into judging reality competitions, I wasn't expecting much, but I was surprised she had some interesting criticism. I thought it was a good point that Fabio might be using the pink in an attempt to inject some femininity into his otherwise androgynous designs. Regardless, I think the pink is better than that hideous nude that the designs seem to like to use and was used, with varying degrees of success, by Helen and Justin. That "color" really looks good on no one.

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That was my huge bad.  I only watch the runway anymore and with the volume on half mute most of the time.  I thought I heard someone say something about haute courture and thought it was that challenge.  You are right, it was simply the Avante Garde challenge.  But I think it is safe to say you could replace my mistake with the reality and pretty much most of my statements stand.  It did seem odd that Dmitri wasn't called on his past design redux.  Or that so many of the contestants, Jay, Fabio, Sonjia and Helen aren't being reamed for an Avante Garde challenge and they are producing what amounts to theme'd versions of their same old same old.

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I'm a five foot three, middle aged, slightly frumpy mom and I would totally wear Dmitri' s dress. That means it is NOT in any way avant garde. <br /><br />I was disappointed that neither Jay nor Fabio went home. I don't think I've liked anything either of them has produced.

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GreyBunny, do you mean Michelle's design with the offset lipstick?  I must confess, if I don't have the cast bios on a different tab, I get their names mixed up too. :)  Either way, I hated both of their dresses. 


Yes, thank you, I meant Michelle's.  Helen's dress was also awful, it looked nothing like a shark and reminded me more of a jellyfish that got stuck in a blender.

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Ketzel:Are Zanna's "critiques" ever anything other than a stream of tired clichés?  I wish someone would put her outside the box and leave her there. She could always spend her time pushing envelopes.

Christ I hate her.  She is worse than useless.  If only Joanna Coles were still at Marie Claire.



Part of the problem for me is that the judges are unaware of previous seasons and designs.

.  I actually find it hard to believe that Isaac and Alyssa don't watch PR Original Recipe.  I think the judging is just as crazy on the other show aside from anything else.

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Yes, thank you, I meant Michelle's.  Helen's dress was also awful, it looked nothing like a shark and reminded me more of a jellyfish that got stuck in a blender.


Helen's dress reminded me of the "bridal gowns" made from toilet paper at bachelorette parties....

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I said asexual about a thousand times today to see if it would turn me into a fashion designer. It didn't.


Now, I'm trying to figure out how I can work both "he dresses like Dobby from Harry Potter" and "she looked like she got tangled up in a parachute and then farted" into regular conversation.

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Michelle's or Jay's pieces were the most A-G up there. When I saw Helen's I thought she was in the bottom. Since when does shower loofahs + shapeless box dress = avant garde? And Fabio's stupid proportions and baby pink fug should have sent him home.


With that said, I'm fine with Justin going. Maybe it's something about a grown man constantly on the verge of tears? And Elvira called. She wants her look back.

Edited by Tony
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I said asexual about a thousand times today to see if it would turn me into a fashion designer. It didn't.


Is he even using the right word? I keep thinking he means "androgynous," not "asexual," when he talks about wanting to create designs that aren't necessarily Female or Male in style.

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I've watched every season of every permutation of this show and Fabio is the only designer who has been especially noted twice for the clothes he himself is wearing after the runway. Am I wrong? Can anyone remember anyone else or am I just so focused on his "committed but not monogamous"(is that how he said it?)cute self that I'm blinded?

The other thing is, I don't sketch or sew but I would have been in that shark tank in a flat second. How exciting, and it's a tv show; they're not gonna let anything bad happen to you. Swimming with sharks. Now that sounds like fun.

Edited by ub40fan
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