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S04.E09: Sketching With Sharks

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So Helen goes diving underwater with the sharks AND sketches?  Huh?


Oof not another Avant Garde challenge.  TLo summed it up best when they said that word has lost it's meaning because of it's over usage.  Plus the designers all of a sudden think they are Alexander McQueen just because their names and the word A.G. are used in the same sentence.  Geez get over yourselves and complete your stupid Macy's knock off dress!

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I don't hold out much hope for most of them, but even if they do use the lame aquarium out on LI instead of the one in Brooklyn there should be enough inspiration for a dozen avant garde dresses. Some of those creatures are seriously strange.

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omg, I swear I just heard Dimitri say "sea whores" ..... snorted my wine big time.


Aaaaand he continues to say it.   I know its a lost-in-translation moment, but I'm still not seeing those aquatic fish things....

Edited by DHDancer
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Okay - I never thought I would never want to hear the word "asexual" again, but I think I've hit my word quota...if I don't hear it again, I won't mind!! 

Seriously, WTF with these judges??  Helen's dress was hideous, as was Michelle's. 

Actually, to be honest, none of them were amazing.

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Okay - I never thought I would never want to hear the word "asexual" again, but I think I've hit my word quota...if I don't hear it again, I won't mind!! 

Seriously, WTF with these judges??  Helen's dress was hideous, as was Michelle's. 

Actually, to be honest, none of them were amazing.


I didn't like any of them very much, but of them, my favorites were Dmitri's and Fabio's. I think I like the pink. I obviously have no fashion sense.


So much for it being the plan for Justin to win (which I sort of thought might be the case). Sure it was awful, but so were Helen's and Michelle's, and the judges said they loved them (or at least liked them a lot).


This is the first one I've actually watched since the first one. I think I'm going to have to go back to reading and looking at pictures.

Edited by auntlada
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My beloved Dmitry finally won.  I love Justin, but it was definitely his time to go. 


I DID love that Fabio's top had the underlining of the darker pink.  I thought that was a lovely touch.


Helen's dress had that dull, shreddy, flowery mounds thing going on AGAIN. Ugly.

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That was just stupid, but then that's been the whole season.   How can they have not sent Fabio home:  he failed to deliver avant garde (according to them).  Justin didn't fail the challenge: I didn't particularly like his outfit, but I thought it was way more AG than some of the other offerings..


I thought Helen's outfit was also not AG and bore no resemblance to shark.  If she'd said coral, I would have believed it, or giant clam even..  I liked Michelle's and thought it was the essence of AG.  The editing relating to Dimitri's look was very interesting, with Jay's TH comments being illustrated with pictures from Dimitri's runway from his season, showing how unoriginal tonight's design was (and to me not close to AG).


Oh, and let's not talk about the hooch factor!  Why oh why are these people obsessed with making outfits that look like they didn't buy enough fabric???  And do slits really have to be that high?  


Oh well, I don't know why I'm wasting energy rehashing this... And one last comment:  IM needs to just go away....


Edited to change avant garde to AG and a few other tweaks.

Edited by DHDancer
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omg, I swear I just heard Dimitri say "sea whores" ..... snorted my wine big time.


LOL! I heard that too, and couldn't stop laughing. I love his accent.


I thought Zanna was being a total jerk to Dmitry, with her hyper-insistence that he neeeeeds a win. That may be so, in order for him to 'win' the competition, but I think Dmitry looks beyond that at whether or not he feels he's being true to his style as a designer. That seems more important to him than shallow wins. I felt like Zanna was being ridiculously argumentative with him and misunderstanding everything he was saying, instead attributing it to arrogance when that wasn't what he was saying at all. He was just saying, I like my work, the judges have a different opinion sometimes, but that's all it is either way... opinions.

I was really struck by Fabio's emotional reaction to beating out Justin in the end. Really surprising, and I'm not sure why, but it touched me, how upset he was.


Regardless, I wasn't sure who I would send home. Justin's wasn't great, but he tried to go avant-garde. Fabio's was more like he was trying to make a social statement, not an avant-garde one. I didn't think Dmitry's was very avant-garde, but I did like that he finally won a challenge. I didn't like Michelle's at all, but it felt unusual so that was something going for her. I did hate that make-up choice, though - I kept thinking of her model as Two-Face from Batman.

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Not that this is sour grapes for my favorite, Justin, going but wasn't Jay's the same exact dress he did last week for resort wear?  That was black and white too.


I liked Sanja's best.

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And once again I am a terrible judge of what direction the show will take, because I thought they'd hate Helen's outfit or think she basically created a plain shift dress and glued a bunch of ruffles to it, but instead they loved it. Okay, then.

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Oh for Pete's sake, Isaac, you've hung around this franchise long enough to know the "avant garde" challenge isn't what "brought out the best" in the designers (even if you assume those outfits were the best they could do. Which, if true, would be sad.) If the work looks a little more developed and finished, it's because they had two days to work on the things, rather than having to design, sketch, travel, shop, travel, set up, pattern, cut, sew, fit, finish and style in twenty-four hours.


Are Zanna's "critiques" ever anything other than a stream of tired clichés?  I wish someone would put her outside the box and leave her there. She could always spend her time pushing envelopes.

Edited by Ketzel
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I am happy Dmitry won. It was a great piece if not totally avant gard.

Goodness Fabios was one of the worst things I've seen this season. I realize I am bias because I cannot tolerate (hate) baby fricking pink, but it was a pink clown suit. I would have been fine if they sent him home but I think he the winner they want. Everything he makes looks the same. Same bad. And on a shallow note, I really wish he would do something about his hair. It just doesn't look clean. It may be but ....

I thought Helens would be in the bottom. The flesh tone just made it so blah.

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I'm sorry - I am, apparently, woefully fashion-challenged if the judging on this show is any indication, but Michelle's design looked like more caterpillar-ish than fish-like to me.

Also, the last time Helen did that whole ruffle thing, didn't she get ripped by the judges?  I think they told her it looked like toilet paper or something.  And, each time she has done this, I got the impression that it was a cheap knock-off of Chris Marsh and Christian Siriano's gorgeous avant garde look.

And, also, Fabio's look - a backwards style tuxedo is not new and fresh - it's been done many times before, starting with Celine Dion several years ago (I think it was with a Galiano tux?).  His didn't look like a backwards tuxedo - it looked like a boxy, shapeless pink overcoat.  It did nothing for the model.  But, I am not a fan of Fabio's style and designs. 

I liked Dmitry's look and was glad he won, just so Zanna can now shut the hell up.

Edited by njbchlover
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I have nothing worthwhile to say about the designs, so I'll say this - that was a nurse shark.   Helen wouldn't need a safety cage if there were one hundred of them in there.


I'm sad to see Justin go, and everyone's emotional goodbye proves (to me) what a likeable guy he is.

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I am happy Dmitry won. It was a great piece if not totally avant gard.

Goodness Fabios was one of the worst things I've seen this season. I realize I am bias because I cannot tolerate (hate) baby fricking pink, but it was a pink clown suit. I would have been fine if they sent him home but I think he the winner they want. Everything he makes looks the same. Same bad. And on a shallow note, I really wish he would do something about his hair. It just doesn't look clean. It may be but ....

I thought Helens would be in the bottom. The flesh tone just made it so blah.


Fabio and Helen both need to shampoo their hair - her's looks worse to me than Fabio's.  It just looks dirty, greasy and unhealthy.

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Not that this is sour grapes for my favorite, Justin, going but wasn't Jay's the same exact dress he did last week for resort wear?  That was black and white too.


I liked Sanja's best.


I liked Sanjia's best, as well. 

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Seriously, truely, intensely hated Michelle's dress!  Plus, her model looked like she had a fat lip.  The fact that the judges liked the look was mildly disturbing.


I am glad Dimitry won and liked his outfit, but it wasn't my favorite of the season.


Justin seems like a nice guy, but I am not really sorry to see him go.


The outfit I liked the best was Sonja's.  I couldn't believe it was just safe, but maybe it wasn't avant garde enough.

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Ugh... and back to having no clue what the judges are smoking... (not that I've had much clue for most of the season... )


Helen's ruffle shark still looked like a shapeless boring nightgown still, despite her cutting it shorter. Tack on some ruffles and call it AG I guess is how that works... at least this time. BORING.


Dimitry's didn't seem all that Avante Garde to me... especially once they showed all of the times he did the same technique in his collection. I don't dislike him, but I don't think it was the best look ever.


I don't know what Fabio was trying to do, but it was fug... even in a different color I don't think that look was going to work.


I'm sad to see Justin go... I know his stuff isn't always the most innovative, but I think he's done a lot of good stuff, and his look did say coral and AG to me. I didn't think it was the worst look by far.


Michelle's red thing was a mess. I liked the color, but it was just blobby and strange and didn't look like a dress, not even an avante garde one... it just looked like some fabric thrown over a girl and pinned randomly... which maybe that makes AG? The lipstick thing was odd and I wasn't a fan of that either.


Jay's look was also wacky, I didn't get lion fish and I actually agreed with the judges (WHAT?) that there was a disconnect on the top of the dress to the rest of it.


I really liked Sonjia's dress... it definitely hinted at the aquarium theme and had a good shimmer etc. I thought it was better than the other top looks.


This season is so odd.

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I'm baffled as always.   I saw nothing Avant Garde in Dimitry's look and he's done it before.    I couldn't believe all the praise for Helen's dress.  I thought she'd be in the bottom for sure.  It was way past time for Justin to go though.

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What a steaming pile of doodoo.  This season has just not wowed me at all.  I got a little excited when they were told they would have 2 days for the challenge and then realized that even if they had 3 or 4 that most probably wouldn't have come up with a design that would win me over.

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Dimitry produced the exact same look he has done twice before on his own season. His look was attractive, but not Avant Garde to me. Justin's outfit was AG, and while it wasn't pretty, it fit the challenge in a way many of the others didn't. Helen's ruffles, Michelle's giant plum, and Jay's sea dress were all poorly translated designs. Fabio was cool in his own season and seems like a great guy, but he hasn't wowed me at all.


I was most shocked by Alyssa saying she was the inspiration for the Little Mermaid. Surely, this can't be true can it? 

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Seriously, truely, intensely hated Michelle's dress!  Plus, her model looked like she had a fat lip.  The fact that the judges liked the look was mildly disturbing.


That's what I thought! Up close it was kind of interesting in a weird way, but from a distance it looked like someone had socked her in the mouth. Not a good look!

I was most shocked by Alyssa saying she was the inspiration for the Little Mermaid. Surely, this can't be true can it?

It is indeed, I asked Mr. Google! She was 16 at the time and was one of 3 inspirations.
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Can someone tell me how Helen's dress was considered the best? I'm legitimately confused. It said nothing about sharks (I'd have gone with something sleeker looking) looked absolutely shapeless. 


Dmitri's was a pretty dress but I didn't think of it as avant garde. That being said, of the top three, it deserved to win. 


Sonjia's was the best and nobody can tell me otherwise. Yeah the weird lining underneath was a little strange but everything else was fantastic. Why did that get waved through without any comments.


I thought Jay's was very good. Not the best, but definitely very good. Maybe if he used a different pattern or something for the leather jacket, there'd be something there. 


Michelle's looked like how someone who was in a hurry to get to a fancy cocktail party would look like if they didn't take any time to adjust themselves.


I love Fabio but dammit that was painful. I like that he goes all androgynous and I liked the idea but his color choice was awful and the execution just wasn't there. He probably should've gone home tonight. 


It's a bit of a bummer to see Justin go, however, I'm glad he at least got to win a couple of challenges. His outfit was pretty painful. I found the colors to be way too muted and the execution was just awful. 


All in all, the only really good things were either not avant garde enough or they were waved through without any sort of notice. 

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Sonjia's was the best and nobody can tell me otherwise. Yeah the weird lining underneath was a little strange but everything else was fantastic. Why did that get waved through without any comments.


I just thought it looked too literal, with the glittery seaweed-like strands going up the skirt and bodice. It said "ocean aquatic" but didn't wow me. It didn't feel like an unusual art piece.

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omg, I swear I just heard Dimitri say "sea whores" ..... snorted my wine big time.


Aaaaand he continues to say it.   I know its a lost-in-translation moment, but I'm still not seeing those aquatic fish things....

I kept hearing that too and it made me insanely happy. His snarky tone plus the lost in translation made me love him even more. 

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WTF, sketch in the shark tank??? What does that have to do with anything? I hate when shows pull this kind of shit.


Zanna looked almost dressed normally this episode.


Alyssa, pregnancy legs & delicate ankle straps are not BFFs, don’t wear them again until after you give birth.


So, being a Pussycat Doll makes you a fashion expert? They barely even wore any clothes.


I have no what is going on in the judges mind anymore. As for my opinions:



Dmitry-Only gets an OK because Fabio is right, we’ve seen it before-At least the winner was something I at least thought was OK


Didn’t Like
Helen-Looked like someone sprayed her with a can of Redi Whip
Michelle-Ugly dress, terrifying makeup
Fabio-I liked the back better than the front, & the color was pretty, but the whole thing just looked off
Sonjia-One step away from the silver spacesuits that everyone wore in 1960s science fiction movies.
Jay-What the people in the 1960s science fiction movies changed into when they took off their silver spacesuits.
Justin-Did the model’s boobs have an explosion?-Bye Bye Justin, I won’t miss your crying.

Edited by GaT
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Dimitry's didn't seem all that Avante Garde to me... especially once they showed all of the times he did the same technique in his collection.


Thank you!  Dimitri's might have been justifiably in the top three if we hadn't seen that he's essentially already made it three times before on PR.  I guess the judges didn't get the same flashback we did.


The other two in the top three?  Shenanigans.  No way.  I'm not sure if Helen was being rewarded for being the only one to jump in the shark tank or what, but her dress was terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible (feel free to add more of your own "r"s).  Unambiguously the worst of the lot.  My husband pointed out that it looked like a smock with an overgrown corsage, which pretty much sums it up.  That was about as "Avant Garde" as somebody's second-choice prom date wearing a thrift shop reject.


Michelle went from a dress that could have been worn by the "chewing gum turns her into a giant berry" Violet in the next re-make of Willy Wonka to something DC Comic's Harley Quinn  would reject as too garish.  Somehow they think we'll buy that Avant Garde simply means idiotic, rather than experimental and stylish.


The judges at least have to pretend to be credible.  Again, the only one of the top three I'll buy them as genuinely liking is Dimitri, and then only if they were, indeed, totally unaware of his output on his previous stint on PR.  Otherwise, this starts to feel even more like contestants are being protected who have no business on the runway-- I'm looking at you, Helen-- and PR already has questions about its credibility lately, as with the "Kate gets to mysteriously return multiple times" scenario.

Edited by bobbyjoe
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I HATED Helen's* dress.  The model looked like she got tangled up in a parachute and then farted.  The offset lipstick distracted me, she looked like a stroke victim.

ETA: * Not Helen's but Michelle's dress.  


But I didn't like Helen's either.  It evoked nothing of a shark for me.

Edited by GreyBunny
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The moment Helen's ruffle and smooth nearly nude dress made it down the runway, I thought "Early Marchesa, this is gonna win."  Not that I thought it was good, by any measure, but over the years, Marchesa has put out a number of what I'd call "fluffy" dresses for red carpet events.  I've always disliked the brand for trying to be too feminine, or really girly, but also attempting "classic", while stealing/borrowing heavily from others.  Georgina isn't gonna call out a designer for stealing her look, given how much she's appropriated from others.


GreyBunny, do you mean Michelle's design with the offset lipstick?  I must confess, if I don't have the cast bios on a different tab, I get their names mixed up too. :)  Either way, I hated both of their dresses.  For that matter, I also hated Zanna's top during the critique.  The pink lace looked so itchy, and kinda like she got trapped in a brothel's lamp shade display.

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So much fug on the runway tonight. Fabio's was a horrible color, the concept was not new, and the execution was boring. Michelle's looked like the stereotype of avant garde - mounds of fabric. Helen's looked like a loofah down to the color (but it did look better than when the ruffles were in a huge block in the work room). I actually liked Jay's jacket (but not the carwash skirt hanging off the back of it) and the dress underneath separately, but I didn't like the way they looked together and the look wasn't avant garde to me. Dmitry's was beautiful and well made, but it wasn't avant garde. Sanjia's coral was too on the nose and looked like someone took a regular dress and asked her mom to applique some coral for the enchantment under the sea dress.


I was most shocked by Alyssa saying she was the inspiration for the Little Mermaid. Surely, this can't be true can it?

This is one of those trivia facts that has been floating around forever but got reposted a million times in 2013 because she mentioned it when she was on the Wendy Williams show. A decade earlier, it was mentioned on an E! profile about her. Related trivia: Aladdin was modeled on Tom Cruise.

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I think Helen's would have been better if she used a cream leather (or pleather for budget purposes) made it long on the smooth side, with a long train. It would need to fit the model like a glove. Maybe a bit literal, and maybe a throwback to the Chris/Christian look of years past, but that would have won.

Apparently the throwback look doesn't matter since the judges don't seem to watch past seasons. Even so what about Dimitri's was Avant Garde? It almost looked like a ready to wear evening gown you can get in a Department Store.

Fabio's is a look I didn't get, without the pink. This is third? time he has used this color this season, and the third time the judges hated it. There are so many fashionable pinks, why does he insist on using Hubba Bubba pink? Or maybe use a shade from the other 7 colors of the rainbow. I was so excited when he chose the anemone, and then wasted that beautiful flowing creature on that structured mess.

Michelle's was the most Avant Garde. Hideous color scheme, hideous dress but should have won based on the fact it was the truest to the challenge.

Justin's looked like the Model was shot and the guts were bursting out the front and back.

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I didn't get this episode at all.  I think Dmitry's look was fine, but I didn't think it was avant garde or even particularly new.  Fabio (I think) was right--we've seen that from him before.  I was very confused by his win.


I also found the elimination confusing.  I loved Jay's sketch and was so excited to see his dress, but I thought it looked terrible, and I can't recall a single thing he's done this season that's impressed me.  I also didn't like Fabio's but was perhaps unfair annoyed by hearing him say a billion times that his inspiration was asexual reproduction.  Yes, Fabio, we get that androgyny is your thing, just like it has been all season.  That's fine, but don't pretend that that thing you always do that has been your thing apparently for many, many years is "inspired" by the thing you saw 15 minutes ago.  If--and this applies to Dimitry, too--you're just walking around the aquarium looking for something that gives you an excuse to do what you already do, that's kind of the opposite of being "inspired."


Also, and this in incredibly mean, but--as I learned in 9th grade biology class--probably half the organisms in any given aquarium use asexual reproduction.  The way Fabio was talking about it like it was this crazy concept no one had ever heard of that was what made his one creature awesome or uniquely inspiring made him sound really, really dumb.  He seems like a nice guy, but I really wanted him to stop talking.


I didn't like Justin's design, but I'm really surprised he left.  He's not my favorite for the win, but I feel like they're still lower-hanging fruit, e.g. Jay, who could have been dispensed with first.

Edited by Rancide
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I'm with a lot of the others - Saonjay's was the best. I actually like Jay's and Justin's but abhorred Michelle's and Helen's. Didn't care for Fabio's as it's been done before but I do like him. And I like Dimitri but this wasn't new or avant garde - that coat could have come down the runway in any other challenge and not looked out of place. And what's Issac talking about the length - wasn't that just like a maxi coat - or maybe I'm too old that I remember those.

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Wasn't Helens just a sack (a pristine sack, I'll give you that) with ruffles on it? And it's in the top? Oh, fuck off, show.

I liked Jay's the best, followed by Sonjia.

Michelle's blob thing was fucking hilarious. It was a bottom and top dress all in one big purple blob.

None of these dresses could hold a candle to All Stars 3, though. I still remember the dresses Elena, Irina, Mychael and Jeffrey did (for good and bad). I won't remember any of these past Saturday.

Edited by joelene
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Could the promos have been anymore misleading? I thought Helen was going to hyperventilate and die in the shark tank, Dimitry and Zanna were going to get all up in each other's faces in the workroom, and one of the designers was going to give the guest judge a "look." Does everything on this show have to consist of made up drama? (That was hypothetical--of course it does).

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And I like Dimitri but this wasn't new or avant garde - that coat could have come down the runway in any other challenge and not looked out of place.


Yeah, I had that same issue.  Dmitri made a shorter version of this coat in black for a challenge on his original season.  It's stylish and eye-catching, but it is not avant garde and is in fact something he's done before - none of these judges were judging that challenge on his original season which is probably why they liked it so much, I think.


Justin's - I didn't really get the inspiration I think he was going for.  With that big, bulbous hairdo with the tendrils hanging down on the side, plus the "unresolved" (per Chapman) straps of fabric hanging off the skirt, and aquatic creatures being the inspiration for this challenge, this doesn't read "coral" to me.  More like "jellyfish".

Edited by DasFlavorPup
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 I also didn't like Fabio's but was perhaps unfair annoyed by hearing him say a billion times that his inspiration was asexual reproduction.  Yes, Fabio, we get that androgyny is your thing, just like it has been all season.  That's fine, but don't pretend that that thing you always do that has been your thing apparently for many, many years is "inspired" by the thing you saw 15 minutes ago.  

It cracked me up when what's-her-puss asked Fabio if he designed the ensemble he was wearing, and then said, "I'd wear that."  He dresses like Dobby from Harry Potter.

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That was one of the worst runways I can remember.  WTF did Michelle put out there?  And the word is "voluminous" NOT volumous. If I were her model I would have cried thanks to that makeup.  And the outfit.


Avant Garde is beyond my understanding in the best of seasons, but none of this dreck looked good or fashion forward.  Fabio should have gone home for being a one trick "sea whores" (TM Dmitry).  Pink - again. Bad fabric choice - again. Gender neutral p.o.v- again.  And what is his obsession with the word "asexual"? 


He may not have been the best designer in his original season, but Justin was the one I was rooting for this time.  So I guess it's Sonjia for the win?  Or Dmitry?  I can't stand Michele or Helen.  Michele's voice and Helen's nails make me feel stabby.  Fabio is meh IMO as a designer.  His own outfits are much more interesting than anything he's put on his model.  Jay is completely forgettable to me.


Once again the guest judge is someone with no sense of taste or fashion.  Nicole Shrenxzade or whatever is in the same category as Snooki & her buddy as far as fashion expertise.


Zanna looked almost put together this week.  I wish she'd stop by the damn CHI salon and get a blow out or some conditioner though.

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Part of the problem for me is that the judges are unaware of previous seasons and designs.  Helen has done the ruffles before, Dimitri repeated his look, etc.  However, what I was most impressed with was how clean Helen's hair looked after she 'swam with the sharks'.  I actually spent time trying to figure out why her hair all of a sudden looked nice and realized it was because she probably didn't have time to do whatever it is she normally does to make her hair look so greasy and dirty.  


I was sorry to see Justin go as I thought he met the challenge more effectively than others did.  However, I think it was the last season of All Stars that the judges' complaint about some of the clothes was that they weren't wearable.  That highlights for me that the judges don't really understand what it really is that the challenge called for and just continue to judge on what they like irregardless of the challenge at hand.

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And, also, Fabio's look - a backwards style tuxedo is not new and fresh - it's been done many times before, starting with Celine Dion several years ago (I think it was with a Galiano tux?).

Thank you; I thought it was just me and, correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Dion wore that backwards tux at the Oscars when that song she sang from Titanic was up for an award. When was that--1997? Not new.



Michelle's blob thing was fucking hilarious. It was a bottom and top dress all in one big purple blob.

Does anyone else remember that ancient I Love Lucy episode where they're in Paris and Lucy and Ethel end up with Haute Couture outfits actually designed by Desi and Fred? They wore horse buckets as hats, I think the dresses were burlap; they sucked in their cheeks and did a quasi model walk. That's all I could think of with that ridiculous, shapeless, thrown together sack the judges creamed over.

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